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Installation Meetings, &C. Domatic Chapter, No, 177.
tions of tho brethren on his return home and to his Lodge , and deep sympathy for his sufferings during the illness which onsned therefrom . Bro . Matthew Fielding , formerly of Lodgo Affability , was elected a joining member . It was announced that the W . M . ( Bro . Latham , ) the S . W . . ( Bro . Barrett , ) and tho J . W . ( Bro . Harwood , ) with Bro . Jas Heywood P . M ., had agreed to serve as Stewards at the forthcoming
Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for -Aged Freemasons and their Widows . A circular was read from tbo Prov . Grand Secretary requesting the attendance of the duly qualified brethren at the Grand Lodgo meeting , to bo held on the 5 th December . Hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren , and the Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 8 p . m .
ALBERT EDWARD LODGE , No . 1714 . ON Wednesday , 28 th ult ., the ceremony of installing the newlyelected Master of the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1614 , took placo at tbo Cambridge Hotel ; thore was a large attendance of brethren . After tho ordinary bnsiness of tho Lodge had been gone through , tho Worshipful Master ( Bro . E . Nichols ) , was duly installed according to ancient custom . The Installing Master was Bro . T . J .
Pnlley P . M ., and it is scarcely necessary to say that wbat he had to do he did in admirable sty le . After the ceremony of installation , the Worshipful Master invested bis Officers , amongst whom were tbe following : —Bros . W . Lindars S . W ., A . Higgorty J . W ., T . J . Pulley Treasurer , Banco Secretary , R . Nichols S . D ., J . Linney J . D ., Serjt .-
Maj . Bunting I . G ., Serjt .-Maj . Lindrin and W . T . Price M . C . ' s , Serjt . Lee and G . Tice Stewards . Ono of the pleasing incidents of the meeting was the presentation of a very handsome jewel to the Immediate Past Master , Bro . . 7 . F . Latham . After the proceedings in Lodge had been cleared , the brethren adjourned to the banqnetting-room , where
a capital dinner was served by Mrs . E . S . Hallett , the proprietress of the hotel , Amongst thoso present wore Bros , the Rev . 0 . W . Arnold D . P . G . M . P . G . C , H . Hacker , G . Wcatall , W . W . Ridley , S . Bradley , G . Payne , J . Howson , J . Hickley , R . J . Lapham , J . Dean , G . Nichols , H . Nichols , S . Nichols , J . Olds , W . Dupreo , J . Dormor , W . Collins , W . Bayliss , E . Pope , R . McLaughlin , R . Tozer , W . Kelsey , & o .
SHEPHERD'S BUSH LODGE , No . 1828 . THE members of this popular little Lodgo celebrated their annual meeting on Monday , the 26 th ultimo , when the fifth year of the Lodge ' s existence was entered upon with very agreeable anticipations for a continued flow of tbat prosperity which has hitherto attended it . The W . M . of the past year , Bro . E . Pierpoint , opened his Lodge at tho " Athenaeum , " Goldhawk Road , Shepherd's Bush , at 4 p . m ., and during the evening ho was supported by tbe following
brethren : —P . M . 's L . Bryett , A . B . Baker , G . Harrison , W . Game ( Treasurer ) , A . C . Alais ( Secretary ); R . Josey S . W . ( W . M . elect ") , P . Burton J . W ., W . Williams S . D ., 0 . Breitbart J . D ., & c . Amongst tho Visitors wero Bros . S . W . Sharler 1567 , J . Tidmarsh Org . 1636 , W . 0 . Williams J . D . 1585 , H . Shaw P . M . 834 , J . J . Lewis W . M . 1477 , T . J . Railing P . G . Sec . Essex , J . F . Maidment . 1685 , R . Fraser I . G .
1705 , G . J . Symons P . M . 45 , J . Baker Org . 571 , D . F . Gillion P . M . 1425 , J . R . Walter P . M . 1158 , G . Whittaker 1792 , William Cubitt J . W . 193 , A . Love 1387 , H . Philipps 1642 , W . H . Hobbiss 858 , Geo . Read P . M . 511 , J . Hepburn W . M . 1702 , G . Hazell 697 , W . Crowhnrst J . W . 1894 , A . Turner M . C . 1894 , L . Lichtwitz 1642 , G . Gardner J . W . 2012 , J . R . Roberts 161 ? , W . W . Morgan S . W . 211 . After the
minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed , the Auditors ' report was received aud adopted . Bro . Weinell was then raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . Thore were two candidates who desired to be enlightened ; one , Mr . Hill , waa ballotted for and approved at the last meeting of the Lodge ; the other , Mr . James Rossdale , was proposed by Bro . Vandyk , seconded by Bro . Alais P . M .
