Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 4 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
namely Comp . Nairne , in returning thanks , adverted to tho pleasure and gratification he had felt in witnessing tho proceedings in the Chapter . He had that evening learned a lesson not easily to bo forgotten—he had seen the work done in many Chapters , being a Royal Arch Mason of many years' standing , but nowhere , in the whole course of his experience , had he seen it performed with such perfection , and
whero all tho officers , from tho M . E . Z . down to the lowest officer , wero so well np to their dnties . Ho must congratulate tho Victoria Chapter , and tho Companions may rest assured that under such conditions it cannot fail to prosper . He also had to thank them for their splendid hospitality , and the kind and cordial reception tho visitors had received . Comp . Garrod echoed tho sentiments of the preceding
speaker . The visitors on this occasion were Comps . J . H . Vorkuta J . 1329 , II . Garrod P . Z . 507 , 74 . 0 , B . A . Nnirne M . E . Z . 132 . 0 , P . Z . 176 , J . P . Poole M . E . Z . Rose of Denmark , J . R , Conostiek H . 975 , J . Walker 975 , T . J . Taylor 933 , H . Voeking , John Green P . S . 975 . The P . Z . 's present , wero Comps . Eonhuns I . P . Z ., E . Clark , E . Gottheil , J . Forsvth and Hnbbard .
Star Lodpte . No , 1275 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on Friday , 3 rd inst ., at tho Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Present —Bros . J . J . Limebeer W . M ., IT . J . Green ( W . M . 1538 ) S . W ., R . W . Williams J . W ., J . Smith P . G . P . Treasnrer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex Secretary , C . W . Williams S . D ., W . B . Woodman ( W . M . 1559 ) J . D ., W . Kipps ( J . W . 1531 ) T . G ., Rev . G . H . P . Colles Chaplain ,
W . Ongh P . G . P . P . M ., C . J . Hogg P . G . S . P . M ., H . Keeble P . M ., and above 30 members . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes wero confirmed . Bro . C Man- was raised to the 3 rd degree , and Messrs . J . S . Leaper , J . W . Neale , and T . Gilloeh were initiated . Tho working was excellently done by the W . M . and Officers . Bro . Smith
P . G . P . was elected to act as Steward at tho Festival for the Girls ' School . Several propositions were handed in for initiation and joining , after which the Lodge was closed . A very excellent banquet followed . The visitors were Bros . Thomas 130 , W . Lover 1178 , E . M . Hnbbard P . G . S . P . M . 58 , J . T . Moss P . P . G . R , Middlesex P . M . 1423 , T . Reynolds 58 , Stainer 172 , & c .
Kennington Lodge , No . 1381 . —This new and rapidly increasing Lodge met on Tnesday , the 6 th inst ., afc tho Oval , Kenning , ton . Bro . Geo . Everett W . M . occupied the chair , Higsnns S . W ., Reeves J . W ., E . Page P . G . S . P . M . Treasnrer , W . Stewart P . M . Secretary , Walls S . D ., Kohler J . D ., Speedy T . G ., Ellis Organist , Robinson D . C , and P . M . 's W . Mann , Koco , Gardner and Drysdale .
The Lodge was opened , and tho minntes wero confirmed . Bro . Grimwado was raised to the 3 rd degree , and Messrs . J . King and J . Wardley wero duly initiated into the Order . Tho ceremonies were perfectly and impressively delivered by the W . M . Bro . Koch P . M . stated that the Surrey Masonic nail , Camberwell New-road , would bo inaugurated by a ball , and the net proceeds would be given to the
three Masonic Chanties . Tho Secretary read the bye-laws of the Lodge , which was then closed , and tho brethren adjonrned to tho largo hall , and sat down to a very sumptuous and recherche dinner and dessert . Tho W . M . in his genial and happy manner proposed the health of tho Qneen and the Craft ; and in giving tho toast of the Most Worshipfnl Grand Master H . R . H . the Princo of Wales , said that
ever since he had been m the Order , and also at the Albert Hall in the presence of 7000 Masons , he had shown his zeal in the cause of Freemasonry ; his progress in India was pleasing to note ; and ho wished him a safe return , in' health and vigour . Tho toast of the Pro Grard Master the Earl of Carnarvon , and tho Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Skelmersdale was thon given . Both wero
highly distinguished in the Order , and it was gratifying to know how ably tho latter had presided at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , where tho large sum of £ 9 , 140 was collected . He also ably presided on Wednesday last at Grand Lodge . Bro . E . J . Page P . M . P . G . S . then proposed tho toast of the W . M ., he had been a Mason for many years , but he had never seen working
done better . The Lodge would snre to be successful under his auspices , and he hoped ho might live long to enjoy the frnits of his labour . ( Cheers ) . The W . M . in reply thanked the brethren for their kind expressions ; he had left the chair of one Lodge to occupy the chair here ; his great aim was to do good for the Craft , and he pre dieted a bright future in store for tho Kennington Lodge . The W . M .
