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rp II M 15 11 l G II T () X II E A L 'I' H C O X G It K S S . - ' - I'sr-iiiFst : 11 . M ' . Rn-imiiisoy , M . P ., T .-UD ., l- ' . Ii . S . 'i ' l r . SUW , IVv . rah , Issi . —Oiieuim , ' Aildnvs by the President . Sivli •!!¦; A , W ,. !• : ¦ s : i ; iv ; 1 ! , 'i'ii-i :-sil : iv ; I' . T- 'ridav . I ' lv .-iilenls—Kilwiu Cl ' . adu-c-k , CI ' .., , l ' . !! . H .-llond , M . A ., M . l' ., Alfred Carpenter , . \ U > . KVi :. \ 'INi ; AI'M- 'SSKS l . v I ! . P . li . TnaHV , M . P ., and Urudcuell Carter , F . R . C . S ., in llu- Doiiii-, linyal l' . iviliou . WKDXK ^ OAY FA ' KNMXG . —Ssmn ' -e l > y the Mayor and Mayoress . 'Many places of interest jii-eiin-iinged for to bo viewed l > y Associates on presenting their tickets , as well as — The DOMKHTU ! and SIMKNTIKIC V . KUHUTION in the Royal FaviUon and Grounds , with Kk-ctric fiijjliliiiir , !<) be opened by The President of tlio Kxliibition , tho Karl of OUICHKSTER . Associates' Tickets , IDs lid , are being issued by the Congress Secretary , 'Brighton , treats can also be secured . Chairman ol' Kxccutive (' omniittcc-W . H . UALLKTT , F . T .. S ., Mayor , tienc-rnl Ifon . Secretary—IViu . HAJnr . TON , Ship Street , Brighton , THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SUSSEX WILL MEET , UNDKI ! Sin W . W . lii-KRBtt ., liart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M ., in the Royal Pavilion , on lloudav , 12 th December , at 7 p . m ., to welcome nil Brethren CM . Masons ) •iticnding the Health Congress . Bro . V . P . Freeman , Brighton ( Prov . G . S . ) , will issue tickets , which include admission to the Opening of the Domestic and cientilic Exhibition .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY , i PAUL & BURROWS , WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C . rp f SUPPLY—Always regular . ¦ \ uirt " 1 QDAHTV—Best possible . . u . iKiiS . ( . PiitCES—Lowest consistent with ! FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
G.WISE&SONS, Sceusnreir,JflmistemrtrIpctMfete, 17 MILE END ROAD , LONDON , E . AMD 302 CALEDONIAN EOAD , N . GOLD , SILVER AND RIVER FISH , The Largest Stock in London . BRITISH AND FOREIGN FERNS , FERN CASES , AQUARIUMS . Feat Mxrald , Shingle , Virgin Cork . TjiTfrii " iT n'rl i"i rT * " '" 1 r m J i T " 1 . " l ' !"•r V Z . ? ZS IT JT " *" ' \ T" •1 " V ** ' - »* f 1 T •£ •T > TTT T .. T O-l " Hi Ll I . ItLJ * , * tj . 1 v-t . I a , la V I . M ' 1 X il t . J L uiVL" i I . U . O -i-J Oj J . ^ .. IJ ** . ^ 4 . \ Lvid . FLORAL DECORATIONS for FANCY FAIRS , FETES , & c
ESTABLISHED 185 9 . JOSEPHSTOCK&CO. Muter#iledm<&%fom&|)Iato, 14 C 0 B 0 URG STREET , SKINNER STREET , OLEEKENWELL , E . G . Specialite — Masonic Jewels , S ' lirnitiire and Eegalia ! Eonovated , and made Equal to New . j PAST MASTERS' JEWELS ffiADE TO ANY DESIGN .,
BORD'SPIANOS. CIIAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these cclesliriitcd Pianos , l . avc Rcmovoil to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may bo t-eon . 1 larife iiii'l varied assortment of Instruments , of Now and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OJt OS T H K T It 31 K K Y E A 11 S ' SYS T E M , From 15 s per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on the Throe Years' System , from 10 s fid per Month . Full Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
AMERlQhNORGANS, CHEAPEST AND BEST , ' ! H the STKHLTXO ORGAN CO ., DERBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., tifc i J Low l . ' i-ice--, with '" wentv-t'i ' vc ner cent . Co-operative Discount for C'asli ; or on the Til 11 KM YMAP . S' RYSTHjr , from 10 s Gil per JEoatli . S E N i . ) F O ' I ! I L 1 , V S T K A T ED ] , I S U T O CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C , These Organs are eminently suited for nse in MASOWIC LODGES .
