Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
ness of the day had not suffered by the unavoidable absence of his chief , and his necessary discharge of the dnties devolving on him in conseqnence . In response to tho toast of Present and Past Grand Officers of Mark Lodge , Bro . Dewar P . G . J . O . and Assist . Mark Secretary , took occasion to enlarge on tho extraordinary development of the degree , not only at home , bnt abroad , and stated that a Lodge
¦ warrant was abont to bo granted for Syracuse , in the district around which it was fnlly expected many Lodges wonld bo formed . Subseqnently , and in response to tho toast of tho Visitors , Captain Collum endorsed many of the remarks made by Bro . Dewar , and especially referred to his own experiences as to the increase of Mark Masonry in the Pimiaub and other parts of India . The gallant
Captain assured his hearers of a cordial welcome in that part of the world if , as Mark Masons under the English Constitution , they or any of them had occasion to mnke sojourn there . For the Provincial Grand Officers , Bro . Brighten , Grand Senior Warden and Past Graud Secretary , replied , thanking the Provincial Grand Masterfor tbe respective appointments he had made , and promising for himself , and
he trusted for all his colleagues , still further efforts on behalf of the progress of the degree in the Province . He took the opportunity to state that the roll of Lodges would bo increased almost immediately by the adhesion of two private Lodges recently formed . Bro . Klenok , the newly-nppointed Provincial Grand' Secretary , also made excellent replv on behalf of himself and other officers . The Mark Benevolent
Fnnd was not forgotten , and after very lncid exposition , from Bro . Dewar , of its purpose and operations , and an appeal for support on tho occasion of its thirteenth anniversary , on the 6 th instant , the charity box was circulated in its interests , and a liberal donation was tho re . suit . The remaining proceedings were shortened to admit of adjournment to balconies and grounds , where the remainder of a most
pleasant day was spent in the enjoyment of cooling breezes , the views of woodland and river , the strains of military music , and that general contentment which the knowledge of good work performed and generons fare partaken of ever creates in the bosom of a true Mason . It is no mere platitude to say that on this occasion , at least , the brethren at last separated , " sorry to part" and hoping to " meet again . "
Mark Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund.
THE Thirteenth Annual Festival of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons' Benevolent Fund was held on Wednesday , 6 th inst ., at the Crystal Palace , under the presidency of the Rt . Hon . Lord Henniker Most Worshipfnl Grand Mark Master Mason . Amongst the company prespnt were V . W . Bro . Frederick Davison Deputy Prov . Grand M . M . M . Middlesex and Surrey , Bros . Binckes P . G . W . Grand Mark Secretary , D . M . Dewar P . G . O . Assistant Grand
Mark Secretary , the Baron de Ferrieres , C . F . Matier , Thomas Meggy P . G . M . O ., James Stevens P . G . J . O . Past Prov . Grand Mark Secretary Middlesex and Surrey , Octavins Pearson , T . W . Adams Provincial G . S . D . and Mrs . Adams , Lott , Massey and Mrs . Massey , & c . Dinner was served in the Marble room , soon after five o ' clock . The M . W . Grand Master , who had undertaken a long journey in order to
be present , having been unexpectedly hindered on his road , forwarded a telegram explaining the cause of temporary delay , and for a brief period his dnties were undertaken by the V . W . Bro . Davison . On his Lordship's arrival , iu course of the dinner , be was received with great enthusiasm . After the cloth had been removed and the usual loyal toasts had been honoured , the W . Bro . Baron de Ferrieres proposed
the health of the Grand Mark Master , as a ruler to whom the members of the Mark degree might look up with great pride and satisfaction ; and without in the slightest derogating from the zealous and important services rendered by any one of his predecessors , he felt assured that under tbe present ruler the Order would still further flourish . The M . W . G . M . M . M . expressed his sense of the honour conferred upon
him by being called upon to preside over so large a body of Masons , numbering from between 15 , 000 to 16 , 000 of the most distinguished men connected with Freemasonry . That the degree of Mark Masonry would continue to enlarge he had reason to be assured of , for even in the brief period since bis Installation he had signed several warrants for new Lodges , and there were at tho present moment others in view .
