Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
him in recognition of his services . In acknowledging these , Bro . Foxcroft said that , although retiring from active duty , his heart wouV always be with the Lodge . A vote of thanks was unanimous ! ' awarded Bro . Gardner for his services in connection with thr testimonial presented to the late Secretary . Bro . Stock was eleete ' ' ' W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The Lodge was then closed in dne form .
Lodge Of Faith , No . 141 . — The regular meeting of this Lodge was held onTnesday , 30 th March , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . Bros . J . Kennett W . M ., Waygood S . W ., M . Davis J . W . W . Stuart P . M . Secretary , Mallett S . D ., Scott J . D ., Dairev I . G ., and P . M . 's Thomans I . P . M ., Peever , Carter Treasurer , Hopwood , Cobham and Taylor . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed .
Bros . Pilbrow , Steng and Chambers wero raised to the third decree . Bro . A . Isaacs was passed to the second degree , and Mr . G . Field was initiated . It was then proposed and carried that iu fntare thr initiation fee should be seven guineas ; pining fee four guineas for foreign members five guineas ; visiting fee seven and sixpence
and on installation nights fifteen shillings . Bro . Carter P . M . and Treasurer was unanimously elected Steward for the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . Bro . Hopwood P . M . was elected to serve as Steward for the Girls' School , and Bro . D . Barnott for the Boys' School . The Lodge was then closed .
Lodge of Joppa , No . 188 . —This flourishing Lodge held its meeting on the 5 th April , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street City . Bros . S . Hickman W . M ., A . Dodson S . W ., L . Lazarus J . W .. L . Auerhaan , E . P . Albert P . M . Secretary , Miller S . D ., A . Anerhaan I . G ., and 0 . Eoberts I . P . M ., Berkowitz P . M . and Chaplain , I . Abrahams , and H . M . Levy . The Lodge was opened , and the minntes
were confirmed . Bra . Hertzberg was passed to tho second degree . Bros . Samnels and Harris were raised to the third desrreo . Ballots having been taken for the admission of Messrs . Rutherford , Louisson . Poole and Mayers , those gentlemen were duly initiated by tho W . M ., to whom great credit is duo for his perfect working , every coremonv being carefully and impressively delivered . It was proposed that .
in tho event of only one ticket for the Installation Ceremony beinc issued to the Lodge , that it be given to Bro . L . Auerhaan , thp respected Treasurer . A snm of £ 3 3 s was voted to Bro . I . Abrahams P . M ., who is a Steward for the Boys' School . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to slight refreshment . Tho W . M .. who very ably presided , proposed the nsnal loyal and Mnsonir
toasts—that of the toast of tho Newly Initiated was , in a very appropriate and pertinent speech , responded to by Bro . J . Rutherford , in a manner that shewed his appreciation of tho solemnity of the ceremony . Bros . Louisson and Mayers followed , and the W . M . stated that those brethren who had been initiated , had severally given thp sums of £ 2 2 s and £ 1 Is each , and ho also informed tho brethren
that Bro . A . Botiboi , who was bnt a young member of tho Lodge , had given tho sum of £ 2 2 s , constituting him a V . P . of the Fund , also that the Treasurer , Bro . L . Auerhaan , had given tho snm of £ 2 2 s . Bro . O . Eoberts I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of the W . M ., said , he was ono who had performed his duties in a most efficient manner , and he was regarded by every brother in the
Lodge with respect . Tho W . M . briefly and appropriately responded . Bro . Mayers , No . 25 , responded to the toast of the Visitors , who wore Bros . S . * J . Howolls 1182 , Cohen 205 , Beadell 15 , Saul 120 , Phillips 205 , Carpenter 1182 , Mayers 25 . Tho toasts of tho Wardens . Treasurer and Secretary , and tho officers wore given , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening . Bros . Mayers , Fitchell and Beadell contributing to the harmony .
