Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article CORNWALLIS LODGE, No. 1107. Page 1 of 1 Article CORNWALLIS LODGE, No. 1107. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Diary For The Week.
R A 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-streot . Greenwich , at 8 ( In « t . ) R . A . 1612—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gonlborne-rd , N . Kensington . atS . ( In ) 152— Virtue , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 453—Chigwell , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 516—Phcenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket 511— Do Loraine , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 993—Alexandra , Midway Hotel , Levenshulmo inge—Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal
1102—Mirfield , Assembly Rooms , Eastthorpe , Mirficld 13 H—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George street , Leeds 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1773—Albert Victor , Town Hnll , Pendleton General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall . New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall . Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield R . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon R . A . —General Chapter of Imnrovement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 6 R . C . —Talbot , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield
SATURDAY , 16 th JULY . 1329—Sphinx , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E . 1824— Eccleston . Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 .
Notices Of Meetings.
— : o : — ST . AUBYN LODGE , No . 954 . THE annual meeting of this Lodge -was held at the Ebrington Masonio Hall , Granby-street , Devonport , on Wednesday , 29 th June . The yearly acconnts , previously audited , were adopted . They showed that , notwithstanding large amounts had been paid for removal and renovation of furniture , there was a good balance in favour of the Lodge . The retiring W . Master Bro . James Osborne then
installed as his successor Bro . John T . Crosly , who had been previously elected . He had the able assistance of W . Bros . C . Watson P . M . and Treas ., John Baxter P . M . and Sec , Thomas Gondall P . M ., J . Eussell-Lord P . M . 1247 P . G . S . B ., J . E . Dugdale P . M ., in a Board of Installed Masters , comprising amongst others W . Bros . J . Batten
Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C ., H . F . Smith P . M . P . G . S . of W ., E . Aitken-Davies P . M . 1212 P . P . G . S . of W ., J . B . Price P . M . 202 P . P . G . S . B ., Richard Ellis W . M . 230 , George Castle I . P . M ., S . Pantor
W . M . 1099 , William Cawse P . M . 893 P . P . G . S . Cornwall , William Coath P . M . 893 , John Allen P . M . 1099 , Joseph Rawling P . M . 1071 . J . H . Trounce W . M . 1212 , J . W . Collins P . M . 1133 , J . Rendle P . M . Sec . 1247 , Morris C . Lakeman W . M . 1550 , J . Webber I . P . M . 1550 . The Officers appointed were W . Bros . James Osborne I . P . M ., J . Weary S . W ., J . McLean J . W ., C . Watson Treasurer , J . Baxter Secretary ,
D . Jolliffe S . D ., E . L . Wilson J . D ., D . Waight D . C , G . Pomeroy A . D . C ., S . G . Jarvis O ., J . R . Smith I . G ., S . Harvey S . S ., W . Nicholas J . S ., J . Stevens Tyler . Three candidates were proposed for initiation , and one for joining , and the W . Master having been warmly congratulated by the visitors , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Odd Fellows' Hall in Ker-street , for the
banquet . This was provided b y Bro . R . Smith , the proprietor of the Shakspeare Hotel , and the thanks of the brethren were given him for his admirable catering . The W . Master Bro . J . T . Crossly prosided , and ably carried out his new dnties , proposing the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , and making the visitors and members of his Lodge
feel thoroughly happy . The musical arrangements were conducted by Bros . T . Goodall and W . E . Hoar . Brilliant solos , from Bros . Rendle , Goodall , and Barrett , and recitations from Bro . Greenlaw , will make the 1881 installation a red-letter day in the annals of Lodge St . Aubyn .
Cornwallis Lodge, No. 1107.
