Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — JOPPA LODGE , No . 188 . THE regular meeting was held on 5 th inst ., at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Bros . G . Bean W . M ., A . Martin S . W ., J . Dewsnap J . W ., L . Lazarus P . M . Seoretary , Wall S . D ., G . M . Lyon J . D ., L . Davis Steward , A . G . Dodson P . M . D . C ., I . Benjamin I . P . M . ; P . M . ' s H . M . Levy , L . Alexander , S . Hickman , L . M . Myers , 0 . Roberts . Visitors—Bros . R . La Feuillade 1387 ,
J . Shaw 1987 , F . Matthews 1766 , S . Marks late 188 . After preliminaries , Mr . Coombes , who had previously been balloted for , was duly initiated into tho Order by the W . M . The W . M ., in feeling terms , informed the brethren of the death of Bro . E . P . Albert P . M . P . G . P ., who all rospeoted . It was unanimously agreed to send a letter of condolence to his daughter and his sorrowing family .
This was seconded by Bro . L . Alexander P . M . An acknowledgment of the letter sent to n . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . on the death of the Dnke of Albany had been received , through tho Grand Secretary , and the letter was ordered to be entered on the minutes . A candidate for initiation at next meeting was proposed , and the resignations of two brethren were accepted . The Lodge was then closed
until October . A sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) , and superintended by Bro . E . Dawkins , followed . The W . M . in due course proposed the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . and V . P . responded to the toast of the Joppa Bonevolent Fund . The Fund at one time had nearly reached £ 1400 , but by giving to deserved brethren large
grants , it amounts now to only £ 730 . Ho hoped the brethren wonld give their mites to help the widow and orphan so that they should not apply to G . Lodge . The following contributions were announced : — Bros . Coombes 21 s , J . Levy 10 s 6 d , Gronwall 21 s , J . Dewsnap J . W . 21 s , Mussared 10 s 6 d . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Initiate . Bro . Coombes was a son of an old and respected member of theLodge
and all were proud to see him among them . The toast was very appropriately responded to . Bro . Coombes hoped to follow in the footsteps of his father , who it was gratifying to know was so respected . Bro . I . Benjamin I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of the W . M ., said the brethren had seen how ably that brother had worked to render the ceremony perfectly . He hooed during his year of
office the Officers would render him every assistance . The W . M ., in response , said it was no easy duty to occnpy the chair ; if he could do anything to conduce to the comfort of the brethren , his services would always be at their disposal . The toast of the Visitors was responded to by Bros . Brown and Marks . Bro . I . Benjamin responded for the Past Masters . The W . M ., in proposing tho toast of the
Treasurer , regretted Bro . Lyon's absence , from indisposition . Bro . L . Lazarus , an old P . M ., had kindly , at almost a moment ' s notice , taken upon himself the arduous duties of Seoretary , in the place of our late Bro . E . P . Albert . The work had been done satisfactorily and in a manner that reflected great credit on him . He trusted he might retain the office for many years . Bro . L . Lazarus , in responding , thanked
the brethren for their marks of appreciation ; it was a labour of love to him , and his services for the good of the Lodge were always at their command . The several toasts of the Wardens , Officers , and Tyler , followed . The W . M . provided a very excellent seleotion of music superintended by Bro . P . E . Van Noorden . Miss Clara Myers , Miss Reba , Bro . H . Prenton , and Mr . Walter Van Noorden assisted .
