Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ANCHOR AND HOPE LODGE No. 37. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCHOR AND HOPE LODGE No. 37. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
W . M ., in appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers : Bros . Rev . H . G . Bonavia Hunt I . P . M ., E . J . Hoare S . W ., B . Turner J . W ., Rev . Bonavia Hunt Treasurer , J . A . Hammond P . M . Secretary ( re-appointed ) , G . Hammond S . D ., 0 . Tayler J . D ., A . Howard I G Smith P . M . Org ., Gabriel M . C ., P . Martin W . S . , Harrison T yler . Bro . J . A . Hammond P . M . efficiently acted as M . O . The selection
of Officers made by Bro . Stedman met with warm approval from the brethren , who freely gave utterance to their applause . After routine work , hearty good wishes were tendered , and Lodge was closed until the first Thursday in February . The brethren , over fifty in number , then sat down to a sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bros . Withers and Englefield . Grace , " These and all Thy
mercies , " was sung by Bro . Stedman ' s oboir boys . The W . M . then proposed the toast of tho Queen and the Craft . The National Anthem was sung , Master Herbert Townsend singing the solo verses . Herr Pollitzer played a solo on the violin ( Reverie ) , that elicited loud and long applause ; Bro . Stark P . M . accompanying ou the piano . The toast of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . was given in eulogistic
terms , and Bro . Stanley Smith sang "' Tia Jolly to Hunt . " The W . M . then proposed the toaat of the Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers . We all know their good qualities ; the Grand Officers are chosen from the devotion they show to Masonry . Some Grand Officers have come among us this evening . Bro . Col . Shadwell Clerke , Grand Secretary ; we are proud in being honoured by his
presence . At any time where a Mason requires information he has only to refer to the G . Secretary . We have also Bro . Philbrick R . W . Deputy Prov . G . Master for Essex . With the names of these brethren he would beg leave to couple the toast . The Grand Secretary , in reply , said it was a great pleasure to respond to the toast of the Grand Officers , who have done good suit and service for tbe good of
the Order . Personally , he thanked the brethren . It was five years since he consecrated this Lodge , and he had watched it very carefully . He was pleased it was flourishing , and congratulated the W . M . on his proud position ; he thanked the brethren on his own behalf . Bro . Philbrick followed ; he fully endorsed the Grand Secretary ' s remarks ; five years had passed ; they had seen what the Lodge had
done in its infancy . Now , what would it do when it attained its majority ? If one could jndge by the present , what might we not augur for the future . We may hold np to other Lodges what the Trinity College Lodge has done , and what , nnder such able management , they could yet do . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Visitors from the Province of Essex , who had honoured the Lodge by their
presence . They had Bros . Philbrick , and Clowes Provincial Grand Warden j the latter brother had come a very long distance to be present , and he would ask him to respond . In the conrse of his reply , Bro . Clowes expressed his gratification at the way the work of the day had been conducted , and assured any of the members of the Lodge they should receive a hearty welcome if they came ou a
visit to any of the Lodges in the Province of Essex . Bro . the Rev . Bonavia Hunt I . P . M . said , after the oratorical treat they had but just listened to , little remained for him to say ; but he rose to discharge a very pleasing duty ; that was to propose the health of the W . M . Bro . Stedman is one of the seven Founders of the Lodge , and he asked the brethren to drink witb enthusiasm the toast of the
Worshipful Master . In reply , the W . M . thanked the I . P . M . for his kind expressions , and the brethren for the manner in which they had received the toast . It was a proud position to be Master of any Lodge , but to be Master of such a Lodge as the Trinity College was one that any Mason might be satisfied with . He ( the W . M . ) had been much impressed , and would look back on the day ' s proceedings with
pleasure . He shonld always be ready to make a sacrifice for the advantage of the brethren ; and on leaving the chair he hoped he might be greeted with the same cordiality as on this the ni ght of his installation . Bro . Herr Pollitzer delighted the brethren with another violin solo , and the W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors . In addition to the two brethren from the Province of Essex he had
