Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 5 →
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Diary For The Week.
WEST YORKSHIRE . SATURDAY . R . A . 308—Affability , Station House , Bottoms , Eastwood . MONDAY . 296—Royal Brunswick , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield .
302—Hopo , Now Masonic Hall , Darlcv-street , Bradford . 307—Prince Frederick , White Horsn Hotel , Hebdon Bridge . 827—St . John's , Masonic Temple , Halifax-road , Dewsbury . 1221—Defence , Masonic Hall , Carlton-Iuil , Leeds . R . A . 300—Alfred , Masonic Hall , Kelsall-street , Leeds . TlIESBAX .
418—St . James's . Freemasons' Hall , St . John ' s-place , Halifax . 495—Wakefield , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield . 603—Zetland , Royal Hotel , CleckUeatou . 1522—OUciuia , Crescent Hotel , Ilkley . 1515—Baildon , Angel Inn , Baildon . R . A . 289—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds .
WEDNESDAY . 290—Huddorsfiold , Masonic Hall , South Farade , Huddersfield . 750—Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Railway-street , Cleckhcaton . 1019—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Zetland-street , Waketiold . 13 : ) 1—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Rradford-road , Brighouso . R . A . 387—Moravian , Masonio Hall , Westgate , Shipley .
THURSDAY . 439—Scientific , Private Rooms , Biugley , Yo 'ks . 600—Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford . 971—Trafalgar , Private Room , Commercial-street , Batley . 1042—Excelsior , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds . R . A . 307—Good Intent , Whito Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge . R . A . 337—Confidence , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Uppermill .
FRIDAY . 1102—Mirfield , Assembly Room , Eastthovpe , Mirfield . 1311—Zetland , Masonio Hall , Great George strco " , Leeds . R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield . R , A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon .
DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND . MONDAY . 210—St . Hilda , Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , South Shields . 481—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcaatle-on-T ' yno . 919—Williamson , Royal Hotel , Monkwearmouth .
TUESDAY . 80—St . John , Masonic Hall , Tark-terraco , Sunderland . 784—Harbour of Refuge , Freemasons' Hall , Upper Church-streot , West Hartlepool . WEDNESDAY .
1331—Norman , Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvet , Durham . 1389—Fenwick , Masonic Hall , Park-terrace , Sunderland . THURSDAY . 531—St . Helen ' s , Masonic Hall , Regent's-squarc , Hartlepool . 940—Philanthropy , Freemasons' Hall , Wellington-road , Stockton-on-Tees . FRIDAY . 541—De Loraino , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street-west , Ncwcastle-on-Tyno .
IRELAND . WEDNESDAY—161—Excelsior , Bishop-street , Tuam . THURSDAY—129—Industry , Dundoran , Donegal . EDINBURGH DISTRICT .
MONDAY—145—St . Stephen , St . James' Hall , Writcr ' s-court . TUESDAY—1—Mary ' s Chapel , Waterloo Hotel , Waterloo-place . WEDNESDAY—160—Roman Eagle , Iona Hotel , 62 Nicolson-stveet . THURSDAY—48—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall . „ 226—Portobpilo , Royal Hotel , Bath-street . „ R . A . 152—Perseverance , Lodge Room , 86 Constitution-street . FRIDAY—R . A . 83—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall .
GLASGOW DISTRICT . MONDAY . —102—St . Mark's , 213 Buchanan-street . „ 219—Star , 12 Trongate . ,, 362—St . Clair , 25 Robertson-street . Annual Meeting , Supreme Chapter Geneva Knights Templar Free nasons' Hall , Edinburgh . TUESDAY—113—Athol , 213 Buchauan-strcet . ,, 419—Neptune , 35 St . James-street . „ 441—Glasgow , 24 Struthers-street .
