Article FESTIVAL OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1 Article ANECDOTES IN RELATION TO MILITARY MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Festival Of The Girls' School.
ThoNinetieth Anniversary Festival of tho Royal Masonic Institiition for Girls was held yesterday evening at Freemasons ' Tavern . The Rig ht Honourable the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro . Grand Master and Prov . G . M . Somersetshire , had kindly undertaken the duties of chairman , a position for
Avhich , even if we could not call to mind our experience of 1875 when he presided at the Boy ' s School Festival , we know his Lordship is eminently well fitted . There was , as usual , a numerous Board of Stewards , all of whom' had evidently exerted themselves to the best of their ability and
most successfully . In Bro . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar , this Board had a most excellent President , in Bro . John Boyd a most worthy Treasurer , and in Bro . Hedges a very indefatigable Hon . Secretary . We must necessarily reserve our account of the gathering till next week .
The ballot for allotting a Life Governorship and ten Life Subscriberships of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , consequent on the sale of tickets by Bro . A . E . Gladwell , No . 172 , on the plan inaugurated by Bro . John Constable , took place at Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday last . Amongst
tho brethren present wero Bros . Dottridge W . M . 1 / 2 , Ray 1 G 24 , J . Blyth 813 , G . H . Hunter 1298 , 0 . J . Armstrong 857 , W . H . Barber 05 , W . W . Morgan 211 , A . E . Gladwell 172 , Thomas Milbourn 1190 , & c . Bro . A . Dottridge was
voted to the chair , and the ballot was proceeded with . The list of successful numbers will be found in another column . The arrangements seemed to give every satisfaction , and votes of thanks were passed to those brethren who had conducted the proceedings .
We beg to announce , as a reference to our advertisement columns will show , that the name of Bro . Thomas Cull has been added to the list of candidates for the vacant Secretaryship of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Bro . Cull is Preceptor to the Royal Standard and Salisbury
Lodges of Instruction . Thus the candidates , so far as Ave can speak with certainty , are now as as follow : —Bros . F . R . W . Hedges , C . Fitz Gerald Matier , W . Smallpeice , Wm . Worrell , F . A . White , W . Clifton Crick , Paul Storr , and Thomas Cull . We are awaro that some other brethren
have declared their intention of contesting the vacancy , but we prefer mentioning only the names which have been officially communicated to us .
Le Monde Maconnique contains some very interesting accounts of Festivals held by different Lodges , among them being that of Lodge Les Admirateurs de VJJnivers , which took place on the 16 th . March , under the presidency of its Venerable ( W . M . ) Bro . Dr . Barre , who delivered a most
eloquent address on the beauties of Freemasonry . I his " fete d'hiver " included a banquet en famille , a Concert , and a Ball . The Concert , which was arranged by Bro . Landowski and the eminent violinist Bro . Vieuxtemps , was most brilliant .
We gather from the same journal that Wednesday , the 8 th inst ,, was the day fixed for a convention of all the Coloured Grand Lodges of the United States , the place of meeting being Wilmington , State of Delaware .
The Freemasons' Repository announces the death , at Syracuse , N . Y ., on the 21 st March , of Bro . Orrin Welch , who had held the offices of County Treasurer and Alderman , and , at the time of his death , was Police
Commissioner . Among the high Masonic positions he held were those of G . Commander of K . T ., and III . Deputy of the Supreme Grand Council , 3 o ° , Northern Jurisdiction , for New York ; he was also S . G . C . of Syracuse Consistory .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
THE Imperial Grand Council of Illinois havo appointed Bro . Charles Fit /' , Gerald Matier as thoir Grand Eeprcseutative at the Imperial Grand Council of England .