. T J . ' . ' .:.. i . -S .-J < J J . i ' l £ 5 . . 1 1 > , J . ' .. 'll .. r | T | lK only r- ' . ai rcrnciy for thi : ; cor .-ip . luinL is the Northern Cure < ( patent ) . 1 ' n hoiilus , 1 .-. I ;•! t : ich . to be had " |';> ll rhcinists . Proprietors and Jlumil'uctui-er .-:. , I-ALWUI-II- ; and Aicj . und'jr , - J . - ) JJIaikelt-street , Newcastlc-on-Tync .
IR , O IT -A . L MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION rou AOEO FREEMASONS A'ID WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , C 11 O Y D O N . — : o : — Patron aud President : His ROYAL HUIHNESS THE PRINCE OV WALES , K . G ., & c ., M . W . G . M THEAMIVERSARTFESTIVAL OF MIS INSTITUTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY , 21 ST FEBRUARY 1882 , AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , vroy WHICH OCCASION Lieut . - Colonel J . A . LLOYD - PHILIPPS , R . W . PROV . G . M . FOR SOUTH WALES ( Western Division ) , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren are earnestly invited to accept the Office of Steward upon this occasion , and they will greatly obligo by forwarding their Names and Masonic Rank , as sooii as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary . 1- Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
MASONICHALL,CROYDON, HAREWOOD HOUSE , 105 HIGH STREET . THHIS Hall ha 3 every requirement for Masonic purposes . It J . contains a large Organ , blown by hydraulic power , and has sm excellent cellar for Lodges to keep their own wines . The following Lodges , & c . hold their meetings here : —Frederick Lodge , No . -152 ; Addiscomho Lodge , No . 155 B ; Mozart Lodge , No . 1029 ; Croydon Hark No . 108 ; Frederick Chapter , No . 452 ; . For terms , & c , address— JOHN RHODES P . M ., P . P . 6 . 0 . Surrey , and P . P . Gi . H . O . Middlesex and Surrey .
T.&T.GATES, GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English Gold 45 s and 47 s 6 d per lOOO , Foreign © old 4 tls and 4 fc 3 s do . Bronze Powder 3 s 6 d and 5 s per ! fo . 44 HA . TTO-2 T WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrillo Parties . For terms apply to " R . Hirst , Tho Three Crowns , 237 Milo End Road , E . "
COALS ! COALS ! from 17 / 6 a TON . LOWEST AUTUMN PRICES . 12 / A TON CHEAPER THAN LAST JANUARY , LARGR KITCHEN ( sold by some Firms as Best Wallsend )] | 7 6 DERBYSHIRE BRIGHT , Large . Strong Heat 19 / 6 DOUBLE DIAMOND SILKSTONES , Excellent House Coals 21 / BEST OLD SILKSTONK , for Drawing Rooms 22 / Terms Cash . Discount Is per Ton on 2 or more Tons . Delivered Free of all other Charges . All Coal Thoroughly Screened . E . T . RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
COALS ! 16 s a TON—A Special Bargain . UNDER CONTRACT TO BK DELIVERED WITHIN 11 DAYS . MIDLAND HOUSE COALS , 16 s A TON . Terms Cash . Discount 6 d a Ton on two or more Tons . SOLD DA 3 LY AT 20 s A TON . E . T . RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARFDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
Eleventh Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS ' on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By ROBERT G . WAITS , M . D ., F . R . S . L . F . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstrodo-stroot , Cavondish-squarc , London . London : C . Mirciriai . AND Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
Crown Svo , price 2 s Od , cloth lettered . sUnliwMMta ) trj ® to » M gftiurt mu \ fcrau « . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., T . Z ., & c . " May bo road with advantage by Iho whole Craft . " —timidity Times . " liraud Lodge should at , once sot to work to secure the desired uniformity " —Sheffield i ' mt . " The subject is ably argued liy tho author . "—Western Dititij Mercury . " Useful and valuable in tho highest degree . "—Exeter Gttze ' ftc . " Will have a material effect on the future of Masonic Ritual . " — . S ' oiitt Western filar . " The author adduces many variations in tho language used by different Preceptors . ' '— Cox ' s 3 [ oiitlil ; i - Lei / it / Circulnr . " Ought to bo iu tho hands of every Mason . " —ybrtluimptoii Gttanlimi . " To Freemasons generally it will be found useful and valuable , and wo commend it to their notice accordingly . "—S / trrci / Coati / t / Oluterccr . " I ' . i-o . Stevens' motion for a Committee on tho subject of Uniformity of Ritua , l was carried by a largo majority . "—JFrcciiuuwiC * Chronicle report of Grand Lort"e meeting-, : } rd December ln 79 . " Sent , by post , on receipt of stumps , by tho Author , Bro . JAAIKS ; -W I- - . VE . VS , 112 Hig h-street , Giapiiam , S . W . ; or b y Bro . VV . W . Mow ; AN , : ! 3 Great Ojucuii Street , Loudon , W . G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
