Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
, ¦ — . —— — . . CATNHTONSTEEETHOTEL,CANNONSTREET,LONDON,E.C. Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Eailway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o . THE LABGE HALL IS CAPABLE OP SEATING- UPWAEDS OP TWELVE HUNDBED PEOPLE . VISITORS AXD FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHOUT PERIODS , will find tho APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND . MANAGER .
ARTHURALLISON&CO. §i»ttrf«b,|»«B»»®*paMIp»m»w»m MANUFACTURERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , WSole London Agents for Dawes & Ramsden ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . the Princess Louise . 3 Tu . ll Illustrated Price Lists post free cm application , to N " o . 4 tO Great Marlborough . Street . NOTE ADDRESS—a change having recently been made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GROYBBcScGROYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , Ifeg ^ ri ^ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . y pBSBJH ^ PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEI R OWN TERMS , frj ^ g F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s QUART ER . Lj |^ I fit The Advantages of a Trial , with the Convenience of the 6 Pff—ni . it I | j Three Years' System at Cash Price , by Payiasr about a Qunrtci ' t - A J _ M r ^^ " " ^ y of the value down , the Balance by Easy Payments , lroni J ^ ,, p g ~~^ trJa | jjj ?~ * * ,, cr 1 "'" 'tcr . GROVER&GROVER,1579KingslandRoad. ESTABLISH I ' . D 1830 .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigaw . 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY" ! Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , B . C . j General accidents . I Personal injuries . j Railway accidents . | Donth by accident . j C . HARDING , Manager .
NOTICE . FOOTBALL !! FOOTBALL !! TO HEADS OP COLLEGES , SCHOOLS , & c . ALL who rpquire OUTFITS should send for ono of JOHN LILLY-WHITE'S list of prices ( post fveel . His tariff will bo found cheaper than that of any other houso in the trade . Solo authorised publisher of tho Rugby Union Football Laws . THE LARGEST EXHIBITION OF FOOTBALLS IN THE WORLD may be seen during tho season at his Warehouse . ADDRESS : — JOHN LILLYWHITE , FOOTBALL WAREHOUSE , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , N \ W . N . B . —No connexion with any other house in tho trade .
TAMAR INDIEN . « JPEt : lAI , CAUTIOIV . OWTN"G to the marked sneceaa of this medicine , tlw only patent medicine universally pre * acirihtirt hy the faculty , and fche nc ! : nowled ^ ctl cum ini' constipation , lic : vl : iclu > , bile , hemorrhoids , & c „ BASE IMITATIONS , containing drastic irritant- * , aro being foisted on thn public . The genuine preparation bertr-i the fclrte "Tanuir Indien , " and tho signature K . Ci : iLLoN , Coleman-st . Tjondon , E . C . Price il- & 1 per box . In a recent ca « e , 187 G , G . No . 211 , a perpetual injunction to retrain the defendant twin applying the name "Tarnar" to hU lozenges waa awarded , with costs , by Vice-Chancellor Bacon , on lnth January 1877 , and all such piracies will be summuriiy proceeded against . > ' . B . See thit the outer wrnp [ er ( directions ) aro printed in the English language , and that each box bears tho Government . 'id stamp .
