Article Old Warrants. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Old Warrants. Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. Page 1 of 1
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Old Warrants.
Anno Domini Nine Hundred twenty and six , and in tho year of Masonry Four thousand nine hundred twenty and six ) in ample Form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful Most Potent and Puissant Lord the Eight Honourable Eandal William McDonnell Earl and Baron of Antrim Lord Viscount Dunlnce , Lord Lieutenant of tho County of Antrim in the province of "Ulster and Kingdom of
Ireland , Knight of the most honourable Military Order of the Bath one of his Majesty's most honourable Privy Council & in that part of Great Britain called England and Masonical Jurisdiction thorennto belonging Grand Master of Masons , The Right Worshipful Laurence Dermott Esq . Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful John Feakins Esq . Senior Grand Warden , and the Eight Worshipful Thomas
Harper Esq . Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) Do hereby authorise and impower our Trusty and Well beloved Brethren viz . The Worshipful John Wood ono of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Charles Broad his Senior Warden and the Worshipful John Perkins his Junior Warden , to
Form and Hold a Lodgo of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid at the sign of the Ship Little Turnstyle Holborn in the Parish of St . Giles in the Fields ( or elsewhere ) in London No . CCXXXIIII upon the last Monday of each Callender Month and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions : And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make
Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Eoyal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World . And We do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty and Well beloved Brethren John Wood Charles Broad & John Perkins ( with the Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall
deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as Free Masons & o ., And such Successors shall in like Manner nominate , chuse and install their Successors & o & c & o . Such Installations to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY during the con . tinuance of this Lodge for ever , Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due Eespect to this
Eight Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue , Given under our Hands and the Seal of our GKAND LODGE in LONDON this Seventh day of February in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred Eighty and six and in the Year of Masonry Five thousand seven hundred Eighty and six being the fourth year of the Grand Mastership of the Eight Honorable Earl of Antrim . JOHN MCCOKMICK Grand Sect
-NOTK . —This Warrant is registered in the Grand Lodge , Vol 6 , > Letter F . The present No ., title , & c . are , The Domatio Lodge , No . 177 , Fleet , street , London .
No . 46 .
No . 72 , "Ancients ; " No . 95 at the "Union" of 1813 , No . 81 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 68 from A . D . 1863 .
To all & every our Eight Worshipful Worshipful & loving brethren . We Prince Augustas Frederick of Brunswick Lunenbnrgb , Dnke of Sussex , Earl of Inverness , Baron of Arklow , Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter & ° - & c- & - Grand Master of the'Ancient & Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England
Send Greeting No . 95 Whereas , it appears by the records of tho Grand Lodge that a warrant bearing date 24 th September 1772 was issued under the seal of Masonry enabling certain brethren therein named to open & hold a Lodge of Free Masons at a private room in Sheffield , which Lodge was then No . 72 , and which by consent of Grand Master was on the
14 th day of September 1807 removed to Bristol ; and by the alteration of tho numbers , in consequence of the union of the Fraternities of Masonry on 27 th December 1813 , it became & is now registered in tho books of the United Grand Lodge 95 , and subsequently by special permission granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master it assumed & took tho title of the Eoyal Clarence Lodge of Mariners , and is now
hold at tho Freemasons' Hall Bridge-street Bristol . And whereas tho brethren comprising the said Lodgo having by thoir memorial represented to ns that tho said warrant is destroyed , & they have prayed us to grant them a warrant of confirmation . Now know ye that wo being satisfied of tho reasonableness of the said request do hereby grant this our warrant of confirmation unto
onr right trusty & well beloved brethren John Adolpbns Stansbury , Robert Slade , James Clift , George Hill , Wintour Harris , William Shaw , John Carter & John Hipwood & the other brethren comprising the said Lodge , authorising & empowering them & their successors to assemble it hold a Lodgo of Free & Accepted Masons of England , under tho title or denomination of the Eoyal Clarence Lodge of Mariners , at such times as to tho brethren thereof may appear
necessary , & then & there when duly congregated to make pass & raise Freemasons according to the ancient customs of tho craft in all ages and nations throughout tho known world . And further , at the petition of the said brethren , wo do appoint tho said John Adolpbns Stansbury to be the Master , the said John Carter S . W . & the said John Hipwood J . W . for opening & holding the said Lodge , & until such time as another Master shall be regularly elected & installed , especially charging that every member who shall be elected
Old Warrants.