then proposed the toast of tho visitors . He was pleased , and so were the members of the Lodge , to see them ; many were well known and respected for their Masonic qualifications . It was a good custom for brethren to visit other Lodges , where an interchange of fraternal feeling was shown ; brethren often see beneficial improvements , ne would couple with the toast the name of Bro . Greenwood P . G . W .
Surrey , who very eloqnently returned thanks , ne quite agreed with the pertinent remarks of the W . M . with regard to visiting Lodges , he was proud to say he had been initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . Drysdale , seventeon years ago . Bro . Allcot followed , and said he had been travelling North and South for eighteen years , and he had visited in China Lodges once a month for many
years , bnt he had never seen better working . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the newly initiated brethren ; nothing could be a greater pleasure to a W . M . than to disseminate those beautiful tenets . Eighteen years ago he was initiated , and that snored ceremony wonld never be effaced from his memory . The Initiates had seen very little of it at present bnt the foundation , Brotherly Love , Relief ,
Truth and Charity . He was snre they would never regret the step they had taken ; all that they had heard was bnt a portion of the sublime degrees in stove for them . Bros . J . King and Wardley returned thanks in very appropriate terms . Tho W . M . then proposed Hie toast of the Past Masters , he was pleased to say he was the 5 th
W . M ., and it was sufficient to recall the services they had rendered , not only to this newly formed Lodge , bnt to tho Craft at large . Brother Page was woll-knowu as a P . M . of several Lodges , and a Past Grand Steward , he was respected by all who have the pleasure of knowing him . Tho same may truthfully bo said of Bros . W . Mann , Koch
Notices Of Meetings.
and Gardner , they had rendered every service required of them . Bro . Gardner P . M . responded , ho felt ifc almost like his mother Lodge , for ho and Bro . Pago had done all they could for tho Lodgo ; it was a success , and they could not have a better W . M . than the present . The W . M . then proposed the Toast of tho Treasnrer and Secretary , Bros . E . J . Page and Stuart , while the Lodge had two such officers it wonld be sure to prosper . The toast was responded to , also that of tho Wardens and Officers . The Tvler's toast concluded
a WTy enjoyaW © evening . Bros . Snrgood , Webb and Walls sang some ballads sweetly , Bro . Ellis ably accompanying on the piano Tho Visitors wero Bros . W . Palmer 177 , G . L . Everett 177 , Day 1139 , Greenwood P . G . W . Surrey , G . A . Allcot 525 ( China ) , II . Massey P . M . 619 and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Thames Valley Lodge , No . 1460 . —Ifc is proverbially acknowledged that the members of our Order know how to appre . eiato good things , and it is equally recognised that our brethren know where to find comfortable quarters . Tho members of tho Thames Valley Lodge , in selecting tho village of Lower Halliford , near Shepperton , as the locale for their gatherings , must be congratulated ,
as a more pictnresquo spot could not possibly have been chosen . This Lodge was consecrated in 1874 , and onr worthy brother Col . Peters was its first W . M . During his year of office the Lodge made such progress that ifc soon took a position as one of tho most flourishing in the Province . Tho Rev . Dr . Brette , whoso domestic affliction wo havo so recently had to announce , succeeded Col . Peters , and
nnder his genial sway rapid strides wero made . On Saturday last the brethren assombled , at fonr o'clock , at their rooms , at the Ship Hotel , for tho purpose of installing Bro . J . Llewollyn Jones , the J . W . and W . M . elect , into tho chair of King Solomou . The Lodge wa 3 duly opened , and the minntes wero confirmed . Previous to tho ceremony it was announced that the business on the summons ,
relating to the passing of Bro . M . Davis , and the raising Bros . H . II . Blythe , P . Dunn , and J . S . Tyler , would be postponed . Bro . W . Paas then rose , and said every member of tho Lodge must deeply regret tho cause that prevented their worthy W . M ., Bro . Dr . Brette , from being present ; and he proposed that a vote of condolence should be passed and sent him , thns manifesting the sympathy each brother
of tho Lodgo felt for him in his deep affliction . This was carried , and authority given for its record on tho minutes . Tho ceremony of installation was thon proceeded with , and was ably rendered by Bro . William T . Howe , P . G . P . Middlesex P . M ., and tho following officers were appointed : —Rev . Dr . Bretto Prov . G . C . Middlesex I . P . M ., W . T . Howe S . W ., T . B . Teomans J . W ., W . Paas P . G . S . Treas ., J . G .
