Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 3 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , HOLBORN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the TERMINUS of the LONDON CniTnvit ami DOVBB RAILWAY , hut distinct from the Viaduct Hotel , THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOSJ COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL B « D ROOMS . The ninioiiitnM'iits tliroiijfltsiit vo :: ri'JMi (; f < l ns to eitKtir « tlovtcstic comfort . EVERY ACCOMMODAFION FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , public ^ H > hmcrs # " ^ Ttbbtng r Wrahfasts . THK CRUSADERS LOJMIE , No . 1677 , AND PBRSKVKK . INCE LODGK , NO . 17 *) , HOLD THEIR MEETINGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT . GOOD COOKING . PINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The JEdi « on Electric I 4 ss * ht . TARIFF on APPLICATION * to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
HOLLY BUSH TAVERN , HAMPSTEAD , ( Close to the Fir 6 Station ) . ACCOMMODATION for MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS and BANQUETS ; BAIYLS and ASSEMBLIES : PAROCHIAL DINNERS ; RIFLE , CRICKET , and FOOTBALL GATHERINGS , & c . Rail and Bus within easy distance . Tho members of tho St . John ' s Lodgs , No . 167 , have held their meetings at this establishment for many years . Bhall particmlavs and TaT-iff * on ttpplioation to C . M . PROUD , Proprietor .
$ 0 pl lltemtk | itstifatbn for § 020 . PREPARATORY ^ OOLSPEETiffiLDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection with such Special Fund , attainable until 31 st December 1883 . my present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor who ay qualify as such up to the date named above , will receive—TWO VOTES , —instead of One Vote , for LIFE , . EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to tbe " SPECIAL FUND . " Lodges , Chapters , & c , similarly qualified may secure Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Quinens contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " * * Ladies , and "Lewises "—being minors—similarly qualified , nnd all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Guineas so contributed . Contributors of less than Five Guineas , to tUe " S PECIAL F UND , " will be entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions .
WA NTED . —Tracing Boards for the Craft degrees ; size about 3 ft . by 2 ft . Apnlv , with price and particulars , to GEORGE L . SHACKLES , 7 Land of Green Ginger , Hull .
Nov ) Beady , Grown Svo , 96 pp , Price One Shilling " , Free by Posfc on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY . Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LOUDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELTIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONYILLE , N .
Brother C . G . SPARRO ; f , ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR , 17 FINSBURY PAVEMENT , E . C . Accounts audited periodically at a moderate annual charge Terms on application .
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling-. DR . "WATTS on ASTHMA ancl BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on tho only successful "Method of Curing these Diseases . By ROBKRT G . WAITS , JI . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c ., 5 Bnlstrode-street , Cav . endish-sq „ London , London : C . HIICBSLT , 0 * .. Rediion-conrt , Flcst-streot ; aud SimpkinandCo ., Stationer * ' "Ifall-court
Emulation fntyge af $ m | OTfrcmwi UNDER THE SANCTION OF THE LODGE OF UNIONS . No . 256 . Utehmrus : Bro . THOMAS FENN" P . G . D . Treasurer . Bro . B . Ar . sucK 1768 Bro . P . de L . LOWG P . G . D . J . Ji . AWDEBSON- J . W . 18 G . F . MAHSHAM . S . D . 69 J . J . BLACK 1561 A . MARTIN W . M . 1763 G . BKOWX P . M . MO E . M . "MONKY J . W . 28 H . BUB J . W . 1820 Sec . 1065 C . A . MCETOJT P . G . D . y . T . BBS 3 KTi 2 n J . H . MATtBX-wsP . D . G . D . Bengfcl Col . 8 . H . CLKBZE G . Secretary T . W OCKEITDKN S . W . 1768 ? "VV . A . DAWSOX P . M . 1768 P . W . PRIOR 90 G . DSYSDALK P . M . 223 G . 0 . Pra-sroRD W . M . 1593 H . J . P . Dmus P . G . D . H . PBITCHABD J . D . MIS R . B . DAVIS P . M . 256 * A . A . RICHAUDS P . G . S . P . M 8 A . Escorr P . M . 1593 P . P . G . J . W . Middlesex A . Fvsoir 1768 J . A . RrcKBB P . G . D . ROUKBT GRBY P . G . D . ( "Herts A . O . SPAULX . P . M . 1768 H . C . HEARD P . M . 419 P . P . J . D . * F . R . SPAULI P . M . 112-1 , Sec . E . B . HOLLOWAI- P . M . 108 "W . H . SPAULL P . G . S . "N . "Wales A . HBTBS 1567 * R . C . Sm > LowP . M . 1965 [ A Salon J . R . JONJSS J . W . 1768 S . W . SHAW W . M . 1965 W . H . JOHNSTON S . D . 1925 W . SMALLPBICB P . M . 1395 J . W . JOJTBS G . S . J . T . TAWQUBRAY S . W . 1965 W . G . KBKtisn P . M . 1293 E . L . WAMOHB 905 C . LOWTHKB KBMP 63 and S . W . 1921 S . B . WILSON P . M . (• THK & Mm & h FISTKf Ah OF THB LODGE WILL TAXB PLACE AT FREEMASONS' HALL , On Friday Evening , 23 rd November 1883 , OS WHICH OCCASION R . W . BRO . THE HON . MR . JUSTICE PRINSEP , DISTRICT GRAND MASTER OF BENGAL , Has Idndly consented to preside . THE LODGE WILL BE OPENED AT SIX O'CLOCK P . M . PRECISELY . The second lecture will be worked : — 1 st Section By Bro . F . T . BKNNKM 211 . 2 nd „ J . T . TAKQITBBAY S . W . 1965 . 3 rd „ A . MABTW W . M . 1768 ., ' 4 th „ J . J . BLACK 166-1 . 5 th „ G . F . MABSHALL S . D . 69 TICKETS for tlie STJPPEB , 4 s each , may be had of the STEWABDS , or of the SECEETABY * . F . R . SPAULL , Secretary , 29 Hammersmith Road , W . I N . B . —The Emulation Lodge of Improvement meets at Freemasons' Hall , on every Friday evening throughout the year , at seven o'clock .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " R . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
C ^ fl ggg yi ^ y AW . ^ ^ g ^^ gj ^^ g
History Of Freemasonry.
