Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Then You Are A Mason.
Switzerland and Hungary the Craft know nothing about any degrees beyond that of Master Mason . These instances are sufficient to show that les hautes grades are not the acmo of Freemasonry . In America tho Lodges maintained their right , under the English Coustitntions , of conferring the Eoyal Arch degree and the Order of the Temple , until Thomas Smith "Webb taught differently , and
originated degrees in sufficient numbers to make separate organizations , and to him the American Mason is indebted for our Chapter and Commandery . With these established , peddlers came around with the Royal and Select degrees , and they , too , became incorporated into the American System , and by the Council organization the honorary degree of Super-Excellent Master has been recognized in
some jurisdictions . We have in America at this time two rites , the so-called Tork , or American , and the Scottish . A Master Mason is eligible to either . The majority flock to tbe former , and many of them are members of both ; . but we occasionally meet a Scottish Rite Mason who is not a Templar Thore are whisperings now of a change in this respect , which is to
make it prerequisite for the fourth degree of the Scottish Rite that a candidate shall bo a Templar . As the latter is now the ninth degree , the 33 ° will become the 42 ° . In addition to these recognized degrees there are unrecognized ones that are seeking Masonio sanction just as the Cryptic degrees secured it . We have tho Royal Order of Scotland , Nobles of the Mystic Shrine , Rosicrucians ,-Order of
the Palm and Shell , and—the Masonic Collectors' Association . When these , all but the last , become widely disseminated , why will they not be recognized as others have been ? It is irrational to think so ? And when they are , what" is to follow ? Where will be onr Freemasonry ? Recently some of our jurisdiction have been invaded by the Rite
of Memphis , with 96 ° , and any number of glorious titles . Can any one show how the Lodge is benefitted by them ? Do they not , on the contrary , do ua harm ? harm , in that they invade our sanctuary and seduce , under the promise of more light in Masonry , the young Craftsman to come up higher (?) , and before we can commence to make a Mason out of him he is occupied in taking degrees and , like
Oliver Twist , continually crying for more . I would have the Lodge assert its supremacy , its authority as the all in all of Freemasonry , and in a manner so emphatic aa to leave no doubt as to its meaning . In 1874 a certain populous jurisdiction enacted a law that it was un-Masonic for a Lodge of Master Masons to attend the funeral of a brother where the same was not under the control of a Lodge of
Master Masons and conducted by it . At the Grand Conclave of the State succeeding the Grand Commander of the Templars so cut and slashed at the "ignorant and narrow-minded bigots " who framed it , that the Grand Lodge graciously revoked its action , and consented to allow the Master Masons to attend a Templnr funeral , provided they could enjoy the privilege of depositing in the grave the emblem of
immortality and explaining its significance according to the Lodge ritual . " On what meat hath this our Coosar fed that he hath grown so great ? " Tho Grand Lodge acted as it thonght best to maintain harmony , but even the peaceful Quaker will light when he is required , and it seems to me the time has arrived when the Lodge ought to stand for its rights and dignity . It is now almost impossible for a
Lodge to hold a purely Masonic celebration on the natal days of onr Patron Saints ; the plumed Knights attend the Lodge and vote themselves an . invitation to attend , and then monopolize the occasion ; a Master Mason sinks into insignificance , and drags himself home , hungry and disgusted , with a vow registered never to be so silly as to act in a similar manner again , but to join the Commandery , where he will
receive some civility . The consequence is that as a Master Mason he is seen and known no more . A circumstance of recent occurrence will serve to show why it is necessary for the Blue Lodge to act for self-preservation . A few years ago I attended the constitution of a Commandery in a city where a prosperous Lodge was the owner of a commodious bnilding .
The Orders were eagerly sought after , or to put it differently , the petitions for them were numerous , and the Knights soon held a controlling vote in the lodge . The improvement of the building was then suggested and agreed upon , and the conveniences for the Orders were most prominent in tho plans , but when the rental was adjusted the Knightly vote put the expense on the Lodge .
I have seen Sir Knights who were suspended inLodge and Chapter in tbe ranks of parading Commanderies , and one Commandery attended the Triennial in Chicago , in 1880 , whose Captain General was suspended in one of the lower (?) bodies , which fact the Commandery well knew , but excused its action on the plea that it bad received no official notice of the suspension .
