Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GEEAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON , W . C . The ailinirublu unci umiviillcvl accommodation pvnvid « l at this Estalilisment fur ZMZ ^ LSOZCsTIC BA ^ TQTJBTS , PUBLIC AMD PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BAILS , & G . Is too well known to need comment . The entire mannsement lias lieen ehanseil , anil the fetul ) li .- < limeiit in till its branches thoroughly ro-ors : miseil . The attention of the Masonic Boily is directed to the many advantages offered . cuisijsrjrc OF THE HIGHF . ST CHARACTER . WINKS 1 > £ BF £ CT IN CONDITION ANI » QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure ol" public confidence iind support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement lias been entered into with tho Proprietors of the Oxford Music Hull , by which its hihihiv * and the public can be served ¦ with Luncheons and Dinners in the © OLID ZEUSTG-IIISH : STITTLE . A SKILLED CHF . V HAS BI'KX ENGAGED . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D'HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ice Pudding , Cheese , and Salad ( according to season ) , Ss Gd PIWR I-IJiJ-A-D . BRO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , cheese , and salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel ,
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAYE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . Tor Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C ,
§ topl Hlms 0 tfit Institution ; fox ( Sirls . RESULT OF BRO . A . E . GLADWELL'S BALLOT . MONDAY , Cm MAY 187 S . TnHE Ballot for Lifo Governorships and Life Subscriberships of JL the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , consequent on the sale of Tickets by Bro . A , E . Guuhvell , took place on Monday , the ( ith instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queon-streot . There were One Life Governorship unci Ten Lifo Subscriberships thus disposed of , and the following is the list of winners : — No . No . of of Value Name Address Prize Ticket St . s d 1 1111 10 10 0 A . J . DOTTBIDGK ... 35 Gibson Square 2 1103 5 5 0 G . W . WIIITJS ... Reading 3 12 5 5 0 Mrs . II . W . GLADWJiLH Lowisliam I 1 ( W 5 5 0 CUDUV ' _ ' Brecknock Road 5 152 5 5 0 T . MILUOURN ... 33 Bishopsgate Street Within 0 1171 5 5 0 Mrs . A . T . GLADIY ' -ELL Lewisham 7 151 5 5 0 T . MILUOCHM ... " . W Bishopsgate Strec Within 8 S 3 ! 5 5 0 G . MELLISOX ... Old Jewry 0 2100 5 5 0 A . E . Gt . ADWstL ... 21 Great Ormond Street 10 218 5 5 0 FOLMOTS -157 BeUmal Green lioad 11 1975 5 5 0 PoLLAitn The Brewery , Park Street , S . E . Tickets , Nos . 07 , 313 , ; 310 , J 2 S , 510 , 5 < s : j , 1211 , ltl : j , UW 2 , 1 U 13 , 1 CS 0 , and 1020 were also drawn out of the Ballot Box , but not having been sold , were not entitled to prizes .
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the $ apl | icis . a ) iix | irsiitu & jT far <§ irk Mr Loiics , LADIES , AND BRKTHKEN , — . ., . „ „ L bo " nl 0 st respectfully to offer myself as a candidate lor tlie post of Secretary to your valuable Institution , rendered vacant by the lamented death of our esteemed Brother H . Wic IW ^ IITK L ITTLE . I have been a Freemason upwards of Nii . e years , during which time I havo taken a very active interest in tlie Order 1 am a P . M ., and have been for some time past , Secretary of my Lodge , and Scribe 10 . of my Chapter . I am now the Secretary of an Orphan Asyluri , a position which I have held nearly four years , and am therefore thoroughly acquainted with the practical working of a Public Institution . _ I am thirty-three years of age . and in good health , aud previous to receiving my present appointment , I was engaged in business with a Marine Insurance Broker at Lloyds . Soliciting the favour of your kind interest and support , I have tho honour to be , My Lords , Ladies and Urethral , Yours obediently and fraternally , "WILLIAM WORRELL , P . M . and Sec . No . 760 . P . M . 13 . 30 P . Z . and S . E . Chapter No . 7 G 0 P . M . and Sec . Macdonald Mark ,.,.,. „ „ and Past Grand Organist ( Mark ) < J > JiKOWiE ROAD , BRIXTON , S . W , v ' SUth April \ m .