to preside over the said Lodge shall be installed m ancient form & according to the laws of the Grand Lodge , that he may thereby be fully invested with the dignities & powers of his office . The said Lodge to he upon the general register of Grand Lodge No . 95 ; and we do require yon tho said John Adolphus Stansbury & your sucoes . iors to take especial care that all & every the said brethren are &
have been regularly made Masons , & that you & they & all other the members of the said Lodge do observe perform & keep the lawa rules & orders contained in the Book of Constitutions , & all others that may from time to time be made by our Grand Lodge or transmitted by us or our successors Grand Masters , or by our Deputy Grand Masters for the time being & we do require you to make such
bye-laws for the government of your Lodge as shall to the majority of the members appear proper & necessary , the same not being contrary to or inconsistent with the several laws & regulations of the craft , & a copy whereof you are to transmit to us . And we do require you to cause all such bye-laws & regulations , & an account of tho proceedings in your Lodge to be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose , & you are in no wise to omit to send to us or our sue *
oessors Grand Masters , or to the Eight Honorable Lawrence Lord Dundas our D . G . M . or to the D . G . M . for the time being , at least once in every year a list of the members of your Lodge & names & descriptions of all Masons initiated therein & brethren who shall havo joined the same , together with the fees & monies payable thereon , it being our will & intention that this our warrant of con . firmation shall be in force so long as you shall conform to the laws & regulations of our Grand Lodge .
And you the said John Adolphus Stansbury are further required as soon as conveniently may be to send to us an account in writing of what may bo done by virtue of these presents .
WILLIAM H . WHITE 1 ~ EDWARD HARPER j Given under our hand & the seal of the Grand Lodge at London this 21 st August A . L . 5824 A . D . 1824 .
DUNDAS , D . G . M . ( Warrant of Confirmation ) The present title , No ., & c . are , The Eoyal Clarence Lodge , No . 68 , Freemasons' Hall , Bristol .
A . i ^ LOisrxnyLJsi ^ rrj ^ Xj . WOW IN PBBPABATIOW . HISTOEY OF EVEEY LODGE UNDEE THE GEAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will be Edited by a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , tho kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will be invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
Railway Traffic Returns.
Tho following statement shows the recei pts for traffic ou the undermentioned railways for the past week , as compared with the corresponding week in 1875 : — Miles open . Receipts . Railway . 1876 . 1876 1875
Caledonian ..... 742 * 54 , 886 53 , 763 Great Eastern . - . . . . 761 } 45 , 561 41 , 784 Great Northern 555 54 , 589 53 , 385 Great Western .... 2 , 058 122 , 853 120 , 653 Lancashire and Yorkshire - - - 44 U 71 , 365 69 , 150 London and Brighton .. .. 379 J 30 , 917 27 , 908 London , Chatham and Dover . . 153 i 16 , 443 14 , 319
London and North Western . . . 1 , 613 £ 173 , 479 168 , 504 London and South Western . — 34 , 039 30 , 706 Midland - . . .. . . 1 , 062 118 , 786 115 , 623 Metropolitan District .. .. 8 i 5 , 433 5 , 108 North British 870 44 , 211 40 , 998 North Eastern 1 , 423 $ 118 , 548 117 , 254 North London ... ... 12 7 , 155 6 , 421 South Eastern 350 30 , 764 28 , 934
How A PLUM . PUDDING WAS MADE IN PARIS . —Most of our readers havo heard of a famous attempt to make a real English plum-pudding in Paris , and how it failed , in spite of all tho art of all the King ' s cooks , because they were not told to tie the materials in a cloth ! Dr . Schomberg , of Reading , in the early part of his life , spent a Christmas at Paris with somo English friends . They wero
desirous to celebrate the season , in tho manner of their own country , by having as one dish at their table an English plum-pudding ; but no cook was found equal to the task of compounding it . A clergyman of the party had , indeed , an old recipe-book ; but this did not sufficiently explain the process . Dr . Schomberg , however , supplied all that was wanting by throwing tho recipe into tho form
of a prescription , and sending it to tho apothecary to be mado up . To prevent all possibility of error , ho directed that it should be boiled in a cloth , and sent in the same cloth , to be applied at an hour specified . At this hour it arrived , borne by the apothecary ' s assistant , and preceded by tho apothecary himself , dressed , according to the professional formality of the time ,
with a sword . Seeing , when ho entered the apartment , instead of signs of sickness , a table well filled and surrounded by very merry faces , he perceived that he was made a party in a joke that turned ou himself , and indignantly laid his hand on his sword ; but an invita . tion to taste his own cookery appeased him , aud all was well , — Leisure Hour ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
