Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Royal Princes And The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
WE learn that , on Wednesday last , the 6 th inst ., their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and Prince Leopold wero advanced tt ' the 33 ° at the headquarters of the Ancient and Accepted Rite . 33 Golden-square , in the presence of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , 33 ° , Grand Patron of the Order . The ceremony was performed by Lord Skelmersdale 33 ° , tho Sov . Grand Commander , assisted by the other members of the Supreme Council 33 ° . A full report will appear in our next .
Masonic Presentation To Lord Methuen.
A GRAND Lodgo of the Province of Wilts was held yesterday , at the Town Hall , Swindon , under tho presidency of Lord Methuen Prov . Grand Master for Wilts . Grand Lodge was numerously attended , and among the brethren present were Bros . Gabriel Goldney , M . P ., Depnty Prov . Grand Master , Sir Daniel Gooch , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Berks and Bucks , Lord Hy . Thynne , Frederick H . Goldney Prov . Grand Treasurer , H . C . Tombs Prov . Grand Secretary , James Terry Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and F . R . W . Hedges Secretary of the Royal Masonio Institution for
Girls . Among the letters which wero read expressing regret for inability to attend was one from Bro . Collins , on behalf of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold ; from Sir H . Watson Taylor , who sent a present of two line haunches of venison ; and from Bro . Hervey , Grand Secretary of England . The Treasurer ' s report showed thab
the funds of tho Province wero in a highly favourable condition , and fifty guineas were voted to tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . " Bro . Gabriel Goldney then presented to Lord Methuen a pair of magnificent solid silver candelabra , of tho value of six hundred guineas , accompanied by a testimonial ou vellum framed and glazed . The candelabra and testimonial were subscribed for by
the brethren and Lodges of the Province in commemoration of Lord Methuen having completed his twenty-fifth year of office as Provincial Grand Master of Wilts . Bro . Goldney , in making the presentation , after stating that it was a recognition by the brethren of the eminent services of His Lordship , as Provincial ; Grand Master , in raising the Province of Wilts to its present high j
position in Freemasonry , traced the progress of the Province in the \ last twenty-five years , which was evidenced by the increased number ' of Freemasons iu the district , and the continually growing ; contributions ib made in tho cause of charity . Lord Methuen , ' who , in replying , was visibly affected , expressed his pleasure at this " latest mark of their appreciation of any little ;
services he had been able to render . When he looked on the maguificent testimonial which had been presented to him , and considered its great cost and high artistic execution , he could not help askiug himself what he had done to deserve it ? Although he might , to some extent , have assisted the Province , lie was sure that the generous and kindly feelings which the brethren had evinced towards
him that day wero ten or a hundred times greater in proportion . For many generations he trusted tho splendid tokeus of the brethren ' s esteem , generosity and kindness , would be hauded down to members of his family , who he hoped would , in their turn , have the , same feelings towards the Freemasons of Wiltshire as lie had himself . He f-oiicluried by informing the brethren that all that he hail
been enabled to do in Freemasonry was due to the kind instruction he had received from Sir Daniel Gooch . Brother F . H . Goldney then presented his Lordship with a History of Free- masonry in Will shire , which was afterwards ordered to be printed . The new Grand Officers for the year were subsequently appointed , and the proceedings of the day concluded with a banquet . A ball was given iu the evening .
The Abbey Lodge of Mark Masters , Wo . 225 , Abingdon . —The consecration took place ou 30 th nit ., at the Abbey Council Hall . The consecrating officer was the very Worshipful Brother the Rev . P . M . Holden , Past Grand Chaplain , who performed the beautiful and impressive ceremonies in the most able manner . He was assisted by several distinguished officers from the Graud
Lodge . The installation of the first Worshipful Master , Brother Walter Ballard , was then proceeded with , and he subsequently invested bis Officers , the S . W . being Bro . Walter Thompson , and tho J . W . E . L . Shepherd . The Lodge being closet " , a splendid banquet was partaken of in tho Council Chamber . Tiio excellent rendering ot several choice selections of music , by Bro ; her Theodore Distin and others , was much appreciated . Amongst the brethren who took part
in the proceedings were Bros . T . J . Pulley W . M . of the Aldershut Lodge , E . Margrett W . M . designate of * ho new Leopold Lodgo , which will be consecrated in Reading ou the 25 th iust ., Charles Stephens , George VVestuIl , & c , & e . The Great Western Railway Company's arrangements for tho conveyance of the Visitors to aim from Abingdon were very complete , aud were carried out under the personal superintendence of Brother JI . Sti veus , tho District Traffic Manager .