rp II M 15 11 l G II T () X II E A L 'I' H C O X G It K S S . - ' - I'sr-iiiFst : 11 . M ' . Rn-imiiisoy , M . P ., T .-UD ., l- ' . Ii . S . 'i ' l r . SUW , IVv . rah , Issi . —Oiieuim , ' Aildnvs by the President . Sivli •!!¦; A , W ,. !• : ¦ s : i ; iv ; 1 ! , 'i'ii-i :-sil : iv ; I' . T- 'ridav . I ' lv .-iilenls—Kilwiu Cl ' . adu-c-k , CI ' .., , l ' . !! . H .-llond , M . A ., M . l' ., Alfred Carpenter , . \ U > . KVi :. \ 'INi ; AI'M- 'SSKS l . v I ! . P . li . TnaHV , M . P ., and Urudcuell Carter , F . R . C . S ., in llu- Doiiii-, linyal l' . iviliou . WKDXK ^ OAY FA ' KNMXG . —Ssmn ' -e l > y the Mayor and Mayoress . 'Many places of interest jii-eiin-iinged for to bo viewed l > y Associates on presenting their tickets , as well as — The DOMKHTU ! and SIMKNTIKIC V . KUHUTION in the Royal FaviUon and Grounds , with Kk-ctric fiijjliliiiir , !<) be opened by The President of tlio Kxliibition , tho Karl of OUICHKSTER . Associates' Tickets , IDs lid , are being issued by the Congress Secretary , 'Brighton , treats can also be secured . Chairman ol' Kxccutive (' omniittcc-W . H . UALLKTT , F . T .. S ., Mayor , tienc-rnl Ifon . Secretary—IViu . HAJnr . TON , Ship Street , Brighton , THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SUSSEX WILL MEET , UNDKI ! Sin W . W . lii-KRBtt ., liart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M ., in the Royal Pavilion , on lloudav , 12 th December , at 7 p . m ., to welcome nil Brethren CM . Masons ) •iticnding the Health Congress . Bro . V . P . Freeman , Brighton ( Prov . G . S . ) , will issue tickets , which include admission to the Opening of the Domestic and cientilic Exhibition .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY , i PAUL & BURROWS , WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C . rp f SUPPLY—Always regular . ¦ \ uirt " 1 QDAHTV—Best possible . . u . iKiiS . ( . PiitCES—Lowest consistent with ! FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
G.WISE&SONS, Sceusnreir,JflmistemrtrIpctMfete, 17 MILE END ROAD , LONDON , E . AMD 302 CALEDONIAN EOAD , N . GOLD , SILVER AND RIVER FISH , The Largest Stock in London . BRITISH AND FOREIGN FERNS , FERN CASES , AQUARIUMS . Feat Mxrald , Shingle , Virgin Cork . TjiTfrii " iT n'rl i"i rT * " '" 1 r m J i T " 1 . " l ' !"•r V Z . ? ZS IT JT " *" ' \ T" •1 " V ** ' - »* f 1 T •£ •T > TTT T .. T O-l " Hi Ll I . ItLJ * , * tj . 1 v-t . I a , la V I . M ' 1 X il t . J L uiVL" i I . U . O -i-J Oj J . ^ .. IJ ** . ^ 4 . \ Lvid . FLORAL DECORATIONS for FANCY FAIRS , FETES , & c
ESTABLISHED 185 9 . JOSEPHSTOCK&CO. Muter#iledm<&%fom&|)Iato, 14 C 0 B 0 URG STREET , SKINNER STREET , OLEEKENWELL , E . G . Specialite — Masonic Jewels , S ' lirnitiire and Eegalia ! Eonovated , and made Equal to New . j PAST MASTERS' JEWELS ffiADE TO ANY DESIGN .,
BORD'SPIANOS. CIIAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these cclesliriitcd Pianos , l . avc Rcmovoil to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may bo t-eon . 1 larife iiii'l varied assortment of Instruments , of Now and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OJt OS T H K T It 31 K K Y E A 11 S ' SYS T E M , From 15 s per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on the Throe Years' System , from 10 s fid per Month . Full Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
AMERlQhNORGANS, CHEAPEST AND BEST , ' ! H the STKHLTXO ORGAN CO ., DERBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., tifc i J Low l . ' i-ice--, with '" wentv-t'i ' vc ner cent . Co-operative Discount for C'asli ; or on the Til 11 KM YMAP . S' RYSTHjr , from 10 s Gil per JEoatli . S E N i . ) F O ' I ! I L 1 , V S T K A T ED ] , I S U T O CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C , These Organs are eminently suited for nse in MASOWIC LODGES .