and Hon . Secretary . In this case the ballot was favourable , and both gentlemen having been announced , they were admitted and received the benefit of Masonic light , the W . M . giving a very careful rendering of the ceremony . The W . M . elect was now introduced , and the ceremony of installation was proceeded with . The Board of Installed Masters in due course completed their portion of the work
of the day , and the brethren below the degree of I . M . were readmitted , and the Worshipful Master was formally saluted in the three degrees . Bro . Baker acted throughout as Master of Ceremonies , while the Father of the Lodge , Brother L . Bryet' -. presented tho working tools . The Officers were appointed as follows : — Bros . Burton S . W ., Williams J . W ., Game P . M . Treasurer , Alais P . M .
Secretary , Braitbart S . D ., Fisher ( named as ) J . D ., House M . C ., Paul I . G ., Wyatt Senior Steward , White Junior Steward , Schofield P . M . Tyler . The address to the Worshipful . Master was given by Brother Baker ; tbat to the Wardens by Brother Harrison ; while Brother Bryett gavo the one to the members with intense fervour and with admirable effect . The Past Master ' s jewel -of tbe Lodge was now presented to Bro . Pierpoint ; this had been voted by the brethren at
last meeting . Bro . Josey , who made the presentation , complimented Bro . Pierpoint on tho way he had carried out his duties . In acknowledgment Bro . Pierpoint said , if ho had given satisfaction he felt amply repaid . He had striven to the best of his ability , and it was gratifying to know bis efforts had been appreciated . He hoped to be associated for many years with the brethren of the Lodge . Bro .
Harrison offered his services as Steward for the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and it was proposed by Bro . Baker that ten guineas be voted from Lodgo funds to be placed on Bro . Harrison ' s list . This was seconded by Bro . Pierpoint and carried unanimously . Bro . Clarke P . G . P . thanked tho Lodge ou behalf of Bro . Terry , who , he stated ,
was prevented by another important engagement from being present . Lodgo was shortly afterwards closed . A very elaborate banquet was provided by Brother Ward , who is the recognised caterer for this Lodge . Brother Ward brings considerable experience to bear on the proper carrying out of bis arrangements , but on tho present occasion wo cannot compliment him ; tho timo taken up by tho service
Installation Meetings, &C. Domatic Chapter, No, 177.
sadly marred tbe enjoyment we look for in the after proceedings On tbo removal of tbe cloth Brother Josey , however , lost no time ; the preliminary toasts wero dismissed with a few but very pertinent remarks . Brother Clarke P . G . P . replied to tho toast of the Grand Officers , ancl made allusion to what may be termed the burning question of the day , and which he leminded would come on for settlement
at approaching meeting of Grand Lodge . Brother Pierpoint proposed tbe health of tbo Worshipful Master . All the brethren were well acquainted with Brother Josey ' s genial qualities . He was folly capable of undertaking all the duties required of a Master of a Lodge . Personally he ( Brother Pierpoint ) felt assured that at the end of his year the brethren would havo full cause
to compliment Brother Josey on the result of his labours In reply the W . M . said he was grateful to Bro . Pierpoint for the kindness he had shown in proposing the toast , and he thanked one and all for the reception they had given it . After a song by Brother Pierpoint—We yet may meet again—which was enthusiastically encored , the health of the Initiates was proposed by the W . M . and
the E . A . Song was given by Bro . Bi-yett . Bro . Rossdale sincerely thanked all for the cordial way in which they had received the toast . Bro . Hill assured the brethren he had fully appreciated the reception he had met with , ¦ he trusted he might long be associated with tbe Lodge and the members present . The W . M . proposed tho toast of the Visitors , and after Bro . Reynolds had given a capital recital ,
Bro . Railing replied ; he fully appreciated the kindness of the W . M . in calling on him to respond first for the Visitors . Bro . Lewis was the next who responded , it was only a short time since he himself was installed . He was gratified at seeing the prosperity of the Shepherds Bush Lodge , Brother Reed and Brother J . Tidmarsh also acknowledged tbe toast . The health of tbe