The W . Bro . Davison in introdncing the toast of the P . Grand Masters stated there was a rumour as to tbe illness of the M . W . Bro . George Raymond Portal , which however he trusted might not be of serious moment . That the general sympathy of the brethren would be evinced in respect of any such event he was certain . ( Bro . Dayison ' s remarks called forth an expressive assent ) . To the toast of the Dep .
G . M . M . M . and Grand Mark Officers present and past , Bro . Matier made response . The toast of the evening , " Prosperity to the Mark Grand Lodge Benevolent Fnnd , " was nroposed by the Mi W . G . M . M . M ., who said that the figures to be placed before tho brethren wonld speak more than words of his as to the firm and sound basis npon which the Fnnd had been commenced and continued . Since 1868 . no less than
£ 2 , 777 had been contributed ; forty-five petitioners had been relieved , with £ 541 ; £ 629 had been transferred to the Edncatinnal Fund , and £ 1 , 400 had been profitably invested . The Expenses of Management for twelve years had been bnt £ 65 , and the balance at the bankers was £ 142 . In connection with the Educational Fnnd , fonr boys were being assisted , besides one other under special arrangement with Bro . Dr . Percival . Perhaps this is not a large fnnd , hut it certainly is
an increasing one , and will increase year by vear , and probably no better means for calling attention to its claims for support conld be found than that which had been adopted in tho annual reenrrenen of these Festivals , at , nnco uniting sociality with charity . It was good for its promoters , managers , and friends to meet together on such occasions , and still better , that these gatherings shonld be graced and honoured by the presence of ladies . The meetings were always the more agreeable , and the object in view the better pro-
Mark Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund.
moted , when " wives and sweethearts took interest in the enjoy , tnents and practical results of such undertakings . Brother Dewar , Assistant Grand Secretary , read a list of subscriptions , amounting to £ 331 5 s 6 d , with eight lists yet to come iu ; iu reference to which Bro . Binckes , G . M . Secretary , said , that the total would not bear com . parison with tho larger amount contributed last year , bat neverthe .
less there was reason for congratulation that the Fund would never want tho necessary assistance , for there were circumstances , not connected with the monetary result in the present instance , which favoured a hearty assurance that it had the general good will of all brethren connected with tho Mark Degree . Bro . Ootavius Pearson replied for " The Board of Stewards , " expressing the pleasure with which they
had all zealously worked in promoting the success of the Festival , regretting that the financial resnlt had not been greater , but confirm , ing the remarks ' made as to the assured future of the Fund . The toast of "The Ladies , " was proposed by Bro . Binckes , and ably replied to by Bro . Truefitt , and after a short interval of agreeable music and conversation , tho party broke up , well pleased with the evening's entertainment .
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
THE nsnal monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Saturday last , at Freemnsons' Hall . There were present Bros . Raynham W . Stewart P . G . D . ( in the chair ) , C . F . Matior , A . M . Broadley , George J . Row , William Roebnck , George Cooper , Rev . Richard Morris , D . D . ( Head Master ) , H . Massey , J . H . Sonthwood , Edw . Baxter , F . Adlard and
F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . After the minutes of last meeting had been read and confimed , Bro . Binckes , with much regret , announced the death of Bro . W . F . Collard Montrie , which occurred that morning , After the minntes of the House Committee had been read for informa . tion , brethren , on the reoommendation of that Committee , increased the salary of Mr . Hopkins the Organist at the Institution . Four candi .
dates were placed on the list for the election in October . Outfits were granted to two former pupils , and the list for next election was settled , as follows : —48 unsuccessful in April , 12 placed on the list since , and 4 others this day—or a total of 64 candidates . The number of vacancies in the school will be 12 . Bro . Binckes informed the Committee that the Festival at Brighton , on Wednesday , produced £ 11 , 583—14 lists to come in .
As will be gathered from our advertisement columns , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent will be held on Wed . nesday next , the 15 th instant , at the Guildhall , Rochester , when it may be anticipated there will be a strong muster of our brethren of this flourishing Province . P . G . Lodge
will meet at 12 . 30 p . m . The brethren will attend divine service in the Cathedral at 2 p . m ., and at 4 p . m . a banquet will be served at the New Corn Exchange . The business ,
which includes the grant of several more or less considerable sums of money for benevolent purposes , and appointment and investiture for the P . G . Officers of the year , will be in all respects of the nsnal character .
