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Installation Meetings, &C. Domatic Chapter, No, 177.
ST . PETER'S CHAPTER , ROSE CROIX , BOLTON . A MEETING of this Chapter was held on Saturday , tlio 21 th November , at the Commercial Hotel , Town JTalJ-square , Bolton , at 4 o ' clock in tbe afternoon . Present—HI . Bro . W . J . Thomson ( 30 ) M . W . S . ; Bros . Arthnr Middleton 1 st Gen ., J . M . Sinclair 2 nd Gen . ; 111 . Bro . G . P . Brockbank ( 32 ) Treasurer ; Bros J . D . Murray Grand Marshal , T . H . Glendinning Dir . of Ceremonies , A . H . Jafferis Capt . of Guard , John E . Lees Organist , W . M . Wylde
E . H . Swindlehursfc Stewards , J . M . Kerr , John Barrett ; Past M . W . S . ' s III . Bros . Rob . Harwood ( 30 ) , J . W . Taylor ( 30 ) , and Thos . Morris ; 111 . Bros . C . J . Bannister ( 33 ) S . G . J . G . North Eastern District , C . E . N . Beswicke-Royds ( 33 ) S . G . J . G . North Western District . Visitors—IU . Bros . Thos . C . Thorbnrn ( M . W . S . ) Liverpool Chapter , H . Krauss Past M . W . S . Leeson Chapter . The Chapter was
opened in due form , after -which the Inspectors-General of the two Northern Districts were received nnder the arch of steel . Four candidates were balloted for and nnanimously elected , and three of them—viz ., John W . Edwards of the Affability Lodge , Edwin Eveleigh of the Strangeways , and William Joseph Canliffe of the Affability , having presented themselves , were duly perfected as Eose
Croix Masons , 111 ; Bros . G . P . Brockbank ( 32 ) presiding at the lst point , Rob . Harwood ( 30 ) at the 2 nd point ; the dnties of Raphael and Grand Marshal being abl y conducted by Bro . J . D . Murray . The entire ceremony was quietly and decorously worked , the officers having taken considerable pains to perfect themselves in their respective parts . The older members were much gratified to notice
the steady progress of the juniors , whose working was faultless . Letters of apology were read from several of the members , who were unable to attend from sickness and other causes . The brethren were pleased to be again visited by their veteran friend and former Inspector-General , and a resolution was proposed by Bro . Brockbank , seconded by the M . W . S ., welcoming tbe illustrious brother on his
return home after a tour in Canada , and expressing gratification at meeting him again in their Chapter , in whose progress and prosperity he has always evinced the warmest interest . 111 . Bro . Bannister suitably replied . 111 . Bro . Royds , Inspector-General of tbe District , invested tbe newly obligated brethren , explained to them the symbols of the Order , and completed the ceremony of perfecting the candi .
dates . Considerable structural alterations and additions have been made to and in the house where the meetings of the Chapter are held , and much pleasure was evinced on this occasion to find that greater accommodation had been given for working the beautiful ceremony of this Order , and as the Chapter is one which has always been distinguished for its good working and its neat and appropriate
furniture and general appointments , it may be fairly considered one of the most useful and harmonious Chapters in the Northern District . Shortly before dinner a telegram was received by 111 . Bro . Brockbank from 111 . Bro . C . F . Matier ( 31 ) , Secretary to tbe Shadwell Clerke Lodge , Holborn Restaurant , London , conveying the hearty good wishes of Colonel Clerke and all the brethren of that Lodge
then assembled to the M . W . S . and members of the St . Peter ' s Chapter at Bolton . This expression of fraternal good will was much appreciated" by the brethren , and a return message was sent , reciprocating the kindly sentiments conveyed in the message from the Lodge . The Committee appointed at the last meeting to consider the best way of showing their appreciation of the manner in which
Bro . Bannister has discharged the dnties of Inspector-General since his appointment to that office , made a report to the brethren , and it was _ agreed , as tbe proposal made would be in full accord with the feelings of Bro . Bannister , that the same shonld be adopted , and the presentation made on a suitable occasion at an early period . Hearty salutations having been given from the visiting brethren , the Chapter was closed at 6 o ' clock and the Companions adjourned to banquet .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE , No . 1563 . THE installation meeting of this excellent working and flourishing -Lodge was held on the 22 nd ultimo , at the Masonic Rooms , Air-street , Regent-street . Bros . J . A . Hammond W . M ., T . W . Eastgate S . W ., G . P . Jones J . W ., J . E , Shand P . M . as Secretary , H . S . Lee S . D ., W . C . Smith J . D ., F . Hill I . G ., E . H . Hoare Organist , Waugh P . M . Visitors—Bros . T . Smith 1656 , J . Hooper 1515 Meliger
