Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
this Lodge was held at the Sydney Arms , Lewisham , on Thursday , 1 st April . Bro . Bear , the Worshipful Master , was in the chair . Bros . Hore S . W ., J . Eoper J . W ., Smith , Welstead , Turnbull , Landragin , Bromert , J . Bates , Watson , Wilson , Scott , Bro . Past Master Moore , C . G . Dilley Secretary , Carver P . M ., and several others . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last regular meeting , also the Emergency Meeting held on the 22 nd March , were read and
confirmed . The only business before the Lodge was the election of W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler . The S . W ., Bro . Hare , was elected to fill the Master ' s Chair for tbe ensuing year . Bro . G . Bolton P . M . was reelected Treasurer , the Tyler was also re-elected ; the bye-laws were read , and the Lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a most excellent banquet , provided by the host , Bro . Watson . The visitors were Bro . G . Brown P . M . 169 , Bro . Tibbies 169 , Patcy P . M . 147 .
Upton Lodge , No . 1227 . —An Emergency Meeting of this Lodge was held at the Spotted Dog , Upton , Essex , on 2 nd April , Bros . G . Levick W . M . in the chair , B . Picking P . M . S . W ., G . E . Slee J . W ., D . Posener S . D ., Lyon J . D ., G . Brown I . G ., F . 0 . Kinnoar W . S ., R . Bolton P . M ., G . Bratton P . M ., G . T . English P . M ., E . W . Goddard P . M . Secretary , J . Wayland Treasurer , Bros . Merralls , Brooks , Andrews , H . Isaac , Tnhill , T . Leonard , H . Hart , White , Oldroyd , J .
Vanse , Tremlett , Witherstone , & c . Visitor—Bro . Senior , Finsbury Lodge 851 . The Lodge was opened ,. and a ballot taken for Messrs . J . Pyle , A . Jugla , W . Chalfont and W . Odell , which was unanimons in their favour . Messrs . Pyle , Jugla and Wibrow , who had been elected in October last , were then initiated into Freemasonry as E . A . P . ' s ; this being the whole of the business for which the Lodge was called , it was closed and adjonrned till the third Thursday in April .
Golden Rule Lodge , No . 1261— Tho regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Regent Masonic Hall , Airstreet , Eegent-streot , on Tuesday , 6 th April . Tho chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . W . M . Smith , supported by Bros . Williams S . W ., Abner Torkington J . W ., P . Godfrey S . D ., Longley J . D ., T . James I . G ., Bro . J . Harris P . M . Hon . Secretary , Bros . W . S . Fabian P . M . D . C ,
F . Deane , J . Levy , Emrlen , and several others . The Lodge was opened , aud the minutes read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . Simpson for initiation , which was unanimous in his favour , and he was initiated accordingly . Bro . Etnden answered the usual questions , and retired . The Lodge was opened in the second degree ,
and Bro . Emdou was passed to tho degree of a F . C . The Lodge was opened in third degree , and Bro . Deane was raised to the sublime degree ; the Lodge was resumed to first degree , and closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . There was only one visitor present , Bro . Pierce Egan , the novelist , of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , who returned thanks for the visitor ' s toast .
Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . —The members of the above Lodge met on Monday , the 5 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , early in the clay , to enable members who aro of the musical and theatrical profession to pursue their professional avocations , and yet not bo debarred from rendering themselves proficient in Masonic duties , many of whom havo passed the various chairs with credit . Bro . Frcwin W . M . was in the chair , W . Beod as S . W ., W . A .
Tinnev I . G ., Ed . Swan borough D . C ., and P . M . ' s C . Coote P . M . P . G . O . ( Middlesex ) , J . M . Cbamberlm and Jas . Weaver P . P . G . O . ( Middlesex . ) Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes wero confirmed . Bro . Coles was passed to the second degree . The working deserves especial praise . A notice of motion was given that the Lodge be removed . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren eparated .
AID TO HAPPINESS AXD HEALTH . —Bilious affections , with all their concomitant annoyances , induced by atmospheric changes , or too liberal diet , should be checked at once , or serious consequences may ensue . When any one finds his ideas less clear than usual , his eyesight dimmed , and his head dizzy , with indisposition for all exertion , physical or mental , lie may be quite sure that he is in immediate need of some cooling and purifying medicine . Let him send at once for a box of Hnllowiiy' -s Pills , which will free him from his sufferings , and speedily recover his usual healtful feelings . If the bowels be irritable , Holloway ' s Ointment should be diligently rubbed over the stomach aud liver every night and morning .
The Drama.
