Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Analysis Of The Subscription List.
supporter of all three Charities . This year its two Steward ? have together raised £ 231 for the Boys ; last year the figure was £ 169 . In 1879 the result was still more gratifying , its one Steward at the Boys' Festival taking up over £ 295 . Tn 1878 , when Bro . Montagu served tho office of Steward
for all three Institutions , his Boys list exceeded £ 400 . In 1877 its contribution was more modest , but in 1875 it was second only to West Yorkshire , the list of its one Steward being slightly in excess of £ 633 . Onr Girls have received in the same period £ 515 , and the Benevolent
£ 1 , 054 . We offer Dorsetshire our congratulations on the valuable assistance it accords our Charities . Passing over Durham for the moment , for the obvious reason that , as its Provincial Grand Master filled the chair on the eventful Wednesday just past , its proper place in
the array of Provinces is m the rear , we come to Essex , which , under its present respected Chief , Lord Tenterden , has been doing good service . It has nineteen Lodges , three of which have together made up close on £ 164 . At the six previous Boys' Festivals its contributions figure up
to £ 725—in round figures—while the Girls at five out of seven Festivals have benefited to the extent of £ 623 , and the Benevolent at the same number to that of close on £ 404 . The aggregate for all three Charities is a good £ 1 , 917 . Gloucestershire is another Province which has
been greatly distinguishing itself . As it can only boast of fourteen Lodges , all told , and as at the Girls' Festival in May last , when its Provincial Grand Master , Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , Bart ., M . P ., presided , it gave the munificent sum of £ 1 , 000 , we should not have been surprised had it
relaxed in its efforts for this particular Festival . Tet , with seven Stewards , on behalf of five of its Lodges , we find it contributing no less considerable a sum than £ 283 10 s ; while at the Benevolent in February it gave £ 263 lis , so that in this current year of grace 1881 this small Province
has raised for our three Institutions no less than £ 1 , 547 . If we take the 1877 , 1878 , 1879 , and 1880 Festivals of the Girls' School , we shall find the sum of its contributions in excess of £ 1 , 123 . At the Benevolent Festivals in the
same four years it raised some £ 383 , while at the six preceding Festivals of Onr Boys it figures for £ 1 , 647 . There are only four out of the twenty-one Festivals at which it has been unrepresented , and the total it has given to all three Charities is but a fraction over or under
£ 4 , 700—a result of which even a far larger Province would have good reason to be proud . Hants and the Isle of Wight has thirty-five Lodges , five of them being represented by seven Stewards , whose lists are only a few shillings short of £ 300 . At the six previous
Festivals on behalf of Our Boys it has contributed in all ( say ) £ 1 , 672 . To this must be added £ 583 for the Girls' School , and ( say ) £ 1 , 276 for the Benevolent , the aggregate of its contributions to the three being £ 3 , 830 . The occasion on which it figured most
conspicuously was at the Boys' Festival in 1877 , when Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . presided , and his Province subscribed a little over £ 624 . " Little " Herts , with its eleven Lodges , would certainly not rest contented if one or more of them did not send up Stewards . On this
occasion Lodge No . 1757 and the R . A . Chapter attached to the Hertford Lodge , No . 403 , together contribute ~ 106 Is , the Chapter having the lion ' s share , as its two Stewards' lists amount to £ 87 3 s . Its previous subscriptions to the Boys amount to £ 614 , while the sister
Institution at Battersea Rise has been favoured to the extent of over £ 552 ; but its greatest efforts have been directed in aid of the Benevolent , which in the last seven years has received in all over £ 1 , 960 . This makes the total for all three £ 3232 so that with the addition of some
,, twent y gnineas , this would give for the Province an average per Festival of £ 150 . Bravo " Little " Herts ! the Province that next claims our attention is that of ent , a count whichto judfrom the experience of the
y , ge » B ' < seven years , is as fruitfnl of contributions to our •lasonic Charities as it is of cherries and cob nuts . It has ve and forty Lodges , and can boast of a most admirable organisation for the distribution of its charitable funds .
y three of its Lodges , represented by three Stewards , ' PPear m the list , but they make up among them the satisfactory total of £ 221 lis . This for a Province of the ¦ rength we have described would seem to be a mere " fleabitp "a uescriuea wonia seem to De a mere
uea" u libe ' r + a so ^ y contribution is no criterion of the at h y ° - Brotller > Lodge , or Province . We must look Co lln or ft as spread over a term of years , that is , of « e , at the works by which he or it is distinguished . Thus
Analysis Of The Subscription List.
judged , Kent will bo found to stand famously , as will be seen from the following simple , statement . It has been represented at every Festival during the period 1875-81 , in which time it has subscribed to tho Benevolent Institution
£ 2 , 547 , to the Girls' School £ 1 , 860 , and to the Boys ' School £ 3 , 316 , making a grand total for the three of , in round figures , £ 7 , 723 . Further comment is superfluous .