, 1855 , R . Pinstead 84 , W . S . Cutler W . M . 7 l 5 i Fitzgerald W . M . 1364 , J . H . Scott 1765 , S . Dicketts 193 , W . Land P . M . 742 , De Leliva 1426 , E . C . Massey P . M . 1397 , C . F . Matier P . S . W . Greece , Stedman W . M . 1765 , G . F . Smith 1839 , Smith P . M . 1839 , Nowakowsky P . M . 534 , Rov . Bonavia Hunt P . M . 1765 , E . Andrews P . G . O . Cheshire , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge
was opened , and minutes of last meeting were rend and confirmed . Ballots wero taken for the admission of Messrs . Hicatt , Christo Jonnadis , and G . Lefort , who wero duly initiated into tho Order . Bro . H . J . Smith was raised to tha third degree . Both ceremonies were very ably rendered by the W . M . The Report of the Andit Committee was read ; it showed the Lodge was in a
flourishing condition . Tho Benevolent Fund had in hand a balance of £ 55 15 s 2 d . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro , Eastgate W . M . elect was presented , and in the presence of sixteen Worshipful Masters and Past Masters duly installed in the chair by tbe retiring Worshipful Master , Bro . Hammond , who did his work in a perfect and impressive manner , that well warranter ) the encomiums passed on him at the conclusion of the ceremony . Bro . Farwig P . M .
180 acted efficiently as M . C . On readmission of the brethren , the customary salutations were given . The W . M . appointed and invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Jones S . W ., Lee J . W ., Hammond I . P . M . Treasurer , Shand P . M . Secretary , Smith S . D ., Hill J . D ., Cox I . G ., Hoare Organist , Durant M . C , Brander W . S ., Potter P . M . Tyler . The selection met with unanimous approval . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at next meeting . A letter was received from the Right Worshipful Bro . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett P . G . M .
Middlesex , regretting his inability to be present . Hearty good wishes wero given , and Lodgo was closed . Tlio brethren sat down to a very sumptuous and recherche banquet , provided by Bro . Nicols , and superintended b y Bro . Eugene Delacoste ; this gavo every satisfaction . Tho W . M . most genially presided , and proposed the usual Loyal toasts . Bro . Hammond I . P . M ., in proposing the health of bis
successor , said tho W . M . was an Institution iu this Lodge . Bro . Eastgate was perfectly competent to take the chair , to which he had been unanimously elected at tho last meeting ; tho members were all pleased to seo him in his present position . Hero Bro . John Stedman W . M . 765 sang " Good Company . " Tho VV . M . then rose to reply ; ho could not control tho diffidence ho felt in
I responding ; he hoped by his deeds , not words , to show ho waa I worthy of the office they had elected him to . Tho health of tho ! Installing Master , Bro . J . A . Hammond , was next proposed by the i W . M . ; he felt he need not remind the brethren of the excellent way | in which Bro . Hammond had conducted the duties of the chair ; by great exertions he had won the respect and esteem of all . He had
now to place a jewel on his breast , which he thought might bo considered worthy of his acceptance . Might be live long to wear it , and be among them for many years yet to come . Bro . Andrews P . G . O . Cheshire played a selection on the piano , —a march of hia own composition . Bro . J . A . Hammond I . P . M ., in responding , said ifc was n great satisfaction to him , after going out of the chair
of a Lodgo like the one he had had the honour of presiding over , to know his efforts had been appreciated . In wearing tho jewel , gratitude for their gift would predominate . On any occasion the Lodge should require his services they would always be at ita command . He thanked tbe Officers for their assistance ; and he now left them in the hands of the W . M ., feeling assured no better could be found .
