Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Kent Lodge , No . 15 . —A regular meeting of this ancient , and of lato years very prosperous Lodge , was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-strcet , on Wednesday , the 8 th inst . Bro . J . H . Cambridge AV . M . was in the chair , C . Gimnan S . W ., C . E . Ball J . W ., W . P . Dukes P . M . Hon . Sec , E . P . Barlow P . M . Steward , W . Levy S . D ., S . B . Lipscombe J . D ., E . A . Wells I . G ., A . Posener D . C , Beckett
P . M . Tyler . Thero wero also present Past Masters S . Wharman , Jas . Pinder , Sennett , a number of brethren , and tho following visitors : —W . T . Christian W . M . 1 C 02 , 11 . L . Goodall P . M . 781 , W . T . Howe P . M . G . P ., W . AV . Phillips 471 , E . Cocks 1339 , C Coleman 180 , and E . Gottheil P . M . 185 . The work , which consisted in raising Bro . Hurst and initiating Mr . Henry Andrews Elms , was conducted
with remarkable efficiency . The AV . M . has evidently been under tho tuition of thoso who strive to free tho ritual from its incongruities . Tho minor Officers , nlthough some not so well Tip ns conld bo desired , on the whole performed their duties creditably , but special mention should justly bo made of Bro . A . Posener , the D . C , who acted as Deacon with niasterlv proficiency , eliciting universal
approbation . Banquet was served at the " Holborn , " whore the indefatigable Bro . Ham ]) , the popular manager , exerted himself to the utmost in securing comfort and enjoyment . AVe must not forget Bro . Barlow , the Steward , who took good care , nofc only that everybody should bo well , hut p lentifully served . After banquet grace wns said , and the AV . M . at once proceeded with tho toasts ; ho
observed that , as tho hour was late , ho would combine tho Loyal and Masonic toasts into one , by giving them " Loyalty to the Throne and Devotion to the Best Interests of the Craft , " coupling therewith the name of Bro . Howe , Graud Pursuivant , who , in his response , said his name was so frequently coupled with this toast that ho wished he could respond to it more ably . Ho had
the honour on this occasion of representing tho Grand Officers , and to respond on behalf of highly distinguished brethren who had the welfare of the Craft at heart . Even H . R . H . the Grand Master , when presiding at the last Grand Lodge , as he had no doubt all had heard or read , expressed his regret that other duties prevented him from attending Grand Lodgo as frequently ns ho could desire , but hoped
m future to bo able to be present at lesser intervals . The Pro Grand Master Lord Carnarvon , and tho D . G . M . Lord Skelmersdale , are at the head of affairs , than whom moro worthy brethren it would bo impossible to find . As to the rest of the Grand Officers , thoir value was well appreciated throughout the Craft . He was unable to be present on the last occasion , when his old friend Bro .