„ R . A . 69—St . Andrews , 170 Buchanan-street . WEDNESDAY—117—Partick , St . Mary ' s , New Masonic Hall , Partick . ,, 35-4—Caledonian Rai ' ivay , 30 Hope-street . THURSDAY—27—St . Mungo , 213 Buchanan-st 'Oct . „ 465—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , Garngad-road . FRIDAY— 12—Greenock , Kilwinning Public Hall , Greenock . „ 321—St . Andrew ' s . Public Hall , Alexandria .
,, 360—Commercial , 30 Hope-street . „ 366—St . Thomas . 90 Welgate-street , Larkhall . 403—Civile , 17 o Buchanan-street . SATURDAY—2 s—St . John ' s , Black Bull , K rkintilloch . ,, 524—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , East Kilbride . „ 541—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , Bank-street , Coalbrid ^ e .
Notices Of Meetings.
British Chapter , No . 8 . —A Convocation of tin ' s Chapter was hold on Friday , the 3 rd instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , and waa honored by the presence of Companions distinguished in the Order , who all expressed their gnitilication nt the admirable
and perfect working of this sublime ritual . Comp . Edwin March occupied tho chair of M . E . Z ., Long H ., H . Thorne J ., Stanley Robinsou S . E ., Humphreys S . N ., Stohwasser P . Z . Treasurer , Messent P . S ., Mo . sk > 1 st Asst ., W . Gain and P . Z . s J . B . Monckton , Nettleship , Cowlaud , Richardson , Evans and D , Griffiths ; Comps , Pileiier
Notices Of Meetings.
Yeo , Barron , Grady , Webb , Edkins , T . Fenn , Glover , & c . Tho Chapter was opened and the minutes were confirmed . Ballots wero taken and wero nnanimously in favour of Bros . Charles Dickens P . M . Maybnry Lodge , W . B . Scott S . W . Shakespeare Lodge , W . R . Winch , and W . Blakomore , who wero dnly exalted into Eoyal Arch Masonry . Tho rendering of tho ceremony by tho M . E . Z . was a pleasure to listen to ,
tho H ., J . and tho P . S . were equally perfect , and well deserved the encomiums passed on them by tho Companions and Visitovs . Two brethren wero proposed for exaltation . Comp . Stohwassor P . Z . proposed that tho sam of two guineas bo given to each of the three Masonic Charities . The M . E . Z . announced his intention of serving as Steward afc the next Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonio
Institution for Girls . The Chapter was then closed , and tho Companions sat down to a banqnot , where tho M . E . Z . presided . He proposed tho usual loyal and R . A . Toasts . Tho National Anthem was sung , Comp . W . Ganz accompanying on the piano . The Z . in proposing tho toast of the Grand Z ., H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , said he had done good service to tho Order , and ho was sure every
Companion wonld wish him a safe return to his native country . The Z ., in proposing the toast of the Grand H ., J . and tho rest of the Grand Officers , said , That night they were favoured with the presence of distinguished Companions , J . Hervey G . S . E . and T . Fenn , also Comps . J . B . Monckton and W . Ganz . Tho two latter being members of tho Chapter . They wero pleased to see them afc all times , and he would
couple the toast with the name of Comp . J . Hervey , who replied in his usual eloquent manner : The Offices of Grand Chapter coald not be better filled than afc the present time ; the Companions might with truth say , that they might go to 99 Chapters out of 100 , and yet not find better working than that they had witnessed to-night ; they had seen tho duties performed admirably , which was indeed a pleasure .