HOLI . O ' . VAY ' OINTMENT . v . PILLS . —Multitudes suffering under a complication of disorders might obtain relief tbroiurh theso healing and purifying remedi s , which should IJIJ employed without a day ' s delay . When the weather is variable , ami colds and influenzas are prevalent , this Ointment , well rubbed upon the throat aud chest , gives the greatest ease , and checks all tendency to
inflammation in tbe lungs and other oi-gans . tho lulls assist the curative action of the Ointment , inasmuch as they purify tho blood , and so imioken its circulation that congestion is rendered almost impossible . HoIIoway's treatment deals most successfully , too , -with that very troublesome and often tedious ailment , indigestion , which is the bane of thousands , IVoni overwork and fast living , in the present clay .
Anecdotes In Relation To Military Masonry.
Battle Of Lutzen , —A Scotch gentleman in tho Prussian service was taken prisoner at the Battlo of Lutzen , and with 400 of his couipauion-iu-arins was conveyed to Prague . As soon as it was known that ho was a Mason , he was released from confinement , invited to tho tables of the most distinguished citizens , and requested to consider
himself more in tho character of a brother than as a prisoner of war . About three months after the engagement , an exchange of prisoners took place , and tho Scotch officer was presented by tho Fraternity with a purse of sixty ducats to defray tho expenses of his journey . —Laurie , p G 7 .
Lodge of Social and Military Virtues , No . 227 , late in the 46 th Regiment . —An anecdote in reference to this Lodge , appears in a former number ( p . 220 ) , but having recently met with a copy of its bye-laws ( 1816 ) , tho prefatory address is now given . " Tho antiquity of our Charter renders it Masonically dear to
each true brother . Among many incidents of her various history as handed down from olden record , wo havo always recognised with feelings of pride tho honourable distinction and Masonic mark confcrrcd by that eminent soldier and virtuous brother , tho late General Georgo Washington , who , with a sentiment worthy of so great a muu , in a st ylo of compliment flattering to the brethren of that day ,
restored tho property ( and especially tho Sacred Volume , which wo oven now possess ) with a peculiar Masonic greeting to their Masonio proprietors , it having previously , by the chance of warfare , fallen into tho possession of his army . " Let this record bo transmitted to our successors . — ' By-Laws of Lodge of Social and Military Virtues , num * bored 227 on the Registry of Ireland , held intheAQth Regiment of Foot . S'ldncg , 1816 .
Masonic Naval and Military Commanders . — Tho M . W . Grand Master Blaster Mason of Scotland , ( 1812 , ) Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence , has been appointed Commander of the Forces in North Britain vice Lord Greenock , also a Freemason . What would tho recent military authorities in Ireland have said to behold the Head of the Staff iu Scotland , also acting as tho Head of the Craft ,
personally presiding over its Lodges and anxious to promote its prosperity ? Among the distinguished military men who aro members of the . Masonic Fraternity is Sir Thomas Graham , Lord Lynedoch , the hero of many a hard fought fi g ht . This gallant veteran , now in his ninety-fourth year , if wo mistake not , was initiated when a young man in the Cannongato Kilwinning Lodgo of
Edinburgh . He is probably the oldest member living . The present Admiral Ommaney was likewise initiated in tho same Lodge ; as was also Sir D . L . Gilmour K . C . B ., an officer who distinguished himself in the Spanish campaign . In truth , most of tho chief commanders who served under the illustrious Brother the Duke of
Wellington wero comrades of tho Craft ; videlecit , the lato General the Earl Dalhousie , tho present Marquis of Tweedale , Lord Combermere , Lord Lynedoch , & c . Sir John Mooro was also a Scottish Mason . Tho immortal Nelson was a member of tho English Craft . — F . Q . R ., Vol . IX . p 41 .
