Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
LODGE OP S . MARY , No . 1312 .
THE annual festival of this Lodgo took place on Tuesday , the 21 st ult ., at . tho White Hart Hotel , Booking , when Bro . J . J . Cavill W . M . elect was installed as W . M . for tho ensuing year , the ceremony being performed in a very able manner by Bro . Yoro Taylor P . M . 1312 P . P . G . S . W . Tho following Officers were invested : — Bros . F . C . Lake I . P . M ., R . G . Kellett S . W ., Mooro J . W ., Tufnell P . M .
Treasurer , A . Portway P . M . Secretary , Hasler S . D ., Porter J . D ., C . Brown I . G . A vote of thanks was accorded to the Installing Master for performing the ceremony , and , all business being ended , Lodge
was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Contes , & c . Amongst those present , besides the brethren before mentioned , were Bros . E . fl . Inman P . M ., Coutes , Harsell , & c . Visitors—Pissey , Green , Hollington , Turner , Bowles .
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE , No . 1723 .
rpilE monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , 22 nd November , J . at tho Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at half . past six o'clock in the evening . Present—Bros . W . Conrt W . M ., Wm . Blain I . P . M ., Robert Latham S . W ., John Barrett J . W ., John Priestley Chaplain , George Ferguson P . M . Treasurer , Nathaniel Nicholson P . M . Secretary , E . G . Harwood S . D ., A . Cosgrovo J . D ., J . W . Taylor P . Prov . G . Org . Master of Ceremonies , T . E . Smith Organist , T . B . Tong I . G ., J . W . Roiley
Tyler . Bros . Naylor , Parkinson , Goulborn , Thomas Morris P . M ., G . P . Brockbank P . Prov . S . G . D ., Thomas Arden , Morrisjuu ., W . E . Bardsley , J . M . Ratter P . M ., J . Richardson P . M ., James Smith , J . H . Greenhalgh P . M . John Bromley P . M ., J . W . Forbes , Benj . Derham . Visitors—Bros . Brothroyd W . M . 221 , Siddorn 221 , Flitcroft P . M . 221 , Naylor 37 , Crankshaw S . W . 348 , Higaon 348 . The Lodge was
opened in due form , and some formal business transacted , after which Bro . Blain I . P . M . delivered the lectnre on the tracing board in tho first degree , in a most impressive and correct manner , and was listened to with great interest by the brethren , and very cordially thanked . The next part of the proceedings was the presentation of a beautifully illuminated address to Bro . Harwood Junior Deacon of
the Lodge , who had recently been elevated to the distinguished position of Mayor of Bolton , by the unanimous vote of the Town Council , in which body he had distinguished himself by many years ' hard work in the capacity of chairman of one of the most important committees ; and although ho had been vigorously engaged during the day in conducting the polling for the School Board Election , he
attended in his place in the evening as a Junior Officer of the Lodge . From his well known punctual habits , the brethren anticipated that he would not neglect his Masouic duties , and accordingly resolved to givo him a fraternal welcome on his first appearance since his accession to the civic chair . Tbe Lodge-room was beautifully decorated , and the following brethren sent their private banners
to adorn tho wall , namely , Bros . Brockbank , Court , Rutter , Blain , Heywood , Ferguson , Richardson , Nicholson , Greenhalgh , Bromley , Barrett , Morris , Latham , Stead , Isherwood , Aldred , Boothroyd ; the Grand Lodge banners , Banners of 221 and 1723 were also hung in a conspicuous part of the room . The address was congratulatory , on Bro . Harwood ' s accession to his high municipal office , and expressive
of tho good wishes of the brethren , and their high appreciation of his personal character as a man and a Mason . Bro . Harwood briefly replied , thanking the brethren for their kindness ancl goodwill towards him , and offered his obligations Masonically to the elder members of the Lodge , who had always given him their
help and support in his duties , expressing his determination to win by merit the continued good wishes of the brethren . Hearty good wishes having been expressed by tho visiting brethren , a portion of tbe Ancient Charges was read by the Senior Warden , and the Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 7 . 30 . A most enjoyable evening was afterwards spent , the brethren separating at eleven o ' clock .