You have among your members one who is able to perform any functions required of him , for very few can excel him , and that is Companion Monckton . ( Cheers . ) He then mentioned the various qualifications of the Companions of Grand Chapter , who were always ready to render any assistance required of them . Comp . Nettleship then proposed the toast of the M . E . Z . and the H . and J ., and ho said
tho Chapter may indeed congratulate itself on the selection they had made ; whilo the eulogistic remarks of the Grand Scribe E . was sufficient to shew how excellently they had discharged their duties . Comp . W . Ganz then played a Fantasia from Traviata . Tho M . E . Z . in responding said , He thanked Companion Nettleship for his kind remarks , and if ho had pleased the Companions by his working ib
was sufficient gratification to him . Companion Long replied , the H . and J . following . The M . E . Z . proposed the Toast of the newly exalted Companions , and stated that for some time thero had been no exaltations in the Chapter j they had hero five , whom they were proud to see . The names of Companions Charles Dickens , —a Honshold Word , —Scott , Winch , Blackmore and Marshall were also
well known and respected . He regretted three of these Companions were obliged to leave , but he would couple the toast with the names of Comp 3 . Scott and Blackmore . The former Comp . responded : The words uttered in tho beantiful ceremony , so admirably delivered , would never bo effaced from his memory , it was so solemn and sacred that it well deserved the encomiums they heard passed , he hoped to
cany out every detail in R . A . Masonry to their satisfaction . Comp . Blackmore followed . The M . E . Z . then proposed tho Toast of the Visitors , and said that from time immemorial tho Chapter had always been pleased to see Visitors , bnt they had been most highly favoured that nig ht by distinguished Visitors , he would couple the Toast with tho names of Comps . Fenn and Vallance . The former
responded in a very excellent speech , and was followed by Comp . Vallance who paid the M . E . Z . a just compliment ; when ho had to speak of the pleasures of memory , he recollected the admirable qna ! itio 3 of Comp . Stohwasser , and also the late respected Comp . Herbert Lloyd , and he was sure from what he had seen the British Chapter wonld be pre-eminent in the Order . Comp . Nettleship returned thanks for
tho P . Z . s . The M . E . Z . in proposing the Toast of the Officers , said : There was one whom every one respected , and that was Comp . Stohwasser ; the Comp . Scribe E . was also equally worthy of their regard . They had seen the working of Conips . Messent , Chubb , and Musio , and did not forget Comp . W . Ganz , who was known as a talented musician and a good R . A . Mason . Comp . Stohwasser
returned thanks , and said , he had held Office tor 17 years , and he hoped to continue to do so . ( Cheers . ) Comp . VV . Ganz said ho had forgone many engagements to be present at this Chapter , and the pleasing associations connected with it would never be forgotten by him . The Janitor ' s Toast was given , and a very agreeablo evening
was passed , Companions Messont and Griffiths contributing to tho harmony , while Comp . W . Ganz ' s accompaniment was au especial musical treat . The Visitors were Companions John Hervey G . S . E ., T . Fenn P . Z ., P . G . S . B ., Wainwright 370 , J . Gossetfc 73 , G . N . Bennett 1118 , II . W . Vallance , lato No . 8 , J . Short , Archer 180 , Whichcord , Bristo , and H . M . Levy P . Z . 188 .
De Swinburn Chapter , No . 24 . —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 8 th of March 1 S 7 G , at Freemasons ' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-on-Tyno . Present—Conips . Smailo P . Z . acting Z ., P . O . Smith II ., W . Foulsbam P . Z . acting as J . Comp . Main acting as E . ; A . Loades Treasurer , Rcdesdnle Z . 400 N ., A . Loades P . S ., Dean A . S ., S . Hams A . S ., J . Curry Janitor , P . Z . ' s
Foul sham , Smith . Visitors—Ex . Comp . Rodesdale Z . 40 iJ Do Sussex , Armstrong and Monday De Sussex 40 fi . Tho half-yearly banquet was held at 5 p . m ., at the Royal Exchange Hotel , aud at 7 p . m . the Comps . adjourned to the Chapter , when Bro . the Rev . S . H . Harris was exalted to the supremo degree of tho Royal Arch , in a most impressive manner , by Ex . Comp . Smaile P . Z .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Lodge , No . 24 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 2 nd of March , at Freemasons ' Hall , Graingev-st . veet , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Present—Bros . G . Cockbiun W . M ., A . Loades S . W ., J . T . Taylor J . W ., Hall P . M . as Sec ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
WEST YORKSHIRE . SATURDAY . R . A . 308—Affability , Station House , Bottoms , Eastwood . MONDAY . 296—Royal Brunswick , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield .
