Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
THE Mark Maater Masons of Monmouthshire held the annual meeting of their Provincial Grand Lodge on Monday , the 29 th nlfc ., at the Masonio Hall , Newport , nnder the banner of the Keystone Lodge , No . 109 . The proceedings were of a very interesting character , the principal event of the day being the installation of
Bro . Capt . S . Geo . Homfray , D . P . G . M . of Craft Masonry of Monmonthshire , as Prov . G . Mark Master . Bro . K . C . Else P . G . M . M . M . of Somerset undertaking the duty of Installation . Amongst those present was Bro . Frederick Binckes Past Grand Warden and Grand Mark Secretary of England . The programme was speedily and ably
gone throngh , the Installation ceremony being particularly well con ducted . The following were appointed as the Provincial Gram Officers : — Bro . Major A Thrale Perkins - - Deputy G . M . J . 0 . Hunter Little - - S . W .
Alfred Taylor - - - J . W . Eev . D . Bowen - - - Chaplain J . Porter Fowler - - ¦ M . O . J . 0 . Marsh - - - S . O . Andrew MoMahon •- J . O . Giles GoldinET - •- Eegistrar of Marks
Samuel Davies - - - Treasurer Edwin J . Whitley - - - Secretary J . Davies .... Assistant Secretary George Beavis ... S . D . J . Jewel Williams - - J . D .
J . Holman Dunn . - Inspector of Works J . G . Hedges ... Sword Bearer S . 0 . Peglar - - - Standard Bearer H . E . Hudson ... Director of Ceremonies T . W . Mitchell - . - Assistant Director of Cer . J . G . Thomas - - •Inner Guard
A . Thornton - - ¦ " ) Daniel Evans - . ¦ f 0 , _ , „ William Parsons - . . ^ Stewards
J . N . Barnett . . -J H . Fletcher - . - Tyler Provincial Grancl Lodge having been closed , a banquet followed at the Westgate Hotel , the Provincial Grand Master being supported by his Deputy , Bro . Johu Walker P . G . M . M . M . Gloucestershire , Fred .
Binckes P . G . Warden G . Sec , E . C . Else P . G . M . M . M . Somerset , Col . Chas . Lyne D . P . G . M . M . M ., Thos . M . Humphries P . P . G . S . W .. Staffordshire , William Watkins P . G . Standard Bearer Eng ., R . V . Vassar-Smith P . P . G . D . M . M . M . Gloucestershire , C . W . Had way P . G . D Eng ., E . H . Davies P . P . G . J . O ., S . G . Homfray inn ., Thos . Harrhy
P . P . G . J . W . J ., 0 . Marsh P . G . Stwd . Eng . ; and others . In due course the Prov . Grand Master proceeded with the toast list , first giving the Queen and Mark Masonry . As loyal subjects they hoped Her Majesty might long be spared to reign over them . The next toast was His Eoyal Highness the Piince of Wales M . M . G . M . M . nominate .
The brethren were pleased to find His Royal Highness was taking such a deep interest iu Masonry . On the occasion of His Royal Highness being installed as the Grand Mark Master , he ( the speaker ) shonld mako it his duty to represent Monmonth . If their good Secretary ( Bro . Binckes ) who was present with them—would kindlv
let him know how far or to what extent he could afford accommodation , he bad no donbt that a considerable number of Mark Masons from the Province would attend the installation . Bro . W . Watkins P . M . 109 , Past Grand Mark Senior Warden , said he was highly honoured in having to propose the next toast , the M . W . G . M . M . M .