Cambridge was installed , but was proud and delighted to see him in his high position , and , moreover , with the excellent manner in which he performed his duties . He could not refrain from giving duo meed of praise to the Officers , and especially to tho brother who acted as Deacon , iu a manner that could not possibly be excelled . He would conclude by thanking tho AV . M . for his kindness , and tho
Lodge for its generous hospitality . To tho toast of the Initiate Bro . Elms replied , and expressed a hope that , having been permitted to become one among them , he might prove worthy of their esteem . He appreciated the objects of the Institution , and although in a general way it was a sound principle that " Charity begins at home , " still at times that should not be taken iu too literal a sense . Ho would be
very happy at once to subscribe tho sum of £ 10 10 s in order to become a Life Governor of one of the Institutions . ( Applause ) . Bro . AVharman I . P . M . then proposed the health of the AV . M ., whom he thought the brethren would never regret having placed in tho chair , not only because of his general worth , bnt because his work was satisfactory in every sense of tho word . Bro . Cambridge
expressing his thanks said , It was jnsfc six years ago when , on the night of his initiation , ho stood there at tho right of tho then W . M . ; he then resolved he wonld make it his aim to reach the position of Master . He had succeeded , and was proud of the position , and considered his efforts amply repaid . Besides his ambition , he had not forgotten other duties * . He was already Life Governor of two
of tho Institutions , and ready to serve Steward for the third , and represent the Kent Lodge . Before concluding , ho would thank Bro . Howe for his kind words , and would just mention that their acquaintance dated from the time of his entering the first Lodge of Instruction he ever visited . He would now propose the health of the Visitors ; unfortunately they had only seven this time , on the last
occasion there were nineteen . Kent Lodge was always very pleased to receive visitors ; tho moro the better . Bro . Christian on behalf of the visitors expressed hearty thanks , and Bros . Cocks , Phillips , and Gottheil followed suit . Bro . Sennett responded for the Past Masters . Prosperity to the Charities was the next toast , for which Bro . Howe responded , and in the course of his remarks feelingly referred to tho late loss the Girls' Institution had sustained by the death of
Bro . Little . The W . M . again referred to his intention of representing Kent Lodge . The following brethren announced a wish to subscribe £ 1 Is each upon his list , namely—C . A . Sennett , B . Goldberg , Dr . Dukes , Joseph Bonn , Barlow , AVharman , Stinnson , C . A . Ball , John Ball , W . Levy . To tho toast of tho Officers each severally replied . After the Tyler ' s toast the brethren separated . The evening ' s proceedings were enlivened b y the vocal efforts of Bros . AVells , Godfrey , Green , Pinder , Elms , & c .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —Held its meeting on Monday , tho ( 5 th inst ., nt tho Old Rodney ' s Head , No . 12 Old-street , Goswell-road . Present—Bros . R . Pearcy AV . M ., J . Stock S . W ., AV . Cook J . AV ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Sillis S . D ., AV . Rowley J . D ., Cuthbert I . G .. Christopher Tyler ; also Bros . Kidder , Crawley , J . Millington , II . R . Hallam sen ., A . Rowley , Simmonds
Wilding , Killick . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes of last meeting wove read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiatiMi was rehearsed by tho AV . M . in his usual masterly style , Bro . J . Millington acting as candidate . Tho AV . M . worked tho first aud second sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Simmonds gave proof of his proficiency . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed in a very impressive manner . The AV . M . gave
the traditional history . Bro . Stock was elected AV . M . for tho ensuing week . Lodgo was then closed .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Afc Bro . Maid well ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-streefc , on May 7 th . Present—Bros . Brown AV . M ., Sayer S . AV ., Maidwell J . AV ., Forrest S . D ., Harvey I . G ., Hollands Secretary . Visitors—Daniel , Gernet , & o . The Loclgo was opened in duo form , and tho minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Daniel
candidate . Bro . Daniel answered the questions leading to the second degree , aud was entrusted . The Loclgo was advanced , and Bro , Daniel was duly passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . The Lodgo was opened iu the third degree , aud closed down . Bro . Maidwell rehearsed the charges in tho installation ceremony iu a very creditable manner . Bro . Sayer was elected AV . M . for the ensuing Tuesday .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on AVednesday , the 8 th May , at the Railway Tavern , Railway-place , Fenchnrch-street . Present—Bros . G . Kennett Harris AV . M ., G . L . AValker S . AV ., T . W . C . Bush J . AV ., J . K . Pitt
Sec , A . AV . Smith S . D ., Pitt J . D ., J . E . Fells I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Burgess , Moss , Andrews , G . Harris . Business—Bro . D . Moss was passed , and the first ; section of the lecture was worked . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Harris candidate . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . G . K . Harris for his ablo conduct iu the chair , and Bro . AValker was appointed W . M . for tbe next meeting .
Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 , Northampton . —The brethren of this Lodge had a very successful meeting on Thursday last . There was a good attendance , and tho working of the Lodge was excellent . Bro . Butler AVilkins D . P . G . M . Norths and Hunts , in the absence of the AV . M ., raised Bros . E . Haynes and Sadler to the sublime degree j
and Bro . J . T . Green P . M . passed Bro . T . Chapman . Bros . Wilkins and Green , F . Gadsby S . AV ., H . AV . Parker J . AV ., T . R . AVood Deacon , per formed their various duties in a manner that gained tho commendation of the brethren present . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . AVykes AV . M . of the John O'Gaunt Lodge , Johnson , Morris , & o .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No , 780 . —A meeting was held on Friday , 26 th April , at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridge , afc 7 . 30 p . m . Present—Bros . Gomm AV . M ., Blasby S . AV . Acworth J . AV ., Gunner Hon . Sec , Tucker ( Treas . ) I . G ., Goss ( W . M . 780 ) S . D ., Gunner J . D ., J . C . Roe P . M . Preceptor , and Bros . Savage , Kyezor , & c . Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . Tucker having
ottered himself as candidate for Masonic light , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed in a very able and telling manner by the AV . M . Lodge was called to refreshment . Upon the resumption of laboar Lodgo was duly opened up to the third , and having been duly closed down , Bro . Blasby was elected AV . M . for the ensuing Friday evening meeting . He thanked the AV . M . and brethren , and appointed his Officers in rotation , and Lodgo was then closed with solemn prayer in brotherly love , and adjourned .
On Friday , 3 rd May . Bros . Blasby AV . M ., Acworth S . W ., Goss J . AV ., Gunner ( Hon . Sec ) S . D ., Costelow J . D ., Gomm I . G . ; Past Master J . C Roe P . M . Preceptor , and Bros . Beckett , Talbot , May , Kyezor , & c . All formalities were complied with , and tho AV . M . opened up his Lodgo , and rehearsed tho ceremony of passing , Bro . Talbot as candidate . Lodge having been closed down , the initiation ceremony was rehearsed , with Bro . Beckett as candidate : the
brethren congratulated the AV . M . npon his style of working . The Secretary reported that he had not had so many replies as he anticipated to tho circular sent to the brethren concerning the picture ballot ( which is fixed for 17 th May ) and trusted that those who had not responded would do so without delay , to enable the preparation of the necessary lists , Ac . The AV . M . for the 10 th instant was elected ; and the Lodge was duly closed , and adjourned .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sister ' s Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . AVardell AV . M ., Bonner S . AV ., C Lorkin J . AV ., Forss S . D ., Carr J . D ., J . Lorkin I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas . ; P . M . AVallington Preceptor ; Bros . Brasted , Christian , Finch , Polak , Holsworfcb , and others . The Lodge was opened and the minntes read . The
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Allen candidate . Bro . Field , wick worked the first and second , and Bro . Turqnand the third and fourth sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . A vote of thanks was recorded to the AV . M . for his able working in the chair . Bro . Bonner was elected AV . M . for the ensuing week . The Fifteen Sections will he worked in this Lodge on Tuesday evening , 28 th May , by Bro . Turquand . Tho Lod go will bo opened afc seven o ' clock .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —The weekly meeting was held on Wednesday , the 8 th May , at Bro . Hyde's , tho Red Lion , Poppius-conrt , Flcet-street . Bros . Hallam W . M ., Abell S . AV ., Marston J . AV ., Tate S . D ., Pate J . D ., Brown I . G ., Past Master Bro . Long Preceptor , and a large number of brethren . After the confirmation of the minutes , tho first two sections of the first lectnro