It is the invariable practice of Masonic law that a suspension from the Lodge works a suspension in all the succeeding degrees . Masonic intercourse with a suspended Mason is forbidden , and Templar law forbids it . Why is it not enforced ? It is not the Order of the Temple that is at fault , but the lax discipline that prevnils in its ranks . The Orders are common , eapy to obtain , nnd
lightly valued in consequence . The Lodge cannot regulate Masonic chivalry , bnt it can say we will not hold you in Masonic recognition . A Grand Lodge can specify certain decrees that aro Ma « onic , and fan lay clown a code lor the government of its mpmlwrs . It cannot prevent them from becoming Royal Arch Masons , nor from affiliating with "" my of the nnmerons Societies of tho country , bnt it can say yon must
not disclose to any of them anything of a Masonic character , becanse none others are Masonic than thoso denignaler ] by ns , and any intercourse , as Masons , with any other ia positively forbidden . Is it necessary for the good of the Fratornity that we should have more degrees than tbe English system recognizes ? Of what utility
are any more ? Do they render the mass of the Fraternity any better Masons ? Why should the Lodge , by recognizing thoso appendages stultif y itself with the acknowledgment tbat it is simply tho verio .-t entrance into the Institution ? Chapters , Councils , G ' amtnatifleries and the Scottish Rite bodies , aro all esteemed legitimate , and con fir an aggregate of 39 degrees . The Lodge admits that it ran give but three , aud says to the world , the other 36 can be had elsewhere
Then You Are A Mason.
Tho bulk of the Fraternity , not only in America bnt Europe , is of tho three degrees . Wh y not have Freemasonry uniform , and permit the other degrees , except the Royal Arch , to live or dio without Masonio sanction ? No landmark of the Craft would be removed ; no Masonic pledges violated , and I cannot discern why Master Masons should
concern tnomselves with what affects alouo somo other organization . The Masonic pen has been quite active of late in discussing tho action of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts respecting tho Rite of Memphis ; somo of the speakers before the Grand Lodgo , as well as writers in the Magazines and Correspondence Reports , have suggested that it were consistent for Master Masons to be silent nn T . no on Ki * - **¦»(¦ . «\« x < -l i Vn » . < -. An > nn .... _ . L _ i « i * * ¦ i iuo auviiio io
« - . » v TOU JCU » , „ ,, upptiitrs DO sensioie . A prominent Grand Lodge , some years ago , passed an order which still exists , that the Eastern Star and all other so-called side degrees were illegitimate and should not be conferred in Masonio Halls . Noiv , in the metropolis of this same Grand Jurisdiction the Templars and Princes meet in the Masonic Temple and welcome caravans of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine , who have come from distant points in the
desert to witness the conferring of this new side degree . It may be contended that this Ancient (?) Arabic Order is not a Masonic degree ; be it or not , tho fact is no one is eligible to receive it unless he be a Templar or 32 ° ; and tho Grand Lodge of this same State has , in its constitution , forbidden its Lodges to meet in a room in which a non-Masonic body holds its meetings .
The fact is , Master Masons have been persuaded by the top-lofty ones into giving them recognition and standing ; these secured , tbey ignore all regulations of tho Craft that do not suit them , and , if necessary . ^ pack the Grand Lod ge and mould the legislation . Why shonld this state of affairs continue ? Why shonld not the Lodge assert its equality , at least with these outgrowths and cause them to respect its authority as PARENT ?
Royal Order Of Scotland.
A PROVINCIAL Grand Lodge and Chapter of this Order was held on Saturday , the 3 rd of November , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , at one o ' clock in the afternoon . Present—Brothers R . E . Hutchinson Prov . G . M ., J . Gibb Smith D . P . G . M ., C . F . Matier P . D . P . G . M ., G . P . Brockbank P . D . P . G . M and P . G . Treas ., J . F . Hoffgaard P . S . G . W ., John Chadwick P . G . Sec ,
W . J . Thomson P . G . S . B ., T . C . Thorburn P . G . M ., W . Nichol P . G . C , J . M . Bentley P . G . O ., J . D . Murray P . G . G ., J . M . Kerr P . G . S ., Hugh Macintosh , James Wilson , C . L . Lane , Robert Mc D . Smith P . P . S . G . W . P . P . G . S . B ., G . McKay P . P . S . G . W ., G . W . Weldon P . P . G . P ., W . J . Cunliffe , Edwards , Cairns , Jefferies , W . Jaffrey , SW
Gnarder . Grand Lodge and Chapter opened in due form , after which a ballot was taken for Bro . Charles Letch Mason P . G . Mark Mason of West Yorkshire , who was declared duly elected . Apologies were received from several officers and other members . The ceremony of advancement to the degree of H . R . M . and promotion to the R . S . Y * . C . S .
was rehearsed by the D . P . G . Master and the P . G . Wardens , ably assisted by their old colleague Bro . 0 . F . Matier , who was very cordially welcomed on his re-appearance amongst the brethren , his engagements having prevented his attending several of the recent meetings . Arrangements were mado for holding the next meeting , and the Grand Lodge and Chapter was closed in peace and harmony .