All Letters must bear the name anl address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . THE REVISED BOOK OP CONSTITUTIONS .
To the Editor of the FKEEJIASON ' S CIIHONICLE . DEAK SIK- AND BROTHER , —I do not like your explanation and remarks as to the root of the difficulty in either new or old rule 188 of the Book of Constitutions . Take the first clause : —Every lodgo must receive as a member , without nirthcr 'proposition or ballot , any
brother initiated therein ; this at once assumes that the initiation has taken place , or how could he be a brother ? How can a brother express his wish to the contrary on or before tho day of his initiation ? Becanse he would not be a brother before . The conclusion is absurd ; the reason for tho above is thero given : — " As no lodgo should
introduce into Masonry a person whom the brethren consider unfit to be a member of their own Lodge ; " first , the Lodge is prohibited from doing a certain thing ; second , it leaves it to the brother already initiated therein , or the intended ( if so ) brother ( already socalled ) to decide the qnestion himself as to whether ho will be a
member or not , nnd the last goes on to say that no Lodge shonld introduce , & c . & c . & o . This rule has beon read by very many , and several lawyers among them , but , as written , cannot be agreed upon . Yours fraternally , JAMES LAWTON , P . M . Candour Lodge , No . 337 , Upper Mill . [ An answer to this communication shall be given next week—En . F . C ]
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
THE annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Thursday afternoon , the 30 th ult ., in the Freemasons' Hall , George-street , for the installation of the new office-bearers . Bro . Villiers of Closeburn , the Provincial Grand Master of Dumfriesshire , officiated as Acting Grand Master , Major Crombie , Aberdeen , acted as Senior Grand Warden , and Brother Caldwell of Craigielea as Junior Grand Warden . There was a good attendance of members .
The Acting Master declared the elective offices vacant , and moved the re-election of the Earl of Mar and Kellie as Grand Master Mason . This was nnanimously agreed to , and the Grand Master was thereupon installed into office with the usual formalities . He then nominated Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell of BIythswood , Bart ., as Depute Grand Master , and Brother R . F . Shaw Stewart , as Sab .
stitate Grand Master , and installed them into office . The other office-bearers were then elected for next year , and installed as under : —Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington Senior Grand Warden , Right Hon . The Earl of Breadalbane Junior Grand warden , D . Murray Lyon Grand Secretary , David Kinuear Grand Cashier , Rev . James Barclay , A . M ., and Rev . W . W . Tnlloch , B . D ., Grand Chaplains ,
Major John Crombie Senior Grand Deacon , the Most Noble the Marquis of Tweeddale Junior Grand Deacon , John Baird Grand Architect , James Crichton Grand Jeweller , David Hume Grand Bible Bearer , Captain Farquhar Macgillivray Grand Director of Ceremonies , Sir Molyneux H . Nepean , Baronet , Grand Bard , James T . S . Elliot younger of Wolfelee Grand Sword Bearer F . W . Bridgrnan
Grand Director of Music , Robert Davidson Grand Organist , Major William Hills Grand Marshal , William Barry Grand Inner Guard , David Robertson Grand Tyler , James Turner President , and Dr . George Dickson Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards . At the close of the installation ceremonial the Grand Lodge repaired to the Great Hall , there to celebrate the Festival of St . Andrew ,
There were about 250 present . The Grand Master occupied the throne , and on his right were- Brothers Sir Archibald Campbell Depute Grand Master , J . C . Forrest Provincial Grand Master of Lanark Middle Ward , F . E . Villiers Provincial Grand Master of Dumfries , J . Martin Provincial Grand Master of Dumbarton , D . Murray Lyon Grand Secretary , Rev . J . Barclay Grand Chaplain ,