The WM . then proposed tho toast of the initiate , whom they were pleased to see among them . He was sure when they had passed the other degrees they would show their appreciation of onr noble Instition . Bro . Hammond I . P . M . then sang the E . A . Song . Brothers Hicatt and Jounadis severally responded . The toast of the Visitors was next given . As there were so many present the W . M . would call
on the three Masters of Lodges , Bros . G . Seymour Cutler W . M . 715 , Fitzgerald W . M . 1366 , and Stedman W . M . 1765 , to respond . Brother Polt having favoured with a very excellent song , Brother Cutler in an eloquent speech responded . He was followed by Bros . Fitzgerald , and E . Farwig P . M . 180 . Bros . Rev . Bonavia Hunt , Andrews , and Matier also severally paid just compliments to Brother
J . A . Hammond I . P . M . for his admirable working , and fully recognised the able and genial manner in which the Worshipful Master had presided . Brother Hoare then , with great humour , sang "The Little Fat Grey Man . " The P . M . ' s were next complimented . There were not many present ; the brethren knew their capabilities , and he ( the Worshipful Master ) was sure he could rely on them on every
occasion . Brother Hammond I . P . M . said the Past Masters were getting smaller by degrees and beautifully less . However , thoso who were left were always ready to do their duty . Brother J . E . Shand P . M . followed ; he was the senior member of the Lodge ; he was present at its consecration , and he had never missed a meeting . The Past Masters would strive to sustain the prestige of the Lodge .
He earnestly desired the Lodge might be a success , and he thought he might say it had been while he had had anything to do with it . Tho toast of tho Treasurer and Secretary was next given . In the present Treasurer they bad secured an Officer who would have the interest of the Lodge at heart . To Brother Shand especial thanks were doe ; he is well qualified to fill tbe office . Bros . Hammond Treasurer and Shand Secretary responded ; tbe former Brother said
ho and his colleague had always worked amicably together , and they would continue to do so ; he hoped for many years , and for the benefit of the Lodge . Tho toasts of the Wardens and the rest of the Officers came next , and Brother W . 0 . Smith S . D . eloquently responded . Brother Hammond sang " In Cellar Cool" splendidly , and then the Tyler's toast was given , and a very agreeable evening was brought to a close . Bros . Durant and Brander paid every attention to the comfort of the Brethren and Visitors .
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE , 1723 , BOLTON . THE last meeting of this Lodge prior to the vacation was held on Wednesday evening , the 28 th November , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 5 . 30 . Present—Bros . Robt . Latham W . M ., Wm . Court I . P . M ., John Barratt S . W ., E . G . Harwood J . W ., Nathaniel Nicholson P . M . Secretary , Geo . Ferguson Prov . G . Supt . of Works Treasurer , Alex . Cosgrave S . D ., Thos . B . Tong J . D ., J . E . Smith Organist , W . E . Bardsley I . G ., J . W . Eoiley Tyler , Naylor ancl
Derham Stewards ; P . M . ' s Thos . Morris , G . R . Brockbank P . P . S . G . D ., J . W . Heywood , Job H . Greenhalgh ; Fogjr , Bolton , Whitaker , Morris , Gonlbnrn , Kershaw , Parkinson , Arden , Brierley , Miles Settle , Joel Settle , Hall , Priestley , W . Newell . Visitors—Bros . W . Forrest 221 , Siddorn 221 , T . Alfred Martin 678 , Naylor 37 , Higson 348 . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Edwin
Kershaw passed a satisfactory examination as to his proficiency as an Entered Apprentice , and being thereon entrusted , retired . Tho Lodge proceeded to second degree , when Bros . Joel Settle and Robert Gorranlock were examined as to their proficiency as Fellow Craft Masons , and the same being satisfactory , were likewise entrusted , and they also retired . The Lodge opened in third degree , when Bro .
Joe ] Settle was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Jas . Heywood P . M . ; Bro . Gorranlock also received the third degree at the hands of Bro . G . P . Brockbank Grand Steward of Scotland , and the working tools of the degree were explained to the candidates . The Lodge closed to the second , when Bro . Kershaw
was re-admitted and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , by Bro . Latham , Worshipfnl Master of the Lodge . Bro . Miles Settle , who recently bad a narrow escape from an untimely death by reason of an accident which occurred at the colliery at which he is the managing partner , in Staffordshire , received the hearty congratula-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C. Domatic Chapter, No, 177.