Second Edition . Demy Svo , Price 2 s 6 d . SYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS ; a tabulated analysis , by Wir . iiAir COOK , a member of the Bristol and Clifton Chess Association . Second Edition with additions and emendations . LoifDOH i W . W . MORGAN , 67 BARBICAK , E . C ,
LIST OF RARE & VALUABLE WORKS ON FEEEMASONEY , OFFERED FOR SAT . E , AT PRICES ANNEXED , AT THE OFFICE OF The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican . 236 Influence attributed to Philosophers and Freemasons on tho French Revolution . Mourner . Svo . London , 1801 5 s 237 Lea Troix hommes illustres . Barbet . 18 mo . Half bound ( sequel toLogoOentrale ) . Paris , ISO i 9 s 238 Poems . Hnnoywood ' s , with Address to Union Lodge . Albany , 1783 . Bound . 12 mo . Mow York . HOI SsBil 239 Senders Collection for a , History of the Rose Croix ( in German ) . ISmo . Leipzig , 178 B •Is 240 Die geheimen Aufschlusse ( Illuminism ) . ISmo . Frankfort , 1791 -is 241 Duhreuil . Histoire des F . M . 2 vols , 18 mo . Brussells , 1833 3 s 247 Versammlunesreden der Gold n . Rosankrenzer . Vignettes . ISmo . Amsterdam . 1779 5 s 248 Chansons notees . Nandot . All copper . pinto . 1737 . Very scarce 9 s 249 Sethos . Par 1 'Abbe Terrason . 6 vols , 2 lmo . Half bound . Paris , 1813 ... 30 s 250 Le Resrulatenr du Macon . 3 degrees . 4 to . Herodon , 5801 . Half bound , fine copy 10 s 251 Kegulatenrsymboliqnedes Hants Grades . 4 to , front . Separate Rituals r or tho principal Officers . Half hound , lettered ( M 35 ) 252 A . B . C . vom Stein der Weisen . 12 mo . 2 vols . Berlin , 1779 10 s 6 d 253 Macoy . General History and Cyclopaidia . Illustrated . Svo . cloth . New York , 1839 12 s Cd 25-1 lTn » ban , Masonic Sketches and Reprints . 8 vd . 1871 12 s fid 255 Morris . Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry . Svo . Now York , 1 S 5 S . Cloth 8 s Od 250 Suite des Errenrs et de la Verite . See No . 205 . Salnmonopolis ( 1781 ) ... 5 s fid 257 Geschichte der Verfolfrnnir der Tllnminaten . ISmo . Frankfort , 1780 . And Nachtras ( continuation ) 1787 . 2 vols 5 s 6 d 258 Anodiktiseho Fi' -klarnns uher daa Bach "Irrthum nnd Wahrhoit . " 18 mo . Wittenberg , 1789 5 s 259 Religionsweson n Freyraanreroy . 18 mo . 1730 2 s 260 Bazot ' s Manual . 2 vols , 18 mo , front . Half bound . Paris , 1835 6 s Cd 261 Die Otfenbarte Freytnanrerey . Phidias . Plates . Leipzig . 18 c . 1715 . Scarce 8 s 2 G 2 Greene . The Blazing Star . Boston , 1872 . 12 mo 8 s 263 Archiv fur F . M . and R . C . All published . Berlin , 1783 2 s 264 Tho Freebooter . Vol . 1 ( contains notes of Masonic interest ) . Smo . London . 182-1 12 s 265 Ernst nnd Falck ( continuation of No . 56 ) . 1790 5 s Cd 206 Fraternal Melody ( See No . 235 ) with an Ode . London , 1773 . Half bound . Fine eopv 8 s 267 Raptns Philosophictis . Small R . C . pamphlet . 1 G 19 2 s Cd 268 The Secret Revealed . By an Ancient Brother . 2 lrao . London , 1820 ... 3 s Cd 269 Notnma Nicht Ex Jesnifc . TJeber das Ganze der Maureroy . Colonred vignette . 18 mo . Leipzig . 1788 9 s 270 Notice historique snr le Calendrier avec vmconvputMaoonnique . ISmo . Paris , 1812 'Is 271 Lowe Centrale des veritables F . M . ( Barbet ) . ISmo . Very scarce . Paris , 1802 10 s 273 Freemasons' Pocket Companion . Edi nburgh , 1751 5 s 274 Do London , 1736 10 s 6 d 275 Manual . Order of the Eastern Star . ISmo . New York , 1 SC 9 Ss 276 Cole . Illustrations of Masonry . Coloured port'ait . ISmo . London , 1 S 01 ... 10 s fid 277 Freemasons' Vade Mecum . London , 1805 3 s cd 278 Der belenchtete Sarsena . ISmo . Freiberg . 1317 5 s Cd 279 System der Loore Wahrheit nnd Einiirkcit . ISmo . ( Philadelphia , 1591 ) ... 5 s 251 Masonry Dissected . Prichard . SOrli Edition ' 2 s Cd 282 Mvstio Circle . Gray . 12 mo . Cincinnati , 1855 4 s 283 Lives of Ashmole and Lilly . 12 mo . London , 1774 7 s Bd burg , 1680 . Extremely rare pamphlet 30 s In ordering from these lists it is only necessary to give tho number and date of the book required .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
, ¦ — . —— — . . CATNHTONSTEEETHOTEL,CANNONSTREET,LONDON,E.C. Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Eailway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o . THE LABGE HALL IS CAPABLE OP SEATING- UPWAEDS OP TWELVE HUNDBED PEOPLE . VISITORS AXD FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHOUT PERIODS , will find tho APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND . MANAGER .