St . Andrew ' s Eoyal Arch Lodge in the Scots Greys . — William Lord Napier , initiated December 1769 , while tho Hon . Col . Napier , soon afterwards , himself and several other officers of his regiment , the Scots Greys , presented a petition to Grand Lodgo for a charter of erection of a Military Lodge , and which was granted accordingly . On the 12 th March 1770 the formal constitution of
the Lodge took place in tho Hall of St . John ' s Chapel , at which ceremony his excellency General Adolphus Oughton presided , in his capacity of Grand Master of Scotland . After a suitable address from that Military and Masonic chief , the charter was delivered into tho hands of Colonel Napier as Worshipful Master thereof , Captain Basil Heron being installed Depute Master , Sir John Nesbit of Dean as Senior Warden , John Nosbit , Esq ., as Junior Warden , John
Christie , Esq ., as Treasurer , and Captain James Colquhoun as Secretary of the new Lodge , which was duly formed and consecrated under the name and title of " the St . Andrew Eoyal Arch Lodge in tho Scots Greys or Eoyal North British Dragoons . " Bro . Napier succeeded his father as Baron Napier in 1773 , but died about two years after , leaving his title to his eldest son Francis' , who became a Mason in the Cannongato Kilwinning Lodgo , and was afterwards Graud Master of Scotland . —F . Q . R ., Vol . IX . p 35 .
Price 3 s 6 d , Crown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS REPRINTED IKOH "THE I ' REBAUSON ' 3 CHRONICLE . " The Volumo contains the following : — 1 . OUB LITERARY BROTHER . , 17 . THB CHRISTIAN MINISTER . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON , i 18 . THE MYSTIC . 3 . THE MAX or ENERGY . 19 . A MODEL MASON . i . FATIIEB TIME . 20 . A CHIP mon JOPPA 5 . A CORNER STONE . 21 . A PILLAR OE MASONRY . 6 . THE CRAFTSMAN . 22 . BAYABD . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN . i 2 : 1 . A UIUIIT HAND MAN . 8 . An . EASTERN STAR , | 21 . Ouu CITIZEN BROTHIH , 0 . TUB KNIGHT ERRANT . | 25 . AN ABLE PRECEPTOR . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . , 2 ii . AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . ! 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . , 23 . THE FATHER OP THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . I 20 . A SHINING LIGHT . ^ 11 . OUR HERCULEJ . j 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE , 31 . THE MARINER . 18 . THE CHCRCHAIAN . ' 32 . A SOLDIER OE FCBTUNE , 33 . " OLD MUG . " London : W . \? 7 . MOEGATT . By Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent froo by rest , direct [ from the Office , 07 Barbican .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Festival Of The Girls' School.
ThoNinetieth Anniversary Festival of tho Royal Masonic Institiition for Girls was held yesterday evening at Freemasons ' Tavern . The Rig ht Honourable the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro . Grand Master and Prov . G . M . Somersetshire , had kindly undertaken the duties of chairman , a position for
Avhich , even if we could not call to mind our experience of 1875 when he presided at the Boy ' s School Festival , we know his Lordship is eminently well fitted . There was , as usual , a numerous Board of Stewards , all of whom' had evidently exerted themselves to the best of their ability and
most successfully . In Bro . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar , this Board had a most excellent President , in Bro . John Boyd a most worthy Treasurer , and in Bro . Hedges a very indefatigable Hon . Secretary . We must necessarily reserve our account of the gathering till next week .
The ballot for allotting a Life Governorship and ten Life Subscriberships of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , consequent on the sale of tickets by Bro . A . E . Gladwell , No . 172 , on the plan inaugurated by Bro . John Constable , took place at Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday last . Amongst
tho brethren present wero Bros . Dottridge W . M . 1 / 2 , Ray 1 G 24 , J . Blyth 813 , G . H . Hunter 1298 , 0 . J . Armstrong 857 , W . H . Barber 05 , W . W . Morgan 211 , A . E . Gladwell 172 , Thomas Milbourn 1190 , & c . Bro . A . Dottridge was
voted to the chair , and the ballot was proceeded with . The list of successful numbers will be found in another column . The arrangements seemed to give every satisfaction , and votes of thanks were passed to those brethren who had conducted the proceedings .
We beg to announce , as a reference to our advertisement columns will show , that the name of Bro . Thomas Cull has been added to the list of candidates for the vacant Secretaryship of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Bro . Cull is Preceptor to the Royal Standard and Salisbury
Lodges of Instruction . Thus the candidates , so far as Ave can speak with certainty , are now as as follow : —Bros . F . R . W . Hedges , C . Fitz Gerald Matier , W . Smallpeice , Wm . Worrell , F . A . White , W . Clifton Crick , Paul Storr , and Thomas Cull . We are awaro that some other brethren
have declared their intention of contesting the vacancy , but we prefer mentioning only the names which have been officially communicated to us .
