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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CAOTTONSTREETHOTEL,CANNONSTREET,LONDON,E.C. Has been thoroughly renovated , * the Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in tho Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OF TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITOES AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for I . ONO or SHORT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION I ; NRIVAIJ , EI > . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHURALLISON&CO. fimdmtt,§mmkm§t$mmi^mmmm MANUFACTURERS , •40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Bumsclen's Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . Tl . H . tlio Princess Louise . TTnll IlVastrated 3 ? T * ice List * post , froo on . application to No . < LO G-veat Marlboi'onsrli Street . NOTE ALDBESS—a change having recently Icen made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS , GKROyBET&aBOYEB LET ON HIRE , AVITH OPTION OV ntROHASE , n ^^ g ^ ' BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . SliilfiL PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , - ¦ - =-jt FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . -J £ S The Advantage * of n Trial , witJt the Convenience of tlie m— - ? .. J ] f ? Three Tears' System at 15 s i » cv quarter GR0VEB&GE0¥ER,1579KingslandEoad, £ STABX . TSI » : i > 1830 .
FIRSTCLASSPROVISIONSATWHOLESALE'PRICES. MEMBERS OP THE OK AFT supplied with the very finest qualities of all kinds of PE 0 VISI 0 NS , which aro now Delivered Fico in all the Suburban Districts Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & e . Eggs ... Kew Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest UiM Cured . Hams ... Vino flavoured York anti Irish . Bath . Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , Hamnna Tongue , & c . fveshdaUy Cheese ... American , Chechia Stilton , & c . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . Fresh deliveries < laily , at Wholesale Prices , of AMBRIOA 1 T IF IR , E S IK IB IE IE IF . Pronounced by tho Press to be equal , if not superior , to the BEST BEEF OP HOME GROWTH . BULT & CO ., 805 UPPEB THAMES STJ 3 EET , E . C .
Bro . A . 0 LDE 0 YD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN bo obtained direct from the Maker ) at the undermentioned prices , on receipt oE P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDEOTD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Imuortor oE Havana and Continental Cigaw , 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E
POSITIONS IN THB CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . Lo . xa , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to tho "Key to the Chess Openings , " by tha same author . LOHDOK : W . W . MoGGAir , 67 BAHBICAH - , E . C .
GLASGOW AMD THE HIGHLANDS . "DOTAL KOTJTE , vW , Crinan and Calet \ i ( Ionian Canals by "Royal Mail St-amer "IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and f ' voni Greenock at 0 a . m ., convening passengers for the NORTH and WEST HIGHLANDS . —See bill , with map nnd tourist fares , free , at Messrs . CHATTO and WINDUS . Publishers , 74 Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVID HUTCHESOS and Co ., 110 Hope Street , Glasgow .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Stmex County Journal Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . "The Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May's British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices " : —154 Queo ' n Street , Portsea . Bro . R . Hor . BEooK & SOKS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies iu all tho principal towns in the district . j Advertisements should ho forwarded to roach tho Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown avo ., Cloth ni . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY mon HIE CIIKSS BOARS , by Captain Hugh A , Kennedy , Vice-President of tho British Chess Association . TV . W . MoBGAir , 0 " BAKBICAJT , Losnos .
