Article VALE OF WHITE HORSE LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article VALE OF WHITE HORSE LODGE. Page 2 of 2
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Vale Of White Horse Lodge.
picked to seo him . Bro . A . Snolgrovo P . M . sang a very ex-<¦•!.. jut song . Bro . Pigarche returned thanks for the hearty and kind manner the brethren had honoured the toast and tho compliment they had paid him in receiving him as a member of the Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors ; they had many distinguished Masons present , but he would call on Bro .
Paul Storr to respond to the toast . Bro . Pigarche sang a very artistic song , which was deservedly applauded and encored ; he accompanied himself on the piano . Bro . Paul Storr replied on behalf of the Visitors , and was followed by Bro . H . M . Levy P . M 188 . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . L . Ruf and A . Snelgrove , whoso services they
had for many years fully appreciated ; both were well worthy their regard and esteem . Brother Bedell gave the next song . Brother L . Ruf said ho had taken every interest in the Lodge . Ho had belonged to it twenty-nine years . Ho was the Father , and his great idea was to see the Lodge become Vice-President of the
Charities . Bio . A . Snelgrove followed , and said he , in conjunction with his fellow colleague , hoped they had done their work well . The members had seen the balance sheet that night , and ifc was a sufficient proof they had the interest of the Lodge at heart . Bro . Kidder jun . sang " Nancy Lee . " The toast of the Officers was next given .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45—At the Old Rodney ' s Head , 12 Old-street , Goswell-road , on Monday , the 4 th inst . Present—Bros . Pearcy W . M ., Symons S . W ., Halle J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , W . Rowley S . D ., Wing J . D , Pelikan I . G . ; also Bros . Hallam son ., A . Rowley , Mitchell , Smith , Brandon , Dyer . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M . iu a very impressive manner , Bro . Smith as candidate . Bro . Pelikan
gavo proof of his proficiency , but was not entrusted . The W . M . worked the first , second , fourth and fifth sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Hallo and Smith , of the Mother Lodge , and Bro . Brandrnm of Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 , wero elected members . Bro . Symons was voted to the chair of K . S . for next Monday evening , after which Lodgo was closed . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge on the last Monday in this mouth , full particulars will be announced in next week ' s CHRONICLE .
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 55 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 5 th November , at the Bedford Hotel , Southampton-buildings , Holborn . Present—Bros . J . Bingemann W . M ., R . P . Tate S . W ., J . S . Brown J . W ., Dickins Sec , Sandle S . D ., Abell J . D ., MoAIpino I . G . ; Bros . J . Soper , Blank , Sanders , Gates , Robertson , H . C . Soper , Alford , Bond , Miroy , Thompson , Watts , Cornu , Wooltidge , Johnstone and others . The Fifteen Sections were
worked by the following brethren : —1 st Bro . Gates , 2 nd Bro . Abell , 3 rd Bro . Sanders , 4 th Bro . Dickins , 5 th Bro . Tate , 6 th Bro . Brown , 7 th Bro . Thompson , 8 th Bro . Miroy , 9 th Bro . Watts , 10 th Bro . Tate , 11 th Bro . Dickins , 12 th Bro . Brown , 13 th Bro . Soper , 14 th Bro . Watts , loth Bro . Tate . Votes of thanks were unanimously accorded to tho W . M ., and to the brethren who had assisted him . On Tuesday , 12 th November , Bro . Miroy will occupy the chair .
Lodge of Joppa No . 188 . —The regular meeting was held on Monday , 4 th iust ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , City . Bros . J . Miller W . M ., M . Spiegel S . W ., H . Hymaus J . W ., L . M . Auerhaan Treas ., B . P . Albert P . M . P . G . P . Hon . Secretary , Campion S . D ., R . Baker J . D ., I . Benjamin I . G ., Blanks D . C , and P . M . ' s Bros . L . Lazarus , A . G . Dodson and S . Hickman . The Lodge was
opened and the minutes were confirmed . Mr . Chas . Robinson was ballotted for and duly initiated into tho Order . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethreu adjourned to slight refreshment . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . E . P . Albert P . G . P . responded for the Grand Officers . The harmony of the evening was enhanced by the excellent singing of the W . M ., Bros . Benjamin , Blanks , Silvester and Frankliu .