Anno Domini Nine Hundred twenty and six , and in tho year of Masonry Four thousand nine hundred twenty and six ) in ample Form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful Most Potent and Puissant Lord the Eight Honourable Eandal William McDonnell Earl and Baron of Antrim Lord Viscount Dunlnce , Lord Lieutenant of tho County of Antrim in the province of "Ulster and Kingdom of
Ireland , Knight of the most honourable Military Order of the Bath one of his Majesty's most honourable Privy Council & in that part of Great Britain called England and Masonical Jurisdiction thorennto belonging Grand Master of Masons , The Right Worshipful Laurence Dermott Esq . Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful John Feakins Esq . Senior Grand Warden , and the Eight Worshipful Thomas
Harper Esq . Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) Do hereby authorise and impower our Trusty and Well beloved Brethren viz . The Worshipful John Wood ono of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Charles Broad his Senior Warden and the Worshipful John Perkins his Junior Warden , to
Form and Hold a Lodgo of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid at the sign of the Ship Little Turnstyle Holborn in the Parish of St . Giles in the Fields ( or elsewhere ) in London No . CCXXXIIII upon the last Monday of each Callender Month and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions : And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make
Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Eoyal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World . And We do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty and Well beloved Brethren John Wood Charles Broad & John Perkins ( with the Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall
deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as Free Masons & o ., And such Successors shall in like Manner nominate , chuse and install their Successors & o & c & o . Such Installations to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY during the con . tinuance of this Lodge for ever , Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due Eespect to this
Eight Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue , Given under our Hands and the Seal of our GKAND LODGE in LONDON this Seventh day of February in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred Eighty and six and in the Year of Masonry Five thousand seven hundred Eighty and six being the fourth year of the Grand Mastership of the Eight Honorable Earl of Antrim . JOHN MCCOKMICK Grand Sect
-NOTK . —This Warrant is registered in the Grand Lodge , Vol 6 , > Letter F . The present No ., title , & c . are , The Domatio Lodge , No . 177 , Fleet , street , London .
No . 46 .
No . 72 , "Ancients ; " No . 95 at the "Union" of 1813 , No . 81 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 68 from A . D . 1863 .
To all & every our Eight Worshipful Worshipful & loving brethren . We Prince Augustas Frederick of Brunswick Lunenbnrgb , Dnke of Sussex , Earl of Inverness , Baron of Arklow , Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter & ° - & c- & - Grand Master of the'Ancient & Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England
Send Greeting No . 95 Whereas , it appears by the records of tho Grand Lodge that a warrant bearing date 24 th September 1772 was issued under the seal of Masonry enabling certain brethren therein named to open & hold a Lodge of Free Masons at a private room in Sheffield , which Lodge was then No . 72 , and which by consent of Grand Master was on the
14 th day of September 1807 removed to Bristol ; and by the alteration of tho numbers , in consequence of the union of the Fraternities of Masonry on 27 th December 1813 , it became & is now registered in tho books of the United Grand Lodge 95 , and subsequently by special permission granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master it assumed & took tho title of the Eoyal Clarence Lodge of Mariners , and is now
hold at tho Freemasons' Hall Bridge-street Bristol . And whereas tho brethren comprising the said Lodgo having by thoir memorial represented to ns that tho said warrant is destroyed , & they have prayed us to grant them a warrant of confirmation . Now know ye that wo being satisfied of tho reasonableness of the said request do hereby grant this our warrant of confirmation unto
onr right trusty & well beloved brethren John Adolpbns Stansbury , Robert Slade , James Clift , George Hill , Wintour Harris , William Shaw , John Carter & John Hipwood & the other brethren comprising the said Lodge , authorising & empowering them & their successors to assemble it hold a Lodgo of Free & Accepted Masons of England , under tho title or denomination of the Eoyal Clarence Lodge of Mariners , at such times as to tho brethren thereof may appear
necessary , & then & there when duly congregated to make pass & raise Freemasons according to the ancient customs of tho craft in all ages and nations throughout tho known world . And further , at the petition of the said brethren , wo do appoint tho said John Adolpbns Stansbury to be the Master , the said John Carter S . W . & the said John Hipwood J . W . for opening & holding the said Lodge , & until such time as another Master shall be regularly elected & installed , especially charging that every member who shall be elected
Old Warrants.