Ancient Carthage Chapter , No . 1717 , at Tunis , in North Africa . — 'lhc first regular meeting of this Chapter ut ' tei tbe summer recess was held on Friday , tho 25 th of October , at the Masonic Hall , nearly the whole of tho members being present . Two of the Principals having resigned , owing to th ir iuaoility to come from Malta to attend the meetings , of the Chapter , the iirai
Masonic Presentation To Lord Methuen.
Principal , E . Comp Broadley , installed in their stead , and by the unanimous desire of the members , E . Comp Dr . N . Lenghi 33 ° G . O . > f Italy and P . M . of the Italian Lodge" Caprera" at Alexandria , as H . ; and Ex-Comp . Dr . Q . Mugnaini 32 ° G . O . of Italy and P . M . of the Italian Lodgo "Carthago and Utica" at Tunis , as J . ; Comp Professor S . Souiller was elected and installed as E . On the
Chapter being opened iu duo form , a vote of thanks was passed to E . Comp W . Kingston ( R . W . D . G . M . of Malta ) P . Z . 349 , and E . Comp . Reichelmann J . 349 for their invaluable aid in opening the Chapter , and the consideration shown by them in resigning their posts to other eligible Companions , when it was found that their private associations in Malta wonld prevent their coming
to Tunis to work tho Chapter . It was also resolved that a letter of thanks bo written to the Principals of the Molita Chapter 349 , who had presented the " Ancient Carthago Chapter" with a highly finished set of sceptres . Tho following candidates were then unanimously elected : Bros . J . H . Stevens , H . B . Majesty ' s Vice-Consul at Tunis S . W 1717 , A . Perini M . D . J . W . 1717 , M . Lnmbroso Secretary 1717 , A . Felice , and J . Baraotti . Q'hese brethren being in
attendance , were introduced , and duly exalted to tho sublime degree of the Royal Arch . Thero are now twenty-nine active members of the Chapter , including the W . M . of tho Italian Lodgo "Risorgimeiito , " and the degree is very highly appreciated by the foreign , brethren , especially as the ceremony is efficiently worked in the Italian language . The Chapter being closed in duo form , was idjourned till the next regular meeting of the 23 rd November .
New Zealand.
The first anniversary of tho Palmerston Lodge , No . 1749 , E . C ., was celebrated on Friday , 16 th August , in the presence of a very largo gathering of the Craft . The Lodge was opened in due form at 8 p . m . by Bro . Henry Kitchener W . M ., assisted by his Officers , and the Following visitors were announced and received with the usual Masonic
jeremonies : —Tho W . M ., Officers , and members of Lodgo Waitaki N ' o . 1111 E . G ., the R . W . P . M ., Officers , and members of the Oaraaru Kilwinning Lodgo S . C , tho W . M . Officers , and members of the Port jbalmers Marine Lodgo No . 942 E . G ., together with Bros . P . M . ' s D . Rhodes Lodge of Otago No . 844 E . G ., J . Matheson No . 1111 E . G .,
Drawford E . C , and J . Joyce No . 942 E . C . The Lodgo of Mount Ida was represented by Bro . Bremner , and tho sister Constitutions of Ireland and Scotland by Bros . Geohagan I . C ., and Captain M'Bride 3 f the barque Aline S . C . The usual routine business of the Lodge having been transacted , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and
Bro . M'Kenzio P . M . Oamarn Kilwinning Lodge S . C , who had been Inly elected as W . M . of the Palmerston Lodge , was presented for installation , the ceremony being performed by Bro . C . de Longueville Graham , who was ably assisted by tho W . Bros . J . Joyce and J . Matheson . After the installation of the W . M ., Bro . H . Kitchener .
; ho retiring Master , was installed as P . M ., and tho Board of Installed Masters closed . The following brethreu were then invested as Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . R . Jeffreys S . W ., Catamore J . W ., Drapper Sec , Stephenson Treasurer ; Haynes J . D ., J . Bower I . G ., Robins Tyler . Bro . P . M . Matheson gave the customary addresses to
tho newly-invested wardens , while tho W . M . was addressed by Bro . P . M . J . Joyce . At the termination of the installation ceremony Bro . H . Kitchener P . M . moved that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to tho installing Officers . This being carried by acclamatron , tho Lodge was closed in duo form . Appropriate music was
rendered during the ceremonies by Bro . J . A . D . Adams of the Lodge af Otago No . 814 E . C After the installation , tho brethren adjourned to the Empire Hotel , where a sumptuous repast had beon provided in Bro . J . Duncan ' s best stylo ; fully fifty members of the Craft were present , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . The usual Loyal
Mid Masonic toasts wero given , and duly honoured ; while at frequent intervals some excellent songs wero rendered by several of the brethren present , Bro . Blakely presiding at the piano . Shortly before the closing toast was given , the health of the host and hostess , Bro . iud Mrs . Duncan was appropriately given , and responded to ; and
ifter a brief interval the brethren separated well pleased with the enjoyable evening they had spent . From the acknowledged ability of the W . M ., Bro . M'Kenzie , together with the able selection of Officers he has made , we augur a most successful year for the thriving little Palmerston Lodge .