ARTHURALLISON&CO. §i»ttrf«b,|»«B»»®*paMIp»m»w»m MANUFACTURERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , WSole London Agents for Dawes & Ramsden ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . the Princess Louise . 3 Tu . ll Illustrated Price Lists post free cm application , to N " o . 4 tO Great Marlborough . Street . NOTE ADDRESS—a change having recently been made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GROYBBcScGROYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , Ifeg ^ ri ^ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . y pBSBJH ^ PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEI R OWN TERMS , frj ^ g F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s QUART ER . Lj |^ I fit The Advantages of a Trial , with the Convenience of the 6 Pff—ni . it I | j Three Years' System at Cash Price , by Payiasr about a Qunrtci ' t - A J _ M r ^^ " " ^ y of the value down , the Balance by Easy Payments , lroni J ^ ,, p g ~~^ trJa | jjj ?~ * * ,, cr 1 "'" 'tcr . GROVER&GROVER,1579KingslandRoad. ESTABLISH I ' . D 1830 .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigaw . 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY" ! Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , B . C . j General accidents . I Personal injuries . j Railway accidents . | Donth by accident . j C . HARDING , Manager .
NOTICE . FOOTBALL !! FOOTBALL !! TO HEADS OP COLLEGES , SCHOOLS , & c . ALL who rpquire OUTFITS should send for ono of JOHN LILLY-WHITE'S list of prices ( post fveel . His tariff will bo found cheaper than that of any other houso in the trade . Solo authorised publisher of tho Rugby Union Football Laws . THE LARGEST EXHIBITION OF FOOTBALLS IN THE WORLD may be seen during tho season at his Warehouse . ADDRESS : — JOHN LILLYWHITE , FOOTBALL WAREHOUSE , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , N \ W . N . B . —No connexion with any other house in tho trade .
TAMAR INDIEN . « JPEt : lAI , CAUTIOIV . OWTN"G to the marked sneceaa of this medicine , tlw only patent medicine universally pre * acirihtirt hy the faculty , and fche nc ! : nowled ^ ctl cum ini' constipation , lic : vl : iclu > , bile , hemorrhoids , & c „ BASE IMITATIONS , containing drastic irritant- * , aro being foisted on thn public . The genuine preparation bertr-i the fclrte "Tanuir Indien , " and tho signature K . Ci : iLLoN , Coleman-st . Tjondon , E . C . Price il- & 1 per box . In a recent ca « e , 187 G , G . No . 211 , a perpetual injunction to retrain the defendant twin applying the name "Tarnar" to hU lozenges waa awarded , with costs , by Vice-Chancellor Bacon , on lnth January 1877 , and all such piracies will be summuriiy proceeded against . > ' . B . See thit the outer wrnp [ er ( directions ) aro printed in the English language , and that each box bears tho Government . 'id stamp .
