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Sections in this Lodgo on the first Wednesday in June , under the presidency of Bro . Tate . The Lodge was then closed .
St . Augustine Lodge of Instruction , No . 972 , Canterbury . —The whole of tho Fifteen Sections havo been worked by tho brethren belonging to this Lodge , in regular order , commencing on tho 27 th March , and wero completed on 1 st May . Tho principal working was ably carried out by Bro . P . M . AVelsh , Bro . Rossitor , and Bro . Pringuer , and was listened to and taken part in with great interest by tho brethren , who attended in goodly numbers on each occasion .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held afc tho Masonic Hall , Derby , on Wednesday , 1 st May . Present—Bros . George Pipes W . M ., AVm . Heathcote P . G . D . of C . and I . P . M ., Jos . Heathcote S . AV ., W . B . Hextall J . AV ., M . H . Bobart P . P . S . G . W . Treas ., J . 0 . Manton Sec , P . AVallis as S . D ., J . E . Russell J . D ., G . F . Edwards P . G . O . Org ., AV . BntterfieM I . G . P . M . ' s AV .
Baylor P . G . Sec , and S . Pipes P . P . S . G . D ., Bros . Eaton , Popplewell . Athorstone , G . Hill , Stokes , HetTord , Baxter . Visitors—Bros . G . T . AVright P . P . J . G . W ., and T . Merry W . M . 731 . Tho circular convening the Lodge was read at 7 . 30 p . m . The minntes of the last meeting were confirmed , Mr . George Arnold was admitted to tho first degree of Freemasonry by the AV . M . Tho charge relating to the initiation
ceremony was delivered by tho J . AV . to Bros . Helt'ord , Baxter , and Arnold . A oting papers of tho Institution for Aged Freemasons and for Widows of Freemasons wero received and signed by the W . M . Notices relating to the meeting of tho Derbyshire Prov . Grand Lodge afc Wirksworth Town Hall , on the 9 fch May , afc mid-day , and other local matters , were read . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banqueting Hall .
Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . —This Lodge hold its usual fortnightly meefciner on Friday , tho 3 rd inst . Present—Bros . E . Kirby W . M ., A . II . Des Barrcs I . P . M ., J . Lasgefcfc S . AV ., H . R . Betting J . AV ., S . Hinds Treasurer , T . J , Usher P . M . P . P . G . R . and Secretary , Rov . J . B . Harrison P . M . Chaplain , J . Carpenter S . D ., AV . Carterfield J . D ., J . AVestaway Organist , S . Willey I . G ., J . C .
Cross , H . McDermott , II . E . Webb , AV . Dunn , F . Haslip , T . Spnrgeon , and S . Holgate Tyler . Lodgo opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Business on the agenda paper was to ballot for a joining Bro ., which was unanimous in his favour ; to pass Bro . Spnrgeon . The ceremony was rendered by the W . M ., and Bro . the J . AV . gave tho charge , and tho S . AV . tho lecture . Tho work , being tho
first after the installation , was done in a most ablo and impressive manner , and a word of praise is due to tho Officers for tho trouble they have taken to perfect themselves in their various duties . A brother was proposed as a joining member . Lodge closed according to ancient form , and tho brethren spent a pleasant and social hour together .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Afc Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , the 3 rd instant . Present—Bros . Hiue W . M ., Simmonds S . AV ., Smith J . AV ., Crouch Acting Preceptor , Townsend Secretary , Bolton S . D ., Moss J . D ., Lane T . G ., Stroud , Ac . Lodge being opened , tho minntes of last meeting wore read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Townsend candidate . Bro . Crouch worked the
first section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Moss answered the questions of the second degree , and was entrusted . Lodge was advanced to the second degree , and tho AV . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing in a very able manner , Bro . Moss candidate . Lodge resumed to the first ; degree , aud Bro . Simmonds was elected to fill the chair afc the next meeting . A vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Crouch for his services as acting Preceptor , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Square and Compass Lodge , No . 1336 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , AVrexham , on Tuesday , the 7 th inst . As this was tho last assembly until September , there was a larger attendance than usual . Bros . Edward Smith AV . M ., J . Oswell Bury I . P . M ., J . Eyton Jones S . W ., J . C . Owen J . AV , John AVilliams Sec , J . F . Edisbury Treas ., Howell Davies S . D ., J . W . M .