B 1 TPT-U-BBS . BV ROVAt LETTERS f . tTE . VT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN" LEVER TRUSS COMPANY 1 . 1 M 1 TF .-D . WHITE'S MOO-MAIN LEYER TRUSS U allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the £ SlL most effective invention in the cuvative trcat-» lffl ment of Hernia . The it . se of a steel spring , so . xjF often hurtful in ita effects , la here avoided , a Qr ftiWK sof fc bftnflatre beintr worn round the body , while < && rflilK tho requisite resisting- power is supplied bv tho £ * OVlll \ MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER fitting u lw /|[ l | with so much ease and looseness fciiafc it cannot Q 1 / J 11 I bo detected , and may be worn durimr sleep , £ &\ s ^ llV A descriptive circular may bo had , and the £ K ? C 1 if Truss , which cannot iail to fit , forwarded by /> w j y post on the circumference of tho body two / // v \ f l « - ' below tlio loins beinn . "cut to tbe manu-% f ( \ IA Focturer , Pa \ \ Mr . JOHN WHITE , 223 PTCCADILLT , LONDON , ' tjB \ I Priooof asingle Truss , lG 3 , 2 l 3 , 2 UsGcl & Rls <> d . TO / Postase free . Price of a Double Truss 31 s Grl , 4 ' . 'a - jA . rA [ - - and sa . jM . rostajpo free . Price of an Umbilical J ^ rf 1 Lriff Truss , -i-ls and . ' ¦ ¦ i s lid . Postage free . Post Office = ~ Orders to bo inado payable to JOHN WHIT E Post Office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT TjlLASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c ., ili for VATUCOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLINGS of tho LEGS , SPRAINS . & c . They are porous , light iu texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price 4 a f * l , fs Gd , 10 a and 18 * each post free , pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both ^ -J sexes . ) Vov Gentlemen they act as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they aro invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve tho symmetry of tho abs-t . Prices for children 5 s lid , 7 s lid and 10 s Cd ; adults 13 s Cd and 21 s , post five . . JOHN WHITE , MAJfui-ACTtntEit , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
F . AQLASO'S JEWEL ATTACHER . S . SS 3 5 / -J / / ggjM || # J (7^Hftljf r . fpmSe 7 ?; s . ? ¦» * •¦ •SSSB ^^ A / . / V " 225 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
TAMAR IJNTDISJNT . SPEC'IAII CAWXZOX * /^ WING to tho marked success of fcbia V _/ medicine , tha only patonfc medicino unlveraaHypvescvibed by the faculty , and the acknowledged cure fov constipation , h- ^ iidache , UUe , UrGmovthoids , v : c . % BASS IMITATION'S , coxitaininrr dnt « tifl irritants , avo beins ? t ' ohstcfl on the puVjlic . The genuiuft pruparatiou be . irs tho title "Tamnrlndicn , " and fcho signature K . tHULLON ' , Colcman-sfc ., TJOIKIOU , E . C . Prico - -i Ud per box . In a roeonfc c .-i . ^ c , 187 f > , 0 . "No . 211 . a perpetual injunction to restrain tlie deteiidauc from applying tho name "Tumav" to hi .- ! lozensos WAH awmdod , with cost ? , by Vice- Chancel lot * Bacon , on 10 th ¦ Tiinuary 1377 , ancl all ouch piracies will bo summarily proneeded tt- ' ^ y . lu . At . ^ . B , —Hcq that tlicj ovitcv wrap ; er { direction .- *) aro printed in the Kn ^ lish language , and that each box bears tho Government od stamp .
IW.W.MORGAN,I j 67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . G . 1 I LETTER-PRESS , | q \ t & € Xo ^ . cr " ^> hik & XBc \ tbo ^ n ^ . bk $ PRINTER , I I LEDGER & ACCOUNT BOOK | q > MANUFACTURER , fa % BOOKBINDER , STATIONER * m >() DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER , 16 $ -. _ +.. § ' ) 'D ( ' STKCr . lt . ATTENTIC ) . -. ' GIVES TO ( P j f CSiaaifi'ry Siiliri : : JSJ ! Atsstvei-H > K ( 3 I ' ai'iiMJiifssiai'y £ SiIl < t ( p lO PlaiiM ; siul S ^ artii'iilni'H of Sinle W - ,- ' / . tiiuirali ; . - S'lvatltngs It [ 5 ) S ^ cciJi' -alioai : ! f « s' <'<»! iir !» cior » jh ( j , Apjienl CSMPS nv P «( iiioi ! M ( J 5 , ji Pi'icois C'litTCJii , E <» i > oi't « , etv . JJ B <^ s ^ * O CJ ^ 'J ' Jty ? Ct ' 3 C ^ C 3 *> J £ . *^ C ^^ g ^ e )^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CAOTTONSTREETHOTEL,CANNONSTREET,LONDON,E.C. Has been thoroughly renovated , * the Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in tho Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OF TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITOES AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for I . ONO or SHORT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION I ; NRIVAIJ , EI > . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHURALLISON&CO. fimdmtt,§mmkm§t$mmi^mmmm MANUFACTURERS , •40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Bumsclen's Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . Tl . H . tlio Princess Louise . TTnll IlVastrated 3 ? T * ice List * post , froo on . application to No . < LO G-veat Marlboi'onsrli Street . NOTE ALDBESS—a change having recently Icen made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS , GKROyBET&aBOYEB LET ON HIRE , AVITH OPTION OV ntROHASE , n ^^ g ^ ' BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . SliilfiL PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , - ¦ - =-jt FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . -J £ S The Advantage * of n Trial , witJt the Convenience of tlie m— - ? .. J ] f ? Three Tears' System at 15 s i » cv quarter GR0VEB&GE0¥ER,1579KingslandEoad, £ STABX . TSI » : i > 1830 .