I . P . M . was next on the list . The members were much indebted to Bro . Pierpoint , and he ( the W . M . ) felt they could not possibly have had a better Master . Bro . Baker here sang a capital song , in which he was accompanied on the pianoforte by Bro . Hobbis . In reply Bro ; Pierpoint said he had found his yoke easy and his burden light . However , the result to him had been a most agreeable one . He had
received tbe undivided support and assistance of the brethren . He felt , if he might be allowed to say so , it was with great regret he left the chair . He tendered his thanks to all , especially for the testimony of the regard shown for him by the members . In replying for tbe Past Masters Brother Bryett said this waa the fourth anniversary of the consecration , and he felt he could
recommend what had been done to the notice of members of many other Lodges . There was a spirit of good feeling existing that made everything pleasant and agreeable . All did the best they could for the advancement of the Lodge . Brother Baker waa always present at the meetings , in fact all take a part , and might be described as a working staff of Past Masters . Brother Harrison also replied ; he
made an urgent appeal for the Institutions , and recounted how at the last Elections so many deserving candidates were left out in the cold . Brother Harrison ' s remarks were eloquently supplemented by Brother Bryett , who , in proposing Prosperity to the Masonic Institutions , forcibly described the good work being done . Brother Clarke
replied to the toast , again regretting the absence of Brother Terry . Several other toasts followed , but the late hour to which the proceedings had been prolonged , necessitated the departure of many who had trains to catch . We tender our congratulations to the brethren on the progress this popular Lodge is making .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction , No . 1044 . —Bro . James Stevens P . M . P . Z . delivered his interesting lecture , "Knobs aud Excrescence- ' , " explanatory of the rituals and ceremonial of the First Degree , to a large assemblage of brethren , members and visitors , in the above Lodge of Instruction , on Tuesday , the 20 th ult . Amongst those present were Bros . G . J . Jones W . M ., F . Kuipler S . W ., H . Lee
J . W ., J . Carter P . M . and Preceptor , Higerty Secretary , Harman S . D ., Ellis J . D ., Cowley I . G ., Foot , Cleaver , Black , Joyce P . M ., Bain , Hardimau , Shearman , W . Carter P . M ., Marshall , Hum , G . R . Smith , Bate , R . Bell , W . H . Jones , C . Tarry 1790 , F . J . Cuthbert 1815 , H . Ackermann 1815 , Montague Shearman 1146 , H . Kendrick 1044 , & c . Lodge was opened at 7 . 30 aud minutes were read , after whichuthe
W . M . introduced Bro . Stevens , whose able lecture gave the greatest satisfaction to all present . For upwards of two hours tbe brethren gave earnest attention to the remarks of the lecturer , frequently expressing their cordial agreement therewith , and , at its conclusion , Bro . Stevens resumed his seat amidst loud applause . Bro . Carter P . M . ancl Preceptor proposed that a vote of thanks aud honorary membership should be accorded to the worthy lecturer , at the same
time expressing his decided opinion that the lecture shonld be heard by all those who desired a clearer insight into Masonic working than they at present enjoyed . Bro . Knipler S . W . seconded the motion , which was carried unanimjusly . Bro . Stevens , in returning thanks , stated his readiness to repeat the lecture whenever and wherever invited to do so . Bro . Montague Shearman 1148 and Kendrick 10 'M were elected members , and the Lodge was closed in due form .
North London Masonic Benevolent Ball.
A COMMITTEE has been formed , who announce to their friends that a ball will take place at Myddelton Hall , Upper-street , Islington , on Tuesday , 8 th January 11 . 84 , in aid of tho Masonic Charitable Institutions ! . Tho tickets , which will admit either lady or gentleman , Gs each , will include refreshments throughout the evening . Bvo . T . Meekham P . M . 619 , 1288 , and Bro . P . Forge W . M .