| kmal $$ to $ 0 Mf firstitutian far & xm To the Vice - Patrons , Vice-Presidents , and Life Governors . Mr LORDS , LADIES , AND RUETIIIIEX , — In pursuance of my intimation a week since , of my intention to present myself as a candidate for the Secretaryship of this Institution , rendered vacant ' by the lamented death of Bro . Lirn . i :, I now beg to state my qualifications for that office . I am 33 years of age and for 11 years had the entire official management of a large manufacturing business , the annual return of which exceeded £ 100 , 000 , and for the past two years 1 have been in business as an Accountant and Auditor . The Testimonials I possess are'such that I am hopeful of obtaining your unqualified support . Since my entry into the Graft 1 have been an Annual Subscriber to the three Masonic Charities " ; havo served a Stewardship to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , of which I am a Life Governor ; and am at the present timo a Steward at the approaching Festival of this Institution , and qualifying myself as a Life Governor . Should you do mo the favour of electing me to the Secretaryship of tho Institution , you may rely upon my exerting my whole energy and ability for tho continued prosperity , and tho further extension of the benefits of tlie Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . I havo the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies nnd Brethreu , Yours faithfully and fraternally , F . A . WHITE , P . M . 907 ; P . S . Chapter 007 ; Lodges 1137 and 1710 . 1 KING ' Amis Y . UITI , COLEMAN- STUEET , Citr , E . C . 1 st May 1878 .
To the Life Governors of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . BRETHREN , —I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of Secretary , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . Little . Should you do mo the honour to elect mo , I can only say that I will endeavour to fill the office , efficiently , and I hope that the manner in which I have discharged my various duties in Masonry will be considered a sufficient qualification . W . SMALLPEICE , Assoc . Inst . C . E . P . M . 1395 , Secretary 009 , 55 . Cyrus Chapter 21 ; Secretary Emulation Lodgo of Improvement . ; 0 GUAM' INN PLACE , W . C , And — KINGFIELD , WOKING .
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the § xjpl l ^ aamxic fn ^ ttimx for < 6 ixl »« Mr LOKDS , LADIES AND BBETIIHBN , — At tho suggestion of many Life Governors who have promised me their support , I beg to state it is my intention to offer myself as a candidate for the position of Secretary to the above Institution , vacant through tho lamented decease of Bro . R . W . LITTLE . I shall shortly bo able to forward a 1 imtlar , containing a list of my sup « porters , together with the qualifications I possess for the appointment . In the meantime , therefore , I trust the largo number of Brethren , to whom I am personally known will reserve their pledges . 1 have the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies , and Brethren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THOMAS CULL , S . D . 1116 ; P . S . Chapter 1365 ; Preceptor to the Royal Standard and Salisbury Lodges of Instruction j Steward and L . G . 1873 . CITY I ' n . uiuiiiis , RUI . WAV PLACE , FJ ; NCIIL- STUEET , LONDON , E . G ., Silt Mat / 1873 .
To the Patron , Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents and Life Governors of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . YOUR ROVAL HIGHNESSES , Mr LORDS AND GENTLEMEN , In consequence of tho lamented decease of the lato BYO . R . Vent / worth Little , a vacancy has occurred in tho Secretaryship of this Institution , and I beg most respectfully to state that it is myiutertion to offer myself as a Candidate for the Office . The experience I have gained during my five years connexion in the office as Clerk , will , I trust , bo of service to me should I bo successful in obtaining tho appointment . I may mention that during Bro . Little ' s illness nearly the whole of the Secretarial duties havedovolved upon me . and I venture to hope , from the manner in which they have been discharged , it will induce you to honor me with your support should the Committee think fit to accept mo as a Candidate . I have the honour to be , Your Royal Highnesses , my Lords and Gentlemen , Your obedient humble servant , 21 th April 1878 . F . R . w . HEDGES . 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
