Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 4 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
having been opened in due form , with solemn prayer , there were four passings and two initiations taken , in order to give the brethren full timo to assemble . After which Bro . Turner W . M . addressed the members as follows : —Brethren , —I have called this Lodge of Emergency together for a special purpose ; ono which I have not the slightest doubt will recommend itself to every member—that of
sympathising with the widow and family of our late , much respected and lamented Bro . May , who was one of the founders of this Lodge , and who has been our Treasurer from the very first , and you , brethren , know how efficiently he discharged the duties of that office . Taking into account the very kind interest which Bro . May has always taken in the welfare and happiness of this Lodge , the truly Masonic
spirit displayed by him on all occasions , and the deep and sincere interest which ho has always taken in our noble charities , of which we are all so justly proud , I have not the slightest fear but that tho resolution about to be proposed by Bro . Cover , one of the founders , aud now Senior Past Master of the Lodgo , will receive your entire approbation . Bro . May was with us at ' our last meeting , having left ,
I might almost say his death bed on purpose to be present , but was too ill to remain long . For my own part , I shall ever remember the kind and hearty manner in which , on that occasion , ho congratulated me on my installation , as Master of this Lodge . I shall now without further comment ask Bro . Cover to read his proposed resolution . W . Bro . Cover , having addressed a few well chosen remarks as to
the high esteem in which Bro . May was held—not only by this Lodge , but generally , —and pointed out that , of the Founders there are now but two , himself and Bro . Leared left , as subscribing membersproposed a vote of sympathy with the widow and family of the late Bro . Samuel May , in their great and irreparable loss . This
having been seconded by Bro . Leared , met with the unanimous approbation of the Lodge . W . Bro . Durrant I . P . M . was elected as Treasurer in the room of the late Bro . May . This having concluded tho business of the evening , the Lodge was closed in duo form , and tho brethren separated j there being no banquet on this mournful occasion .
Milton Lodge , No . 1144 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 6 th of December , at the Commercial Hotol , Ashton-nnder . Lyne . Present—Bros . James Devaney W . M ., Abraham Hill S . W ., T . Bowers P . M . as J . W ., William H . Holt P . M .
Sec , John Jones Treas ., J . White P . M . as S . D ., W . Housley J . D ., D . Cordingly I . G . P . M . ' s Bros . T . Bowers P . P . G . D . C . Cheshire , W . H . Holt , James White . Visitors—Bros . John Turner , Wm . Lowe , T . Bowers . After the minutes had been read , Bro . Davioa was passed , and Bro . Moorhouso raised .
Eastern Star Lodge , Bombay , No . 1189 , E . G . —This flourishing young Lodge held a meeting on Saturday evening , 11 th November , for ono of the most commendable purposes that contribute to honour , and likewise reflect credit on all who havo tho proud privilege to share in tho ceremonies of the Craft . Lodges of Instruction are sometimes regarded , by old , effete , and crotchety
elders of tho Craft , as a sort of infringement , an excrescence , and a coruscation on tho superficial skill of Freemasonry . Yet , with all deference to such antiquated and obfuscated opinions , wo desire to state how tho highest and holiest behests of our Ancient Order aro conducted and carried out in all their beauty and integrity in the far East . On the occasion above referred to , there was a
most influential gathering of tho E . W . Masters and Past Masters of all the Bombay Lodges that have been established for the propagation of the benignant tenets and principles of the Craft amongst onr Parseo and Mahomedan brethren , together with an old member of Lodge St . Andrews , No . 48 , Edinburgh . Bro . Dinshaw N . Saklatwalla occupied the Orient chair as
President . The title for the nonco vividly recalling to memory tho first , brightest and best cum longum intervallo of tho United States President — George Washington — a true exemplar of our Order , under the " Star Spangled Banner . " Tho ceremony of initiation was worked in all its minutiro , and the admirable manner in which the duties of each individual office were carried out reflected
the highest credit on all . The Senior Warden , W . Bro . Dinshaw N . Saklatwalla , officiated as President , and was supported on the dais by W . P . M . ' s Bros . F . K . Patrick , Darashaw Dorabjee Eeporter , S . N . Cooper , Muncherjee Framurz Fnrdonjee C . Powrio acted as Senior Warden , Pestonjoe Narielwalla Junior Warden . The candidate lor the time being was a promising young Mason , Bro . Merwanjee Motisha , who comported himself as a hopeful noviciate for higher
honours . Retiring from labour to refreshment , a pleasant evening was spent , and some Oriental legends , wedded to music , in the Persian tongue , were feelingly executed by W . P . M . Darashaw and other brethren . The usual conventional and convivial toasts wero ably proposed and feelingly responded to , and all departed in peace , bearing with them unalloyed reminiscences of an intellectual evening , spent in unison with all that is good and virtuous in Freemasonry .