SYKBS LODGB No . 1040 . THE installation meeting of this well-known and flourishing Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Great Driffield , on the 16 th ultimo . There wa 3 an unsually large number of members present , and the proceedings throughout were marked with the utmost enthusiasm . The brethren assembled in good time under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . H . Holgreaves , who was supported by the following Officers : —Bros . Bains S . W ., Wigmore J . W ., Bielby as S . D .,
Highmoor as J . D ., Wrigglesworth I . G ., and Potts Tyler . There were also present P . M . ' s Elgey , Dunn P . P . G . P ., James Scott Wilson P . P . G . P ., P . M . ' s Esau Wilson , Chadwick , Porritt , Piercy P . P . G . S . W ., Bryan 294 , Winterbottom 734 , Gray 734 , Creaser 734 , Cheeseman 1605 ; Bros . Bordass , Roberts , Walter Highmoor , Pickering , House , Sellers , Watson , Bowman , Golding Westoby , Smith , Hind
57 , Severs 734 , Kemp 734 , & c . After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and confirmed , a successful ballot was taken for Mr . A . W . Stanley , contractor , Hull . The report of the Audit Committee was read , which showed the funds of the Lodge to be in a highly satisfactory condition . Bro . J . P . Bell , M . D ., J . P ., P . G . D . of England and Deputy P . G . M . of North and East Yorkshire now
assumed the Masters chair , and Bro . Porritt P . M . P . P . G . J . W . the W . M . elect was presented by Bros . Holgraves and Esau Wilson to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . All the M . M . ' s having retired , the ceremony wa 3 performed in a manner which gave great satisfaction to the Board of Installed Masters . On the re-admission of the brethren , tho W . M . was sainted in a most hearty manner , and
afterwards invested the followihg Officers : —Bros . Holgreaves I . P . M ., Bielby S . W ., Bordass J . W ., Elgey Treasnrer , Esau Wilson Lecture Master , Bains Chaplain , James Scott Wilson Secretary , Robinson S . D ., Highmoor J . D , Elgey Almoner , Tate Organist , Watson I . G ., House and Overend Stewards , Potts Tyler . At six o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the Bell Hotel , where a very enjoyable ancl instructive evening was spent .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . —The usual meeting of the above Lodge was held on VVeduesday last , at the Jolly Farmers Tavern , Southgate Road , Brother Dixie presiding , supported by Bros . Smith S . W ., Marks J . W ., Perl Secretary , Ashton
Installation Meetings, &C.
S . D ., Ferrar J . D ., Tamer . I . G ., Powell , Langdale , and others . Lodge was opened , and the acenstomed preliminaries were observed . The ceremonies of raising and passing were rehearsed , Bros . Turner and Powell aotiag as candidates . Bro . Dixie , assisted by tho brethren worked the first section of the first lecture . Lodge was olosed iu
perfect harmony , and adjourned until Wednesday , 14 th May . The brethren of the Peroy Lodge of Instruction having accepted an invite to work thoFiftoen Sections , have fixed Wednesday , 21 st May . Bro I . P . Cohen Preceptor will preside , supported by Bro . Gush S . W ., Powell J . W .
AMHERST LODGE , No . 1223 . THI S Lodge , celebrated for its hospitality , was even more honoured than usual with Visitors on Saturday last , on the ocoasion o fthe Installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . Charles Edward Biroh . The Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes were read and con . firmed , after whioh Bro . Sydenham Hall , who had been initiated at the previous meeting , was passed to seoond degree , and Bro . E . J . Dodd presented , on behalf of Bro . C . E . Biroh the J . W . and W . M .
elect , to Bro . T . J . Baker , the Presiding Master , a very handsome collar and chain for the acceptance of the Lodge . Bro . Baker in a few suitable words accepted the same , and trusted the incoming Master would enjoy health to wear it during hi 3 year of office , and that ifc might be handed down as an heir-loom to many generations of Mas . ters . Bro . A . W . Durefc P . M . then took the chair as Installing Master
and it being announced by the I . G . that the R . W . Prov . Grand Master the Viscount Holmesdale was without the door of the Lodge , he was admitted with due honours and saluted in the customary manner . Bro . C . E . Biroh having been presented by Bro . E . J . Dodd P . M ., gave his assent to the ancient charges , and was inducted into the chair of K . S . in a Board of Installed Masters . The newly
installed Master having been saluted and proclaimed in the usual manner , he appointed the following as his Officers : —Bros . T . J . Baker I . P . M ., C . J . Craig S . W ., E . S . Strange J . W ., R . Durtnell P . M . Prov . G . S . Treasurer , ' J . W . Jewell P . M . P . P . G . O . Secretary , J . I . Biroh S . D ., W . Sparrowhawk J . D ., P . Hanmer I . G ., H . E . Lee D . C ., Alex . Ross Organist , J . Hamlin and C . Monier Williams Stewards , and W .