The Italian Freemasons And International Arbitration.
DURING the recent visit of Mr . Henry Richard , M . P ., to Italy , a Deputation of Freemasons , headed by Count Braniforti , waited upon him , at Milan , to present him with an address from their Brotherhood , congratulating him upon the success of his labours , at various times , on tho Continent of Europe , to popularise the movement for International Arbitration . In the address they described
this pacific reform as " the most pure manifestation of tho Masonic idea , " and added that "human brotherhood , which is tho true protector of justice , constitutes for you , as for ns , a part of tho religion to which wo have dedicated our life . " Mr . Richard gratefully acknowledged , in his reply to tho Depntation , his sense of tbe value
of the very important co-operation of snch a powerful body as the Freemasons , both in Italy aud other lands , in the great cause of International Arbitration and Peace . The active sympathy of such an influential Brotherhood was in the highest degree encouraging to himself and his colleagues of the English Peace Society .
A meeting of the Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 382 , will bo" held on Monday next , the 12 th inst . , at . the Chequers Hotel , "Oxbrid ge , at 8 . 30 p . m . precisely . There will be some special business brought before the
meeting on this occasion , and the Installation ceremony will be rehearsed b y Bro . C . Andrews P . M . 77 , 299 , 015 , 1464 .
HOUOWAT ' PII . 18 can be confidently recommended aa a domestic remedy for the ailments of all classes and conditions of poo le . Younir and old of both sexes may tako this medicine ? with tho certainty of deriving benefit , from its n « o . when disorder or disease is makin t them miserable . IT illuira- ' s Tills are unriv-. 'ill'rt for their purifying , nnerient . and a'ro'igthcning properties . They im im i and vi in
rumovu usus' , n : iipiMi'"u , ana neauacne , are specially sr : 'panic complaints peculiar to females . K icM box is irra peil with nrir ' t -d instructions fir tlio jrualance of invalids , w o will readily understand . Iron ' " efnlly studying them , tho best way of recovering" health . H'dlowar ' s Pills will work a thorough change in the constitutions of the weak and nervous .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Then You Are A Mason.
Switzerland and Hungary the Craft know nothing about any degrees beyond that of Master Mason . These instances are sufficient to show that les hautes grades are not the acmo of Freemasonry . In America tho Lodges maintained their right , under the English Coustitntions , of conferring the Eoyal Arch degree and the Order of the Temple , until Thomas Smith "Webb taught differently , and
originated degrees in sufficient numbers to make separate organizations , and to him the American Mason is indebted for our Chapter and Commandery . With these established , peddlers came around with the Royal and Select degrees , and they , too , became incorporated into the American System , and by the Council organization the honorary degree of Super-Excellent Master has been recognized in
some jurisdictions . We have in America at this time two rites , the so-called Tork , or American , and the Scottish . A Master Mason is eligible to either . The majority flock to tbe former , and many of them are members of both ; . but we occasionally meet a Scottish Rite Mason who is not a Templar Thore are whisperings now of a change in this respect , which is to
make it prerequisite for the fourth degree of the Scottish Rite that a candidate shall bo a Templar . As the latter is now the ninth degree , the 33 ° will become the 42 ° . In addition to these recognized degrees there are unrecognized ones that are seeking Masonio sanction just as the Cryptic degrees secured it . We have tho Royal Order of Scotland , Nobles of the Mystic Shrine , Rosicrucians ,-Order of
the Palm and Shell , and—the Masonic Collectors' Association . When these , all but the last , become widely disseminated , why will they not be recognized as others have been ? It is irrational to think so ? And when they are , what" is to follow ? Where will be onr Freemasonry ? Recently some of our jurisdiction have been invaded by the Rite
of Memphis , with 96 ° , and any number of glorious titles . Can any one show how the Lodge is benefitted by them ? Do they not , on the contrary , do ua harm ? harm , in that they invade our sanctuary and seduce , under the promise of more light in Masonry , the young Craftsman to come up higher (?) , and before we can commence to make a Mason out of him he is occupied in taking degrees and , like
Oliver Twist , continually crying for more . I would have the Lodge assert its supremacy , its authority as the all in all of Freemasonry , and in a manner so emphatic aa to leave no doubt as to its meaning . In 1874 a certain populous jurisdiction enacted a law that it was un-Masonic for a Lodge of Master Masons to attend the funeral of a brother where the same was not under the control of a Lodge of
Master Masons and conducted by it . At the Grand Conclave of the State succeeding the Grand Commander of the Templars so cut and slashed at the "ignorant and narrow-minded bigots " who framed it , that the Grand Lodge graciously revoked its action , and consented to allow the Master Masons to attend a Templnr funeral , provided they could enjoy the privilege of depositing in the grave the emblem of
immortality and explaining its significance according to the Lodge ritual . " On what meat hath this our Coosar fed that he hath grown so great ? " Tho Grand Lodge acted as it thonght best to maintain harmony , but even the peaceful Quaker will light when he is required , and it seems to me the time has arrived when the Lodge ought to stand for its rights and dignity . It is now almost impossible for a
Lodge to hold a purely Masonic celebration on the natal days of onr Patron Saints ; the plumed Knights attend the Lodge and vote themselves an . invitation to attend , and then monopolize the occasion ; a Master Mason sinks into insignificance , and drags himself home , hungry and disgusted , with a vow registered never to be so silly as to act in a similar manner again , but to join the Commandery , where he will
receive some civility . The consequence is that as a Master Mason he is seen and known no more . A circumstance of recent occurrence will serve to show why it is necessary for the Blue Lodge to act for self-preservation . A few years ago I attended the constitution of a Commandery in a city where a prosperous Lodge was the owner of a commodious bnilding .
