Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN NEW YORK. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN NEW YORK. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Freemasonry In New York.
THE Hundredth Annual Grand Communication of tho Grand Lodge of New York was held on Tuesday , 7 th June , at the Masonic Temple , New York City , under the presidency of M . W . Bro . Anthony , Grand Master , who
was supported by no less than ten Past Grand Masters and a large concourse of brethren . In tho conrse of his address the Grand Master referred at considerable length , but ; in a ' very dignified and highly Masonic strain , to the unfortunate difference which had arisen between the Grand
Lodges of New York , and which had induced the former to pass an edict of non-intercourse with the latter . Bro . Anthony , having reviewed the circumstances and expressed it as his opinion that his own Grand Lodge were in the right in the conduct they had pursued , suggested they
should no further stand on mere etiquette , but should yield the point which was in the way of a settlement being arrived at . " Does the dignity of this Grand Lodge , " asked Bro . Anthony , " require that we should not recede from onr declaration of non-intercourse ? I am as strenuous
as any one to maintain our rights and occupy the position to which we are entitled as sovereign in our own jurisdiction , and yet I do say that I think it would be to our credit as Masons , and in no sense be considered as lowering the dignity of this Grand Lodge , to recall the edict of
nonintercourse , and say to the brethren of Connecticut—to its Grand Lodge—we propose to submit this question of principle to arbitration by our peers . Earnestly desiring , as a member of the Craft , that a council of our peers shonld
pass judgment on the case at issue , we recommend that this Grand Lodge consider whether it is not our duty to pick up the key and unlock the door , which the Grand Lodge of Connecticut now assumes stands as a barrier between
them and arbitration . " Better advice than this could not have been offered , and the Grand Lodge showed it appreciated it by unanimously passing the following resolution : Whereas , Tbe Grand Lodge of New York deeply deplores the nn . fortunate differences on the question of Grand Lodge jurisdiction which
exist between the Grand Lodge of Connecticut and the Grand Lodge of New York , and which led to the edict of non-interconrse with the Masons of Connecticut declared by the Grand Lodge of New York ; and whereas the G . Lodge of New York heartily desires to be on terms of unity and fraternal comity with all the Grand Lodges of the
United States ; and whereas the Grand Lodge of New York believes that the matters in dispute between it and the Grand Lodge of Connecticut may be Masonically adjusted by a submission of said matters to arbitration ; and whereas the Grand Lodge of New York is anxiousl y desirous that the said matter may be submitted to a
commission for arbitration , therefore Resolved , That the Grand Master be directed to terminate the edict of non-interconrse with the Masons of Connecticut , and be instructed to solicit the Grand Lodge of Connecticut to consent to a submission of the whole matter in dispute between the two Grand Lodges to a commission of their peers for arbitration .
The Grand Secretary ' s report showed the number of brethren in the jurisdiction to be 72 , 867 , while in that of the Grand Treasurer , the receipts were stated as 83 , 556 dollars . According to the report of the Trustees of the Hall and Asylum Fundthe indebtedness on the Temple
, had been reduced during the past year by over 32 , 202 dollars , so that the amount of debt now stands at , in round figures , 613 . 317 dollars . The Centennial proceedings included an elaborate and exhaustive sketch of the progress of Freemasonry in New York from its introduction into the
otate till now . This was followed by a concert and an oration by Bro . Frank R . Lawrence , Chief Commissioner ° t Appeals to Grand Lodge , the proceedings being brought to a conclusion by the choir singing a Masonic ode and
n , ^ ^ dredth . Among distinguished visitors from other jurisdictions , there were present : —Bros . Samuel B . ihek Grand Master , Conrad B . Day Deputy Grand Master , ihos . R . Patton Grand Treasurer , and Bro . Michael Nisbet wand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , Bro . Robert Bingham Senior Grand Warden of North Carolina
Freemasonry In New York.
Bro . Edwin Wright Deputy Grand Master of Massachusetts ; Bro . Charles Ingolsby Grand Secretary of South Carolina ; Bro . Wm . B . Isaacs Grand Secretary of Virginia ; and Bros . General Albert Pike , General Hobart Ward , and George Walgrove .
We may add that the following are the principal Grand Ofiicers elected and installed at the Communication for the year 1881--J , namely—Bros . Horace S . Taylor M . W . Grand Master , Benjamin Flager 11 . W . Deputy Grand Master ,
Bro . Wm . A . Brodie R . W . Senior Grand Warden , Bro . John W . "Vrooman It . W . Junior Grand Warden , Bro . John Boyd R . W . Grand Treasurer , Bro . James M . Austin M . D . R . W . Grand Secretary , this being , it seems , Bro . Austin ' s twenty-ninth successive term of service as Grand Secretary .