London Assurance—Bank and Fame—The Guinea Stamp . —Hamlet at the Surrey . TDOSE MICHEL , at the GAIETY , has had but a short-lived career , J-1 > and London Assurance now reigns in its stead . The adaptation appears to have been a very indifferent one , and a play which might
have run 200 or 300 nights has , therefore , to be shelved at the end of a few days . London Assurance is a very welcome piece at all times , and the public who stayed away from the French melodrama may be induced to patronise the genuine English comedy . Mrs . Gladstanes appears as Lady Gay Spanker , and Mr . Maclean plays , in a becoming manner , the character of Sir Harcourt Courtley .
At tbe STANDARD a great snecess has been achieved with an adapted French melodrama entitled Rank and Fame , from L' 0 . fiicierde Fortune of Messrs . Adeins and Rastaing . The plot of this play is of a most
complicated , bnt at the same time , most exciting and interesting character , the Deus ex machina being a kind of secret society or Vehmgericht . Tho piece is well cast , the principal parts being allotted to Messrs . Dewhurst and Howard Russell and Miss Furtado .
The Guinea Stamp , a dull and commonplace comedietta , [ has been chosen to succeed Lady Audley ' s Secret at the GLOBE THEATKE . Tho chief parts aro played by Mr . Lionel Brough and Miss Rachel Sanger , but little kudos is , we fear , to be made out of either impersonations .
The revival of Hamlet , as now being played at the SUREEY THEATRE , seems to be almost as successful as at the Lyceum . Mr . W . Creswick is nightly received most enthusiastically . The Ghost of Mr . Henry Marston has always been recognised as one of the best delineations of that veteran actor . He is well described as belonging
to the " old school , " and it is a great treat to those who followed both Mr . Creswick and Mr . Marston through their careers at Sadlers Wells , to have again tho opportunity of seeing those gentlemen together . Othello is announced for next week , and here again both will have an opportunity of appearing in characters in which they havo made their reputation .
Railway Traffic Returns.
The following statement shows the receipts for traffic on the undermentioned railways for the past week , as compared with the corresponding week in 1874 : — Miles opon . Receipts . Railway . 1875 1875 1874
Caledonian 737 53 , 117 48 , 973 Glasgow and South Western . . 315 J- 16 , 617 14 , 784 Great Eastern .... 763 47 , 981 48 , 974 Great Northern .... 517 52 , 150 48 , 957 Great Western .... 1 , 525 100 , 322 104 , 621 Lancashire and Yorkshire . . 430 67 , 708 69 , 173
London and Brighton . . . 37 C ; V 31 , 887 32 , 174 London , Chatham and Dover . . 153 ^ 18 , 850 17 , 776 London and North Western . . l , f . S 2 $ 169 , 511 103 , 724 London and South Western . . — 37 , 974 39 , 862 London , Tilbury and Southend . 45 1 , 816 1 , 556 Manchester and Sheffield . . 259 £ 29 , 992 28 , 886
Midland 944 J- 188 , 122 111 , 738 Metropolitan 8 9 , 528 8 , 280 „ District ... 8 5 , 107 4 , 219 „ St . John ' s Wood . . 1 ? 497 426
North British 839 41 , 508 38 , 874 North Eastern .... 1 , 379 123 , 097 124 , 156 North London .... 12 7 , 280 6 , 658 North Staffordshire Railway . . 190 10 , 150 11 , 050 „ „ Canal . . 118 1 , 461 1 , 550 South Eastern .... 350 38 , 075 40 , 900
CLUB HOUSK PLATING CARDS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , Ms per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis per dozen packs . If by post V 3 ( l per pack extra . Cards for Piquet , Bezique , Hearts ' , & c ., Mogul Quality lOd poi pack , 9 s per dozen p : i' ; ks . —London : W . W . Morgan , v . ? Barbican , E . O .