019 , P . M . 1950 , will officiate as M . C . ' s on the occasion , while Bros . S . Price P . M . 1288 , H . Sprako 813 , J . Baker 1471 , 0 . Dearing 1602 , G . F . Snook 1693 , H . Hnggiiia 1288 , and H . Harding 1471 will act as
Stewards . Dancing to commence at 9 o ' clock . Bro . 0 . Hammond 820 , 1171 , Uppsr-strect , Islington , N ., has undertaken the duties of Treasurer , and Bro . E . Woodman J . W . 1950 , 50 Marquess-road , Canonbury , will act aa Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C. Domatic Chapter, No, 177.
tions of tho brethren on his return home and to his Lodge , and deep sympathy for his sufferings during the illness which onsned therefrom . Bro . Matthew Fielding , formerly of Lodgo Affability , was elected a joining member . It was announced that the W . M . ( Bro . Latham , ) the S . W . . ( Bro . Barrett , ) and tho J . W . ( Bro . Harwood , ) with Bro . Jas Heywood P . M ., had agreed to serve as Stewards at the forthcoming
Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for -Aged Freemasons and their Widows . A circular was read from tbo Prov . Grand Secretary requesting the attendance of the duly qualified brethren at the Grand Lodgo meeting , to bo held on the 5 th December . Hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren , and the Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 8 p . m .
ALBERT EDWARD LODGE , No . 1714 . ON Wednesday , 28 th ult ., the ceremony of installing the newlyelected Master of the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1614 , took placo at tbo Cambridge Hotel ; thore was a large attendance of brethren . After tho ordinary bnsiness of tho Lodge had been gone through , tho Worshipful Master ( Bro . E . Nichols ) , was duly installed according to ancient custom . The Installing Master was Bro . T . J .
Pnlley P . M ., and it is scarcely necessary to say that wbat he had to do he did in admirable sty le . After the ceremony of installation , the Worshipful Master invested bis Officers , amongst whom were tbe following : —Bros . W . Lindars S . W ., A . Higgorty J . W ., T . J . Pulley Treasurer , Banco Secretary , R . Nichols S . D ., J . Linney J . D ., Serjt .-
Maj . Bunting I . G ., Serjt .-Maj . Lindrin and W . T . Price M . C . ' s , Serjt . Lee and G . Tice Stewards . Ono of the pleasing incidents of the meeting was the presentation of a very handsome jewel to the Immediate Past Master , Bro . . 7 . F . Latham . After the proceedings in Lodge had been cleared , the brethren adjourned to the banqnetting-room , where
a capital dinner was served by Mrs . E . S . Hallett , the proprietress of the hotel , Amongst thoso present wore Bros , the Rev . 0 . W . Arnold D . P . G . M . P . G . C , H . Hacker , G . Wcatall , W . W . Ridley , S . Bradley , G . Payne , J . Howson , J . Hickley , R . J . Lapham , J . Dean , G . Nichols , H . Nichols , S . Nichols , J . Olds , W . Dupreo , J . Dormor , W . Collins , W . Bayliss , E . Pope , R . McLaughlin , R . Tozer , W . Kelsey , & o .
SHEPHERD'S BUSH LODGE , No . 1828 . THE members of this popular little Lodgo celebrated their annual meeting on Monday , the 26 th ultimo , when the fifth year of the Lodge ' s existence was entered upon with very agreeable anticipations for a continued flow of tbat prosperity which has hitherto attended it . The W . M . of the past year , Bro . E . Pierpoint , opened his Lodge at tho " Athenaeum , " Goldhawk Road , Shepherd's Bush , at 4 p . m ., and during the evening ho was supported by tbe following
brethren : —P . M . 's L . Bryett , A . B . Baker , G . Harrison , W . Game ( Treasurer ) , A . C . Alais ( Secretary ); R . Josey S . W . ( W . M . elect ") , P . Burton J . W ., W . Williams S . D ., 0 . Breitbart J . D ., & c . Amongst tho Visitors wero Bros . S . W . Sharler 1567 , J . Tidmarsh Org . 1636 , W . 0 . Williams J . D . 1585 , H . Shaw P . M . 834 , J . J . Lewis W . M . 1477 , T . J . Railing P . G . Sec . Essex , J . F . Maidment . 1685 , R . Fraser I . G .
1705 , G . J . Symons P . M . 45 , J . Baker Org . 571 , D . F . Gillion P . M . 1425 , J . R . Walter P . M . 1158 , G . Whittaker 1792 , William Cubitt J . W . 193 , A . Love 1387 , H . Philipps 1642 , W . H . Hobbiss 858 , Geo . Read P . M . 511 , J . Hepburn W . M . 1702 , G . Hazell 697 , W . Crowhnrst J . W . 1894 , A . Turner M . C . 1894 , L . Lichtwitz 1642 , G . Gardner J . W . 2012 , J . R . Roberts 161 ? , W . W . Morgan S . W . 211 . After the
minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed , the Auditors ' report was received aud adopted . Bro . Weinell was then raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . Thore were two candidates who desired to be enlightened ; one , Mr . Hill , waa ballotted for and approved at the last meeting of the Lodge ; the other , Mr . James Rossdale , was proposed by Bro . Vandyk , seconded by Bro . Alais P . M .