Stability Lodge , No . 217 . —A regular meeting of this Lodgo V » as held ou Tuesday , 5 th November , at Anderton's Hotel . Present —Bros . R . G . Seaborn W . M ., J . M . Hodder S . W ., J . F . Clark J . W ., H . Franco P . M . Treas . and S . D ., G . A . Taylor P . M . Secretary , W . Cattermole J . D ., H . J . Westmore D . C ; also Bros . II . Mams , W . Riley , H . Lynn , J . L . Hiuks , F . J . Wooltuer , G . B . Clough , G . W .
Hodges and J . W . Woolmer . Visitor—Bro . G . H . Stephens . Bros . Hinks and Riley having proved themselves proficient , were entrusted . Lodge was opened up , and they wero raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Lynn was entrusted and passed to tho second degree . Several notices of motion wero disposed of , and Lodge was adjourned until 3 rd December next .
"Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction . —A meeting was held ou Wednesday , the 6 th instant , Bro . W . J . Hantley being the W . M ., with Bros . J . Frost S . W ., and J . Featherstone J . W . Then were also present Bros . H . It . Jones , W . F . Wardroper , J . J . Holland , J . G . Carter , & c The three degrees wero rehearsed , Bro .
Wavdropor going through the first aud second , aud Bro . A . A . Denham through the third . Bro . J . Fiost was voted as tho W . M . for tin ensuing meeting . This Lodge of Instruction is looked upon as a great boon to tho Masonic brethren in the district , there not bein ^ one nearer than that held at Prince ' s Head , Battersea .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bro Bolton ' s , King aud Queen , Norton Foigate , on Thursday , the 31 st uli Present—Bros . Townsend W . M ., Giesoke S . W ., Cleverly J . W ., Fennei Preceptor , Abrahams S . D ., Serjeant J . D ., Hine I . Gf . j also Bros .
Vale Of White Horse Lodge.
Pearcy , Rosenheim , Peacock and others . All preliminaries having been observed , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Rosenheim being the candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the two first sections of the Lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Rosen . eim , of Mount Moriah Lodge No . 27 , U . S . A ., was elected a member . Bro . Gieseke was unanimously elected to fill the chair of K . S . at the next meeting .
Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 .-At Finsbury Park Tavern , Holloway , on 6 th November . Bros . P . M . Dickinson Preceptor , Press W . M ., Oldis S . W ., Campbell J . W ., Eldridgo S . D ., Edmunds J . D ., S . Goode I . G ., H . B . D . Dunn Seo . Lodgo opened , minutes read and confirmed . Bro . J . H . Bastable offered himself as a candidate for initiation , and the ceremony was
rehearsed . Bro . P . M . Dickinson worked the first , second and third sections of the lecture . Bro . Oldis was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bro . J . H . Bastable of No . 1695 was elected a member . Bro . P . M . Dickinson re-elected Preceptor , Bro . P . M . Pigot Treasurer , and Bro . H . B . D . Dunn Secretary , for the ensuing year .
Royal Standard Lodge , No . 1298 . —A meeting was hold on 5 th November , at tho Wellington Club , Islington , N . Present—Bros . W . H . Cohen W . M ., H . W . Gladwell S . W ., G . II . Hunter J . W ., Geo . S . Bigley Sec , G . Allison Treas ., L . Buderus S . D ., Stolons J . D ., Watford D . C , Streat Steward , Baldwin I . G . Visitors—Bros . A . W . Duret W . M . of the Amhorst Lodge , and Max Sabel of tho Athouajum
Lodge , No . 1491 . After the confirmation of the minutes , the ballot was taken for Bro . Wesley Marshall , of Lodge Commercial , Glasgow , No . 360 , as a joining member ; this proved unanimous . Bro . Charles Bogler was then laised to the sublime degree . Tbo usual routine business followed , and Lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to a cold collation .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . —A meeting was held ou Thursday , 7 tti Novouiuer , at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , E . C . Present—Bros . Muss W . M ., Spiegel S . W ., Staley J . W ., Blackie Sec , Hamer Treas ., ttitoL S . D ., C Taylor J . D ., Blanks I . G ., Saul Preceptor , and several other brothroti . Tho
Lodge w ts opened , and minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Baber offered himself as candidate , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M . Tbe first , second , third and fourth sections of the lecture were then worked . Bros . Dow 45 aud Blanks 188 were unanimously elected members . The S . W . was appointed W . M . for ensuing week .
