Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STEEET . LONDON W . C . The at ! mi ruble ami uiinviiUediifcoiumodatiou provided at till Establishment for ZMULSOZEsTIC ZBA-ZCTQIXIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & e . Is too well known to need comment . Tlio entire luatiau'enu'iithiis been chanjretl , ftinl tho Establishment in uliits brunches thoroughly ru-oryiinisccl . The attention of the Masonic Ilody is directed to the many advantages ofTerca . CTJISI * rSTJT * OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTEE . WINKS PERFECT IJV CONDITION ANO ( tUAIiITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tlio fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR
IROIT ^ AL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOB AGED FREEMASONS AND UIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , O 11 O Y r > O N - Patron and President : Ills HovAi HIGHNKSS THE PI-INCE ot' WALKS , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M A VACANCY having occurred in tho Ollico of Collector of thia Institution , Brethren ( who must bo Master Masons , and between the ages of Twenty-live and Forty-live years ) desirous of becoming Candidates for the same nre ' requested to send in their applications , accompanied with Testimonials , not later than Monday , the 12 th July next , to the undersigned , from whom all information respecting the duties of the Oflico can bo obtained . By Order , JAMES TERRY , i Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . Secretory . 2 oth Juno 1880 .
% wl liasaiiir Institution for °$ Qm , ** WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Office : —6 Freemasons' Hall , Great ( , ) ueen Street , London , W . C . Patron : HER MAJESTY : THE QUEEN . President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS TIIK PUINCE OI- WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers will be held iit Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Lincolu's-inn-fields , London , on Monday , the 12 th day of July 18 *) , for the transaction of tho ordinary business of tho f nstitution to adopt a recommendation from tho General Committee that sixteen bo elected from an approved list of seventythree candidates at tho Quarterly Genci-al Court to bo hold on Monday , tho 11 th day of October next . N . B . —The chair will be taken at four o'c ' ock in tho afternoon precisely . By order , FREDKIUCK BINCKES , ( P . G . Std . ) , V . Pros ., Secretary . London , 3 rd July 1880 .
I DiCK RADCLYFFE & CO ., F . R . H . S .. Hj a a , *< J ' S a ^ * M $ P VXZEMED ^ AL SEEDS . -life s £ bt Z ^^^ ^^^^!^*^^ —vuti ^ i ? r ** --x A a . ? j 3 f I " 5 , CARRTAffETREr ^ YTDECATALQeUL' ' . t-njo $ 4 iz ipx ^<^ ;^>^ , x ^ 2 ' * l & JuV 7 $ K X % t ~ 9 ILJltoilV lp | ^* 5 | $ & Wk * 7 | 0 F 3 " " — % Im 5 2 129 HIGH HOLBORN . W . C . r ' '
^ ^ 4 | L- ^ BOILING WATER £ &~ : 3 S | 8 f HALF A MINUTE . onto pl ^ lfjpll THE OROWISS ^ ik " ^^ m INSTANTANEOUS | | l ^ iffi WATER WAm 'tfrt illtlt- ^ llll ^ l 3 th 0 * BeSt - BoilGr £ 0 ? ' -pl jl ;|| ' ! f !^| l || .... _ Baths . Lavatories , and all Nil ' : li ^ rlill-iijjjiillPi ' ---A Domestic Purposes . -i i ' ! 1 !!! 1 ! ' ; !! i !!;! i !!;;' - ;;| j- 'illF uff- ^ H § imt ^ Mi — - ^ I ^ ySIMfew SWART & SON , ^' ^^^^^^^ 3-10 EUSTON EOAD .
PROVINCE OF SURREY . THE E . W . BEO . GEN . STUDHOLME BEOWNEIGG , C . B . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGK will bo held on Silturdav , tho 21 th day of July 1880 , at Ono o'cloc-s in the Afternoon punctually , at tho Public Hull , Sutton , ' in tho County of Surrey , when tho Members ot tho Provincial Grand Lodgo , aud the other brethren of the Province , are requested to attend . By command of tho R . W . P . G . Master , CHARLES GREENWOOD , Proeineial CI mud Secretary . 61 Nelson-square , lllackfriars-road , aUU Juno 1880 . P . S . —The Banquet will take place at o' . 30 o ' clock precisely . Tickets for which ( price 15 s ) may bo had of Bro . James Hamer Owens , P . M ., Sutton , Surrey ; or of tho Provincial Grand Secretary . The R . W . l' . Ci . Master requests tho attendance of the Brethren at Divine Service at tlie Parish Church , at 2 ' 15 p . m . A Sermon will bo preached by the W . Uro . the Provincial Grand Chaplain . Brethren not to appear in Masonic Costume at Divino Service .