Smith J . D ., R . J . AVilliams , W . Garrett Jones Stewards , 0 . K . Benson I . G ., Thos . Lee Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . J . Oswell Bury , AVm . Low ; and Bros . AVm . Shcrratt , J . AV . A . Cooper , E . T . Fitch , Thos . Hoywood , J . B . Shirley , T . Jackson , Geo . Manly , R . M . V . Low , Geo . Bradley , Jno . Abbott Harris , Edward Lovatt , Owen Price , Evan Morris , J . Edgar . Visitors—Bros . Jas . Salmon P . M . -125 , E . Bremner
Smith P . M . 1432 , Ohas . Condlin 11-77 , S . Davies ( FUEKHASOX ' S CHRONICLE ) . The usual routine business having been disposed of , the ballot was taken for Messrs . R . W . Evans and G . E . Woodford , o , nd their election being unanimous , both wero initiated into the mysteries of our ancient and honourable Order . The Lodge was then advanced for the purpose of raising Bro . Manly to tho sublime
degree . The ritual was performed throughout by the Worshipful Master , who acquitted himself admirably , considering that ho has been in the chair only two months . There is an earnestness of purpose and desire to succeed on the part of W . Bro . Smith , which we , unfortunately , too seldom see displayed by those who aspire to the exalted position he occupies . Snch excellent traits as he
possesses mnsfc ensure satisfaction to himself and tho Lodge over which he presides , as well as enhance tho welfare of the Craft . We could not do better than refer Lodges , especially those in this Province , to the zeal shown by the Officers of the Square and Compass in all branches of the Craft . The lethargy visible afc too many Lodges in this district is a disgrace to our noble Order , and has a tendency to make Freemasonry nothing moro than a meaningless word . The
evils from which the Province suffers may arise from tho indifference or incompetency of some of tho Provincial G . Officers whose duty it should bo to look after the wollboing of tho Craft in their jurisdiction . Wo havo yet to learn that tho Deputy Prov . Grand Master of this Province has visited tho Lodges nudor his care and guidance once since his appointment to office . How can we expect regularity
of procedure , uniformity of ritual , or harmonious working under indifference or incompetence in Prov . Grand Lodgo ? Thoso who do know their duty in their Lodges , and Prov . Grand Lodsro , are the very life and soul of tho Craft in Shropshire and North AVales , and without snch good Masons our glorious Order would suffer to tho core . Tho existing state of things requires tho brethren to deal
promptly with , and is a subject for the serious consideration of the mthorities in Grand Lodge . Tho W . M . having worked tho Lodge down , ordered the samo to bo closed until September . The brethren wore invited to refreshment , and adjourned accordingly to the Wynnstay Arms Hotel , where a plain but substantial spread was prepared by Bro . Murless . On the removal of tho cloth , the W . M .
proposed the Queen and tho Craft , which was drunk with great warmth . The brethren singing tho National Anthem . The toast f Rowing was the M . W . tho G . Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . Brother Smith in a very appropriate manner referred to tho deep interest our Grand Master took in tho Craft , as evinced by his recent speech on boing re-installed as Grand Master . The toast was
enthusiastically received by the brethren , aud drunk with musical and Masonic honours . The next toast Bro . Smith had to propose would , ho was sure , bo heartily received , as the Craft was so much indebted for tho very ablo manner in whom tho Grand Lodge Officers carried on the affairs of tho Order , therefore ho devoted tho noxfc toast to tho Pro Grand Master , tho Deputy Grand Master ,
and tho rest of tho Grand Lodgo Officers Past and Present . This tho brethren responded to most heartily , with musical honours . Tho AVorshipfiil Master , on rising for the fourth time , said : The toast I havo now tho hononr of proposing brings us nearer home ; ifc is that of Sir VV . W . VVynn , our highly esteemed Prov . Grand Master . Hois so well known that it requires nothing to oxalfc him higher in
our esteem . In tho conduct of tho affairs of this Province , the ablo Officers who surround him aro of great value to him , and with this toast ho coupled tho names of Bros . Bury and Salmon . Tho toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Bury returned thanks on behalf of Prov . Grand Lodge , and expressed his conviction that the name of Sir Watkin W . Wynn could not bo too highly spoken of . Bro .