South Tyler . The very efficient manner in whioh the Installing Master performed the ceremony won the encomiums of all present . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting and the Lodge was closed , after a perfect feu de joie of congratulations from the visiting brethren . The banquet which followed took place in the adjoining school-room , whioh was tastefully decorated for the
occasion . The W . M . gave the usual toasts in a terse and pleasant manner , and to that of the Prov . Grand Officers past and present Bro . Spencer Prov . Grand Seoretary responded , and expressed the pleasnre he experienced in attending the Lodge , and at the cordial reception he had met with from the brethren . He had never witnessed the work of the Lodge , especially as regards the Installation , better
performed , and with such Officers he felt assured the Lodge must go on and prosper . He had had a great deal of correspondence with the Secretaries of the Province , and he must say that the Secretary of this Lodge ( Bro . Jewell ) was most prompt and correct in all his returns and correspondence , and he must congratulate the Lodge upon its possessing so excellent an officer . The W . M . in proposing the health of
the I . P . M . said it was a pleasent duty for him to present to Bro . Baker a Past Master ' s jewel , from the Officers and Brethren of the Lodge , in acknowledgement of his services as W . M . during the past year . Bro . Baker in responding thanked the ^ W . M . and brethren for the very handsome jewel he had just received ; it would be an incentive to him to devote more zeal to his duties in the Lodge . He spoke in highly eulogistic terms of the W . M ., who he was sure , from
the Masonio spirit which had ever characterised his work in the Lodge , would be still more earnest now be was placed in the ohair as W . M . Other toasts were given and suitably responded to . The Tyler ' s toast then brought the meeting to a close . The pleasnre of the evening were much enhanced by the vocal efforts of Bros . W . F . Parker and J . I . Cantle P . M . Among the visiting brethren we observed Bros . Alfred Spencer P . M . Prov . Grand Secretary , W . Jarvis
P . M . P . P . G . S . ( North Wales ) , E . J . Dodd P . M . P . P . G . O . ( Kent ) , J . H . Jewell P . M . P . P . G . O . ( Kent ) , R . Durtnell P . M . P . G . S . ( Kent ) , Walter Jardino P . M . 329 ( Cape Town ) , J . T . Gibson P . M . 1420 , F . D . Vine W . M . 173 , J . T . Cantle P . M . 1441 , T . Walker Cooper P . M . 538 , W . H . Cronk P . M . 1414 , Stephen A . Cooper P . M . 1637 , Edward Harvey S . W . 1314 , W . J . Collins W . M . 766 , J . G . Calway W . M . 1619 , T . Dnrrans J . D . 1305 , Sidney Clarke P . M . 706 , Henry
Glenn P . M . 19 , T . F . Tyler S . 1685 , G . Graham Bell 144 , W . H . Barber , H . M . Hammond 569 , W . H . Cates 1579 , R . Edwards W . M . 913 , T . J . Woods 1475 , W . F . Packer 1571 , G . B . Bolton 1314 , and many others . The menu was furnished in HoBfc Waller ' s best style , while the toast list , with quotations from the immortal bard , was arranged by the Secretary .
RICHMOND LODGE , No . 2030 . THE first regular meeting of this new Lodge , which was consecrated so recently as the 25 th March , was held on Tuesday last , at the Station Hotel , Richmond . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . B . E . Blasby P . M . 780 , at 3 . 30 , when the following brethren were present : —C . I . Digby P . M . 933 S . W ., E . J . Goodacre P . M . 1260 J . W ., W . F . Reynolds P . M . 820 Treasurer , W . R . Phillips
P . M . 975 Secretary , J . P . Houghton S . D ., E . Dare J . D ., J . Ireland D . C ., T . Callander A . D . C ., H . Sapsworth I . G ., C . Maton Steward , B . Banks Tyler . Visitors—W . T . Peat 1656 , W . W . Morgan W . M . 211 , J . J . Gunner W . M . 780 , C . E . Botley W . M . 1996 , E . Roberts
Organist 1623 , W . Hill 1922 , C . H . Cooper 1420 , John Probert 340 , F . J . Croger 1679 , A . Kent 211 . After the minutes of the consecration meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was brought into requisition for the admission , as joining members , of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — JOPPA LODGE , No . 188 . THE regular meeting was held on 5 th inst ., at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Bros . G . Bean W . M ., A . Martin S . W ., J . Dewsnap J . W ., L . Lazarus P . M . Seoretary , Wall S . D ., G . M . Lyon J . D ., L . Davis Steward , A . G . Dodson P . M . D . C ., I . Benjamin I . P . M . ; P . M . ' s H . M . Levy , L . Alexander , S . Hickman , L . M . Myers , 0 . Roberts . Visitors—Bros . R . La Feuillade 1387 ,
J . Shaw 1987 , F . Matthews 1766 , S . Marks late 188 . After preliminaries , Mr . Coombes , who had previously been balloted for , was duly initiated into tho Order by the W . M . The W . M ., in feeling terms , informed the brethren of the death of Bro . E . P . Albert P . M . P . G . P ., who all rospeoted . It was unanimously agreed to send a letter of condolence to his daughter and his sorrowing family .
