Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Price 2 s Gd , Grown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. RBPBIKTED SROir "T HE FaEisusoif's CHKOKICI . E . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 . OUR LITERARY BROTHER ] 17 . THE CHRISTIAN MINISTER Bro . H . M . Levy . Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON IS . THE MYSTIC Bro . J . B . Monckton . Bro . R . Wentworth Little . 3 . THE MAN or ENERGY 19 . A MODEL MASON Bro . John Constable . Bro . L . F . Littell . 4 . F ATHER T IME 20 . A C HIP FROM J OPPA Bro . Sir Johu Bennett . Bro . K . I ' . Albert . 5 . A CORNER STONE 21 . A PILLAR OF MASONRY Bro . Alderman Stone . Bro . E . J . Page . 6 . THE CRAFTSMAN 22 . BAYARD Bro . Horace Jones . Bro . Capt . Philips . 7 . T HE GOWNSMAN 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN Bro . vEueas J . Mclntyre . Bro . H . G . Buss . 8 . AN EASTERN S TAR 2-1 . OUR CITIZEN BROTHER Bro . John G . Stevens . Bro . John Symoncls . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERRANT 25 . AN ABLE PRECEPTOR Bro . W . J . Hughan . Bro . K . Gottheil . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN 2 G . AN ANCIENT BRITON Bro . T . Adams . Bro . J . L . Thomas . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER 27 . THE ARTIST Bro . James Terry . Bro . E . J . Harty . 12 . THE SOLIHER 2 S . T HE FATHER OF THE LODGE Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton . Bro . Richard Spencer . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROHN 29 . A S HINING LIGHT Bro . J . C . Parkinson . Bro . M < gnus Ohren . 14 . OUR HERCULES 30 . A N ART STUDENT Bro . Frederick Binckes . Bro . E . M . Haigh . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE 31 . THE M ARINER Bro . Sir F . M . Williams . Bro . Thomas Cubitt . 16 . THE CHURCHMAN 32 . A SOLDIER OF FORTUNE Bro . the Rev . J . Huyshe . Bro . Jas . Stevens . ¦ 33 . " OLD MUG . " Bro . Henry Muggeridge . OPINIONS OP THE PRESS . "A series of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of some of the principal Masonic worthies of the day . They are well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonio society will be welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —Standard . " We do not remember to havo read any similar series of sketches which surpass this in merit . "—Zand and Water . " The book will bo of great interest to Masons , containing as it does pen-andink sketches of the most distinguished men among them , aud giving somo considerable information on matters Masonic , from various points of view . "Lloyd'i Newspaper . "Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off'a weakness when he finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at tho samo timo ho never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with tho Craft or in the service of tho public out of doors . Tho sketches aro lively reading . " —City Press . " This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . J . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . Wo commend the book as worthy of a place in every Masonic library . "—Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works we have in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to bo in every well arranged Masonic Library . "—Ifete York Courier . " Wo value tho work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . " — Masonic Jewel . " The portraits consist of a scries of what wc call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in all tho noble undertakings of English Masonry . . , . Prominent among his brethren we find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Onr Hercules , ' whose herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , tho charities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—JTem York Square . " Tho style of the author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . " It is a valuable contribution to English cur-rent literature . " —Masonic Secieio . " They belong to a kind of writing which has come to be amongst the most popular reading of the day The typos are as general as they are graphic . The salient characteristics aro seized with an easy power , and happily hit off in felicitous phrase . "—Sheffield Post . " Good sensibly written articles . Tho writer prefaces each of his sketches with some pithy common sense remarks . " —Cashel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonio literature . " —Hyde iVcics . "Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of tho worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Deal , Walmer and Sandwich Mercury . "Tho members of the Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical litovaturo . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They are written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Zeir / h Chronicle . J " Should have a very large sale . " —Kingibridge Gazette . "These sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . "—Banffshire Reporter "We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what might give offence to tho moat sensitive mind . " —Folkestone Express . "A very acceptable contribution to tho history of the Order . Tho volume has our warmest commendation . " —Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of good naturcd satire . —Figaro . " Tho inquiring Brother who may wish to know something of the strength and beauty of the principles of Masonry , will Unci a pleasure in scanninn-the characteristic pictures in this book . "—The Urii / hoitse jVeu-s . ° " There is a piquancy in the ready off-hand ' dash that lends much zest to the subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Hebrew Leader . " There can be no doubt that the writer lias produced a series of Portrait ; which will bo a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout the world . "—Surrey Comet . ° "Will be found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the Masonic world . "—Barnet Press . " Calculated to raise tho Order—if that bo possible—in tho estimation of it " members , if not of the outer world . " — Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser " Written in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a manner a « possible , a counterfeit presentment' of somo of tho rulers of tho Craft "—£ isex Standard , London j W . W . MOEGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent free by post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbican .
LONDONMASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . C . Bro . ALDERMAN HADLEY Chairman . ^ VTOTICE TO MEMBERS . —The Subscription from 31 st July 1878 11 to 31 st July 1871 ) is now payable . It is intended to admit a low more members -without "Entrance Fee at the present rate of Subscription , viz . ; C 5 5 s for Town Members , and X' 3 3 s for Country Members . The ( Hub premises aro being improved so as to increase the accommodation already afforded to members and to Masonic Lodges . ¦ Full particulars can bo obtained of tbe Honorary Secretary at tbo Club .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . ' BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of tlio Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad . Served from 12 tot daily . —GKORGK TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GKORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE labours of the House of Lords have not seriously taxed their Lordships' energies during the past few days . A personal explanation between Lords Carnarvon and Beaconstield , the reception of a message from the Queen , thanking them for their recent loyal address on the subject of the . Duke of Connau ^ ht ' s income , and the
passage through one or other of the necessary stages of certain measures , like the Highways Bill , which had been sent up from the Commons , occupying about an hour and a half on Thursday last . Half an hour sufficed for the transaction of Friday ' s business , and on Monday the sitting was
not of much longer duration . On Tuesday , alter sundry measures had been advanced , a discussion arose on the . Reserve Forces , apropos of a question put to the Government by the Earl of Camperdown , who was desirous of
learning how many of the reserves who had been called out , and since dismissed to their homes , had lost their civil employment . Lord . Napier of Magdala , Viscount Bury , the Duke of Cambridge , and others took part in the debate .
In the House of Commons the great Eastern Debate was continued on Thursday and Friday last . On the formerday Mr . Lowe opened the battle by making a tremendous and somewhat malicious attack on the C / overnment , but Lord John Manners , who followed the right honourable
gentleman , was fully equal to the occasion , and defended Ministers in a speech ot great dignity and sound argument . On Friday , the principal speakers were Lord Elcno , AVIIO gave an independent support to the Government . Mr . W . E . Forster , who opposed them , Mr . Roebuck , who also
supported Ministers , and Sir W . Harcourt who spoke against them . The one remaining speech worthy of notice was that of Sir Stafford Northcote , who summed up the case of Ministers with great calmness and lucidity . On the division being taken , it was found that 195 supported the
resolution of Lord Hartington , while oSb opposed it , so that the majority ^ for the Government was 14 o , or more considerable than ifc has ever been previously . On Monday the Chancellor of the Exchequer gave somo indication of tho procedure of public business during the rest of the Session .