the Earl of Kintore . As Mark Masons they were much indebted to his Lordship for what he had done for the Mark degree . It was highly gratifying to know that they would have as his successor His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , in whom they would have a most distinguished brother who had expressed himself as highly
int ( rested in the advancement of Mark Masonry . Bro . Colonel Lyne Prov . drain ! Master ( Craft ) for Monmouthshire proposed tho toast of the E . W . D . G . M . M . M . the Lord Egerton of Tatton , and Officers of tl > n Grand Mark Lodge , Present and Past . Ho felt a great pleasure in proposing this toast , and coupling with it the names of the
Provincial Grand Master of Gloucester and the Grand Secretary of Rnalni . d . They all felt it a high honour for these distinguished brethren to come amongst them on such an interesting occasion . It , was a rare circumstance that a Provincial Grancl Master was snpp II ted by such excellent representatives of the Mark Degreo as they
found there that night . Referring to Bro . Binckes , Colonel Lynn siid he had done , and was continually doing , a vast amount of good in ire cause of Masonry . He was sure that wheu he rose to respond hi would be well received . Bro . Walker thanked the brethren most V . ent lily on behalf of the Grand Lodge for the manner in which
thry had honoured the toast . He regretted that only one supporter fr , m l . i * own Lodgo was present ; he had hoped several more would have been there . Owing to the weather r » nd oilier causes , they were ri'ftverited from doing honour to their distinguished Bro . Homfray . Bro . Binckes remarked that tho frequency aud facility afforded him
to respond to tin ' s toast was tho very cause of difficulty to him . He wa * so frequently called upon at Provincial Grand Lodgo meetings to teply that ho was almost at a losa for words to change the phraseology of bis utterance ** . It was gratifying for him to noto the manner iu which this comprehensive toast was received amongst
Masons . In conversation with an eminent actor , he had expressed an opinion that it must bo monotonous to go through the same performauro night after night for a long series of nights . His reply wae , " Wo feel we havo a different audience night after night to play to ; " and so he might say he had to return thanks for thia and
Mark Masonry.
other toasts to different companies of brethren . Alluding to the toast , ho remarked that their Deputy Grand Maater , Lord Egerton of Tatton , could look back over a long period ; of him it might be said that thero never was a brother who had met with such an amount of success in his duties , and who had discharged them
more faithfully than he bad done . He ( the speaker ) had had a long experience in connection with the Mark degree—twenty-eight years associated with the Order , and he should complete his twenty-fifth year in June next , a quarter of a century in an official position , and even now he was not quite prepared to be laid on the shelf . When
he looked back upon Mark Masonry , and saw what it was , as compared with what it is now , ancl noted the progress it had made , he was more than gratified . In this Province the Order had prospered very much indeed , and he said tin ' s without indulging in an invidious comparison . He hoped they would date a new starting point in
regard to Mark Masonry in the Province of Monmouthshire . When he looked round those tables , and saw so many who worked so actively in the cause , there was every reason to anticipate greater prosperity . Their excellent brother the P . G . M . of Somerset had
done much for the Order . They had elected a progressive Prov . Grand Master for Monmouthshire , and they had taken the first opportunity to incorporate the name of his Eoyal Highness with the toast since his election as the Grand Master nominate . Takiner the
hint already given by tho Prov . Grand Master , that at the installation of his Eoyal Highness he would be there , no doubt , he would be attended by a very large number of brethren from that Province . Speaking eulogistioally of the way in which the Provincial Grand Master of Gloucester carried out his duties , Bro . Binckes remarked
that , looking back over a long life , he had reason to congratulate himself on the success which had been attained in Mark Masonry , and in fact it had exceeded their most sanguine anticipations . They had now 400 Lodges , and over 20 , 000 registered members , and he questioned if there was any other branch of their Order which could
show such progress . He congratulated the brethren of the Provinces represented ou the progress which had been made in Mark Masonry , and hoped the time was not far distant when Mark Masonry would be recognised among the essential degrees of Freemasonry . Right Worshipful Bro . Else proposed the R . W . Bro . S . Homfray P . G . M . M . M .
Monmouthshire . This was the toast of the evening , and he felt it a very high compliment to be entrusted with it . He most sincerely congratulated the Prov . G . M . on his election , and paid a high tribute to the ability which he displayed in all that appertained to Masonry . His appointment was an augury of greater progress in the future .
In the matter of the Charities , for some time past Bro . Homfray and he had been going hand in hand , and shoulder to shoulder , and in all that they had undertaken they had succeeded . Hence it was he felt so much pleasure in seeing him inducted into the chair . The Provincial Grand Master returned thanks in well-selected
terms for the honour which had been accorded to him , and also for the way in which his name had been received , also thanking the visiting brethren for tho kindness evinced towards him . A number of other toasts followed , including tho Mark
Benevolent Fund and other Masonic Charities , coupled with the name of Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , who responded in a telling speech , eclipsing his former efforts on behalf of the various Charities iu connection with this and
other degrees . Other toasts were duly acknowledged aud responded to . Throughout tho evening the proceedings were enlivened with sentiment and song , and a more convivial gathering has not been held in this Province in connection with Mark Masonry .