FIRSTCLASSPROVISIONSATWHOLESALE'PRICES. MEMBERS OP THE OK AFT supplied with the very finest qualities of all kinds of PE 0 VISI 0 NS , which aro now Delivered Fico in all the Suburban Districts Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & e . Eggs ... Kew Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest UiM Cured . Hams ... Vino flavoured York anti Irish . Bath . Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , Hamnna Tongue , & c . fveshdaUy Cheese ... American , Chechia Stilton , & c . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . Fresh deliveries < laily , at Wholesale Prices , of AMBRIOA 1 T IF IR , E S IK IB IE IE IF . Pronounced by tho Press to be equal , if not superior , to the BEST BEEF OP HOME GROWTH . BULT & CO ., 805 UPPEB THAMES STJ 3 EET , E . C .
Bro . A . 0 LDE 0 YD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN bo obtained direct from the Maker ) at the undermentioned prices , on receipt oE P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDEOTD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Imuortor oE Havana and Continental Cigaw , 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E
POSITIONS IN THB CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . Lo . xa , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to tho "Key to the Chess Openings , " by tha same author . LOHDOK : W . W . MoGGAir , 67 BAHBICAH - , E . C .
GLASGOW AMD THE HIGHLANDS . "DOTAL KOTJTE , vW , Crinan and Calet \ i ( Ionian Canals by "Royal Mail St-amer "IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and f ' voni Greenock at 0 a . m ., convening passengers for the NORTH and WEST HIGHLANDS . —See bill , with map nnd tourist fares , free , at Messrs . CHATTO and WINDUS . Publishers , 74 Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVID HUTCHESOS and Co ., 110 Hope Street , Glasgow .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Stmex County Journal Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . "The Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May's British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices " : —154 Queo ' n Street , Portsea . Bro . R . Hor . BEooK & SOKS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies iu all tho principal towns in the district . j Advertisements should ho forwarded to roach tho Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown avo ., Cloth ni . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY mon HIE CIIKSS BOARS , by Captain Hugh A , Kennedy , Vice-President of tho British Chess Association . TV . W . MoBGAir , 0 " BAKBICAJT , Losnos .