to preside over the said Lodge shall be installed m ancient form & according to the laws of the Grand Lodge , that he may thereby be fully invested with the dignities & powers of his office . The said Lodge to he upon the general register of Grand Lodge No . 95 ; and we do require yon tho said John Adolphus Stansbury & your sucoes . iors to take especial care that all & every the said brethren are &
have been regularly made Masons , & that you & they & all other the members of the said Lodge do observe perform & keep the lawa rules & orders contained in the Book of Constitutions , & all others that may from time to time be made by our Grand Lodge or transmitted by us or our successors Grand Masters , or by our Deputy Grand Masters for the time being & we do require you to make such
bye-laws for the government of your Lodge as shall to the majority of the members appear proper & necessary , the same not being contrary to or inconsistent with the several laws & regulations of the craft , & a copy whereof you are to transmit to us . And we do require you to cause all such bye-laws & regulations , & an account of tho proceedings in your Lodge to be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose , & you are in no wise to omit to send to us or our sue *
oessors Grand Masters , or to the Eight Honorable Lawrence Lord Dundas our D . G . M . or to the D . G . M . for the time being , at least once in every year a list of the members of your Lodge & names & descriptions of all Masons initiated therein & brethren who shall havo joined the same , together with the fees & monies payable thereon , it being our will & intention that this our warrant of con . firmation shall be in force so long as you shall conform to the laws & regulations of our Grand Lodge .
And you the said John Adolphus Stansbury are further required as soon as conveniently may be to send to us an account in writing of what may bo done by virtue of these presents .
WILLIAM H . WHITE 1 ~ EDWARD HARPER j Given under our hand & the seal of the Grand Lodge at London this 21 st August A . L . 5824 A . D . 1824 .
DUNDAS , D . G . M . ( Warrant of Confirmation ) The present title , No ., & c . are , The Eoyal Clarence Lodge , No . 68 , Freemasons' Hall , Bristol .
A . i ^ LOisrxnyLJsi ^ rrj ^ Xj . WOW IN PBBPABATIOW . HISTOEY OF EVEEY LODGE UNDEE THE GEAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will be Edited by a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , tho kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will be invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
Railway Traffic Returns.
Tho following statement shows the recei pts for traffic ou the undermentioned railways for the past week , as compared with the corresponding week in 1875 : — Miles open . Receipts . Railway . 1876 . 1876 1875
Caledonian ..... 742 * 54 , 886 53 , 763 Great Eastern . - . . . . 761 } 45 , 561 41 , 784 Great Northern 555 54 , 589 53 , 385 Great Western .... 2 , 058 122 , 853 120 , 653 Lancashire and Yorkshire - - - 44 U 71 , 365 69 , 150 London and Brighton .. .. 379 J 30 , 917 27 , 908 London , Chatham and Dover . . 153 i 16 , 443 14 , 319
London and North Western . . . 1 , 613 £ 173 , 479 168 , 504 London and South Western . — 34 , 039 30 , 706 Midland - . . .. . . 1 , 062 118 , 786 115 , 623 Metropolitan District .. .. 8 i 5 , 433 5 , 108 North British 870 44 , 211 40 , 998 North Eastern 1 , 423 $ 118 , 548 117 , 254 North London ... ... 12 7 , 155 6 , 421 South Eastern 350 30 , 764 28 , 934
How A PLUM . PUDDING WAS MADE IN PARIS . —Most of our readers havo heard of a famous attempt to make a real English plum-pudding in Paris , and how it failed , in spite of all tho art of all the King ' s cooks , because they were not told to tie the materials in a cloth ! Dr . Schomberg , of Reading , in the early part of his life , spent a Christmas at Paris with somo English friends . They wero
desirous to celebrate the season , in tho manner of their own country , by having as one dish at their table an English plum-pudding ; but no cook was found equal to the task of compounding it . A clergyman of the party had , indeed , an old recipe-book ; but this did not sufficiently explain the process . Dr . Schomberg , however , supplied all that was wanting by throwing tho recipe into tho form
of a prescription , and sending it to tho apothecary to be mado up . To prevent all possibility of error , ho directed that it should be boiled in a cloth , and sent in the same cloth , to be applied at an hour specified . At this hour it arrived , borne by the apothecary ' s assistant , and preceded by tho apothecary himself , dressed , according to the professional formality of the time ,
with a sword . Seeing , when ho entered the apartment , instead of signs of sickness , a table well filled and surrounded by very merry faces , he perceived that he was made a party in a joke that turned ou himself , and indignantly laid his hand on his sword ; but an invita . tion to taste his own cookery appeased him , aud all was well , — Leisure Hour ,