Salmon , who is one of tho most highly esteemed and popular Officers in his Province , thanked the brethren of the Square and Compass for tho kind manner in which his namo had been associated with the toast , aud for tho very cordial reception ho afc all times received . He expressed great pleasure in visiting tho brethren of this Lodgo . Ho trusted , through thoir further generous example , tho fund thoy
wore so anxious to realize to do honour to tho namo of one they so highly regarded , who had been of such inestimable value to this Lodge and Province , would speedily become an accomplished fact . Bro . Bury explained with regard to this fund that the Square and Compass had dono so much that he felfc other Lodges ought to do something before their Lodge did moro . Bro . Owen expressed a desire for somo sorfc
of report , showing what each Lodgo had done . Bro . Smith announced that the Annual Provincial Picnic would be hold , by the kind permission of their Prov . Grand Master , afc Naut . y-bollan , Wynnstay Park , under the management of tho members of tho Square and Compass . The brethren would bo pleased to hear that tho fair sex , and any of their friends , would be heartily welcome to join .
Bro . Bury , on taking the gavol said : He had permission of the W . Master to propose the next toast . Ifc was a very pleasing duty which devolved on him to propose the health of the W . Master . Bro . Smith had so favourably progressed in the Craft as to occupy the high position ho does amongst us . During his short term ho had initiated three candidates , and wo havo this evening seen him confer tho
third degree in a manner which sufficientl y indicates his ability ; his many good qualities as a Brother ensure his being an excellent Master . This musfc havo been a very pleasing night for our Worshipful Master;—the absence of every indication of discord . There was plenty of work to be done , and ho was sure Bro . Smith would bo equal to all occasions . Ho hoped after his year of office expired , thafc
ho would stand by thorn and render fco the Lodge thafc assistance which , from his talent and goodness , would be of great value and bo highly appreciated . He now gavo tho health of the Worshipful Master . The toast was most heartily received , with musical honours . The AVorshipfiil Master in responding said : As a Mason ho had always conscientiously endeavoured to do his duty , and tho
knowledge of tho important office he filled would be an additional incentive to him to do so to the end . Ho hoped when his term of office expired , ho should bo proved worthy of the post and the confidence of the brethren . The hard work bo had gone through was amply compensated for by the approval and indulgence of the Lodgo ; it was his earnest wish that all difficulties and unpleasantness should
pass away . He trusted his efforts for the promotion of the good of tho Lodgo , and tho welfare of tho Order , would have tho support and co-operation of the Lodge unitedly . He was greatly obliged to tho I . P . M . for proposing , and to the brethren for receiving so cordially , the toast jusfc given . The Worshipful Master rose to propose tho next toast ; he said : We now come to a toast which he was sure
would receive a warm response . A good Past Master is a pillar of strength to us ; his services are invaluable to tho Master , and of great value to the Lodge . Our Immediate Past Master has been and is a great working power among us , and through his exertions in promoting the interests of the Craft and our Charities , aud from his other good traits , he has endeared himself to us . This
toast was also drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Burv , in responding said ; Although he was a double Past Master of theirs , he could never feel that he had done too much for tho Craffc , or become too tired to render all the assistance in his power for the welfare of Freemasonry . In tho execution of his duties as a Mason , ho felt , as every one should feel who loved the Order ; he recognised tho necessity of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sections in this Lodgo on the first Wednesday in June , under the presidency of Bro . Tate . The Lodge was then closed .
