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haTM ^ BH ^^^ CABINET MANUFACTURER AND UPHOLSTERER , jffpl | ' nv ^ i * nRSBWHSBiBl ^^ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVE N TO SHIPPERS , AND GOODS M 4 J ' '^^ aBByWsS ^ lB ^ pS ^ A Jarge stock always on view , to which the attention of those about to
Y ^ By Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Eoyal Household Troops . I.J.ROWLEY&Co.,Colliery&ShippingAgents, COAL , BREEZE & IRON MERCHANTS , Loudon Office—14 Blandford Street , Portman Square , W . and at 16 Milton Street , Spring Bank , Hnll . NETT CASH PRICES DELIVERED . PER TON PER TON BEST WALLSEND - - 27 s EUREKA HARTLEY - - 19 s BEST SILKSTONE - - 24 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 19 s NEW SILKSTONE - - 22 s DUDLEY BREEZE - - - 21 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - 21 s BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE 16 S LARGE BRIGHTS - - 20 s BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 12 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY" GUARANTEED .
COlsrCE'H . TIlsrA . S , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAN . G JONES , 350 Commercial-road , Loti-. don , 15 ., inventor nf the AnsV > -Oerman with chromatic seals . His tempered stool notes never get out of tunc . U .-ed hy the leadin < r performers . Price List ot' Musical Instrument * ol ! ovorv ilo ^ cri ]) . tion free . Kstibl ' shml 11 "P .
R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . Martin's Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANG" *!? , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . CUARGES MODERATE .
| NOW BEADY . SYNOPSIS OP THE CHESS OPENINGS . A Tubulated Analysis . Third Edition , with \ iuUUtions n , nxl emendations . By WILLIAM COOK . j Price - 'is fid . i LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 6 s . \* 4 7 " AIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY FROM ** ¦ THE G UESS B OARD , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President of tho British Chess Association . t tiOKDO .-¦ . . W . W . MOBOAN , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
RIPPINGILLE'S PATENT WARMING STOVES . THE only Perfect Oil Stoves . Made to burn absolutely without Smoke or Smell , Trouble or Dirt . Unequalled for Warming GREENHOUSES , VINERIES , SHOPS , BEDROOMS , HALLS , OFFICES , DAMP ROOMS , & c . Perfectly safe , require no pipes or fittings , will | burn from twelve to twenty hours without atten-, t ' on . give off no injurious vapnur , and are the best i Stoves ever invented to save plants from frost , keep I out the damp , & c . Price , from a few shillings . "Write for Illustrated List of "Warming Stoves to The Holborn Lamp and Stove Co ., 118 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C . And say where you saw this Advertisement .
ESTABLISHED 1832 . T REASON , Manufacturer of Perambu-. lators and Invalid Chairs , & e ., of every description . 347 and 348 Upper Street , Islington , N . and at the Factory , 339 Kingsland Road , London . A STRONG CIKCULAR CARRIAGE , on Bicycle "Wheels , Warranted , £ 2 2 s .
IUJMBM Uv ^ S ^^ BIlWuflfflS
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
haTM ^ BH ^^^ CABINET MANUFACTURER AND UPHOLSTERER , jffpl | ' nv ^ i * nRSBWHSBiBl ^^ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVE N TO SHIPPERS , AND GOODS M 4 J ' '^^ aBByWsS ^ lB ^ pS ^ A Jarge stock always on view , to which the attention of those about to
Y ^ By Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Eoyal Household Troops . I.J.ROWLEY&Co.,Colliery&ShippingAgents, COAL , BREEZE & IRON MERCHANTS , Loudon Office—14 Blandford Street , Portman Square , W . and at 16 Milton Street , Spring Bank , Hnll . NETT CASH PRICES DELIVERED . PER TON PER TON BEST WALLSEND - - 27 s EUREKA HARTLEY - - 19 s BEST SILKSTONE - - 24 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 19 s NEW SILKSTONE - - 22 s DUDLEY BREEZE - - - 21 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - 21 s BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE 16 S LARGE BRIGHTS - - 20 s BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 12 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY" GUARANTEED .
COlsrCE'H . TIlsrA . S , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAN . G JONES , 350 Commercial-road , Loti-. don , 15 ., inventor nf the AnsV > -Oerman with chromatic seals . His tempered stool notes never get out of tunc . U .-ed hy the leadin < r performers . Price List ot' Musical Instrument * ol ! ovorv ilo ^ cri ]) . tion free . Kstibl ' shml 11 "P .
R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . Martin's Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANG" *!? , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . CUARGES MODERATE .
| NOW BEADY . SYNOPSIS OP THE CHESS OPENINGS . A Tubulated Analysis . Third Edition , with \ iuUUtions n , nxl emendations . By WILLIAM COOK . j Price - 'is fid . i LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 6 s . \* 4 7 " AIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY FROM ** ¦ THE G UESS B OARD , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President of tho British Chess Association . t tiOKDO .-¦ . . W . W . MOBOAN , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
RIPPINGILLE'S PATENT WARMING STOVES . THE only Perfect Oil Stoves . Made to burn absolutely without Smoke or Smell , Trouble or Dirt . Unequalled for Warming GREENHOUSES , VINERIES , SHOPS , BEDROOMS , HALLS , OFFICES , DAMP ROOMS , & c . Perfectly safe , require no pipes or fittings , will | burn from twelve to twenty hours without atten-, t ' on . give off no injurious vapnur , and are the best i Stoves ever invented to save plants from frost , keep I out the damp , & c . Price , from a few shillings . "Write for Illustrated List of "Warming Stoves to The Holborn Lamp and Stove Co ., 118 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C . And say where you saw this Advertisement .
ESTABLISHED 1832 . T REASON , Manufacturer of Perambu-. lators and Invalid Chairs , & e ., of every description . 347 and 348 Upper Street , Islington , N . and at the Factory , 339 Kingsland Road , London . A STRONG CIKCULAR CARRIAGE , on Bicycle "Wheels , Warranted , £ 2 2 s .
IUJMBM Uv ^ S ^^ BIlWuflfflS