302—Hopo , Now Masonic Hall , Darlcv-street , Bradford . 307—Prince Frederick , White Horsn Hotel , Hebdon Bridge . 827—St . John's , Masonic Temple , Halifax-road , Dewsbury . 1221—Defence , Masonic Hall , Carlton-Iuil , Leeds . R . A . 300—Alfred , Masonic Hall , Kelsall-street , Leeds . TlIESBAX .
418—St . James's . Freemasons' Hall , St . John ' s-place , Halifax . 495—Wakefield , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield . 603—Zetland , Royal Hotel , CleckUeatou . 1522—OUciuia , Crescent Hotel , Ilkley . 1515—Baildon , Angel Inn , Baildon . R . A . 289—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds .
WEDNESDAY . 290—Huddorsfiold , Masonic Hall , South Farade , Huddersfield . 750—Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Railway-street , Cleckhcaton . 1019—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Zetland-street , Waketiold . 13 : ) 1—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Rradford-road , Brighouso . R . A . 387—Moravian , Masonio Hall , Westgate , Shipley .
THURSDAY . 439—Scientific , Private Rooms , Biugley , Yo 'ks . 600—Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford . 971—Trafalgar , Private Room , Commercial-street , Batley . 1042—Excelsior , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds . R . A . 307—Good Intent , Whito Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge . R . A . 337—Confidence , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Uppermill .
FRIDAY . 1102—Mirfield , Assembly Room , Eastthovpe , Mirfield . 1311—Zetland , Masonio Hall , Great George strco " , Leeds . R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield . R , A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon .
DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND . MONDAY . 210—St . Hilda , Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , South Shields . 481—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcaatle-on-T ' yno . 919—Williamson , Royal Hotel , Monkwearmouth .
TUESDAY . 80—St . John , Masonic Hall , Tark-terraco , Sunderland . 784—Harbour of Refuge , Freemasons' Hall , Upper Church-streot , West Hartlepool . WEDNESDAY .
1331—Norman , Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvet , Durham . 1389—Fenwick , Masonic Hall , Park-terrace , Sunderland . THURSDAY . 531—St . Helen ' s , Masonic Hall , Regent's-squarc , Hartlepool . 940—Philanthropy , Freemasons' Hall , Wellington-road , Stockton-on-Tees . FRIDAY . 541—De Loraino , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street-west , Ncwcastle-on-Tyno .
IRELAND . WEDNESDAY—161—Excelsior , Bishop-street , Tuam . THURSDAY—129—Industry , Dundoran , Donegal . EDINBURGH DISTRICT .
MONDAY—145—St . Stephen , St . James' Hall , Writcr ' s-court . TUESDAY—1—Mary ' s Chapel , Waterloo Hotel , Waterloo-place . WEDNESDAY—160—Roman Eagle , Iona Hotel , 62 Nicolson-stveet . THURSDAY—48—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall . „ 226—Portobpilo , Royal Hotel , Bath-street . „ R . A . 152—Perseverance , Lodge Room , 86 Constitution-street . FRIDAY—R . A . 83—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall .
GLASGOW DISTRICT . MONDAY . —102—St . Mark's , 213 Buchanan-street . „ 219—Star , 12 Trongate . ,, 362—St . Clair , 25 Robertson-street . Annual Meeting , Supreme Chapter Geneva Knights Templar Free nasons' Hall , Edinburgh . TUESDAY—113—Athol , 213 Buchauan-strcet . ,, 419—Neptune , 35 St . James-street . „ 441—Glasgow , 24 Struthers-street .
