Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
having everything clone properly and regularly . It is needless to add that Bro . Bnry ' s remarks wero listened to with great attention ; he has tho correct Masonic idea and tone in everything he does . Bro . Bury , in proposing tho health of the newly Initiated Bros ., and our newly raised Brother , expressed the pleasure ho had experienced in making their acquaintance outside the Craft , and the great pleasure he
had in greeting them Masonically . Tho toast was appropriately replied to by Bros . Manly , Evans , and Woodford . Tho AVorshipfiil Master , said ho came now to the last toast , but although Ihe last on tho list it wns not by any moans tho least honoured by the brethren of tho Square and Compass . It was a matter of regret that so many visiting brethren had to leave at an early hour , bnfc timo and trains wait for no man . They were always glad to see visiting brethren among
them ; to-night we are pleased to see Bro . Davies , from London , who had como to visit ns as tho reprepresentativo of tho FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , a journal devoted to Masonic literature and events . AVith the toast of onr visiting brethren , he would couple tho name of Bro . Davies . Tho toast was enthusiastically drunk , and Bro . Davies returned I hanks . The Tyler then brought tho proceedings to a close , and the brethren dispersed .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1586 . —At the Havelock Hotel , Dalston . Bros . Maples W . M ., J . Lorkin P . W ., M'Millnn J . AV ., Dignam S . D ., H . Mover J . D ., Martin I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , G . Ferrar Treasurer , E . Dietrich Secretary , and Bio ? . R , Olley , Truman ( 181 ) , 0 . Lorkin , 0 . Dietrich , Crane ( 075 ) , ivc . The Lodge was opened in ancient form , and the minutes of the previous meeting wero read and confirmed . Bro . Olley was passed
to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Fieldwick , assisted by Bro . J . Lorkin , worked the first section of the lecture . Tho Lodgo was resnmed , and tho first and second sections of the first lecture were woiked by Bro . Meyer , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Meyer assisted Bro . Fieldwick to work tho third section of the lecture . Bro . J . Lorkin was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bros . Truman ( 181 ) and Crane ( 975 ) wero elected members . Tho Fifteen Sections will bo worked on the 29 th , instead of the 15 th inst .
Lodge of Joppa , No . 188 . —The usual meeting of this Lodgo was held on Monday , tho Oth inst ., nt tho Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Bros . H . Miller AV . M ., M . Spiegel S . W ., U . Hvams J . AV .. L . Auerhaan Treas ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , Blanks ns " S . D ., , 7 . AVynman J . D ., Baker I . G . ; P . M . ' s L . Lazarus , A . G . Dodson , ft . Hickman , H . M . Levy , L . Alexander ; Bros . Benjamin ,
Bean , LaiiQ-loy , Martin . Benjamin , A erden , Dowsnap , Ac . Visitors—Bros . Littcll P . M . 860 , ' il . Reed P . M . 103 , 1287 , Capt . Perrott 31 !) . Tho Lodgo was opened and the minntes were confirmed . Names of candidates wero on tho agenda paper , bnfc the gentlemen wero not present . The 1 st and 2 nd sections of the first lecture wero worked by Bro . M . Spiegel S . W ., assisted by the members . Tho Lodge wiis then
closed , and the brethren partook of slight refreshment . The W . M . proposed the usnnl Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert P . G . P . responded fori ho Grand Officers . Bro . L . Alexander P . M . V . P . responded to the toast of the Benevolent Fund , and informed tho brethren that it had now reached £ l'l 00 ; ho was pleased to say that for eighteen montl s no upolication had been made ; and
hoped it would he long before any application should bo received . Bro . A . G . Dodson P . M . proposed tho toast of tho AV . M . ; ho was tho right man in the right place , and ho hoped thoy would , before he left the chair , seo his capability for working . Tho AV . M . thanked Bro . Dodson for his kind expressions ; he hoped on future occasions the candidates mis-lit bo present . Tho W . M . in
proposing the tonsfc of the Visitors , said they wero honoured by the presence of Bros . II . Reed P . M . 193 and 1287 , J . Littcll P . M . 8 ( 10 , and Capt . Perrott 319 ; they wero pleased to see those brethren . After replies from each of the Visitors , Bro . E . P . Albert , in returning thanks for tho health of tho Treasurer and Secretary , recretted the former brother had been obliged to leave , but ho assured the members
that their Treasurer s heart and son ! was with them . Tho AV . M ., in proposing tho AVard ens , said tho working of Bro . Spiegel was well known in Lodges of Instruction , and he was sure he wonld in due course occupy tbo chair . Tho samo remarks mi ght with equal justice bo made of the J . W ., who was equally capable . Bros . Spiegel and H .
