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Consecration Of The Montague Guest Lodge, No. 1900.
[ T has become a generally recognised fact that only under special circumstances will the further extension of onr Lodges , especially i » the Metropolitan District , be s-anctioned by the Most Worship fnl the Grand Master . Since His Royal Highness the Princo of Wales accepted the Rulership of the Craft , now nearly seven years ago , a very large accession has been
made , not only to the roll of Lodges , bnt likewise to the number ot those who have desired to join the ranks of Freemasonry . The brethren of this new Lodge , however , seem to IPITO been singularly fortunate in procuring the interest of influential \ nvth > en to support their petition , and the Consecration ceremony , which took place on Wednesday last , at the Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln's Inn Fields , must
have g iven intense gratification to all who were privileged to assist in the day's proceedings . The performance of tho ceremony had been entrusted to the Grand Secretary , V . W . Bro . Co ' onel Shadwell H . Gierke , who was assisted by the V . W . Bros , the Rev . C . VV . Arnold , M . A ., P . M . P . G . C . of England as Chaplain ; Captain N . G . Philips P . G . D . as S . W ., John Montagn Pulfeney Montagu P . G . D . as J . W .,
and Frank Richardson P . M . S . G . D . of England as D . C . There were also present the following brethren : —Bros . H . C . Levander G . J . D ., H . S . Somerville Burnev P . G . D ., George Burt P . A . G . D . C , J . Nunn P . G . S B ., C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., W . F . Larkiti 209 , E . J . Petts 209 , F . Hunt 188 , A . E . Glad well W . M . 172 , Albert Fish W . M . 1365 , T . F . Wuest P . M . 753 , H . A . DoboisP . P . G . W . Middlesex , E . C . Davies W . M . 1366 , J . Hodges J . W . 1706 , A . Hubbard 813 , F . Green lti 87 , J . Holmes 1608 , R . W . Ruff P . M . 95 , W . S . Cantrell P . P . G . D . C .
Berks and Bucks , G . Kenning W . M . 1657 , A . H . Tattershall P . M . 140 , B . H . Swaffham P . M . 382 , & c , Robert Howard P . G . See . Dorset , W . D . Slyman P . M . 753 , E . Drury , E . B . Cox , 1543 , F . V . Green 1687 , 0 . Day 141 , G . Read P . M . 511 , H . Slymnn J . W . 753 , G . R . Crickmay P . S . G . W . Dorset , H . Sadler G . Tyler , W . Lake P . M . 131 P . P . G . Reg . Cornwall , Robert Roberts P . M . 752 , J . J . Lane 1872 ,
L . Beck P . P . G . O . Middx ., A . Barfield P . M . 35 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , & c . The Lodge having been constituted and opened successively in the three degrees , the customary preliminaries were complied with , and the brethren having signified in the usual manner their approval of the Officers named in the petition and warrant , the Rev . C . W . Arnold delivered a brief but eloquent oration on the nature and principles of
Freemasonry . After remarking that it was well nigh impossible to say anything new on the subject of the Institution , and that those moat deep ly versed in Masonic history were seriously at variance as to its origin , our Rev . Brother drew attention to its prin . oiples , the great basis on which the whole fabric rested being belief in the G . A . O . T . U . Masonry , he said , was not a religion or
intended to take its place . Religion taught spiritual truths , while the lessons of Masonry were entirely moral in their scope and character . Both , however , had a common origin in the Volume of the Sacred Law , from which onr beloved Craft deduces its three great principles of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Trnth . He wont on to point out that as a system of morality , veiled in allegory and illustrated by
symbols , it illustrated in its three degrees , the three principal stages of humau life . The first degree corresponded with childhood , in which the man was gradnally developed , in order that , in duo conrse , he might be fitted to enter upon offices' of trust , and acquire virtues and qualities •which were essential to nsefulness and success . He was taught to respect the opinions of others , and to sympathise with
their trials and misfortunes . Then as he approached manhood , with his mind expanded , and his faculties educated , he found himself in a state to cope with the mysteries of natural science . He took a deeper , because a more appreciative interest in the works of the Great Architect . He had acquired stability of character , and so was enabled to promote his own happiness , and that of his fellow
creatures . This stage corresponded with the second degree , while in the third , when life was beginning to wane , he found himself more nearly face to face with the fntnre existence beyond the grave . Passing from allegory to the illustrations conveyed by our Masonic symbols , Bro . Arnold , taking the several working tools pertaining to eaoh degree , very patiently explained the full force of their respective
meanings , and brought his remarks to a conclusion by expressing an earnest wish that the Lodge then on the eve of being consecrated , might prove a blessing to its members , and a sterling addition to the ranks of Freemasonry in this country . The ceremony of consecration was then most ably and impressively carried out , the G . Secretary and his coadjutors playing their respective parts admirably . This ended , Bro .