„ R . A . 69—St . Andrews , 170 Buchanan-street . WEDNESDAY—117—Partick , St . Mary ' s , New Masonic Hall , Partick . ,, 35-4—Caledonian Rai ' ivay , 30 Hope-street . THURSDAY—27—St . Mungo , 213 Buchanan-st 'Oct . „ 465—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , Garngad-road . FRIDAY— 12—Greenock , Kilwinning Public Hall , Greenock . „ 321—St . Andrew ' s . Public Hall , Alexandria .
,, 360—Commercial , 30 Hope-street . „ 366—St . Thomas . 90 Welgate-street , Larkhall . 403—Civile , 17 o Buchanan-street . SATURDAY—2 s—St . John ' s , Black Bull , K rkintilloch . ,, 524—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , East Kilbride . „ 541—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , Bank-street , Coalbrid ^ e .
Notices Of Meetings.
British Chapter , No . 8 . —A Convocation of tin ' s Chapter was hold on Friday , the 3 rd instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , and waa honored by the presence of Companions distinguished in the Order , who all expressed their gnitilication nt the admirable
and perfect working of this sublime ritual . Comp . Edwin March occupied tho chair of M . E . Z ., Long H ., H . Thorne J ., Stanley Robinsou S . E ., Humphreys S . N ., Stohwasser P . Z . Treasurer , Messent P . S ., Mo . sk > 1 st Asst ., W . Gain and P . Z . s J . B . Monckton , Nettleship , Cowlaud , Richardson , Evans and D , Griffiths ; Comps , Pileiier
Notices Of Meetings.
Yeo , Barron , Grady , Webb , Edkins , T . Fenn , Glover , & c . Tho Chapter was opened and the minutes were confirmed . Ballots wero taken and wero nnanimously in favour of Bros . Charles Dickens P . M . Maybnry Lodge , W . B . Scott S . W . Shakespeare Lodge , W . R . Winch , and W . Blakomore , who wero dnly exalted into Eoyal Arch Masonry . Tho rendering of tho ceremony by tho M . E . Z . was a pleasure to listen to ,
tho H ., J . and tho P . S . were equally perfect , and well deserved the encomiums passed on them by tho Companions and Visitovs . Two brethren wero proposed for exaltation . Comp . Stohwassor P . Z . proposed that tho sam of two guineas bo given to each of the three Masonic Charities . The M . E . Z . announced his intention of serving as Steward afc the next Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonio
Institution for Girls . The Chapter was then closed , and tho Companions sat down to a banqnot , where tho M . E . Z . presided . He proposed tho usual loyal and R . A . Toasts . Tho National Anthem was sung , Comp . W . Ganz accompanying on the piano . The Z . in proposing tho toast of the Grand Z ., H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , said he had done good service to tho Order , and ho was sure every
Companion wonld wish him a safe return to his native country . The Z ., in proposing the toast of the Grand H ., J . and tho rest of the Grand Officers , said , That night they were favoured with the presence of distinguished Companions , J . Hervey G . S . E . and T . Fenn , also Comps . J . B . Monckton and W . Ganz . Tho two latter being members of tho Chapter . They wero pleased to see them afc all times , and he would
couple the toast with the name of Comp . J . Hervey , who replied in his usual eloquent manner : The Offices of Grand Chapter coald not be better filled than afc the present time ; the Companions might with truth say , that they might go to 99 Chapters out of 100 , and yet not find better working than that they had witnessed to-night ; they had seen tho duties performed admirably , which was indeed a pleasure .