ST . PETER'S CHAPTER , ROSE CROIX , BOLTON . A MEETING of this Chapter was held on Saturday , tlio 21 th November , at the Commercial Hotel , Town JTalJ-square , Bolton , at 4 o ' clock in tbe afternoon . Present—HI . Bro . W . J . Thomson ( 30 ) M . W . S . ; Bros . Arthnr Middleton 1 st Gen ., J . M . Sinclair 2 nd Gen . ; 111 . Bro . G . P . Brockbank ( 32 ) Treasurer ; Bros J . D . Murray Grand Marshal , T . H . Glendinning Dir . of Ceremonies , A . H . Jafferis Capt . of Guard , John E . Lees Organist , W . M . Wylde
E . H . Swindlehursfc Stewards , J . M . Kerr , John Barrett ; Past M . W . S . ' s III . Bros . Rob . Harwood ( 30 ) , J . W . Taylor ( 30 ) , and Thos . Morris ; 111 . Bros . C . J . Bannister ( 33 ) S . G . J . G . North Eastern District , C . E . N . Beswicke-Royds ( 33 ) S . G . J . G . North Western District . Visitors—IU . Bros . Thos . C . Thorbnrn ( M . W . S . ) Liverpool Chapter , H . Krauss Past M . W . S . Leeson Chapter . The Chapter was
opened in due form , after -which the Inspectors-General of the two Northern Districts were received nnder the arch of steel . Four candidates were balloted for and nnanimously elected , and three of them—viz ., John W . Edwards of the Affability Lodge , Edwin Eveleigh of the Strangeways , and William Joseph Canliffe of the Affability , having presented themselves , were duly perfected as Eose
Croix Masons , 111 ; Bros . G . P . Brockbank ( 32 ) presiding at the lst point , Rob . Harwood ( 30 ) at the 2 nd point ; the dnties of Raphael and Grand Marshal being abl y conducted by Bro . J . D . Murray . The entire ceremony was quietly and decorously worked , the officers having taken considerable pains to perfect themselves in their respective parts . The older members were much gratified to notice
the steady progress of the juniors , whose working was faultless . Letters of apology were read from several of the members , who were unable to attend from sickness and other causes . The brethren were pleased to be again visited by their veteran friend and former Inspector-General , and a resolution was proposed by Bro . Brockbank , seconded by the M . W . S ., welcoming tbe illustrious brother on his
return home after a tour in Canada , and expressing gratification at meeting him again in their Chapter , in whose progress and prosperity he has always evinced the warmest interest . 111 . Bro . Bannister suitably replied . 111 . Bro . Royds , Inspector-General of tbe District , invested tbe newly obligated brethren , explained to them the symbols of the Order , and completed the ceremony of perfecting the candi .
dates . Considerable structural alterations and additions have been made to and in the house where the meetings of the Chapter are held , and much pleasure was evinced on this occasion to find that greater accommodation had been given for working the beautiful ceremony of this Order , and as the Chapter is one which has always been distinguished for its good working and its neat and appropriate
furniture and general appointments , it may be fairly considered one of the most useful and harmonious Chapters in the Northern District . Shortly before dinner a telegram was received by 111 . Bro . Brockbank from 111 . Bro . C . F . Matier ( 31 ) , Secretary to tbe Shadwell Clerke Lodge , Holborn Restaurant , London , conveying the hearty good wishes of Colonel Clerke and all the brethren of that Lodge
then assembled to the M . W . S . and members of the St . Peter ' s Chapter at Bolton . This expression of fraternal good will was much appreciated" by the brethren , and a return message was sent , reciprocating the kindly sentiments conveyed in the message from the Lodge . The Committee appointed at the last meeting to consider the best way of showing their appreciation of the manner in which
Bro . Bannister has discharged the dnties of Inspector-General since his appointment to that office , made a report to the brethren , and it was _ agreed , as tbe proposal made would be in full accord with the feelings of Bro . Bannister , that the same shonld be adopted , and the presentation made on a suitable occasion at an early period . Hearty salutations having been given from the visiting brethren , the Chapter was closed at 6 o ' clock and the Companions adjourned to banquet .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE , No . 1563 . THE installation meeting of this excellent working and flourishing -Lodge was held on the 22 nd ultimo , at the Masonic Rooms , Air-street , Regent-street . Bros . J . A . Hammond W . M ., T . W . Eastgate S . W ., G . P . Jones J . W ., J . E , Shand P . M . as Secretary , H . S . Lee S . D ., W . C . Smith J . D ., F . Hill I . G ., E . H . Hoare Organist , Waugh P . M . Visitors—Bros . T . Smith 1656 , J . Hooper 1515 Meliger