Marsh P . M . 28 and 192 P . G . P . Midd ., Sec , W . Sweetland S . D ., J . E . Kershaw J . D ., J . H . R . Gowan I . G ., W . Alcock D . C , J . Woodstock Tyler . Tho usual charges were then given , and the customary congratulations made , after which tho auditors' report was read and adopted . Tn the absence of Dr . Brette , it was suggested that tho Boys' School , for which ho had accepted a Stewardship , should not bo forgotten ,
and a snm of five guineas was voted for that Charity , to be placed on the Doctor's list . Reference % vas made to tho death , which , had ocenrred since the last meeting of tho Lodgo , of Bro . John Magee , the J . D ., and a deserved tribute was paid to his memory . It was thon proposed , seconded and carried , that a letter of condolence bo sent to tho widow of Bro . Magee , and that the samo be recorded on the
minntes . Two gentlemen were then proposed as candidates for initiation , and it was announced that tho ballot for them would take place at the next regular meeting . The Lodgo was afterwards closed , with the nsnal formalities . After a short interval , an elegant repast was served , to which ample justice was done . The W . M . presided , and condncted the proceedings in a most happy and animated spirit . On
proposing the health of Her Most Gracious Majesty , he referred to tho fact of her sons , with but ono except i"n , being members of our Order . On rising to givo that of the M . W . G . M . tho Princo of Wales , Bro . Jones said it was now a very safe and gonial sort of toast he had to propose . Tho Princo of Wn ' os was nn Englishman in every sense of the word , and Masons might congratulate themselves upon having
such a man at the head of their Order . He was sure that , on his return from India , he would not only receive a hearty welcome from the members of the Craft , bnt from the whole of tho people of England . In speaking to tho toast of I ho Pro Grand Master , tho Depnty Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , the W . M . said tho brethren referred to were eminently cal
culated to watch over the interests , and promote the good of the Craft . Bro . Townsend here sang , in a most effective manner , " The Pride of Kildare . " The next toast was that of the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex , which was given and received in a most cordial way . Bro . Jones said that some time since , before he had the hononr of acquaint , anee with theP . G . M ., he was interested in the caseof a candidate forthe
Girls' School , and ho was advised to apply to Col . Burdett forassistance . On his replying he did not know the Colonel , ho was told that did not matter , as he would find that Col . Burdett was always ready to advise and assist any ono , so far as it laid in his power . He could fully endorse that sentiment , for a kinder-hearted gentleman he was sure never lived , and he had great pleasure iu welcoming as a guest
so true a 'Mason as Col . Burdett . The Prov . G . M ., in reply , said he thanked the W . M . for the way in which ho had proposed , and the brethren for the way in which thoy had received tho toast . Ho felt it was more than he deserved . He was always anxious to do all the good ifc was possible , but that was onl y his duty . This did not apply especially to his Province , but to the world at largo . He felt bound to do this , not only as ft Mason , but as a public man . We all know
that in our Order there are a great many who require assistance ; we have our Girls' School , onr Boys' School , and our Benevolent Institution , and we are all bound to do what we can for their support . He referred to a scheme for a system of organisation throughout the Province , by which the cause of charity might be promoted , and trusted that when the scheme was matured , it might be acceptable to tho Order in general . He was pleased to note the progress the Thames Valley Lodge was making , and augured a proud future for it . He
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
namely Comp . Nairne , in returning thanks , adverted to tho pleasure and gratification he had felt in witnessing tho proceedings in the Chapter . He had that evening learned a lesson not easily to bo forgotten—he had seen the work done in many Chapters , being a Royal Arch Mason of many years' standing , but nowhere , in the whole course of his experience , had he seen it performed with such perfection , and
