Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
manner , —that brother seemingly having become at last alive to the fact that a Mason of several years' standing , ancl who has taken so warm an interest in tho Order , might bo expected to possess some knowledge of the ritual and sections , of which , however , hitherto there had been no indications . We trust Bro . Pitt will persevere in his efforts , for he possesses all the qualities calculated to make him
an eloquent and intelligent exponent . Bro . Brown , W . M . of the Sincerity , will preside on Wednesday next . Thoso who are acquainted with this brother ' s working , both in Craft and Arch , will bear testimony to his abilities ; aud those who have not that advantage , will bo gratified to witness the work done with exceptional skill . Lodge opens at 7 p . m .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . — - At the present time many of onr Ledges of instruction aro closed ; still there is a largo section of onr brethren who , no matter whether it be summer or winter , devote one or moro nights of each week to acquiring Masonic instruction . As wo have time after time said , there are afc tho Dalhousie several competent brethren who are always
ready to impart to tho tyro the Masonio knowledge they themselves havo acquired . Hence , whenever wo visit this Lodgo of Instruction we invariably find a fair attendance of members of tho Craft . On Tuesday , 6 th of August , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownnllroad , Dalston . Bros . J . Lorkin W . M ., Forss S . W ., Sbitcr J . W .. Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., Hunt S . D ., Gilliam J . D ., Polak I . G . ' ,
Wallington Preceptor . Bros . Tnrquand , Verry , & c . Lodgo was opened and minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Christian candidate . The Lodgo was opened np , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Christian still acting as candidate . Bro . Forss Avas elected W . M . for next Tuesday .
Mark Masonry.
THE Annual Meeting of the Masonic Mark Master Masons' Pro . vincial Grand Lodge of Devon was held on Tuesday , HOth July , at the Masonio Hall , Devon-square , in tho town of Newton . R . W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . J . Tanner Davey J . P . P . G . M . M . presided , supported by his Officers : —V . W . Bro . the Eov . 11 . Bowden P . P . G . Chap . D . P . G . M . pro torn ; W . Bros . Dr . Woodgates S . G . W ., Major J . G . Shanks P . P . G . S . W . J . G . W . pro tem , J . B . Gover M . O ., T . B . Bichards
J . O ., tho Rev . T . W . Lemon M . A . P . P . G . O . Chap , pro tem , R . B . Twose Treas ., Elliot Square Reg ., Vincent Bird Past G . M . O . of England P . P . G . T . Sec , J . G . H . Evans D . C , R . Blight A . D . C , Jno . Masters S . of Works ., R . Pengelly St . B ., Thos . Searle Purs ., H . Stocker St ., Jno . Rogers Tyler . Among the brethren present wero also the following P . P . G . Officers and Lodge Officers : —W . Bros .
S . Jones Past S . G . W . of England , John Du Pre Past G . St . B . of England , J . T . Shapland P . P . G . J . W ., S . Jew P . P . G . M . O ., A . Bodley P . P . G . J . O ., L . D . Westcott P . P . G . Treas ., Jos . Ansten Past P . G . S . D . of England , E . Aitken-Davies P . P . G . J . D ., J . M . Hifley P . P . G . J . D ., W . Browning P . P . G . J . D ., Jno . Olver W . M . 215 P . P . G . A . D . C , J . H . Toms P . M . and Treas . 100 P . P . G . St . B ., C Croydon P . P . G . St . B .,
E . J . Knight W . M . 16 P . P . G . S . B ., Jno . Blackler W . M . 91 , S . D . Nicholls W . M . 186 ; Bros , the Rev . F . A . S . Bellamy Chap . 35 , E . Binding J . W . 16 , J . H . Stephens S . W . 48 , IT . Bridgman M . 0 . 91 , J . R . W . Qninn R . N . S . W . M , H . Horton J . O . 35 , W . Vicary S . O . 215 , F . Littleton J . W . 48 , J . S . Saunders S . W . 215 , Jno . Stocker S . W . 15 , Jas . Jerman J . W . 15 , Jno . Ingle J . D . 215 , W . Harris J . W . 215 ,
