Article AN OLD MASONIC ORATION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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An Old Masonic Oration.
world , secnre of the approbation of heaven , if Masons adhere to Masonio principles . There cannot possibly be more than three degrees in Masonry : those of the Entered Apprentice , the Fellow-Craft , and the Master Mason .
All Masons seem to be agreed in the manner of opening the Lodge of the Apprentice and of the Fellow-Craft , bnt we are not unanimously of opinion which is the best method of conducting a Masters' Lodge . Much may be said in favour of the English method , which is certainly very antient , but perhaps borders too much on the marvellous . Some will have Templar Masonry to be real Master Masonry . This
is that sort of Masonry which was adopted by the Knights Templar , who were all Master Masons ; whose Order flourished one hundred and ninety-four years , till it was suddenly dissolved in the year one thousand three hundred and twelve , for several pretended crimes bat the real crime was the Templars were very rich , and the Kings of Europe thought them v » e \ l "worth plundering . There
is something very improper in the manner in which Holy Scripture is attended in this part of Masonry , which can only be defended by considering the nsage was introduced in a barbarous age . Templar Masonry ought not to be recommended unless the exceptionable part of the ceremony be omitted . In the flourishing state of the Order , the exhibition to which I allude was
always a wooden machinery , splendidly adorned with silver and gold . The same objection does not lie against Eoyal Arch Masonry , as does against Templar Masonry . The Royal Arch Lodge consists entirely of Master Masons , and with very little improvement wonld be unexceptionable .
_ The modern manner of lecturing in the Lodge I have taken occasion more than once to reprehend , because it deviates too much from real Masonry , which is founded on Architecture and Geometry . The Lecturer should by no means dwell on anything foreign to the royal art . He shonld carefully avoid .... which has been the rain of true Masonry in many Lodges .
Our greatest care should be to reject those who apply for admission among ua whose character will not bear the strictest scrutiny . And when we do admit a Brother , we should not confer his degrees rapidly , but wait a competent time till it be known whether he be worthy of advancement . If men of bad morals be found among ns the Craft will fall into contempt , and if brethren be hurried through
every degree , they will know nothing perfectly in any . Take heed , brethren , that yon at all times deport yourselves as worthy members of this ancient and honourable society , ancl let the clothing with which you are invested , which is au emblem of perfect innocence , induce you to attain that purity of heart , which is the distinguishing mark of a good Mason , and a good Christian . Then will yon be as burning and shining lights amidst the gloom of an evil
world . Then will the popular world entertain a good opinion of Masonry , when they perceive no blot in the morals of Masons . I recommend to your patronage , the fund of Charity , lately established by the "United Lodges in this city . The regulations of this fnnd are now printed for the inspection of the brethren , and if the scheme be carried on with wisdom and discretion , it may hare the happiest effect .
May that Adorable Being , to whose holy name the Grand Foundation Stone at first was laid , bless , preserve and keep you now and for ever .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
A LARGER number than usual of the Companions attended the Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England , held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday evening . The offices
were filled as follow : —Bros . J . M . Montague as M . E . Z ., the Hon . Mr . Justice H . T . Princeps as H ., Col . Creaton P . G . Treasurer as J ., Col . Shadwell H . Clerke G . S . E ., Rev . F . Robinson as G . S . N ., Rev . A . F . A . Woodford P . S .,
Robert Grey 1 st Assist . S ., Dr . Gooding 2 nd Assist . S . The minutes of the Grand Chapter held in August were read and confirmed , and the Report of the Committee of General Purposes was entered upon the minutes . The
accounts of the quarter showed no feature of interest . The following petitions were granted : a Chapter to be attached to John Miller Lodge , No . 1906 Madras , to be called the Madras Chapter , and to meet at Royapoorum ; a Chapter
to be attached to the Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1553 Marlborough , to be called the Methuen Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Marlborough ; a Chapter to be attached to the Royal Gloucestershire Lodge , No . 839 Gloucester ,
to be called the Royal Gloucestershire Chapter , and to meet at the Bell Hotel , Gloucester . A Charter was granted to the Chapter of Unanimity , No . 42 Bury Lan - cashire , authorising the Companions to wear a Centenary
Jewel , the Chapter having had an uninterrupted existence for over one hundred years . A brother P . M ., late of the Wanderers' Lodge , No . 1604 London , and P . M . and Treasurer of the Wayfarers' Lodge , No . 1926 Malta ,
also of the Melita Chapter , No . 349 Malta , having been expelled by the District Grand Lodge of Malta for having been guilty of defalcation of his Lodge accounts , was ( declared expelled from the Order of Royal Arch
Supreme Grand Chapter.
