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Meeting Of The Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
PRESENTATION TO BRO . JOHN SUTCLIFFE . A GRAND Lodgo of Mark Master Masons of tho Province ol Lincolnshire was held in the Old Hall , at Gainsborough , on 29 th November , by command of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Mark Master , Bro . John Sutcliffe , of Stallingborough House , Grimsby , who also issued invitations to the Mark Master Masons of the Lodges in Lancashire , Yorkshire , Northumberland , Durham , Cheshire , and North Wales , which were responded to by such an
assemblage as rarely meet together in any Provincial Lodge of Mark Masonry . The following is a list of tho brethren present : —Grand Officers—C . F . Matier P . G . W ., Wm . Roebuck G . M . O ., J . N . Scherling P . G . J . O ., F . Binckes Grand Sec , Thos . Cubitt P . G . D . C , J . D . Sugden P . G . S . B . Provincial Officers—Bros . Thos . Perkinton Prov . G . M . M . M . W . Yorks ., Thos . Entwisle P . P . G . M . M . M . Lanes ., J . Y . Strachan Past
Deputy P . G . M . M . M . N . and D ., W . S . Wade Past P . G . S . W . West Yorkshire , Wm . Roberts Prov . G . M . O . Lanes ., Jesse Firth Prov . G . M . O . ditto , Thos . Oakden Prov . G . M . O . ditto , Thos . Clarke P . P . G . M . O . ditto , Hy . Maiden P . P . G . S . O . ditto , Wm . BriggsP . P . G . O . ditto , F . N . Stevenson P . P . G . O . ditto , Geo . Green Prov . G . J . O ., Ed . Sewell M . A . P . P . G . Chaplain W . Yorks , A . A . Bagshawe M . A . Prov .
Asst . G . Chap , ditto , T . B . Ashworth P . P . G . Reg . of M . Lanes ., J . B . Champion P . P . G . Reg . of M . ditto , W . Cooke Prov . G . Sec . West Yorkshire , R . Newhouse Prov . G . Sec . Cheshire , H . W . Wrigloy Prov . G . S . D ., W . Ashworth P . P . G . D . East Lancashire , G . E . Bennett P . P . G . S . D ., Mark Newaome P . P . G . J . D ., S . Titmas P . P . G . D . C Lancashire , R . Butterworth , P . P . G . D . C , W . H . Prince P . P . G . S . of W .,
Robt . Heathcott Prov . G . S . of W ., W . F . Wilkinson Prov . G . S . of W . W . Yorka ; , J . B . Crossby P . P . G . S . B . ditto , Jno . Boll P . P . G . S . B . Lancashire , Jos . Halroyd P . P . G . S . B . ditto , N . Horrocks P . P . G . S . B . ditto , Hy . Beaumont Prov . G . Std . B ., Geo . Marshall Prov . G . I . G . W . York shire , A . Middleton Prov . G . Steward , Geo . Normanton Prov . G . Tyler . Brethren representing other provinces : —Bros . R . S . Cumberland , Josh
Best , T . F . Pettinger , T . C . Hope , S . R . Stott , R . H . Hutchinson , Henry Haigh , J . H . Ernes , C . H . Johnson , 0 . H . Hunt , Jno . E . Dixon , H . E . Voigt , R . T . Vivian , Henry Shaw , W . Ashworth , James Clogg , James Holt , J . Taylor , R . Dodds , A . Wheeler , S . Lord , T . Parker , J . Ashworth , Wm . Beswicke , J . S . Cumberland , W . F . Parkinson , J . Bromley , H . J . Garnett , Ensor Drury , J . B . Wostinholm , F . M . Tindall , S . B .