•T ^ HE annual installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wed-- * - nesday , 6 th instant , at the Lullingstone Castle Hotel , Swanley . Among those present were Bros . T . Simmonds W . M ., H . Cleverly 8 . W ., J . Storey P . M . P . P . G . S . of W . Treas ., C . Renter P . M . P . Prov . G . A . D . of C . Secretary , W . Daniels S . D ., F . Moll I . G ., T . W . Knight P . M . P . P . G . D . of C , J . J . Michael P . M . Prov . G . P . W . M . elect , Tbos . Pnzey P . M ., T . Potter P . P . G . D . of C . Among the visitors were Bros .
J . S . Ilastes Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Rev . R . Jamblin , M . A ., Provincial Grand Chaplain , J . Terry Provincial Senior G . Warden Norths and Hunts , W . M . Stiles P . M . 1732 , W . G . Murlis P . M . Sec . 1642 , H . Stiles W . M . elect 1732 , J . H . Roach 1579 , W . Houghton 1366 , A . McMillan 1365 , S . Hollidge 1602 , H . Scharien 834 , A . Willard 179 , G . Tedder , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The Lodge having
been opened , the ballot was brought into requisition , and proved in favour of Messrs . Arthur Shippey , Henry James Jones , George Vallas , George Wareham , and Thomas Tarrent , who were candidates for initiation ; and also for Bros . W . W . Morgan jun . and A . Hubbard , candidates for joining . By the courtesy of the W . M . Bro . J . J . Michael assumed the chair , and initiated tho first four named
gentlemen into the Order , performing the ceremony in a most efficient manner . lie was ably assisted by Bros . James Terry , W . Daniels , W . M . Stiles and H . Stiles , who acted as Deacons . This ceremony completed , Bro . T . Knight took tho chair , and Bro . Michael being presented , was obligated , and in due course installed . Having received the salutations of the brethren , he appointed the following as
Officers for the year : —Bros . H . Cleverly S . W ., W . W . Morgan ] un . J . W ., J . Storey P . M . Treas ., C . Renter P . M . Sec , W . Daniells S . D ., A . Hubbard J . D ., Moll I . G ., Phillips D . C , Thomas Tyler . Bro . Storey proposed that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Anight , and that the same be recorded on the minntes in consider , ation of the able way in which that brother had fulfilled the duties
of Installation . The proposition , seconded by Bro . Pnzey , and earned b y acclamation , was duly acknowledged by Bro . •Knight . Bro . Michael next rose . His first duty was to him a most gratif ying one , it was to place on the breast of his predei ° ° i !? ° ffioe the Past Master ' s jewel , which the brethren tentiered him in recognition of the services ho had rendered to the
Cornwallis Lodge, No. 1107.
Lodgo during his term of Mastership . Ho regretted there had not been much work during the past twelve months , but whatever duty Bro . Simmonds had been called upon to perform , ho had nm ' ertaken with his whole heart and to the best of his ability . A suitablo reply having beon given , Bro . Storey was re-elected . is Charity Representative of the Lodge . Bro . Puzoy , who had been deputed at the pro .
vious meeting to visit a brother in distressed circumstances , reported that he found tho brother in oven greater need than had been represented to the Lodgo . lie had , in accordance with the wish of the brethren , afforded relief as far as he felt tho Lodgo would sanction . It was then announced that the brother referred to hnd since died . A vote , confirming tho action of Bro . Pusey , was then put to the Lodgo ,
and the amount ho had disbursed was granted from tho Lodgo Charity Fund . Letters of apology for inability to attend were read from the Prov . Grand Master , and several others , and in due course the Lodge was closed . Previous to tho adjournment , the Deputy Prov . G . M . expressed his pleasure at being present , and his regret
that he was unable to stay any longer . The banquet was then served ; at its conclusion the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were given , and severally acknowledged . We are pleased to bo able to announce that Bro . Storey consented to act as Steward at the next Festival of the Bonevolent Institution , and that before tho brethren left a respectable amount was promised towards his list .