TJpton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —On Friday , the 1 st of December 1876 , at Bro . Bolton's , King and Queen , Norton Folgato . Bros . Lauo W . M ., E . W . Pearcy S . W ., Cloverley J . W ., Gross Preceptor , Townsend Sec , Bolton Treas ., BarnettS . D ., Townsend J . D ., A . W . Fenner I . G . Bnsiness—The Lodgo opened in due form , and tho minntes wero read and confirmed . The ceremony of
initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., and was performed in a very creditable manner , Bro . Franklin being candidate . After which the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the Lectnro were worked by Bro . Fenner , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Pearcy was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The Treasurer and Secretary were unanimously
re-elected , and were complimented on the efficient manner they had performed their several duties . A vote of thanks was accorded to the W . M . for his conduct in the chair , this being the first time of his occupying that honourable position , after which tho Lodge waa closed , iu due form .
Notices Of Meetings.
Star Lodge , No . 1276 . —A meeting of the above Lodge waa held on Friday , the 1 st December , at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Present—Bros H . J . Green W . M ., E . W . Williams G . O . Middlesex S . W ., C . W . Williams J . W ., J . Smith P . G . P . Treas ., Rev . J . Collea P . G . C . Middlesex Chaplain , F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex P . M Sec , W . Kipps S . D ., E . W . Chetwynd I . G ., A . Tirley D . C , S .
Marketis W . S ., J . Gilbert P . G . T . Tyler , and Bros . W . Ongh P . G . P . C , J . Hogg P . G . S . P . M ., H Keeble P . M ., W . Tong , G . S . Elliott , H . W . Elmer , J . Brooks , E . Lane , W . E . Williams , M . Van Boolen , W . Brough , & C The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros W . A . Simmons J . W . 1559 and M . Van Boolen wero elected joining members . Bros . Leonard Van Boolen and W . Vassila ( the latter by
tho courtesy of the W . M . ) wero raised to the third degree . Several propositions for initiation were given , and the Lodgo was closed . The brethren then partook of a very good banquet and dessert . The usual toasts were given , and complimentary speeches made ; these were interspersed with songs and recitations . A very agreeable evening was passed . Among the Visitors wore Bros . Dwaber P . M . 55 , A . H . Tattershall P . M . 13 , P . M . 140 , Frampton 87 , and Thomas P . M . 134 , & o .
Lodge St . Mary , No . 1312 , Booking . — The annual festival of this Lodge was held at Booking , Essex , on Tuesday the 28 th November , when Bro . the Eev . H . L . Elliott P . M . 468 , and P . P . G . Chaplain , Warwickshire , waa duly installed W . M . for they ear ensuing .