Ellis , J . Unwm jnn ., Amos Moss , Alex . Hay , F . Waddington , Thos . Whittaker , C . F . Rhodes , T . H . Shaw , George Scarborough , C . H . Leeming , John Hanney , A . Britton , W . Denison , J . W . Swann , W . M . Tyers , J . Calverley , Thomas Ruddock , Hiram Burley , M . Kemp , W . Needier , M . Haberland , J . Walker , R . Boggett , John Sutcliffe , Chas . Harrison , W . Watkins .
A . Kirke , A . Bates , Jack Sutcliffe , R . C . Carline , Robert Gough , C . Scorer , R . Goodman , W . H . Roberts , W . E . Hewlett , W . Mason , Jas . Robinson , W . Marshall , P . P . Diokinson , J . S . Codd , D . Swanstone , W . H . Rodley , F . Watson , C . J . Hayward , 0 . Mann , A . L . Peacock , R . D . Davies , Wm . Pratt , G . M . Lowe , T . C . Lazenby , C . Hughes , G . Broadway , H . S . Close , E . F . Arnold , T . M . Wilkinson ,
Geo . Jay , M . Crowden , Geo . Motley , John T . Purvis , Geo . Honsham , W . M . Green , John Moxon , Wm . Amcoats , C . F . Liversidge , B . Box , W . W . Copeland , R . McSheen , Geo . Lister , H . Barker , R . J . Tonge , Hy . Wardale , W . B . Louth , J . Chapman , T . Rippon , W . Pollitt , A . S . Steffenson , John Nelson , T . Jewitt , S . Walmsley . The large gathering is mainly attributable to the convenient and liberal train
arrangements affected with the various railway companies by Provincial Grand Mark Master Sutcliffe , and to tho liberality with which the Right Worshipful Master distributed his invitations to tho banquet , which followed the business of the Lodge , and which were accompanied by a programme giving in detail all the information that was necessary to be known in reference to accomplishing the journey
from distant provinces , the special railway tickets—issued at a firstclass single fare for the double journey—being available for three days . After the ordinary duties of the Lodge had been gone through , tho R . W . Prov . Grand Mark Master Mason appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . Grand Officers for tho ensuing year : —Bros . Chas . Harrison Deputy Prov . G . M . M . M ., Alfred Kirk Prov .
G . S . W ., W . W . Copeland Prov . G . J . W ., Charles Scorer Prov . G . M . O ., M . Crowden Prov . G . S . O ., P . P . Dickinson Prov . G . J . O ., Jack Sutcliffe Prov . G . Treas ., R . Cotton Carline Prov . G . Reg . of M ., R . Gough Prov . G . Sec , Joseph Chapman Prov . G . S . D ., George Housham Prov . G . S . D ., W . H . Roberts Prov . G . D . C , J . Moxon Prov . G . Assist . D . C , H . S . Closo Prov . G . Supt . of Works , G . M . Lowe Prov . G .
Sword Bearer , C . J . Hayward Prov . G . I . G ., G . Motley Prov . G . Steward , W . Pollitt Prov . G . Steward , Charles Mann Prov . G . Tyler . A further matter of special interest and attraction in the day ' s proceedings was the presentation to the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master of a picture containing portraits of himself and his first Provincial Grand Officers , who were photographed in a group
whilst being entertained at Stallingborongh House . The photograph was subsequently enlarged , finished in oil , and handsomely framed . The Mark Masons represented in it are—Bros . John Sutcliffe , Charles Harrison , F . Watson , H . Watson , T . H . Oldman , J . Bellamy , William Watkins , Jack Sutcliffe , R . Cotton Carline , R . Gongh , W . J . Bland ,
F . S . Judd , C . J . Hayward , T . E . Jacobson , George Robinson , E . J . Cnllen , Charles Scorer , R . Goodman , Rev . D . Ace , D . D ., W . G . Moore , Capt . Lowcock , Charles Mann , F . Binckes , and William Roberts . The frame is enriched with Masonic emblems , and the inscription engraved on a brass plate is as follows : —
FIBST PROV . G . M . OFFICEBS FOE IiINCOLNSHIBE . PRESENTED TO THE E . W . BRO . JOHN SUTCXIPFE , PK 0 V . G . M . M . M ., 29 TH NOVEMBER 1876 . The formal presentation of tho picture was made during the after
Meeting Of The Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
dinner proceedings , and tho terms in which it was offered and accepted will be found reported below in tho post prandial speeches . The banquet , to which about 160 sat down , Wiisof a magnificent description . Tho tables , laden with choice dessort ( including pine apples , melons , grapes , & c . ) had a charming appearance as the guesfs entered
the room ; but what crowned tho brilliancy of tho gathering was tho regalia of tho brethren , emblazoned with jewels , representing the different degrees and orders of Masonry to which tho wearers had respectively been admitted . Tho menu was in harmony with tho high character of tho occasion , comprising every available delicacy , and the dinner was served a la Russe by Mrs . Frith , of the Hickmann Hotel .