Lodge of Unanimity , No . 102 , North Walsham . —On Monday , the 4 th inst ., the members held a Lodge of Emergency , at the King ' s Arms , in this town , for the purpose of presenting Bro . George Smith , who has for 43 years uninterruptedly held the office of Hon . Secretary and Hon . Treasurer to the Lodge , with a testimonial The Lodge having been duly opened , the WM . the Rev . J . Neville
White , in presenting the testimonial , referred to tho services done to Freemasonry by Bro . Smith ; his admirable management of the business and the funds of the Lodge , his courtesy and willingness at all times to impart instruction to younger Masons ; that the Lodge not only bore the name of Unanimity , but had always practised
what that name implies , was in a great measure due to the tact displayed by Bro . Smith . The W . M . further remarked , that Bro . Smith had not been content to confine his labours to the offices of Secretary and Treasurer , but had on five occasions filled the Master ' s chair in his Lodge , had been G . S . B . in 1858 , and G . S . W . in 1869 , and was ho believed almost the oldest Mason in the Province . The Masonio
Charities had always had a firm fnend in Bro . Smith , who was in his life and conduct an embodiment of the virtues aud graces characteristic of Freemasonry . The W . M ., then amidst rounds of Masonic applause , begged Bro . Smith's acceptance of a handsome Silver Tea and Coffee Service , expressly made by Messrs . Elkington , of London , engraved with Masonic Emblems , and insoribed as follows : —
" Presented to Brother George Smith , by his brethren of the Lodge of Unanimity , No . 102 , in token of their fraternal regard and esteem for him as a good man , a good Mason , and the good Secretary of their Lodge for the past 43 years , June 5 th , 1881 . " The brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , and the evening was spent in order .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 . — A numerously attended meeting of this Lodge was held at the Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul's Churchyard , E . C , on Monday , the 27 th ultimo , under the Preceptorship of Bro . Pennefather , when tho Fifteen Sections were worked by the brethren of the Percy Lodge of Instruction . Bros . S . E . Moss W . M ., R . Pearcy S . W ., A . W . Fenner
J . W . First Lecture : —Bros . Goodenough , Sproat ( 2 ) , C Patrick , I . P . Cohen , and H . J . Lardner ( 2 ) . Second Lecture : —Bros . A . R . Green , D . Moss , C . Weeden , H . P . Isaac , and J . King . Third Lecture : — Bros . I . P . Cohen , A . W . Fenner , and R . Pearcy . Bros . Moss , Pearcy , and Fenner were made honorary members . Several brethren were elected members . After the business was completed , the
Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren separated , with fraternal greetings , and a hope of spending many such pleasant evenings together . A meeting of the West Smithfleld Lodge of Instruction was held at the Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , B . C ., on Monday , the 4 th inst ., when the Lodge was adjourned until the last Monday in September .
The foundations of Freemasonry are laid in truth , and the cement of its arches is love ; therefore , the shafts of slander shall fall harmless before its pillars , and the poisoned tongue shall lose its venom before a keystone of its arches shall be removed .
fLAMPLOUGH'S PYRETICSALINE. An Effervescing and Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Vitalising , ami Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or Bilious SICKNESS , INDIGESTION- , CONSTIPATION' , LASSITUDE , HEARTBURN , FEVERISH COLDS , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and other FEVERS , PRICKLY HEAT , SMALL - POX , 1 IEASI . ES , ERUPTIVE or SKIN COM - PLAINTS , and various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . DR . MORGAN . — "It furnishes the blood don ) , writes ; —I have great pleasnre in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to Its efficacy „ , ,. . . L . in the treatment of many of the ordinary and DR . TURLEY .- "I found it act as a spe- chronic forms of Gastric Complaints , aud cilic , in my experience and family . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst form of Scarlet Fever , so other medi- „„„ . „ , , cine being required . " DR . J . w . DO » S > I ?< G . — "I used it in the treatment of forty twocasesof Yellow Fever DR . SFARKS ( Government Medical In . and lam happy to state I never lost a single spector of Emigrants from the Fort of Lon . case . " A systematic course prevents and cures obstinate Costivencss . Notice my Name and Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 2 / 6 , 4 / 6 , 11 / , and 21 / eacb . H . LAMPLOUGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . O .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
R A 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-streot . Greenwich , at 8 ( In « t . ) R . A . 1612—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gonlborne-rd , N . Kensington . atS . ( In ) 152— Virtue , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 453—Chigwell , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 516—Phcenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket 511— Do Loraine , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 993—Alexandra , Midway Hotel , Levenshulmo inge—Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal
1102—Mirfield , Assembly Rooms , Eastthorpe , Mirficld 13 H—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George street , Leeds 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1773—Albert Victor , Town Hnll , Pendleton General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall . New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall . Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield R . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon R . A . —General Chapter of Imnrovement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 6 R . C . —Talbot , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield
SATURDAY , 16 th JULY . 1329—Sphinx , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E . 1824— Eccleston . Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 .