B 1 TPT-U-BBS . BV ROVAt LETTERS f . tTE . VT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN" LEVER TRUSS COMPANY 1 . 1 M 1 TF .-D . WHITE'S MOO-MAIN LEYER TRUSS U allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the £ SlL most effective invention in the cuvative trcat-» lffl ment of Hernia . The it . se of a steel spring , so . xjF often hurtful in ita effects , la here avoided , a Qr ftiWK sof fc bftnflatre beintr worn round the body , while < && rflilK tho requisite resisting- power is supplied bv tho £ * OVlll \ MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER fitting u lw /|[ l | with so much ease and looseness fciiafc it cannot Q 1 / J 11 I bo detected , and may be worn durimr sleep , £ &\ s ^ llV A descriptive circular may bo had , and the £ K ? C 1 if Truss , which cannot iail to fit , forwarded by /> w j y post on the circumference of tho body two / // v \ f l « - ' below tlio loins beinn . "cut to tbe manu-% f ( \ IA Focturer , Pa \ \ Mr . JOHN WHITE , 223 PTCCADILLT , LONDON , ' tjB \ I Priooof asingle Truss , lG 3 , 2 l 3 , 2 UsGcl & Rls <> d . TO / Postase free . Price of a Double Truss 31 s Grl , 4 ' . 'a - jA . rA [ - - and sa . jM . rostajpo free . Price of an Umbilical J ^ rf 1 Lriff Truss , -i-ls and . ' ¦ ¦ i s lid . Postage free . Post Office = ~ Orders to bo inado payable to JOHN WHIT E Post Office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT TjlLASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c ., ili for VATUCOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLINGS of tho LEGS , SPRAINS . & c . They are porous , light iu texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price 4 a f * l , fs Gd , 10 a and 18 * each post free , pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both ^ -J sexes . ) Vov Gentlemen they act as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they aro invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve tho symmetry of tho abs-t . Prices for children 5 s lid , 7 s lid and 10 s Cd ; adults 13 s Cd and 21 s , post five . . JOHN WHITE , MAJfui-ACTtntEit , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
F . AQLASO'S JEWEL ATTACHER . S . SS 3 5 / -J / / ggjM || # J (7^Hftljf r . fpmSe 7 ?; s . ? ¦» * •¦ •SSSB ^^ A / . / V " 225 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
TAMAR IJNTDISJNT . SPEC'IAII CAWXZOX * /^ WING to tho marked success of fcbia V _/ medicine , tha only patonfc medicino unlveraaHypvescvibed by the faculty , and the acknowledged cure fov constipation , h- ^ iidache , UUe , UrGmovthoids , v : c . % BASS IMITATION'S , coxitaininrr dnt « tifl irritants , avo beins ? t ' ohstcfl on the puVjlic . The genuiuft pruparatiou be . irs tho title "Tamnrlndicn , " and fcho signature K . tHULLON ' , Colcman-sfc ., TJOIKIOU , E . C . Prico - -i Ud per box . In a roeonfc c .-i . ^ c , 187 f > , 0 . "No . 211 . a perpetual injunction to restrain tlie deteiidauc from applying tho name "Tumav" to hi .- ! lozensos WAH awmdod , with cost ? , by Vice- Chancel lot * Bacon , on 10 th ¦ Tiinuary 1377 , ancl all ouch piracies will bo summarily proneeded tt- ' ^ y . lu . At . ^ . B , —Hcq that tlicj ovitcv wrap ; er { direction .- *) aro printed in the Kn ^ lish language , and that each box bears tho Government od stamp .
IW.W.MORGAN,I j 67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . G . 1 I LETTER-PRESS , | q \ t & € Xo ^ . cr " ^> hik & XBc \ tbo ^ n ^ . bk $ PRINTER , I I LEDGER & ACCOUNT BOOK | q > MANUFACTURER , fa % BOOKBINDER , STATIONER * m >() DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER , 16 $ -. _ +.. § ' ) 'D ( ' STKCr . lt . ATTENTIC ) . -. ' GIVES TO ( P j f CSiaaifi'ry Siiliri : : JSJ ! Atsstvei-H > K ( 3 I ' ai'iiMJiifssiai'y £ SiIl < t ( p lO PlaiiM ; siul S ^ artii'iilni'H of Sinle W - ,- ' / . tiiuirali ; . - S'lvatltngs It [ 5 ) S ^ cciJi' -alioai : ! f « s' <'<»! iir !» cior » jh ( j , Apjienl CSMPS nv P «( iiioi ! M ( J 5 , ji Pi'icois C'litTCJii , E <» i > oi't « , etv . JJ B <^ s ^ * O CJ ^ 'J ' Jty ? Ct ' 3 C ^ C 3 *> J £ . *^ C ^^ g ^ e )^