Royal Arch.
— : o : — RECTITUDE CHAPTER , No . 581 .
11 HE regular meeting of this Chapter was held on Thursday evening , tho 1 st inst ., at the Corporation Hotel , Tipping-street , Ardwick , Manchester . Tho Chapter was opened in due form and with solemn prayer by the Excellent First Principal Comp . J . T . Richardson , who was assisted by Comp . Rogers H ., and Past Principal Julius Arenaberg acting as Third Principal , in place of Comp . T . H .
Hall , who was unable to bo present owing to important bnsiness engagements . Much to their credit , every other Officer was present , and there was an average attendance of Companions , with a fair attendance of Visitors who had put in an appearance to do honour to the occasion , which was the presentation of a robe to Comp . J . T .
Richardson First Principal , ancl a P . Z . ' s jewel to Comp . Julius Arenaberg , a Past First Principal of this Chapter and Past Prov . Grand Officer . Tho minutes of tho last regular meeting having been read ancl confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . S . A . Andrew , a Past Master of tho Richmond Lodge ; this having proved unanimous ,
that worthy brother was exalted to tho snprome degree of a Holy lioyal Arch Mason by Comp . J . R . Richardson iu his most imprsasive and eloquent manner . The lectures were not given on this occasion , bufc tho First Principal explained that it was owing to a great portion of the time of the evening being aked for by the Companions
for fcho presentation business ; he , however , promised that tho whole of the lectures should be given ou the nexfc occasion , by himself and Second and Third Principals , Gompa . Rogers and Hail . Hearty good wishes were expressed by tho visiting Companions , and Companion II . Derbyshire then congratulated the Excellent First Principal ou
having the day previously received I ' rov . Grand honours , by being appointed Second Assistant Principal Sojourner , lie also congratulated tho Chapter on its receiving , for the first time , Provincial
recognition by Comp . Richardson s appointment . Comp . Derbyshire then read a petition which had been prepared and presented to the Prov . G . Superintendent of Works , and propped such should be rcuordod ou tho miuutes . Ho uoxt , ou bohalf of tho Companions , for *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
THE Mark Maater Masons of Monmouthshire held the annual meeting of their Provincial Grand Lodge on Monday , the 29 th nlfc ., at the Masonio Hall , Newport , nnder the banner of the Keystone Lodge , No . 109 . The proceedings were of a very interesting character , the principal event of the day being the installation of
Bro . Capt . S . Geo . Homfray , D . P . G . M . of Craft Masonry of Monmonthshire , as Prov . G . Mark Master . Bro . K . C . Else P . G . M . M . M . of Somerset undertaking the duty of Installation . Amongst those present was Bro . Frederick Binckes Past Grand Warden and Grand Mark Secretary of England . The programme was speedily and ably
gone throngh , the Installation ceremony being particularly well con ducted . The following were appointed as the Provincial Gram Officers : — Bro . Major A Thrale Perkins - - Deputy G . M . J . 0 . Hunter Little - - S . W .
Alfred Taylor - - - J . W . Eev . D . Bowen - - - Chaplain J . Porter Fowler - - ¦ M . O . J . 0 . Marsh - - - S . O . Andrew MoMahon •- J . O . Giles GoldinET - •- Eegistrar of Marks
Samuel Davies - - - Treasurer Edwin J . Whitley - - - Secretary J . Davies .... Assistant Secretary George Beavis ... S . D . J . Jewel Williams - - J . D .
J . Holman Dunn . - Inspector of Works J . G . Hedges ... Sword Bearer S . 0 . Peglar - - - Standard Bearer H . E . Hudson ... Director of Ceremonies T . W . Mitchell - . - Assistant Director of Cer . J . G . Thomas - - •Inner Guard
A . Thornton - - ¦ " ) Daniel Evans - . ¦ f 0 , _ , „ William Parsons - . . ^ Stewards
J . N . Barnett . . -J H . Fletcher - . - Tyler Provincial Grancl Lodge having been closed , a banquet followed at the Westgate Hotel , the Provincial Grand Master being supported by his Deputy , Bro . Johu Walker P . G . M . M . M . Gloucestershire , Fred .