THE AMERICAN PORTABLE MUSIC STANDS . J . F . WALTERS' PATENT Iron , from 10 / 6 each . Brass , from 30 / - each . y \ fje \ f p-J— f r ^^ v mJ & - £ b rpiIESE Stands are unsurpassed in simplicity , strength , portability , . JL cheapness , and elegance of finish . They aro suitable for "Military Bands , Orchestras , Beading and News Rooms , Libraries , Studies , and Drawing Rooms . When opened to tlieir lull capacity they stand 5 feet high , and can be folded and enclosed in a caso 21 inches long by 2 inches diameter . The weight is about ; i lbs . 12 o / .., and thoy will support a weight of JO lbs . To ic obtained of all JZKSI ' Dealers , and of the llaiwfuelurcrs ami Proprietor * of the Patent , HARROW & GO . MUSIC SMITHS , BRASS WORKERS , & c . 13 & 14 Portland Street , Soho , London , W . DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS FREE .
Ninth Edition , post free , Ono Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise ou the only Successful Method of Curing the Disease . By ROBERT G . WAITS , M . D ., "F . R . S . L . y & c , 5 Bulstrodc-street , Cavendish-squaro , London . London : " \ IITCJII ; M . xso Co ., Ked Lion-court , Fleet-street . - - ^ - — ~ - ^— -i - . — ... ., , —
DINNERS FROM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THEEE o'clock . pHOPS and STEAKS from the GRILL , till FIVE o'Clock . T . Maidwell , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall St ., City .
VITBUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . DEO . ISAAC , who has for sotno timo pastprovided for the require-O ments of this Lodgo , begs to announce thnt he has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the Belvcdcre-road , and that he has erected commodious premises there . Theso comprise . A . S ^ A-CIOTJS ZMI-ASOlsriC HALL . WITH AITTE liOO . irS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed . G . ISAAC , " WI / ITJ : HAKT , " COLLEGE STHEET , LAiiuKTir , LONI-OIY , S . E .
MUSIC-UN 1 VE " " SV 1 USIC . CHALLKNGli : TO THE WORLD . T WILL PAY £ o to any person—not blind—und in full possession of their faculties , who fails to play a Piano or Harmonium by my system r . MsrEniATELY — -- 'ithout the SI . H ; IITI : ST KNowr . Knr-i ; of Mi'sic or of the LXSTKUMKITT it-elf . Full particulars , post free , Twelve Stamps . P . CALDER , TOTTERDOWN , BRISTOL . Christian Globe of 27 th September 1 S 7 U says : — "It is quite equal to all it pro « fesfccs to accomplish . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STEEET . LONDON W . C . The at ! mi ruble ami uiinviiUediifcoiumodatiou provided at till Establishment for ZMULSOZEsTIC ZBA-ZCTQIXIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & e . Is too well known to need comment . Tlio entire luatiau'enu'iithiis been chanjretl , ftinl tho Establishment in uliits brunches thoroughly ru-oryiinisccl . The attention of the Masonic Ilody is directed to the many advantages ofTerca . CTJISI * rSTJT * OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTEE . WINKS PERFECT IJV CONDITION ANO ( tUAIiITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tlio fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR
IROIT ^ AL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOB AGED FREEMASONS AND UIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , O 11 O Y r > O N - Patron and President : Ills HovAi HIGHNKSS THE PI-INCE ot' WALKS , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M A VACANCY having occurred in tho Ollico of Collector of thia Institution , Brethren ( who must bo Master Masons , and between the ages of Twenty-live and Forty-live years ) desirous of becoming Candidates for the same nre ' requested to send in their applications , accompanied with Testimonials , not later than Monday , the 12 th July next , to the undersigned , from whom all information respecting the duties of the Oflico can bo obtained . By Order , JAMES TERRY , i Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . Secretory . 2 oth Juno 1880 .
% wl liasaiiir Institution for °$ Qm , ** WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Office : —6 Freemasons' Hall , Great ( , ) ueen Street , London , W . C . Patron : HER MAJESTY : THE QUEEN . President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS TIIK PUINCE OI- WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers will be held iit Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Lincolu's-inn-fields , London , on Monday , the 12 th day of July 18 *) , for the transaction of tho ordinary business of tho f nstitution to adopt a recommendation from tho General Committee that sixteen bo elected from an approved list of seventythree candidates at tho Quarterly Genci-al Court to bo hold on Monday , tho 11 th day of October next . N . B . —The chair will be taken at four o'c ' ock in tho afternoon precisely . By order , FREDKIUCK BINCKES , ( P . G . Std . ) , V . Pros ., Secretary . London , 3 rd July 1880 .