Loyalty L ~ dge , No . 887 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Fleece Hotel , St . Helens , West Lancashire , on Tuesday , the 5 th instant . Present—Bros . W . J . Marrow W . M ., W . Harrison I . P . M ., J . S . White S . W ., T . Molyneux J . W ., Rev . F . Mermager Chaplain , Joseph Robinson Treas ., J . J . Morris Secretary , W . Loader S . D ., F . Hodgson J . D ., R . B . Woodward Org ., E . Beilby I . G ., J .
Taylor Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . W . Leather , J . G . Dunn , and Bros . J . Grace , J . Hall , John Harrison , G . Barton , W . R . Ward , J . Bonnett , T . Haslam , J . Smith , T . Windus , H . C . Lockhart , W . Birchall , D . MoKechnie , D . M . F . Gaskin , J . Kioketts , J . H . Roughsadge , James Fowler P . M . 86 and 1384 , James Harrison , R . Tysou P . M . 106 " , 0 . C . Wilson , F . A . R . Neill , & c Visitors— S . Wyide P . M . 1403 , John
Bowes P . M . 148 P . P . G . J . W ., R . Brierloy P . M . 1250 , D . W . Fiuney W . M . 1250 P . G . S ., S . M . Davies ( FKUKJIASON ' CHRONICLE ) , W . R , Robinson W . M . Ia 35 , F . M . Coats 241 , W . Holt 1384 , J . Rimmer 13 a 4 C . Sayer 220 , J . W . McTear 1384 , A . G . Kyle 1381 , & o . The Lodge was opened in aucieut form , the minutes read aud ratified . The Lodge was advanced to the second degree , and Bro . Bennett
was passed . This being tho night lor election of officers , the ballot was taken for W . M , for the ensuing year , and resulted in the unanimous selection of the S . W . Bro . Robinson was re-eiected Treasurer , and Bro . Taylor Tyler . The other Officers were voted to their respective offices . Several matters of private business were brought forward , and kept the Lodge open to an unusually late hour .
The W . M . having received the hearty good wishes of many brethren , the Lodge was closed . By request of the W . M . the brethren ad . journed to supper . In consequence of the lateness of the hour many . left without sitting down to refreshment , a circumstance which caused the W . M . regret . After tho removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts in quick succes .
sion . He most cordially gave that of the Visitors . He craved their indulgence lor all shortcomings . He welcomed them very cordially , and asked the brethren to drink heartily to the toast , —which was done . Ho called upon Bro . W yldu to respond . That brother bjato . ved indiscriminate praise where ic was not on any consideration merited . This customary
flattery is very injurious , and is calculated to mislead the younger members of the Craft . In all fraternal spirit , we consider chat tho working of No . 697 requires great improvement to merit such praise as that bestowed . A very fine selection of music waa rendered by Bros . Lockhart , Taylor , and Barton . Bro . Woodward presiding at tho organ . Bro . Harrison proposed the health of iho
vV . M ., bearing testimony fco his b . •» . euueavours to fill his post with credit to himself aud satiafactiou to the brethren . The toast waa drunk . vith Masonic honours , and the W . Master in replying reviewed tho , jast year . He regretted he had not been aule to do more for the ^ ood of the Craft , aud particularly for his Lodge . He had great t reasure in proposing tho health of the W . M . elect , who he thanked
, •vith the Officers generally , for thdir many paat marks of esteem . tiro . White responded , and remarked , iu anticipation of the appoint , ueub of Officers for next year , due regard would be taken to appoint hose who understood their duties , and would attend to them . Ho ¦ oped for good attendeuce on the part of tho membera , and their ncarty cooperation in tbo work before thaw ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Vale Of White Horse Lodge.
picked to seo him . Bro . A . Snolgrovo P . M . sang a very ex-<¦•!.. jut song . Bro . Pigarche returned thanks for the hearty and kind manner the brethren had honoured the toast and tho compliment they had paid him in receiving him as a member of the Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors ; they had many distinguished Masons present , but he would call on Bro .
