Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand.
From tiles of the New Zealand Herald to hand this week we extract the following Masonic items : — On 9 th October , Brother Malcolm Niccol , Past Master of the Lodge St . Andrew , S . C ., was presented by the brethren of tho Lodge , at the Lodge room , Star Hotel , with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , in recognition of his great services to tho Lodge as Master and Past
Master for several years . Tho presentation was made at tho conclusion of the business by tho Right Worshipful Master , William Charles Walker , who was assisted by Past Master's Dowar and Anderson . Tho jewel , which is a very handsome one , bears tho following inscription : — "Presented to Brother Malcolm Niccol , P . M ., by tho officers and brethren of tho St . Andrew ' s Lodge , 418 , S . C ., as
a token of their appreciation of hia services to tho Lodge as its Right Worshipful Master , during tho years 1874 and 1875 . Auckland , May 31 , 1876 . " Brother Niccol acknowledged the presentation in feeling and appropriate terms . During the evening , Brother P . M . Niccol proposed tho health of tho youngest member of tho Lodgo , Bro . Cornwall , of Samoa . In the place where Bro . Cornwall was resident ,
ho would not at present havo an opportunity of meeting with Masonic brethren in Lodge , there being no Lodgo nearer than Fiji , which was nearly as far away from Samoa as Auckland . They would be always glad to sec him , however , in Auckland , and he hoped the time would como when a Masonic Lodge would be constituted in the island of Samoa . Brother Cornwall said that ho had long wished to
become a Mason , and ono of tho p rincipal objects ot his present visit to Auckland was that he might bo able to join a Lodge . It was pleasant to him to reflect that although he resided in a far distant island of the sea , ho had friends in every quarter of the globe , and no doubt at somo time a Masonic Lodge would be formed at Samoa . Tho ceremony of installing Bro . Clayton W . M . of tho Prince of
Wales Lodge , No . 1338 , took place at the Lodge-room , Star Hotel , on the 28 th September . Bro . P . M . Leers acted as installing Master for the occasion , and conducted tho ceremony in a most impressive manner . Bro . Clayton having been duly installed according to ancient form , proceeded to appoint the following officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . W . H . Skinner I . P . M ., C . M . Nelson S . W ., F . W . 11
Dawson J . W ., E . Browne Chaplain , W . H . Kissling P . M . Treasurer , M . S . Leers P . M . Secretary , R . 0 . DyerS . D ., W . Rattray J . D ., G . N . Brassey P . M . Director of Ceremonies , C . T . Saxton Organist , J . H . Gossett I . G ., C . Burton and W . S . Collins . Stowards , C . Porter Tyler . Tho inauguration of the Corinthian Lodgo , a now Lodgo under the English Constitution , at the Thames Goldfiolds , near Auckland , was announced to take place on tho 16 th November .
Trafalgar Royal Arch Chapter Of Nelson, New Zealand, 157 S.C.
THE third annual meeting of tho Trafalgar Royal Arch Chapter , for the election and installation of office-bearers for tho ensuing year , was hold on tho 25 th of September , iu the Masonic Hall . Lodge being opened in due form , the election was proceeded with , aud the choice fell upon the following Companions : — W . W . Squires Z ., W . Holmes U ., L . C . Boor J ., W . B . Sealy P . Z ., W . M . Stanton
Scribe E ., J . Honnsell Scribe N ., W . Lightfoot Treasurer , J . 0 , Moutray First Sojourner , A . B . Jackson Second Sojourner , A . 11 Oliver Third Sojourner . These officers having been duly installed by First Principal W . B . Sealy , Comp . W . M . Stanton brought forward tho annual report and balance-sheet , which showed that the funds of the Chapter were in a
very satisfactory condition . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions re-assomblcd at eight o'clock to partake of an excellent supper , served by Comp . Tregca . Owing to the unavoidable absence of the First Principal elect , the chair was taken by Comp . Sealy , and , after ample justice had been done to the good things provided , the following toasts were drunk with musical and Masonic honours
— " Her Majesty the Queen , " " The three Grand Principals of England , Ireland , and Scotland , coupled with the name of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " " Tho Grand Superintendent , M . E . Comp . Caldwell , and District Grand Chapter of New Zealand , " "The Canterbury Kilwinning Chapter , coupled with the health of M . E . Comp . Thiel , " " The First Principal elect of the Trafalgar lloyal
Arch Chapter , Comp . Squires , " who returned thanks ; " The Past Principal of the Chapter . " Comp . Sealy responded , and proposed the health of Comp . Stanton in an appropriate speech , which contained a graceful acknowledgment of his services in the founding and organizing of the Chapter , and of his duties in the capacity of
1 st Scribe , to which office he was again re-elected . Companion Browning proposed " The Southern Star Lodge , 735 E . G ., " coupled with the name of the W . M ., Bro . Moutray , who responded in suitable terms . Several songs were well sung in the intervals between the t .. asts and addresses , and , after spending a most pleasant evening , tho Companions parted in harmony .