were worked . Bro . Vizzard was then interrogated as to his proficiency , and the Lodge was opened up , and he was passed to the second degree . Some sections of the lecture were worked , andthc Lodge resumed . Bro . Abell S . AV . was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . On the proposition of Bro . Marston , seconded by Bro . AbclL ifc was unanimously resolved to invito the co-operation of tho Constitutional Lodgo of Instruction ia working the Fifteen
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Kent Lodge , No . 15 . —A regular meeting of this ancient , and of lato years very prosperous Lodge , was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-strcet , on Wednesday , the 8 th inst . Bro . J . H . Cambridge AV . M . was in the chair , C . Gimnan S . W ., C . E . Ball J . W ., W . P . Dukes P . M . Hon . Sec , E . P . Barlow P . M . Steward , W . Levy S . D ., S . B . Lipscombe J . D ., E . A . Wells I . G ., A . Posener D . C , Beckett
P . M . Tyler . Thero wero also present Past Masters S . Wharman , Jas . Pinder , Sennett , a number of brethren , and tho following visitors : —W . T . Christian W . M . 1 C 02 , 11 . L . Goodall P . M . 781 , W . T . Howe P . M . G . P ., W . AV . Phillips 471 , E . Cocks 1339 , C Coleman 180 , and E . Gottheil P . M . 185 . The work , which consisted in raising Bro . Hurst and initiating Mr . Henry Andrews Elms , was conducted
with remarkable efficiency . The AV . M . has evidently been under tho tuition of thoso who strive to free tho ritual from its incongruities . Tho minor Officers , nlthough some not so well Tip ns conld bo desired , on the whole performed their duties creditably , but special mention should justly bo made of Bro . A . Posener , the D . C , who acted as Deacon with niasterlv proficiency , eliciting universal
approbation . Banquet was served at the " Holborn , " whore the indefatigable Bro . Ham ]) , the popular manager , exerted himself to the utmost in securing comfort and enjoyment . AVe must not forget Bro . Barlow , the Steward , who took good care , nofc only that everybody should bo well , hut p lentifully served . After banquet grace wns said , and the AV . M . at once proceeded with tho toasts ; ho
observed that , as tho hour was late , ho would combine tho Loyal and Masonic toasts into one , by giving them " Loyalty to the Throne and Devotion to the Best Interests of the Craft , " coupling therewith the name of Bro . Howe , Graud Pursuivant , who , in his response , said his name was so frequently coupled with this toast that ho wished he could respond to it more ably . Ho had
the honour on this occasion of representing tho Grand Officers , and to respond on behalf of highly distinguished brethren who had the welfare of the Craft at heart . Even H . R . H . the Grand Master , when presiding at the last Grand Lodge , as he had no doubt all had heard or read , expressed his regret that other duties prevented him from attending Grand Lodgo as frequently ns ho could desire , but hoped
m future to bo able to be present at lesser intervals . The Pro Grand Master Lord Carnarvon , and tho D . G . M . Lord Skelmersdale , are at the head of affairs , than whom moro worthy brethren it would bo impossible to find . As to the rest of the Grand Officers , thoir value was well appreciated throughout the Craft . He was unable to be present on the last occasion , when his old friend Bro .