This was seconded by Bro . L . Alexander P . M . An acknowledgment of the letter sent to n . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . on the death of the Dnke of Albany had been received , through tho Grand Secretary , and the letter was ordered to be entered on the minutes . A candidate for initiation at next meeting was proposed , and the resignations of two brethren were accepted . The Lodge was then closed
until October . A sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) , and superintended by Bro . E . Dawkins , followed . The W . M . in due course proposed the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . and V . P . responded to the toast of the Joppa Bonevolent Fund . The Fund at one time had nearly reached £ 1400 , but by giving to deserved brethren large
grants , it amounts now to only £ 730 . Ho hoped the brethren wonld give their mites to help the widow and orphan so that they should not apply to G . Lodge . The following contributions were announced : — Bros . Coombes 21 s , J . Levy 10 s 6 d , Gronwall 21 s , J . Dewsnap J . W . 21 s , Mussared 10 s 6 d . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Initiate . Bro . Coombes was a son of an old and respected member of theLodge
and all were proud to see him among them . The toast was very appropriately responded to . Bro . Coombes hoped to follow in the footsteps of his father , who it was gratifying to know was so respected . Bro . I . Benjamin I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of the W . M ., said the brethren had seen how ably that brother had worked to render the ceremony perfectly . He hooed during his year of
office the Officers would render him every assistance . The W . M ., in response , said it was no easy duty to occnpy the chair ; if he could do anything to conduce to the comfort of the brethren , his services would always be at their disposal . The toast of the Visitors was responded to by Bros . Brown and Marks . Bro . I . Benjamin responded for the Past Masters . The W . M ., in proposing tho toast of the
Treasurer , regretted Bro . Lyon's absence , from indisposition . Bro . L . Lazarus , an old P . M ., had kindly , at almost a moment ' s notice , taken upon himself the arduous duties of Seoretary , in the place of our late Bro . E . P . Albert . The work had been done satisfactorily and in a manner that reflected great credit on him . He trusted he might retain the office for many years . Bro . L . Lazarus , in responding , thanked
the brethren for their marks of appreciation ; it was a labour of love to him , and his services for the good of the Lodge were always at their command . The several toasts of the Wardens , Officers , and Tyler , followed . The W . M . provided a very excellent seleotion of music superintended by Bro . P . E . Van Noorden . Miss Clara Myers , Miss Reba , Bro . H . Prenton , and Mr . Walter Van Noorden assisted .