Bank Of England Lodge , No . 263 . —This highly esteemed and harmonions Lodge met at the Albion Tavern , 8 th April , under tho presidency of Bro . F . Miceli W . M . There being no regular business before tho Lodge , an animated discussion took place with respect to applications for tickets to the approaching Installation of the M . W . G . M . The Master Masons drew lots for the solitary ticket
which , it was understood , would be disposable among them , and Bro . Haly was the fortunate winner . The chances of the approaching elections for tho Charitable Institutions wero discussed , and the claims of tho worthy Bro . P . M . Graves , a Vice President of the R . M . B . I ., wore warmly urged upon tho members , tho Lodge being pledged to his support . After the usual sumptuous banquet the meeting separated . Three visitors honoured the occasion with their presence .
Temperance Lodge , No . 739 . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was hold on Thursday , Sth April , at the Masonic Rooms , New-street , Birmingham , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . P . Ehodes , supported by his officers aud a goodly atteudance of members and visitors . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes were
read and confirmed . The regular business of the summons was then proceeded with , and tho ceremonies of passing aud raising were well rendered . After the supper , whieh was served in capital style , there were given the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 . —The Installation meeting of this flourishing Lodge was held on Thursday , Sth inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , Bro . IT . W . Dalwood W . M ., W . Bristo P . M . as S . W ., Wallington J . W ., and P . M . ' s II . Thompson , Bates , Underwood
and iSenecal . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes wero confirmed . Bros . C . F . Oxley No . 910 and W . J . Smith were elected as joining members . Two gentlemen were balloted for to be initiated at the next meeting . The auditor ' s report was adopted , showing the Lodge to 1 . 6 in a very satisfactory state . A sum of five guineas was
Notices Of Meetings.
voted to be placed on Bro . White's list , who is Steward for the Girls School , on the next anniversary festival , the 11 th of May , on which , iccasion the Eight Hon . the Lord Mayor , Bro . D . H . Stone , will take the ¦ hair . A Board of Installed Mast ers was then formed , and Bro . Walling , " on , W . M . elect , was presented to the Lnd < re and dnlv installed in o the Chair bv Bro . Jas . Terry P . G . D . C . ( Herts ) , in his usual cnrefnl
ind impressive manner . On the conclusion of the addresses , he was varmly congratulated . There were seventeen W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s iresent to witness the ceremony ; Bro . Seymour Smith . Organist 712 , riving his valuable services at the harmonium . The newly installed W . M . then appointed his officers as follow : —Bros . H . W . Dalwood T . P . M ., Knox S . W ., Allen J . W ., H . W . Dalwood I . P . M . Treasurer ,
0 . F . Littoll P . M . Secretary , White S . D ., Mason J . D .. Dodson T . G ., Wioge D . C ., Cheshire W . S ., Seymour Smith Org ., and Gilchrist Tyler . The selection of the officers gave great satisfaction to the members . The Lodge was then closed until October , and the brethren , 52 in lumber , sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Olemow and superintended by Bro . Smith . The W . M . proposed the
• isnal loyal and Masonic toasts . That of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . was received with great enthusiasm , Bro . Bristo P . M . sinc-ing " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " the brethren joininginchorns . Bro , ' ¦ he R . W . the Earl of Carnarvon Pro . G . M ., and also that of the R . W . 'he Earl of Skelmorsdalo M . W . D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , being also received with feeling , showing how the names of
'hose brethren , and their various Masonic qualifications , finds an echo in the breast of every true Mason . Bro . Seymonr Smith then sang a , very humorous buffo song . Bro . Dalwood I . P . M . rose aud said he had been entrusted with the gavel to propose the next toast , that > f the W . M ., who had worked every office satisfactorily , fromW . S . to
W . M . He was pleased to see him in the chair , a position he is well qnalified to fill ( cheers . ) The W . M ., in reply , said that Brother Dalwood ' s remark in referring to him would be an incentive and also a pleasure to him to do all he conld for the comforts of tho brethren . He had attained tho summit of his ambition in reaching