Cambridge was installed , but was proud and delighted to see him in his high position , and , moreover , with the excellent manner in which he performed his duties . He could not refrain from giving duo meed of praise to the Officers , and especially to tho brother who acted as Deacon , iu a manner that could not possibly be excelled . He would conclude by thanking tho AV . M . for his kindness , and tho
Lodge for its generous hospitality . To tho toast of the Initiate Bro . Elms replied , and expressed a hope that , having been permitted to become one among them , he might prove worthy of their esteem . He appreciated the objects of the Institution , and although in a general way it was a sound principle that " Charity begins at home , " still at times that should not be taken iu too literal a sense . Ho would be
very happy at once to subscribe tho sum of £ 10 10 s in order to become a Life Governor of one of the Institutions . ( Applause ) . Bro . AVharman I . P . M . then proposed the health of the AV . M ., whom he thought the brethren would never regret having placed in tho chair , not only because of his general worth , bnt because his work was satisfactory in every sense of tho word . Bro . Cambridge
expressing his thanks said , It was jnsfc six years ago when , on the night of his initiation , ho stood there at tho right of tho then W . M . ; he then resolved he wonld make it his aim to reach the position of Master . He had succeeded , and was proud of the position , and considered his efforts amply repaid . Besides his ambition , he had not forgotten other duties * . He was already Life Governor of two
of tho Institutions , and ready to serve Steward for the third , and represent the Kent Lodge . Before concluding , ho would thank Bro . Howe for his kind words , and would just mention that their acquaintance dated from the time of his entering the first Lodge of Instruction he ever visited . He would now propose the health of the Visitors ; unfortunately they had only seven this time , on the last
occasion there were nineteen . Kent Lodge was always very pleased to receive visitors ; tho moro the better . Bro . Christian on behalf of the visitors expressed hearty thanks , and Bros . Cocks , Phillips , and Gottheil followed suit . Bro . Sennett responded for the Past Masters . Prosperity to the Charities was the next toast , for which Bro . Howe responded , and in the course of his remarks feelingly referred to tho late loss the Girls' Institution had sustained by the death of
Bro . Little . The W . M . again referred to his intention of representing Kent Lodge . The following brethren announced a wish to subscribe £ 1 Is each upon his list , namely—C . A . Sennett , B . Goldberg , Dr . Dukes , Joseph Bonn , Barlow , AVharman , Stinnson , C . A . Ball , John Ball , W . Levy . To tho toast of tho Officers each severally replied . After the Tyler ' s toast the brethren separated . The evening ' s proceedings were enlivened b y the vocal efforts of Bros . AVells , Godfrey , Green , Pinder , Elms , & c .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —Held its meeting on Monday , tho ( 5 th inst ., nt tho Old Rodney ' s Head , No . 12 Old-street , Goswell-road . Present—Bros . R . Pearcy AV . M ., J . Stock S . W ., AV . Cook J . AV ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Sillis S . D ., AV . Rowley J . D ., Cuthbert I . G .. Christopher Tyler ; also Bros . Kidder , Crawley , J . Millington , II . R . Hallam sen ., A . Rowley , Simmonds
Wilding , Killick . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes of last meeting wove read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiatiMi was rehearsed by tho AV . M . in his usual masterly style , Bro . J . Millington acting as candidate . Tho AV . M . worked tho first aud second sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Simmonds gave proof of his proficiency . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed in a very impressive manner . The AV . M . gave
the traditional history . Bro . Stock was elected AV . M . for tho ensuing week . Lodgo was then closed .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Afc Bro . Maid well ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-streefc , on May 7 th . Present—Bros . Brown AV . M ., Sayer S . AV ., Maidwell J . AV ., Forrest S . D ., Harvey I . G ., Hollands Secretary . Visitors—Daniel , Gernet , & o . The Loclgo was opened in duo form , and tho minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Daniel
candidate . Bro . Daniel answered the questions leading to the second degree , aud was entrusted . The Loclgo was advanced , and Bro , Daniel was duly passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . The Lodgo was opened iu the third degree , aud closed down . Bro . Maidwell rehearsed the charges in tho installation ceremony iu a very creditable manner . Bro . Sayer was elected AV . M . for the ensuing Tuesday .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on AVednesday , the 8 th May , at the Railway Tavern , Railway-place , Fenchnrch-street . Present—Bros . G . Kennett Harris AV . M ., G . L . AValker S . AV ., T . W . C . Bush J . AV ., J . K . Pitt
Sec , A . AV . Smith S . D ., Pitt J . D ., J . E . Fells I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Burgess , Moss , Andrews , G . Harris . Business—Bro . D . Moss was passed , and the first ; section of the lecture was worked . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Harris candidate . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . G . K . Harris for his ablo conduct iu the chair , and Bro . AValker was appointed W . M . for tbe next meeting .
Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 , Northampton . —The brethren of this Lodge had a very successful meeting on Thursday last . There was a good attendance , and tho working of the Lodge was excellent . Bro . Butler AVilkins D . P . G . M . Norths and Hunts , in the absence of the AV . M ., raised Bros . E . Haynes and Sadler to the sublime degree j
and Bro . J . T . Green P . M . passed Bro . T . Chapman . Bros . Wilkins and Green , F . Gadsby S . AV ., H . AV . Parker J . AV ., T . R . AVood Deacon , per formed their various duties in a manner that gained tho commendation of the brethren present . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . AVykes AV . M . of the John O'Gaunt Lodge , Johnson , Morris , & o .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No , 780 . —A meeting was held on Friday , 26 th April , at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridge , afc 7 . 30 p . m . Present—Bros . Gomm AV . M ., Blasby S . AV . Acworth J . AV ., Gunner Hon . Sec , Tucker ( Treas . ) I . G ., Goss ( W . M . 780 ) S . D ., Gunner J . D ., J . C . Roe P . M . Preceptor , and Bros . Savage , Kyezor , & c . Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . Tucker having
ottered himself as candidate for Masonic light , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed in a very able and telling manner by the AV . M . Lodge was called to refreshment . Upon the resumption of laboar Lodgo was duly opened up to the third , and having been duly closed down , Bro . Blasby was elected AV . M . for the ensuing Friday evening meeting . He thanked the AV . M . and brethren , and appointed his Officers in rotation , and Lodgo was then closed with solemn prayer in brotherly love , and adjourned .
On Friday , 3 rd May . Bros . Blasby AV . M ., Acworth S . W ., Goss J . AV ., Gunner ( Hon . Sec ) S . D ., Costelow J . D ., Gomm I . G . ; Past Master J . C Roe P . M . Preceptor , and Bros . Beckett , Talbot , May , Kyezor , & c . All formalities were complied with , and tho AV . M . opened up his Lodgo , and rehearsed tho ceremony of passing , Bro . Talbot as candidate . Lodge having been closed down , the initiation ceremony was rehearsed , with Bro . Beckett as candidate : the
brethren congratulated the AV . M . npon his style of working . The Secretary reported that he had not had so many replies as he anticipated to tho circular sent to the brethren concerning the picture ballot ( which is fixed for 17 th May ) and trusted that those who had not responded would do so without delay , to enable the preparation of the necessary lists , Ac . The AV . M . for the 10 th instant was elected ; and the Lodge was duly closed , and adjourned .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sister ' s Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . AVardell AV . M ., Bonner S . AV ., C Lorkin J . AV ., Forss S . D ., Carr J . D ., J . Lorkin I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas . ; P . M . AVallington Preceptor ; Bros . Brasted , Christian , Finch , Polak , Holsworfcb , and others . The Lodge was opened and the minntes read . The
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Allen candidate . Bro . Field , wick worked the first and second , and Bro . Turqnand the third and fourth sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . A vote of thanks was recorded to the AV . M . for his able working in the chair . Bro . Bonner was elected AV . M . for the ensuing week . The Fifteen Sections will he worked in this Lodge on Tuesday evening , 28 th May , by Bro . Turquand . Tho Lod go will bo opened afc seven o ' clock .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —The weekly meeting was held on Wednesday , the 8 th May , at Bro . Hyde's , tho Red Lion , Poppius-conrt , Flcet-street . Bros . Hallam W . M ., Abell S . AV ., Marston J . AV ., Tate S . D ., Pate J . D ., Brown I . G ., Past Master Bro . Long Preceptor , and a large number of brethren . After the confirmation of the minutes , tho first two sections of the first lectnro
were worked . Bro . Vizzard was then interrogated as to his proficiency , and the Lodge was opened up , and he was passed to the second degree . Some sections of the lecture were worked , andthc Lodge resumed . Bro . Abell S . AV . was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . On the proposition of Bro . Marston , seconded by Bro . AbclL ifc was unanimously resolved to invito the co-operation of tho Constitutional Lodgo of Instruction ia working the Fifteen