W . H . Dean P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Dorset , W . M . designate , was presented for the benefits of installation , and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Dean was formally inducted into office . Having been proclaimed and sainted in accordance with ancient cosfcom , the W . M . appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the year , namely , Bros . G . P . Festa S . W ., F . R . W . Hedges Sec .
R . M . I . G . J . W ., R . W . Montague J . Guest , M . P ., P . G . D . P . G . M . Dorset Treasnrer , J . D . Collier P . M . Secretary , H . J . Capon S . D ., H . Sl yman J . D ., W . H . Gardener I . G . On the proposition of the W . M ., the compliment of honorary membsrship was nnanimonsly accorded to Bros . G . Secretary Clerke , Rev . C . W . Arnold , J . M . P . Montagu , Captain Philips , F . Richardson , and Howard . Lt .-Col . Clerke
having suitably acknowledged this honour , a vote of thanks was passed to the same brethren with the same unanimity , G . Secretary in reply , remarking that it was well nigh impossible for him adequatel y to return thanks for this further compliment . A very handsome banner was next formally presented bv Bro . Senior Warden , on behalf of the donor , Madame Festa , and on motion dulv made
and seconded , Bro . Secretary was instructed to forward a vote •fr A ka t 0 that lac 1 y foT hcr tn < , llg btf |] l and elaborate Pit . A Committee , consisting of the Founders of the b ° oge , to prepare the necessary code of Bye-laws , having een appointed , letters and telegrams expressing regret at their ina-AlK * m atteud Were read frotn Broa - Mclntyre Grand Registrar , Sir Aioert Woods ( Garter ) G . D . C ., Hugh D . San ' deraan Past D . G . M . Ben-
Consecration Of The Montague Guest Lodge, No. 1900.
gal , R . W . H . Giddy D . G . M . Griqnaland , and others . Lodge waa then Hosed , and the brethren , under tho presidency of Rro . Dean , sat down fo nn excellent bani | uet , at the close of which the customary Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The pressure on our space caused by onr analytical article in respeot of the recent Festival of the Boys ' School necessitates tho curtailment of so mnch of this report as refers
to the speeches that were made . Suffice it to say , the toast of the Consecrating Officers was both heartily received and heartily acknowledged by Lieut-Colonel Clerke , who reciprocated the honour dono him by Bro . Dean , by proposing in very eulogistic terms the health of the latter . Bro . Dean , in reply , expressed himself most hopefully as to the future of the Lo'lgo , which had been inaugurated under
circumstances so auspicious , and then the remaining toasts were disposed of , Bro . Burt , P . A . G . D . C . England and P . P . G . S . W . Dorset , replying for the visitors , and Bro . Hedges acknowledging that of the Masonic Charities . The musical arrangements were worthy of the occasiou , and tho brethren separated after an evening passed in the most complete harmony .