Highgate Lodge of Instruction , No . 1366 . —The Fifteen Sections wero worked at the Bull and Gate Tavern , Kentish Town , on Thursday evening , 30 th November . The following brethren occupied the chairs : —Bros . J . N . Frost W . M ., P . M . 220 , 701 and 865 , C . Koester S . W . P . M . 435 , Jas . Kew J . W . P . M . 179 . The first Sec tion waa worked by Bro . Geo . Knill 1607 , a young and very promising
Mason , who , we doubt not , will mako his mark in the Craft . Tho second by Bro . Eustace Barker J . W . 749 , tho third by Bro . Thomas Williams 1507 , the fourth by Bro . Geo . A . Garratt P . M . 701 , 1366 , the fifth by Bro . Henry Ash P . M . 179 , tho sixth by Bro . J . N . Frost P . M ., the questions in this section being put from the Senior Warden ' s ol ^ lr ; the seventh by Bro . C . Koester P . M . 435 , tho
eighth by Bro . Geo . Gardner 749 , the ninth by Bro . J . S . Kew P . M . 179 , tho tenth by Bro . C . Koester P . M . 435 , the eleventh by Bro . J . F . Wuest P . M . 753 , the twelfth by Bro . H . Ash P . M . 179 , the thirteenth by Bro . J . J . Limebeer P . M . 1275 , the fourteenth by Bro . J . L . Conlton P . M . 382 , the fifteenth by Bro . Heury Ash P . M . 179 . The working was worthy of much praise , and our readers will doubtless take notice of the number of P . M . ' s of Lodges present ; these shared
the lion s part of the business amongst them , a circumstance auguring well for the prosperity and vitality of this'Lodge , which possesses , in its Preceptor , Bro . Frost , one of tho most accomplished Masons of the present day , and in its Secretary , Bro . Taylor W . M . No . 11 , an officer to whom the brethren of the Lodge must be deeply in . debted for the energy which ho throws into his work , and tho admirable manner in which its proceedings are recorded .
Falcon Lodge , No . 1416 . —The Archmological Section , on Wednesday 25 th nlt ., visited Kirkby Knowle . and were most courteously and hospitably received by the Eector , the Eev . L . S . Kenny M . A ., who conducted them through the Church , and read an interesting paper on its history and objects of interest . This was possibly one of the primitive buildings of the Northumbrian Church , and was
dedicated to St . Wilfrid of York , but nothing remains of the original structure except the chancel arch , lancet-pointed early English , which has been built into tho north wall of the chancel , and a few relics which were found when the foundations were cleared for re . building tho Church the second time , in 1873 . A rude holy water sloap , a piscina , some ancient grave stones , a stone coffin , two curious
stone crosses , and some sculptured Runic characters were pointed out and examined . Rubbings were taken from several brass plates which are fixed in tho floor in front of the altar rails , and which bear crests and inscriptions relating to the families of Danby , Eokeby and Buxton , who formerly were the possessors of New Building , and which was originally known as Kirkby Kuowle Castle .
Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1557 , Henham . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Friday , 1 st December , at the Bush Hotel , Henham . Present—Bros . George White W . M , John DitchbnrnS . W ., Joseph Fishburn J . W ., Joseph Catherall Secretary , William M . Bell S . D ., E . Bulmer acting J . D ., Thomas Pearson actio"
-Steward , William Oates acting I . G ., George Hedley acting Tyler . The principal bnsiness of the evening was tho election of W . M .-, Bro . Ditchburn S . W . being unanimously chosen for that office . On Friday , 5 th January 1877 , the installation of the W . M . will take place , when tho annual banqnet will also be held .
Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1572 . —This Lodge held its installa . tion meeting on Saturday , the 2 nd of December , at the Albion , Aldorsgate-street , London , E . C . Present—Bros . E . Pawson Hooton W . M ., W . S . Whitaker S . W ., Jas . Cowan J . W ., J . Clarricoats Treas ., Montagu Scott Sec , T . 8 . Hellier S . D ., Nelron Eeed J . D ., Thos . Brown D . C , G . A . Brock W . Steward , Geo . Briggs I . G ., W . Steedman
Tyler . Visitors—31 in number , the two senior being Bro . H . M . Stottenhoff P . M . Emulation 21 , and Bro . J . Wray , of the Robert Burns 25 . Business—Pro . Philip Bullock was passed , Bro . Geo . Chafiey raised , and Bro . Walter Solomon Whitaker installed as W . M . for ensuing year . The address to the W . M . was given by Bro . John
Hervey , the Grand Secretary , an honorary member of the Lodge ; that to the Wardens by Bro , James Terry , Secretary to the R . M . B . I ., who also is an honorary member ; and that to the brethren by Bro . Montagu Scott , the Secretary . The officers ( with the exception , of the Treasurer and tho Secretary , who were re-appointed )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
having been opened in due form , with solemn prayer , there were four passings and two initiations taken , in order to give the brethren full timo to assemble . After which Bro . Turner W . M . addressed the members as follows : —Brethren , —I have called this Lodge of Emergency together for a special purpose ; ono which I have not the slightest doubt will recommend itself to every member—that of
sympathising with the widow and family of our late , much respected and lamented Bro . May , who was one of the founders of this Lodge , and who has been our Treasurer from the very first , and you , brethren , know how efficiently he discharged the duties of that office . Taking into account the very kind interest which Bro . May has always taken in the welfare and happiness of this Lodge , the truly Masonic
spirit displayed by him on all occasions , and the deep and sincere interest which ho has always taken in our noble charities , of which we are all so justly proud , I have not the slightest fear but that tho resolution about to be proposed by Bro . Cover , one of the founders , aud now Senior Past Master of the Lodgo , will receive your entire approbation . Bro . May was with us at ' our last meeting , having left ,
I might almost say his death bed on purpose to be present , but was too ill to remain long . For my own part , I shall ever remember the kind and hearty manner in which , on that occasion , ho congratulated me on my installation , as Master of this Lodge . I shall now without further comment ask Bro . Cover to read his proposed resolution . W . Bro . Cover , having addressed a few well chosen remarks as to
the high esteem in which Bro . May was held—not only by this Lodge , but generally , —and pointed out that , of the Founders there are now but two , himself and Bro . Leared left , as subscribing membersproposed a vote of sympathy with the widow and family of the late Bro . Samuel May , in their great and irreparable loss . This
having been seconded by Bro . Leared , met with the unanimous approbation of the Lodge . W . Bro . Durrant I . P . M . was elected as Treasurer in the room of the late Bro . May . This having concluded tho business of the evening , the Lodge was closed in duo form , and tho brethren separated j there being no banquet on this mournful occasion .
Milton Lodge , No . 1144 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 6 th of December , at the Commercial Hotol , Ashton-nnder . Lyne . Present—Bros . James Devaney W . M ., Abraham Hill S . W ., T . Bowers P . M . as J . W ., William H . Holt P . M .
Sec , John Jones Treas ., J . White P . M . as S . D ., W . Housley J . D ., D . Cordingly I . G . P . M . ' s Bros . T . Bowers P . P . G . D . C . Cheshire , W . H . Holt , James White . Visitors—Bros . John Turner , Wm . Lowe , T . Bowers . After the minutes had been read , Bro . Davioa was passed , and Bro . Moorhouso raised .
Eastern Star Lodge , Bombay , No . 1189 , E . G . —This flourishing young Lodge held a meeting on Saturday evening , 11 th November , for ono of the most commendable purposes that contribute to honour , and likewise reflect credit on all who havo tho proud privilege to share in tho ceremonies of the Craft . Lodges of Instruction are sometimes regarded , by old , effete , and crotchety
elders of tho Craft , as a sort of infringement , an excrescence , and a coruscation on tho superficial skill of Freemasonry . Yet , with all deference to such antiquated and obfuscated opinions , wo desire to state how tho highest and holiest behests of our Ancient Order aro conducted and carried out in all their beauty and integrity in the far East . On the occasion above referred to , there was a
most influential gathering of tho E . W . Masters and Past Masters of all the Bombay Lodges that have been established for the propagation of the benignant tenets and principles of the Craft amongst onr Parseo and Mahomedan brethren , together with an old member of Lodge St . Andrews , No . 48 , Edinburgh . Bro . Dinshaw N . Saklatwalla occupied the Orient chair as
President . The title for the nonco vividly recalling to memory tho first , brightest and best cum longum intervallo of tho United States President — George Washington — a true exemplar of our Order , under the " Star Spangled Banner . " Tho ceremony of initiation was worked in all its minutiro , and the admirable manner in which the duties of each individual office were carried out reflected
the highest credit on all . The Senior Warden , W . Bro . Dinshaw N . Saklatwalla , officiated as President , and was supported on the dais by W . P . M . ' s Bros . F . K . Patrick , Darashaw Dorabjee Eeporter , S . N . Cooper , Muncherjee Framurz Fnrdonjee C . Powrio acted as Senior Warden , Pestonjoe Narielwalla Junior Warden . The candidate lor the time being was a promising young Mason , Bro . Merwanjee Motisha , who comported himself as a hopeful noviciate for higher
honours . Retiring from labour to refreshment , a pleasant evening was spent , and some Oriental legends , wedded to music , in the Persian tongue , were feelingly executed by W . P . M . Darashaw and other brethren . The usual conventional and convivial toasts wero ably proposed and feelingly responded to , and all departed in peace , bearing with them unalloyed reminiscences of an intellectual evening , spent in unison with all that is good and virtuous in Freemasonry .