A meeting of the P . G . Lodge of the North Island , S . C , was held on Monday evening , the 2 nd September , in the Wellington Theatre Royal , for the purpose of installing the Officers who were unable to attend in Auckland last year . The Waterloo Lodge was the first opened . About 200 Masons of the various Lodges were present . The Provincial
Grand Lodge was then entered , aud Bro . the Hon . F . Wbitaker P . G . M . assumed the throne , and opened I lie Provincial Grand Lodge , introflucing Bro . McCnlloch P . P . D . G . M . as tho installing Master . Bro . Brodie P . G . Senior Warden occupied his proper chair , and the other G . L . Officers wero filled b y deputies . The Officers installed wore : Bro . A . Johnston as P . D . P . G . M , Bro . Rev . B . W . Harvey as P . G . D .
Chaplain , Bro . Gillon as P . G . D . Sec , Bro . Browles as P . G . S . D ., and Bro . Dale as P . A . Marshal . The ceremony was admirably conducted by Bro . McCnlloch , aud tho musical part was supported by a splendid choir . Bro . Brodie , ou behalf of the Sir Walter Scott , Thame ' s ; Bro . McCulloch on behalf of tbe St . Andrew ' s Loclgo , Auckland ; and Bro . Power , on behalf of the Delight of the Thames Lodge , congratulated the newly installed Officers . After the ceremony a banquet was held ,
1 he Correspondent of the Sydney morning Herald writing from Noumea , New Caledonian , says : —After Henri Rocbefort ' s escape a eading merchant of Noumea received notice to quit , and the Masonic Lodge was closed , through presumed complicity in tho flight of tho Communist leader ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Royal Princes And The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
WE learn that , on Wednesday last , the 6 th inst ., their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and Prince Leopold wero advanced tt ' the 33 ° at the headquarters of the Ancient and Accepted Rite . 33 Golden-square , in the presence of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , 33 ° , Grand Patron of the Order . The ceremony was performed by Lord Skelmersdale 33 ° , tho Sov . Grand Commander , assisted by the other members of the Supreme Council 33 ° . A full report will appear in our next .
Masonic Presentation To Lord Methuen.
A GRAND Lodgo of the Province of Wilts was held yesterday , at the Town Hall , Swindon , under tho presidency of Lord Methuen Prov . Grand Master for Wilts . Grand Lodge was numerously attended , and among the brethren present were Bros . Gabriel Goldney , M . P ., Depnty Prov . Grand Master , Sir Daniel Gooch , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Berks and Bucks , Lord Hy . Thynne , Frederick H . Goldney Prov . Grand Treasurer , H . C . Tombs Prov . Grand Secretary , James Terry Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and F . R . W . Hedges Secretary of the Royal Masonio Institution for
Girls . Among the letters which wero read expressing regret for inability to attend was one from Bro . Collins , on behalf of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold ; from Sir H . Watson Taylor , who sent a present of two line haunches of venison ; and from Bro . Hervey , Grand Secretary of England . The Treasurer ' s report showed thab
the funds of tho Province wero in a highly favourable condition , and fifty guineas were voted to tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . " Bro . Gabriel Goldney then presented to Lord Methuen a pair of magnificent solid silver candelabra , of tho value of six hundred guineas , accompanied by a testimonial ou vellum framed and glazed . The candelabra and testimonial were subscribed for by
the brethren and Lodges of the Province in commemoration of Lord Methuen having completed his twenty-fifth year of office as Provincial Grand Master of Wilts . Bro . Goldney , in making the presentation , after stating that it was a recognition by the brethren of the eminent services of His Lordship , as Provincial ; Grand Master , in raising the Province of Wilts to its present high j
position in Freemasonry , traced the progress of the Province in the \ last twenty-five years , which was evidenced by the increased number ' of Freemasons iu the district , and the continually growing ; contributions ib made in tho cause of charity . Lord Methuen , ' who , in replying , was visibly affected , expressed his pleasure at this " latest mark of their appreciation of any little ;
services he had been able to render . When he looked on the maguificent testimonial which had been presented to him , and considered its great cost and high artistic execution , he could not help askiug himself what he had done to deserve it ? Although he might , to some extent , have assisted the Province , lie was sure that the generous and kindly feelings which the brethren had evinced towards
him that day wero ten or a hundred times greater in proportion . For many generations he trusted tho splendid tokeus of the brethren ' s esteem , generosity and kindness , would be hauded down to members of his family , who he hoped would , in their turn , have the , same feelings towards the Freemasons of Wiltshire as lie had himself . He f-oiicluried by informing the brethren that all that he hail
been enabled to do in Freemasonry was due to the kind instruction he had received from Sir Daniel Gooch . Brother F . H . Goldney then presented his Lordship with a History of Free- masonry in Will shire , which was afterwards ordered to be printed . The new Grand Officers for the year were subsequently appointed , and the proceedings of the day concluded with a banquet . A ball was given iu the evening .