Bro . Geo . Fredericks commenced his proprietorship of the Bedford , Camden Town , on the Cth inst . Bros . A . Trotman , late proprietor , and Bro . S . Adams presided during the evening , and a host of talent lent their valuable services . The hall was crowded by friends , who heartil y wished Bro . Fredericks success in his new undertaking .
SOAP . —In our notice on this article last week , we should have referred to Pears ' s Transparent Soap , and not , as was inadvertently printed , to Pcarce ' s , Messrs . Pears , of Great Russell-street , having been tho inventors of the Transparent Soap so hi ghly approved of by Professor Em sums Wilson , and thero being no such firm as Pcarce in the manufacturing trade .
Complimentary Dinner To Bro. James Jackson, P.M. 172.
AN interesting gathering took place at tho Clarence Hotel , Aldersgate-street , on Thursday evening , tho occasion being to commemorate tho second anniversary of Bro . Jackson ' s tenancy of this old established house , which has been associated with many a Masonic gathering in the days of yore . The chair was taken by
Bro . Herbert Rynull , of tho Barbican Repository , who was supported by Mr . J . C . James as Vice-chairman , while amongst tho numerous company assembled wo may mention Messrs . J . R . Roborton , J . Dawson , F . Noblo , P . Fowler , S . G . Ashwin , T . Koeue , F . Keene , F . Watson , Jones , E . Dealo , J . Martin , R . M . Stollery , Gryspeerdt , C . Bird , J . Oliver , Biscoe , E . Chesterman , Wilkinson ,
Davis , Carter , Stollery jun ., Roberton jun ., Honnor , Edwards , Powell , Ctiddeford , W . W . Morgan , & c . The company assembled at six o ' clock , and partook of a capital banquet . On tho cloth being cleared , the chairman proposed " Tho health of Her Most Gracious Majesty tho Queen , their Royal Highnesses tho Princo and Princess of Wales , and the rest of tho
Royal Family . " This toast was followed by that of " The Army , the Navy , and the Reserve Forces , " briefly replied to by Capt . Jones , who concluded his remarks by saying that the reserve forces would bo ready should they ever be wanted . Mr . J . C . James then rose to propose " The Health of the Chairman of the Evening , Mr . Herbert Rymill . " He referred to the thorough
business qualifications of that gentleman , and to the kindness always evinced by him to all with whom ho waa associated . His consideration for those with whom he was surrounded had tended to render his business prosperous , and had mado tho every day work of life go on smoothly and satisfactorily to those who had dealings with his establishment . This toast was received most heartily , and after a song ,
capitally given by Mr . Edwards , Bro . Rymill replied , assuring tho gentlemen around him that ho fully appreciated the success that had attended his business relations with them , and that no effort should be wanting on his part to retain their good opinion . After a musical performance by Bro . J . C . Bird , which waa deservedly applauded , Bro . Rymill rose to propose the toast of the
evening , viz .: "Health and Prosperity to their host , Mr . Jackson . " In the course of his remarks the chairman spoke in highly eulogistic terms of our worthy Bro . Jackson , ho mentioned that tho course of events had not gone so prosperously with their friend as his well wishers could have desired , but he hoped that a brighter prospect was now dawning . This ho could say , —that Bro . Jackson appeared
before them that evening with a smile on his face , and this waa very different to tho condition he had found him in a few years since . He sincerely hoped bnsiness would prosper , and that both Mr . and Mrs . Jackson might never regret the step taken by them in connecting themselves with tho Clarence . This toast was feelingly replied to
by Bro . Jackson . Tho toast of the Vice-Chairman was then given , and followed by several others . A capital stnmp speech was delivered by Bro . Keene , while the vocal abilities of Messrs . Bird , Stollery ,, Edwards , Dawson , Morgan , & c , enlivened tho proceedings . The company separated after spending a very enjoyable evening .