Ilyams severally responded , Bros . Benjamin and Blanks returned thanks for the Junior Officers . The Tyler ' s toast wns then given . Some excellent harmony emanated from Bros . Martin , Littell , Dodson , L . Alexander , Benjamin , Blanks , and Captain Perrott . The brethren Feparated enrlv .
The Fifteen Sections
Will be v : orl ; cd ns under .-On Monday , 20 th May 1878 , at the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 171 , Railway Tavern , Fenchnrch-strcet , at 7 o ' clock precisely . Bros . C H . AVebb AV . M ., T . J . Barnes S . AV ., F . Brown J . AV ., Cnndick
I . P . M . FIRST LECTURE— Bros . Jones , Rawley , Job , Norden , Hewlett , Berry , and Musto ; SECOND LECIUKE—Bros . Ellis , Campbell , Stephens , names , and Turquand ; Tmin > LECTUKE—Bros . I . P . Cohen , Maidwell , and Taylor .
At the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 8 G 0 , Sisters ' Tavern , Dalston , on 28 th May . At the Dnkr- of Connanght Lodge of Instruction , Havelock Tavern , Dalston , on the 29 th May . At the Whittington Lodge of Instruction , on the first Wednesday in June .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE . A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lcdg 3 of England .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can bo ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but shonld any difficulty bo experienced , it will bo forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Snhseribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes .
Post Office Orders to bo mado payable to AV . AV . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6
Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 G Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class .
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Pago £ 8 0 0 BackPage £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per lino . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . Agents , from whom Copies can always be liad : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Messrs . SIMPSOX BROS ., Shoo Lane . Mr . G . AV . JORDAN , 109 Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . H . SnrrsoN , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH aud SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Groat Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JOXES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . II . VICKERS , 317 Strand . Mr . J . CLARKE , 37 Goswell Road , E . C .
NOTCCE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who desiro to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , shonld malcc early application
for Back Numbers . At present all are in print , bnt of some we have only a few copies left . Cases for binding ' the several volumes can be had at the Office , 67 Barbican .
THE THEATRES , & c . EOYAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT GARDEN-This evciing , I PURITANI . On Monday . DIXORA . Tr . On Tuosiliiy , RIGOLETTO . On Thursday , LA TRAV 1 ATA On Friday , TANNHAUSER . At 3 . 30 cach evening . HER MAJESTY'S—This evening LA SONNAM 1 SULA . On Monday , LES HUGUENOTS . On Tuesday , I PURITANI . On Thursday , FAUST . At 8 . 30 cacli evening . HAYMASKBT .-A CRUSHED TRAGEDIAN . PRINCESS'S— At 7 . 0 , OUT TO NURSE . At 8 . 0 , JANE SHORE . STRAND . —At 7 . 1 o , TWO TO ONE . At 7 .-15 , OUR CLUB . At T 0 . 20 , DORA AND DIPLUNACY . G-AIETY .-At 7 . 30 , BTBR AND TUCKKR . At 0 . 15 , IL SONNAMBULO AND LIVELY LITTLE ALESSIO . GLOBS . —At 7 . 0 , MY WIFE'S OUT . At 7 .-15 , A FOOL AND TITS MOXEY . Atn .-la , MIND TDK SHOP . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG . At 8 . 0 , OUR BOYS , and A FKAHFUL FOG . PRINCE OP "WALES'S .-At 8 . 0 , DIPLOMACY . ADELPHI .-At 7 . 0 , FARCE . At 7 . 15 , PROOF . LYCEUM .-At 7 . 30 , TURNING THE TABLES . At 8 , LOUIS XI . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , TIIH MISER'S TREASURE . At 8 . 30 , JEALOUSY . QUEENS—At 7 . 