It is not of conrse to be expected that our strongest Provinces will always show to the greatest advantage , and onr readers will not be surprised at finding the two Laucashires down for comparatively small amounts . East Lancashire has ninety-one Lodges , yet only eight of these are
represented , the number of Stewards being sixteen , and the total sum subscribed £ 154 7 s , with two lists apparently outstanding . However , it never allows a Festival to pass without doing something , and though it has only given " Our Girls" a fraction over £ 762 , " Oar Boys , " faring
somewhat better , have received £ 1 , 338 , while the R . M . B . I . has had over £ 4 , 179 , making the total close on £ 6 , 280 . The preference for the Benevolent is explained by the fact that , in 1879 , Lt .-Col . Starkie P . G . Master , presided at the Festival of the Institution , and the sum contributed was
£ 3 , 542 . Somewhat similar must be our remarks as to West Lancashire with its eighty-one Lodges . It never misses being represented , and on occasion is prepared to exert a strength commensurate with its fame and position . In the last seven years it has given to the Girls' School over
£ 1 , 389 , to the Benevolent over £ 2 , 431 , and to the Boys School over £ 3 , 486 , making a total of just £ 7 , 308 . In 1876 , its Grand Master , then Lord Skelraersdale , now Earl of Lathom , presided at the Benevolent Festival , when it subscribed over £ 1 , 508 , and last year he discharged a
similar duty on behalf of the Boys' School , when close on £ 2 , 665 rewarded his efforts . Middlesex , which stands next , on the list , is a Home County , which boasts of thirty-one Lodges , and like the last three Provinces we have described , makes a point of
always figuring in the list of Stewards . That the Girls ' School should have claimed the lai-gest share of its attention is but natural from the intimate association between it and the late Secretary , Bro . R . W . Little , who was Deputy Grand Master of the Province . This will account for the
contribution of £ 3 , 293 at the last seven Festivals of the Girls' School , while the Benevolent in the same period has received £ 2 , 063 , and the Boys' School just on £ 2 , 034 , the three amounts making together £ 7 , 390—a result which
must be set down as worthy of any county . Monmouthshire , eight Lodges , is represented by Bro . Crawshaw Bailey , and figures for £ 157 10 s . In 1878 it gave £ 166 19 i , and is entered for a , small amount both in 1879 and 1880 . The
Benevolent has received from it £ 445 15 s , and the Girls the greater portion of £ 721 15 s , there being , in 1875 , a sum of £ 464 10 s which has been set down to Monmouthshire conjointly with the two Divisions of South Wales , and it is impossible to apportion this among the
three joint contributorfes . Norfolk , sixteen Lodges , is down for £ 75 12 s , the result of the joint lists of three Stewards representing as many Lodges . In 1878 , when Lord Suffield , its then newly installed Prov . G . Master , supported the Duke of Connaught , the amount of its
contributions to the same Institution was over £ 279 , and last year it gave £ 208 . It has figured at three Festivals of the Girls , the aggregate of its contributions reaching over £ 429 , while at four Benevolent Festivals it has given in all over £ 448 , its largest amount being upwards of £ 306 . Notts ,
twelve Lodges , gives £ 191 , by the bands of Bro . S . G . Gilbert of the De Vere Lodge , No . 1794 , of Nottingham . In 1876 it gave £ 63 , and in 1877 £ 64 Is . It has subscribed to the Girls just over £ 274 , of which £ 178 10 s belongs to last year , while the Benevolent has received two small amounts .
But it occurs to us that more might be done by the Province , though it may seem churlish to say so in the face of so substantial an amount as the one for which it figures on the present occasion . North Wales aud Salop ( twenty-six Lodges ) may as well be taken next in order . Evidently
Bro . Bodenham , of the Castle Lodge . No . 1621 , Bridgnorth , has considerable powers of persuasion ; he has charmed his brethren into helping him raise a most sensible £ 179 lis . This is not so large a sum as it subscribed last year , when
its five representatives among them handed in over £ 265 . In 1879 it gave close on £ 151 , in 1878 £ 169 , in 1877 over £ 175 , in 1876 £ 71 , and in 1875 not far short of £ 95 . Thus , North Wales and Salop has given to this Institution over £ 1 , 106 , while at the seven Girls' Festivals its contributions
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Analysis Of The Subscription List.