The Grand Commandery of Indiana met at Indianopolis , 26 th and 27 th April . The following were elected Officers for the ensuing year , namely , —Sir Knight John H . Hess R . E . Grand Commander , Samuel B . Sweet V . E . Deputy Commander , Richard L . Wolsey Eminent Grand
Generalissimo , Walter Vail Eminent Grand Captain General , Samuel F . Dunham Eminent Grand Prelate , Henry C . Adams Eminent Grand Sword Bearer , Ephraim W . Patrick Emineut Grand Warder , Charles Fisher Eminent Grand Treasurer , and J . M . Bramwell Grand Recorder . The
following were appointed by the Eminent Grand Commander , namely , ( leorge W . F . Kirk Eminent Grand Standard Bearer , Duncan T . Bacon Eminent Grand Sword
Bearer , Reuben Peden Eminent Grand Warder , and William M . Black Grand Captain of the Guards . The Grand Officers were installed , and the Commandery adjourned .
In consequence of an illness which has pressed rather severely upon him , Bro . \ V . J . Hughan , of Truro , has been advised to abstain from all regular work for twelve months , and io do nothing calculated to fatigue him during that time . This will be very much regretted by the great body of Freemasons , in Cornwall especially , where Bro . Hughan has done so much valued work , and has filled so many important offices . In consequence of this enforced retirement , the
Truro portion of the business of Messrs . Libby and Co ., of Strond , will soon be closed . It is that of the wholesale woollen trade , and was—and is—a business that the city conld ill afford to lose . But there is no help for it . Bro . Hnghan has , happily , sufficient means to retire , and he will devote himself to those archceological pursaits , which , as a literary Freemason , have for him a peculiar charm , and every one who knows him will be glad to hear of his restoration to perfect health . —Western Daily Mercury .
J . E . SniHD & Co ., Wino Merchants ( Experts and Valuers ) . Well fermented old Wines and matured Spirits . 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , London , » . « ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
ness of the day had not suffered by the unavoidable absence of his chief , and his necessary discharge of the dnties devolving on him in conseqnence . In response to tho toast of Present and Past Grand Officers of Mark Lodge , Bro . Dewar P . G . J . O . and Assist . Mark Secretary , took occasion to enlarge on tho extraordinary development of the degree , not only at home , bnt abroad , and stated that a Lodge
¦ warrant was abont to bo granted for Syracuse , in the district around which it was fnlly expected many Lodges wonld bo formed . Subseqnently , and in response to tho toast of tho Visitors , Captain Collum endorsed many of the remarks made by Bro . Dewar , and especially referred to his own experiences as to the increase of Mark Masonry in the Pimiaub and other parts of India . The gallant
Captain assured his hearers of a cordial welcome in that part of the world if , as Mark Masons under the English Constitution , they or any of them had occasion to mnke sojourn there . For the Provincial Grand Officers , Bro . Brighten , Grand Senior Warden and Past Graud Secretary , replied , thanking the Provincial Grand Masterfor tbe respective appointments he had made , and promising for himself , and
he trusted for all his colleagues , still further efforts on behalf of the progress of the degree in the Province . He took the opportunity to state that the roll of Lodges would bo increased almost immediately by the adhesion of two private Lodges recently formed . Bro . Klenok , the newly-nppointed Provincial Grand' Secretary , also made excellent replv on behalf of himself and other officers . The Mark Benevolent
Fnnd was not forgotten , and after very lncid exposition , from Bro . Dewar , of its purpose and operations , and an appeal for support on tho occasion of its thirteenth anniversary , on the 6 th instant , the charity box was circulated in its interests , and a liberal donation was tho re . suit . The remaining proceedings were shortened to admit of adjournment to balconies and grounds , where the remainder of a most
pleasant day was spent in the enjoyment of cooling breezes , the views of woodland and river , the strains of military music , and that general contentment which the knowledge of good work performed and generons fare partaken of ever creates in the bosom of a true Mason . It is no mere platitude to say that on this occasion , at least , the brethren at last separated , " sorry to part" and hoping to " meet again . "
Mark Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund.