Paul Storr to respond to the toast . Bro . Pigarche sang a very artistic song , which was deservedly applauded and encored ; he accompanied himself on the piano . Bro . Paul Storr replied on behalf of the Visitors , and was followed by Bro . H . M . Levy P . M 188 . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . L . Ruf and A . Snelgrove , whoso services they
had for many years fully appreciated ; both were well worthy their regard and esteem . Brother Bedell gave the next song . Brother L . Ruf said ho had taken every interest in the Lodge . Ho had belonged to it twenty-nine years . Ho was the Father , and his great idea was to see the Lodge become Vice-President of the
Charities . Bio . A . Snelgrove followed , and said he , in conjunction with his fellow colleague , hoped they had done their work well . The members had seen the balance sheet that night , and ifc was a sufficient proof they had the interest of the Lodge at heart . Bro . Kidder jun . sang " Nancy Lee . " The toast of the Officers was next given .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45—At the Old Rodney ' s Head , 12 Old-street , Goswell-road , on Monday , the 4 th inst . Present—Bros . Pearcy W . M ., Symons S . W ., Halle J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , W . Rowley S . D ., Wing J . D , Pelikan I . G . ; also Bros . Hallam son ., A . Rowley , Mitchell , Smith , Brandon , Dyer . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M . iu a very impressive manner , Bro . Smith as candidate . Bro . Pelikan
gavo proof of his proficiency , but was not entrusted . The W . M . worked the first , second , fourth and fifth sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Hallo and Smith , of the Mother Lodge , and Bro . Brandrnm of Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 , wero elected members . Bro . Symons was voted to the chair of K . S . for next Monday evening , after which Lodgo was closed . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge on the last Monday in this mouth , full particulars will be announced in next week ' s CHRONICLE .
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 55 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 5 th November , at the Bedford Hotel , Southampton-buildings , Holborn . Present—Bros . J . Bingemann W . M ., R . P . Tate S . W ., J . S . Brown J . W ., Dickins Sec , Sandle S . D ., Abell J . D ., MoAIpino I . G . ; Bros . J . Soper , Blank , Sanders , Gates , Robertson , H . C . Soper , Alford , Bond , Miroy , Thompson , Watts , Cornu , Wooltidge , Johnstone and others . The Fifteen Sections were
worked by the following brethren : —1 st Bro . Gates , 2 nd Bro . Abell , 3 rd Bro . Sanders , 4 th Bro . Dickins , 5 th Bro . Tate , 6 th Bro . Brown , 7 th Bro . Thompson , 8 th Bro . Miroy , 9 th Bro . Watts , 10 th Bro . Tate , 11 th Bro . Dickins , 12 th Bro . Brown , 13 th Bro . Soper , 14 th Bro . Watts , loth Bro . Tate . Votes of thanks were unanimously accorded to tho W . M ., and to the brethren who had assisted him . On Tuesday , 12 th November , Bro . Miroy will occupy the chair .
Lodge of Joppa No . 188 . —The regular meeting was held on Monday , 4 th iust ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , City . Bros . J . Miller W . M ., M . Spiegel S . W ., H . Hymaus J . W ., L . M . Auerhaan Treas ., B . P . Albert P . M . P . G . P . Hon . Secretary , Campion S . D ., R . Baker J . D ., I . Benjamin I . G ., Blanks D . C , and P . M . ' s Bros . L . Lazarus , A . G . Dodson and S . Hickman . The Lodge was
opened and the minutes were confirmed . Mr . Chas . Robinson was ballotted for and duly initiated into tho Order . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethreu adjourned to slight refreshment . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . E . P . Albert P . G . P . responded for the Grand Officers . The harmony of the evening was enhanced by the excellent singing of the W . M ., Bros . Benjamin , Blanks , Silvester and Frankliu .