Mark Masonry.
THIS Provincial Grand Mark Lodge held its summer meeting at the Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond , on Saturday last , the 2 nd inst . It was not so largely attended as nsnal , consequent on the extreme heat of the day and the numerous pleasure engagements of many of its members . Nevertheless , the muster of brethren was not inconsiderable . Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at 4 p . m . by the V . W . Bro . Frederic Davison Deputy Prov . Grand Master ( in
the unavoidable absence of the Prov . Grand Master the R . W . Bro . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart . ) , and amongst the brethren present were Dr . F . W . Ramsay Prov . G . S . W ., C . Hammerton P . G . Treasurer , W . G . Brighten Prov . G . Secretary , Sir C . J . Palmer Prov . G . M . O ., John Rhodes Prov . G . Org ., T . W . Adams Prov . G . I . G ., H . J . Lardner , W . Ackland and J . W . Baldwin Prov . G . Stewards , D . M . Dewar P . G . J . O .
and Grand Mark Assistant Secretary ( acting as Prov . G . J . W . ) , James Stevens P . G . J . O . Past Prov . G . Mark Secretary ( acting as Prov . G . D . C . ) , C . W . R . Harrison Prov . G . M . Overseer , J . M . Klenck P . P . G . Reg ., Barou de Ferrieres , M . P ., P . G . M . O ., Chas . Palman P . P . J . D ., Henry Lovegrove G . S . W ., George Lilley P . P . A . D . C ., J . S . Batten P . P . G . Sword Bearer , W . J . Nicholls P . P . G . S ., J . Inglfs P . G . S ., Jas .
Curtis J . W . 234 , A . Haynes S . W . 211 , J . S . Gabriel 244 , J . W . Willis 223 , J . Cox J . W . 114 , R . B . Lewis S . W . 3 , H . C . Jepps S . W . 5 , T . W . Bicknell S . W . 238 , C . Hopwood 181 , E . B . Florence , W . Basnett , F . Lawrence , J . Gilbert , Harrison , & c . & c . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodgo meeting were confirmed . The roll call
showed a list of 21 Lodges as attached to the Province , of which number 16 were represented , and five were conspicuous by their absence , viz : Percy 114 , Studholme 197 , Monatohin 224 , Clapton 236 , and Royal Naval 239 . Although in some instances there had been a falling off in the number of members , the aggregate progress of the Order in connection with this Province was noticeable and
encouraging . The accounts of the Prov . Grand Treasurer V . W . Bro . Charles Hammerton were received , approved and recorded . The Officers appointed by the Provincial Grand Master to serve for the ensuing year were then named , and in all cases of presence invested , as'follows : —
Bro . F . Davison .... Dep . Prov . Grand Mark Master W . G . Brighten - . . Prov . Grand Senior Warden J . B . Batten .... M Junior Warden Rev . F . J . C . de Crespigny - " ) „ , , . C . H . Weldon - . A " Chaplains
Hugh H . Riach . .. „ Master Overseer H . C . Jepps -- .. „ Senior Overseer Lawrence .... „ Junior Overseer C . Hammerton ... .. Treasurer
— j , W . Basnett .... „ Reg . ofMarks J . M . Klenck . ... „ Secretary T . W . Adams- ... } t Senior Deacon W . J . Nicolls ... „ Junior Deacon J . C . Cox - - - - „ Dir . of Cer . George Lilley ... Assist , do .
E . Hopwood •-.. „ Sup . of Works •T . R . Bicknell ... „ Sword Bearer W . Ackland .... „ Standard Bearer J . S . Gabriel .... „ Organist H . J . Lardner ... „ Inner Guard R . B . Lewis , James Mills , )
James Curtis , E . P . Florence , > „ Stewards J . W . Willis , W . Kipling ) John Gilbert .... „ Tyler The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the newly-appointed Officers having been duly sainted according to their respective
degrees , and a few matters of routine business disposed of , Provincial Grand Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served in one of the large rooms overlooking one of the grandest landscapes in England . After the cloth was cleared , the Depnty Provincial Grand Master , who presided , gave the usual loyal , patriotic and Masonic toasts , which were all dnly honoured , that of the health of Sir Francis Bnrdett Prov . G . Mark Master being received
in his absence with mnch enthusiasm . Bro . tbe Baron de Ferrieres proposed the health of tho Deputy Prov . G . Master , then presiding , in terms of warm culo ^ 'inm , fur his active efforts on behalf of the Mark degree , and his readiness nh all times to fill any position which the circumstances of the moment mi ght require of him . Bro . Davison responded with cordi : il expressions of thanks to the proposer and to the brethren generally , and of gratification that the important busi-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In New York.