Tho Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master , Bro . Sutcliffe , occupied tho chair , and , in commencing the toast list , gave "The Queen and Mark Masonry , " in terms glowing with loyalty . Tho Right Worshipful Brother also gave " H . R . H . Albert Edward Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and tho Members of the Royal Family , " observing how littlo need be urged in recommending this
toast , and that tho moro they said about it tho greater damage they might do it . They all admired t ^ o lovely Princess of Wales ; all England were ready to lay down thoir lives for her . Ho might add that , at the moment they were sitting thero , thoir brother Princo Leopold was being installed in office as Master of a Mark Lodge at Oxford . They would , therefore , add his health to the toast ,
and if he were present , he wonld respond to it in a way they would all be pleased to hear . ( The National Anthem was sung after tho first toast , led by Bro . Copeland ) . Bro . P . P . Dickinson , Mayor of Lincoln , in rising to propose " The Bishop and Clergy , " said he had pleasure in serving the chairman in any position he might call him to . He asked the company , as Mark
Masons , to join him in drinking the health of those men who by their piety showed them the way of life , and invited them to walk therein . Bro . tho Rev . A . A . Bagshawe responded , remarking that , although he did not belong to this diocese , ho was a member of tho Mark in Lancashire , and aa such he had been honoured by being made tho
Provincial Grand Chaplain , and also tho Chaplain of his Lodgo , of which ho was very proud . Ho folt a very deep gratitude to tho Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire for inviting him and tho Lodge to which he belonged . They came with a right hearty and especial pleasure , because they knew what a large-hearted man Bro . Sutcliffe was , whose heart was in Mark Masonry , and he rejoiced
that he was to be the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Mark Master of Lincolnshire for the second period of three years . It had given him ( Bro . Bagshawe ) very great satisfaction to meet them on this occasion , seeing that they had such an earnest Provincial Grand Mark Master . He ( the speaker ) put his soul into it , as he did in tho Craft and in the Arch , but he did so particularly as a Mark Mason ,
and he thought Master Masonry without tho Mark was not under , stood . They did not understand it till they became Mark Masons . He dare say they knew what ho meant ( hear , hear ) . Five different provinces had assembled together that day to do honour to their excellent and right worshipful brother the Grand Mark Master of
Lincolnshire . It had been a great pleasure for them to meet together and stir up each other ' s good feeling towards one another . Wherever they met they know each other , and felt that there was a mark between them , and that mark bound thorn together in sincerity ( hear , hear ) .