, 1855 , R . Pinstead 84 , W . S . Cutler W . M . 7 l 5 i Fitzgerald W . M . 1364 , J . H . Scott 1765 , S . Dicketts 193 , W . Land P . M . 742 , De Leliva 1426 , E . C . Massey P . M . 1397 , C . F . Matier P . S . W . Greece , Stedman W . M . 1765 , G . F . Smith 1839 , Smith P . M . 1839 , Nowakowsky P . M . 534 , Rov . Bonavia Hunt P . M . 1765 , E . Andrews P . G . O . Cheshire , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge
was opened , and minutes of last meeting were rend and confirmed . Ballots wero taken for the admission of Messrs . Hicatt , Christo Jonnadis , and G . Lefort , who wero duly initiated into tho Order . Bro . H . J . Smith was raised to tha third degree . Both ceremonies were very ably rendered by the W . M . The Report of the Andit Committee was read ; it showed the Lodge was in a
flourishing condition . Tho Benevolent Fund had in hand a balance of £ 55 15 s 2 d . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro , Eastgate W . M . elect was presented , and in the presence of sixteen Worshipful Masters and Past Masters duly installed in the chair by tbe retiring Worshipful Master , Bro . Hammond , who did his work in a perfect and impressive manner , that well warranter ) the encomiums passed on him at the conclusion of the ceremony . Bro . Farwig P . M .
180 acted efficiently as M . C . On readmission of the brethren , the customary salutations were given . The W . M . appointed and invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Jones S . W ., Lee J . W ., Hammond I . P . M . Treasurer , Shand P . M . Secretary , Smith S . D ., Hill J . D ., Cox I . G ., Hoare Organist , Durant M . C , Brander W . S ., Potter P . M . Tyler . The selection met with unanimous approval . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at next meeting . A letter was received from the Right Worshipful Bro . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett P . G . M .
Middlesex , regretting his inability to be present . Hearty good wishes wero given , and Lodgo was closed . Tlio brethren sat down to a very sumptuous and recherche banquet , provided by Bro . Nicols , and superintended b y Bro . Eugene Delacoste ; this gavo every satisfaction . Tho W . M . most genially presided , and proposed the usual Loyal toasts . Bro . Hammond I . P . M ., in proposing the health of bis
successor , said tho W . M . was an Institution iu this Lodge . Bro . Eastgate was perfectly competent to take the chair , to which he had been unanimously elected at tho last meeting ; tho members were all pleased to seo him in his present position . Hero Bro . John Stedman W . M . 765 sang " Good Company . " Tho VV . M . then rose to reply ; ho could not control tho diffidence ho felt in
I responding ; he hoped by his deeds , not words , to show ho waa I worthy of the office they had elected him to . Tho health of tho ! Installing Master , Bro . J . A . Hammond , was next proposed by the i W . M . ; he felt he need not remind the brethren of the excellent way | in which Bro . Hammond had conducted the duties of the chair ; by great exertions he had won the respect and esteem of all . He had
now to place a jewel on his breast , which he thought might bo considered worthy of his acceptance . Might be live long to wear it , and be among them for many years yet to come . Bro . Andrews P . G . O . Cheshire played a selection on the piano , —a march of hia own composition . Bro . J . A . Hammond I . P . M ., in responding , said ifc was n great satisfaction to him , after going out of the chair
of a Lodgo like the one he had had the honour of presiding over , to know his efforts had been appreciated . In wearing tho jewel , gratitude for their gift would predominate . On any occasion the Lodge should require his services they would always be at ita command . He thanked tbe Officers for their assistance ; and he now left them in the hands of the W . M ., feeling assured no better could be found .