THE Thirteenth Annual Festival of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons' Benevolent Fund was held on Wednesday , 6 th inst ., at the Crystal Palace , under the presidency of the Rt . Hon . Lord Henniker Most Worshipfnl Grand Mark Master Mason . Amongst the company prespnt were V . W . Bro . Frederick Davison Deputy Prov . Grand M . M . M . Middlesex and Surrey , Bros . Binckes P . G . W . Grand Mark Secretary , D . M . Dewar P . G . O . Assistant Grand
Mark Secretary , the Baron de Ferrieres , C . F . Matier , Thomas Meggy P . G . M . O ., James Stevens P . G . J . O . Past Prov . Grand Mark Secretary Middlesex and Surrey , Octavins Pearson , T . W . Adams Provincial G . S . D . and Mrs . Adams , Lott , Massey and Mrs . Massey , & c . Dinner was served in the Marble room , soon after five o ' clock . The M . W . Grand Master , who had undertaken a long journey in order to
be present , having been unexpectedly hindered on his road , forwarded a telegram explaining the cause of temporary delay , and for a brief period his dnties were undertaken by the V . W . Bro . Davison . On his Lordship's arrival , iu course of the dinner , be was received with great enthusiasm . After the cloth had been removed and the usual loyal toasts had been honoured , the W . Bro . Baron de Ferrieres proposed
the health of the Grand Mark Master , as a ruler to whom the members of the Mark degree might look up with great pride and satisfaction ; and without in the slightest derogating from the zealous and important services rendered by any one of his predecessors , he felt assured that under tbe present ruler the Order would still further flourish . The M . W . G . M . M . M . expressed his sense of the honour conferred upon
him by being called upon to preside over so large a body of Masons , numbering from between 15 , 000 to 16 , 000 of the most distinguished men connected with Freemasonry . That the degree of Mark Masonry would continue to enlarge he had reason to be assured of , for even in the brief period since bis Installation he had signed several warrants for new Lodges , and there were at tho present moment others in view .
The W . Bro . Davison in introdncing the toast of the P . Grand Masters stated there was a rumour as to tbe illness of the M . W . Bro . George Raymond Portal , which however he trusted might not be of serious moment . That the general sympathy of the brethren would be evinced in respect of any such event he was certain . ( Bro . Dayison ' s remarks called forth an expressive assent ) . To the toast of the Dep .
G . M . M . M . and Grand Mark Officers present and past , Bro . Matier made response . The toast of the evening , " Prosperity to the Mark Grand Lodge Benevolent Fnnd , " was nroposed by the Mi W . G . M . M . M ., who said that the figures to be placed before tho brethren wonld speak more than words of his as to the firm and sound basis npon which the Fnnd had been commenced and continued . Since 1868 . no less than
£ 2 , 777 had been contributed ; forty-five petitioners had been relieved , with £ 541 ; £ 629 had been transferred to the Edncatinnal Fund , and £ 1 , 400 had been profitably invested . The Expenses of Management for twelve years had been bnt £ 65 , and the balance at the bankers was £ 142 . In connection with the Educational Fnnd , fonr boys were being assisted , besides one other under special arrangement with Bro . Dr . Percival . Perhaps this is not a large fnnd , hut it certainly is
an increasing one , and will increase year by vear , and probably no better means for calling attention to its claims for support conld be found than that which had been adopted in tho annual reenrrenen of these Festivals , at , nnco uniting sociality with charity . It was good for its promoters , managers , and friends to meet together on such occasions , and still better , that these gatherings shonld be graced and honoured by the presence of ladies . The meetings were always the more agreeable , and the object in view the better pro-
Mark Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund.
moted , when " wives and sweethearts took interest in the enjoy , tnents and practical results of such undertakings . Brother Dewar , Assistant Grand Secretary , read a list of subscriptions , amounting to £ 331 5 s 6 d , with eight lists yet to come iu ; iu reference to which Bro . Binckes , G . M . Secretary , said , that the total would not bear com . parison with tho larger amount contributed last year , bat neverthe .
less there was reason for congratulation that the Fund would never want tho necessary assistance , for there were circumstances , not connected with the monetary result in the present instance , which favoured a hearty assurance that it had the general good will of all brethren connected with tho Mark Degree . Bro . Ootavius Pearson replied for " The Board of Stewards , " expressing the pleasure with which they
had all zealously worked in promoting the success of the Festival , regretting that the financial resnlt had not been greater , but confirm , ing the remarks ' made as to the assured future of the Fund . The toast of "The Ladies , " was proposed by Bro . Binckes , and ably replied to by Bro . Truefitt , and after a short interval of agreeable music and conversation , tho party broke up , well pleased with the evening's entertainment .