30 , ORSOX . At H . 1 . 1 , MADELATNE MOREL . COURT .-At 8 . 0 , OLIVIA . OPERA COMIQUE . —At S . O , THE SORCERER . At 10 . 0 , TRIAL BY JURY . CRITERION . —At 7 . 30 , THE PORTER'S KNOT , At 8 .-15 , PINK DOMINOES . ST . JAMES'S . —At 7 . 15 , TWO HUNDRED A YEAR . At S . 30 , SUCH 18 THE LAW . DUKE'S . —At 7 .-15 , ARKWRTG [ IT'S WfFR . At !) . in , ORAMOND BRIG . FOLLY—At 7 . 30 , CRAZED . At 8 . 15 , LES CLOCHES DE CORNEYILLE . ROYALTY-At . 7 . 30 , BESSIE . Ats , NULL GWYXNH . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 10 , FARCE , nnd THE GRAND DUCHESS . CRYSTAL PAL ACE—Tins day , CONCERT , & . c . On Tuesday , TOTTLES . Open daily , Aquarium , ic . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-This day , OPENING MUSICAL FESTIVAL , Fireworks , kc . On Friday mid Saturday , RACES . Onen daily MARAZ , fee . EGYPTIAN ( LARGE HALL ) . —MASKELYNE AND COOKE . Daily nt 3 nud 8 o'clock . ROYAL POLYTECHNIC —PROFESSOR PEPPER on the CHEMISTRY OF THK SUN . THE ( -LAY AND THE POTTER . THE TELEPHONE . TORPEDO WARFARE and the OXY-HYDROGEN MICROSCOPE . BULGARIA AND THE BULGARIANS . CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE . HAYUNG ISLAND , and A DAY IN LONDON . BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS . Admission to the whole . Is ; Reserved Stalls , including admission , 2 s Gd . Open at 12 and 7 , Carrto" -cs at 5 nnd 10 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
having everything clone properly and regularly . It is needless to add that Bro . Bnry ' s remarks wero listened to with great attention ; he has tho correct Masonic idea and tone in everything he does . Bro . Bury , in proposing tho health of the newly Initiated Bros ., and our newly raised Brother , expressed the pleasure ho had experienced in making their acquaintance outside the Craft , and the great pleasure he
had in greeting them Masonically . Tho toast was appropriately replied to by Bros . Manly , Evans , and Woodford . Tho AVorshipfiil Master , said ho came now to the last toast , but although Ihe last on tho list it wns not by any moans tho least honoured by the brethren of tho Square and Compass . It was a matter of regret that so many visiting brethren had to leave at an early hour , bnfc timo and trains wait for no man . They were always glad to see visiting brethren among
them ; to-night we are pleased to see Bro . Davies , from London , who had como to visit ns as tho reprepresentativo of tho FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , a journal devoted to Masonic literature and events . AVith the toast of onr visiting brethren , he would couple tho name of Bro . Davies . Tho toast was enthusiastically drunk , and Bro . Davies returned I hanks . The Tyler then brought tho proceedings to a close , and the brethren dispersed .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1586 . —At the Havelock Hotel , Dalston . Bros . Maples W . M ., J . Lorkin P . W ., M'Millnn J . AV ., Dignam S . D ., H . Mover J . D ., Martin I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , G . Ferrar Treasurer , E . Dietrich Secretary , and Bio ? . R , Olley , Truman ( 181 ) , 0 . Lorkin , 0 . Dietrich , Crane ( 075 ) , ivc . The Lodge was opened in ancient form , and the minutes of the previous meeting wero read and confirmed . Bro . Olley was passed
to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Fieldwick , assisted by Bro . J . Lorkin , worked the first section of the lecture . Tho Lodgo was resnmed , and tho first and second sections of the first lecture were woiked by Bro . Meyer , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Meyer assisted Bro . Fieldwick to work tho third section of the lecture . Bro . J . Lorkin was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bros . Truman ( 181 ) and Crane ( 975 ) wero elected members . Tho Fifteen Sections will bo worked on the 29 th , instead of the 15 th inst .