Le Monde Maconnique contains some very interesting accounts of Festivals held by different Lodges , among them being that of Lodge Les Admirateurs de VJJnivers , which took place on the 16 th . March , under the presidency of its Venerable ( W . M . ) Bro . Dr . Barre , who delivered a most
eloquent address on the beauties of Freemasonry . I his " fete d'hiver " included a banquet en famille , a Concert , and a Ball . The Concert , which was arranged by Bro . Landowski and the eminent violinist Bro . Vieuxtemps , was most brilliant .
We gather from the same journal that Wednesday , the 8 th inst ,, was the day fixed for a convention of all the Coloured Grand Lodges of the United States , the place of meeting being Wilmington , State of Delaware .
The Freemasons' Repository announces the death , at Syracuse , N . Y ., on the 21 st March , of Bro . Orrin Welch , who had held the offices of County Treasurer and Alderman , and , at the time of his death , was Police
Commissioner . Among the high Masonic positions he held were those of G . Commander of K . T ., and III . Deputy of the Supreme Grand Council , 3 o ° , Northern Jurisdiction , for New York ; he was also S . G . C . of Syracuse Consistory .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
THE Imperial Grand Council of Illinois havo appointed Bro . Charles Fit /' , Gerald Matier as thoir Grand Eeprcseutative at the Imperial Grand Council of England .
HOLI . O ' . VAY ' OINTMENT . v . PILLS . —Multitudes suffering under a complication of disorders might obtain relief tbroiurh theso healing and purifying remedi s , which should IJIJ employed without a day ' s delay . When the weather is variable , ami colds and influenzas are prevalent , this Ointment , well rubbed upon the throat aud chest , gives the greatest ease , and checks all tendency to
inflammation in tbe lungs and other oi-gans . tho lulls assist the curative action of the Ointment , inasmuch as they purify tho blood , and so imioken its circulation that congestion is rendered almost impossible . HoIIoway's treatment deals most successfully , too , -with that very troublesome and often tedious ailment , indigestion , which is the bane of thousands , IVoni overwork and fast living , in the present clay .
Anecdotes In Relation To Military Masonry.
Battle Of Lutzen , —A Scotch gentleman in tho Prussian service was taken prisoner at the Battlo of Lutzen , and with 400 of his couipauion-iu-arins was conveyed to Prague . As soon as it was known that ho was a Mason , he was released from confinement , invited to tho tables of the most distinguished citizens , and requested to consider
himself more in tho character of a brother than as a prisoner of war . About three months after the engagement , an exchange of prisoners took place , and tho Scotch officer was presented by tho Fraternity with a purse of sixty ducats to defray tho expenses of his journey . —Laurie , p G 7 .
Lodge of Social and Military Virtues , No . 227 , late in the 46 th Regiment . —An anecdote in reference to this Lodge , appears in a former number ( p . 220 ) , but having recently met with a copy of its bye-laws ( 1816 ) , tho prefatory address is now given . " Tho antiquity of our Charter renders it Masonically dear to
each true brother . Among many incidents of her various history as handed down from olden record , wo havo always recognised with feelings of pride tho honourable distinction and Masonic mark confcrrcd by that eminent soldier and virtuous brother , tho late General Georgo Washington , who , with a sentiment worthy of so great a muu , in a st ylo of compliment flattering to the brethren of that day ,
restored tho property ( and especially tho Sacred Volume , which wo oven now possess ) with a peculiar Masonic greeting to their Masonio proprietors , it having previously , by the chance of warfare , fallen into tho possession of his army . " Let this record bo transmitted to our successors . — ' By-Laws of Lodge of Social and Military Virtues , num * bored 227 on the Registry of Ireland , held intheAQth Regiment of Foot . S'ldncg , 1816 .