SYKBS LODGB No . 1040 . THE installation meeting of this well-known and flourishing Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Great Driffield , on the 16 th ultimo . There wa 3 an unsually large number of members present , and the proceedings throughout were marked with the utmost enthusiasm . The brethren assembled in good time under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . H . Holgreaves , who was supported by the following Officers : —Bros . Bains S . W ., Wigmore J . W ., Bielby as S . D .,
Highmoor as J . D ., Wrigglesworth I . G ., and Potts Tyler . There were also present P . M . ' s Elgey , Dunn P . P . G . P ., James Scott Wilson P . P . G . P ., P . M . ' s Esau Wilson , Chadwick , Porritt , Piercy P . P . G . S . W ., Bryan 294 , Winterbottom 734 , Gray 734 , Creaser 734 , Cheeseman 1605 ; Bros . Bordass , Roberts , Walter Highmoor , Pickering , House , Sellers , Watson , Bowman , Golding Westoby , Smith , Hind
57 , Severs 734 , Kemp 734 , & c . After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and confirmed , a successful ballot was taken for Mr . A . W . Stanley , contractor , Hull . The report of the Audit Committee was read , which showed the funds of the Lodge to be in a highly satisfactory condition . Bro . J . P . Bell , M . D ., J . P ., P . G . D . of England and Deputy P . G . M . of North and East Yorkshire now
assumed the Masters chair , and Bro . Porritt P . M . P . P . G . J . W . the W . M . elect was presented by Bros . Holgraves and Esau Wilson to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . All the M . M . ' s having retired , the ceremony wa 3 performed in a manner which gave great satisfaction to the Board of Installed Masters . On the re-admission of the brethren , tho W . M . was sainted in a most hearty manner , and
afterwards invested the followihg Officers : —Bros . Holgreaves I . P . M ., Bielby S . W ., Bordass J . W ., Elgey Treasnrer , Esau Wilson Lecture Master , Bains Chaplain , James Scott Wilson Secretary , Robinson S . D ., Highmoor J . D , Elgey Almoner , Tate Organist , Watson I . G ., House and Overend Stewards , Potts Tyler . At six o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the Bell Hotel , where a very enjoyable ancl instructive evening was spent .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . —The usual meeting of the above Lodge was held on VVeduesday last , at the Jolly Farmers Tavern , Southgate Road , Brother Dixie presiding , supported by Bros . Smith S . W ., Marks J . W ., Perl Secretary , Ashton
Installation Meetings, &C.
S . D ., Ferrar J . D ., Tamer . I . G ., Powell , Langdale , and others . Lodge was opened , and the acenstomed preliminaries were observed . The ceremonies of raising and passing were rehearsed , Bros . Turner and Powell aotiag as candidates . Bro . Dixie , assisted by tho brethren worked the first section of the first lecture . Lodge was olosed iu
perfect harmony , and adjourned until Wednesday , 14 th May . The brethren of the Peroy Lodge of Instruction having accepted an invite to work thoFiftoen Sections , have fixed Wednesday , 21 st May . Bro I . P . Cohen Preceptor will preside , supported by Bro . Gush S . W ., Powell J . W .
AMHERST LODGE , No . 1223 . THI S Lodge , celebrated for its hospitality , was even more honoured than usual with Visitors on Saturday last , on the ocoasion o fthe Installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . Charles Edward Biroh . The Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes were read and con . firmed , after whioh Bro . Sydenham Hall , who had been initiated at the previous meeting , was passed to seoond degree , and Bro . E . J . Dodd presented , on behalf of Bro . C . E . Biroh the J . W . and W . M .
elect , to Bro . T . J . Baker , the Presiding Master , a very handsome collar and chain for the acceptance of the Lodge . Bro . Baker in a few suitable words accepted the same , and trusted the incoming Master would enjoy health to wear it during hi 3 year of office , and that ifc might be handed down as an heir-loom to many generations of Mas . ters . Bro . A . W . Durefc P . M . then took the chair as Installing Master
and it being announced by the I . G . that the R . W . Prov . Grand Master the Viscount Holmesdale was without the door of the Lodge , he was admitted with due honours and saluted in the customary manner . Bro . C . E . Biroh having been presented by Bro . E . J . Dodd P . M ., gave his assent to the ancient charges , and was inducted into the chair of K . S . in a Board of Installed Masters . The newly
installed Master having been saluted and proclaimed in the usual manner , he appointed the following as his Officers : —Bros . T . J . Baker I . P . M ., C . J . Craig S . W ., E . S . Strange J . W ., R . Durtnell P . M . Prov . G . S . Treasurer , ' J . W . Jewell P . M . P . P . G . O . Secretary , J . I . Biroh S . D ., W . Sparrowhawk J . D ., P . Hanmer I . G ., H . E . Lee D . C ., Alex . Ross Organist , J . Hamlin and C . Monier Williams Stewards , and W .