Masons . It was resolved— " That the Grand Chapter of Portugal be henceforth recognised by the Supreme Grand Chapter , " it having been previously intimated by the Grand Orient of Portugal that they had authorised the formation
of a Royal Arch Grand Chapter for that country , with Chapters working in accordance with the English Ritual . The motion for granting £ 2 , 000 in aid of the proposed rebuilding of th « Temple was postponed , as Grand Lodge had not yet decided upon a scheme .
The monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Edgar Bowyer , Grand Standard Bearer , presided , and he was supported by the
following brethren : —G . P . Britten , Joyce Murray , William Roebuck , Charles Frederick Hogard , Alfred Williams , Donald M . Dewar , John L . Mather , Frederick Adlard , W . Mann , H . B . Marshall , H . Venn , H . S . Goodall , Rev . Dr . Morris ( Head Master ) , J . Seex , Thomas
Cubitt , C . H . Webb , G . P . Festa , G . Motion , W . Maple , G . P . Gillard , H . Massey , A . F . Godson , and F . Binckes Secretary , A discussion arose upon the refusal of the Audit Committee to pass an item of £ 9 , the hire for half a year of an omnibus employed to convey the Committee to Wood Green . Some doubt was expressed as to
the duties of Auditors , and it was ultimately resolved to refer the matter to the House Committee , with a view of considering whether the use of the omnibus shall be continued after the 31 st December . Cheques were signed for payment of the sums passed by the Audit Committee ,
including one for £ 9 for the omnibus . The report read by Bro . Binckes showed a clear balance in hand of £ 3 , 978 4 s 8 d . Tbe sum of £ 2 , 000 was ordered to be invested to the account of the Preparatory School Fund , making the total £ 11 , 000 . It having been resolved to transfer £ 500 to the
Sustentation Fund , and to grant £ 5 each to three former pupils of the Institution for outfits , Bro . C . H . Webb called attention to the case of the boy Herring . He said he was informed that the boy would be entitled , when 21 years of age , to £ 1 , 800 . Bro . Binckes said the boy ' s
eligibility had been determined , after full discussion at a Quarterly Court , by 28 votes to 23 . Bro . Webb gave notice of motion to the effect that further inquiry should be made at the Quarterly Court in January as to whether the boy was a proper subject for admission to the Institution .
The Earl of Mar and Kellie , Grand Master of Scotland , will consecrate the new Masonic Lodge of Rothsay St . John ' s , on Thursday , 13 th December .
In our report , last week , of the Prudent Brethren Lodge , No . 145 , the candidate who was passed should have been given as Bro . William Lloyd , not Bro . Capt . W . T . P . Moore .
Obituary .
IT is our painful duty to record the death of Bro . Joseph Richards , I . P . M . of the Sphinx Lodge 1329 , which occurred on Wednesday afternoon , at his residence , 247 New Cross-road , at the age of fifty , eight . Bro . P . M . Richards , who had but recently withdrawn from the duties of an active and useful life—duties which he had discharged efficiently and praise worthily—devoted his leisure moments to the
furtherance of Freemasonry . As tho Master of the Sphinx Lodge , he ei-. deared himself to all the brethren thereof by his sociability and genial manners . But few have passed the chair with more credit than he . In addition , he attended as late as Thursday sen'night at the Rose Lodge of Instruction , No . 1622 , and on Saturday evening he was present at the yearly audit of his own Lodge , apparently in the
possession of good health and excellent spirits . On Wedneday afternoon , however , he was seized with an apoplectic fit , which struck him down , and although Bro . Dr . Bull was called in and applied every possible remedy , his patient never rallied , but quietly passed away to rest and peace in the presence of those near and dear to him . He leaves a name which will be long cherished as an example worthy of emulation . He had " troops of friends , " and therefore this
unexpected event has plunged many persons into deep sorrow , more especially the brethren of the Sphinx , Rose , and Peckham Lodges . We understand that he will bo interred in Forest Hill Cemetery , which is almost , abutting on the Honor Oak Station of the London , Chatham and Dover Railway . There will be n general muster of the local brethren on the melancholy occasion , and doubtless a gathering of his local friends will be present . The actions of the just smell sweet , And blossom in the dust ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Old Masonic Oration.
world , secnre of the approbation of heaven , if Masons adhere to Masonio principles . There cannot possibly be more than three degrees in Masonry : those of the Entered Apprentice , the Fellow-Craft , and the Master Mason .
