Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 5 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 5 of 5 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
advised a thorough investigation of the oharactor of all candidates for admission , and he trusted the W . M . had been careful to appoint good officers , and that those officers would exerfc themselves to carry out their duties in a satisfactory manner . P . M . Col . Poter 3 then rose to propose tho health of the newly-installed W . M . Ho said that , as ono of the founders , and a P . M . of the Lodge , ho with groat pleasure
submitted the toast for their consideration . So long as ho had known Bro . Jones ho had always done his duty as a man and a Mason . During his year of office , ho was snro ho would do all ho could for the prosperity of the Lodge . He ( Col . Potors ) had begnn his Masonic career lat ' o in life , but ; ho had made rapid progress . Bro . Jones was a moro experienced Mason , and ho was sure that all who might ho
initiatod would bo good men , and all would bo done by Bro . Jones that was possible to keep np tho character of the Thames Valley Lodge . The toast was then honoured in a most hearty way . Bro . Jones said ho had to thank Past Master Col . Peters and tho brothreu for their kindness , first in electing him as thoir Master , and secondly for tho way in which thoy had received the toast , and tho
consideration thoy had shown him since ho had been in the chair , Ho hoped he should not fail ; he had an eye to tho fact that ho might do so , hence he had boon careful to appoint officers on whoso assistance ho know he might rely . Thoso who had boon appointed that day wore brothron in " whom any W . M . might feol a pride , and ho hoped tho members of tho Lodge would never have canso to feel ashamed of
their third Master . Tho W . M . thon gavo tho toast of tho Visitors , who wore Bros . W . Winn P . M . 657 , W . Maplo G 57 , 0 . Potter 657 , and A . E . Stanley Carr , Eureka Lodgo , No . 47 , Ireland . He assured them they mig ht always eonnb on a hoarfcy wolcomo should they feel inclined to repeat their visit . This was acknowledged by Bro . W . Winn P . M . 657 . Tho health of the Past Masters
followed , and was replied to by Bro . Col . Peters , who deepl y regretted the uuavoidablo absence of Bro . Dr . Brotte tho I . P . M . He might , however , say he was convinced that ho wonld have every assistance from his Rev . Brother to keep up tho character of the Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Officors , and reforred to tho excellent way in which tho Senior Warden , Bro . Howe , had performed tho
ceromony of installation . With such officers as he had to support him , he was convinced the working would be everything that could be wished . Bro . Howe briefly replied . Tho toasfc of the Press was next proposed , and with it was coupled the namo of Brother W . W . Morgan , who thanked the W . M . and brethren for the cordial reception they had given him . Thoir worthy I . P . M .. Dr . Brette , in the midst of his affliction , had expressed a hope that ; ho ( Bro .
Morgan ) would visit tho Lodge on tho present occasion , assuring himlhat tho members would do all in their power to mako him comfortable . This had been most fully carried out , and he would long remember the kindness he had been received with . He trusted
Notices Of Meetings.