The Orders were eagerly sought after , or to put it differently , the petitions for them were numerous , and the Knights soon held a controlling vote in the lodge . The improvement of the building was then suggested and agreed upon , and the conveniences for the Orders were most prominent in tho plans , but when the rental was adjusted the Knightly vote put the expense on the Lodge .
I have seen Sir Knights who were suspended inLodge and Chapter in tbe ranks of parading Commanderies , and one Commandery attended the Triennial in Chicago , in 1880 , whose Captain General was suspended in one of the lower (?) bodies , which fact the Commandery well knew , but excused its action on the plea that it bad received no official notice of the suspension .
It is the invariable practice of Masonic law that a suspension from the Lodge works a suspension in all the succeeding degrees . Masonic intercourse with a suspended Mason is forbidden , and Templar law forbids it . Why is it not enforced ? It is not the Order of the Temple that is at fault , but the lax discipline that prevnils in its ranks . The Orders are common , eapy to obtain , nnd
lightly valued in consequence . The Lodge cannot regulate Masonic chivalry , bnt it can say we will not hold you in Masonic recognition . A Grand Lodge can specify certain decrees that aro Ma « onic , and fan lay clown a code lor the government of its mpmlwrs . It cannot prevent them from becoming Royal Arch Masons , nor from affiliating with "" my of the nnmerons Societies of tho country , bnt it can say yon must
not disclose to any of them anything of a Masonic character , becanse none others are Masonic than thoso denignaler ] by ns , and any intercourse , as Masons , with any other ia positively forbidden . Is it necessary for the good of the Fratornity that we should have more degrees than tbe English system recognizes ? Of what utility
are any more ? Do they render the mass of the Fraternity any better Masons ? Why should the Lodge , by recognizing thoso appendages stultif y itself with the acknowledgment tbat it is simply tho verio .-t entrance into the Institution ? Chapters , Councils , G ' amtnatifleries and the Scottish Rite bodies , aro all esteemed legitimate , and con fir an aggregate of 39 degrees . The Lodge admits that it ran give but three , aud says to the world , the other 36 can be had elsewhere
Then You Are A Mason.
Tho bulk of the Fraternity , not only in America bnt Europe , is of tho three degrees . Wh y not have Freemasonry uniform , and permit the other degrees , except the Royal Arch , to live or dio without Masonio sanction ? No landmark of the Craft would be removed ; no Masonic pledges violated , and I cannot discern why Master Masons should
concern tnomselves with what affects alouo somo other organization . The Masonic pen has been quite active of late in discussing tho action of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts respecting tho Rite of Memphis ; somo of the speakers before the Grand Lodgo , as well as writers in the Magazines and Correspondence Reports , have suggested that it were consistent for Master Masons to be silent nn T . no on Ki * - **¦»(¦ . «\« x < -l i Vn » . < -. An > nn .... _ . L _ i « i * * ¦ i iuo auviiio io
« - . » v TOU JCU » , „ ,, upptiitrs DO sensioie . A prominent Grand Lodge , some years ago , passed an order which still exists , that the Eastern Star and all other so-called side degrees were illegitimate and should not be conferred in Masonio Halls . Noiv , in the metropolis of this same Grand Jurisdiction the Templars and Princes meet in the Masonic Temple and welcome caravans of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine , who have come from distant points in the
desert to witness the conferring of this new side degree . It may be contended that this Ancient (?) Arabic Order is not a Masonic degree ; be it or not , tho fact is no one is eligible to receive it unless he be a Templar or 32 ° ; and tho Grand Lodge of this same State has , in its constitution , forbidden its Lodges to meet in a room in which a non-Masonic body holds its meetings .