City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . —An emergency meeting was held on Thursday , the 30 th ult ., at tho Regent Masonio Hall , Air-street , W . Bros . J . E . Shand W . M ., B . Turner I . P . M ., B . H . Swallow P . M . Treas . P . G . D . Middlesex , C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., S . E . Scott P . M . Sec , G . P . Festa as S . W ., J . Wangh J . VV . , H . Cox as S . D ., J . Hammond W . M . Trinity College Lodgo J . D ., VV . 0 .
Smith as I . G ., H . Hoare , Organist , Potter P . M . Tyler ; Bros . Morton , Davies , Strevens , Hill , Lee , Newman , Higgins and others . Visitors — Bros . G . P . Festa S . W . designate Montague Guest Lodge 1900 , and F . R . W . Hedges Sec . R . M . I . G . J . W . designate of tho same Lod ge . Messrs . C . M . Branderand C . Filhon were duly balloted for and
initiated . Bro . Newman was passed , and Bro . Higgins raised . Considering the time of year , there was a good muster of brethren , about twenty being present . After business those present dined at the Cafe Royal , the W . M . Bro . Shand presiding . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially received , and after a pleasant meeting the brethren separated until September .
Knights Templar.
A SPECIAL meeting of this Order was held on Friday , at the Hnysho Masonic Temple , when , in the Holy Cross Encampment , Companion Major Chard , V . C . of the Dundas Chapter , was , after previous inception , installed . The highly impressive ceremony was undertaken , by request of the Eminent Commander , by E . Sir Knight Admiral F . H . H . Glasse , C . B ., P . E . C ., P . G . M . of England , assisted by
tho E . C . Richard Pengelly , L . D . Wostcott , Colonel Fitzgerald , J . Batten Gover , Samuel Jew , E . Aitken Davies , Josi ' ah Austin , James H . Keats , James GrifFen , and others . There was some discussion about the meeting of the Provincial Priory and Provincial Grand Mark Lodge , both of which are to bo held in Exeter , and , as was
reported , within two days of eaoh other . It was resolved to appeal to the powers that be , and endeavour to have the two meetings on one day , and , acting upon this resolution , a communication , largely signed , was despatched . Major Chard was congratulated on his new position , and after simple refreshment in the refeotory , the Fraters retired from a highly instructive meeting .
It seems the Grand Lodge of Canada is described in the report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence for the Grand Lodge of Louisiana for 1880 as " a Grand Lodge on Wheels , " from the fact of its having no local habitation , that is , no permanent headquarters . It is probable ,
however , that this want will at no distant date be brought under the notice of Grand Lodge . The Canadian Craftsman very properly holds that some central city should be chosen , and suggests Toronto as possessing all the requisite conveniences , the more especially as it is rumoured the
Freemasons of Toronto are considering the question of erecting a Masonic Temple , in which case onr contemporary thinks G . Lodge of Canada might invest some of its capital in the enterprise , with a view to securing accommodation for its officers .
The semi-annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery K . T . of Massachusetts and Rhode Island was held in the City of Worcester , 17 th May , when there was a nnmerous attendance of Sir Knights .
At the Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts , held at the Masonic Temple , Boston , on the Sth June , Committee on Centenary Medal and Centenary Warrant recommended a design for the former and a form for the latter , both of which were adopted . Resolutions were also passed in memory of the late Bro . H . Chickering Past Senior Grand Warden .
BOYAL POLYTECHNIC—Lurline , the Rhine Maiden , by Mr . George Bnckland . Arctic Kxploration , by Commander Cheync , B , N . Porcelnin Manufacture , hv Mv . . 1 . O . (' ngim . The Phnt grabber ' s Sunbeam , by Mr . T . C Ilopworth . The tVUing in the Transvaal , by Mr . W . B . May . Etherdo , the Juggler . The Microscope , Electricity , the Isle of Wi ^ ht , & c . by Mr . J . I .. Kins ? . Jj'leussV . Diving Apparatus . The Electric Railway . Balmain's Luminous I ' siint . UMKII . Recitals , by Mrs . Stirling and others , at 3 on Saturdays . Admission to tho whole Is . Open from 12 till 5 and 7 till 10 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Montague Guest Lodge, No. 1900.