already referred to , he was pleased to see Bros . A . E . Gladwell P . M . 172 , Tomkins 568 , and Thompson 1695 . Bro . A . E . Gladwell responded , and was followed by Bro . Tomkins . The lads comprising the W . M . ' s choir sang " O'er the hills and vales , " and then the W . M . proposed the health of the I . P . M . Bro . Hunt , the Installing Officer of the day . In the course of his remarks , Bro . Stedman referred to
the energy Bro . Hnnt had displayed in the formation of the Trinity College of Music , which he trusted would be the means of raisin " the musical standard of this country . With respect to Bro . Hunt's more immediate association with their Lodge , he ( the W . M . ) had now a pleasing duty to perform ; to place on his breast a jewel , which all thought he had nobly earned . It was presented by the brethren
in recognition of" his services . Doubtless Bro . Hunt would appreciate the gift , and would treasure it as a token from loving brethren . Bro . Hnnt , in reply , said that after the excellent speech of the W . M . he could hardly find words to express his gratitude . He must say , and that with truth , that he looked with pride on their social gatherings . Whatever he had achieved in the past he would strive
to sustain in the future . He felt it a compliment to have some of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England present ; he had experienced great pleasure in installing his worthy friend Bro . Stedman into tbe chair of the Lodge , aud he thanked him for placing the distinguishing badge he now wore on his breast . The W . M . next
proposed the toast of the Past Masters , and Bros . Stark and Ham . niond acknowledged the compliment . The Officers were next complimented , and Bro . Stark played the overture " Poet and Peasant , " on the organ . This was listened to with rapt attention . Shortly afterwards the Tyler ' s toast was given .
Anchor And Hope Lodge No. 37.
TpHE monthly meeting was held on Monday , 5 th inst ., at the Swan - * - Hotel , Bolton , at six o ' clock in the evening . Bros . G . P . Brock , bank P . Prov . G . S . D . and Grand Steward of Scotland W . M ., E . M . Qarstang I . P . M ., John Booth S . W * ., F . W . Pacey P . Prov . G . Org .
Anchor And Hope Lodge No. 37.
Berks and Bucks J . W ., J . H . Gibbon Chaplain , Jas . Poyntz S . D ., W . H . Lomax I . G ., J . W . Roiley Tyler ; P . M . 's Johnson Mills , Rooke Pennington , John Morris ; also Bros . W . M . Musgrave , R . Nightin . gale , Wm . Golding , Marshall Robinson , W . Gillibrand , Jas . Naylor , Thos . Higson . Visitor—Peter Bradburn J . W . 221 . The minutes of last meeting having been confirmed , Bros . Robinson and Gillibrand
passed a satisfactory examination as Entered Apprentices , aud were accordingly entrusted , and retired . Lodge proceeded to the second degree , when the candidates were duly raised by the W . M ., and the working tools explained by the Senior Warden ( Bro . Booth ) . Lodge was closed to the first degree . Bro . Pacey ( Mus . Bac , Oxon ) Junior Warden , to whose kindness the Lodge is indebted for several
ornamental additions to its furniture , presented an oak frame , to enclose the four illuminated addresses which were presented to the Lodge on the occasion of the Sesqai Centenninl Festival in October last . The workmanship is entirely from the hands of the donor , and executed by him when not actively engaged in his arduons professional duties . A very hearty vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Pacey , on the
motion of Bro . Freeman P . M ., seconded by Bro . Rooke Pennington Past Master , cordially supported by tbe Worshipful Master . The wood of the frame is three inches wide , with a flange half of an inch outside , surmounted by a pediment in which is the sacred symbol on rays of glory , in carved fretwork ; at the top of the frame proper , extending from one side to the other , is a conventional scroll
in fretwork , laid on , wioh a medallion in the centre , having the Master ' s jewel carved on it , encircled by an imitation of rope ; on the right and left of tbe frame are fluted Ionio columns , carved out of the solid , with lighted candles at the tops , the bases being out into medallions similar to the one above , but having tbe jewels of the Senior Warden on the left , and Junior on the right ; the bottom of the frame is carved to represent the square pavement . Across the
frame , from side to side and from top to bottom , are bars of fretwork , composed of a repetition of a simple volute in a border , joined in the centre by a medallion , having carved on it the number of the Lodge ( 37 ) , thus dividing the picture into four compartments , one for each address . The whole is of solid oak , designed and personally executed by Bro . F . W . Pacey P . P . G . O . Berks and Bucks J . W . 37 . A portion of the Ancient Rules and Charges was read by the Senior Warden , and the Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 7 " 30 p . m .
