Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
ANCHOR AND HOPE LODGE , No . 37 . rpHE monthly meeting of this old Lodgo was held on Monday , the -L 4 th December , at the "Masonicrooms , Bolton , at 6 o'clock in the evening . Present—Bros . Garstang W . M ., Booth S . W ., Pacey J . W ., Slater P . Prov . S . G . D . Treasurer , Brockbank P . Prov . S . G . D . Secre . tary , Poynter J . D ., Hardcastle I . G ., Rev . J . H . Gibbon , Roiley Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . John "Morris , Samuel Crowther P . Prov . Superintendent
of Works , James Walker ; also Bros . Naylor , Steward , nnd Golding . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been confirmed , the brethren proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , and the unanimous choice of the brethren fell npon Bro . George Parker Brockbank , doubtless in token of appreciation of his long services to the Lodge and Masonry generally , and
especially in connection with the Sesqni-Centennial of the Lodge in October last . Arrangements were made in regard to the installation meeting , and the ordinary Lodge business transacted . A Brother was proposed as a joining member , after which the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony , at seven o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
THE annual Festival of this Lodge was held on the 24 th nit ., in the Masonio Rooms , Market Hill , Sudbury , when Bro . Ardley S . W . was installed as W . M ., the ceremony being performed , in his usual able manner , by Bro . the Eev . C . J . Martyn P . G . O . D . P . G . M . Suffolk , who is a P . M . of 1224 . The Officers for the year were then invested
as follow : —Bros . Jenninsrs S . W ., Grimwood J . W ., Rev . J . F . Wilkin-Son Chnplain , Hills P . M . Treasurer , Wheeler P . M . P . P . G . R . Secretary , Alston S . D ., Rev . J . H . Chadwick J . D ., Pratt I . G ., George Steward , Sbole Tyler . The brethren afterwards dined together at the Rose and Grown Hotel , under the presidency of the' new W . M .,
when the usual Masonio toasts were dnly honoured . Among those present were Bros . Taylor , Clarke , Humphery , Pretty , Bolding , Symonds , Vincent , Barnes , Cooke , and the following members of the Lodge : —Bros . Walford , Emmerson , Grimwood , Inman , Row , Kilpack , Pratt , Wilkinson , Bennet , Pate , Swain , George , and Bailey .
Loughboro' Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 4 th inst ., at the Cambria Tavern , Cambriaroad , Loughboro' Junction . Bros . Da Silva jun . W . M ., Westley S . W ., Westmore J . W ., MoDiarmaid Treasurer , McKinley Secretary , Perkins S . D ., Banks J . D ., Cornock I . G ., Johnson Preceptor ; Bros . Hill , Littlewood , Harvey , Abel , Lander . "Visitors—J . Da Silva sen .,
Webb , L . Norden , Spencer , Price , Carroll . There was a good muster of tbe brethren . Punctually at 7 . 30 , Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second and third degrees , and subsequently resumed to the first . Bro . Da Silva , W . M . Lodgo of Israel , 205 , then rehearsed , in an efficient manner , the ceremonv of installation , nnd
was afterwards awarded a hearty vote of thanks . A vote of thanks was also passed to Bro . Webb P . M . for visiting this Lodge ( he having come a great distance ) to assist during the installation ceremony . Lodge was adjourned till Monday , 11 th inst . The nsual harmony meeting followed . To these gatherings brethren are cordially invited .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held on Saturday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road , Islington . Bros . Weeden W . M ., A . Ferrar S . W ., Gribbell J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor Fenner Secretary , Lorkin Treasnrer , Houghton S . D ., Dixie J . D ., Ashton I . G . ; also Bros . Cohen ,-Wolf , Jones , Chipperfield , Marks , Bevan , Richardson , Humpreys , Ruffett , C . Killick jun ., Hatch , Burtenhaw ,
Galer , Forge , & c . The usual preliminares were observed in opening the Lodge . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Richardson candidate ; the same was performed in a very careful manner . Brother Cohen worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . J . Humphreys and J . Reffett , of the Gresham Lodge , No . 869 , were elected members . Bro . Ferrar was appointed to preside at next meeting .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Mo . 507 . — The meeting of this Lodge , at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday last , 1 st instant , was presided over by Bro . M . E . Stokes as W . M ., and the Officers were Bros . J . 'A . Styles S . W ., J . N . Bate J . W ., Wiltshire 3 . D ., Poore J . D ., Thurston I . G ., Stevens P . M . Preceptor , Terry P . M . Secretary . The ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed bv the Worshipful Master , and the sections of the
degree worked by the brethren , Brother Stevens explaining , where requested , many points not fully understood by some of the members present . Brother Styles was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Brother Bate was elected W . M . for the week ending the 29 th instant , when the ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed by the Preceptor , and the members and their friends will snp together . Lodge was closed in due form , aud adjourned at 9 . 30 p . m .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — Meeting at the Institute , Ealing , on Tuesday last . Bros . Tucker W . M ., Dyer S W ., Seward J . W ., Bellerby S . D ., Hadley J . D ., Fryers I . G ., Wells Secretary ; P . M . ' s Bros . Bnrr , Green , Riekwood ; also Bros . Henning , Coop , Porter , and Fernie . The Lodge was opened in the nsual form , and the mintiies of previous meeting were confirmed . Bros . Henning
Notices Of Meetings.