St . Augustine Lodge of Instruction , No . 972 , Canterbury . —The whole of tho Fifteen Sections havo been worked by tho brethren belonging to this Lodge , in regular order , commencing on tho 27 th March , and wero completed on 1 st May . Tho principal working was ably carried out by Bro . P . M . AVelsh , Bro . Rossitor , and Bro . Pringuer , and was listened to and taken part in with great interest by tho brethren , who attended in goodly numbers on each occasion .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held afc tho Masonic Hall , Derby , on Wednesday , 1 st May . Present—Bros . George Pipes W . M ., AVm . Heathcote P . G . D . of C . and I . P . M ., Jos . Heathcote S . AV ., W . B . Hextall J . AV ., M . H . Bobart P . P . S . G . W . Treas ., J . 0 . Manton Sec , P . AVallis as S . D ., J . E . Russell J . D ., G . F . Edwards P . G . O . Org ., AV . BntterfieM I . G . P . M . ' s AV .
Baylor P . G . Sec , and S . Pipes P . P . S . G . D ., Bros . Eaton , Popplewell . Athorstone , G . Hill , Stokes , HetTord , Baxter . Visitors—Bros . G . T . AVright P . P . J . G . W ., and T . Merry W . M . 731 . Tho circular convening the Lodge was read at 7 . 30 p . m . The minntes of the last meeting were confirmed , Mr . George Arnold was admitted to tho first degree of Freemasonry by the AV . M . Tho charge relating to the initiation
ceremony was delivered by tho J . AV . to Bros . Helt'ord , Baxter , and Arnold . A oting papers of tho Institution for Aged Freemasons and for Widows of Freemasons wero received and signed by the W . M . Notices relating to the meeting of tho Derbyshire Prov . Grand Lodge afc Wirksworth Town Hall , on the 9 fch May , afc mid-day , and other local matters , were read . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banqueting Hall .
Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . —This Lodge hold its usual fortnightly meefciner on Friday , tho 3 rd inst . Present—Bros . E . Kirby W . M ., A . II . Des Barrcs I . P . M ., J . Lasgefcfc S . AV ., H . R . Betting J . AV ., S . Hinds Treasurer , T . J , Usher P . M . P . P . G . R . and Secretary , Rov . J . B . Harrison P . M . Chaplain , J . Carpenter S . D ., AV . Carterfield J . D ., J . AVestaway Organist , S . Willey I . G ., J . C .
Cross , H . McDermott , II . E . Webb , AV . Dunn , F . Haslip , T . Spnrgeon , and S . Holgate Tyler . Lodgo opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Business on the agenda paper was to ballot for a joining Bro ., which was unanimous in his favour ; to pass Bro . Spnrgeon . The ceremony was rendered by the W . M ., and Bro . the J . AV . gave tho charge , and tho S . AV . tho lecture . Tho work , being tho
first after the installation , was done in a most ablo and impressive manner , and a word of praise is due to tho Officers for tho trouble they have taken to perfect themselves in their various duties . A brother was proposed as a joining member . Lodge closed according to ancient form , and tho brethren spent a pleasant and social hour together .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Afc Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , the 3 rd instant . Present—Bros . Hiue W . M ., Simmonds S . AV ., Smith J . AV ., Crouch Acting Preceptor , Townsend Secretary , Bolton S . D ., Moss J . D ., Lane T . G ., Stroud , Ac . Lodge being opened , tho minntes of last meeting wore read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Townsend candidate . Bro . Crouch worked the
first section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Moss answered the questions of the second degree , and was entrusted . Lodge was advanced to the second degree , and tho AV . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing in a very able manner , Bro . Moss candidate . Lodge resumed to the first ; degree , aud Bro . Simmonds was elected to fill the chair afc the next meeting . A vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Crouch for his services as acting Preceptor , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Square and Compass Lodge , No . 1336 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , AVrexham , on Tuesday , the 7 th inst . As this was tho last assembly until September , there was a larger attendance than usual . Bros . Edward Smith AV . M ., J . Oswell Bury I . P . M ., J . Eyton Jones S . W ., J . C . Owen J . AV , John AVilliams Sec , J . F . Edisbury Treas ., Howell Davies S . D ., J . W . M .