Binckes P . G . Warden G . Sec , E . C . Else P . G . M . M . M . Somerset , Col . Chas . Lyne D . P . G . M . M . M ., Thos . M . Humphries P . P . G . S . W .. Staffordshire , William Watkins P . G . Standard Bearer Eng ., R . V . Vassar-Smith P . P . G . D . M . M . M . Gloucestershire , C . W . Had way P . G . D Eng ., E . H . Davies P . P . G . J . O ., S . G . Homfray inn ., Thos . Harrhy
P . P . G . J . W . J ., 0 . Marsh P . G . Stwd . Eng . ; and others . In due course the Prov . Grand Master proceeded with the toast list , first giving the Queen and Mark Masonry . As loyal subjects they hoped Her Majesty might long be spared to reign over them . The next toast was His Eoyal Highness the Piince of Wales M . M . G . M . M . nominate .
The brethren were pleased to find His Royal Highness was taking such a deep interest iu Masonry . On the occasion of His Royal Highness being installed as the Grand Mark Master , he ( the speaker ) shonld mako it his duty to represent Monmonth . If their good Secretary ( Bro . Binckes ) who was present with them—would kindlv
let him know how far or to what extent he could afford accommodation , he bad no donbt that a considerable number of Mark Masons from the Province would attend the installation . Bro . W . Watkins P . M . 109 , Past Grand Mark Senior Warden , said he was highly honoured in having to propose the next toast , the M . W . G . M . M . M .
the Earl of Kintore . As Mark Masons they were much indebted to his Lordship for what he had done for the Mark degree . It was highly gratifying to know that they would have as his successor His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , in whom they would have a most distinguished brother who had expressed himself as highly
int ( rested in the advancement of Mark Masonry . Bro . Colonel Lyne Prov . drain ! Master ( Craft ) for Monmouthshire proposed tho toast of the E . W . D . G . M . M . M . the Lord Egerton of Tatton , and Officers of tl > n Grand Mark Lodge , Present and Past . Ho felt a great pleasure in proposing this toast , and coupling with it the names of the
Provincial Grand Master of Gloucester and the Grand Secretary of Rnalni . d . They all felt it a high honour for these distinguished brethren to come amongst them on such an interesting occasion . It , was a rare circumstance that a Provincial Grancl Master was snpp II ted by such excellent representatives of the Mark Degreo as they
found there that night . Referring to Bro . Binckes , Colonel Lynn siid he had done , and was continually doing , a vast amount of good in ire cause of Masonry . He was sure that wheu he rose to respond hi would be well received . Bro . Walker thanked the brethren most V . ent lily on behalf of the Grand Lodge for the manner in which
thry had honoured the toast . He regretted that only one supporter fr , m l . i * own Lodgo was present ; he had hoped several more would have been there . Owing to the weather r » nd oilier causes , they were ri'ftverited from doing honour to their distinguished Bro . Homfray . Bro . Binckes remarked that tho frequency aud facility afforded him
to respond to tin ' s toast was tho very cause of difficulty to him . He wa * so frequently called upon at Provincial Grand Lodgo meetings to teply that ho was almost at a losa for words to change the phraseology of bis utterance ** . It was gratifying for him to noto the manner iu which this comprehensive toast was received amongst
Masons . In conversation with an eminent actor , he had expressed an opinion that it must bo monotonous to go through the same performauro night after night for a long series of nights . His reply wae , " Wo feel we havo a different audience night after night to play to ; " and so he might say he had to return thanks for thia and
Mark Masonry.