Lodge of Joppa , JNO . 188 . —The regular meeting was held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Monday . Bro . Benjamin W . M ., Martin S . W ., Bean J . W ., Albert P . G . P . Sec , Lyon Trea ., Watt J . D ., Wynmann I . G ., P . E . Van Noorden Org ., Dodson P . M . M . C . j P . M . 's 0 . Roberts , L . Lazarus , I . Abrahams , H . M . Levy . After preliminaries , Bro A . Van Stavern was raised . With respect to the
notice of motion given by Bro . L . Alexander P . M ., to devote the proceeds of all initiation fees to the Benevolent Fund and the Masonic Charities , Bro . Alexander not being present , the question was not entertained . Bro . S . Heilbuth proposed and Bro . Joseph Davis seconded a resolution to the effect tbat the Lodge of Joppa sends its hearty congratulations to its esteemed Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore on his attaining his 99 th Birthday . Tbe brethren also trnst he may
by spared for many years yet to shed lustre on tho Craft , and to alleviate the distress of suffering humanity . This was supported in a very eloquent speech by Bro . Abrahams P . M ., and the Secetary was instructed to forward the same to the worthy Baronet , and to express the esteem of the brethren of the Joppa Lodge . Lodge was then closed and the brethren sat down to a very excellent supper provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) . The customary toasts were afterwards done fall justice to .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate Road , N ., on 3 rd inst . Bros . Parkes W . M ., Jones S . W ., Liebman J . W ., Gribbell S . D ., Gillen J . D ., Gildersleve I . G .,, Pearcy Preceptor , and Galer Sec . ; also Bros . Sparrow , Fenner , Coker , Powell and Bullock . Lodge was opened in due form and minutes confirmed . Bro . Bullock having offered himself as candidate , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Lodge opened in second and
third degrees ; Brother Parkes vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Sparrow , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation in a very efficient manner . Votes of thanks were unanimously accorded to Bro . Parkes for his able working in the chair , it being his first attempt ; and to Bro . Sparrow for his kindness in rehearsing the installation ceremony . Nothing further having offered for the good of Freemasonry , Lodge was closed in ancient form and adjourned to Saturday , 10 th November .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . — Meeting held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , 2 nd November , at 7 . 30 . There were present amongst others Brothers Bate W . M ., Payne S . W ., Richardson J . W ., Stevens P . M . and Preceptor , Poore Secretary , Axford S . D ., Chamberlain J . D ., Tomkins I . G . ; also Bros . Style , Crouch , Bradley , Eldridsre , Johnson , Hakim P . M ., Goodyear , Phillips , Thomas
Poore P . M ., & c . The Lodge having been duly opened , the first section was worked by the brethren , and the ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by the W . M ., who then delivered tbe charge and instructed the candidate for probation . Question timo was occupied by explanations by the Preceptor on sundry points of
ritual . Brother Stevens also delivered a portion of the lecture on the tracing board in the first degree . A short interval was devoted to entry drill , the Lodge being called off for that purpose . On resuming labour Bro . A . Crouch was selected as W . M . for the ensuing week , and Officers were appointed in rotation . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
FUNEBALS .-Bros . "W . K . L . & Q . A . HTTTTON " , Coffin Makers and Undertakers , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , "W . C . and 30 Forest Hill Road , Peckham Bye , S . E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
W . M ., in appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers : Bros . Rev . H . G . Bonavia Hunt I . P . M ., E . J . Hoare S . W ., B . Turner J . W ., Rev . Bonavia Hunt Treasurer , J . A . Hammond P . M . Secretary ( re-appointed ) , G . Hammond S . D ., 0 . Tayler J . D ., A . Howard I G Smith P . M . Org ., Gabriel M . C ., P . Martin W . S . , Harrison T yler . Bro . J . A . Hammond P . M . efficiently acted as M . O . The selection