THE HOLBORN RESTAURANT , 218 HIGH HOLBORN . ONE OF THE SIGHTS AND ONE OF THE COMFORTS OF LONDON . Attractions of the chief PARISIAN ESTABLISHMENTS , with the quiet and order essential to English customs . DINNERS AND LUNCHEONS FROM DAILY BILL OP PARE . A Table cFHote every evening from 6 to 8-30 . Price 3 s 6 cl . INGLUD 5 HG SOUPS , FISH , EHTBEiES , JOINTS , SW 5 STS , CHEESE , SALAD , & c , WITH DESSERT . This FAVGUUITE BINNEIl is accompanied by a SELECTION of High-class INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC . COFFEE . . TEA , CHESS AND SMOKING ROOMS ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
this Lodge was held at the Sydney Arms , Lewisham , on Thursday , 1 st April . Bro . Bear , the Worshipful Master , was in the chair . Bros . Hore S . W ., J . Eoper J . W ., Smith , Welstead , Turnbull , Landragin , Bromert , J . Bates , Watson , Wilson , Scott , Bro . Past Master Moore , C . G . Dilley Secretary , Carver P . M ., and several others . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last regular meeting , also the Emergency Meeting held on the 22 nd March , were read and
confirmed . The only business before the Lodge was the election of W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler . The S . W ., Bro . Hare , was elected to fill the Master ' s Chair for tbe ensuing year . Bro . G . Bolton P . M . was reelected Treasurer , the Tyler was also re-elected ; the bye-laws were read , and the Lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a most excellent banquet , provided by the host , Bro . Watson . The visitors were Bro . G . Brown P . M . 169 , Bro . Tibbies 169 , Patcy P . M . 147 .
Upton Lodge , No . 1227 . —An Emergency Meeting of this Lodge was held at the Spotted Dog , Upton , Essex , on 2 nd April , Bros . G . Levick W . M . in the chair , B . Picking P . M . S . W ., G . E . Slee J . W ., D . Posener S . D ., Lyon J . D ., G . Brown I . G ., F . 0 . Kinnoar W . S ., R . Bolton P . M ., G . Bratton P . M ., G . T . English P . M ., E . W . Goddard P . M . Secretary , J . Wayland Treasurer , Bros . Merralls , Brooks , Andrews , H . Isaac , Tnhill , T . Leonard , H . Hart , White , Oldroyd , J .
Vanse , Tremlett , Witherstone , & c . Visitor—Bro . Senior , Finsbury Lodge 851 . The Lodge was opened ,. and a ballot taken for Messrs . J . Pyle , A . Jugla , W . Chalfont and W . Odell , which was unanimons in their favour . Messrs . Pyle , Jugla and Wibrow , who had been elected in October last , were then initiated into Freemasonry as E . A . P . ' s ; this being the whole of the business for which the Lodge was called , it was closed and adjonrned till the third Thursday in April .
Golden Rule Lodge , No . 1261— Tho regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Regent Masonic Hall , Airstreet , Eegent-streot , on Tuesday , 6 th April . Tho chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . W . M . Smith , supported by Bros . Williams S . W ., Abner Torkington J . W ., P . Godfrey S . D ., Longley J . D ., T . James I . G ., Bro . J . Harris P . M . Hon . Secretary , Bros . W . S . Fabian P . M . D . C ,
F . Deane , J . Levy , Emrlen , and several others . The Lodge was opened , aud the minutes read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . Simpson for initiation , which was unanimous in his favour , and he was initiated accordingly . Bro . Etnden answered the usual questions , and retired . The Lodge was opened in the second degree ,
and Bro . Emdou was passed to tho degree of a F . C . The Lodge was opened in third degree , and Bro . Deane was raised to the sublime degree ; the Lodge was resumed to first degree , and closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . There was only one visitor present , Bro . Pierce Egan , the novelist , of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , who returned thanks for the visitor ' s toast .
Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . —The members of the above Lodge met on Monday , the 5 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , early in the clay , to enable members who aro of the musical and theatrical profession to pursue their professional avocations , and yet not bo debarred from rendering themselves proficient in Masonic duties , many of whom havo passed the various chairs with credit . Bro . Frcwin W . M . was in the chair , W . Beod as S . W ., W . A .
Tinnev I . G ., Ed . Swan borough D . C ., and P . M . ' s C . Coote P . M . P . G . O . ( Middlesex ) , J . M . Cbamberlm and Jas . Weaver P . P . G . O . ( Middlesex . ) Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes wero confirmed . Bro . Coles was passed to the second degree . The working deserves especial praise . A notice of motion was given that the Lodge be removed . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren eparated .
AID TO HAPPINESS AXD HEALTH . —Bilious affections , with all their concomitant annoyances , induced by atmospheric changes , or too liberal diet , should be checked at once , or serious consequences may ensue . When any one finds his ideas less clear than usual , his eyesight dimmed , and his head dizzy , with indisposition for all exertion , physical or mental , lie may be quite sure that he is in immediate need of some cooling and purifying medicine . Let him send at once for a box of Hnllowiiy' -s Pills , which will free him from his sufferings , and speedily recover his usual healtful feelings . If the bowels be irritable , Holloway ' s Ointment should be diligently rubbed over the stomach aud liver every night and morning .
The Drama.