other toasts to different companies of brethren . Alluding to the toast , ho remarked that their Deputy Grand Maater , Lord Egerton of Tatton , could look back over a long period ; of him it might be said that thero never was a brother who had met with such an amount of success in his duties , and who had discharged them
more faithfully than he bad done . He ( the speaker ) had had a long experience in connection with the Mark degree—twenty-eight years associated with the Order , and he should complete his twenty-fifth year in June next , a quarter of a century in an official position , and even now he was not quite prepared to be laid on the shelf . When
he looked back upon Mark Masonry , and saw what it was , as compared with what it is now , ancl noted the progress it had made , he was more than gratified . In this Province the Order had prospered very much indeed , and he said tin ' s without indulging in an invidious comparison . He hoped they would date a new starting point in
regard to Mark Masonry in the Province of Monmouthshire . When he looked round those tables , and saw so many who worked so actively in the cause , there was every reason to anticipate greater prosperity . Their excellent brother the P . G . M . of Somerset had
done much for the Order . They had elected a progressive Prov . Grand Master for Monmouthshire , and they had taken the first opportunity to incorporate the name of his Eoyal Highness with the toast since his election as the Grand Master nominate . Takiner the
hint already given by tho Prov . Grand Master , that at the installation of his Eoyal Highness he would be there , no doubt , he would be attended by a very large number of brethren from that Province . Speaking eulogistioally of the way in which the Provincial Grand Master of Gloucester carried out his duties , Bro . Binckes remarked
that , looking back over a long life , he had reason to congratulate himself on the success which had been attained in Mark Masonry , and in fact it had exceeded their most sanguine anticipations . They had now 400 Lodges , and over 20 , 000 registered members , and he questioned if there was any other branch of their Order which could
show such progress . He congratulated the brethren of the Provinces represented ou the progress which had been made in Mark Masonry , and hoped the time was not far distant when Mark Masonry would be recognised among the essential degrees of Freemasonry . Right Worshipful Bro . Else proposed the R . W . Bro . S . Homfray P . G . M . M . M .
Monmouthshire . This was the toast of the evening , and he felt it a very high compliment to be entrusted with it . He most sincerely congratulated the Prov . G . M . on his election , and paid a high tribute to the ability which he displayed in all that appertained to Masonry . His appointment was an augury of greater progress in the future .
In the matter of the Charities , for some time past Bro . Homfray and he had been going hand in hand , and shoulder to shoulder , and in all that they had undertaken they had succeeded . Hence it was he felt so much pleasure in seeing him inducted into the chair . The Provincial Grand Master returned thanks in well-selected
terms for the honour which had been accorded to him , and also for the way in which his name had been received , also thanking the visiting brethren for tho kindness evinced towards him . A number of other toasts followed , including tho Mark
Benevolent Fund and other Masonic Charities , coupled with the name of Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , who responded in a telling speech , eclipsing his former efforts on behalf of the various Charities iu connection with this and
other degrees . Other toasts were duly acknowledged aud responded to . Throughout tho evening the proceedings were enlivened with sentiment and song , and a more convivial gathering has not been held in this Province in connection with Mark Masonry .
Royal Arch.
— : o : — RECTITUDE CHAPTER , No . 581 .
11 HE regular meeting of this Chapter was held on Thursday evening , tho 1 st inst ., at the Corporation Hotel , Tipping-street , Ardwick , Manchester . Tho Chapter was opened in due form and with solemn prayer by the Excellent First Principal Comp . J . T . Richardson , who was assisted by Comp . Rogers H ., and Past Principal Julius Arenaberg acting as Third Principal , in place of Comp . T . H .
Hall , who was unable to bo present owing to important bnsiness engagements . Much to their credit , every other Officer was present , and there was an average attendance of Companions , with a fair attendance of Visitors who had put in an appearance to do honour to the occasion , which was the presentation of a robe to Comp . J . T .
Richardson First Principal , ancl a P . Z . ' s jewel to Comp . Julius Arenaberg , a Past First Principal of this Chapter and Past Prov . Grand Officer . Tho minutes of tho last regular meeting having been read ancl confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . S . A . Andrew , a Past Master of tho Richmond Lodge ; this having proved unanimous ,
that worthy brother was exalted to tho snprome degree of a Holy lioyal Arch Mason by Comp . J . R . Richardson iu his most imprsasive and eloquent manner . The lectures were not given on this occasion , bufc tho First Principal explained that it was owing to a great portion of the time of the evening being aked for by the Companions
for fcho presentation business ; he , however , promised that tho whole of the lectures should be given ou the nexfc occasion , by himself and Second and Third Principals , Gompa . Rogers and Hail . Hearty good wishes were expressed by tho visiting Companions , and Companion II . Derbyshire then congratulated the Excellent First Principal ou
having the day previously received I ' rov . Grand honours , by being appointed Second Assistant Principal Sojourner , lie also congratulated tho Chapter on its receiving , for the first time , Provincial
recognition by Comp . Richardson s appointment . Comp . Derbyshire then read a petition which had been prepared and presented to the Prov . G . Superintendent of Works , and propped such should be rcuordod ou tho miuutes . Ho uoxt , ou bohalf of tho Companions , for *