supporter of all three Charities . This year its two Steward ? have together raised £ 231 for the Boys ; last year the figure was £ 169 . In 1879 the result was still more gratifying , its one Steward at the Boys' Festival taking up over £ 295 . Tn 1878 , when Bro . Montagu served tho office of Steward
for all three Institutions , his Boys list exceeded £ 400 . In 1877 its contribution was more modest , but in 1875 it was second only to West Yorkshire , the list of its one Steward being slightly in excess of £ 633 . Onr Girls have received in the same period £ 515 , and the Benevolent
£ 1 , 054 . We offer Dorsetshire our congratulations on the valuable assistance it accords our Charities . Passing over Durham for the moment , for the obvious reason that , as its Provincial Grand Master filled the chair on the eventful Wednesday just past , its proper place in
the array of Provinces is m the rear , we come to Essex , which , under its present respected Chief , Lord Tenterden , has been doing good service . It has nineteen Lodges , three of which have together made up close on £ 164 . At the six previous Boys' Festivals its contributions figure up
to £ 725—in round figures—while the Girls at five out of seven Festivals have benefited to the extent of £ 623 , and the Benevolent at the same number to that of close on £ 404 . The aggregate for all three Charities is a good £ 1 , 917 . Gloucestershire is another Province which has
been greatly distinguishing itself . As it can only boast of fourteen Lodges , all told , and as at the Girls' Festival in May last , when its Provincial Grand Master , Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , Bart ., M . P ., presided , it gave the munificent sum of £ 1 , 000 , we should not have been surprised had it
relaxed in its efforts for this particular Festival . Tet , with seven Stewards , on behalf of five of its Lodges , we find it contributing no less considerable a sum than £ 283 10 s ; while at the Benevolent in February it gave £ 263 lis , so that in this current year of grace 1881 this small Province
has raised for our three Institutions no less than £ 1 , 547 . If we take the 1877 , 1878 , 1879 , and 1880 Festivals of the Girls' School , we shall find the sum of its contributions in excess of £ 1 , 123 . At the Benevolent Festivals in the
same four years it raised some £ 383 , while at the six preceding Festivals of Onr Boys it figures for £ 1 , 647 . There are only four out of the twenty-one Festivals at which it has been unrepresented , and the total it has given to all three Charities is but a fraction over or under
£ 4 , 700—a result of which even a far larger Province would have good reason to be proud . Hants and the Isle of Wight has thirty-five Lodges , five of them being represented by seven Stewards , whose lists are only a few shillings short of £ 300 . At the six previous
Festivals on behalf of Our Boys it has contributed in all ( say ) £ 1 , 672 . To this must be added £ 583 for the Girls' School , and ( say ) £ 1 , 276 for the Benevolent , the aggregate of its contributions to the three being £ 3 , 830 . The occasion on which it figured most
conspicuously was at the Boys' Festival in 1877 , when Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . presided , and his Province subscribed a little over £ 624 . " Little " Herts , with its eleven Lodges , would certainly not rest contented if one or more of them did not send up Stewards . On this
occasion Lodge No . 1757 and the R . A . Chapter attached to the Hertford Lodge , No . 403 , together contribute ~ 106 Is , the Chapter having the lion ' s share , as its two Stewards' lists amount to £ 87 3 s . Its previous subscriptions to the Boys amount to £ 614 , while the sister
Institution at Battersea Rise has been favoured to the extent of over £ 552 ; but its greatest efforts have been directed in aid of the Benevolent , which in the last seven years has received in all over £ 1 , 960 . This makes the total for all three £ 3232 so that with the addition of some
,, twent y gnineas , this would give for the Province an average per Festival of £ 150 . Bravo " Little " Herts ! the Province that next claims our attention is that of ent , a count whichto judfrom the experience of the
y , ge » B ' < seven years , is as fruitfnl of contributions to our •lasonic Charities as it is of cherries and cob nuts . It has ve and forty Lodges , and can boast of a most admirable organisation for the distribution of its charitable funds .
y three of its Lodges , represented by three Stewards , ' PPear m the list , but they make up among them the satisfactory total of £ 221 lis . This for a Province of the ¦ rength we have described would seem to be a mere " fleabitp "a uescriuea wonia seem to De a mere
uea" u libe ' r + a so ^ y contribution is no criterion of the at h y ° - Brotller > Lodge , or Province . We must look Co lln or ft as spread over a term of years , that is , of « e , at the works by which he or it is distinguished . Thus
Analysis Of The Subscription List.
judged , Kent will bo found to stand famously , as will be seen from the following simple , statement . It has been represented at every Festival during the period 1875-81 , in which time it has subscribed to tho Benevolent Institution
£ 2 , 547 , to the Girls' School £ 1 , 860 , and to the Boys ' School £ 3 , 316 , making a grand total for the three of , in round figures , £ 7 , 723 . Further comment is superfluous .