The report and balance sheet of " the Tranquillity and ! Confidence Masonic Charitable Association " has reached us . From it we learn that since its establishment there have been 80 members enrolled , of this number ten withdrew . The Life Governorships resulting from the monthly pay
ments to the Association were distributed as follows , viz .: 30 to the Benevolent Institution , 25 to the Girls' School , and 15 to the Boys' School . By this means , therefore , we have had upwards of £ 700 contributed to the Institutions since 1872 . The expenses attending the collection and
management are remarkabl y low , amounting during the four years to £ 6 8 s 6 d , or less than 1 per cent , on the amount contributed . Thirty Stewardships were undertaken by the members of this Association , thus aggregating the sum of £ 2 , 509 12 s for the three Masonic Charities .
The name of Bro . Constable , Hon . Secretary , is sufficient to evince to the brethren that the work has been done with pleasure . We congratulate him on the successful termination of his labours . Those of our brethren who have
not yet enrolled their names on any of the Associations established would do well to follow the advice of the Committee of the Tranquillity and Confidence Association , who : —
"Earnestly invito those who are not already Life Governors of tho Masonic Institutions , either to join or establish kindred Associations feeling confident that with the increased numerical strength of the brotherhood thero is ample room for many more , both in Loudon and
tho 1 rovinces , and from thoir experience of the successful working of this Association , cordiall y recommending thorn to all who are desirous of obtaining a Life Governorship , so that there may not be a brother but will be able to say he is a Governor , if not of all at least of one of our noble Institutions . "
We are sure Bro . Constable will be only too pleased to give any information he can as to the establishment of such Associations , and AVO commend to our Provincial brethren this rn . ea . ns of becoming Life Governors .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand.
From tiles of the New Zealand Herald to hand this week we extract the following Masonic items : — On 9 th October , Brother Malcolm Niccol , Past Master of the Lodge St . Andrew , S . C ., was presented by the brethren of tho Lodge , at the Lodge room , Star Hotel , with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , in recognition of his great services to tho Lodge as Master and Past
Master for several years . Tho presentation was made at tho conclusion of the business by tho Right Worshipful Master , William Charles Walker , who was assisted by Past Master's Dowar and Anderson . Tho jewel , which is a very handsome one , bears tho following inscription : — "Presented to Brother Malcolm Niccol , P . M ., by tho officers and brethren of tho St . Andrew ' s Lodge , 418 , S . C ., as
a token of their appreciation of hia services to tho Lodge as its Right Worshipful Master , during tho years 1874 and 1875 . Auckland , May 31 , 1876 . " Brother Niccol acknowledged the presentation in feeling and appropriate terms . During the evening , Brother P . M . Niccol proposed tho health of tho youngest member of tho Lodgo , Bro . Cornwall , of Samoa . In the place where Bro . Cornwall was resident ,
ho would not at present havo an opportunity of meeting with Masonic brethren in Lodge , there being no Lodgo nearer than Fiji , which was nearly as far away from Samoa as Auckland . They would be always glad to sec him , however , in Auckland , and he hoped the time would como when a Masonic Lodge would be constituted in the island of Samoa . Brother Cornwall said that ho had long wished to
become a Mason , and ono of tho p rincipal objects ot his present visit to Auckland was that he might bo able to join a Lodge . It was pleasant to him to reflect that although he resided in a far distant island of the sea , ho had friends in every quarter of the globe , and no doubt at somo time a Masonic Lodge would be formed at Samoa . Tho ceremony of installing Bro . Clayton W . M . of tho Prince of
Wales Lodge , No . 1338 , took place at the Lodge-room , Star Hotel , on the 28 th September . Bro . P . M . Leers acted as installing Master for the occasion , and conducted tho ceremony in a most impressive manner . Bro . Clayton having been duly installed according to ancient form , proceeded to appoint the following officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . W . H . Skinner I . P . M ., C . M . Nelson S . W ., F . W . 11
Dawson J . W ., E . Browne Chaplain , W . H . Kissling P . M . Treasurer , M . S . Leers P . M . Secretary , R . 0 . DyerS . D ., W . Rattray J . D ., G . N . Brassey P . M . Director of Ceremonies , C . T . Saxton Organist , J . H . Gossett I . G ., C . Burton and W . S . Collins . Stowards , C . Porter Tyler . Tho inauguration of the Corinthian Lodgo , a now Lodgo under the English Constitution , at the Thames Goldfiolds , near Auckland , was announced to take place on tho 16 th November .