Lodge of Joppa , No . 188 . —The usual meeting of this Lodgo was held on Monday , tho Oth inst ., nt tho Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Bros . H . Miller AV . M ., M . Spiegel S . W ., U . Hvams J . AV .. L . Auerhaan Treas ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , Blanks ns " S . D ., , 7 . AVynman J . D ., Baker I . G . ; P . M . ' s L . Lazarus , A . G . Dodson , ft . Hickman , H . M . Levy , L . Alexander ; Bros . Benjamin ,
Bean , LaiiQ-loy , Martin . Benjamin , A erden , Dowsnap , Ac . Visitors—Bros . Littcll P . M . 860 , ' il . Reed P . M . 103 , 1287 , Capt . Perrott 31 !) . Tho Lodgo was opened and the minntes were confirmed . Names of candidates wero on tho agenda paper , bnfc the gentlemen wero not present . The 1 st and 2 nd sections of the first lecture wero worked by Bro . M . Spiegel S . W ., assisted by the members . Tho Lodge wiis then
closed , and the brethren partook of slight refreshment . The W . M . proposed the usnnl Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert P . G . P . responded fori ho Grand Officers . Bro . L . Alexander P . M . V . P . responded to the toast of the Benevolent Fund , and informed tho brethren that it had now reached £ l'l 00 ; ho was pleased to say that for eighteen montl s no upolication had been made ; and
hoped it would he long before any application should bo received . Bro . A . G . Dodson P . M . proposed tho toast of tho AV . M . ; ho was tho right man in the right place , and ho hoped thoy would , before he left the chair , seo his capability for working . Tho AV . M . thanked Bro . Dodson for his kind expressions ; he hoped on future occasions the candidates mis-lit bo present . Tho W . M . in
proposing the tonsfc of the Visitors , said they wero honoured by the presence of Bros . II . Reed P . M . 193 and 1287 , J . Littcll P . M . 8 ( 10 , and Capt . Perrott 319 ; they wero pleased to see those brethren . After replies from each of the Visitors , Bro . E . P . Albert , in returning thanks for tho health of tho Treasurer and Secretary , recretted the former brother had been obliged to leave , but ho assured the members
that their Treasurer s heart and son ! was with them . Tho AV . M ., in proposing tho AVard ens , said tho working of Bro . Spiegel was well known in Lodges of Instruction , and he was sure he wonld in due course occupy tbo chair . Tho samo remarks mi ght with equal justice bo made of the J . W ., who was equally capable . Bros . Spiegel and H .
Ilyams severally responded , Bros . Benjamin and Blanks returned thanks for the Junior Officers . The Tyler ' s toast wns then given . Some excellent harmony emanated from Bros . Martin , Littell , Dodson , L . Alexander , Benjamin , Blanks , and Captain Perrott . The brethren Feparated enrlv .
The Fifteen Sections
Will be v : orl ; cd ns under .-On Monday , 20 th May 1878 , at the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 171 , Railway Tavern , Fenchnrch-strcet , at 7 o ' clock precisely . Bros . C H . AVebb AV . M ., T . J . Barnes S . AV ., F . Brown J . AV ., Cnndick
I . P . M . FIRST LECTURE— Bros . Jones , Rawley , Job , Norden , Hewlett , Berry , and Musto ; SECOND LECIUKE—Bros . Ellis , Campbell , Stephens , names , and Turquand ; Tmin > LECTUKE—Bros . I . P . Cohen , Maidwell , and Taylor .
At the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 8 G 0 , Sisters ' Tavern , Dalston , on 28 th May . At the Dnkr- of Connanght Lodge of Instruction , Havelock Tavern , Dalston , on the 29 th May . At the Whittington Lodge of Instruction , on the first Wednesday in June .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE . A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lcdg 3 of England .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can bo ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but shonld any difficulty bo experienced , it will bo forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Snhseribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes .
Post Office Orders to bo mado payable to AV . AV . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6
Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 G Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class .