and Hadley answered the questions leading fo fho second degree . Tho W . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . Hadley candidate . Bro . Co 'p , with tho assistance of the brethren , worked the first section of the lectnro . Bros . Beasley , Bnrr , Green , Ivisner , Andrews , and Riekwood—Past Masters ; and Bros . Tucker , Seward ,
Dyer , Coop , Porter , Fryers , Jones , Smith , and Bellerby were elected a Committee to consider the Bye-laws of this Lodgo of Instruction , the meeting to be called early in 1883 . Lodgo was closed in duo form , and tho meeting adjourned till Tnesday , 12 th inst ., when Bro . Smith will ocenpv the chair .
New Finsbury Pai-k Lodge of Instruction , No . 1691-—At tho meeting of this Lodge of instruction , held on Tuesday last , a very largo number of members and visitors were present to hear Bro . Terry , the Secretary of tho Rovnl Masonic Benevolent Institution , rehearse tho ceremonies of consecration and Installation . Brother Terry having taken the chair , appointed the following
Officers : —Bros . John Thompson S . W ., Hollis P . P . G . S . B . Hei ts J . W ., Davies M . C ., Berry Sec , Bastable S . D ., Frampton J . D ., Oldis I . G . The minutes of the Inst meeting having been revl and con finned , the ceremonies were proceeded wifti , and carried through with that excellence specially pertaining to our worthy brother , and to the
manifest pleasure and satisfaction of all present . Tho musical arrangements were carried out in the most perfect manner by Bro . Hoare , of Lodge 1765 , who acted as Organist on the occasion ; he was assisted by Bro . Tremereand others . A voto of thanks to Bro . Terry was moved , seconded , and carried nnanimously , and ordered to be entered on tlio minutes .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1949 . —On Tuesday evening last , the 5 th instant , at the Prince Regent , Bro . Monk's , Dnlwich-roiid , East Brixton , Bro . Stephen Richardson J . D . 183 W . M . was supported by the following : —Bros . R . Poore S . W ., H . Hooper J . W ., H . M . Williams Secretary , 0 . H . Philips Treasurer , H . Stokes S . D ., B . W . Pooler J . D ., J . Howe I . G ., H . Goodwin , G . W ,
Knight , E . Bye jnn ., A . L- Albert , A . Jones , and others . Lodgo waa opened in due form , and tho minutes of the previous meeting wero read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by the W . M ., with Bro . Philips as candidate . The bye-laws wero read . It was proposed that a Benevolent Association shonld be established in connection with the Lodge . The discussion on the
matter was , however , postponed . Bro . Alfred Jones , Brixton Lodge , No . 1949 , was elected a member . Bro . Poore was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . It was decided that the first Festival of the Lodge shonld be held on the third Tnesday in January next , and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements . On
the motion of Bro . Williams , a cordial voto of thanks was passed to Bro . Richardson , for his able conduct of tho ceremony , and the work of tbe evening , for the first time in his Masonic career , the resolution to be recorded on the minntes . Lodge was closed in duo form , and adjourned in perfect harmony until the following Tuesday evening .
Kingsland Lodge , No . 1693— A regular meeting of this Lodge was hold at Bro . Baker ' s , the Highbury Station Hotel , on Tuesday , tho 5 th inst . In tho unavoidable absence of tho W . M ., Bro . A . W . Fenner the I . P . M . took the chair , supported bv Bros . O . K . Killick jnn . P . M ., H . P . Isaac P . M . Treasnrer , 0 . K . " Killick sen . P . M . Secretary , Crosbie S . W ., Western J . W ., Thompson S . D ., Oppermann J . D ., Pummell I . G ., and a goodly muster of members ;
also Bro . Douglass , of tbe St . Leonard's Lodge . The acting W . M . proceeded to raise Bro . W . A . Fruncke , the ceremony being performed in a most efficient manner . The W . M . having now arrived , took the chair , and initiated Messrs . P . L . Spienger and J . R . Collins . Several matters of bnsiness being disposed of , Lodgo was closed , ancl the brethren partook of an excellent supper , in the serving of which Brother Baker succeeded in giving general satisfaction .