The Abbey Lodge of Mark Masters , Wo . 225 , Abingdon . —The consecration took place ou 30 th nit ., at the Abbey Council Hall . The consecrating officer was the very Worshipful Brother the Rev . P . M . Holden , Past Grand Chaplain , who performed the beautiful and impressive ceremonies in the most able manner . He was assisted by several distinguished officers from the Graud
Lodge . The installation of the first Worshipful Master , Brother Walter Ballard , was then proceeded with , and he subsequently invested bis Officers , the S . W . being Bro . Walter Thompson , and tho J . W . E . L . Shepherd . The Lodge being closet " , a splendid banquet was partaken of in tho Council Chamber . Tiio excellent rendering ot several choice selections of music , by Bro ; her Theodore Distin and others , was much appreciated . Amongst the brethren who took part
in the proceedings were Bros . T . J . Pulley W . M . of the Aldershut Lodge , E . Margrett W . M . designate of * ho new Leopold Lodgo , which will be consecrated in Reading ou the 25 th iust ., Charles Stephens , George VVestuIl , & c , & e . The Great Western Railway Company's arrangements for tho conveyance of the Visitors to aim from Abingdon were very complete , aud were carried out under the personal superintendence of Brother JI . Sti veus , tho District Traffic Manager .
Ancient Carthage Chapter , No . 1717 , at Tunis , in North Africa . — 'lhc first regular meeting of this Chapter ut ' tei tbe summer recess was held on Friday , tho 25 th of October , at the Masonic Hall , nearly the whole of tho members being present . Two of the Principals having resigned , owing to th ir iuaoility to come from Malta to attend the meetings , of the Chapter , the iirai
Masonic Presentation To Lord Methuen.
Principal , E . Comp Broadley , installed in their stead , and by the unanimous desire of the members , E . Comp Dr . N . Lenghi 33 ° G . O . > f Italy and P . M . of the Italian Lodge" Caprera" at Alexandria , as H . ; and Ex-Comp . Dr . Q . Mugnaini 32 ° G . O . of Italy and P . M . of the Italian Lodgo "Carthago and Utica" at Tunis , as J . ; Comp Professor S . Souiller was elected and installed as E . On the
Chapter being opened iu duo form , a vote of thanks was passed to E . Comp W . Kingston ( R . W . D . G . M . of Malta ) P . Z . 349 , and E . Comp . Reichelmann J . 349 for their invaluable aid in opening the Chapter , and the consideration shown by them in resigning their posts to other eligible Companions , when it was found that their private associations in Malta wonld prevent their coming
to Tunis to work tho Chapter . It was also resolved that a letter of thanks bo written to the Principals of the Molita Chapter 349 , who had presented the " Ancient Carthago Chapter" with a highly finished set of sceptres . Tho following candidates were then unanimously elected : Bros . J . H . Stevens , H . B . Majesty ' s Vice-Consul at Tunis S . W 1717 , A . Perini M . D . J . W . 1717 , M . Lnmbroso Secretary 1717 , A . Felice , and J . Baraotti . Q'hese brethren being in
attendance , were introduced , and duly exalted to tho sublime degree of the Royal Arch . Thero are now twenty-nine active members of the Chapter , including the W . M . of tho Italian Lodgo "Risorgimeiito , " and the degree is very highly appreciated by the foreign , brethren , especially as the ceremony is efficiently worked in the Italian language . The Chapter being closed in duo form , was idjourned till the next regular meeting of the 23 rd November .
New Zealand.