whero all tho officers , from tho M . E . Z . down to the lowest officer , wero so well np to their dnties . Ho must congratulate tho Victoria Chapter , and tho Companions may rest assured that under such conditions it cannot fail to prosper . He also had to thank them for their splendid hospitality , and the kind and cordial reception tho visitors had received . Comp . Garrod echoed tho sentiments of the preceding
speaker . The visitors on this occasion were Comps . J . H . Vorkuta J . 1329 , II . Garrod P . Z . 507 , 74 . 0 , B . A . Nnirne M . E . Z . 132 . 0 , P . Z . 176 , J . P . Poole M . E . Z . Rose of Denmark , J . R , Conostiek H . 975 , J . Walker 975 , T . J . Taylor 933 , H . Voeking , John Green P . S . 975 . The P . Z . 's present , wero Comps . Eonhuns I . P . Z ., E . Clark , E . Gottheil , J . Forsvth and Hnbbard .
Star Lodpte . No , 1275 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on Friday , 3 rd inst ., at tho Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Present —Bros . J . J . Limebeer W . M ., IT . J . Green ( W . M . 1538 ) S . W ., R . W . Williams J . W ., J . Smith P . G . P . Treasnrer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex Secretary , C . W . Williams S . D ., W . B . Woodman ( W . M . 1559 ) J . D ., W . Kipps ( J . W . 1531 ) T . G ., Rev . G . H . P . Colles Chaplain ,
W . Ongh P . G . P . P . M ., C . J . Hogg P . G . S . P . M ., H . Keeble P . M ., and above 30 members . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes wero confirmed . Bro . C Man- was raised to the 3 rd degree , and Messrs . J . S . Leaper , J . W . Neale , and T . Gilloeh were initiated . Tho working was excellently done by the W . M . and Officers . Bro . Smith
P . G . P . was elected to act as Steward at tho Festival for the Girls ' School . Several propositions were handed in for initiation and joining , after which the Lodge was closed . A very excellent banquet followed . The visitors were Bros . Thomas 130 , W . Lover 1178 , E . M . Hnbbard P . G . S . P . M . 58 , J . T . Moss P . P . G . R , Middlesex P . M . 1423 , T . Reynolds 58 , Stainer 172 , & c .
Kennington Lodge , No . 1381 . —This new and rapidly increasing Lodge met on Tnesday , the 6 th inst ., afc tho Oval , Kenning , ton . Bro . Geo . Everett W . M . occupied the chair , Higsnns S . W ., Reeves J . W ., E . Page P . G . S . P . M . Treasnrer , W . Stewart P . M . Secretary , Walls S . D ., Kohler J . D ., Speedy T . G ., Ellis Organist , Robinson D . C , and P . M . 's W . Mann , Koco , Gardner and Drysdale .
The Lodge was opened , and tho minntes wero confirmed . Bro . Grimwado was raised to the 3 rd degree , and Messrs . J . King and J . Wardley wero duly initiated into the Order . Tho ceremonies were perfectly and impressively delivered by the W . M . Bro . Koch P . M . stated that the Surrey Masonic nail , Camberwell New-road , would bo inaugurated by a ball , and the net proceeds would be given to the
three Masonic Chanties . Tho Secretary read the bye-laws of the Lodge , which was then closed , and tho brethren adjonrned to tho largo hall , and sat down to a very sumptuous and recherche dinner and dessert . Tho W . M . in his genial and happy manner proposed the health of tho Qneen and the Craft ; and in giving tho toast of the Most Worshipfnl Grand Master H . R . H . the Princo of Wales , said that
ever since he had been m the Order , and also at the Albert Hall in the presence of 7000 Masons , he had shown his zeal in the cause of Freemasonry ; his progress in India was pleasing to note ; and ho wished him a safe return , in' health and vigour . Tho toast of the Pro Grard Master the Earl of Carnarvon , and tho Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Skelmersdale was thon given . Both wero
highly distinguished in the Order , and it was gratifying to know how ably tho latter had presided at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , where tho large sum of £ 9 , 140 was collected . He also ably presided on Wednesday last at Grand Lodge . Bro . E . J . Page P . M . P . G . S . then proposed tho toast of the W . M ., he had been a Mason for many years , but he had never seen working
done better . The Lodge would snre to be successful under his auspices , and he hoped ho might live long to enjoy the frnits of his labour . ( Cheers ) . The W . M . in reply thanked the brethren for their kind expressions ; he had left the chair of one Lodge to occupy the chair here ; his great aim was to do good for the Craft , and he pre dieted a bright future in store for tho Kennington Lodge . The W . M .