Jno . NenoI . G . 76 , Jno . Allen Past S . W . 90 , Jno . S . Roach I . G . 50 , Henry Clark J . D . 15 , H . G . Beachey M . O . 215 , E . Thos . Fulford S . O . 15 , W . F . Quicke D . C . 15 , F . J . Pratt M . O . 100 , Charles G . Vicary S . D . 215 and Canynges , Bristol , C Pope Sec . 215 , Herbert Martin Reg . 215 , Charles Stevens I . G . 215 , Lewis E . Bearne O . 215 , Jno . Haywood Tyler 215 . The minutes of tho last Provincial Grand
. Lodge meeting , held at Tavistock , 17 th Oct . 1877 , Avere read and confirmed . The Secretary , W . Bro . Bird , reported that all the dnes and fees had been paid . There was a balance remaining in hand of £ 23 2 s 7 d . At a meeting of the Board of General Purposes , held at the Masonic Temple , Plymouth , on the evening of 26 th Jnly , the accounts were duly audited . Several applications for relief had
been received , bnt not being submitted in accordance with the regulations , could nofc bo accepted . They had to bo deferred . The Board of General Purposes recommended that none of the money at present in hand shonld be voted by that meeting . The Treasurer , W . Bro . R . B . Twose , read his report in detail , which , together with the report of the Board of General Purposes , confirmed the Secretary ' s
report . The reports were unanimously received and adopted . VV . Bros . S . Je ; v , J . B . Gover , C . Godtschalk , and L . D . Westcott ; were reappointed the Board of General Purposes . The ceremony of the constitution of the neAV Mark Lodge as the Devon Lodge , No . 215 , was then proceeded with . The new Devon Lodge was opened by the W . M . designate , W . Bro . John Olver . The P . G . Secretary
announced to the P . G . M . M . that the W . M . nnd members desired to be constituted and consecrated in antient form , aud the P . G . Secretary read the warrant from the M . W . the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Limerick , authorising the constitution of tho said Lodge . In reply to a query from the P . G . M . M ., the brethren of the new Lodge signified their assent to the appointment of the Officers named in the warrant , and nominated W . Bro . John Olver W . M ., Bros . John
S . Saunders S . W ., W . Harris J . W ., H . George Beachey M . O ., W . Vicary S . O ., F . D . Bewes J . O ., C . G . Vicary S . D ., John Ingle J . D ., H . Martin Registrar of Marks , William Vicary Treasurer , C . Pope Secretary , Charles Stevens I . G ., John Haywood Tyler . The Master and members of the new Lodge wero pledged to obey the laws and constitntion of tho G . L . of Mark Masters . The P . G . M . M . then declared tho Devon Mark Lodge , No . 215 , to be a regular and duly constituted Lodge . The ceremony of the consecration of the Lodge
Mark Masonry.
followed .- —The P . G . M . M . gavo the Invocation , and the P . G . Chap , pro tem , the Rev . T . W . Lemon , offered up the consecration and dedication prayers . Afc the close of the consecration of the new Lodge , the ordinary bnsiness of tho P . G . Lodgo was lvsnmed . On the proposition of W . Bro . R . B . Twose , seconded by W . Bro . Major Shanks R . M ., Bro . William Vicary , 215 , was unanimously elected tho Trca .
surer for the ensnincr year , and W . Bro . John Roctors was re-elected tho Tyler . The P . G . M . M . then invested the following brethren as the Officers for tho ensuing year : —V . W . Bro . the Rev . R . Bowdon D . P . G . M . ; W . Bros , the Hon . " W . H . Joliffo 35 P . S . G . W ., II . Horton 35 P . J . G . W ., C Godtschalk 66 P . G . M . O ., Lieut . J . R . W . Qninn R . N . 64 P . G . S . O ., John Bladder 91 P . G . J . O ., the Rev . F . A . S . Bellamy 35 P . G . Chap ., W . Vicarv P . G . Treas ., J . H . Keats 50 P . G . Reg .,
V . W . Bro . Vincent Bird fit P . G . Sec , R . Lose 'IS P . G . St . B ., W . Cole 9 P . G . J . D ., John Stocker 15 P . G . S . W ., H . Stocker 15 P . G . D . C , T . Searle 100 P . G . A . D . C , John Moysoy 76 P . G . S . B ., John II . Stephens 48 P . G . St . B ., E . Binding 16 P . G . O ., J . E . Galliford 9 P . G . Pnrs ., F . Littleton 48 , John Allen 96 , S . D . Nicholls 23 P . G . Stewards , John Rogers P . G . Tyler . In the evening tho brethren dined in two parties , those that left early at Magor ' a Commercial Hotol , and the others later , afc tho Globo Hotel .