It is not of conrse to be expected that our strongest Provinces will always show to the greatest advantage , and onr readers will not be surprised at finding the two Laucashires down for comparatively small amounts . East Lancashire has ninety-one Lodges , yet only eight of these are
represented , the number of Stewards being sixteen , and the total sum subscribed £ 154 7 s , with two lists apparently outstanding . However , it never allows a Festival to pass without doing something , and though it has only given " Our Girls" a fraction over £ 762 , " Oar Boys , " faring
somewhat better , have received £ 1 , 338 , while the R . M . B . I . has had over £ 4 , 179 , making the total close on £ 6 , 280 . The preference for the Benevolent is explained by the fact that , in 1879 , Lt .-Col . Starkie P . G . Master , presided at the Festival of the Institution , and the sum contributed was
£ 3 , 542 . Somewhat similar must be our remarks as to West Lancashire with its eighty-one Lodges . It never misses being represented , and on occasion is prepared to exert a strength commensurate with its fame and position . In the last seven years it has given to the Girls' School over
£ 1 , 389 , to the Benevolent over £ 2 , 431 , and to the Boys School over £ 3 , 486 , making a total of just £ 7 , 308 . In 1876 , its Grand Master , then Lord Skelraersdale , now Earl of Lathom , presided at the Benevolent Festival , when it subscribed over £ 1 , 508 , and last year he discharged a
similar duty on behalf of the Boys' School , when close on £ 2 , 665 rewarded his efforts . Middlesex , which stands next , on the list , is a Home County , which boasts of thirty-one Lodges , and like the last three Provinces we have described , makes a point of
always figuring in the list of Stewards . That the Girls ' School should have claimed the lai-gest share of its attention is but natural from the intimate association between it and the late Secretary , Bro . R . W . Little , who was Deputy Grand Master of the Province . This will account for the
contribution of £ 3 , 293 at the last seven Festivals of the Girls' School , while the Benevolent in the same period has received £ 2 , 063 , and the Boys' School just on £ 2 , 034 , the three amounts making together £ 7 , 390—a result which
must be set down as worthy of any county . Monmouthshire , eight Lodges , is represented by Bro . Crawshaw Bailey , and figures for £ 157 10 s . In 1878 it gave £ 166 19 i , and is entered for a , small amount both in 1879 and 1880 . The
Benevolent has received from it £ 445 15 s , and the Girls the greater portion of £ 721 15 s , there being , in 1875 , a sum of £ 464 10 s which has been set down to Monmouthshire conjointly with the two Divisions of South Wales , and it is impossible to apportion this among the
three joint contributorfes . Norfolk , sixteen Lodges , is down for £ 75 12 s , the result of the joint lists of three Stewards representing as many Lodges . In 1878 , when Lord Suffield , its then newly installed Prov . G . Master , supported the Duke of Connaught , the amount of its
contributions to the same Institution was over £ 279 , and last year it gave £ 208 . It has figured at three Festivals of the Girls , the aggregate of its contributions reaching over £ 429 , while at four Benevolent Festivals it has given in all over £ 448 , its largest amount being upwards of £ 306 . Notts ,
twelve Lodges , gives £ 191 , by the bands of Bro . S . G . Gilbert of the De Vere Lodge , No . 1794 , of Nottingham . In 1876 it gave £ 63 , and in 1877 £ 64 Is . It has subscribed to the Girls just over £ 274 , of which £ 178 10 s belongs to last year , while the Benevolent has received two small amounts .
But it occurs to us that more might be done by the Province , though it may seem churlish to say so in the face of so substantial an amount as the one for which it figures on the present occasion . North Wales aud Salop ( twenty-six Lodges ) may as well be taken next in order . Evidently
Bro . Bodenham , of the Castle Lodge . No . 1621 , Bridgnorth , has considerable powers of persuasion ; he has charmed his brethren into helping him raise a most sensible £ 179 lis . This is not so large a sum as it subscribed last year , when
its five representatives among them handed in over £ 265 . In 1879 it gave close on £ 151 , in 1878 £ 169 , in 1877 over £ 175 , in 1876 £ 71 , and in 1875 not far short of £ 95 . Thus , North Wales and Salop has given to this Institution over £ 1 , 106 , while at the seven Girls' Festivals its contributions