The Chairman proposed "The Most Worshipful tho Grand Mark Master Mason , the Right Honourable the Earl of Limerick , and all other Grand Officers , present and past . " He was glad , he said , to have to announce that they had several P . G . Officers present . Thoy all , as good Masons , looked to their head and their chief , and they were happy to recognise their head in the Earl of Limerick . (
Applause ) . He had had the pleasure of sitting under him on several occasions , and found him a very pleasant and agreeabl o chairman and a very good Mark Mason , and they would join him in drinking the toast heartily and sincerely . He coupled with it the name of Bro . Roebuck , tho Grand Master Overseer , who wonld respond . Bro . Roebuck , in acknowledging the toast on behalf of the Earl of
Limerick , observed that it wonld be his especial privilege to ropovs to Grand Lodge the re-appointment of tho Provincial Grand Mark Master of Lincolnshire for another three years . It had been gratifying to him to find the reception that had been given to the namo of the Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master , not only by Lincolnshire but by the provinces around . He was aware tho Earl was
well known in this and othor counties ; he was also known in London as a good Mark and Craft Mason , and as a supporter of the charities . ( Applause ) . Ho must say with all the Masonic gatherings he had been amongst ho had never been more pleased than to see the manner in which Bro . Sutcliffe had been received by this meeting . ( Applause ) .
The Chairman next proposed "The Right Worshipful tho Provincial Grand Mark Master Masons of other provinces , and all present and past Provincial Grand Officers . " In doing so ho said he need not occupy their timo long in urging tho claims of this toast . The characters of the Provincial Mark Masters were all so well known that they required no recommendation from him to ensure them a
hearty and cordial reception . They ought to feel highly honoured that a brother came here to-day from Newcastle to visit their Pro . vincial Lodge . He himself ( the Chairman ) felt highly complimented by Bro . Strachan , D . P . G . M . for Northumberland and Durham , coming amongst them . They also had Bro . Tom Perkinton P . G . M . M . M . from West Yorkshire . He must not forget to say that
he had not the opportunity in Lodge of reading a number of letters of apology from brethren not present , and he might inform tho brethren from Lancashire that he had received a very polite note from Bro . Le Gendre Starkie , D . P . G . M . for Lancashire , saying that previous engagements prevented him coming . Ho wished to say that for the information of the brethren from Lancashire . Bro . Strachan said he f elfc highly honoured in having the opportunity of th & nkjpg the Most Worshipful Cbairaau for iayitiog biffl
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Meeting Of The Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
PRESENTATION TO BRO . JOHN SUTCLIFFE . A GRAND Lodgo of Mark Master Masons of tho Province ol Lincolnshire was held in the Old Hall , at Gainsborough , on 29 th November , by command of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Mark Master , Bro . John Sutcliffe , of Stallingborough House , Grimsby , who also issued invitations to the Mark Master Masons of the Lodges in Lancashire , Yorkshire , Northumberland , Durham , Cheshire , and North Wales , which were responded to by such an
assemblage as rarely meet together in any Provincial Lodge of Mark Masonry . The following is a list of tho brethren present : —Grand Officers—C . F . Matier P . G . W ., Wm . Roebuck G . M . O ., J . N . Scherling P . G . J . O ., F . Binckes Grand Sec , Thos . Cubitt P . G . D . C , J . D . Sugden P . G . S . B . Provincial Officers—Bros . Thos . Perkinton Prov . G . M . M . M . W . Yorks ., Thos . Entwisle P . P . G . M . M . M . Lanes ., J . Y . Strachan Past
Deputy P . G . M . M . M . N . and D ., W . S . Wade Past P . G . S . W . West Yorkshire , Wm . Roberts Prov . G . M . O . Lanes ., Jesse Firth Prov . G . M . O . ditto , Thos . Oakden Prov . G . M . O . ditto , Thos . Clarke P . P . G . M . O . ditto , Hy . Maiden P . P . G . S . O . ditto , Wm . BriggsP . P . G . O . ditto , F . N . Stevenson P . P . G . O . ditto , Geo . Green Prov . G . J . O ., Ed . Sewell M . A . P . P . G . Chaplain W . Yorks , A . A . Bagshawe M . A . Prov .