South Tyler . The very efficient manner in whioh the Installing Master performed the ceremony won the encomiums of all present . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting and the Lodge was closed , after a perfect feu de joie of congratulations from the visiting brethren . The banquet which followed took place in the adjoining school-room , whioh was tastefully decorated for the
occasion . The W . M . gave the usual toasts in a terse and pleasant manner , and to that of the Prov . Grand Officers past and present Bro . Spencer Prov . Grand Seoretary responded , and expressed the pleasnre he experienced in attending the Lodge , and at the cordial reception he had met with from the brethren . He had never witnessed the work of the Lodge , especially as regards the Installation , better
performed , and with such Officers he felt assured the Lodge must go on and prosper . He had had a great deal of correspondence with the Secretaries of the Province , and he must say that the Secretary of this Lodge ( Bro . Jewell ) was most prompt and correct in all his returns and correspondence , and he must congratulate the Lodge upon its possessing so excellent an officer . The W . M . in proposing the health of
the I . P . M . said it was a pleasent duty for him to present to Bro . Baker a Past Master ' s jewel , from the Officers and Brethren of the Lodge , in acknowledgement of his services as W . M . during the past year . Bro . Baker in responding thanked the ^ W . M . and brethren for the very handsome jewel he had just received ; it would be an incentive to him to devote more zeal to his duties in the Lodge . He spoke in highly eulogistic terms of the W . M ., who he was sure , from
the Masonio spirit which had ever characterised his work in the Lodge , would be still more earnest now be was placed in the ohair as W . M . Other toasts were given and suitably responded to . The Tyler ' s toast then brought the meeting to a close . The pleasnre of the evening were much enhanced by the vocal efforts of Bros . W . F . Parker and J . I . Cantle P . M . Among the visiting brethren we observed Bros . Alfred Spencer P . M . Prov . Grand Secretary , W . Jarvis
P . M . P . P . G . S . ( North Wales ) , E . J . Dodd P . M . P . P . G . O . ( Kent ) , J . H . Jewell P . M . P . P . G . O . ( Kent ) , R . Durtnell P . M . P . G . S . ( Kent ) , Walter Jardino P . M . 329 ( Cape Town ) , J . T . Gibson P . M . 1420 , F . D . Vine W . M . 173 , J . T . Cantle P . M . 1441 , T . Walker Cooper P . M . 538 , W . H . Cronk P . M . 1414 , Stephen A . Cooper P . M . 1637 , Edward Harvey S . W . 1314 , W . J . Collins W . M . 766 , J . G . Calway W . M . 1619 , T . Dnrrans J . D . 1305 , Sidney Clarke P . M . 706 , Henry
Glenn P . M . 19 , T . F . Tyler S . 1685 , G . Graham Bell 144 , W . H . Barber , H . M . Hammond 569 , W . H . Cates 1579 , R . Edwards W . M . 913 , T . J . Woods 1475 , W . F . Packer 1571 , G . B . Bolton 1314 , and many others . The menu was furnished in HoBfc Waller ' s best style , while the toast list , with quotations from the immortal bard , was arranged by the Secretary .
RICHMOND LODGE , No . 2030 . THE first regular meeting of this new Lodge , which was consecrated so recently as the 25 th March , was held on Tuesday last , at the Station Hotel , Richmond . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . B . E . Blasby P . M . 780 , at 3 . 30 , when the following brethren were present : —C . I . Digby P . M . 933 S . W ., E . J . Goodacre P . M . 1260 J . W ., W . F . Reynolds P . M . 820 Treasurer , W . R . Phillips
P . M . 975 Secretary , J . P . Houghton S . D ., E . Dare J . D ., J . Ireland D . C ., T . Callander A . D . C ., H . Sapsworth I . G ., C . Maton Steward , B . Banks Tyler . Visitors—W . T . Peat 1656 , W . W . Morgan W . M . 211 , J . J . Gunner W . M . 780 , C . E . Botley W . M . 1996 , E . Roberts
Organist 1623 , W . Hill 1922 , C . H . Cooper 1420 , John Probert 340 , F . J . Croger 1679 , A . Kent 211 . After the minutes of the consecration meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was brought into requisition for the admission , as joining members , of the