"MEMORY AND RAPID WRITINO . "—Professor Stokes , so long and honourably connected with tho Polytechnic Institution , as lecturer on , and teacher of tho above valuable sciences , is now giving a course of lectures , which , wo aro pleased to find , seem highly appreciated , both by the general audience as well as by his many pupils , who mako rapid progress under his system ; in fact , nothing could be more plain than tho means suggested . Mr . Stokes is fcho author of some educational works of exceptional merit .
THEFREEMASON'SOHRONIGLE. A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grancl Ledge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller jn ToAvn or Country , bnt shonld any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , afc Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medinm for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Colnmn Advertisements ls per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to Trip . FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 G Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 G Agents , frcn whom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , 169 Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . II . VICKERS , 317 Strand . Mr . J . CLARKE , 37 Goswell Road , E . C .
NOTICE . — BACK NUMBERS . Brethren Avho desire to complete their sets of tho FREEMASON ' S CKRONICI / E , should make early application
for Back Numbers . At present all aro m print , but ot some Ave have only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several volumes can be had at the Office , G 7 Barbican .
" A suitable gift from a Master to his Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PEICE 3 s Gd EACH , VOLUMES 1 to 7 . London . —W . W . MOIJGAN , 07 Barbican , E . C . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . Cloth Cases for Binding can bo had from any Bookseller , prico ls Gd each .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
manner , —that brother seemingly having become at last alive to the fact that a Mason of several years' standing , ancl who has taken so warm an interest in tho Order , might bo expected to possess some knowledge of the ritual and sections , of which , however , hitherto there had been no indications . We trust Bro . Pitt will persevere in his efforts , for he possesses all the qualities calculated to make him
an eloquent and intelligent exponent . Bro . Brown , W . M . of the Sincerity , will preside on Wednesday next . Thoso who are acquainted with this brother ' s working , both in Craft and Arch , will bear testimony to his abilities ; aud those who have not that advantage , will bo gratified to witness the work done with exceptional skill . Lodge opens at 7 p . m .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . — - At the present time many of onr Ledges of instruction aro closed ; still there is a largo section of onr brethren who , no matter whether it be summer or winter , devote one or moro nights of each week to acquiring Masonic instruction . As wo have time after time said , there are afc tho Dalhousie several competent brethren who are always
ready to impart to tho tyro the Masonio knowledge they themselves havo acquired . Hence , whenever wo visit this Lodgo of Instruction we invariably find a fair attendance of members of tho Craft . On Tuesday , 6 th of August , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownnllroad , Dalston . Bros . J . Lorkin W . M ., Forss S . W ., Sbitcr J . W .. Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., Hunt S . D ., Gilliam J . D ., Polak I . G . ' ,
Wallington Preceptor . Bros . Tnrquand , Verry , & c . Lodgo was opened and minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Christian candidate . The Lodgo was opened np , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Christian still acting as candidate . Bro . Forss Avas elected W . M . for next Tuesday .
Mark Masonry.