Asst . G . Chap , ditto , T . B . Ashworth P . P . G . Reg . of M . Lanes ., J . B . Champion P . P . G . Reg . of M . ditto , W . Cooke Prov . G . Sec . West Yorkshire , R . Newhouse Prov . G . Sec . Cheshire , H . W . Wrigloy Prov . G . S . D ., W . Ashworth P . P . G . D . East Lancashire , G . E . Bennett P . P . G . S . D ., Mark Newaome P . P . G . J . D ., S . Titmas P . P . G . D . C Lancashire , R . Butterworth , P . P . G . D . C , W . H . Prince P . P . G . S . of W .,
Robt . Heathcott Prov . G . S . of W ., W . F . Wilkinson Prov . G . S . of W . W . Yorka ; , J . B . Crossby P . P . G . S . B . ditto , Jno . Boll P . P . G . S . B . Lancashire , Jos . Halroyd P . P . G . S . B . ditto , N . Horrocks P . P . G . S . B . ditto , Hy . Beaumont Prov . G . Std . B ., Geo . Marshall Prov . G . I . G . W . York shire , A . Middleton Prov . G . Steward , Geo . Normanton Prov . G . Tyler . Brethren representing other provinces : —Bros . R . S . Cumberland , Josh
Best , T . F . Pettinger , T . C . Hope , S . R . Stott , R . H . Hutchinson , Henry Haigh , J . H . Ernes , C . H . Johnson , 0 . H . Hunt , Jno . E . Dixon , H . E . Voigt , R . T . Vivian , Henry Shaw , W . Ashworth , James Clogg , James Holt , J . Taylor , R . Dodds , A . Wheeler , S . Lord , T . Parker , J . Ashworth , Wm . Beswicke , J . S . Cumberland , W . F . Parkinson , J . Bromley , H . J . Garnett , Ensor Drury , J . B . Wostinholm , F . M . Tindall , S . B .
Ellis , J . Unwm jnn ., Amos Moss , Alex . Hay , F . Waddington , Thos . Whittaker , C . F . Rhodes , T . H . Shaw , George Scarborough , C . H . Leeming , John Hanney , A . Britton , W . Denison , J . W . Swann , W . M . Tyers , J . Calverley , Thomas Ruddock , Hiram Burley , M . Kemp , W . Needier , M . Haberland , J . Walker , R . Boggett , John Sutcliffe , Chas . Harrison , W . Watkins .
A . Kirke , A . Bates , Jack Sutcliffe , R . C . Carline , Robert Gough , C . Scorer , R . Goodman , W . H . Roberts , W . E . Hewlett , W . Mason , Jas . Robinson , W . Marshall , P . P . Diokinson , J . S . Codd , D . Swanstone , W . H . Rodley , F . Watson , C . J . Hayward , 0 . Mann , A . L . Peacock , R . D . Davies , Wm . Pratt , G . M . Lowe , T . C . Lazenby , C . Hughes , G . Broadway , H . S . Close , E . F . Arnold , T . M . Wilkinson ,
Geo . Jay , M . Crowden , Geo . Motley , John T . Purvis , Geo . Honsham , W . M . Green , John Moxon , Wm . Amcoats , C . F . Liversidge , B . Box , W . W . Copeland , R . McSheen , Geo . Lister , H . Barker , R . J . Tonge , Hy . Wardale , W . B . Louth , J . Chapman , T . Rippon , W . Pollitt , A . S . Steffenson , John Nelson , T . Jewitt , S . Walmsley . The large gathering is mainly attributable to the convenient and liberal train
arrangements affected with the various railway companies by Provincial Grand Mark Master Sutcliffe , and to tho liberality with which the Right Worshipful Master distributed his invitations to tho banquet , which followed the business of the Lodge , and which were accompanied by a programme giving in detail all the information that was necessary to be known in reference to accomplishing the journey
from distant provinces , the special railway tickets—issued at a firstclass single fare for the double journey—being available for three days . After the ordinary duties of the Lodge had been gone through , tho R . W . Prov . Grand Mark Master Mason appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . Grand Officers for tho ensuing year : —Bros . Chas . Harrison Deputy Prov . G . M . M . M ., Alfred Kirk Prov .