Notices Of Meetings.
— : o : — ST . AUBYN LODGE , No . 954 . THE annual meeting of this Lodge -was held at the Ebrington Masonio Hall , Granby-street , Devonport , on Wednesday , 29 th June . The yearly acconnts , previously audited , were adopted . They showed that , notwithstanding large amounts had been paid for removal and renovation of furniture , there was a good balance in favour of the Lodge . The retiring W . Master Bro . James Osborne then
installed as his successor Bro . John T . Crosly , who had been previously elected . He had the able assistance of W . Bros . C . Watson P . M . and Treas ., John Baxter P . M . and Sec , Thomas Gondall P . M ., J . Eussell-Lord P . M . 1247 P . G . S . B ., J . E . Dugdale P . M ., in a Board of Installed Masters , comprising amongst others W . Bros . J . Batten
Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C ., H . F . Smith P . M . P . G . S . of W ., E . Aitken-Davies P . M . 1212 P . P . G . S . of W ., J . B . Price P . M . 202 P . P . G . S . B ., Richard Ellis W . M . 230 , George Castle I . P . M ., S . Pantor
W . M . 1099 , William Cawse P . M . 893 P . P . G . S . Cornwall , William Coath P . M . 893 , John Allen P . M . 1099 , Joseph Rawling P . M . 1071 . J . H . Trounce W . M . 1212 , J . W . Collins P . M . 1133 , J . Rendle P . M . Sec . 1247 , Morris C . Lakeman W . M . 1550 , J . Webber I . P . M . 1550 . The Officers appointed were W . Bros . James Osborne I . P . M ., J . Weary S . W ., J . McLean J . W ., C . Watson Treasurer , J . Baxter Secretary ,
D . Jolliffe S . D ., E . L . Wilson J . D ., D . Waight D . C , G . Pomeroy A . D . C ., S . G . Jarvis O ., J . R . Smith I . G ., S . Harvey S . S ., W . Nicholas J . S ., J . Stevens Tyler . Three candidates were proposed for initiation , and one for joining , and the W . Master having been warmly congratulated by the visitors , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Odd Fellows' Hall in Ker-street , for the
banquet . This was provided b y Bro . R . Smith , the proprietor of the Shakspeare Hotel , and the thanks of the brethren were given him for his admirable catering . The W . Master Bro . J . T . Crossly prosided , and ably carried out his new dnties , proposing the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , and making the visitors and members of his Lodge
feel thoroughly happy . The musical arrangements were conducted by Bros . T . Goodall and W . E . Hoar . Brilliant solos , from Bros . Rendle , Goodall , and Barrett , and recitations from Bro . Greenlaw , will make the 1881 installation a red-letter day in the annals of Lodge St . Aubyn .
Cornwallis Lodge, No. 1107.
•T ^ HE annual installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wed-- * - nesday , 6 th instant , at the Lullingstone Castle Hotel , Swanley . Among those present were Bros . T . Simmonds W . M ., H . Cleverly 8 . W ., J . Storey P . M . P . P . G . S . of W . Treas ., C . Renter P . M . P . Prov . G . A . D . of C . Secretary , W . Daniels S . D ., F . Moll I . G ., T . W . Knight P . M . P . P . G . D . of C , J . J . Michael P . M . Prov . G . P . W . M . elect , Tbos . Pnzey P . M ., T . Potter P . P . G . D . of C . Among the visitors were Bros .