in Committee the House made further progress with tho Estimates . On Tuesday , the House resolved itself into Committee of Ways and Means , when the Chancellor of tho Exchequer moved that a sum of two millions be granted
towards the deficit caused by the additional expenditure which had been incurred over and above that which tlio House had sanctioned in the Budget . A long and desultory debate followed , in the course of which the Ministerial policy , both financial and otherwise , was assailed by Messrs ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Price 2 s Gd , Grown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. RBPBIKTED SROir "T HE FaEisusoif's CHKOKICI . E . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 . OUR LITERARY BROTHER ] 17 . THE CHRISTIAN MINISTER Bro . H . M . Levy . Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON IS . THE MYSTIC Bro . J . B . Monckton . Bro . R . Wentworth Little . 3 . THE MAN or ENERGY 19 . A MODEL MASON Bro . John Constable . Bro . L . F . Littell . 4 . F ATHER T IME 20 . A C HIP FROM J OPPA Bro . Sir Johu Bennett . Bro . K . I ' . Albert . 5 . A CORNER STONE 21 . A PILLAR OF MASONRY Bro . Alderman Stone . Bro . E . J . Page . 6 . THE CRAFTSMAN 22 . BAYARD Bro . Horace Jones . Bro . Capt . Philips . 7 . T HE GOWNSMAN 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN Bro . vEueas J . Mclntyre . Bro . H . G . Buss . 8 . AN EASTERN S TAR 2-1 . OUR CITIZEN BROTHER Bro . John G . Stevens . Bro . John Symoncls . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERRANT 25 . AN ABLE PRECEPTOR Bro . W . J . Hughan . Bro . K . Gottheil . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN 2 G . AN ANCIENT BRITON Bro . T . Adams . Bro . J . L . Thomas . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER 27 . THE ARTIST Bro . James Terry . Bro . E . J . Harty . 12 . THE SOLIHER 2 S . T HE FATHER OF THE LODGE Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton . Bro . Richard Spencer . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROHN 29 . A S HINING LIGHT Bro . J . C . Parkinson . Bro . M < gnus Ohren . 14 . OUR HERCULES 30 . A N ART STUDENT Bro . Frederick Binckes . Bro . E . M . Haigh . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE 31 . THE M ARINER Bro . Sir F . M . Williams . Bro . Thomas Cubitt . 16 . THE CHURCHMAN 32 . A SOLDIER OF FORTUNE Bro . the Rev . J . Huyshe . Bro . Jas . Stevens . ¦ 33 . " OLD MUG . " Bro . Henry Muggeridge . OPINIONS OP THE PRESS . "A series of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of some of the principal Masonic worthies of the day . They are well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonio society will be welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —Standard . " We do not remember to havo read any similar series of sketches which surpass this in merit . "—Zand and Water . " The book will bo of great interest to Masons , containing as it does pen-andink sketches of the most distinguished men among them , aud giving somo considerable information on matters Masonic , from various points of view . "Lloyd'i Newspaper . "Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off'a weakness when he finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at tho samo timo ho never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with tho Craft or in the service of tho public out of doors . Tho sketches aro lively reading . " —City Press . " This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . J . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . Wo commend the book as worthy of a place in every Masonic library . "—Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works we have in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to bo in every well arranged Masonic Library . "—Ifete York Courier . " Wo value tho work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . " — Masonic Jewel . " The portraits consist of a scries of what wc call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in all tho noble undertakings of English Masonry . . , . Prominent among his brethren we find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Onr Hercules , ' whose herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , tho charities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—JTem York Square . " Tho style of the author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . " It is a valuable contribution to English cur-rent literature . " —Masonic Secieio . " They belong to a kind of writing which has come to be amongst the most popular reading of the day The typos are as general as they are graphic . The salient characteristics aro seized with an easy power , and happily hit off in felicitous phrase . "—Sheffield Post . " Good sensibly written articles . Tho writer prefaces each of his sketches with some pithy common sense remarks . " —Cashel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonio literature . " —Hyde iVcics . "Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of tho worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Deal , Walmer and Sandwich Mercury . "Tho members of the Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical litovaturo . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They are written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Zeir / h Chronicle . J " Should have a very large sale . " —Kingibridge Gazette . "These sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . "—Banffshire Reporter "We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what might give offence to tho moat sensitive mind . " —Folkestone Express . "A very acceptable contribution to tho history of the Order . Tho volume has our warmest commendation . " —Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of good naturcd satire . —Figaro . " Tho inquiring Brother who may wish to know something of the strength and beauty of the principles of Masonry , will Unci a pleasure in scanninn-the characteristic pictures in this book . "—The Urii / hoitse jVeu-s . ° " There is a piquancy in the ready off-hand ' dash that lends much zest to the subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Hebrew Leader . " There can be no doubt that the writer lias produced a series of Portrait ; which will bo a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout the world . "—Surrey Comet . ° "Will be found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the Masonic world . "—Barnet Press . " Calculated to raise tho Order—if that bo possible—in tho estimation of it " members , if not of the outer world . " — Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser " Written in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a manner a « possible , a counterfeit presentment' of somo of tho rulers of tho Craft "—£ isex Standard , London j W . W . MOEGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent free by post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbican .
LONDONMASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . C . Bro . ALDERMAN HADLEY Chairman . ^ VTOTICE TO MEMBERS . —The Subscription from 31 st July 1878 11 to 31 st July 1871 ) is now payable . It is intended to admit a low more members -without "Entrance Fee at the present rate of Subscription , viz . ; C 5 5 s for Town Members , and X' 3 3 s for Country Members . The ( Hub premises aro being improved so as to increase the accommodation already afforded to members and to Masonic Lodges . ¦ Full particulars can bo obtained of tbe Honorary Secretary at tbo Club .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . ' BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of tlio Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad . Served from 12 tot daily . —GKORGK TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GKORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE labours of the House of Lords have not seriously taxed their Lordships' energies during the past few days . A personal explanation between Lords Carnarvon and Beaconstield , the reception of a message from the Queen , thanking them for their recent loyal address on the subject of the . Duke of Connau ^ ht ' s income , and the
passage through one or other of the necessary stages of certain measures , like the Highways Bill , which had been sent up from the Commons , occupying about an hour and a half on Thursday last . Half an hour sufficed for the transaction of Friday ' s business , and on Monday the sitting was
not of much longer duration . On Tuesday , alter sundry measures had been advanced , a discussion arose on the . Reserve Forces , apropos of a question put to the Government by the Earl of Camperdown , who was desirous of
learning how many of the reserves who had been called out , and since dismissed to their homes , had lost their civil employment . Lord . Napier of Magdala , Viscount Bury , the Duke of Cambridge , and others took part in the debate .
In the House of Commons the great Eastern Debate was continued on Thursday and Friday last . On the formerday Mr . Lowe opened the battle by making a tremendous and somewhat malicious attack on the C / overnment , but Lord John Manners , who followed the right honourable
gentleman , was fully equal to the occasion , and defended Ministers in a speech ot great dignity and sound argument . On Friday , the principal speakers were Lord Elcno , AVIIO gave an independent support to the Government . Mr . W . E . Forster , who opposed them , Mr . Roebuck , who also
supported Ministers , and Sir W . Harcourt who spoke against them . The one remaining speech worthy of notice was that of Sir Stafford Northcote , who summed up the case of Ministers with great calmness and lucidity . On the division being taken , it was found that 195 supported the
resolution of Lord Hartington , while oSb opposed it , so that the majority ^ for the Government was 14 o , or more considerable than ifc has ever been previously . On Monday the Chancellor of the Exchequer gave somo indication of tho procedure of public business during the rest of the Session .
in Committee the House made further progress with tho Estimates . On Tuesday , the House resolved itself into Committee of Ways and Means , when the Chancellor of tho Exchequer moved that a sum of two millions be granted
towards the deficit caused by the additional expenditure which had been incurred over and above that which tlio House had sanctioned in the Budget . A long and desultory debate followed , in the course of which the Ministerial policy , both financial and otherwise , was assailed by Messrs ,