THE Hundredth Annual Grand Communication of tho Grand Lodge of New York was held on Tuesday , 7 th June , at the Masonic Temple , New York City , under the presidency of M . W . Bro . Anthony , Grand Master , who
was supported by no less than ten Past Grand Masters and a large concourse of brethren . In tho conrse of his address the Grand Master referred at considerable length , but ; in a ' very dignified and highly Masonic strain , to the unfortunate difference which had arisen between the Grand
Lodges of New York , and which had induced the former to pass an edict of non-intercourse with the latter . Bro . Anthony , having reviewed the circumstances and expressed it as his opinion that his own Grand Lodge were in the right in the conduct they had pursued , suggested they
should no further stand on mere etiquette , but should yield the point which was in the way of a settlement being arrived at . " Does the dignity of this Grand Lodge , " asked Bro . Anthony , " require that we should not recede from onr declaration of non-intercourse ? I am as strenuous
as any one to maintain our rights and occupy the position to which we are entitled as sovereign in our own jurisdiction , and yet I do say that I think it would be to our credit as Masons , and in no sense be considered as lowering the dignity of this Grand Lodge , to recall the edict of
nonintercourse , and say to the brethren of Connecticut—to its Grand Lodge—we propose to submit this question of principle to arbitration by our peers . Earnestly desiring , as a member of the Craft , that a council of our peers shonld
pass judgment on the case at issue , we recommend that this Grand Lodge consider whether it is not our duty to pick up the key and unlock the door , which the Grand Lodge of Connecticut now assumes stands as a barrier between
them and arbitration . " Better advice than this could not have been offered , and the Grand Lodge showed it appreciated it by unanimously passing the following resolution : Whereas , Tbe Grand Lodge of New York deeply deplores the nn . fortunate differences on the question of Grand Lodge jurisdiction which
exist between the Grand Lodge of Connecticut and the Grand Lodge of New York , and which led to the edict of non-interconrse with the Masons of Connecticut declared by the Grand Lodge of New York ; and whereas the G . Lodge of New York heartily desires to be on terms of unity and fraternal comity with all the Grand Lodges of the
United States ; and whereas the Grand Lodge of New York believes that the matters in dispute between it and the Grand Lodge of Connecticut may be Masonically adjusted by a submission of said matters to arbitration ; and whereas the Grand Lodge of New York is anxiousl y desirous that the said matter may be submitted to a
commission for arbitration , therefore Resolved , That the Grand Master be directed to terminate the edict of non-interconrse with the Masons of Connecticut , and be instructed to solicit the Grand Lodge of Connecticut to consent to a submission of the whole matter in dispute between the two Grand Lodges to a commission of their peers for arbitration .
The Grand Secretary ' s report showed the number of brethren in the jurisdiction to be 72 , 867 , while in that of the Grand Treasurer , the receipts were stated as 83 , 556 dollars . According to the report of the Trustees of the Hall and Asylum Fundthe indebtedness on the Temple
, had been reduced during the past year by over 32 , 202 dollars , so that the amount of debt now stands at , in round figures , 613 . 317 dollars . The Centennial proceedings included an elaborate and exhaustive sketch of the progress of Freemasonry in New York from its introduction into the
otate till now . This was followed by a concert and an oration by Bro . Frank R . Lawrence , Chief Commissioner ° t Appeals to Grand Lodge , the proceedings being brought to a conclusion by the choir singing a Masonic ode and
n , ^ ^ dredth . Among distinguished visitors from other jurisdictions , there were present : —Bros . Samuel B . ihek Grand Master , Conrad B . Day Deputy Grand Master , ihos . R . Patton Grand Treasurer , and Bro . Michael Nisbet wand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , Bro . Robert Bingham Senior Grand Warden of North Carolina
Freemasonry In New York.
Bro . Edwin Wright Deputy Grand Master of Massachusetts ; Bro . Charles Ingolsby Grand Secretary of South Carolina ; Bro . Wm . B . Isaacs Grand Secretary of Virginia ; and Bros . General Albert Pike , General Hobart Ward , and George Walgrove .
We may add that the following are the principal Grand Ofiicers elected and installed at the Communication for the year 1881--J , namely—Bros . Horace S . Taylor M . W . Grand Master , Benjamin Flager 11 . W . Deputy Grand Master ,
Bro . Wm . A . Brodie R . W . Senior Grand Warden , Bro . John W . "Vrooman It . W . Junior Grand Warden , Bro . John Boyd R . W . Grand Treasurer , Bro . James M . Austin M . D . R . W . Grand Secretary , this being , it seems , Bro . Austin ' s twenty-ninth successive term of service as Grand Secretary .