Dairy mple Duncan , Glasgow ; W . Officer Representative of the Grand Lodge of Egypt , J . Crichton Grand Jeweller , Rev . C . J . Ridgeway Edinburgh , F . W . Bridgrnan Grand Organist , D . Hume Grand Bible-Bearer , Captain Farquhar MacGillivray Grand Director of Ceremonies , M . Muller , & o . On the left of the Grand Master wero — Brothers R . F . Shaw Stewart Substitute Grand Master , 'G . Maxwell
of Glenlee , Sir Molyneaux Nepean , Bart ., Grand Bard , Rev W . W . Tnlloch Grand Chaplain , J . Baird Grand Architect , A . Kerr Pasfc Grand Architect , Rev . Macadam Mnir , Colonel Stewart , Glasgow , H . Y . D . Copland , Edinburgh , Rev . T . N . Wannop , J . Graham , C . A ., Glasgow , George Miller , O . A ., Glasgow , & c . Bro . Crombie acted as Senior Grand Warden , supported by Bros . E . Savage , Aberdeen , and David Kinnear Grand Cashier . Bro . Caldwell acted as Junior Grand
Warden , supported by Bro . Allan , Glasgow , & o . Several apologies for absence were intimated , and deputations were in attendance from the daughter Lodges . After an excellent dinner , whioh was well served by Bros . R . Kay and Sons , the loyal toasts were given from the chair . The Rev . P . Macadam Muir then proposed the Navy , Army , Militia , and
Volunteers , and Bro . Dr . W . T . Black replied for the Navy , Sir Molyneaux Nepean , Bart ., for the Militia , Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell for the Militia , and Colonel T . T . Stewart for the Volunteers . Thereafter , Bro . John Graham , Glasgow , proposed the Grand Lodges of England and Ireland , and Bro . Rev . C . J . Ridgeway replied . Sir Archibald Campbell next proposed the health of the Grand
Master , and in doing so remarked that the Earl had made it part of hia duty to go round and visit tho Provinces and see how they were working . He was sure that in this the Grand Master had done a great deal of good in the Provinces , and that the manner in which the duties of his office were discharged wonld secure the gratitude of every member of Grand Lodge . The toasfc was received with much
enthusiasm . The Grand Master , who was received with much applause , thanked Grand Lodge for again placing him in the honourable position to which he had been reappointed . He then congratulated them on the entire absence of all cliques from Grand Lodge , and exhorted the brethren to maintain the harmony at present existing , and to do their
utmost for the purity of the Order , and to make the world consider it an hononr to belong thereto . Referring to his visits to the Provinces , he said he had not found anything but good work done , and he was glad to see that at present in Grand Committee a great many parts of the country were well represented . Not only from the great centres in the east and west , but from Aberdeen and farther north ,
they had an excellent contingent of as good Masons as were in Scotland , and to the Grand Committee and to all Masons it wonld be a great pleasure to see Masons representing other Provinces appointed as members of that body . Speaking of work that still remained to bo done , the Grand Master expressed a hope that ere next year something wonld bo done to prepare a ritual , so as to secure , if nofc
strict uniformity , at least an approximation thereto among all the Lodges in Scotland . Next , touching on the financial condition of Grand Lodge at the present moment , the Grand Master mentioned that the amount of their debt in 1877 was £ 15 , 000 , that £ 1000 had been paid off during tbo past year ; and that during the pasfc five years the debt had been reduced from £ 15 , 000 to £ 1 , 500 . That £ 1 , 500 included their whole indebtedness . The accounts were brought
np to the present date , aud showed that £ 1000 had been paid on alteration of premises and new Furniture , so that if these expenses had not been incurred their total would not have been more than £ 500 . During the past year the number of entrants had been greater than in any previous year , having amounted to 4 , 534 . The number of new charters issued had been eleven . Tho gross income for the past year was £ 4462 , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
LODGE OP S . MARY , No . 1312 .