The first anniversary of tho Palmerston Lodge , No . 1749 , E . C ., was celebrated on Friday , 16 th August , in the presence of a very largo gathering of the Craft . The Lodge was opened in due form at 8 p . m . by Bro . Henry Kitchener W . M ., assisted by his Officers , and the Following visitors were announced and received with the usual Masonic
jeremonies : —Tho W . M ., Officers , and members of Lodgo Waitaki N ' o . 1111 E . G ., the R . W . P . M ., Officers , and members of the Oaraaru Kilwinning Lodgo S . C , tho W . M . Officers , and members of the Port jbalmers Marine Lodgo No . 942 E . G ., together with Bros . P . M . ' s D . Rhodes Lodge of Otago No . 844 E . G ., J . Matheson No . 1111 E . G .,
Drawford E . C , and J . Joyce No . 942 E . C . The Lodgo of Mount Ida was represented by Bro . Bremner , and tho sister Constitutions of Ireland and Scotland by Bros . Geohagan I . C ., and Captain M'Bride 3 f the barque Aline S . C . The usual routine business of the Lodge having been transacted , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and
Bro . M'Kenzio P . M . Oamarn Kilwinning Lodge S . C , who had been Inly elected as W . M . of the Palmerston Lodge , was presented for installation , the ceremony being performed by Bro . C . de Longueville Graham , who was ably assisted by tho W . Bros . J . Joyce and J . Matheson . After the installation of the W . M ., Bro . H . Kitchener .
; ho retiring Master , was installed as P . M ., and tho Board of Installed Masters closed . The following brethreu were then invested as Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . R . Jeffreys S . W ., Catamore J . W ., Drapper Sec , Stephenson Treasurer ; Haynes J . D ., J . Bower I . G ., Robins Tyler . Bro . P . M . Matheson gave the customary addresses to
tho newly-invested wardens , while tho W . M . was addressed by Bro . P . M . J . Joyce . At the termination of the installation ceremony Bro . H . Kitchener P . M . moved that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to tho installing Officers . This being carried by acclamatron , tho Lodge was closed in duo form . Appropriate music was
rendered during the ceremonies by Bro . J . A . D . Adams of the Lodge af Otago No . 814 E . C After the installation , tho brethren adjourned to the Empire Hotel , where a sumptuous repast had beon provided in Bro . J . Duncan ' s best stylo ; fully fifty members of the Craft were present , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . The usual Loyal
Mid Masonic toasts wero given , and duly honoured ; while at frequent intervals some excellent songs wero rendered by several of the brethren present , Bro . Blakely presiding at the piano . Shortly before the closing toast was given , the health of the host and hostess , Bro . iud Mrs . Duncan was appropriately given , and responded to ; and
ifter a brief interval the brethren separated well pleased with the enjoyable evening they had spent . From the acknowledged ability of the W . M ., Bro . M'Kenzie , together with the able selection of Officers he has made , we augur a most successful year for the thriving little Palmerston Lodge .
A meeting of the P . G . Lodge of the North Island , S . C , was held on Monday evening , the 2 nd September , in the Wellington Theatre Royal , for the purpose of installing the Officers who were unable to attend in Auckland last year . The Waterloo Lodge was the first opened . About 200 Masons of the various Lodges were present . The Provincial
Grand Lodge was then entered , aud Bro . the Hon . F . Wbitaker P . G . M . assumed the throne , and opened I lie Provincial Grand Lodge , introflucing Bro . McCnlloch P . P . D . G . M . as tho installing Master . Bro . Brodie P . G . Senior Warden occupied his proper chair , and the other G . L . Officers wero filled b y deputies . The Officers installed wore : Bro . A . Johnston as P . D . P . G . M , Bro . Rev . B . W . Harvey as P . G . D .
Chaplain , Bro . Gillon as P . G . D . Sec , Bro . Browles as P . G . S . D ., and Bro . Dale as P . A . Marshal . The ceremony was admirably conducted by Bro . McCnlloch , aud tho musical part was supported by a splendid choir . Bro . Brodie , ou behalf of the Sir Walter Scott , Thame ' s ; Bro . McCulloch on behalf of tbe St . Andrew ' s Loclgo , Auckland ; and Bro . Power , on behalf of the Delight of the Thames Lodge , congratulated the newly installed Officers . After the ceremony a banquet was held ,
1 he Correspondent of the Sydney morning Herald writing from Noumea , New Caledonian , says : —After Henri Rocbefort ' s escape a eading merchant of Noumea received notice to quit , and the Masonic Lodge was closed , through presumed complicity in tho flight of tho Communist leader ,