Smith J . D ., R . J . AVilliams , W . Garrett Jones Stewards , 0 . K . Benson I . G ., Thos . Lee Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . J . Oswell Bury , AVm . Low ; and Bros . AVm . Shcrratt , J . AV . A . Cooper , E . T . Fitch , Thos . Hoywood , J . B . Shirley , T . Jackson , Geo . Manly , R . M . V . Low , Geo . Bradley , Jno . Abbott Harris , Edward Lovatt , Owen Price , Evan Morris , J . Edgar . Visitors—Bros . Jas . Salmon P . M . -125 , E . Bremner
Smith P . M . 1432 , Ohas . Condlin 11-77 , S . Davies ( FUEKHASOX ' S CHRONICLE ) . The usual routine business having been disposed of , the ballot was taken for Messrs . R . W . Evans and G . E . Woodford , o , nd their election being unanimous , both wero initiated into the mysteries of our ancient and honourable Order . The Lodge was then advanced for the purpose of raising Bro . Manly to tho sublime
degree . The ritual was performed throughout by the Worshipful Master , who acquitted himself admirably , considering that ho has been in the chair only two months . There is an earnestness of purpose and desire to succeed on the part of W . Bro . Smith , which we , unfortunately , too seldom see displayed by those who aspire to the exalted position he occupies . Snch excellent traits as he
possesses mnsfc ensure satisfaction to himself and tho Lodge over which he presides , as well as enhance tho welfare of the Craft . We could not do better than refer Lodges , especially those in this Province , to the zeal shown by the Officers of the Square and Compass in all branches of the Craft . The lethargy visible afc too many Lodges in this district is a disgrace to our noble Order , and has a tendency to make Freemasonry nothing moro than a meaningless word . The
evils from which the Province suffers may arise from tho indifference or incompetency of some of tho Provincial G . Officers whose duty it should bo to look after the wollboing of tho Craft in their jurisdiction . Wo havo yet to learn that tho Deputy Prov . Grand Master of this Province has visited tho Lodges nudor his care and guidance once since his appointment to office . How can we expect regularity
of procedure , uniformity of ritual , or harmonious working under indifference or incompetence in Prov . Grand Lodgo ? Thoso who do know their duty in their Lodges , and Prov . Grand Lodsro , are the very life and soul of tho Craft in Shropshire and North AVales , and without snch good Masons our glorious Order would suffer to tho core . Tho existing state of things requires tho brethren to deal
promptly with , and is a subject for the serious consideration of the mthorities in Grand Lodge . Tho W . M . having worked tho Lodge down , ordered the samo to bo closed until September . The brethren wore invited to refreshment , and adjourned accordingly to the Wynnstay Arms Hotel , where a plain but substantial spread was prepared by Bro . Murless . On the removal of tho cloth , the W . M .
proposed the Queen and tho Craft , which was drunk with great warmth . The brethren singing tho National Anthem . The toast f Rowing was the M . W . tho G . Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . Brother Smith in a very appropriate manner referred to tho deep interest our Grand Master took in tho Craft , as evinced by his recent speech on boing re-installed as Grand Master . The toast was
enthusiastically received by the brethren , aud drunk with musical and Masonic honours . The next toast Bro . Smith had to propose would , ho was sure , bo heartily received , as the Craft was so much indebted for tho very ablo manner in whom tho Grand Lodge Officers carried on the affairs of tho Order , therefore ho devoted tho noxfc toast to tho Pro Grand Master , tho Deputy Grand Master ,
and tho rest of tho Grand Lodgo Officers Past and Present . This tho brethren responded to most heartily , with musical honours . Tho AVorshipfiil Master , on rising for the fourth time , said : The toast I havo now tho hononr of proposing brings us nearer home ; ifc is that of Sir VV . W . VVynn , our highly esteemed Prov . Grand Master . Hois so well known that it requires nothing to oxalfc him higher in
our esteem . In tho conduct of tho affairs of this Province , the ablo Officers who surround him aro of great value to him , and with this toast ho coupled tho names of Bros . Bury and Salmon . Tho toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Bury returned thanks on behalf of Prov . Grand Lodge , and expressed his conviction that the name of Sir Watkin W . Wynn could not bo too highly spoken of . Bro .