THE annual festival of this Lodgo took place on Tuesday , the 21 st ult ., at . tho White Hart Hotel , Booking , when Bro . J . J . Cavill W . M . elect was installed as W . M . for tho ensuing year , the ceremony being performed in a very able manner by Bro . Yoro Taylor P . M . 1312 P . P . G . S . W . Tho following Officers were invested : — Bros . F . C . Lake I . P . M ., R . G . Kellett S . W ., Mooro J . W ., Tufnell P . M .
Treasurer , A . Portway P . M . Secretary , Hasler S . D ., Porter J . D ., C . Brown I . G . A vote of thanks was accorded to the Installing Master for performing the ceremony , and , all business being ended , Lodge
was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Contes , & c . Amongst those present , besides the brethren before mentioned , were Bros . E . fl . Inman P . M ., Coutes , Harsell , & c . Visitors—Pissey , Green , Hollington , Turner , Bowles .
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE , No . 1723 .
rpilE monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , 22 nd November , J . at tho Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at half . past six o'clock in the evening . Present—Bros . W . Conrt W . M ., Wm . Blain I . P . M ., Robert Latham S . W ., John Barrett J . W ., John Priestley Chaplain , George Ferguson P . M . Treasurer , Nathaniel Nicholson P . M . Secretary , E . G . Harwood S . D ., A . Cosgrovo J . D ., J . W . Taylor P . Prov . G . Org . Master of Ceremonies , T . E . Smith Organist , T . B . Tong I . G ., J . W . Roiley
Tyler . Bros . Naylor , Parkinson , Goulborn , Thomas Morris P . M ., G . P . Brockbank P . Prov . S . G . D ., Thomas Arden , Morrisjuu ., W . E . Bardsley , J . M . Ratter P . M ., J . Richardson P . M ., James Smith , J . H . Greenhalgh P . M . John Bromley P . M ., J . W . Forbes , Benj . Derham . Visitors—Bros . Brothroyd W . M . 221 , Siddorn 221 , Flitcroft P . M . 221 , Naylor 37 , Crankshaw S . W . 348 , Higaon 348 . The Lodge was
opened in due form , and some formal business transacted , after which Bro . Blain I . P . M . delivered the lectnre on the tracing board in tho first degree , in a most impressive and correct manner , and was listened to with great interest by the brethren , and very cordially thanked . The next part of the proceedings was the presentation of a beautifully illuminated address to Bro . Harwood Junior Deacon of
the Lodge , who had recently been elevated to the distinguished position of Mayor of Bolton , by the unanimous vote of the Town Council , in which body he had distinguished himself by many years ' hard work in the capacity of chairman of one of the most important committees ; and although ho had been vigorously engaged during the day in conducting the polling for the School Board Election , he
attended in his place in the evening as a Junior Officer of the Lodge . From his well known punctual habits , the brethren anticipated that he would not neglect his Masouic duties , and accordingly resolved to givo him a fraternal welcome on his first appearance since his accession to the civic chair . Tbe Lodge-room was beautifully decorated , and the following brethren sent their private banners
to adorn tho wall , namely , Bros . Brockbank , Court , Rutter , Blain , Heywood , Ferguson , Richardson , Nicholson , Greenhalgh , Bromley , Barrett , Morris , Latham , Stead , Isherwood , Aldred , Boothroyd ; the Grand Lodge banners , Banners of 221 and 1723 were also hung in a conspicuous part of the room . The address was congratulatory , on Bro . Harwood ' s accession to his high municipal office , and expressive
of tho good wishes of the brethren , and their high appreciation of his personal character as a man and a Mason . Bro . Harwood briefly replied , thanking the brethren for their kindness ancl goodwill towards him , and offered his obligations Masonically to the elder members of the Lodge , who had always given him their
help and support in his duties , expressing his determination to win by merit the continued good wishes of the brethren . Hearty good wishes having been expressed by tho visiting brethren , a portion of tbe Ancient Charges was read by the Senior Warden , and the Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 7 . 30 . A most enjoyable evening was afterwards spent , the brethren separating at eleven o ' clock .