Trafalgar Royal Arch Chapter Of Nelson, New Zealand, 157 S.C.
THE third annual meeting of tho Trafalgar Royal Arch Chapter , for the election and installation of office-bearers for tho ensuing year , was hold on tho 25 th of September , iu the Masonic Hall . Lodge being opened in due form , the election was proceeded with , aud the choice fell upon the following Companions : — W . W . Squires Z ., W . Holmes U ., L . C . Boor J ., W . B . Sealy P . Z ., W . M . Stanton
Scribe E ., J . Honnsell Scribe N ., W . Lightfoot Treasurer , J . 0 , Moutray First Sojourner , A . B . Jackson Second Sojourner , A . 11 Oliver Third Sojourner . These officers having been duly installed by First Principal W . B . Sealy , Comp . W . M . Stanton brought forward tho annual report and balance-sheet , which showed that the funds of the Chapter were in a
very satisfactory condition . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions re-assomblcd at eight o'clock to partake of an excellent supper , served by Comp . Tregca . Owing to the unavoidable absence of the First Principal elect , the chair was taken by Comp . Sealy , and , after ample justice had been done to the good things provided , the following toasts were drunk with musical and Masonic honours
— " Her Majesty the Queen , " " The three Grand Principals of England , Ireland , and Scotland , coupled with the name of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " " Tho Grand Superintendent , M . E . Comp . Caldwell , and District Grand Chapter of New Zealand , " "The Canterbury Kilwinning Chapter , coupled with the health of M . E . Comp . Thiel , " " The First Principal elect of the Trafalgar lloyal
Arch Chapter , Comp . Squires , " who returned thanks ; " The Past Principal of the Chapter . " Comp . Sealy responded , and proposed the health of Comp . Stanton in an appropriate speech , which contained a graceful acknowledgment of his services in the founding and organizing of the Chapter , and of his duties in the capacity of
1 st Scribe , to which office he was again re-elected . Companion Browning proposed " The Southern Star Lodge , 735 E . G ., " coupled with the name of the W . M ., Bro . Moutray , who responded in suitable terms . Several songs were well sung in the intervals between the t .. asts and addresses , and , after spending a most pleasant evening , tho Companions parted in harmony .
Bro . Geo . Fredericks commenced his proprietorship of the Bedford , Camden Town , on the Cth inst . Bros . A . Trotman , late proprietor , and Bro . S . Adams presided during the evening , and a host of talent lent their valuable services . The hall was crowded by friends , who heartil y wished Bro . Fredericks success in his new undertaking .
SOAP . —In our notice on this article last week , we should have referred to Pears ' s Transparent Soap , and not , as was inadvertently printed , to Pcarce ' s , Messrs . Pears , of Great Russell-street , having been tho inventors of the Transparent Soap so hi ghly approved of by Professor Em sums Wilson , and thero being no such firm as Pcarce in the manufacturing trade .
Complimentary Dinner To Bro. James Jackson, P.M. 172.