THE Annual Meeting of the Masonic Mark Master Masons' Pro . vincial Grand Lodge of Devon was held on Tuesday , HOth July , at the Masonio Hall , Devon-square , in tho town of Newton . R . W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . J . Tanner Davey J . P . P . G . M . M . presided , supported by his Officers : —V . W . Bro . the Eov . 11 . Bowden P . P . G . Chap . D . P . G . M . pro torn ; W . Bros . Dr . Woodgates S . G . W ., Major J . G . Shanks P . P . G . S . W . J . G . W . pro tem , J . B . Gover M . O ., T . B . Bichards
J . O ., tho Rev . T . W . Lemon M . A . P . P . G . O . Chap , pro tem , R . B . Twose Treas ., Elliot Square Reg ., Vincent Bird Past G . M . O . of England P . P . G . T . Sec , J . G . H . Evans D . C , R . Blight A . D . C , Jno . Masters S . of Works ., R . Pengelly St . B ., Thos . Searle Purs ., H . Stocker St ., Jno . Rogers Tyler . Among the brethren present wero also the following P . P . G . Officers and Lodge Officers : —W . Bros .
S . Jones Past S . G . W . of England , John Du Pre Past G . St . B . of England , J . T . Shapland P . P . G . J . W ., S . Jew P . P . G . M . O ., A . Bodley P . P . G . J . O ., L . D . Westcott P . P . G . Treas ., Jos . Ansten Past P . G . S . D . of England , E . Aitken-Davies P . P . G . J . D ., J . M . Hifley P . P . G . J . D ., W . Browning P . P . G . J . D ., Jno . Olver W . M . 215 P . P . G . A . D . C , J . H . Toms P . M . and Treas . 100 P . P . G . St . B ., C Croydon P . P . G . St . B .,
E . J . Knight W . M . 16 P . P . G . S . B ., Jno . Blackler W . M . 91 , S . D . Nicholls W . M . 186 ; Bros , the Rev . F . A . S . Bellamy Chap . 35 , E . Binding J . W . 16 , J . H . Stephens S . W . 48 , IT . Bridgman M . 0 . 91 , J . R . W . Qninn R . N . S . W . M , H . Horton J . O . 35 , W . Vicary S . O . 215 , F . Littleton J . W . 48 , J . S . Saunders S . W . 215 , Jno . Stocker S . W . 15 , Jas . Jerman J . W . 15 , Jno . Ingle J . D . 215 , W . Harris J . W . 215 ,
Jno . NenoI . G . 76 , Jno . Allen Past S . W . 90 , Jno . S . Roach I . G . 50 , Henry Clark J . D . 15 , H . G . Beachey M . O . 215 , E . Thos . Fulford S . O . 15 , W . F . Quicke D . C . 15 , F . J . Pratt M . O . 100 , Charles G . Vicary S . D . 215 and Canynges , Bristol , C Pope Sec . 215 , Herbert Martin Reg . 215 , Charles Stevens I . G . 215 , Lewis E . Bearne O . 215 , Jno . Haywood Tyler 215 . The minutes of tho last Provincial Grand
. Lodge meeting , held at Tavistock , 17 th Oct . 1877 , Avere read and confirmed . The Secretary , W . Bro . Bird , reported that all the dnes and fees had been paid . There was a balance remaining in hand of £ 23 2 s 7 d . At a meeting of the Board of General Purposes , held at the Masonic Temple , Plymouth , on the evening of 26 th Jnly , the accounts were duly audited . Several applications for relief had
been received , bnt not being submitted in accordance with the regulations , could nofc bo accepted . They had to bo deferred . The Board of General Purposes recommended that none of the money at present in hand shonld be voted by that meeting . The Treasurer , W . Bro . R . B . Twose , read his report in detail , which , together with the report of the Board of General Purposes , confirmed the Secretary ' s
report . The reports were unanimously received and adopted . VV . Bros . S . Je ; v , J . B . Gover , C . Godtschalk , and L . D . Westcott ; were reappointed the Board of General Purposes . The ceremony of the constitution of the neAV Mark Lodge as the Devon Lodge , No . 215 , was then proceeded with . The new Devon Lodge was opened by the W . M . designate , W . Bro . John Olver . The P . G . Secretary
announced to the P . G . M . M . that the W . M . nnd members desired to be constituted and consecrated in antient form , aud the P . G . Secretary read the warrant from the M . W . the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Limerick , authorising the constitution of tho said Lodge . In reply to a query from the P . G . M . M ., the brethren of the new Lodge signified their assent to the appointment of the Officers named in the warrant , and nominated W . Bro . John Olver W . M ., Bros . John
S . Saunders S . W ., W . Harris J . W ., H . George Beachey M . O ., W . Vicary S . O ., F . D . Bewes J . O ., C . G . Vicary S . D ., John Ingle J . D ., H . Martin Registrar of Marks , William Vicary Treasurer , C . Pope Secretary , Charles Stevens I . G ., John Haywood Tyler . The Master and members of the new Lodge wero pledged to obey the laws and constitntion of tho G . L . of Mark Masters . The P . G . M . M . then declared tho Devon Mark Lodge , No . 215 , to be a regular and duly constituted Lodge . The ceremony of the consecration of the Lodge
Mark Masonry.