[ T has become a generally recognised fact that only under special circumstances will the further extension of onr Lodges , especially i » the Metropolitan District , be s-anctioned by the Most Worship fnl the Grand Master . Since His Royal Highness the Princo of Wales accepted the Rulership of the Craft , now nearly seven years ago , a very large accession has been
made , not only to the roll of Lodges , bnt likewise to the number ot those who have desired to join the ranks of Freemasonry . The brethren of this new Lodge , however , seem to IPITO been singularly fortunate in procuring the interest of influential \ nvth > en to support their petition , and the Consecration ceremony , which took place on Wednesday last , at the Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln's Inn Fields , must
have g iven intense gratification to all who were privileged to assist in the day's proceedings . The performance of tho ceremony had been entrusted to the Grand Secretary , V . W . Bro . Co ' onel Shadwell H . Gierke , who was assisted by the V . W . Bros , the Rev . C . VV . Arnold , M . A ., P . M . P . G . C . of England as Chaplain ; Captain N . G . Philips P . G . D . as S . W ., John Montagn Pulfeney Montagu P . G . D . as J . W .,
and Frank Richardson P . M . S . G . D . of England as D . C . There were also present the following brethren : —Bros . H . C . Levander G . J . D ., H . S . Somerville Burnev P . G . D ., George Burt P . A . G . D . C , J . Nunn P . G . S B ., C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., W . F . Larkiti 209 , E . J . Petts 209 , F . Hunt 188 , A . E . Glad well W . M . 172 , Albert Fish W . M . 1365 , T . F . Wuest P . M . 753 , H . A . DoboisP . P . G . W . Middlesex , E . C . Davies W . M . 1366 , J . Hodges J . W . 1706 , A . Hubbard 813 , F . Green lti 87 , J . Holmes 1608 , R . W . Ruff P . M . 95 , W . S . Cantrell P . P . G . D . C .
Berks and Bucks , G . Kenning W . M . 1657 , A . H . Tattershall P . M . 140 , B . H . Swaffham P . M . 382 , & c , Robert Howard P . G . See . Dorset , W . D . Slyman P . M . 753 , E . Drury , E . B . Cox , 1543 , F . V . Green 1687 , 0 . Day 141 , G . Read P . M . 511 , H . Slymnn J . W . 753 , G . R . Crickmay P . S . G . W . Dorset , H . Sadler G . Tyler , W . Lake P . M . 131 P . P . G . Reg . Cornwall , Robert Roberts P . M . 752 , J . J . Lane 1872 ,
L . Beck P . P . G . O . Middx ., A . Barfield P . M . 35 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , & c . The Lodge having been constituted and opened successively in the three degrees , the customary preliminaries were complied with , and the brethren having signified in the usual manner their approval of the Officers named in the petition and warrant , the Rev . C . W . Arnold delivered a brief but eloquent oration on the nature and principles of
Freemasonry . After remarking that it was well nigh impossible to say anything new on the subject of the Institution , and that those moat deep ly versed in Masonic history were seriously at variance as to its origin , our Rev . Brother drew attention to its prin . oiples , the great basis on which the whole fabric rested being belief in the G . A . O . T . U . Masonry , he said , was not a religion or
intended to take its place . Religion taught spiritual truths , while the lessons of Masonry were entirely moral in their scope and character . Both , however , had a common origin in the Volume of the Sacred Law , from which onr beloved Craft deduces its three great principles of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Trnth . He wont on to point out that as a system of morality , veiled in allegory and illustrated by
symbols , it illustrated in its three degrees , the three principal stages of humau life . The first degree corresponded with childhood , in which the man was gradnally developed , in order that , in duo conrse , he might be fitted to enter upon offices' of trust , and acquire virtues and qualities •which were essential to nsefulness and success . He was taught to respect the opinions of others , and to sympathise with
their trials and misfortunes . Then as he approached manhood , with his mind expanded , and his faculties educated , he found himself in a state to cope with the mysteries of natural science . He took a deeper , because a more appreciative interest in the works of the Great Architect . He had acquired stability of character , and so was enabled to promote his own happiness , and that of his fellow
creatures . This stage corresponded with the second degree , while in the third , when life was beginning to wane , he found himself more nearly face to face with the fntnre existence beyond the grave . Passing from allegory to the illustrations conveyed by our Masonic symbols , Bro . Arnold , taking the several working tools pertaining to eaoh degree , very patiently explained the full force of their respective
meanings , and brought his remarks to a conclusion by expressing an earnest wish that the Lodge then on the eve of being consecrated , might prove a blessing to its members , and a sterling addition to the ranks of Freemasonry in this country . The ceremony of consecration was then most ably and impressively carried out , the G . Secretary and his coadjutors playing their respective parts admirably . This ended , Bro .