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Pago £ 8 0 0 BackPage £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per lino . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . Agents , from whom Copies can always be liad : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Messrs . SIMPSOX BROS ., Shoo Lane . Mr . G . AV . JORDAN , 109 Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . H . SnrrsoN , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH aud SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Groat Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JOXES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . II . VICKERS , 317 Strand . Mr . J . CLARKE , 37 Goswell Road , E . C .
NOTCCE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who desiro to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , shonld malcc early application
for Back Numbers . At present all are in print , bnt of some we have only a few copies left . Cases for binding ' the several volumes can be had at the Office , 67 Barbican .
THE THEATRES , & c . EOYAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT GARDEN-This evciing , I PURITANI . On Monday . DIXORA . Tr . On Tuosiliiy , RIGOLETTO . On Thursday , LA TRAV 1 ATA On Friday , TANNHAUSER . At 3 . 30 cach evening . HER MAJESTY'S—This evening LA SONNAM 1 SULA . On Monday , LES HUGUENOTS . On Tuesday , I PURITANI . On Thursday , FAUST . At 8 . 30 cacli evening . HAYMASKBT .-A CRUSHED TRAGEDIAN . PRINCESS'S— At 7 . 0 , OUT TO NURSE . At 8 . 0 , JANE SHORE . STRAND . —At 7 . 1 o , TWO TO ONE . At 7 .-15 , OUR CLUB . At T 0 . 20 , DORA AND DIPLUNACY . G-AIETY .-At 7 . 30 , BTBR AND TUCKKR . At 0 . 15 , IL SONNAMBULO AND LIVELY LITTLE ALESSIO . GLOBS . —At 7 . 0 , MY WIFE'S OUT . At 7 .-15 , A FOOL AND TITS MOXEY . Atn .-la , MIND TDK SHOP . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG . At 8 . 0 , OUR BOYS , and A FKAHFUL FOG . PRINCE OP "WALES'S .-At 8 . 0 , DIPLOMACY . ADELPHI .-At 7 . 0 , FARCE . At 7 . 15 , PROOF . LYCEUM .-At 7 . 30 , TURNING THE TABLES . At 8 , LOUIS XI . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , TIIH MISER'S TREASURE . At 8 . 30 , JEALOUSY . QUEENS—At 7 . 30 , ORSOX . At H . 1 . 1 , MADELATNE MOREL . COURT .-At 8 . 0 , OLIVIA . OPERA COMIQUE . —At S . O , THE SORCERER . At 10 . 0 , TRIAL BY JURY . CRITERION . —At 7 . 30 , THE PORTER'S KNOT , At 8 .-15 , PINK DOMINOES . ST . JAMES'S . —At 7 . 15 , TWO HUNDRED A YEAR . At S . 30 , SUCH 18 THE LAW . DUKE'S . —At 7 .-15 , ARKWRTG [ IT'S WfFR . At !) . in , ORAMOND BRIG . FOLLY—At 7 . 30 , CRAZED . At 8 . 15 , LES CLOCHES DE CORNEYILLE . ROYALTY-At . 7 . 30 , BESSIE . Ats , NULL GWYXNH . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 10 , FARCE , nnd THE GRAND DUCHESS . CRYSTAL PAL ACE—Tins day , CONCERT , & . c . On Tuesday , TOTTLES . Open daily , Aquarium , ic . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-This day , OPENING MUSICAL FESTIVAL , Fireworks , kc . On Friday mid Saturday , RACES . Onen daily MARAZ , fee . EGYPTIAN ( LARGE HALL ) . —MASKELYNE AND COOKE . Daily nt 3 nud 8 o'clock . ROYAL POLYTECHNIC —PROFESSOR PEPPER on the CHEMISTRY OF THK SUN . THE ( -LAY AND THE POTTER . THE TELEPHONE . TORPEDO WARFARE and the OXY-HYDROGEN MICROSCOPE . BULGARIA AND THE BULGARIANS . CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE . HAYUNG ISLAND , and A DAY IN LONDON . BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS . Admission to the whole . Is ; Reserved Stalls , including admission , 2 s Gd . Open at 12 and 7 , Carrto" -cs at 5 nnd 10 ,