Mark Masonry.
THIS Provincial Grand Mark Lodge held its summer meeting at the Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond , on Saturday last , the 2 nd inst . It was not so largely attended as nsnal , consequent on the extreme heat of the day and the numerous pleasure engagements of many of its members . Nevertheless , the muster of brethren was not inconsiderable . Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at 4 p . m . by the V . W . Bro . Frederic Davison Deputy Prov . Grand Master ( in
the unavoidable absence of the Prov . Grand Master the R . W . Bro . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart . ) , and amongst the brethren present were Dr . F . W . Ramsay Prov . G . S . W ., C . Hammerton P . G . Treasurer , W . G . Brighten Prov . G . Secretary , Sir C . J . Palmer Prov . G . M . O ., John Rhodes Prov . G . Org ., T . W . Adams Prov . G . I . G ., H . J . Lardner , W . Ackland and J . W . Baldwin Prov . G . Stewards , D . M . Dewar P . G . J . O .
and Grand Mark Assistant Secretary ( acting as Prov . G . J . W . ) , James Stevens P . G . J . O . Past Prov . G . Mark Secretary ( acting as Prov . G . D . C . ) , C . W . R . Harrison Prov . G . M . Overseer , J . M . Klenck P . P . G . Reg ., Barou de Ferrieres , M . P ., P . G . M . O ., Chas . Palman P . P . J . D ., Henry Lovegrove G . S . W ., George Lilley P . P . A . D . C ., J . S . Batten P . P . G . Sword Bearer , W . J . Nicholls P . P . G . S ., J . Inglfs P . G . S ., Jas .
Curtis J . W . 234 , A . Haynes S . W . 211 , J . S . Gabriel 244 , J . W . Willis 223 , J . Cox J . W . 114 , R . B . Lewis S . W . 3 , H . C . Jepps S . W . 5 , T . W . Bicknell S . W . 238 , C . Hopwood 181 , E . B . Florence , W . Basnett , F . Lawrence , J . Gilbert , Harrison , & c . & c . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodgo meeting were confirmed . The roll call
showed a list of 21 Lodges as attached to the Province , of which number 16 were represented , and five were conspicuous by their absence , viz : Percy 114 , Studholme 197 , Monatohin 224 , Clapton 236 , and Royal Naval 239 . Although in some instances there had been a falling off in the number of members , the aggregate progress of the Order in connection with this Province was noticeable and
encouraging . The accounts of the Prov . Grand Treasurer V . W . Bro . Charles Hammerton were received , approved and recorded . The Officers appointed by the Provincial Grand Master to serve for the ensuing year were then named , and in all cases of presence invested , as'follows : —
Bro . F . Davison .... Dep . Prov . Grand Mark Master W . G . Brighten - . . Prov . Grand Senior Warden J . B . Batten .... M Junior Warden Rev . F . J . C . de Crespigny - " ) „ , , . C . H . Weldon - . A " Chaplains
Hugh H . Riach . .. „ Master Overseer H . C . Jepps -- .. „ Senior Overseer Lawrence .... „ Junior Overseer C . Hammerton ... .. Treasurer
— j , W . Basnett .... „ Reg . ofMarks J . M . Klenck . ... „ Secretary T . W . Adams- ... } t Senior Deacon W . J . Nicolls ... „ Junior Deacon J . C . Cox - - - - „ Dir . of Cer . George Lilley ... Assist , do .
E . Hopwood •-.. „ Sup . of Works •T . R . Bicknell ... „ Sword Bearer W . Ackland .... „ Standard Bearer J . S . Gabriel .... „ Organist H . J . Lardner ... „ Inner Guard R . B . Lewis , James Mills , )
James Curtis , E . P . Florence , > „ Stewards J . W . Willis , W . Kipling ) John Gilbert .... „ Tyler The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the newly-appointed Officers having been duly sainted according to their respective
degrees , and a few matters of routine business disposed of , Provincial Grand Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served in one of the large rooms overlooking one of the grandest landscapes in England . After the cloth was cleared , the Depnty Provincial Grand Master , who presided , gave the usual loyal , patriotic and Masonic toasts , which were all dnly honoured , that of the health of Sir Francis Bnrdett Prov . G . Mark Master being received
in his absence with mnch enthusiasm . Bro . tbe Baron de Ferrieres proposed the health of tho Deputy Prov . G . Master , then presiding , in terms of warm culo ^ 'inm , fur his active efforts on behalf of the Mark degree , and his readiness nh all times to fill any position which the circumstances of the moment mi ght require of him . Bro . Davison responded with cordi : il expressions of thanks to the proposer and to the brethren generally , and of gratification that the important busi-