and Hon . Secretary . In this case the ballot was favourable , and both gentlemen having been announced , they were admitted and received the benefit of Masonic light , the W . M . giving a very careful rendering of the ceremony . The W . M . elect was now introduced , and the ceremony of installation was proceeded with . The Board of Installed Masters in due course completed their portion of the work
of the day , and the brethren below the degree of I . M . were readmitted , and the Worshipful Master was formally saluted in the three degrees . Bro . Baker acted throughout as Master of Ceremonies , while the Father of the Lodge , Brother L . Bryet' -. presented tho working tools . The Officers were appointed as follows : — Bros . Burton S . W ., Williams J . W ., Game P . M . Treasurer , Alais P . M .
Secretary , Braitbart S . D ., Fisher ( named as ) J . D ., House M . C ., Paul I . G ., Wyatt Senior Steward , White Junior Steward , Schofield P . M . Tyler . The address to the Worshipful . Master was given by Brother Baker ; tbat to the Wardens by Brother Harrison ; while Brother Bryett gavo the one to the members with intense fervour and with admirable effect . The Past Master ' s jewel -of tbe Lodge was now presented to Bro . Pierpoint ; this had been voted by the brethren at
last meeting . Bro . Josey , who made the presentation , complimented Bro . Pierpoint on tho way he had carried out his duties . In acknowledgment Bro . Pierpoint said , if ho had given satisfaction he felt amply repaid . He had striven to the best of his ability , and it was gratifying to know bis efforts had been appreciated . He hoped to be associated for many years with the brethren of the Lodge . Bro .
Harrison offered his services as Steward for the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and it was proposed by Bro . Baker that ten guineas be voted from Lodgo funds to be placed on Bro . Harrison ' s list . This was seconded by Bro . Pierpoint and carried unanimously . Bro . Clarke P . G . P . thanked tho Lodge ou behalf of Bro . Terry , who , he stated ,
was prevented by another important engagement from being present . Lodgo was shortly afterwards closed . A very elaborate banquet was provided by Brother Ward , who is the recognised caterer for this Lodge . Brother Ward brings considerable experience to bear on the proper carrying out of bis arrangements , but on tho present occasion wo cannot compliment him ; tho timo taken up by tho service
Installation Meetings, &C. Domatic Chapter, No, 177.
sadly marred tbe enjoyment we look for in the after proceedings On tbo removal of tbe cloth Brother Josey , however , lost no time ; the preliminary toasts wero dismissed with a few but very pertinent remarks . Brother Clarke P . G . P . replied to tho toast of the Grand Officers , ancl made allusion to what may be termed the burning question of the day , and which he leminded would come on for settlement
at approaching meeting of Grand Lodge . Brother Pierpoint proposed tbe health of tbo Worshipful Master . All the brethren were well acquainted with Brother Josey ' s genial qualities . He was folly capable of undertaking all the duties required of a Master of a Lodge . Personally he ( Brother Pierpoint ) felt assured that at the end of his year the brethren would havo full cause
to compliment Brother Josey on the result of his labours In reply the W . M . said he was grateful to Bro . Pierpoint for the kindness he had shown in proposing the toast , and he thanked one and all for the reception they had given it . After a song by Brother Pierpoint—We yet may meet again—which was enthusiastically encored , the health of the Initiates was proposed by the W . M . and
the E . A . Song was given by Bro . Bi-yett . Bro . Rossdale sincerely thanked all for the cordial way in which they had received the toast . Bro . Hill assured the brethren he had fully appreciated the reception he had met with , ¦ he trusted he might long be associated with tbe Lodge and the members present . The W . M . proposed tho toast of the Visitors , and after Bro . Reynolds had given a capital recital ,
Bro . Railing replied ; he fully appreciated the kindness of the W . M . in calling on him to respond first for the Visitors . Bro . Lewis was the next who responded , it was only a short time since he himself was installed . He was gratified at seeing the prosperity of the Shepherds Bush Lodge , Brother Reed and Brother J . Tidmarsh also acknowledged tbe toast . The health of tbe