AN interesting gathering took place at tho Clarence Hotel , Aldersgate-street , on Thursday evening , tho occasion being to commemorate tho second anniversary of Bro . Jackson ' s tenancy of this old established house , which has been associated with many a Masonic gathering in the days of yore . The chair was taken by
Bro . Herbert Rynull , of tho Barbican Repository , who was supported by Mr . J . C . James as Vice-chairman , while amongst tho numerous company assembled wo may mention Messrs . J . R . Roborton , J . Dawson , F . Noblo , P . Fowler , S . G . Ashwin , T . Koeue , F . Keene , F . Watson , Jones , E . Dealo , J . Martin , R . M . Stollery , Gryspeerdt , C . Bird , J . Oliver , Biscoe , E . Chesterman , Wilkinson ,
Davis , Carter , Stollery jun ., Roberton jun ., Honnor , Edwards , Powell , Ctiddeford , W . W . Morgan , & c . The company assembled at six o ' clock , and partook of a capital banquet . On tho cloth being cleared , the chairman proposed " Tho health of Her Most Gracious Majesty tho Queen , their Royal Highnesses tho Princo and Princess of Wales , and the rest of tho
Royal Family . " This toast was followed by that of " The Army , the Navy , and the Reserve Forces , " briefly replied to by Capt . Jones , who concluded his remarks by saying that the reserve forces would bo ready should they ever be wanted . Mr . J . C . James then rose to propose " The Health of the Chairman of the Evening , Mr . Herbert Rymill . " He referred to the thorough
business qualifications of that gentleman , and to the kindness always evinced by him to all with whom ho waa associated . His consideration for those with whom he was surrounded had tended to render his business prosperous , and had mado tho every day work of life go on smoothly and satisfactorily to those who had dealings with his establishment . This toast was received most heartily , and after a song ,
capitally given by Mr . Edwards , Bro . Rymill replied , assuring tho gentlemen around him that ho fully appreciated the success that had attended his business relations with them , and that no effort should be wanting on his part to retain their good opinion . After a musical performance by Bro . J . C . Bird , which waa deservedly applauded , Bro . Rymill rose to propose the toast of the
evening , viz .: "Health and Prosperity to their host , Mr . Jackson . " In the course of his remarks the chairman spoke in highly eulogistic terms of our worthy Bro . Jackson , ho mentioned that tho course of events had not gone so prosperously with their friend as his well wishers could have desired , but he hoped that a brighter prospect was now dawning . This ho could say , —that Bro . Jackson appeared
before them that evening with a smile on his face , and this waa very different to tho condition he had found him in a few years since . He sincerely hoped bnsiness would prosper , and that both Mr . and Mrs . Jackson might never regret the step taken by them in connecting themselves with tho Clarence . This toast was feelingly replied to
by Bro . Jackson . Tho toast of the Vice-Chairman was then given , and followed by several others . A capital stnmp speech was delivered by Bro . Keene , while the vocal abilities of Messrs . Bird , Stollery ,, Edwards , Dawson , Morgan , & c , enlivened tho proceedings . The company separated after spending a very enjoyable evening .
The report and balance sheet of " the Tranquillity and ! Confidence Masonic Charitable Association " has reached us . From it we learn that since its establishment there have been 80 members enrolled , of this number ten withdrew . The Life Governorships resulting from the monthly pay
ments to the Association were distributed as follows , viz .: 30 to the Benevolent Institution , 25 to the Girls' School , and 15 to the Boys' School . By this means , therefore , we have had upwards of £ 700 contributed to the Institutions since 1872 . The expenses attending the collection and
management are remarkabl y low , amounting during the four years to £ 6 8 s 6 d , or less than 1 per cent , on the amount contributed . Thirty Stewardships were undertaken by the members of this Association , thus aggregating the sum of £ 2 , 509 12 s for the three Masonic Charities .
The name of Bro . Constable , Hon . Secretary , is sufficient to evince to the brethren that the work has been done with pleasure . We congratulate him on the successful termination of his labours . Those of our brethren who have
not yet enrolled their names on any of the Associations established would do well to follow the advice of the Committee of the Tranquillity and Confidence Association , who : —
"Earnestly invito those who are not already Life Governors of tho Masonic Institutions , either to join or establish kindred Associations feeling confident that with the increased numerical strength of the brotherhood thero is ample room for many more , both in Loudon and
tho 1 rovinces , and from thoir experience of the successful working of this Association , cordiall y recommending thorn to all who are desirous of obtaining a Life Governorship , so that there may not be a brother but will be able to say he is a Governor , if not of all at least of one of our noble Institutions . "
We are sure Bro . Constable will be only too pleased to give any information he can as to the establishment of such Associations , and AVO commend to our Provincial brethren this rn . ea . ns of becoming Life Governors .