All Masons seem to be agreed in the manner of opening the Lodge of the Apprentice and of the Fellow-Craft , bnt we are not unanimously of opinion which is the best method of conducting a Masters' Lodge . Much may be said in favour of the English method , which is certainly very antient , but perhaps borders too much on the marvellous . Some will have Templar Masonry to be real Master Masonry . This
is that sort of Masonry which was adopted by the Knights Templar , who were all Master Masons ; whose Order flourished one hundred and ninety-four years , till it was suddenly dissolved in the year one thousand three hundred and twelve , for several pretended crimes bat the real crime was the Templars were very rich , and the Kings of Europe thought them v » e \ l "worth plundering . There
is something very improper in the manner in which Holy Scripture is attended in this part of Masonry , which can only be defended by considering the nsage was introduced in a barbarous age . Templar Masonry ought not to be recommended unless the exceptionable part of the ceremony be omitted . In the flourishing state of the Order , the exhibition to which I allude was
always a wooden machinery , splendidly adorned with silver and gold . The same objection does not lie against Eoyal Arch Masonry , as does against Templar Masonry . The Royal Arch Lodge consists entirely of Master Masons , and with very little improvement wonld be unexceptionable .
_ The modern manner of lecturing in the Lodge I have taken occasion more than once to reprehend , because it deviates too much from real Masonry , which is founded on Architecture and Geometry . The Lecturer should by no means dwell on anything foreign to the royal art . He shonld carefully avoid .... which has been the rain of true Masonry in many Lodges .
Our greatest care should be to reject those who apply for admission among ua whose character will not bear the strictest scrutiny . And when we do admit a Brother , we should not confer his degrees rapidly , but wait a competent time till it be known whether he be worthy of advancement . If men of bad morals be found among ns the Craft will fall into contempt , and if brethren be hurried through
every degree , they will know nothing perfectly in any . Take heed , brethren , that yon at all times deport yourselves as worthy members of this ancient and honourable society , ancl let the clothing with which you are invested , which is au emblem of perfect innocence , induce you to attain that purity of heart , which is the distinguishing mark of a good Mason , and a good Christian . Then will yon be as burning and shining lights amidst the gloom of an evil
world . Then will the popular world entertain a good opinion of Masonry , when they perceive no blot in the morals of Masons . I recommend to your patronage , the fund of Charity , lately established by the "United Lodges in this city . The regulations of this fnnd are now printed for the inspection of the brethren , and if the scheme be carried on with wisdom and discretion , it may hare the happiest effect .
May that Adorable Being , to whose holy name the Grand Foundation Stone at first was laid , bless , preserve and keep you now and for ever .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
A LARGER number than usual of the Companions attended the Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England , held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday evening . The offices
were filled as follow : —Bros . J . M . Montague as M . E . Z ., the Hon . Mr . Justice H . T . Princeps as H ., Col . Creaton P . G . Treasurer as J ., Col . Shadwell H . Clerke G . S . E ., Rev . F . Robinson as G . S . N ., Rev . A . F . A . Woodford P . S .,
Robert Grey 1 st Assist . S ., Dr . Gooding 2 nd Assist . S . The minutes of the Grand Chapter held in August were read and confirmed , and the Report of the Committee of General Purposes was entered upon the minutes . The
accounts of the quarter showed no feature of interest . The following petitions were granted : a Chapter to be attached to John Miller Lodge , No . 1906 Madras , to be called the Madras Chapter , and to meet at Royapoorum ; a Chapter
to be attached to the Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1553 Marlborough , to be called the Methuen Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Marlborough ; a Chapter to be attached to the Royal Gloucestershire Lodge , No . 839 Gloucester ,
to be called the Royal Gloucestershire Chapter , and to meet at the Bell Hotel , Gloucester . A Charter was granted to the Chapter of Unanimity , No . 42 Bury Lan - cashire , authorising the Companions to wear a Centenary
Jewel , the Chapter having had an uninterrupted existence for over one hundred years . A brother P . M ., late of the Wanderers' Lodge , No . 1604 London , and P . M . and Treasurer of the Wayfarers' Lodge , No . 1926 Malta ,
also of the Melita Chapter , No . 349 Malta , having been expelled by the District Grand Lodge of Malta for having been guilty of defalcation of his Lodge accounts , was ( declared expelled from the Order of Royal Arch
Supreme Grand Chapter.