( Continued from page 281 . ) AMONG the instances cited of tbe Goncmirs , is that which occurred in Marseilles in 1808 , between the locksmiths ( Sons of Jacques ) and the locksmiths ( Sons of Solomon ) . The former entrusted their a-use to aDauphine ,
the latter to a Lyonnais ) who wore locked up in their several rooms under the guardianship of their rivals , having nothing else passed into them but their food and tbe necessary implements . After tbe lapse of several
months , the competitors were released , when the DaiipMne's lock was found to be beautiful , and the key still more so , while the Lyonnais was found to have devoted his time to the manufacture of the several implements for fashioning
a most complicated lock , but the lock itself had not even been commenced . The latter was accused of treachery , left tbe town , and was never heard of afterwards . Of the other method of settling the Goncmtrs , namely , by a fight ,
we are told the most memorable instance is the battle fought on the plains of La Crau , between Aries and Salon , in Provence , between the Sons of Solomon on the one part , and the Sons of Jacques and Soubise on the other , the
original parties to the quarrel being the stonemasons , joiners , and locksmiths only . Even firearms were used ; the number of killed was very large , ancl the military had
tbe greatest difficulty in restoring order . As to other matters , we are told that the Sons of Solomon _ admit workmen of every religious creed to the Compa ? nionage ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , HOLBORN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the TERMINUS of the LONDON CniTnvit ami DOVBB RAILWAY , hut distinct from the Viaduct Hotel , THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOSJ COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL B « D ROOMS . The ninioiiitnM'iits tliroiijfltsiit vo :: ri'JMi (; f < l ns to eitKtir « tlovtcstic comfort . EVERY ACCOMMODAFION FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , public ^ H > hmcrs # " ^ Ttbbtng r Wrahfasts . THK CRUSADERS LOJMIE , No . 1677 , AND PBRSKVKK . INCE LODGK , NO . 17 *) , HOLD THEIR MEETINGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT . GOOD COOKING . PINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The JEdi « on Electric I 4 ss * ht . TARIFF on APPLICATION * to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
HOLLY BUSH TAVERN , HAMPSTEAD , ( Close to the Fir 6 Station ) . ACCOMMODATION for MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS and BANQUETS ; BAIYLS and ASSEMBLIES : PAROCHIAL DINNERS ; RIFLE , CRICKET , and FOOTBALL GATHERINGS , & c . Rail and Bus within easy distance . Tho members of tho St . John ' s Lodgs , No . 167 , have held their meetings at this establishment for many years . Bhall particmlavs and TaT-iff * on ttpplioation to C . M . PROUD , Proprietor .
$ 0 pl lltemtk | itstifatbn for § 020 . PREPARATORY ^ OOLSPEETiffiLDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection with such Special Fund , attainable until 31 st December 1883 . my present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor who ay qualify as such up to the date named above , will receive—TWO VOTES , —instead of One Vote , for LIFE , . EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to tbe " SPECIAL FUND . " Lodges , Chapters , & c , similarly qualified may secure Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Quinens contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " * * Ladies , and "Lewises "—being minors—similarly qualified , nnd all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Guineas so contributed . Contributors of less than Five Guineas , to tUe " S PECIAL F UND , " will be entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions .
WA NTED . —Tracing Boards for the Craft degrees ; size about 3 ft . by 2 ft . Apnlv , with price and particulars , to GEORGE L . SHACKLES , 7 Land of Green Ginger , Hull .
Nov ) Beady , Grown Svo , 96 pp , Price One Shilling " , Free by Posfc on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY . Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LOUDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELTIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONYILLE , N .
Brother C . G . SPARRO ; f , ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR , 17 FINSBURY PAVEMENT , E . C . Accounts audited periodically at a moderate annual charge Terms on application .