I DiCK RADCLYFFE & CO ., F . R . H . S .. Hj a a , *< J ' S a ^ * M $ P VXZEMED ^ AL SEEDS . -life s £ bt Z ^^^ ^^^^!^*^^ —vuti ^ i ? r ** --x A a . ? j 3 f I " 5 , CARRTAffETREr ^ YTDECATALQeUL' ' . t-njo $ 4 iz ipx ^<^ ;^>^ , x ^ 2 ' * l & JuV 7 $ K X % t ~ 9 ILJltoilV lp | ^* 5 | $ & Wk * 7 | 0 F 3 " " — % Im 5 2 129 HIGH HOLBORN . W . C . r ' '
^ ^ 4 | L- ^ BOILING WATER £ &~ : 3 S | 8 f HALF A MINUTE . onto pl ^ lfjpll THE OROWISS ^ ik " ^^ m INSTANTANEOUS | | l ^ iffi WATER WAm 'tfrt illtlt- ^ llll ^ l 3 th 0 * BeSt - BoilGr £ 0 ? ' -pl jl ;|| ' ! f !^| l || .... _ Baths . Lavatories , and all Nil ' : li ^ rlill-iijjjiillPi ' ---A Domestic Purposes . -i i ' ! 1 !!! 1 ! ' ; !! i !!;! i !!;;' - ;;| j- 'illF uff- ^ H § imt ^ Mi — - ^ I ^ ySIMfew SWART & SON , ^' ^^^^^^^ 3-10 EUSTON EOAD .
PROVINCE OF SURREY . THE E . W . BEO . GEN . STUDHOLME BEOWNEIGG , C . B . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGK will bo held on Silturdav , tho 21 th day of July 1880 , at Ono o'cloc-s in the Afternoon punctually , at tho Public Hull , Sutton , ' in tho County of Surrey , when tho Members ot tho Provincial Grand Lodgo , aud the other brethren of the Province , are requested to attend . By command of tho R . W . P . G . Master , CHARLES GREENWOOD , Proeineial CI mud Secretary . 61 Nelson-square , lllackfriars-road , aUU Juno 1880 . P . S . —The Banquet will take place at o' . 30 o ' clock precisely . Tickets for which ( price 15 s ) may bo had of Bro . James Hamer Owens , P . M ., Sutton , Surrey ; or of tho Provincial Grand Secretary . The R . W . l' . Ci . Master requests tho attendance of the Brethren at Divine Service at tlie Parish Church , at 2 ' 15 p . m . A Sermon will bo preached by the W . Uro . the Provincial Grand Chaplain . Brethren not to appear in Masonic Costume at Divino Service .
THE AMERICAN PORTABLE MUSIC STANDS . J . F . WALTERS' PATENT Iron , from 10 / 6 each . Brass , from 30 / - each . y \ fje \ f p-J— f r ^^ v mJ & - £ b rpiIESE Stands are unsurpassed in simplicity , strength , portability , . JL cheapness , and elegance of finish . They aro suitable for "Military Bands , Orchestras , Beading and News Rooms , Libraries , Studies , and Drawing Rooms . When opened to tlieir lull capacity they stand 5 feet high , and can be folded and enclosed in a caso 21 inches long by 2 inches diameter . The weight is about ; i lbs . 12 o / .., and thoy will support a weight of JO lbs . To ic obtained of all JZKSI ' Dealers , and of the llaiwfuelurcrs ami Proprietor * of the Patent , HARROW & GO . MUSIC SMITHS , BRASS WORKERS , & c . 13 & 14 Portland Street , Soho , London , W . DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS FREE .
Ninth Edition , post free , Ono Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise ou the only Successful Method of Curing the Disease . By ROBERT G . WAITS , M . D ., "F . R . S . L . y & c , 5 Bulstrodc-street , Cavendish-squaro , London . London : " \ IITCJII ; M . xso Co ., Ked Lion-court , Fleet-street . - - ^ - — ~ - ^— -i - . — ... ., , —
DINNERS FROM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THEEE o'clock . pHOPS and STEAKS from the GRILL , till FIVE o'Clock . T . Maidwell , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall St ., City .
VITBUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . DEO . ISAAC , who has for sotno timo pastprovided for the require-O ments of this Lodgo , begs to announce thnt he has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the Belvcdcre-road , and that he has erected commodious premises there . Theso comprise . A . S ^ A-CIOTJS ZMI-ASOlsriC HALL . WITH AITTE liOO . irS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed . G . ISAAC , " WI / ITJ : HAKT , " COLLEGE STHEET , LAiiuKTir , LONI-OIY , S . E .
MUSIC-UN 1 VE " " SV 1 USIC . CHALLKNGli : TO THE WORLD . T WILL PAY £ o to any person—not blind—und in full possession of their faculties , who fails to play a Piano or Harmonium by my system r . MsrEniATELY — -- 'ithout the SI . H ; IITI : ST KNowr . Knr-i ; of Mi'sic or of the LXSTKUMKITT it-elf . Full particulars , post free , Twelve Stamps . P . CALDER , TOTTERDOWN , BRISTOL . Christian Globe of 27 th September 1 S 7 U says : — "It is quite equal to all it pro « fesfccs to accomplish . "