W . H . Dean P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Dorset , W . M . designate , was presented for the benefits of installation , and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Dean was formally inducted into office . Having been proclaimed and sainted in accordance with ancient cosfcom , the W . M . appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the year , namely , Bros . G . P . Festa S . W ., F . R . W . Hedges Sec .
R . M . I . G . J . W ., R . W . Montague J . Guest , M . P ., P . G . D . P . G . M . Dorset Treasnrer , J . D . Collier P . M . Secretary , H . J . Capon S . D ., H . Sl yman J . D ., W . H . Gardener I . G . On the proposition of the W . M ., the compliment of honorary membsrship was nnanimonsly accorded to Bros . G . Secretary Clerke , Rev . C . W . Arnold , J . M . P . Montagu , Captain Philips , F . Richardson , and Howard . Lt .-Col . Clerke
having suitably acknowledged this honour , a vote of thanks was passed to the same brethren with the same unanimity , G . Secretary in reply , remarking that it was well nigh impossible for him adequatel y to return thanks for this further compliment . A very handsome banner was next formally presented bv Bro . Senior Warden , on behalf of the donor , Madame Festa , and on motion dulv made
and seconded , Bro . Secretary was instructed to forward a vote •fr A ka t 0 that lac 1 y foT hcr tn < , llg btf |] l and elaborate Pit . A Committee , consisting of the Founders of the b ° oge , to prepare the necessary code of Bye-laws , having een appointed , letters and telegrams expressing regret at their ina-AlK * m atteud Were read frotn Broa - Mclntyre Grand Registrar , Sir Aioert Woods ( Garter ) G . D . C ., Hugh D . San ' deraan Past D . G . M . Ben-
Consecration Of The Montague Guest Lodge, No. 1900.
gal , R . W . H . Giddy D . G . M . Griqnaland , and others . Lodge waa then Hosed , and the brethren , under tho presidency of Rro . Dean , sat down fo nn excellent bani | uet , at the close of which the customary Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The pressure on our space caused by onr analytical article in respeot of the recent Festival of the Boys ' School necessitates tho curtailment of so mnch of this report as refers
to the speeches that were made . Suffice it to say , the toast of the Consecrating Officers was both heartily received and heartily acknowledged by Lieut-Colonel Clerke , who reciprocated the honour dono him by Bro . Dean , by proposing in very eulogistic terms the health of the latter . Bro . Dean , in reply , expressed himself most hopefully as to the future of the Lo'lgo , which had been inaugurated under
circumstances so auspicious , and then the remaining toasts were disposed of , Bro . Burt , P . A . G . D . C . England and P . P . G . S . W . Dorset , replying for the visitors , and Bro . Hedges acknowledging that of the Masonic Charities . The musical arrangements were worthy of the occasiou , and tho brethren separated after an evening passed in the most complete harmony .
City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . —An emergency meeting was held on Thursday , the 30 th ult ., at tho Regent Masonio Hall , Air-street , W . Bros . J . E . Shand W . M ., B . Turner I . P . M ., B . H . Swallow P . M . Treas . P . G . D . Middlesex , C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., S . E . Scott P . M . Sec , G . P . Festa as S . W ., J . Wangh J . VV . , H . Cox as S . D ., J . Hammond W . M . Trinity College Lodgo J . D ., VV . 0 .