. T J . ' . ' .:.. i . -S .-J < J J . i ' l £ 5 . . 1 1 > , J . ' .. 'll .. r | T | lK only r- ' . ai rcrnciy for thi : ; cor .-ip . luinL is the Northern Cure < ( patent ) . 1 ' n hoiilus , 1 .-. I ;•! t : ich . to be had " |';> ll rhcinists . Proprietors and Jlumil'uctui-er .-:. , I-ALWUI-II- ; and Aicj . und'jr , - J . - ) JJIaikelt-street , Newcastlc-on-Tync .
IR , O IT -A . L MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION rou AOEO FREEMASONS A'ID WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , C 11 O Y D O N . — : o : — Patron aud President : His ROYAL HUIHNESS THE PRINCE OV WALES , K . G ., & c ., M . W . G . M THEAMIVERSARTFESTIVAL OF MIS INSTITUTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY , 21 ST FEBRUARY 1882 , AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , vroy WHICH OCCASION Lieut . - Colonel J . A . LLOYD - PHILIPPS , R . W . PROV . G . M . FOR SOUTH WALES ( Western Division ) , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren are earnestly invited to accept the Office of Steward upon this occasion , and they will greatly obligo by forwarding their Names and Masonic Rank , as sooii as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary . 1- Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
MASONICHALL,CROYDON, HAREWOOD HOUSE , 105 HIGH STREET . THHIS Hall ha 3 every requirement for Masonic purposes . It J . contains a large Organ , blown by hydraulic power , and has sm excellent cellar for Lodges to keep their own wines . The following Lodges , & c . hold their meetings here : —Frederick Lodge , No . -152 ; Addiscomho Lodge , No . 155 B ; Mozart Lodge , No . 1029 ; Croydon Hark No . 108 ; Frederick Chapter , No . 452 ; . For terms , & c , address— JOHN RHODES P . M ., P . P . 6 . 0 . Surrey , and P . P . Gi . H . O . Middlesex and Surrey .
T.&T.GATES, GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English Gold 45 s and 47 s 6 d per lOOO , Foreign © old 4 tls and 4 fc 3 s do . Bronze Powder 3 s 6 d and 5 s per ! fo . 44 HA . TTO-2 T WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrillo Parties . For terms apply to " R . Hirst , Tho Three Crowns , 237 Milo End Road , E . "
COALS ! COALS ! from 17 / 6 a TON . LOWEST AUTUMN PRICES . 12 / A TON CHEAPER THAN LAST JANUARY , LARGR KITCHEN ( sold by some Firms as Best Wallsend )] | 7 6 DERBYSHIRE BRIGHT , Large . Strong Heat 19 / 6 DOUBLE DIAMOND SILKSTONES , Excellent House Coals 21 / BEST OLD SILKSTONK , for Drawing Rooms 22 / Terms Cash . Discount Is per Ton on 2 or more Tons . Delivered Free of all other Charges . All Coal Thoroughly Screened . E . T . RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
COALS ! 16 s a TON—A Special Bargain . UNDER CONTRACT TO BK DELIVERED WITHIN 11 DAYS . MIDLAND HOUSE COALS , 16 s A TON . Terms Cash . Discount 6 d a Ton on two or more Tons . SOLD DA 3 LY AT 20 s A TON . E . T . RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARFDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
Eleventh Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS ' on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By ROBERT G . WAITS , M . D ., F . R . S . L . F . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstrodo-stroot , Cavondish-squarc , London . London : C . Mirciriai . AND Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
Crown Svo , price 2 s Od , cloth lettered . sUnliwMMta ) trj ® to » M gftiurt mu \ fcrau « . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., T . Z ., & c . " May bo road with advantage by Iho whole Craft . " —timidity Times . " liraud Lodge should at , once sot to work to secure the desired uniformity " —Sheffield i ' mt . " The subject is ably argued liy tho author . "—Western Dititij Mercury . " Useful and valuable in tho highest degree . "—Exeter Gttze ' ftc . " Will have a material effect on the future of Masonic Ritual . " — . S ' oiitt Western filar . " The author adduces many variations in tho language used by different Preceptors . ' '— Cox ' s 3 [ oiitlil ; i - Lei / it / Circulnr . " Ought to bo iu tho hands of every Mason . " —ybrtluimptoii Gttanlimi . " To Freemasons generally it will be found useful and valuable , and wo commend it to their notice accordingly . "—S / trrci / Coati / t / Oluterccr . " I ' . i-o . Stevens' motion for a Committee on tho subject of Uniformity of Ritua , l was carried by a largo majority . "—JFrcciiuuwiC * Chronicle report of Grand Lort"e meeting-, : } rd December ln 79 . " Sent , by post , on receipt of stumps , by tho Author , Bro . JAAIKS ; -W I- - . VE . VS , 112 Hig h-street , Giapiiam , S . W . ; or b y Bro . VV . W . Mow ; AN , : ! 3 Great Ojucuii Street , Loudon , W . G .