of Officers made by Bro . Stedman met with warm approval from the brethren , who freely gave utterance to their applause . After routine work , hearty good wishes were tendered , and Lodge was closed until the first Thursday in February . The brethren , over fifty in number , then sat down to a sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bros . Withers and Englefield . Grace , " These and all Thy
mercies , " was sung by Bro . Stedman ' s oboir boys . The W . M . then proposed the toast of tho Queen and the Craft . The National Anthem was sung , Master Herbert Townsend singing the solo verses . Herr Pollitzer played a solo on the violin ( Reverie ) , that elicited loud and long applause ; Bro . Stark P . M . accompanying ou the piano . The toast of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . was given in eulogistic
terms , and Bro . Stanley Smith sang "' Tia Jolly to Hunt . " The W . M . then proposed the toaat of the Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers . We all know their good qualities ; the Grand Officers are chosen from the devotion they show to Masonry . Some Grand Officers have come among us this evening . Bro . Col . Shadwell Clerke , Grand Secretary ; we are proud in being honoured by his
presence . At any time where a Mason requires information he has only to refer to the G . Secretary . We have also Bro . Philbrick R . W . Deputy Prov . G . Master for Essex . With the names of these brethren he would beg leave to couple the toast . The Grand Secretary , in reply , said it was a great pleasure to respond to the toast of the Grand Officers , who have done good suit and service for tbe good of
the Order . Personally , he thanked the brethren . It was five years since he consecrated this Lodge , and he had watched it very carefully . He was pleased it was flourishing , and congratulated the W . M . on his proud position ; he thanked the brethren on his own behalf . Bro . Philbrick followed ; he fully endorsed the Grand Secretary ' s remarks ; five years had passed ; they had seen what the Lodge had
done in its infancy . Now , what would it do when it attained its majority ? If one could jndge by the present , what might we not augur for the future . We may hold np to other Lodges what the Trinity College Lodge has done , and what , nnder such able management , they could yet do . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Visitors from the Province of Essex , who had honoured the Lodge by their
presence . They had Bros . Philbrick , and Clowes Provincial Grand Warden j the latter brother had come a very long distance to be present , and he would ask him to respond . In the conrse of his reply , Bro . Clowes expressed his gratification at the way the work of the day had been conducted , and assured any of the members of the Lodge they should receive a hearty welcome if they came ou a
visit to any of the Lodges in the Province of Essex . Bro . the Rev . Bonavia Hunt I . P . M . said , after the oratorical treat they had but just listened to , little remained for him to say ; but he rose to discharge a very pleasing duty ; that was to propose the health of the W . M . Bro . Stedman is one of the seven Founders of the Lodge , and he asked the brethren to drink witb enthusiasm the toast of the
Worshipful Master . In reply , the W . M . thanked the I . P . M . for his kind expressions , and the brethren for the manner in which they had received the toast . It was a proud position to be Master of any Lodge , but to be Master of such a Lodge as the Trinity College was one that any Mason might be satisfied with . He ( the W . M . ) had been much impressed , and would look back on the day ' s proceedings with
pleasure . He shonld always be ready to make a sacrifice for the advantage of the brethren ; and on leaving the chair he hoped he might be greeted with the same cordiality as on this the ni ght of his installation . Bro . Herr Pollitzer delighted the brethren with another violin solo , and the W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors . In addition to the two brethren from the Province of Essex he had
already referred to , he was pleased to see Bros . A . E . Gladwell P . M . 172 , Tomkins 568 , and Thompson 1695 . Bro . A . E . Gladwell responded , and was followed by Bro . Tomkins . The lads comprising the W . M . ' s choir sang " O'er the hills and vales , " and then the W . M . proposed the health of the I . P . M . Bro . Hunt , the Installing Officer of the day . In the course of his remarks , Bro . Stedman referred to