The fact is , Master Masons have been persuaded by the top-lofty ones into giving them recognition and standing ; these secured , tbey ignore all regulations of tho Craft that do not suit them , and , if necessary . ^ pack the Grand Lod ge and mould the legislation . Why shonld this state of affairs continue ? Why shonld not the Lodge assert its equality , at least with these outgrowths and cause them to respect its authority as PARENT ?
Royal Order Of Scotland.
A PROVINCIAL Grand Lodge and Chapter of this Order was held on Saturday , the 3 rd of November , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , at one o ' clock in the afternoon . Present—Brothers R . E . Hutchinson Prov . G . M ., J . Gibb Smith D . P . G . M ., C . F . Matier P . D . P . G . M ., G . P . Brockbank P . D . P . G . M and P . G . Treas ., J . F . Hoffgaard P . S . G . W ., John Chadwick P . G . Sec ,
W . J . Thomson P . G . S . B ., T . C . Thorburn P . G . M ., W . Nichol P . G . C , J . M . Bentley P . G . O ., J . D . Murray P . G . G ., J . M . Kerr P . G . S ., Hugh Macintosh , James Wilson , C . L . Lane , Robert Mc D . Smith P . P . S . G . W . P . P . G . S . B ., G . McKay P . P . S . G . W ., G . W . Weldon P . P . G . P ., W . J . Cunliffe , Edwards , Cairns , Jefferies , W . Jaffrey , SW
Gnarder . Grand Lodge and Chapter opened in due form , after which a ballot was taken for Bro . Charles Letch Mason P . G . Mark Mason of West Yorkshire , who was declared duly elected . Apologies were received from several officers and other members . The ceremony of advancement to the degree of H . R . M . and promotion to the R . S . Y * . C . S .
was rehearsed by the D . P . G . Master and the P . G . Wardens , ably assisted by their old colleague Bro . 0 . F . Matier , who was very cordially welcomed on his re-appearance amongst the brethren , his engagements having prevented his attending several of the recent meetings . Arrangements were mado for holding the next meeting , and the Grand Lodge and Chapter was closed in peace and harmony .
The Italian Freemasons And International Arbitration.
DURING the recent visit of Mr . Henry Richard , M . P ., to Italy , a Deputation of Freemasons , headed by Count Braniforti , waited upon him , at Milan , to present him with an address from their Brotherhood , congratulating him upon the success of his labours , at various times , on tho Continent of Europe , to popularise the movement for International Arbitration . In the address they described
this pacific reform as " the most pure manifestation of tho Masonic idea , " and added that "human brotherhood , which is tho true protector of justice , constitutes for you , as for ns , a part of tho religion to which wo have dedicated our life . " Mr . Richard gratefully acknowledged , in his reply to tho Depntation , his sense of tbe value
of the very important co-operation of snch a powerful body as the Freemasons , both in Italy aud other lands , in the great cause of International Arbitration and Peace . The active sympathy of such an influential Brotherhood was in the highest degree encouraging to himself and his colleagues of the English Peace Society .
A meeting of the Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 382 , will bo" held on Monday next , the 12 th inst . , at . the Chequers Hotel , "Oxbrid ge , at 8 . 30 p . m . precisely . There will be some special business brought before the
meeting on this occasion , and the Installation ceremony will be rehearsed b y Bro . C . Andrews P . M . 77 , 299 , 015 , 1464 .
HOUOWAT ' PII . 18 can be confidently recommended aa a domestic remedy for the ailments of all classes and conditions of poo le . Younir and old of both sexes may tako this medicine ? with tho certainty of deriving benefit , from its n « o . when disorder or disease is makin t them miserable . IT illuira- ' s Tills are unriv-. 'ill'rt for their purifying , nnerient . and a'ro'igthcning properties . They im im i and vi in
rumovu usus' , n : iipiMi'"u , ana neauacne , are specially sr : 'panic complaints peculiar to females . K icM box is irra peil with nrir ' t -d instructions fir tlio jrualance of invalids , w o will readily understand . Iron ' " efnlly studying them , tho best way of recovering" health . H'dlowar ' s Pills will work a thorough change in the constitutions of the weak and nervous .