that a brilliant future was before the Lodge . He did not , however , quite agree with what Bro . Jones had said about having to learn the bitter word fail . Ho did not think their W . M . need attend a Spelling Bee to learn how to spell that word ; he would call to their remembrance tho lines which Lord Lytton had put into tho month of Richelieu , — "In the loxicon of youth that aspires to a bright manhood there must bo no such word as fail . " This he was sure would be
fully endorsed by all prosent . Bro . Morgan concluded by thanking tho brethren for the kind manner in which thoy had responded to the toast . The evening ' s entertainment was enlivened by some excellent singing , Bro . Hislop ' s rendering of "Bon jour , Sizon , " and Bro . Marsh ' s " Empress of the Wave " doserving special commendation . After tho Tyler ' s toast , tho brothron returned to town , expressing themselves gratified at the arrangements which had beon mado for their comfort by Bro . Stone , the host of the Ship .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . — Afc the meeting held at tho Havelock Tavern , Albion-road , Dalston , on Wednesday , the 1 st March , thero wore present , Bros . Crano WM ., II . Mover S . W ., Brand J . W ., Fioldwick S . D ., Coombes J . D ., Dietrich I . G ., Gilchrist P . M . Preceptor , and Bros . Brasted , Poole , Hill , Meyer , Robinson , Gross , ' Dignam , Baber , Dallas , Lee , Chapman and
Shackleton . Busiuess—Initiation ceremony , Bro . Dignam acting as candidato . 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th sections were worked by Bro . Gilchrist , assisted by the brothron . Bro . H . Meyer was unanimousl y elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bro . Brasted ( 1524 ) having kindly prosented tho Lodgo with a Volume of the Sacred Law , Br o Gilchrist proposed , and Bro . H . Meyer seconded , that a cordial vofce
of thanks bo tendered to him , and recorded on the minntes , for his timely and serviceable gift , also the evident desire Bro . Brasted has for the prosperity of tho Duke of Connaught Lodgo of Instruction b y enabling tho brethren to conduct Masonic bnsiness in a just manner , was carried unanimously . Nothing else offering , the Lodge was closed in ancient form .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No , 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwoll ' s , the Hercules , Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening , 9 th March , at 7 . 30 . Present Bros . Hollands W . M ., Rudderforth S . W ., Briddlo J . W ., Webb S . D ., Crane J . D ., Ellis I . G ., Grammer Hon . Secretary , Austin P . M .
Preceptor , and numerous other brethren . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Maidwell being the candidate . The 1 st ; and 2 nd sections of the Lecture wero worked b y Bro . Webb , assisted by tho brothron , and the 3 rd , 4 th and final sections by Bro . Horsloy . All Masonic business being finished , the Lodge was closod in ancient form .
AC CIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothhury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . 0 . HARDING , Manager .
THE WESTMINSTER PAPERS , Vol . 8 . No . 95 for MARCH , now ready . Sixpence , CHESS , WHIST , GAMES OF SKILL AND THE DRAMA . W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , London , E . C .
WATCHES . id Cheapest in he World . OWE ST Wholesale cash prices : luminiuni , ll * s Gd ; Silver , an ; Silver Levers , 33 s ; Gold . 53 s ; Levers , IBs . AU kinds of Watches , Clocks , and Gold Jewellery . Every watch timed , tested and warranted for two years . Orders safe per post . Price lists and illustrations free . —DYEK & SON'S , Watch Manufacturers , !»> Resent Street , London , W ., and CLuux . de -
THE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW STYLES are the LEADING SHAPHS for London anil tho Provinces . HATS at WHOLESALE PRICES . Unequalled in quality and durability
p iTY HAT COMPANY , I AQ AND 110 SHOE LANE JL \ J V ( a few minutes' walk from Farringdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOORS FROM FLEET STREET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering the other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistake
HATS . —BEST SHAPES , 10 s 6 Y 1 and 12 s Gd each , give universal satisfaction "OEST HATS 21 s ; theso are unequalled .