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling-. DR . "WATTS on ASTHMA ancl BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on tho only successful "Method of Curing these Diseases . By ROBKRT G . WAITS , JI . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c ., 5 Bnlstrode-street , Cav . endish-sq „ London , London : C . HIICBSLT , 0 * .. Rediion-conrt , Flcst-streot ; aud SimpkinandCo ., Stationer * ' "Ifall-court
Emulation fntyge af $ m | OTfrcmwi UNDER THE SANCTION OF THE LODGE OF UNIONS . No . 256 . Utehmrus : Bro . THOMAS FENN" P . G . D . Treasurer . Bro . B . Ar . sucK 1768 Bro . P . de L . LOWG P . G . D . J . Ji . AWDEBSON- J . W . 18 G . F . MAHSHAM . S . D . 69 J . J . BLACK 1561 A . MARTIN W . M . 1763 G . BKOWX P . M . MO E . M . "MONKY J . W . 28 H . BUB J . W . 1820 Sec . 1065 C . A . MCETOJT P . G . D . y . T . BBS 3 KTi 2 n J . H . MATtBX-wsP . D . G . D . Bengfcl Col . 8 . H . CLKBZE G . Secretary T . W OCKEITDKN S . W . 1768 ? "VV . A . DAWSOX P . M . 1768 P . W . PRIOR 90 G . DSYSDALK P . M . 223 G . 0 . Pra-sroRD W . M . 1593 H . J . P . Dmus P . G . D . H . PBITCHABD J . D . MIS R . B . DAVIS P . M . 256 * A . A . RICHAUDS P . G . S . P . M 8 A . Escorr P . M . 1593 P . P . G . J . W . Middlesex A . Fvsoir 1768 J . A . RrcKBB P . G . D . ROUKBT GRBY P . G . D . ( "Herts A . O . SPAULX . P . M . 1768 H . C . HEARD P . M . 419 P . P . J . D . * F . R . SPAULI P . M . 112-1 , Sec . E . B . HOLLOWAI- P . M . 108 "W . H . SPAULL P . G . S . "N . "Wales A . HBTBS 1567 * R . C . Sm > LowP . M . 1965 [ A Salon J . R . JONJSS J . W . 1768 S . W . SHAW W . M . 1965 W . H . JOHNSTON S . D . 1925 W . SMALLPBICB P . M . 1395 J . W . JOJTBS G . S . J . T . TAWQUBRAY S . W . 1965 W . G . KBKtisn P . M . 1293 E . L . WAMOHB 905 C . LOWTHKB KBMP 63 and S . W . 1921 S . B . WILSON P . M . (• THK & Mm & h FISTKf Ah OF THB LODGE WILL TAXB PLACE AT FREEMASONS' HALL , On Friday Evening , 23 rd November 1883 , OS WHICH OCCASION R . W . BRO . THE HON . MR . JUSTICE PRINSEP , DISTRICT GRAND MASTER OF BENGAL , Has Idndly consented to preside . THE LODGE WILL BE OPENED AT SIX O'CLOCK P . M . PRECISELY . The second lecture will be worked : — 1 st Section By Bro . F . T . BKNNKM 211 . 2 nd „ J . T . TAKQITBBAY S . W . 1965 . 3 rd „ A . MABTW W . M . 1768 ., ' 4 th „ J . J . BLACK 166-1 . 5 th „ G . F . MABSHALL S . D . 69 TICKETS for tlie STJPPEB , 4 s each , may be had of the STEWABDS , or of the SECEETABY * . F . R . SPAULL , Secretary , 29 Hammersmith Road , W . I N . B . —The Emulation Lodge of Improvement meets at Freemasons' Hall , on every Friday evening throughout the year , at seven o'clock .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " R . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
C ^ fl ggg yi ^ y AW . ^ ^ g ^^ gj ^^ g
History Of Freemasonry.
( Continued from page 281 . ) AMONG the instances cited of tbe Goncmirs , is that which occurred in Marseilles in 1808 , between the locksmiths ( Sons of Jacques ) and the locksmiths ( Sons of Solomon ) . The former entrusted their a-use to aDauphine ,
the latter to a Lyonnais ) who wore locked up in their several rooms under the guardianship of their rivals , having nothing else passed into them but their food and tbe necessary implements . After tbe lapse of several
months , the competitors were released , when the DaiipMne's lock was found to be beautiful , and the key still more so , while the Lyonnais was found to have devoted his time to the manufacture of the several implements for fashioning
a most complicated lock , but the lock itself had not even been commenced . The latter was accused of treachery , left tbe town , and was never heard of afterwards . Of the other method of settling the Goncmtrs , namely , by a fight ,
we are told the most memorable instance is the battle fought on the plains of La Crau , between Aries and Salon , in Provence , between the Sons of Solomon on the one part , and the Sons of Jacques and Soubise on the other , the
original parties to the quarrel being the stonemasons , joiners , and locksmiths only . Even firearms were used ; the number of killed was very large , ancl the military had
tbe greatest difficulty in restoring order . As to other matters , we are told that the Sons of Solomon _ admit workmen of every religious creed to the Compa ? nionage ,