THIS Chapter held its usual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Northampton , on Thursday , 30 th November , when there was a goodly attendance of the Companions . Bro . T . P . Dorman , of the Eleanor Cross , 1764 , and Bro . Thomas Wetherell , of the Pomf ' ret Lodge , 3 ( 50 , having been duly ballotted for , presented themselves for exaltation . Comp . J . U . Stanton P . Z . M . E . Z . performed the ceremony , being assisted by Comps . II . J . Atkins IT ., Rev . S . J . W . Sanders
J ., H . W . Parker P . S ., and P . Z . Butler Wilkins Deputy Superintendent of Norths and Hunts . Tho following Officers wero afterwards elected : —H . J . Atkins M . E . Z ., Rev . S . J . W . Sanders H ., John Bingley J ., George Robinson P . Z . E ., If . W . Parker N ., J . U . Stanton P . Z ? Treasnrer , George Ellard P . S ., JL Brown 1 st A . S ., G . M . Percival
2 nd A . S ., Brook Sampson Org . After tho completion of the business , the Companions adjourned to the supper room , where full justice was dons to tho refreshments , served in Mrs . Forth ' s usual excellent manner . In addition to the Companions mentioned above , wero J . Kellett P . Z ., J . J . Hart , A . Cockcrill , James Clayson , A . Jones , H . Spoor , T . Emery , aud others .
The weekly meetings of the North Loudon Chapter of Improvement , at the Canonbury Tavern , St . Mary ' s Road , continue to be well attende'd . On Thursday evening , the
7 th inst ., Comp . Osborn occupied the First Principal ' s chair ; Comps . Hunter H ., Pearcy . T ., Edmonds P . S ., Gregory S . N . Notwithstanding the severity of the weather , a profitable evening was spent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
ANCHOR AND HOPE LODGE , No . 37 . rpHE monthly meeting of this old Lodgo was held on Monday , the -L 4 th December , at the "Masonicrooms , Bolton , at 6 o'clock in the evening . Present—Bros . Garstang W . M ., Booth S . W ., Pacey J . W ., Slater P . Prov . S . G . D . Treasurer , Brockbank P . Prov . S . G . D . Secre . tary , Poynter J . D ., Hardcastle I . G ., Rev . J . H . Gibbon , Roiley Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . John "Morris , Samuel Crowther P . Prov . Superintendent
of Works , James Walker ; also Bros . Naylor , Steward , nnd Golding . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been confirmed , the brethren proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , and the unanimous choice of the brethren fell npon Bro . George Parker Brockbank , doubtless in token of appreciation of his long services to the Lodge and Masonry generally , and
especially in connection with the Sesqni-Centennial of the Lodge in October last . Arrangements were made in regard to the installation meeting , and the ordinary Lodge business transacted . A Brother was proposed as a joining member , after which the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony , at seven o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
THE annual Festival of this Lodge was held on the 24 th nit ., in the Masonio Rooms , Market Hill , Sudbury , when Bro . Ardley S . W . was installed as W . M ., the ceremony being performed , in his usual able manner , by Bro . the Eev . C . J . Martyn P . G . O . D . P . G . M . Suffolk , who is a P . M . of 1224 . The Officers for the year were then invested
as follow : —Bros . Jenninsrs S . W ., Grimwood J . W ., Rev . J . F . Wilkin-Son Chnplain , Hills P . M . Treasurer , Wheeler P . M . P . P . G . R . Secretary , Alston S . D ., Rev . J . H . Chadwick J . D ., Pratt I . G ., George Steward , Sbole Tyler . The brethren afterwards dined together at the Rose and Grown Hotel , under the presidency of the' new W . M .,
when the usual Masonio toasts were dnly honoured . Among those present were Bros . Taylor , Clarke , Humphery , Pretty , Bolding , Symonds , Vincent , Barnes , Cooke , and the following members of the Lodge : —Bros . Walford , Emmerson , Grimwood , Inman , Row , Kilpack , Pratt , Wilkinson , Bennet , Pate , Swain , George , and Bailey .