the chair , and he thanked tho brethren for their kind expressions ; he hoped to be spared to bo ranked as one of tho Past Masters . He then proposed the next toast , tho Installing Master , Bro . Jas . Terry P . M ., who was the first Master of tho Bnrdett Contts Lodge . Every brother was pleased to see him ; and with his health he would couple the Masonic Charities . Bro . Terry was well qnalified to fill tho
responsible office he held in connection with tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; in fact , it could never havo a better repre » tentative . Bro . Dodson I . G . than sang "Nil Dosperandum . " Bro . Tames Terry P . M . P . G . D . C . Herts , returned thanks . Ho felt it a Treat pleasure to instal the W . M ., and ho hoped the W . M ., on his retirement , would instal his successor . On tho next occasion they had a Steward to represent the Girls' School , and ho was snre every
Mason would do his utmost . From £ 27 , 000 to £ 28 , 000 annually had been given to the Masonic Charities , and on tho last Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution it had received £ 7000 , and ho hoped the Girls' School would receive even more than that amount . At the election , on Saturday , there are thirteen girls to be admitted , eight boys on Monday , and thirty-seven on the list of the aged . He concluded his eloquent speech by asking the brethren to support Bro . White as a Steward for the Girls' School . Ho told them that a small
amount given by each brother would enable the Charities to flourish , and he hoped the occasion of tho Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales would result in raising snch amounts that many candidates who were unsuccessful would havo tho good fortune to be admitted to participate in the bonofils of tho Charities . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Wright P . P . G . S . D . Herts ., returned thanks for the visitors in a
very eloquent speech . Tho W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho Past Master , and alluded to tho services rendered by those brethren , he mentioned their names seriatim . Bro . Littell P . M . and Secretary returned thanks . The W . M ., in feeling terms , presented Bro . Dalwood I . P . M . with a very elegant gold Past Master ' s Jewel , with suitable inscription . It had been honestly deserved and fairly won , and he
hoped at the expiration of Ins year of office he might receive tho same amonut of satisfaction . Bro . Dalwood I . P . M . returned thanks for the valuable gift . Ho hoped , when ho looked upon it , it would be a pleasant remembrance of his association with tho Dalhousie Lodge . The W . M . in proposing the toast of the officers of tho Lodge , paid them a compliment for their perfect working . Bro .
Cheshire S . W ., responded , and was followed by Bros . Allen and White . ThoTyler ' s toast concluded a very delightful and harmonious evening . The visitors were Bros . G . A . Read 1361 , Driscoll P . M . 30 , T . Distin ( Phoanix Lodge ) , Allen 733 , J . Smith P . M . -19 , J . Miller G 5 , G . Free P . M . 73 , Holb 928 , J . Linzell P . M . 1237 , J . Terry P . G . D . C . ( Herts ) Secretary Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Seymonr Smith 742 , O . Dittmar 1305 , Hill 1278 , Gross 1278 , Ashburner P . M . 1278
Wright P . P . G . D . Hertfordshire , G . Ward Verry P . M . 554 , 1278 , 1385 , Jackson 179 , H . M . Dalton 1365 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Taylor 101 , Stanley 941 , Crawley P . M . 174 , Cox 1257 , Moore 1365 . During the evening Bro . Seymour Smith proved himself an able accompanyist , and Bros , the W . M . Weige , Rein , W . Bristo , Wright , and others contributed to the harmony . Before separating tho brethren expressed their satisfaction for the agreeable evening passed .
Aberystwith . Lodge , No . 1072 . —At the regular monthl y meeting of this Lodge , which was held on Thursday , 1 st April , s . t the Belle Vue Royal Hotel , Aberystwith , Bro . G . T . Smith , of that town , estate agent and auctioneer , the senior P . M . of the Lodge , was presented with a handsome and valuable testimonial , consisting of an
elegant Past Master ' s jewel in gold and blue enamel , a massive solid silver tea service of very chaste design , and a handsome inarblo mantel clock , surmounted with a bronze equestrian group . Bro . Smith has held tho office of Worshipful Master four times ; he has likewise filled the offices of Grand Secretary , and Senior Grand Warden for the Province of the Western Division of South Wales .