TJpton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —On Friday , the 1 st of December 1876 , at Bro . Bolton's , King and Queen , Norton Folgato . Bros . Lauo W . M ., E . W . Pearcy S . W ., Cloverley J . W ., Gross Preceptor , Townsend Sec , Bolton Treas ., BarnettS . D ., Townsend J . D ., A . W . Fenner I . G . Bnsiness—The Lodgo opened in due form , and tho minntes wero read and confirmed . The ceremony of
initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., and was performed in a very creditable manner , Bro . Franklin being candidate . After which the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the Lectnro were worked by Bro . Fenner , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Pearcy was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The Treasurer and Secretary were unanimously
re-elected , and were complimented on the efficient manner they had performed their several duties . A vote of thanks was accorded to the W . M . for his conduct in the chair , this being the first time of his occupying that honourable position , after which tho Lodge waa closed , iu due form .
Notices Of Meetings.
Star Lodge , No . 1276 . —A meeting of the above Lodge waa held on Friday , the 1 st December , at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Present—Bros H . J . Green W . M ., E . W . Williams G . O . Middlesex S . W ., C . W . Williams J . W ., J . Smith P . G . P . Treas ., Rev . J . Collea P . G . C . Middlesex Chaplain , F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex P . M Sec , W . Kipps S . D ., E . W . Chetwynd I . G ., A . Tirley D . C , S .
Marketis W . S ., J . Gilbert P . G . T . Tyler , and Bros . W . Ongh P . G . P . C , J . Hogg P . G . S . P . M ., H Keeble P . M ., W . Tong , G . S . Elliott , H . W . Elmer , J . Brooks , E . Lane , W . E . Williams , M . Van Boolen , W . Brough , & C The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros W . A . Simmons J . W . 1559 and M . Van Boolen wero elected joining members . Bros . Leonard Van Boolen and W . Vassila ( the latter by
tho courtesy of the W . M . ) wero raised to the third degree . Several propositions for initiation were given , and the Lodgo was closed . The brethren then partook of a very good banquet and dessert . The usual toasts were given , and complimentary speeches made ; these were interspersed with songs and recitations . A very agreeable evening was passed . Among the Visitors wore Bros . Dwaber P . M . 55 , A . H . Tattershall P . M . 13 , P . M . 140 , Frampton 87 , and Thomas P . M . 134 , & o .
Lodge St . Mary , No . 1312 , Booking . — The annual festival of this Lodge was held at Booking , Essex , on Tuesday the 28 th November , when Bro . the Eev . H . L . Elliott P . M . 468 , and P . P . G . Chaplain , Warwickshire , waa duly installed W . M . for they ear ensuing .