Stability Lodge , No . 217 . —A regular meeting of this Lodgo V » as held ou Tuesday , 5 th November , at Anderton's Hotel . Present —Bros . R . G . Seaborn W . M ., J . M . Hodder S . W ., J . F . Clark J . W ., H . Franco P . M . Treas . and S . D ., G . A . Taylor P . M . Secretary , W . Cattermole J . D ., H . J . Westmore D . C ; also Bros . II . Mams , W . Riley , H . Lynn , J . L . Hiuks , F . J . Wooltuer , G . B . Clough , G . W .
Hodges and J . W . Woolmer . Visitor—Bro . G . H . Stephens . Bros . Hinks and Riley having proved themselves proficient , were entrusted . Lodge was opened up , and they wero raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Lynn was entrusted and passed to tho second degree . Several notices of motion wero disposed of , and Lodge was adjourned until 3 rd December next .
"Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction . —A meeting was held ou Wednesday , the 6 th instant , Bro . W . J . Hantley being the W . M ., with Bros . J . Frost S . W ., and J . Featherstone J . W . Then were also present Bros . H . It . Jones , W . F . Wardroper , J . J . Holland , J . G . Carter , & c The three degrees wero rehearsed , Bro .
Wavdropor going through the first aud second , aud Bro . A . A . Denham through the third . Bro . J . Fiost was voted as tho W . M . for tin ensuing meeting . This Lodge of Instruction is looked upon as a great boon to tho Masonic brethren in the district , there not bein ^ one nearer than that held at Prince ' s Head , Battersea .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bro Bolton ' s , King aud Queen , Norton Foigate , on Thursday , the 31 st uli Present—Bros . Townsend W . M ., Giesoke S . W ., Cleverly J . W ., Fennei Preceptor , Abrahams S . D ., Serjeant J . D ., Hine I . Gf . j also Bros .
Vale Of White Horse Lodge.
Pearcy , Rosenheim , Peacock and others . All preliminaries having been observed , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Rosenheim being the candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the two first sections of the Lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Rosen . eim , of Mount Moriah Lodge No . 27 , U . S . A ., was elected a member . Bro . Gieseke was unanimously elected to fill the chair of K . S . at the next meeting .
Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 .-At Finsbury Park Tavern , Holloway , on 6 th November . Bros . P . M . Dickinson Preceptor , Press W . M ., Oldis S . W ., Campbell J . W ., Eldridgo S . D ., Edmunds J . D ., S . Goode I . G ., H . B . D . Dunn Seo . Lodgo opened , minutes read and confirmed . Bro . J . H . Bastable offered himself as a candidate for initiation , and the ceremony was
rehearsed . Bro . P . M . Dickinson worked the first , second and third sections of the lecture . Bro . Oldis was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bro . J . H . Bastable of No . 1695 was elected a member . Bro . P . M . Dickinson re-elected Preceptor , Bro . P . M . Pigot Treasurer , and Bro . H . B . D . Dunn Secretary , for the ensuing year .
Royal Standard Lodge , No . 1298 . —A meeting was hold on 5 th November , at tho Wellington Club , Islington , N . Present—Bros . W . H . Cohen W . M ., H . W . Gladwell S . W ., G . II . Hunter J . W ., Geo . S . Bigley Sec , G . Allison Treas ., L . Buderus S . D ., Stolons J . D ., Watford D . C , Streat Steward , Baldwin I . G . Visitors—Bros . A . W . Duret W . M . of the Amhorst Lodge , and Max Sabel of tho Athouajum
Lodge , No . 1491 . After the confirmation of the minutes , the ballot was taken for Bro . Wesley Marshall , of Lodge Commercial , Glasgow , No . 360 , as a joining member ; this proved unanimous . Bro . Charles Bogler was then laised to the sublime degree . Tbo usual routine business followed , and Lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to a cold collation .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . —A meeting was held ou Thursday , 7 tti Novouiuer , at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , E . C . Present—Bros . Muss W . M ., Spiegel S . W ., Staley J . W ., Blackie Sec , Hamer Treas ., ttitoL S . D ., C Taylor J . D ., Blanks I . G ., Saul Preceptor , and several other brothroti . Tho
Lodge w ts opened , and minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Baber offered himself as candidate , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M . Tbe first , second , third and fourth sections of the lecture were then worked . Bros . Dow 45 aud Blanks 188 were unanimously elected members . The S . W . was appointed W . M . for ensuing week .