the energy Bro . Hnnt had displayed in the formation of the Trinity College of Music , which he trusted would be the means of raisin " the musical standard of this country . With respect to Bro . Hunt's more immediate association with their Lodge , he ( the W . M . ) had now a pleasing duty to perform ; to place on his breast a jewel , which all thought he had nobly earned . It was presented by the brethren
in recognition of" his services . Doubtless Bro . Hunt would appreciate the gift , and would treasure it as a token from loving brethren . Bro . Hnnt , in reply , said that after the excellent speech of the W . M . he could hardly find words to express his gratitude . He must say , and that with truth , that he looked with pride on their social gatherings . Whatever he had achieved in the past he would strive
to sustain in the future . He felt it a compliment to have some of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England present ; he had experienced great pleasure in installing his worthy friend Bro . Stedman into tbe chair of the Lodge , aud he thanked him for placing the distinguishing badge he now wore on his breast . The W . M . next
proposed the toast of the Past Masters , and Bros . Stark and Ham . niond acknowledged the compliment . The Officers were next complimented , and Bro . Stark played the overture " Poet and Peasant , " on the organ . This was listened to with rapt attention . Shortly afterwards the Tyler ' s toast was given .
Anchor And Hope Lodge No. 37.
TpHE monthly meeting was held on Monday , 5 th inst ., at the Swan - * - Hotel , Bolton , at six o ' clock in the evening . Bros . G . P . Brock , bank P . Prov . G . S . D . and Grand Steward of Scotland W . M ., E . M . Qarstang I . P . M ., John Booth S . W * ., F . W . Pacey P . Prov . G . Org .
Anchor And Hope Lodge No. 37.
Berks and Bucks J . W ., J . H . Gibbon Chaplain , Jas . Poyntz S . D ., W . H . Lomax I . G ., J . W . Roiley Tyler ; P . M . 's Johnson Mills , Rooke Pennington , John Morris ; also Bros . W . M . Musgrave , R . Nightin . gale , Wm . Golding , Marshall Robinson , W . Gillibrand , Jas . Naylor , Thos . Higson . Visitor—Peter Bradburn J . W . 221 . The minutes of last meeting having been confirmed , Bros . Robinson and Gillibrand
passed a satisfactory examination as Entered Apprentices , aud were accordingly entrusted , and retired . Lodge proceeded to the second degree , when the candidates were duly raised by the W . M ., and the working tools explained by the Senior Warden ( Bro . Booth ) . Lodge was closed to the first degree . Bro . Pacey ( Mus . Bac , Oxon ) Junior Warden , to whose kindness the Lodge is indebted for several
ornamental additions to its furniture , presented an oak frame , to enclose the four illuminated addresses which were presented to the Lodge on the occasion of the Sesqai Centenninl Festival in October last . The workmanship is entirely from the hands of the donor , and executed by him when not actively engaged in his arduons professional duties . A very hearty vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Pacey , on the
motion of Bro . Freeman P . M ., seconded by Bro . Rooke Pennington Past Master , cordially supported by tbe Worshipful Master . The wood of the frame is three inches wide , with a flange half of an inch outside , surmounted by a pediment in which is the sacred symbol on rays of glory , in carved fretwork ; at the top of the frame proper , extending from one side to the other , is a conventional scroll
in fretwork , laid on , wioh a medallion in the centre , having the Master ' s jewel carved on it , encircled by an imitation of rope ; on the right and left of tbe frame are fluted Ionio columns , carved out of the solid , with lighted candles at the tops , the bases being out into medallions similar to the one above , but having tbe jewels of the Senior Warden on the left , and Junior on the right ; the bottom of the frame is carved to represent the square pavement . Across the
frame , from side to side and from top to bottom , are bars of fretwork , composed of a repetition of a simple volute in a border , joined in the centre by a medallion , having carved on it the number of the Lodge ( 37 ) , thus dividing the picture into four compartments , one for each address . The whole is of solid oak , designed and personally executed by Bro . F . W . Pacey P . P . G . O . Berks and Bucks J . W . 37 . A portion of the Ancient Rules and Charges was read by the Senior Warden , and the Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 7 " 30 p . m .