followed .- —The P . G . M . M . gavo the Invocation , and the P . G . Chap , pro tem , the Rev . T . W . Lemon , offered up the consecration and dedication prayers . Afc the close of the consecration of the new Lodge , the ordinary bnsiness of tho P . G . Lodgo was lvsnmed . On the proposition of W . Bro . R . B . Twose , seconded by W . Bro . Major Shanks R . M ., Bro . William Vicary , 215 , was unanimously elected tho Trca .
surer for the ensnincr year , and W . Bro . John Roctors was re-elected tho Tyler . The P . G . M . M . then invested the following brethren as the Officers for tho ensuing year : —V . W . Bro . the Rev . R . Bowdon D . P . G . M . ; W . Bros , the Hon . " W . H . Joliffo 35 P . S . G . W ., II . Horton 35 P . J . G . W ., C Godtschalk 66 P . G . M . O ., Lieut . J . R . W . Qninn R . N . 64 P . G . S . O ., John Bladder 91 P . G . J . O ., the Rev . F . A . S . Bellamy 35 P . G . Chap ., W . Vicarv P . G . Treas ., J . H . Keats 50 P . G . Reg .,
V . W . Bro . Vincent Bird fit P . G . Sec , R . Lose 'IS P . G . St . B ., W . Cole 9 P . G . J . D ., John Stocker 15 P . G . S . W ., H . Stocker 15 P . G . D . C , T . Searle 100 P . G . A . D . C , John Moysoy 76 P . G . S . B ., John II . Stephens 48 P . G . St . B ., E . Binding 16 P . G . O ., J . E . Galliford 9 P . G . Pnrs ., F . Littleton 48 , John Allen 96 , S . D . Nicholls 23 P . G . Stewards , John Rogers P . G . Tyler . In the evening tho brethren dined in two parties , those that left early at Magor ' a Commercial Hotol , and the others later , afc tho Globo Hotel .
"MEMORY AND RAPID WRITINO . "—Professor Stokes , so long and honourably connected with tho Polytechnic Institution , as lecturer on , and teacher of tho above valuable sciences , is now giving a course of lectures , which , wo aro pleased to find , seem highly appreciated , both by the general audience as well as by his many pupils , who mako rapid progress under his system ; in fact , nothing could be more plain than tho means suggested . Mr . Stokes is fcho author of some educational works of exceptional merit .
THEFREEMASON'SOHRONIGLE. A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grancl Ledge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller jn ToAvn or Country , bnt shonld any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , afc Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medinm for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Colnmn Advertisements ls per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to Trip . FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 G Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 G Agents , frcn whom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , 169 Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . II . VICKERS , 317 Strand . Mr . J . CLARKE , 37 Goswell Road , E . C .
NOTICE . — BACK NUMBERS . Brethren Avho desire to complete their sets of tho FREEMASON ' S CKRONICI / E , should make early application
for Back Numbers . At present all aro m print , but ot some Ave have only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several volumes can be had at the Office , G 7 Barbican .
" A suitable gift from a Master to his Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PEICE 3 s Gd EACH , VOLUMES 1 to 7 . London . —W . W . MOIJGAN , 07 Barbican , E . C . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . Cloth Cases for Binding can bo had from any Bookseller , prico ls Gd each .