Masons . It was resolved— " That the Grand Chapter of Portugal be henceforth recognised by the Supreme Grand Chapter , " it having been previously intimated by the Grand Orient of Portugal that they had authorised the formation
of a Royal Arch Grand Chapter for that country , with Chapters working in accordance with the English Ritual . The motion for granting £ 2 , 000 in aid of the proposed rebuilding of th « Temple was postponed , as Grand Lodge had not yet decided upon a scheme .
The monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Edgar Bowyer , Grand Standard Bearer , presided , and he was supported by the
following brethren : —G . P . Britten , Joyce Murray , William Roebuck , Charles Frederick Hogard , Alfred Williams , Donald M . Dewar , John L . Mather , Frederick Adlard , W . Mann , H . B . Marshall , H . Venn , H . S . Goodall , Rev . Dr . Morris ( Head Master ) , J . Seex , Thomas
Cubitt , C . H . Webb , G . P . Festa , G . Motion , W . Maple , G . P . Gillard , H . Massey , A . F . Godson , and F . Binckes Secretary , A discussion arose upon the refusal of the Audit Committee to pass an item of £ 9 , the hire for half a year of an omnibus employed to convey the Committee to Wood Green . Some doubt was expressed as to
the duties of Auditors , and it was ultimately resolved to refer the matter to the House Committee , with a view of considering whether the use of the omnibus shall be continued after the 31 st December . Cheques were signed for payment of the sums passed by the Audit Committee ,
including one for £ 9 for the omnibus . The report read by Bro . Binckes showed a clear balance in hand of £ 3 , 978 4 s 8 d . Tbe sum of £ 2 , 000 was ordered to be invested to the account of the Preparatory School Fund , making the total £ 11 , 000 . It having been resolved to transfer £ 500 to the
Sustentation Fund , and to grant £ 5 each to three former pupils of the Institution for outfits , Bro . C . H . Webb called attention to the case of the boy Herring . He said he was informed that the boy would be entitled , when 21 years of age , to £ 1 , 800 . Bro . Binckes said the boy ' s
eligibility had been determined , after full discussion at a Quarterly Court , by 28 votes to 23 . Bro . Webb gave notice of motion to the effect that further inquiry should be made at the Quarterly Court in January as to whether the boy was a proper subject for admission to the Institution .
The Earl of Mar and Kellie , Grand Master of Scotland , will consecrate the new Masonic Lodge of Rothsay St . John ' s , on Thursday , 13 th December .
In our report , last week , of the Prudent Brethren Lodge , No . 145 , the candidate who was passed should have been given as Bro . William Lloyd , not Bro . Capt . W . T . P . Moore .
Obituary .
IT is our painful duty to record the death of Bro . Joseph Richards , I . P . M . of the Sphinx Lodge 1329 , which occurred on Wednesday afternoon , at his residence , 247 New Cross-road , at the age of fifty , eight . Bro . P . M . Richards , who had but recently withdrawn from the duties of an active and useful life—duties which he had discharged efficiently and praise worthily—devoted his leisure moments to the
furtherance of Freemasonry . As tho Master of the Sphinx Lodge , he ei-. deared himself to all the brethren thereof by his sociability and genial manners . But few have passed the chair with more credit than he . In addition , he attended as late as Thursday sen'night at the Rose Lodge of Instruction , No . 1622 , and on Saturday evening he was present at the yearly audit of his own Lodge , apparently in the
possession of good health and excellent spirits . On Wedneday afternoon , however , he was seized with an apoplectic fit , which struck him down , and although Bro . Dr . Bull was called in and applied every possible remedy , his patient never rallied , but quietly passed away to rest and peace in the presence of those near and dear to him . He leaves a name which will be long cherished as an example worthy of emulation . He had " troops of friends , " and therefore this
unexpected event has plunged many persons into deep sorrow , more especially the brethren of the Sphinx , Rose , and Peckham Lodges . We understand that he will bo interred in Forest Hill Cemetery , which is almost , abutting on the Honor Oak Station of the London , Chatham and Dover Railway . There will be n general muster of the local brethren on the melancholy occasion , and doubtless a gathering of his local friends will be present . The actions of the just smell sweet , And blossom in the dust ,