Salmon , who is one of tho most highly esteemed and popular Officers in his Province , thanked the brethren of the Square and Compass for tho kind manner in which his namo had been associated with the toast , aud for tho very cordial reception ho afc all times received . He expressed great pleasure in visiting tho brethren of this Lodgo . Ho trusted , through thoir further generous example , tho fund thoy
wore so anxious to realize to do honour to tho namo of one they so highly regarded , who had been of such inestimable value to this Lodge and Province , would speedily become an accomplished fact . Bro . Bury explained with regard to this fund that the Square and Compass had dono so much that he felfc other Lodges ought to do something before their Lodge did moro . Bro . Owen expressed a desire for somo sorfc
of report , showing what each Lodgo had done . Bro . Smith announced that the Annual Provincial Picnic would be hold , by the kind permission of their Prov . Grand Master , afc Naut . y-bollan , Wynnstay Park , under the management of tho members of tho Square and Compass . The brethren would bo pleased to hear that tho fair sex , and any of their friends , would be heartily welcome to join .
Bro . Bury , on taking the gavol said : He had permission of the W . Master to propose the next toast . Ifc was a very pleasing duty which devolved on him to propose the health of the W . Master . Bro . Smith had so favourably progressed in the Craft as to occupy the high position ho does amongst us . During his short term ho had initiated three candidates , and wo havo this evening seen him confer tho
third degree in a manner which sufficientl y indicates his ability ; his many good qualities as a Brother ensure his being an excellent Master . This musfc havo been a very pleasing night for our Worshipful Master;—the absence of every indication of discord . There was plenty of work to be done , and ho was sure Bro . Smith would bo equal to all occasions . Ho hoped after his year of office expired , thafc
ho would stand by thorn and render fco the Lodge thafc assistance which , from his talent and goodness , would be of great value and bo highly appreciated . He now gavo tho health of the Worshipful Master . The toast was most heartily received , with musical honours . The AVorshipfiil Master in responding said : As a Mason ho had always conscientiously endeavoured to do his duty , and tho
knowledge of tho important office he filled would be an additional incentive to him to do so to the end . Ho hoped when his term of office expired , ho should bo proved worthy of the post and the confidence of the brethren . The hard work bo had gone through was amply compensated for by the approval and indulgence of the Lodgo ; it was his earnest wish that all difficulties and unpleasantness should
pass away . He trusted his efforts for the promotion of the good of tho Lodgo , and tho welfare of tho Order , would have tho support and co-operation of the Lodge unitedly . He was greatly obliged to tho I . P . M . for proposing , and to the brethren for receiving so cordially , the toast jusfc given . The Worshipful Master rose to propose tho next toast ; he said : We now come to a toast which he was sure
would receive a warm response . A good Past Master is a pillar of strength to us ; his services are invaluable to tho Master , and of great value to the Lodge . Our Immediate Past Master has been and is a great working power among us , and through his exertions in promoting the interests of the Craft and our Charities , aud from his other good traits , he has endeared himself to us . This
toast was also drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Burv , in responding said ; Although he was a double Past Master of theirs , he could never feel that he had done too much for tho Craffc , or become too tired to render all the assistance in his power for the welfare of Freemasonry . In tho execution of his duties as a Mason , ho felt , as every one should feel who loved the Order ; he recognised tho necessity of