Excelsior Lodge , No . 1155 . —The usual monthly meeting of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
him in recognition of his services . In acknowledging these , Bro . Foxcroft said that , although retiring from active duty , his heart wouV always be with the Lodge . A vote of thanks was unanimous ! ' awarded Bro . Gardner for his services in connection with thr testimonial presented to the late Secretary . Bro . Stock was eleete ' ' ' W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The Lodge was then closed in dne form .
Lodge Of Faith , No . 141 . — The regular meeting of this Lodge was held onTnesday , 30 th March , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . Bros . J . Kennett W . M ., Waygood S . W ., M . Davis J . W . W . Stuart P . M . Secretary , Mallett S . D ., Scott J . D ., Dairev I . G ., and P . M . 's Thomans I . P . M ., Peever , Carter Treasurer , Hopwood , Cobham and Taylor . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed .
Bros . Pilbrow , Steng and Chambers wero raised to the third decree . Bro . A . Isaacs was passed to the second degree , and Mr . G . Field was initiated . It was then proposed and carried that iu fntare thr initiation fee should be seven guineas ; pining fee four guineas for foreign members five guineas ; visiting fee seven and sixpence
and on installation nights fifteen shillings . Bro . Carter P . M . and Treasurer was unanimously elected Steward for the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . Bro . Hopwood P . M . was elected to serve as Steward for the Girls' School , and Bro . D . Barnott for the Boys' School . The Lodge was then closed .
Lodge of Joppa , No . 188 . —This flourishing Lodge held its meeting on the 5 th April , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street City . Bros . S . Hickman W . M ., A . Dodson S . W ., L . Lazarus J . W .. L . Auerhaan , E . P . Albert P . M . Secretary , Miller S . D ., A . Anerhaan I . G ., and 0 . Eoberts I . P . M ., Berkowitz P . M . and Chaplain , I . Abrahams , and H . M . Levy . The Lodge was opened , and the minntes
were confirmed . Bra . Hertzberg was passed to tho second degree . Bros . Samnels and Harris were raised to the third desrreo . Ballots having been taken for the admission of Messrs . Rutherford , Louisson . Poole and Mayers , those gentlemen were duly initiated by tho W . M ., to whom great credit is duo for his perfect working , every coremonv being carefully and impressively delivered . It was proposed that .
in tho event of only one ticket for the Installation Ceremony beinc issued to the Lodge , that it be given to Bro . L . Auerhaan , thp respected Treasurer . A snm of £ 3 3 s was voted to Bro . I . Abrahams P . M ., who is a Steward for the Boys' School . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to slight refreshment . Tho W . M .. who very ably presided , proposed the nsnal loyal and Mnsonir
toasts—that of the toast of tho Newly Initiated was , in a very appropriate and pertinent speech , responded to by Bro . J . Rutherford , in a manner that shewed his appreciation of tho solemnity of the ceremony . Bros . Louisson and Mayers followed , and the W . M . stated that those brethren who had been initiated , had severally given thp sums of £ 2 2 s and £ 1 Is each , and ho also informed tho brethren
that Bro . A . Botiboi , who was bnt a young member of tho Lodge , had given tho sum of £ 2 2 s , constituting him a V . P . of the Fund , also that the Treasurer , Bro . L . Auerhaan , had given tho snm of £ 2 2 s . Bro . O . Eoberts I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of the W . M ., said , he was ono who had performed his duties in a most efficient manner , and he was regarded by every brother in the
Lodge with respect . Tho W . M . briefly and appropriately responded . Bro . Mayers , No . 25 , responded to the toast of the Visitors , who wore Bros . S . * J . Howolls 1182 , Cohen 205 , Beadell 15 , Saul 120 , Phillips 205 , Carpenter 1182 , Mayers 25 . Tho toasts of tho Wardens . Treasurer and Secretary , and tho officers wore given , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening . Bros . Mayers , Fitchell and Beadell contributing to the harmony .