Smith as I . G ., H . Hoare , Organist , Potter P . M . Tyler ; Bros . Morton , Davies , Strevens , Hill , Lee , Newman , Higgins and others . Visitors — Bros . G . P . Festa S . W . designate Montague Guest Lodge 1900 , and F . R . W . Hedges Sec . R . M . I . G . J . W . designate of tho same Lod ge . Messrs . C . M . Branderand C . Filhon were duly balloted for and
initiated . Bro . Newman was passed , and Bro . Higgins raised . Considering the time of year , there was a good muster of brethren , about twenty being present . After business those present dined at the Cafe Royal , the W . M . Bro . Shand presiding . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially received , and after a pleasant meeting the brethren separated until September .
Knights Templar.
A SPECIAL meeting of this Order was held on Friday , at the Hnysho Masonic Temple , when , in the Holy Cross Encampment , Companion Major Chard , V . C . of the Dundas Chapter , was , after previous inception , installed . The highly impressive ceremony was undertaken , by request of the Eminent Commander , by E . Sir Knight Admiral F . H . H . Glasse , C . B ., P . E . C ., P . G . M . of England , assisted by
tho E . C . Richard Pengelly , L . D . Wostcott , Colonel Fitzgerald , J . Batten Gover , Samuel Jew , E . Aitken Davies , Josi ' ah Austin , James H . Keats , James GrifFen , and others . There was some discussion about the meeting of the Provincial Priory and Provincial Grand Mark Lodge , both of which are to bo held in Exeter , and , as was
reported , within two days of eaoh other . It was resolved to appeal to the powers that be , and endeavour to have the two meetings on one day , and , acting upon this resolution , a communication , largely signed , was despatched . Major Chard was congratulated on his new position , and after simple refreshment in the refeotory , the Fraters retired from a highly instructive meeting .
It seems the Grand Lodge of Canada is described in the report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence for the Grand Lodge of Louisiana for 1880 as " a Grand Lodge on Wheels , " from the fact of its having no local habitation , that is , no permanent headquarters . It is probable ,
however , that this want will at no distant date be brought under the notice of Grand Lodge . The Canadian Craftsman very properly holds that some central city should be chosen , and suggests Toronto as possessing all the requisite conveniences , the more especially as it is rumoured the
Freemasons of Toronto are considering the question of erecting a Masonic Temple , in which case onr contemporary thinks G . Lodge of Canada might invest some of its capital in the enterprise , with a view to securing accommodation for its officers .
The semi-annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery K . T . of Massachusetts and Rhode Island was held in the City of Worcester , 17 th May , when there was a nnmerous attendance of Sir Knights .
At the Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts , held at the Masonic Temple , Boston , on the Sth June , Committee on Centenary Medal and Centenary Warrant recommended a design for the former and a form for the latter , both of which were adopted . Resolutions were also passed in memory of the late Bro . H . Chickering Past Senior Grand Warden .
BOYAL POLYTECHNIC—Lurline , the Rhine Maiden , by Mr . George Bnckland . Arctic Kxploration , by Commander Cheync , B , N . Porcelnin Manufacture , hv Mv . . 1 . O . (' ngim . The Phnt grabber ' s Sunbeam , by Mr . T . C Ilopworth . The tVUing in the Transvaal , by Mr . W . B . May . Etherdo , the Juggler . The Microscope , Electricity , the Isle of Wi ^ ht , & c . by Mr . J . I .. Kins ? . Jj'leussV . Diving Apparatus . The Electric Railway . Balmain's Luminous I ' siint . UMKII . Recitals , by Mrs . Stirling and others , at 3 on Saturdays . Admission to tho whole Is . Open from 12 till 5 and 7 till 10 .