Masonic Naval and Military Commanders . — Tho M . W . Grand Master Blaster Mason of Scotland , ( 1812 , ) Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence , has been appointed Commander of the Forces in North Britain vice Lord Greenock , also a Freemason . What would tho recent military authorities in Ireland have said to behold the Head of the Staff iu Scotland , also acting as tho Head of the Craft ,
personally presiding over its Lodges and anxious to promote its prosperity ? Among the distinguished military men who aro members of the . Masonic Fraternity is Sir Thomas Graham , Lord Lynedoch , the hero of many a hard fought fi g ht . This gallant veteran , now in his ninety-fourth year , if wo mistake not , was initiated when a young man in the Cannongato Kilwinning Lodgo of
Edinburgh . He is probably the oldest member living . The present Admiral Ommaney was likewise initiated in tho same Lodge ; as was also Sir D . L . Gilmour K . C . B ., an officer who distinguished himself in the Spanish campaign . In truth , most of tho chief commanders who served under the illustrious Brother the Duke of
Wellington wero comrades of tho Craft ; videlecit , the lato General the Earl Dalhousie , tho present Marquis of Tweedale , Lord Combermere , Lord Lynedoch , & c . Sir John Mooro was also a Scottish Mason . Tho immortal Nelson was a member of tho English Craft . — F . Q . R ., Vol . IX . p 41 .
St . Andrew ' s Eoyal Arch Lodge in the Scots Greys . — William Lord Napier , initiated December 1769 , while tho Hon . Col . Napier , soon afterwards , himself and several other officers of his regiment , the Scots Greys , presented a petition to Grand Lodgo for a charter of erection of a Military Lodge , and which was granted accordingly . On the 12 th March 1770 the formal constitution of
the Lodge took place in tho Hall of St . John ' s Chapel , at which ceremony his excellency General Adolphus Oughton presided , in his capacity of Grand Master of Scotland . After a suitable address from that Military and Masonic chief , the charter was delivered into tho hands of Colonel Napier as Worshipful Master thereof , Captain Basil Heron being installed Depute Master , Sir John Nesbit of Dean as Senior Warden , John Nosbit , Esq ., as Junior Warden , John
Christie , Esq ., as Treasurer , and Captain James Colquhoun as Secretary of the new Lodge , which was duly formed and consecrated under the name and title of " the St . Andrew Eoyal Arch Lodge in tho Scots Greys or Eoyal North British Dragoons . " Bro . Napier succeeded his father as Baron Napier in 1773 , but died about two years after , leaving his title to his eldest son Francis' , who became a Mason in the Cannongato Kilwinning Lodgo , and was afterwards Graud Master of Scotland . —F . Q . R ., Vol . IX . p 35 .
Price 3 s 6 d , Crown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS REPRINTED IKOH "THE I ' REBAUSON ' 3 CHRONICLE . " The Volumo contains the following : — 1 . OUB LITERARY BROTHER . , 17 . THB CHRISTIAN MINISTER . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON , i 18 . THE MYSTIC . 3 . THE MAX or ENERGY . 19 . A MODEL MASON . i . FATIIEB TIME . 20 . A CHIP mon JOPPA 5 . A CORNER STONE . 21 . A PILLAR OE MASONRY . 6 . THE CRAFTSMAN . 22 . BAYABD . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN . i 2 : 1 . A UIUIIT HAND MAN . 8 . An . EASTERN STAR , | 21 . Ouu CITIZEN BROTHIH , 0 . TUB KNIGHT ERRANT . | 25 . AN ABLE PRECEPTOR . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . , 2 ii . AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . ! 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . , 23 . THE FATHER OP THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . I 20 . A SHINING LIGHT . ^ 11 . OUR HERCULEJ . j 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE , 31 . THE MARINER . 18 . THE CHCRCHAIAN . ' 32 . A SOLDIER OE FCBTUNE , 33 . " OLD MUG . " London : W . \? 7 . MOEGATT . By Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent froo by rest , direct [ from the Office , 07 Barbican .