Bank Of England Lodge , No . 263 . —This highly esteemed and harmonions Lodge met at the Albion Tavern , 8 th April , under tho presidency of Bro . F . Miceli W . M . There being no regular business before tho Lodge , an animated discussion took place with respect to applications for tickets to the approaching Installation of the M . W . G . M . The Master Masons drew lots for the solitary ticket
which , it was understood , would be disposable among them , and Bro . Haly was the fortunate winner . The chances of the approaching elections for tho Charitable Institutions wero discussed , and the claims of tho worthy Bro . P . M . Graves , a Vice President of the R . M . B . I ., wore warmly urged upon tho members , tho Lodge being pledged to his support . After the usual sumptuous banquet the meeting separated . Three visitors honoured the occasion with their presence .
Temperance Lodge , No . 739 . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was hold on Thursday , Sth April , at the Masonic Rooms , New-street , Birmingham , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . P . Ehodes , supported by his officers aud a goodly atteudance of members and visitors . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes were
read and confirmed . The regular business of the summons was then proceeded with , and tho ceremonies of passing aud raising were well rendered . After the supper , whieh was served in capital style , there were given the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 . —The Installation meeting of this flourishing Lodge was held on Thursday , Sth inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , Bro . IT . W . Dalwood W . M ., W . Bristo P . M . as S . W ., Wallington J . W ., and P . M . ' s II . Thompson , Bates , Underwood
and iSenecal . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes wero confirmed . Bros . C . F . Oxley No . 910 and W . J . Smith were elected as joining members . Two gentlemen were balloted for to be initiated at the next meeting . The auditor ' s report was adopted , showing the Lodge to 1 . 6 in a very satisfactory state . A sum of five guineas was
Notices Of Meetings.
voted to be placed on Bro . White's list , who is Steward for the Girls School , on the next anniversary festival , the 11 th of May , on which , iccasion the Eight Hon . the Lord Mayor , Bro . D . H . Stone , will take the ¦ hair . A Board of Installed Mast ers was then formed , and Bro . Walling , " on , W . M . elect , was presented to the Lnd < re and dnlv installed in o the Chair bv Bro . Jas . Terry P . G . D . C . ( Herts ) , in his usual cnrefnl
ind impressive manner . On the conclusion of the addresses , he was varmly congratulated . There were seventeen W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s iresent to witness the ceremony ; Bro . Seymour Smith . Organist 712 , riving his valuable services at the harmonium . The newly installed W . M . then appointed his officers as follow : —Bros . H . W . Dalwood T . P . M ., Knox S . W ., Allen J . W ., H . W . Dalwood I . P . M . Treasurer ,
0 . F . Littoll P . M . Secretary , White S . D ., Mason J . D .. Dodson T . G ., Wioge D . C ., Cheshire W . S ., Seymour Smith Org ., and Gilchrist Tyler . The selection of the officers gave great satisfaction to the members . The Lodge was then closed until October , and the brethren , 52 in lumber , sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Olemow and superintended by Bro . Smith . The W . M . proposed the
• isnal loyal and Masonic toasts . That of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . was received with great enthusiasm , Bro . Bristo P . M . sinc-ing " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " the brethren joininginchorns . Bro , ' ¦ he R . W . the Earl of Carnarvon Pro . G . M ., and also that of the R . W . 'he Earl of Skelmorsdalo M . W . D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , being also received with feeling , showing how the names of
'hose brethren , and their various Masonic qualifications , finds an echo in the breast of every true Mason . Bro . Seymonr Smith then sang a , very humorous buffo song . Bro . Dalwood I . P . M . rose aud said he had been entrusted with the gavel to propose the next toast , that > f the W . M ., who had worked every office satisfactorily , fromW . S . to
W . M . He was pleased to see him in the chair , a position he is well qnalified to fill ( cheers . ) The W . M ., in reply , said that Brother Dalwood ' s remark in referring to him would be an incentive and also a pleasure to him to do all he conld for the comforts of tho brethren . He had attained tho summit of his ambition in reaching