I . P . M . was next on the list . The members were much indebted to Bro . Pierpoint , and he ( the W . M . ) felt they could not possibly have had a better Master . Bro . Baker here sang a capital song , in which he was accompanied on the pianoforte by Bro . Hobbis . In reply Bro ; Pierpoint said he had found his yoke easy and his burden light . However , the result to him had been a most agreeable one . He had
received tbe undivided support and assistance of the brethren . He felt , if he might be allowed to say so , it was with great regret he left the chair . He tendered his thanks to all , especially for the testimony of the regard shown for him by the members . In replying for tbe Past Masters Brother Bryett said this waa the fourth anniversary of the consecration , and he felt he could
recommend what had been done to the notice of members of many other Lodges . There was a spirit of good feeling existing that made everything pleasant and agreeable . All did the best they could for the advancement of the Lodge . Brother Baker waa always present at the meetings , in fact all take a part , and might be described as a working staff of Past Masters . Brother Harrison also replied ; he
made an urgent appeal for the Institutions , and recounted how at the last Elections so many deserving candidates were left out in the cold . Brother Harrison ' s remarks were eloquently supplemented by Brother Bryett , who , in proposing Prosperity to the Masonic Institutions , forcibly described the good work being done . Brother Clarke
replied to the toast , again regretting the absence of Brother Terry . Several other toasts followed , but the late hour to which the proceedings had been prolonged , necessitated the departure of many who had trains to catch . We tender our congratulations to the brethren on the progress this popular Lodge is making .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction , No . 1044 . —Bro . James Stevens P . M . P . Z . delivered his interesting lecture , "Knobs aud Excrescence- ' , " explanatory of the rituals and ceremonial of the First Degree , to a large assemblage of brethren , members and visitors , in the above Lodge of Instruction , on Tuesday , the 20 th ult . Amongst those present were Bros . G . J . Jones W . M ., F . Kuipler S . W ., H . Lee
J . W ., J . Carter P . M . and Preceptor , Higerty Secretary , Harman S . D ., Ellis J . D ., Cowley I . G ., Foot , Cleaver , Black , Joyce P . M ., Bain , Hardimau , Shearman , W . Carter P . M ., Marshall , Hum , G . R . Smith , Bate , R . Bell , W . H . Jones , C . Tarry 1790 , F . J . Cuthbert 1815 , H . Ackermann 1815 , Montague Shearman 1146 , H . Kendrick 1044 , & c . Lodge was opened at 7 . 30 aud minutes were read , after whichuthe
W . M . introduced Bro . Stevens , whose able lecture gave the greatest satisfaction to all present . For upwards of two hours tbe brethren gave earnest attention to the remarks of the lecturer , frequently expressing their cordial agreement therewith , and , at its conclusion , Bro . Stevens resumed his seat amidst loud applause . Bro . Carter P . M . ancl Preceptor proposed that a vote of thanks aud honorary membership should be accorded to the worthy lecturer , at the same
time expressing his decided opinion that the lecture shonld be heard by all those who desired a clearer insight into Masonic working than they at present enjoyed . Bro . Knipler S . W . seconded the motion , which was carried unanimjusly . Bro . Stevens , in returning thanks , stated his readiness to repeat the lecture whenever and wherever invited to do so . Bro . Montague Shearman 1148 and Kendrick 10 'M were elected members , and the Lodge was closed in due form .
North London Masonic Benevolent Ball.
A COMMITTEE has been formed , who announce to their friends that a ball will take place at Myddelton Hall , Upper-street , Islington , on Tuesday , 8 th January 11 . 84 , in aid of tho Masonic Charitable Institutions ! . Tho tickets , which will admit either lady or gentleman , Gs each , will include refreshments throughout the evening . Bvo . T . Meekham P . M . 619 , 1288 , and Bro . P . Forge W . M .
019 , P . M . 1950 , will officiate as M . C . ' s on the occasion , while Bros . S . Price P . M . 1288 , H . Sprako 813 , J . Baker 1471 , 0 . Dearing 1602 , G . F . Snook 1693 , H . Hnggiiia 1288 , and H . Harding 1471 will act as
Stewards . Dancing to commence at 9 o ' clock . Bro . 0 . Hammond 820 , 1171 , Uppsr-strect , Islington , N ., has undertaken the duties of Treasurer , and Bro . E . Woodman J . W . 1950 , 50 Marquess-road , Canonbury , will act aa Secretary .