Lodge of Joppa , JNO . 188 . —The regular meeting was held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Monday . Bro . Benjamin W . M ., Martin S . W ., Bean J . W ., Albert P . G . P . Sec , Lyon Trea ., Watt J . D ., Wynmann I . G ., P . E . Van Noorden Org ., Dodson P . M . M . C . j P . M . 's 0 . Roberts , L . Lazarus , I . Abrahams , H . M . Levy . After preliminaries , Bro A . Van Stavern was raised . With respect to the
notice of motion given by Bro . L . Alexander P . M ., to devote the proceeds of all initiation fees to the Benevolent Fund and the Masonic Charities , Bro . Alexander not being present , the question was not entertained . Bro . S . Heilbuth proposed and Bro . Joseph Davis seconded a resolution to the effect tbat the Lodge of Joppa sends its hearty congratulations to its esteemed Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore on his attaining his 99 th Birthday . Tbe brethren also trnst he may
by spared for many years yet to shed lustre on tho Craft , and to alleviate the distress of suffering humanity . This was supported in a very eloquent speech by Bro . Abrahams P . M ., and the Secetary was instructed to forward the same to the worthy Baronet , and to express the esteem of the brethren of the Joppa Lodge . Lodge was then closed and the brethren sat down to a very excellent supper provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) . The customary toasts were afterwards done fall justice to .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate Road , N ., on 3 rd inst . Bros . Parkes W . M ., Jones S . W ., Liebman J . W ., Gribbell S . D ., Gillen J . D ., Gildersleve I . G .,, Pearcy Preceptor , and Galer Sec . ; also Bros . Sparrow , Fenner , Coker , Powell and Bullock . Lodge was opened in due form and minutes confirmed . Bro . Bullock having offered himself as candidate , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Lodge opened in second and
third degrees ; Brother Parkes vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Sparrow , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation in a very efficient manner . Votes of thanks were unanimously accorded to Bro . Parkes for his able working in the chair , it being his first attempt ; and to Bro . Sparrow for his kindness in rehearsing the installation ceremony . Nothing further having offered for the good of Freemasonry , Lodge was closed in ancient form and adjourned to Saturday , 10 th November .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . — Meeting held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , 2 nd November , at 7 . 30 . There were present amongst others Brothers Bate W . M ., Payne S . W ., Richardson J . W ., Stevens P . M . and Preceptor , Poore Secretary , Axford S . D ., Chamberlain J . D ., Tomkins I . G . ; also Bros . Style , Crouch , Bradley , Eldridsre , Johnson , Hakim P . M ., Goodyear , Phillips , Thomas
Poore P . M ., & c . The Lodge having been duly opened , the first section was worked by the brethren , and the ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by the W . M ., who then delivered tbe charge and instructed the candidate for probation . Question timo was occupied by explanations by the Preceptor on sundry points of
ritual . Brother Stevens also delivered a portion of the lecture on the tracing board in the first degree . A short interval was devoted to entry drill , the Lodge being called off for that purpose . On resuming labour Bro . A . Crouch was selected as W . M . for the ensuing week , and Officers were appointed in rotation . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
FUNEBALS .-Bros . "W . K . L . & Q . A . HTTTTON " , Coffin Makers and Undertakers , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , "W . C . and 30 Forest Hill Road , Peckham Bye , S . E .