then proposed the toast of tho visitors . He was pleased , and so were the members of the Lodge , to see them ; many were well known and respected for their Masonic qualifications . It was a good custom for brethren to visit other Lodges , where an interchange of fraternal feeling was shown ; brethren often see beneficial improvements , ne would couple with the toast the name of Bro . Greenwood P . G . W .
Surrey , who very eloqnently returned thanks , ne quite agreed with the pertinent remarks of the W . M . with regard to visiting Lodges , he was proud to say he had been initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . Drysdale , seventeon years ago . Bro . Allcot followed , and said he had been travelling North and South for eighteen years , and he had visited in China Lodges once a month for many
years , bnt he had never seen better working . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the newly initiated brethren ; nothing could be a greater pleasure to a W . M . than to disseminate those beautiful tenets . Eighteen years ago he was initiated , and that snored ceremony wonld never be effaced from his memory . The Initiates had seen very little of it at present bnt the foundation , Brotherly Love , Relief ,
Truth and Charity . He was snre they would never regret the step they had taken ; all that they had heard was bnt a portion of the sublime degrees in stove for them . Bros . J . King and Wardley returned thanks in very appropriate terms . Tho W . M . then proposed Hie toast of the Past Masters , he was pleased to say he was the 5 th
W . M ., and it was sufficient to recall the services they had rendered , not only to this newly formed Lodge , bnt to tho Craft at large . Brother Page was woll-knowu as a P . M . of several Lodges , and a Past Grand Steward , he was respected by all who have the pleasure of knowing him . Tho same may truthfully bo said of Bros . W . Mann , Koch
Notices Of Meetings.
and Gardner , they had rendered every service required of them . Bro . Gardner P . M . responded , ho felt ifc almost like his mother Lodge , for ho and Bro . Pago had done all they could for tho Lodgo ; it was a success , and they could not have a better W . M . than the present . The W . M . then proposed the Toast of tho Treasnrer and Secretary , Bros . E . J . Page and Stuart , while the Lodge had two such officers it wonld be sure to prosper . The toast was responded to , also that of tho Wardens and Officers . The Tvler's toast concluded
a WTy enjoyaW © evening . Bros . Snrgood , Webb and Walls sang some ballads sweetly , Bro . Ellis ably accompanying on the piano Tho Visitors wero Bros . W . Palmer 177 , G . L . Everett 177 , Day 1139 , Greenwood P . G . W . Surrey , G . A . Allcot 525 ( China ) , II . Massey P . M . 619 and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Thames Valley Lodge , No . 1460 . —Ifc is proverbially acknowledged that the members of our Order know how to appre . eiato good things , and it is equally recognised that our brethren know where to find comfortable quarters . Tho members of tho Thames Valley Lodge , in selecting tho village of Lower Halliford , near Shepperton , as the locale for their gatherings , must be congratulated ,
as a more pictnresquo spot could not possibly have been chosen . This Lodge was consecrated in 1874 , and onr worthy brother Col . Peters was its first W . M . During his year of office the Lodge made such progress that ifc soon took a position as one of tho most flourishing in the Province . Tho Rev . Dr . Brette , whoso domestic affliction wo havo so recently had to announce , succeeded Col . Peters , and
nnder his genial sway rapid strides wero made . On Saturday last the brethren assombled , at fonr o'clock , at their rooms , at the Ship Hotel , for tho purpose of installing Bro . J . Llewollyn Jones , the J . W . and W . M . elect , into tho chair of King Solomou . The Lodge wa 3 duly opened , and the minntes wero confirmed . Previous to tho ceremony it was announced that the business on the summons ,
relating to the passing of Bro . M . Davis , and the raising Bros . H . II . Blythe , P . Dunn , and J . S . Tyler , would be postponed . Bro . W . Paas then rose , and said every member of tho Lodge must deeply regret tho cause that prevented their worthy W . M ., Bro . Dr . Brette , from being present ; and he proposed that a vote of condolence should be passed and sent him , thns manifesting the sympathy each brother
of tho Lodgo felt for him in his deep affliction . This was carried , and authority given for its record on tho minutes . Tho ceremony of installation was thon proceeded with , and was ably rendered by Bro . William T . Howe , P . G . P . Middlesex P . M ., and tho following officers were appointed : —Rev . Dr . Bretto Prov . G . C . Middlesex I . P . M ., W . T . Howe S . W ., T . B . Teomans J . W ., W . Paas P . G . S . Treas ., J . G .