Tho Marvellous Remedy for Coughs , Colds , Hoar-wains , Asthma , Ui'uncUitis , ^^ ° ^ ' Consumption , and all _^* » *"" * r % vP Ghost Affections . ^ ^ —< ST \ \^ V *& * ^ ^ i ^ xOj ^ ~ - ^* V * f j \ J ^ "^ Sold by all P l ^ , ^^ - - " ^^ ^ Chemists , in bottles , at J ^^ " ^ Is \\ a , 2 s Sd , 4 s 6 d and lis each . *^"^ Sent by the I ' roprietors uponi ectipt of Stamps , From Eev . J . STOREHOUSE , St . Saviour ' s Vicarage , Nottingham . AUGUST 1871 . DEAR SIB , —lean strongly recommend yourPectcrino as an invaluable Cough Remedy . I havo given it a fair trial in my own family , and have also supplied it to persons suffering from Cough in my parish , and in every instance it has given immediate relief . In some cases , alter passing sleepless nights , ono or two doses of tho Pectorine have had such a good effect that persons have got a good night ' s rest , and tho Cough has speedily disappeared . Mr . A . KOLFE , St . Ann's Square , Manchester , Says : "Your Pectorine is superior to any Medicine I have ever tried for Coughs or Colds . " rKCTORlVR cures the worst forms of Coughs and Cold * . l * K 4 'TOKIXE cures noarseness . PE < TOR ISJ E gives immediate relief in Bronchitis . PlvCTOKINK is the best Medicine for Asthma . I'ECTOatlNE cures Whooping Cough . I'EtrfO JUSTE will cure a troublesome tickling Cough . PKCTOKI 9 H 3 is invaiuable in tho early stages of Con . sumption . PECTOKISE relieves all Affections of tho Chest , Lungs , and Throat . Prepared only by SMITH & CLAEKE , Manufacturing Chemists , ParkStreet , Lincoln . * * * Vice Chancellor Sir C . Hall granted a perpetual injunction , with costs , against F . Mason , Chemist , Rotheram , for using tho word " Pectorino , "
""POR the BLOOD ia the LIFE . " CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER , For cleansing and clearing tho bloo : l from all im purities , cannot bo too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackhoads , or Pimples on the Facel Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 6 d each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and tho world , or sont to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Honses . ^
r pAMAR INDIEN ( universally prescribed X _ by tho Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and medicated fruit lozonge , for the immediato relief and effectual cure of constipation , headache , bile , haemorrhoids , ic . Tamar ( unlike nills aud tho usual purgatives ) is agreeable to take , and never produces irritation . —is 6 d per box , post free 2 d extra . —E . GRILLON , 31 Coleman-street , London , E . C . ; and of all Chemists .
YOUNG ' S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Prico tid and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe tho Trado Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine . Be suro and ask for Young's .
VTERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY -L l —A gentleman , after years of suffering , has discovered a simple means of sel euro , lie will ho happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope . Address—Mr . J . T . Sewell , 7 Musgrave Crescent Fulham , Loudon .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
advised a thorough investigation of the oharactor of all candidates for admission , and he trusted the W . M . had been careful to appoint good officers , and that those officers would exerfc themselves to carry out their duties in a satisfactory manner . P . M . Col . Poter 3 then rose to propose tho health of the newly-installed W . M . Ho said that , as ono of the founders , and a P . M . of the Lodge , ho with groat pleasure
submitted the toast for their consideration . So long as ho had known Bro . Jones ho had always done his duty as a man and a Mason . During his year of office , ho was snro ho would do all ho could for the prosperity of the Lodge . He ( Col . Potors ) had begnn his Masonic career lat ' o in life , but ; ho had made rapid progress . Bro . Jones was a moro experienced Mason , and ho was sure that all who might ho
initiatod would bo good men , and all would bo done by Bro . Jones that was possible to keep np tho character of the Thames Valley Lodge . The toast was then honoured in a most hearty way . Bro . Jones said ho had to thank Past Master Col . Peters and tho brothreu for their kindness , first in electing him as thoir Master , and secondly for tho way in which thoy had received the toast , and tho
consideration thoy had shown him since ho had been in the chair , Ho hoped he should not fail ; he had an eye to tho fact that ho might do so , hence he had boon careful to appoint officers on whoso assistance ho know he might rely . Thoso who had boon appointed that day wore brothron in " whom any W . M . might feol a pride , and ho hoped tho members of tho Lodge would never have canso to feel ashamed of
their third Master . Tho W . M . thon gavo tho toast of tho Visitors , who wore Bros . W . Winn P . M . 657 , W . Maplo G 57 , 0 . Potter 657 , and A . E . Stanley Carr , Eureka Lodgo , No . 47 , Ireland . He assured them they mig ht always eonnb on a hoarfcy wolcomo should they feel inclined to repeat their visit . This was acknowledged by Bro . W . Winn P . M . 657 . Tho health of the Past Masters
followed , and was replied to by Bro . Col . Peters , who deepl y regretted the uuavoidablo absence of Bro . Dr . Brotte tho I . P . M . He might , however , say he was convinced that ho wonld have every assistance from his Rev . Brother to keep up tho character of the Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Officors , and reforred to tho excellent way in which tho Senior Warden , Bro . Howe , had performed tho
ceromony of installation . With such officers as he had to support him , he was convinced the working would be everything that could be wished . Bro . Howe briefly replied . Tho toasfc of the Press was next proposed , and with it was coupled the namo of Brother W . W . Morgan , who thanked the W . M . and brethren for the cordial reception they had given him . Thoir worthy I . P . M .. Dr . Brette , in the midst of his affliction , had expressed a hope that ; ho ( Bro .