G . S . W ., W . W . Copeland Prov . G . J . W ., Charles Scorer Prov . G . M . O ., M . Crowden Prov . G . S . O ., P . P . Dickinson Prov . G . J . O ., Jack Sutcliffe Prov . G . Treas ., R . Cotton Carline Prov . G . Reg . of M ., R . Gough Prov . G . Sec , Joseph Chapman Prov . G . S . D ., George Housham Prov . G . S . D ., W . H . Roberts Prov . G . D . C , J . Moxon Prov . G . Assist . D . C , H . S . Closo Prov . G . Supt . of Works , G . M . Lowe Prov . G .
Sword Bearer , C . J . Hayward Prov . G . I . G ., G . Motley Prov . G . Steward , W . Pollitt Prov . G . Steward , Charles Mann Prov . G . Tyler . A further matter of special interest and attraction in the day ' s proceedings was the presentation to the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master of a picture containing portraits of himself and his first Provincial Grand Officers , who were photographed in a group
whilst being entertained at Stallingborongh House . The photograph was subsequently enlarged , finished in oil , and handsomely framed . The Mark Masons represented in it are—Bros . John Sutcliffe , Charles Harrison , F . Watson , H . Watson , T . H . Oldman , J . Bellamy , William Watkins , Jack Sutcliffe , R . Cotton Carline , R . Gongh , W . J . Bland ,
F . S . Judd , C . J . Hayward , T . E . Jacobson , George Robinson , E . J . Cnllen , Charles Scorer , R . Goodman , Rev . D . Ace , D . D ., W . G . Moore , Capt . Lowcock , Charles Mann , F . Binckes , and William Roberts . The frame is enriched with Masonic emblems , and the inscription engraved on a brass plate is as follows : —
FIBST PROV . G . M . OFFICEBS FOE IiINCOLNSHIBE . PRESENTED TO THE E . W . BRO . JOHN SUTCXIPFE , PK 0 V . G . M . M . M ., 29 TH NOVEMBER 1876 . The formal presentation of tho picture was made during the after
Meeting Of The Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
dinner proceedings , and tho terms in which it was offered and accepted will be found reported below in tho post prandial speeches . The banquet , to which about 160 sat down , Wiisof a magnificent description . Tho tables , laden with choice dessort ( including pine apples , melons , grapes , & c . ) had a charming appearance as the guesfs entered
the room ; but what crowned tho brilliancy of tho gathering was tho regalia of tho brethren , emblazoned with jewels , representing the different degrees and orders of Masonry to which tho wearers had respectively been admitted . Tho menu was in harmony with tho high character of tho occasion , comprising every available delicacy , and the dinner was served a la Russe by Mrs . Frith , of the Hickmann Hotel .