Loughboro' Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 4 th inst ., at the Cambria Tavern , Cambriaroad , Loughboro' Junction . Bros . Da Silva jun . W . M ., Westley S . W ., Westmore J . W ., MoDiarmaid Treasurer , McKinley Secretary , Perkins S . D ., Banks J . D ., Cornock I . G ., Johnson Preceptor ; Bros . Hill , Littlewood , Harvey , Abel , Lander . "Visitors—J . Da Silva sen .,
Webb , L . Norden , Spencer , Price , Carroll . There was a good muster of tbe brethren . Punctually at 7 . 30 , Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second and third degrees , and subsequently resumed to the first . Bro . Da Silva , W . M . Lodgo of Israel , 205 , then rehearsed , in an efficient manner , the ceremonv of installation , nnd
was afterwards awarded a hearty vote of thanks . A vote of thanks was also passed to Bro . Webb P . M . for visiting this Lodge ( he having come a great distance ) to assist during the installation ceremony . Lodge was adjourned till Monday , 11 th inst . The nsual harmony meeting followed . To these gatherings brethren are cordially invited .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held on Saturday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road , Islington . Bros . Weeden W . M ., A . Ferrar S . W ., Gribbell J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor Fenner Secretary , Lorkin Treasnrer , Houghton S . D ., Dixie J . D ., Ashton I . G . ; also Bros . Cohen ,-Wolf , Jones , Chipperfield , Marks , Bevan , Richardson , Humpreys , Ruffett , C . Killick jun ., Hatch , Burtenhaw ,
Galer , Forge , & c . The usual preliminares were observed in opening the Lodge . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Richardson candidate ; the same was performed in a very careful manner . Brother Cohen worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . J . Humphreys and J . Reffett , of the Gresham Lodge , No . 869 , were elected members . Bro . Ferrar was appointed to preside at next meeting .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Mo . 507 . — The meeting of this Lodge , at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday last , 1 st instant , was presided over by Bro . M . E . Stokes as W . M ., and the Officers were Bros . J . 'A . Styles S . W ., J . N . Bate J . W ., Wiltshire 3 . D ., Poore J . D ., Thurston I . G ., Stevens P . M . Preceptor , Terry P . M . Secretary . The ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed bv the Worshipful Master , and the sections of the
degree worked by the brethren , Brother Stevens explaining , where requested , many points not fully understood by some of the members present . Brother Styles was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Brother Bate was elected W . M . for the week ending the 29 th instant , when the ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed by the Preceptor , and the members and their friends will snp together . Lodge was closed in due form , aud adjourned at 9 . 30 p . m .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — Meeting at the Institute , Ealing , on Tuesday last . Bros . Tucker W . M ., Dyer S W ., Seward J . W ., Bellerby S . D ., Hadley J . D ., Fryers I . G ., Wells Secretary ; P . M . ' s Bros . Bnrr , Green , Riekwood ; also Bros . Henning , Coop , Porter , and Fernie . The Lodge was opened in the nsual form , and the mintiies of previous meeting were confirmed . Bros . Henning
Notices Of Meetings.
and Hadley answered the questions leading fo fho second degree . Tho W . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . Hadley candidate . Bro . Co 'p , with tho assistance of the brethren , worked the first section of the lectnro . Bros . Beasley , Bnrr , Green , Ivisner , Andrews , and Riekwood—Past Masters ; and Bros . Tucker , Seward ,
Dyer , Coop , Porter , Fryers , Jones , Smith , and Bellerby were elected a Committee to consider the Bye-laws of this Lodgo of Instruction , the meeting to be called early in 1883 . Lodgo was closed in duo form , and tho meeting adjourned till Tnesday , 12 th inst ., when Bro . Smith will ocenpv the chair .