London Assurance—Bank and Fame—The Guinea Stamp . —Hamlet at the Surrey . TDOSE MICHEL , at the GAIETY , has had but a short-lived career , J-1 > and London Assurance now reigns in its stead . The adaptation appears to have been a very indifferent one , and a play which might
have run 200 or 300 nights has , therefore , to be shelved at the end of a few days . London Assurance is a very welcome piece at all times , and the public who stayed away from the French melodrama may be induced to patronise the genuine English comedy . Mrs . Gladstanes appears as Lady Gay Spanker , and Mr . Maclean plays , in a becoming manner , the character of Sir Harcourt Courtley .
At tbe STANDARD a great snecess has been achieved with an adapted French melodrama entitled Rank and Fame , from L' 0 . fiicierde Fortune of Messrs . Adeins and Rastaing . The plot of this play is of a most
complicated , bnt at the same time , most exciting and interesting character , the Deus ex machina being a kind of secret society or Vehmgericht . Tho piece is well cast , the principal parts being allotted to Messrs . Dewhurst and Howard Russell and Miss Furtado .
The Guinea Stamp , a dull and commonplace comedietta , [ has been chosen to succeed Lady Audley ' s Secret at the GLOBE THEATKE . Tho chief parts aro played by Mr . Lionel Brough and Miss Rachel Sanger , but little kudos is , we fear , to be made out of either impersonations .
The revival of Hamlet , as now being played at the SUREEY THEATRE , seems to be almost as successful as at the Lyceum . Mr . W . Creswick is nightly received most enthusiastically . The Ghost of Mr . Henry Marston has always been recognised as one of the best delineations of that veteran actor . He is well described as belonging
to the " old school , " and it is a great treat to those who followed both Mr . Creswick and Mr . Marston through their careers at Sadlers Wells , to have again tho opportunity of seeing those gentlemen together . Othello is announced for next week , and here again both will have an opportunity of appearing in characters in which they havo made their reputation .
Railway Traffic Returns.
The following statement shows the receipts for traffic on the undermentioned railways for the past week , as compared with the corresponding week in 1874 : — Miles opon . Receipts . Railway . 1875 1875 1874
Caledonian 737 53 , 117 48 , 973 Glasgow and South Western . . 315 J- 16 , 617 14 , 784 Great Eastern .... 763 47 , 981 48 , 974 Great Northern .... 517 52 , 150 48 , 957 Great Western .... 1 , 525 100 , 322 104 , 621 Lancashire and Yorkshire . . 430 67 , 708 69 , 173
London and Brighton . . . 37 C ; V 31 , 887 32 , 174 London , Chatham and Dover . . 153 ^ 18 , 850 17 , 776 London and North Western . . l , f . S 2 $ 169 , 511 103 , 724 London and South Western . . — 37 , 974 39 , 862 London , Tilbury and Southend . 45 1 , 816 1 , 556 Manchester and Sheffield . . 259 £ 29 , 992 28 , 886
Midland 944 J- 188 , 122 111 , 738 Metropolitan 8 9 , 528 8 , 280 „ District ... 8 5 , 107 4 , 219 „ St . John ' s Wood . . 1 ? 497 426
North British 839 41 , 508 38 , 874 North Eastern .... 1 , 379 123 , 097 124 , 156 North London .... 12 7 , 280 6 , 658 North Staffordshire Railway . . 190 10 , 150 11 , 050 „ „ Canal . . 118 1 , 461 1 , 550 South Eastern .... 350 38 , 075 40 , 900
CLUB HOUSK PLATING CARDS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , Ms per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis per dozen packs . If by post V 3 ( l per pack extra . Cards for Piquet , Bezique , Hearts ' , & c ., Mogul Quality lOd poi pack , 9 s per dozen p : i' ; ks . —London : W . W . Morgan , v . ? Barbican , E . O .
THE HOLBORN RESTAURANT , 218 HIGH HOLBORN . ONE OF THE SIGHTS AND ONE OF THE COMFORTS OF LONDON . Attractions of the chief PARISIAN ESTABLISHMENTS , with the quiet and order essential to English customs . DINNERS AND LUNCHEONS FROM DAILY BILL OP PARE . A Table cFHote every evening from 6 to 8-30 . Price 3 s 6 cl . INGLUD 5 HG SOUPS , FISH , EHTBEiES , JOINTS , SW 5 STS , CHEESE , SALAD , & c , WITH DESSERT . This FAVGUUITE BINNEIl is accompanied by a SELECTION of High-class INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC . COFFEE . . TEA , CHESS AND SMOKING ROOMS ,