All Letters must bear the name anl address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . THE REVISED BOOK OP CONSTITUTIONS .
To the Editor of the FKEEJIASON ' S CIIHONICLE . DEAK SIK- AND BROTHER , —I do not like your explanation and remarks as to the root of the difficulty in either new or old rule 188 of the Book of Constitutions . Take the first clause : —Every lodgo must receive as a member , without nirthcr 'proposition or ballot , any
brother initiated therein ; this at once assumes that the initiation has taken place , or how could he be a brother ? How can a brother express his wish to the contrary on or before tho day of his initiation ? Becanse he would not be a brother before . The conclusion is absurd ; the reason for tho above is thero given : — " As no lodgo should
introduce into Masonry a person whom the brethren consider unfit to be a member of their own Lodge ; " first , the Lodge is prohibited from doing a certain thing ; second , it leaves it to the brother already initiated therein , or the intended ( if so ) brother ( already socalled ) to decide the qnestion himself as to whether ho will be a
member or not , nnd the last goes on to say that no Lodge shonld introduce , & c . & c . & o . This rule has beon read by very many , and several lawyers among them , but , as written , cannot be agreed upon . Yours fraternally , JAMES LAWTON , P . M . Candour Lodge , No . 337 , Upper Mill . [ An answer to this communication shall be given next week—En . F . C ]
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
THE annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Thursday afternoon , the 30 th ult ., in the Freemasons' Hall , George-street , for the installation of the new office-bearers . Bro . Villiers of Closeburn , the Provincial Grand Master of Dumfriesshire , officiated as Acting Grand Master , Major Crombie , Aberdeen , acted as Senior Grand Warden , and Brother Caldwell of Craigielea as Junior Grand Warden . There was a good attendance of members .
The Acting Master declared the elective offices vacant , and moved the re-election of the Earl of Mar and Kellie as Grand Master Mason . This was nnanimously agreed to , and the Grand Master was thereupon installed into office with the usual formalities . He then nominated Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell of BIythswood , Bart ., as Depute Grand Master , and Brother R . F . Shaw Stewart , as Sab .
stitate Grand Master , and installed them into office . The other office-bearers were then elected for next year , and installed as under : —Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington Senior Grand Warden , Right Hon . The Earl of Breadalbane Junior Grand warden , D . Murray Lyon Grand Secretary , David Kinuear Grand Cashier , Rev . James Barclay , A . M ., and Rev . W . W . Tnlloch , B . D ., Grand Chaplains ,
Major John Crombie Senior Grand Deacon , the Most Noble the Marquis of Tweeddale Junior Grand Deacon , John Baird Grand Architect , James Crichton Grand Jeweller , David Hume Grand Bible Bearer , Captain Farquhar Macgillivray Grand Director of Ceremonies , Sir Molyneux H . Nepean , Baronet , Grand Bard , James T . S . Elliot younger of Wolfelee Grand Sword Bearer F . W . Bridgrnan
Grand Director of Music , Robert Davidson Grand Organist , Major William Hills Grand Marshal , William Barry Grand Inner Guard , David Robertson Grand Tyler , James Turner President , and Dr . George Dickson Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards . At the close of the installation ceremonial the Grand Lodge repaired to the Great Hall , there to celebrate the Festival of St . Andrew ,
There were about 250 present . The Grand Master occupied the throne , and on his right were- Brothers Sir Archibald Campbell Depute Grand Master , J . C . Forrest Provincial Grand Master of Lanark Middle Ward , F . E . Villiers Provincial Grand Master of Dumfries , J . Martin Provincial Grand Master of Dumbarton , D . Murray Lyon Grand Secretary , Rev . J . Barclay Grand Chaplain ,