The WM . then proposed tho toast of the initiate , whom they were pleased to see among them . He was sure when they had passed the other degrees they would show their appreciation of onr noble Instition . Bro . Hammond I . P . M . then sang the E . A . Song . Brothers Hicatt and Jounadis severally responded . The toast of the Visitors was next given . As there were so many present the W . M . would call
on the three Masters of Lodges , Bros . G . Seymour Cutler W . M . 715 , Fitzgerald W . M . 1366 , and Stedman W . M . 1765 , to respond . Brother Polt having favoured with a very excellent song , Brother Cutler in an eloquent speech responded . He was followed by Bros . Fitzgerald , and E . Farwig P . M . 180 . Bros . Rev . Bonavia Hunt , Andrews , and Matier also severally paid just compliments to Brother
J . A . Hammond I . P . M . for his admirable working , and fully recognised the able and genial manner in which the Worshipful Master had presided . Brother Hoare then , with great humour , sang "The Little Fat Grey Man . " The P . M . ' s were next complimented . There were not many present ; the brethren knew their capabilities , and he ( the Worshipful Master ) was sure he could rely on them on every
occasion . Brother Hammond I . P . M . said the Past Masters were getting smaller by degrees and beautifully less . However , thoso who were left were always ready to do their duty . Brother J . E . Shand P . M . followed ; he was the senior member of the Lodge ; he was present at its consecration , and he had never missed a meeting . The Past Masters would strive to sustain the prestige of the Lodge .
He earnestly desired the Lodge might be a success , and he thought he might say it had been while he had had anything to do with it . Tho toast of tho Treasurer and Secretary was next given . In the present Treasurer they bad secured an Officer who would have the interest of the Lodge at heart . To Brother Shand especial thanks were doe ; he is well qualified to fill tbe office . Bros . Hammond Treasurer and Shand Secretary responded ; tbe former Brother said
ho and his colleague had always worked amicably together , and they would continue to do so ; he hoped for many years , and for the benefit of the Lodge . Tho toasts of the Wardens and the rest of the Officers came next , and Brother W . 0 . Smith S . D . eloquently responded . Brother Hammond sang " In Cellar Cool" splendidly , and then the Tyler's toast was given , and a very agreeable evening was brought to a close . Bros . Durant and Brander paid every attention to the comfort of the Brethren and Visitors .
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE , 1723 , BOLTON . THE last meeting of this Lodge prior to the vacation was held on Wednesday evening , the 28 th November , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 5 . 30 . Present—Bros . Robt . Latham W . M ., Wm . Court I . P . M ., John Barratt S . W ., E . G . Harwood J . W ., Nathaniel Nicholson P . M . Secretary , Geo . Ferguson Prov . G . Supt . of Works Treasurer , Alex . Cosgrave S . D ., Thos . B . Tong J . D ., J . E . Smith Organist , W . E . Bardsley I . G ., J . W . Eoiley Tyler , Naylor ancl
Derham Stewards ; P . M . ' s Thos . Morris , G . R . Brockbank P . P . S . G . D ., J . W . Heywood , Job H . Greenhalgh ; Fogjr , Bolton , Whitaker , Morris , Gonlbnrn , Kershaw , Parkinson , Arden , Brierley , Miles Settle , Joel Settle , Hall , Priestley , W . Newell . Visitors—Bros . W . Forrest 221 , Siddorn 221 , T . Alfred Martin 678 , Naylor 37 , Higson 348 . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Edwin
Kershaw passed a satisfactory examination as to his proficiency as an Entered Apprentice , and being thereon entrusted , retired . Tho Lodge proceeded to second degree , when Bros . Joel Settle and Robert Gorranlock were examined as to their proficiency as Fellow Craft Masons , and the same being satisfactory , were likewise entrusted , and they also retired . The Lodge opened in third degree , when Bro .
Joe ] Settle was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Jas . Heywood P . M . ; Bro . Gorranlock also received the third degree at the hands of Bro . G . P . Brockbank Grand Steward of Scotland , and the working tools of the degree were explained to the candidates . The Lodge closed to the second , when Bro . Kershaw
was re-admitted and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , by Bro . Latham , Worshipfnl Master of the Lodge . Bro . Miles Settle , who recently bad a narrow escape from an untimely death by reason of an accident which occurred at the colliery at which he is the managing partner , in Staffordshire , received the hearty congratula-