Marsh P . M . 28 and 192 P . G . P . Midd ., Sec , W . Sweetland S . D ., J . E . Kershaw J . D ., J . H . R . Gowan I . G ., W . Alcock D . C , J . Woodstock Tyler . Tho usual charges were then given , and the customary congratulations made , after which tho auditors' report was read and adopted . Tn the absence of Dr . Brette , it was suggested that tho Boys' School , for which ho had accepted a Stewardship , should not bo forgotten ,
and a snm of five guineas was voted for that Charity , to be placed on the Doctor's list . Reference % vas made to tho death , which , had ocenrred since the last meeting of tho Lodgo , of Bro . John Magee , the J . D ., and a deserved tribute was paid to his memory . It was thon proposed , seconded and carried , that a letter of condolence bo sent to tho widow of Bro . Magee , and that the samo be recorded on the
minntes . Two gentlemen were then proposed as candidates for initiation , and it was announced that tho ballot for them would take place at the next regular meeting . The Lodgo was afterwards closed , with the nsnal formalities . After a short interval , an elegant repast was served , to which ample justice was done . The W . M . presided , and condncted the proceedings in a most happy and animated spirit . On
proposing the health of Her Most Gracious Majesty , he referred to tho fact of her sons , with but ono except i"n , being members of our Order . On rising to givo that of the M . W . G . M . tho Princo of Wales , Bro . Jones said it was now a very safe and gonial sort of toast he had to propose . Tho Princo of Wn ' os was nn Englishman in every sense of the word , and Masons might congratulate themselves upon having
such a man at the head of their Order . He was sure that , on his return from India , he would not only receive a hearty welcome from the members of the Craft , bnt from the whole of tho people of England . In speaking to tho toast of I ho Pro Grand Master , tho Depnty Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , the W . M . said tho brethren referred to were eminently cal
culated to watch over the interests , and promote the good of the Craft . Bro . Townsend here sang , in a most effective manner , " The Pride of Kildare . " The next toast was that of the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex , which was given and received in a most cordial way . Bro . Jones said that some time since , before he had the hononr of acquaint , anee with theP . G . M ., he was interested in the caseof a candidate forthe
Girls' School , and ho was advised to apply to Col . Burdett forassistance . On his replying he did not know the Colonel , ho was told that did not matter , as he would find that Col . Burdett was always ready to advise and assist any ono , so far as it laid in his power . He could fully endorse that sentiment , for a kinder-hearted gentleman he was sure never lived , and he had great pleasure iu welcoming as a guest
so true a 'Mason as Col . Burdett . The Prov . G . M ., in reply , said he thanked the W . M . for the way in which ho had proposed , and the brethren for the way in which thoy had received tho toast . Ho felt it was more than he deserved . He was always anxious to do all the good ifc was possible , but that was onl y his duty . This did not apply especially to his Province , but to the world at largo . He felt bound to do this , not only as ft Mason , but as a public man . We all know
that in our Order there are a great many who require assistance ; we have our Girls' School , onr Boys' School , and our Benevolent Institution , and we are all bound to do what we can for their support . He referred to a scheme for a system of organisation throughout the Province , by which the cause of charity might be promoted , and trusted that when the scheme was matured , it might be acceptable to tho Order in general . He was pleased to note the progress the Thames Valley Lodge was making , and augured a proud future for it . He