J . S . Ilastes Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Rev . R . Jamblin , M . A ., Provincial Grand Chaplain , J . Terry Provincial Senior G . Warden Norths and Hunts , W . M . Stiles P . M . 1732 , W . G . Murlis P . M . Sec . 1642 , H . Stiles W . M . elect 1732 , J . H . Roach 1579 , W . Houghton 1366 , A . McMillan 1365 , S . Hollidge 1602 , H . Scharien 834 , A . Willard 179 , G . Tedder , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The Lodge having
been opened , the ballot was brought into requisition , and proved in favour of Messrs . Arthur Shippey , Henry James Jones , George Vallas , George Wareham , and Thomas Tarrent , who were candidates for initiation ; and also for Bros . W . W . Morgan jun . and A . Hubbard , candidates for joining . By the courtesy of the W . M . Bro . J . J . Michael assumed the chair , and initiated tho first four named
gentlemen into the Order , performing the ceremony in a most efficient manner . lie was ably assisted by Bros . James Terry , W . Daniels , W . M . Stiles and H . Stiles , who acted as Deacons . This ceremony completed , Bro . T . Knight took tho chair , and Bro . Michael being presented , was obligated , and in due course installed . Having received the salutations of the brethren , he appointed the following as
Officers for the year : —Bros . H . Cleverly S . W ., W . W . Morgan ] un . J . W ., J . Storey P . M . Treas ., C . Renter P . M . Sec , W . Daniells S . D ., A . Hubbard J . D ., Moll I . G ., Phillips D . C , Thomas Tyler . Bro . Storey proposed that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Anight , and that the same be recorded on the minntes in consider , ation of the able way in which that brother had fulfilled the duties
of Installation . The proposition , seconded by Bro . Pnzey , and earned b y acclamation , was duly acknowledged by Bro . •Knight . Bro . Michael next rose . His first duty was to him a most gratif ying one , it was to place on the breast of his predei ° ° i !? ° ffioe the Past Master ' s jewel , which the brethren tentiered him in recognition of the services ho had rendered to the
Cornwallis Lodge, No. 1107.
Lodgo during his term of Mastership . Ho regretted there had not been much work during the past twelve months , but whatever duty Bro . Simmonds had been called upon to perform , ho had nm ' ertaken with his whole heart and to the best of his ability . A suitablo reply having beon given , Bro . Storey was re-elected . is Charity Representative of the Lodge . Bro . Puzoy , who had been deputed at the pro .
vious meeting to visit a brother in distressed circumstances , reported that he found tho brother in oven greater need than had been represented to the Lodgo . lie had , in accordance with the wish of the brethren , afforded relief as far as he felt tho Lodgo would sanction . It was then announced that the brother referred to hnd since died . A vote , confirming tho action of Bro . Pusey , was then put to the Lodgo ,
and the amount ho had disbursed was granted from tho Lodgo Charity Fund . Letters of apology for inability to attend were read from the Prov . Grand Master , and several others , and in due course the Lodge was closed . Previous to tho adjournment , the Deputy Prov . G . M . expressed his pleasure at being present , and his regret
that he was unable to stay any longer . The banquet was then served ; at its conclusion the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were given , and severally acknowledged . We are pleased to bo able to announce that Bro . Storey consented to act as Steward at the next Festival of the Bonevolent Institution , and that before tho brethren left a respectable amount was promised towards his list .