Loyalty L ~ dge , No . 887 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Fleece Hotel , St . Helens , West Lancashire , on Tuesday , the 5 th instant . Present—Bros . W . J . Marrow W . M ., W . Harrison I . P . M ., J . S . White S . W ., T . Molyneux J . W ., Rev . F . Mermager Chaplain , Joseph Robinson Treas ., J . J . Morris Secretary , W . Loader S . D ., F . Hodgson J . D ., R . B . Woodward Org ., E . Beilby I . G ., J .
Taylor Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . W . Leather , J . G . Dunn , and Bros . J . Grace , J . Hall , John Harrison , G . Barton , W . R . Ward , J . Bonnett , T . Haslam , J . Smith , T . Windus , H . C . Lockhart , W . Birchall , D . MoKechnie , D . M . F . Gaskin , J . Kioketts , J . H . Roughsadge , James Fowler P . M . 86 and 1384 , James Harrison , R . Tysou P . M . 106 " , 0 . C . Wilson , F . A . R . Neill , & c Visitors— S . Wyide P . M . 1403 , John
Bowes P . M . 148 P . P . G . J . W ., R . Brierloy P . M . 1250 , D . W . Fiuney W . M . 1250 P . G . S ., S . M . Davies ( FKUKJIASON ' CHRONICLE ) , W . R , Robinson W . M . Ia 35 , F . M . Coats 241 , W . Holt 1384 , J . Rimmer 13 a 4 C . Sayer 220 , J . W . McTear 1384 , A . G . Kyle 1381 , & o . The Lodge was opened in aucieut form , the minutes read aud ratified . The Lodge was advanced to the second degree , and Bro . Bennett
was passed . This being tho night lor election of officers , the ballot was taken for W . M , for the ensuing year , and resulted in the unanimous selection of the S . W . Bro . Robinson was re-eiected Treasurer , and Bro . Taylor Tyler . The other Officers were voted to their respective offices . Several matters of private business were brought forward , and kept the Lodge open to an unusually late hour .
The W . M . having received the hearty good wishes of many brethren , the Lodge was closed . By request of the W . M . the brethren ad . journed to supper . In consequence of the lateness of the hour many . left without sitting down to refreshment , a circumstance which caused the W . M . regret . After tho removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts in quick succes .
sion . He most cordially gave that of the Visitors . He craved their indulgence lor all shortcomings . He welcomed them very cordially , and asked the brethren to drink heartily to the toast , —which was done . Ho called upon Bro . W yldu to respond . That brother bjato . ved indiscriminate praise where ic was not on any consideration merited . This customary
flattery is very injurious , and is calculated to mislead the younger members of the Craft . In all fraternal spirit , we consider chat tho working of No . 697 requires great improvement to merit such praise as that bestowed . A very fine selection of music waa rendered by Bros . Lockhart , Taylor , and Barton . Bro . Woodward presiding at tho organ . Bro . Harrison proposed the health of iho
vV . M ., bearing testimony fco his b . •» . euueavours to fill his post with credit to himself aud satiafactiou to the brethren . The toast waa drunk . vith Masonic honours , and the W . Master in replying reviewed tho , jast year . He regretted he had not been aule to do more for the ^ ood of the Craft , aud particularly for his Lodge . He had great t reasure in proposing tho health of the W . M . elect , who he thanked
, •vith the Officers generally , for thdir many paat marks of esteem . tiro . White responded , and remarked , iu anticipation of the appoint , ueub of Officers for next year , due regard would be taken to appoint hose who understood their duties , and would attend to them . Ho ¦ oped for good attendeuce on the part of tho membera , and their ncarty cooperation in tbo work before thaw ,