Second Edition . Demy Svo , Price 2 s 6 d . SYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS ; a tabulated analysis , by Wir . iiAir COOK , a member of the Bristol and Clifton Chess Association . Second Edition with additions and emendations . LoifDOH i W . W . MORGAN , 67 BARBICAK , E . C ,
LIST OF RARE & VALUABLE WORKS ON FEEEMASONEY , OFFERED FOR SAT . E , AT PRICES ANNEXED , AT THE OFFICE OF The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican . 236 Influence attributed to Philosophers and Freemasons on tho French Revolution . Mourner . Svo . London , 1801 5 s 237 Lea Troix hommes illustres . Barbet . 18 mo . Half bound ( sequel toLogoOentrale ) . Paris , ISO i 9 s 238 Poems . Hnnoywood ' s , with Address to Union Lodge . Albany , 1783 . Bound . 12 mo . Mow York . HOI SsBil 239 Senders Collection for a , History of the Rose Croix ( in German ) . ISmo . Leipzig , 178 B •Is 240 Die geheimen Aufschlusse ( Illuminism ) . ISmo . Frankfort , 1791 -is 241 Duhreuil . Histoire des F . M . 2 vols , 18 mo . Brussells , 1833 3 s 247 Versammlunesreden der Gold n . Rosankrenzer . Vignettes . ISmo . Amsterdam . 1779 5 s 248 Chansons notees . Nandot . All copper . pinto . 1737 . Very scarce 9 s 249 Sethos . Par 1 'Abbe Terrason . 6 vols , 2 lmo . Half bound . Paris , 1813 ... 30 s 250 Le Resrulatenr du Macon . 3 degrees . 4 to . Herodon , 5801 . Half bound , fine copy 10 s 251 Kegulatenrsymboliqnedes Hants Grades . 4 to , front . Separate Rituals r or tho principal Officers . Half hound , lettered ( M 35 ) 252 A . B . C . vom Stein der Weisen . 12 mo . 2 vols . Berlin , 1779 10 s 6 d 253 Macoy . General History and Cyclopaidia . Illustrated . Svo . cloth . New York , 1839 12 s Cd 25-1 lTn » ban , Masonic Sketches and Reprints . 8 vd . 1871 12 s fid 255 Morris . Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry . Svo . Now York , 1 S 5 S . Cloth 8 s Od 250 Suite des Errenrs et de la Verite . See No . 205 . Salnmonopolis ( 1781 ) ... 5 s fid 257 Geschichte der Verfolfrnnir der Tllnminaten . ISmo . Frankfort , 1780 . And Nachtras ( continuation ) 1787 . 2 vols 5 s 6 d 258 Anodiktiseho Fi' -klarnns uher daa Bach "Irrthum nnd Wahrhoit . " 18 mo . Wittenberg , 1789 5 s 259 Religionsweson n Freyraanreroy . 18 mo . 1730 2 s 260 Bazot ' s Manual . 2 vols , 18 mo , front . Half bound . Paris , 1835 6 s Cd 261 Die Otfenbarte Freytnanrerey . Phidias . Plates . Leipzig . 18 c . 1715 . Scarce 8 s 2 G 2 Greene . The Blazing Star . Boston , 1872 . 12 mo 8 s 263 Archiv fur F . M . and R . C . All published . Berlin , 1783 2 s 264 Tho Freebooter . Vol . 1 ( contains notes of Masonic interest ) . Smo . London . 182-1 12 s 265 Ernst nnd Falck ( continuation of No . 56 ) . 1790 5 s Cd 206 Fraternal Melody ( See No . 235 ) with an Ode . London , 1773 . Half bound . Fine eopv 8 s 267 Raptns Philosophictis . Small R . C . pamphlet . 1 G 19 2 s Cd 268 The Secret Revealed . By an Ancient Brother . 2 lrao . London , 1820 ... 3 s Cd 269 Notnma Nicht Ex Jesnifc . TJeber das Ganze der Maureroy . Colonred vignette . 18 mo . Leipzig . 1788 9 s 270 Notice historique snr le Calendrier avec vmconvputMaoonnique . ISmo . Paris , 1812 'Is 271 Lowe Centrale des veritables F . M . ( Barbet ) . ISmo . Very scarce . Paris , 1802 10 s 273 Freemasons' Pocket Companion . Edi nburgh , 1751 5 s 274 Do London , 1736 10 s 6 d 275 Manual . Order of the Eastern Star . ISmo . New York , 1 SC 9 Ss 276 Cole . Illustrations of Masonry . Coloured port'ait . ISmo . London , 1 S 01 ... 10 s fid 277 Freemasons' Vade Mecum . London , 1805 3 s cd 278 Der belenchtete Sarsena . ISmo . Freiberg . 1317 5 s Cd 279 System der Loore Wahrheit nnd Einiirkcit . ISmo . ( Philadelphia , 1591 ) ... 5 s 251 Masonry Dissected . Prichard . SOrli Edition ' 2 s Cd 282 Mvstio Circle . Gray . 12 mo . Cincinnati , 1855 4 s 283 Lives of Ashmole and Lilly . 12 mo . London , 1774 7 s Bd burg , 1680 . Extremely rare pamphlet 30 s In ordering from these lists it is only necessary to give tho number and date of the book required .