Lodge of Unanimity , No . 102 , North Walsham . —On Monday , the 4 th inst ., the members held a Lodge of Emergency , at the King ' s Arms , in this town , for the purpose of presenting Bro . George Smith , who has for 43 years uninterruptedly held the office of Hon . Secretary and Hon . Treasurer to the Lodge , with a testimonial The Lodge having been duly opened , the WM . the Rev . J . Neville
White , in presenting the testimonial , referred to tho services done to Freemasonry by Bro . Smith ; his admirable management of the business and the funds of the Lodge , his courtesy and willingness at all times to impart instruction to younger Masons ; that the Lodge not only bore the name of Unanimity , but had always practised
what that name implies , was in a great measure due to the tact displayed by Bro . Smith . The W . M . further remarked , that Bro . Smith had not been content to confine his labours to the offices of Secretary and Treasurer , but had on five occasions filled the Master ' s chair in his Lodge , had been G . S . B . in 1858 , and G . S . W . in 1869 , and was ho believed almost the oldest Mason in the Province . The Masonio
Charities had always had a firm fnend in Bro . Smith , who was in his life and conduct an embodiment of the virtues aud graces characteristic of Freemasonry . The W . M ., then amidst rounds of Masonic applause , begged Bro . Smith's acceptance of a handsome Silver Tea and Coffee Service , expressly made by Messrs . Elkington , of London , engraved with Masonic Emblems , and insoribed as follows : —
" Presented to Brother George Smith , by his brethren of the Lodge of Unanimity , No . 102 , in token of their fraternal regard and esteem for him as a good man , a good Mason , and the good Secretary of their Lodge for the past 43 years , June 5 th , 1881 . " The brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , and the evening was spent in order .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 . — A numerously attended meeting of this Lodge was held at the Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul's Churchyard , E . C , on Monday , the 27 th ultimo , under the Preceptorship of Bro . Pennefather , when tho Fifteen Sections were worked by the brethren of the Percy Lodge of Instruction . Bros . S . E . Moss W . M ., R . Pearcy S . W ., A . W . Fenner
J . W . First Lecture : —Bros . Goodenough , Sproat ( 2 ) , C Patrick , I . P . Cohen , and H . J . Lardner ( 2 ) . Second Lecture : —Bros . A . R . Green , D . Moss , C . Weeden , H . P . Isaac , and J . King . Third Lecture : — Bros . I . P . Cohen , A . W . Fenner , and R . Pearcy . Bros . Moss , Pearcy , and Fenner were made honorary members . Several brethren were elected members . After the business was completed , the
Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren separated , with fraternal greetings , and a hope of spending many such pleasant evenings together . A meeting of the West Smithfleld Lodge of Instruction was held at the Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , B . C ., on Monday , the 4 th inst ., when the Lodge was adjourned until the last Monday in September .
The foundations of Freemasonry are laid in truth , and the cement of its arches is love ; therefore , the shafts of slander shall fall harmless before its pillars , and the poisoned tongue shall lose its venom before a keystone of its arches shall be removed .
fLAMPLOUGH'S PYRETICSALINE. An Effervescing and Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Vitalising , ami Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or Bilious SICKNESS , INDIGESTION- , CONSTIPATION' , LASSITUDE , HEARTBURN , FEVERISH COLDS , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and other FEVERS , PRICKLY HEAT , SMALL - POX , 1 IEASI . ES , ERUPTIVE or SKIN COM - PLAINTS , and various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . DR . MORGAN . — "It furnishes the blood don ) , writes ; —I have great pleasnre in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to Its efficacy „ , ,. . . L . in the treatment of many of the ordinary and DR . TURLEY .- "I found it act as a spe- chronic forms of Gastric Complaints , aud cilic , in my experience and family . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst form of Scarlet Fever , so other medi- „„„ . „ , , cine being required . " DR . J . w . DO » S > I ?< G . — "I used it in the treatment of forty twocasesof Yellow Fever DR . SFARKS ( Government Medical In . and lam happy to state I never lost a single spector of Emigrants from the Fort of Lon . case . " A systematic course prevents and cures obstinate Costivencss . Notice my Name and Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 2 / 6 , 4 / 6 , 11 / , and 21 / eacb . H . LAMPLOUGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . O .