Tho Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master , Bro . Sutcliffe , occupied tho chair , and , in commencing the toast list , gave "The Queen and Mark Masonry , " in terms glowing with loyalty . Tho Right Worshipful Brother also gave " H . R . H . Albert Edward Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and tho Members of the Royal Family , " observing how littlo need be urged in recommending this
toast , and that tho moro they said about it tho greater damage they might do it . They all admired t ^ o lovely Princess of Wales ; all England were ready to lay down thoir lives for her . Ho might add that , at the moment they were sitting thero , thoir brother Princo Leopold was being installed in office as Master of a Mark Lodge at Oxford . They would , therefore , add his health to the toast ,
and if he were present , he wonld respond to it in a way they would all be pleased to hear . ( The National Anthem was sung after tho first toast , led by Bro . Copeland ) . Bro . P . P . Dickinson , Mayor of Lincoln , in rising to propose " The Bishop and Clergy , " said he had pleasure in serving the chairman in any position he might call him to . He asked the company , as Mark
Masons , to join him in drinking the health of those men who by their piety showed them the way of life , and invited them to walk therein . Bro . tho Rev . A . A . Bagshawe responded , remarking that , although he did not belong to this diocese , ho was a member of tho Mark in Lancashire , and aa such he had been honoured by being made tho
Provincial Grand Chaplain , and also tho Chaplain of his Lodgo , of which ho was very proud . Ho folt a very deep gratitude to tho Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire for inviting him and tho Lodge to which he belonged . They came with a right hearty and especial pleasure , because they knew what a large-hearted man Bro . Sutcliffe was , whose heart was in Mark Masonry , and he rejoiced
that he was to be the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Mark Master of Lincolnshire for the second period of three years . It had given him ( Bro . Bagshawe ) very great satisfaction to meet them on this occasion , seeing that they had such an earnest Provincial Grand Mark Master . He ( the speaker ) put his soul into it , as he did in tho Craft and in the Arch , but he did so particularly as a Mark Mason ,
and he thought Master Masonry without tho Mark was not under , stood . They did not understand it till they became Mark Masons . He dare say they knew what ho meant ( hear , hear ) . Five different provinces had assembled together that day to do honour to their excellent and right worshipful brother the Grand Mark Master of
Lincolnshire . It had been a great pleasure for them to meet together and stir up each other ' s good feeling towards one another . Wherever they met they know each other , and felt that there was a mark between them , and that mark bound thorn together in sincerity ( hear , hear ) .
The Chairman proposed "The Most Worshipful tho Grand Mark Master Mason , the Right Honourable the Earl of Limerick , and all other Grand Officers , present and past . " He was glad , he said , to have to announce that they had several P . G . Officers present . Thoy all , as good Masons , looked to their head and their chief , and they were happy to recognise their head in the Earl of Limerick . (
Applause ) . He had had the pleasure of sitting under him on several occasions , and found him a very pleasant and agreeabl o chairman and a very good Mark Mason , and they would join him in drinking the toast heartily and sincerely . He coupled with it the name of Bro . Roebuck , tho Grand Master Overseer , who wonld respond . Bro . Roebuck , in acknowledging the toast on behalf of the Earl of
Limerick , observed that it wonld be his especial privilege to ropovs to Grand Lodge the re-appointment of tho Provincial Grand Mark Master of Lincolnshire for another three years . It had been gratifying to him to find the reception that had been given to the namo of the Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master , not only by Lincolnshire but by the provinces around . He was aware tho Earl was
well known in this and othor counties ; he was also known in London as a good Mark and Craft Mason , and as a supporter of the charities . ( Applause ) . Ho must say with all the Masonic gatherings he had been amongst ho had never been more pleased than to see the manner in which Bro . Sutcliffe had been received by this meeting . ( Applause ) .
The Chairman next proposed "The Right Worshipful tho Provincial Grand Mark Master Masons of other provinces , and all present and past Provincial Grand Officers . " In doing so ho said he need not occupy their timo long in urging tho claims of this toast . The characters of the Provincial Mark Masters were all so well known that they required no recommendation from him to ensure them a
hearty and cordial reception . They ought to feel highly honoured that a brother came here to-day from Newcastle to visit their Pro . vincial Lodge . He himself ( the Chairman ) felt highly complimented by Bro . Strachan , D . P . G . M . for Northumberland and Durham , coming amongst them . They also had Bro . Tom Perkinton P . G . M . M . M . from West Yorkshire . He must not forget to say that
he had not the opportunity in Lodge of reading a number of letters of apology from brethren not present , and he might inform tho brethren from Lancashire that he had received a very polite note from Bro . Le Gendre Starkie , D . P . G . M . for Lancashire , saying that previous engagements prevented him coming . Ho wished to say that for the information of the brethren from Lancashire . Bro . Strachan said he f elfc highly honoured in having the opportunity of th & nkjpg the Most Worshipful Cbairaau for iayitiog biffl