You have among your members one who is able to perform any functions required of him , for very few can excel him , and that is Companion Monckton . ( Cheers . ) He then mentioned the various qualifications of the Companions of Grand Chapter , who were always ready to render any assistance required of them . Comp . Nettleship then proposed the toast of the M . E . Z . and the H . and J ., and ho said
tho Chapter may indeed congratulate itself on the selection they had made ; whilo the eulogistic remarks of the Grand Scribe E . was sufficient to shew how excellently they had discharged their duties . Comp . W . Ganz then played a Fantasia from Traviata . Tho M . E . Z . in responding said , He thanked Companion Nettleship for his kind remarks , and if ho had pleased the Companions by his working ib
was sufficient gratification to him . Companion Long replied , the H . and J . following . The M . E . Z . proposed the Toast of the newly exalted Companions , and stated that for some time thero had been no exaltations in the Chapter j they had hero five , whom they were proud to see . The names of Companions Charles Dickens , —a Honshold Word , —Scott , Winch , Blackmore and Marshall were also
well known and respected . He regretted three of these Companions were obliged to leave , but he would couple the toast with the names of Comp 3 . Scott and Blackmore . The former Comp . responded : The words uttered in tho beantiful ceremony , so admirably delivered , would never bo effaced from his memory , it was so solemn and sacred that it well deserved the encomiums they heard passed , he hoped to
cany out every detail in R . A . Masonry to their satisfaction . Comp . Blackmore followed . The M . E . Z . then proposed tho Toast of the Visitors , and said that from time immemorial tho Chapter had always been pleased to see Visitors , bnt they had been most highly favoured that nig ht by distinguished Visitors , he would couple the Toast with tho names of Comps . Fenn and Vallance . The former
responded in a very excellent speech , and was followed by Comp . Vallance who paid the M . E . Z . a just compliment ; when ho had to speak of the pleasures of memory , he recollected the admirable qna ! itio 3 of Comp . Stohwasser , and also the late respected Comp . Herbert Lloyd , and he was sure from what he had seen the British Chapter wonld be pre-eminent in the Order . Comp . Nettleship returned thanks for
tho P . Z . s . The M . E . Z . in proposing the Toast of the Officers , said : There was one whom every one respected , and that was Comp . Stohwasser ; the Comp . Scribe E . was also equally worthy of their regard . They had seen the working of Conips . Messent , Chubb , and Musio , and did not forget Comp . W . Ganz , who was known as a talented musician and a good R . A . Mason . Comp . Stohwasser
returned thanks , and said , he had held Office tor 17 years , and he hoped to continue to do so . ( Cheers . ) Comp . VV . Ganz said ho had forgone many engagements to be present at this Chapter , and the pleasing associations connected with it would never be forgotten by him . The Janitor ' s Toast was given , and a very agreeablo evening
was passed , Companions Messont and Griffiths contributing to tho harmony , while Comp . W . Ganz ' s accompaniment was au especial musical treat . The Visitors were Companions John Hervey G . S . E ., T . Fenn P . Z ., P . G . S . B ., Wainwright 370 , J . Gossetfc 73 , G . N . Bennett 1118 , II . W . Vallance , lato No . 8 , J . Short , Archer 180 , Whichcord , Bristo , and H . M . Levy P . Z . 188 .
De Swinburn Chapter , No . 24 . —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 8 th of March 1 S 7 G , at Freemasons ' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-on-Tyno . Present—Conips . Smailo P . Z . acting Z ., P . O . Smith II ., W . Foulsbam P . Z . acting as J . Comp . Main acting as E . ; A . Loades Treasurer , Rcdesdnle Z . 400 N ., A . Loades P . S ., Dean A . S ., S . Hams A . S ., J . Curry Janitor , P . Z . ' s
Foul sham , Smith . Visitors—Ex . Comp . Rodesdale Z . 40 iJ Do Sussex , Armstrong and Monday De Sussex 40 fi . Tho half-yearly banquet was held at 5 p . m ., at the Royal Exchange Hotel , aud at 7 p . m . the Comps . adjourned to the Chapter , when Bro . the Rev . S . H . Harris was exalted to the supremo degree of tho Royal Arch , in a most impressive manner , by Ex . Comp . Smaile P . Z .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Lodge , No . 24 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 2 nd of March , at Freemasons ' Hall , Graingev-st . veet , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Present—Bros . G . Cockbiun W . M ., A . Loades S . W ., J . T . Taylor J . W ., Hall P . M . as Sec ,