Dairy mple Duncan , Glasgow ; W . Officer Representative of the Grand Lodge of Egypt , J . Crichton Grand Jeweller , Rev . C . J . Ridgeway Edinburgh , F . W . Bridgrnan Grand Organist , D . Hume Grand Bible-Bearer , Captain Farquhar MacGillivray Grand Director of Ceremonies , M . Muller , & o . On the left of the Grand Master wero — Brothers R . F . Shaw Stewart Substitute Grand Master , 'G . Maxwell
of Glenlee , Sir Molyneaux Nepean , Bart ., Grand Bard , Rev W . W . Tnlloch Grand Chaplain , J . Baird Grand Architect , A . Kerr Pasfc Grand Architect , Rev . Macadam Mnir , Colonel Stewart , Glasgow , H . Y . D . Copland , Edinburgh , Rev . T . N . Wannop , J . Graham , C . A ., Glasgow , George Miller , O . A ., Glasgow , & c . Bro . Crombie acted as Senior Grand Warden , supported by Bros . E . Savage , Aberdeen , and David Kinnear Grand Cashier . Bro . Caldwell acted as Junior Grand
Warden , supported by Bro . Allan , Glasgow , & o . Several apologies for absence were intimated , and deputations were in attendance from the daughter Lodges . After an excellent dinner , whioh was well served by Bros . R . Kay and Sons , the loyal toasts were given from the chair . The Rev . P . Macadam Muir then proposed the Navy , Army , Militia , and
Volunteers , and Bro . Dr . W . T . Black replied for the Navy , Sir Molyneaux Nepean , Bart ., for the Militia , Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell for the Militia , and Colonel T . T . Stewart for the Volunteers . Thereafter , Bro . John Graham , Glasgow , proposed the Grand Lodges of England and Ireland , and Bro . Rev . C . J . Ridgeway replied . Sir Archibald Campbell next proposed the health of the Grand
Master , and in doing so remarked that the Earl had made it part of hia duty to go round and visit tho Provinces and see how they were working . He was sure that in this the Grand Master had done a great deal of good in the Provinces , and that the manner in which the duties of his office were discharged wonld secure the gratitude of every member of Grand Lodge . The toasfc was received with much
enthusiasm . The Grand Master , who was received with much applause , thanked Grand Lodge for again placing him in the honourable position to which he had been reappointed . He then congratulated them on the entire absence of all cliques from Grand Lodge , and exhorted the brethren to maintain the harmony at present existing , and to do their
utmost for the purity of the Order , and to make the world consider it an hononr to belong thereto . Referring to his visits to the Provinces , he said he had not found anything but good work done , and he was glad to see that at present in Grand Committee a great many parts of the country were well represented . Not only from the great centres in the east and west , but from Aberdeen and farther north ,
they had an excellent contingent of as good Masons as were in Scotland , and to the Grand Committee and to all Masons it wonld be a great pleasure to see Masons representing other Provinces appointed as members of that body . Speaking of work that still remained to bo done , the Grand Master expressed a hope that ere next year something wonld bo done to prepare a ritual , so as to secure , if nofc
strict uniformity , at least an approximation thereto among all the Lodges in Scotland . Next , touching on the financial condition of Grand Lodge at the present moment , the Grand Master mentioned that the amount of their debt in 1877 was £ 15 , 000 , that £ 1000 had been paid off during tbo past year ; and that during the pasfc five years the debt had been reduced from £ 15 , 000 to £ 1 , 500 . That £ 1 , 500 included their whole indebtedness . The accounts were brought
np to the present date , aud showed that £ 1000 had been paid on alteration of premises and new Furniture , so that if these expenses had not been incurred their total would not have been more than £ 500 . During the past year the number of entrants had been greater than in any previous year , having amounted to 4 , 534 . The number of new charters issued had been eleven . Tho gross income for the past year was £ 4462 , and