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
THE nsnal monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Saturday last , at Freemnsons' Hall . There were present Bros . Raynham W . Stewart P . G . D . ( in the chair ) , C . F . Matior , A . M . Broadley , George J . Row , William Roebnck , George Cooper , Rev . Richard Morris , D . D . ( Head Master ) , H . Massey , J . H . Sonthwood , Edw . Baxter , F . Adlard and
F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . After the minutes of last meeting had been read and confimed , Bro . Binckes , with much regret , announced the death of Bro . W . F . Collard Montrie , which occurred that morning , After the minntes of the House Committee had been read for informa . tion , brethren , on the reoommendation of that Committee , increased the salary of Mr . Hopkins the Organist at the Institution . Four candi .
dates were placed on the list for the election in October . Outfits were granted to two former pupils , and the list for next election was settled , as follows : —48 unsuccessful in April , 12 placed on the list since , and 4 others this day—or a total of 64 candidates . The number of vacancies in the school will be 12 . Bro . Binckes informed the Committee that the Festival at Brighton , on Wednesday , produced £ 11 , 583—14 lists to come in .
As will be gathered from our advertisement columns , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent will be held on Wed . nesday next , the 15 th instant , at the Guildhall , Rochester , when it may be anticipated there will be a strong muster of our brethren of this flourishing Province . P . G . Lodge
will meet at 12 . 30 p . m . The brethren will attend divine service in the Cathedral at 2 p . m ., and at 4 p . m . a banquet will be served at the New Corn Exchange . The business ,
which includes the grant of several more or less considerable sums of money for benevolent purposes , and appointment and investiture for the P . G . Officers of the year , will be in all respects of the nsnal character .
The Grand Commandery of Indiana met at Indianopolis , 26 th and 27 th April . The following were elected Officers for the ensuing year , namely , —Sir Knight John H . Hess R . E . Grand Commander , Samuel B . Sweet V . E . Deputy Commander , Richard L . Wolsey Eminent Grand
Generalissimo , Walter Vail Eminent Grand Captain General , Samuel F . Dunham Eminent Grand Prelate , Henry C . Adams Eminent Grand Sword Bearer , Ephraim W . Patrick Emineut Grand Warder , Charles Fisher Eminent Grand Treasurer , and J . M . Bramwell Grand Recorder . The
following were appointed by the Eminent Grand Commander , namely , ( leorge W . F . Kirk Eminent Grand Standard Bearer , Duncan T . Bacon Eminent Grand Sword
Bearer , Reuben Peden Eminent Grand Warder , and William M . Black Grand Captain of the Guards . The Grand Officers were installed , and the Commandery adjourned .
In consequence of an illness which has pressed rather severely upon him , Bro . \ V . J . Hughan , of Truro , has been advised to abstain from all regular work for twelve months , and io do nothing calculated to fatigue him during that time . This will be very much regretted by the great body of Freemasons , in Cornwall especially , where Bro . Hughan has done so much valued work , and has filled so many important offices . In consequence of this enforced retirement , the
Truro portion of the business of Messrs . Libby and Co ., of Strond , will soon be closed . It is that of the wholesale woollen trade , and was—and is—a business that the city conld ill afford to lose . But there is no help for it . Bro . Hnghan has , happily , sufficient means to retire , and he will devote himself to those archceological pursaits , which , as a literary Freemason , have for him a peculiar charm , and every one who knows him will be glad to hear of his restoration to perfect health . —Western Daily Mercury .
J . E . SniHD & Co ., Wino Merchants ( Experts and Valuers ) . Well fermented old Wines and matured Spirits . 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , London , » . « ,