Morgan ) would visit tho Lodge on tho present occasion , assuring himlhat tho members would do all in their power to mako him comfortable . This had been most fully carried out , and he would long remember the kindness he had been received with . He trusted
Notices Of Meetings.
that a brilliant future was before the Lodge . He did not , however , quite agree with what Bro . Jones had said about having to learn the bitter word fail . Ho did not think their W . M . need attend a Spelling Bee to learn how to spell that word ; he would call to their remembrance tho lines which Lord Lytton had put into tho month of Richelieu , — "In the loxicon of youth that aspires to a bright manhood there must bo no such word as fail . " This he was sure would be
fully endorsed by all prosent . Bro . Morgan concluded by thanking tho brethren for the kind manner in which thoy had responded to the toast . The evening ' s entertainment was enlivened by some excellent singing , Bro . Hislop ' s rendering of "Bon jour , Sizon , " and Bro . Marsh ' s " Empress of the Wave " doserving special commendation . After tho Tyler ' s toast , tho brothron returned to town , expressing themselves gratified at the arrangements which had beon mado for their comfort by Bro . Stone , the host of the Ship .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . — Afc the meeting held at tho Havelock Tavern , Albion-road , Dalston , on Wednesday , the 1 st March , thero wore present , Bros . Crano WM ., II . Mover S . W ., Brand J . W ., Fioldwick S . D ., Coombes J . D ., Dietrich I . G ., Gilchrist P . M . Preceptor , and Bros . Brasted , Poole , Hill , Meyer , Robinson , Gross , ' Dignam , Baber , Dallas , Lee , Chapman and
Shackleton . Busiuess—Initiation ceremony , Bro . Dignam acting as candidato . 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th sections were worked by Bro . Gilchrist , assisted by the brothron . Bro . H . Meyer was unanimousl y elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bro . Brasted ( 1524 ) having kindly prosented tho Lodgo with a Volume of the Sacred Law , Br o Gilchrist proposed , and Bro . H . Meyer seconded , that a cordial vofce
of thanks bo tendered to him , and recorded on the minntes , for his timely and serviceable gift , also the evident desire Bro . Brasted has for the prosperity of tho Duke of Connaught Lodgo of Instruction b y enabling tho brethren to conduct Masonic bnsiness in a just manner , was carried unanimously . Nothing else offering , the Lodge was closed in ancient form .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No , 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwoll ' s , the Hercules , Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening , 9 th March , at 7 . 30 . Present Bros . Hollands W . M ., Rudderforth S . W ., Briddlo J . W ., Webb S . D ., Crane J . D ., Ellis I . G ., Grammer Hon . Secretary , Austin P . M .
Preceptor , and numerous other brethren . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Maidwell being the candidate . The 1 st ; and 2 nd sections of the Lecture wero worked b y Bro . Webb , assisted by tho brothron , and the 3 rd , 4 th and final sections by Bro . Horsloy . All Masonic business being finished , the Lodge was closod in ancient form .
AC CIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothhury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . 0 . HARDING , Manager .
THE WESTMINSTER PAPERS , Vol . 8 . No . 95 for MARCH , now ready . Sixpence , CHESS , WHIST , GAMES OF SKILL AND THE DRAMA . W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , London , E . C .