Highgate Lodge of Instruction , No . 1366 . —The Fifteen Sections wero worked at the Bull and Gate Tavern , Kentish Town , on Thursday evening , 30 th November . The following brethren occupied the chairs : —Bros . J . N . Frost W . M ., P . M . 220 , 701 and 865 , C . Koester S . W . P . M . 435 , Jas . Kew J . W . P . M . 179 . The first Sec tion waa worked by Bro . Geo . Knill 1607 , a young and very promising
Mason , who , we doubt not , will mako his mark in the Craft . Tho second by Bro . Eustace Barker J . W . 749 , tho third by Bro . Thomas Williams 1507 , the fourth by Bro . Geo . A . Garratt P . M . 701 , 1366 , the fifth by Bro . Henry Ash P . M . 179 , tho sixth by Bro . J . N . Frost P . M ., the questions in this section being put from the Senior Warden ' s ol ^ lr ; the seventh by Bro . C . Koester P . M . 435 , tho
eighth by Bro . Geo . Gardner 749 , the ninth by Bro . J . S . Kew P . M . 179 , tho tenth by Bro . C . Koester P . M . 435 , the eleventh by Bro . J . F . Wuest P . M . 753 , the twelfth by Bro . H . Ash P . M . 179 , the thirteenth by Bro . J . J . Limebeer P . M . 1275 , the fourteenth by Bro . J . L . Conlton P . M . 382 , the fifteenth by Bro . Heury Ash P . M . 179 . The working was worthy of much praise , and our readers will doubtless take notice of the number of P . M . ' s of Lodges present ; these shared
the lion s part of the business amongst them , a circumstance auguring well for the prosperity and vitality of this'Lodge , which possesses , in its Preceptor , Bro . Frost , one of tho most accomplished Masons of the present day , and in its Secretary , Bro . Taylor W . M . No . 11 , an officer to whom the brethren of the Lodge must be deeply in . debted for the energy which ho throws into his work , and tho admirable manner in which its proceedings are recorded .
Falcon Lodge , No . 1416 . —The Archmological Section , on Wednesday 25 th nlt ., visited Kirkby Knowle . and were most courteously and hospitably received by the Eector , the Eev . L . S . Kenny M . A ., who conducted them through the Church , and read an interesting paper on its history and objects of interest . This was possibly one of the primitive buildings of the Northumbrian Church , and was
dedicated to St . Wilfrid of York , but nothing remains of the original structure except the chancel arch , lancet-pointed early English , which has been built into tho north wall of the chancel , and a few relics which were found when the foundations were cleared for re . building tho Church the second time , in 1873 . A rude holy water sloap , a piscina , some ancient grave stones , a stone coffin , two curious
stone crosses , and some sculptured Runic characters were pointed out and examined . Rubbings were taken from several brass plates which are fixed in tho floor in front of the altar rails , and which bear crests and inscriptions relating to the families of Danby , Eokeby and Buxton , who formerly were the possessors of New Building , and which was originally known as Kirkby Kuowle Castle .
Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1557 , Henham . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Friday , 1 st December , at the Bush Hotel , Henham . Present—Bros . George White W . M , John DitchbnrnS . W ., Joseph Fishburn J . W ., Joseph Catherall Secretary , William M . Bell S . D ., E . Bulmer acting J . D ., Thomas Pearson actio"
-Steward , William Oates acting I . G ., George Hedley acting Tyler . The principal bnsiness of the evening was tho election of W . M .-, Bro . Ditchburn S . W . being unanimously chosen for that office . On Friday , 5 th January 1877 , the installation of the W . M . will take place , when tho annual banqnet will also be held .
Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1572 . —This Lodge held its installa . tion meeting on Saturday , the 2 nd of December , at the Albion , Aldorsgate-street , London , E . C . Present—Bros . E . Pawson Hooton W . M ., W . S . Whitaker S . W ., Jas . Cowan J . W ., J . Clarricoats Treas ., Montagu Scott Sec , T . 8 . Hellier S . D ., Nelron Eeed J . D ., Thos . Brown D . C , G . A . Brock W . Steward , Geo . Briggs I . G ., W . Steedman
Tyler . Visitors—31 in number , the two senior being Bro . H . M . Stottenhoff P . M . Emulation 21 , and Bro . J . Wray , of the Robert Burns 25 . Business—Pro . Philip Bullock was passed , Bro . Geo . Chafiey raised , and Bro . Walter Solomon Whitaker installed as W . M . for ensuing year . The address to the W . M . was given by Bro . John
Hervey , the Grand Secretary , an honorary member of the Lodge ; that to the Wardens by Bro , James Terry , Secretary to the R . M . B . I ., who also is an honorary member ; and that to the brethren by Bro . Montagu Scott , the Secretary . The officers ( with the exception , of the Treasurer and tho Secretary , who were re-appointed )