the chair , and he thanked tho brethren for their kind expressions ; he hoped to be spared to bo ranked as one of tho Past Masters . He then proposed the next toast , tho Installing Master , Bro . Jas . Terry P . M ., who was the first Master of tho Bnrdett Contts Lodge . Every brother was pleased to see him ; and with his health he would couple the Masonic Charities . Bro . Terry was well qnalified to fill tho
responsible office he held in connection with tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; in fact , it could never havo a better repre » tentative . Bro . Dodson I . G . than sang "Nil Dosperandum . " Bro . Tames Terry P . M . P . G . D . C . Herts , returned thanks . Ho felt it a Treat pleasure to instal the W . M ., and ho hoped the W . M ., on his retirement , would instal his successor . On tho next occasion they had a Steward to represent the Girls' School , and ho was snre every
Mason would do his utmost . From £ 27 , 000 to £ 28 , 000 annually had been given to the Masonic Charities , and on tho last Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution it had received £ 7000 , and ho hoped the Girls' School would receive even more than that amount . At the election , on Saturday , there are thirteen girls to be admitted , eight boys on Monday , and thirty-seven on the list of the aged . He concluded his eloquent speech by asking the brethren to support Bro . White as a Steward for the Girls' School . Ho told them that a small
amount given by each brother would enable the Charities to flourish , and he hoped the occasion of tho Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales would result in raising snch amounts that many candidates who were unsuccessful would havo tho good fortune to be admitted to participate in the bonofils of tho Charities . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Wright P . P . G . S . D . Herts ., returned thanks for the visitors in a
very eloquent speech . Tho W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho Past Master , and alluded to tho services rendered by those brethren , he mentioned their names seriatim . Bro . Littell P . M . and Secretary returned thanks . The W . M ., in feeling terms , presented Bro . Dalwood I . P . M . with a very elegant gold Past Master ' s Jewel , with suitable inscription . It had been honestly deserved and fairly won , and he
hoped at the expiration of Ins year of office he might receive tho same amonut of satisfaction . Bro . Dalwood I . P . M . returned thanks for the valuable gift . Ho hoped , when ho looked upon it , it would be a pleasant remembrance of his association with tho Dalhousie Lodge . The W . M . in proposing the toast of the officers of tho Lodge , paid them a compliment for their perfect working . Bro .
Cheshire S . W ., responded , and was followed by Bros . Allen and White . ThoTyler ' s toast concluded a very delightful and harmonious evening . The visitors were Bros . G . A . Read 1361 , Driscoll P . M . 30 , T . Distin ( Phoanix Lodge ) , Allen 733 , J . Smith P . M . -19 , J . Miller G 5 , G . Free P . M . 73 , Holb 928 , J . Linzell P . M . 1237 , J . Terry P . G . D . C . ( Herts ) Secretary Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Seymonr Smith 742 , O . Dittmar 1305 , Hill 1278 , Gross 1278 , Ashburner P . M . 1278
Wright P . P . G . D . Hertfordshire , G . Ward Verry P . M . 554 , 1278 , 1385 , Jackson 179 , H . M . Dalton 1365 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Taylor 101 , Stanley 941 , Crawley P . M . 174 , Cox 1257 , Moore 1365 . During the evening Bro . Seymour Smith proved himself an able accompanyist , and Bros , the W . M . Weige , Rein , W . Bristo , Wright , and others contributed to the harmony . Before separating tho brethren expressed their satisfaction for the agreeable evening passed .
Aberystwith . Lodge , No . 1072 . —At the regular monthl y meeting of this Lodge , which was held on Thursday , 1 st April , s . t the Belle Vue Royal Hotel , Aberystwith , Bro . G . T . Smith , of that town , estate agent and auctioneer , the senior P . M . of the Lodge , was presented with a handsome and valuable testimonial , consisting of an
elegant Past Master ' s jewel in gold and blue enamel , a massive solid silver tea service of very chaste design , and a handsome inarblo mantel clock , surmounted with a bronze equestrian group . Bro . Smith has held tho office of Worshipful Master four times ; he has likewise filled the offices of Grand Secretary , and Senior Grand Warden for the Province of the Western Division of South Wales .
Excelsior Lodge , No . 1155 . —The usual monthly meeting of