New Finsbury Pai-k Lodge of Instruction , No . 1691-—At tho meeting of this Lodge of instruction , held on Tuesday last , a very largo number of members and visitors were present to hear Bro . Terry , the Secretary of tho Rovnl Masonic Benevolent Institution , rehearse tho ceremonies of consecration and Installation . Brother Terry having taken the chair , appointed the following
Officers : —Bros . John Thompson S . W ., Hollis P . P . G . S . B . Hei ts J . W ., Davies M . C ., Berry Sec , Bastable S . D ., Frampton J . D ., Oldis I . G . The minutes of the Inst meeting having been revl and con finned , the ceremonies were proceeded wifti , and carried through with that excellence specially pertaining to our worthy brother , and to the
manifest pleasure and satisfaction of all present . Tho musical arrangements were carried out in the most perfect manner by Bro . Hoare , of Lodge 1765 , who acted as Organist on the occasion ; he was assisted by Bro . Tremereand others . A voto of thanks to Bro . Terry was moved , seconded , and carried nnanimously , and ordered to be entered on tlio minutes .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1949 . —On Tuesday evening last , the 5 th instant , at the Prince Regent , Bro . Monk's , Dnlwich-roiid , East Brixton , Bro . Stephen Richardson J . D . 183 W . M . was supported by the following : —Bros . R . Poore S . W ., H . Hooper J . W ., H . M . Williams Secretary , 0 . H . Philips Treasurer , H . Stokes S . D ., B . W . Pooler J . D ., J . Howe I . G ., H . Goodwin , G . W ,
Knight , E . Bye jnn ., A . L- Albert , A . Jones , and others . Lodgo waa opened in due form , and tho minutes of the previous meeting wero read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by the W . M ., with Bro . Philips as candidate . The bye-laws wero read . It was proposed that a Benevolent Association shonld be established in connection with the Lodge . The discussion on the
matter was , however , postponed . Bro . Alfred Jones , Brixton Lodge , No . 1949 , was elected a member . Bro . Poore was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . It was decided that the first Festival of the Lodge shonld be held on the third Tnesday in January next , and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements . On
the motion of Bro . Williams , a cordial voto of thanks was passed to Bro . Richardson , for his able conduct of tho ceremony , and the work of tbe evening , for the first time in his Masonic career , the resolution to be recorded on the minntes . Lodge was closed in duo form , and adjourned in perfect harmony until the following Tuesday evening .
Kingsland Lodge , No . 1693— A regular meeting of this Lodge was hold at Bro . Baker ' s , the Highbury Station Hotel , on Tuesday , tho 5 th inst . In tho unavoidable absence of tho W . M ., Bro . A . W . Fenner the I . P . M . took the chair , supported bv Bros . O . K . Killick jnn . P . M ., H . P . Isaac P . M . Treasnrer , 0 . K . " Killick sen . P . M . Secretary , Crosbie S . W ., Western J . W ., Thompson S . D ., Oppermann J . D ., Pummell I . G ., and a goodly muster of members ;
also Bro . Douglass , of tbe St . Leonard's Lodge . The acting W . M . proceeded to raise Bro . W . A . Fruncke , the ceremony being performed in a most efficient manner . The W . M . having now arrived , took the chair , and initiated Messrs . P . L . Spienger and J . R . Collins . Several matters of bnsiness being disposed of , Lodgo was closed , ancl the brethren partook of an excellent supper , in the serving of which Brother Baker succeeded in giving general satisfaction .
THIS Chapter held its usual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Northampton , on Thursday , 30 th November , when there was a goodly attendance of the Companions . Bro . T . P . Dorman , of the Eleanor Cross , 1764 , and Bro . Thomas Wetherell , of the Pomf ' ret Lodge , 3 ( 50 , having been duly ballotted for , presented themselves for exaltation . Comp . J . U . Stanton P . Z . M . E . Z . performed the ceremony , being assisted by Comps . II . J . Atkins IT ., Rev . S . J . W . Sanders
J ., H . W . Parker P . S ., and P . Z . Butler Wilkins Deputy Superintendent of Norths and Hunts . Tho following Officers wero afterwards elected : —H . J . Atkins M . E . Z ., Rev . S . J . W . Sanders H ., John Bingley J ., George Robinson P . Z . E ., If . W . Parker N ., J . U . Stanton P . Z ? Treasnrer , George Ellard P . S ., JL Brown 1 st A . S ., G . M . Percival
2 nd A . S ., Brook Sampson Org . After tho completion of the business , the Companions adjourned to the supper room , where full justice was dons to tho refreshments , served in Mrs . Forth ' s usual excellent manner . In addition to the Companions mentioned above , wero J . Kellett P . Z ., J . J . Hart , A . Cockcrill , James Clayson , A . Jones , H . Spoor , T . Emery , aud others .
The weekly meetings of the North Loudon Chapter of Improvement , at the Canonbury Tavern , St . Mary ' s Road , continue to be well attende'd . On Thursday evening , the
7 th inst ., Comp . Osborn occupied the First Principal ' s chair ; Comps . Hunter H ., Pearcy . T ., Edmonds P . S ., Gregory S . N . Notwithstanding the severity of the weather , a profitable evening was spent .