WATCHES . id Cheapest in he World . OWE ST Wholesale cash prices : luminiuni , ll * s Gd ; Silver , an ; Silver Levers , 33 s ; Gold . 53 s ; Levers , IBs . AU kinds of Watches , Clocks , and Gold Jewellery . Every watch timed , tested and warranted for two years . Orders safe per post . Price lists and illustrations free . —DYEK & SON'S , Watch Manufacturers , !»> Resent Street , London , W ., and CLuux . de -
THE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW STYLES are the LEADING SHAPHS for London anil tho Provinces . HATS at WHOLESALE PRICES . Unequalled in quality and durability
p iTY HAT COMPANY , I AQ AND 110 SHOE LANE JL \ J V ( a few minutes' walk from Farringdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOORS FROM FLEET STREET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering the other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistake
HATS . —BEST SHAPES , 10 s 6 Y 1 and 12 s Gd each , give universal satisfaction "OEST HATS 21 s ; theso are unequalled .
Tho Marvellous Remedy for Coughs , Colds , Hoar-wains , Asthma , Ui'uncUitis , ^^ ° ^ ' Consumption , and all _^* » *"" * r % vP Ghost Affections . ^ ^ —< ST \ \^ V *& * ^ ^ i ^ xOj ^ ~ - ^* V * f j \ J ^ "^ Sold by all P l ^ , ^^ - - " ^^ ^ Chemists , in bottles , at J ^^ " ^ Is \\ a , 2 s Sd , 4 s 6 d and lis each . *^"^ Sent by the I ' roprietors uponi ectipt of Stamps , From Eev . J . STOREHOUSE , St . Saviour ' s Vicarage , Nottingham . AUGUST 1871 . DEAR SIB , —lean strongly recommend yourPectcrino as an invaluable Cough Remedy . I havo given it a fair trial in my own family , and have also supplied it to persons suffering from Cough in my parish , and in every instance it has given immediate relief . In some cases , alter passing sleepless nights , ono or two doses of tho Pectorine have had such a good effect that persons have got a good night ' s rest , and tho Cough has speedily disappeared . Mr . A . KOLFE , St . Ann's Square , Manchester , Says : "Your Pectorine is superior to any Medicine I have ever tried for Coughs or Colds . " rKCTORlVR cures the worst forms of Coughs and Cold * . l * K 4 'TOKIXE cures noarseness . PE < TOR ISJ E gives immediate relief in Bronchitis . PlvCTOKINK is the best Medicine for Asthma . I'ECTOatlNE cures Whooping Cough . I'EtrfO JUSTE will cure a troublesome tickling Cough . PKCTOKI 9 H 3 is invaiuable in tho early stages of Con . sumption . PECTOKISE relieves all Affections of tho Chest , Lungs , and Throat . Prepared only by SMITH & CLAEKE , Manufacturing Chemists , ParkStreet , Lincoln . * * * Vice Chancellor Sir C . Hall granted a perpetual injunction , with costs , against F . Mason , Chemist , Rotheram , for using tho word " Pectorino , "
""POR the BLOOD ia the LIFE . " CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER , For cleansing and clearing tho bloo : l from all im purities , cannot bo too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackhoads , or Pimples on the Facel Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 6 d each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and tho world , or sont to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Honses . ^
r pAMAR INDIEN ( universally prescribed X _ by tho Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and medicated fruit lozonge , for the immediato relief and effectual cure of constipation , headache , bile , haemorrhoids , ic . Tamar ( unlike nills aud tho usual purgatives ) is agreeable to take , and never produces irritation . —is 6 d per box , post free 2 d extra . —E . GRILLON , 31 Coleman-street , London , E . C . ; and of all Chemists .
YOUNG ' S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Prico tid and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe tho Trado Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine . Be suro and ask for Young's .
VTERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY -L l —A gentleman , after years of suffering , has discovered a simple means of sel euro , lie will ho happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope . Address—Mr . J . T . Sewell , 7 Musgrave Crescent Fulham , Loudon .