$ B $ IXI glasaiut ^ mtxtvdxaix far < 8 irk TO THE GENERAL COMMITTEE . BKETIIKEN , —When I announced my determination of becoming a Candidate for the Secretaryship of this Institution , it was my intention to wait upon the Electors whose addresses were sufficiently contiguous to my own residence , for the purpose of personally requesting their Votes and Interest . Haily endeavours have been used by me to put my desire into execution , but the task is of such magnitude that , I find myself compelled to solicit by letter , advertisement , or the influence of personal friends the support on the day of election of such as I may not be ablo to interview , earnestly entreating them to accept my apology for the seeming inattention . It is with pleasure I continue to receive assurances of support fir ; 1 many influential subscribers , and hope to prove , at the election , that in comiii" - forward as a Candidate I have not been guilty of presumption . ° WILLIAM CLIFTON CRICK , Bachelor of Sciences , Paris University , ,,,, „ r „ . „ „ , „ i ' . ii . 637 , and . Secretary 1733 . 1 « Chaucory Law , W , C , > £ ay 1 , 373 . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GEEAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON , W . C . The ailinirublu unci umiviillcvl accommodation pvnvid « l at this Estalilisment fur ZMZ ^ LSOZCsTIC BA ^ TQTJBTS , PUBLIC AMD PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BAILS , & G . Is too well known to need comment . The entire mannsement lias lieen ehanseil , anil the fetul ) li .- < limeiit in till its branches thoroughly ro-ors : miseil . The attention of the Masonic Boily is directed to the many advantages offered . cuisijsrjrc OF THE HIGHF . ST CHARACTER . WINKS 1 > £ BF £ CT IN CONDITION ANI » QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure ol" public confidence iind support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement lias been entered into with tho Proprietors of the Oxford Music Hull , by which its hihihiv * and the public can be served ¦ with Luncheons and Dinners in the © OLID ZEUSTG-IIISH : STITTLE . A SKILLED CHF . V HAS BI'KX ENGAGED . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D'HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ice Pudding , Cheese , and Salad ( according to season ) , Ss Gd PIWR I-IJiJ-A-D . BRO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , cheese , and salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel ,
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAYE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . Tor Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C ,
§ topl Hlms 0 tfit Institution ; fox ( Sirls . RESULT OF BRO . A . E . GLADWELL'S BALLOT . MONDAY , Cm MAY 187 S . TnHE Ballot for Lifo Governorships and Life Subscriberships of JL the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , consequent on the sale of Tickets by Bro . A , E . Guuhvell , took place on Monday , the ( ith instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queon-streot . There were One Life Governorship unci Ten Lifo Subscriberships thus disposed of , and the following is the list of winners : — No . No . of of Value Name Address Prize Ticket St . s d 1 1111 10 10 0 A . J . DOTTBIDGK ... 35 Gibson Square 2 1103 5 5 0 G . W . WIIITJS ... Reading 3 12 5 5 0 Mrs . II . W . GLADWJiLH Lowisliam I 1 ( W 5 5 0 CUDUV ' _ ' Brecknock Road 5 152 5 5 0 T . MILUOURN ... 33 Bishopsgate Street Within 0 1171 5 5 0 Mrs . A . T . GLADIY ' -ELL Lewisham 7 151 5 5 0 T . MILUOCHM ... " . W Bishopsgate Strec Within 8 S 3 ! 5 5 0 G . MELLISOX ... Old Jewry 0 2100 5 5 0 A . E . Gt . ADWstL ... 21 Great Ormond Street 10 218 5 5 0 FOLMOTS -157 BeUmal Green lioad 11 1975 5 5 0 PoLLAitn The Brewery , Park Street , S . E . Tickets , Nos . 07 , 313 , ; 310 , J 2 S , 510 , 5 < s : j , 1211 , ltl : j , UW 2 , 1 U 13 , 1 CS 0 , and 1020 were also drawn out of the Ballot Box , but not having been sold , were not entitled to prizes .
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the $ apl | icis . a ) iix | irsiitu & jT far <§ irk Mr Loiics , LADIES , AND BRKTHKEN , — . ., . „ „ L bo " nl 0 st respectfully to offer myself as a candidate lor tlie post of Secretary to your valuable Institution , rendered vacant by the lamented death of our esteemed Brother H . Wic IW ^ IITK L ITTLE . I have been a Freemason upwards of Nii . e years , during which time I havo taken a very active interest in tlie Order 1 am a P . M ., and have been for some time past , Secretary of my Lodge , and Scribe 10 . of my Chapter . I am now the Secretary of an Orphan Asyluri , a position which I have held nearly four years , and am therefore thoroughly acquainted with the practical working of a Public Institution . _ I am thirty-three years of age . and in good health , aud previous to receiving my present appointment , I was engaged in business with a Marine Insurance Broker at Lloyds . Soliciting the favour of your kind interest and support , I have tho honour to be , My Lords , Ladies and Urethral , Yours obediently and fraternally , "WILLIAM WORRELL , P . M . and Sec . No . 760 . P . M . 13 . 30 P . Z . and S . E . Chapter No . 7 G 0 P . M . and Sec . Macdonald Mark ,.,.,. „ „ and Past Grand Organist ( Mark ) < J > JiKOWiE ROAD , BRIXTON , S . W , v ' SUth April \ m .
| kmal $$ to $ 0 Mf firstitutian far & xm To the Vice - Patrons , Vice-Presidents , and Life Governors . Mr LORDS , LADIES , AND RUETIIIIEX , — In pursuance of my intimation a week since , of my intention to present myself as a candidate for the Secretaryship of this Institution , rendered vacant ' by the lamented death of Bro . Lirn . i :, I now beg to state my qualifications for that office . I am 33 years of age and for 11 years had the entire official management of a large manufacturing business , the annual return of which exceeded £ 100 , 000 , and for the past two years 1 have been in business as an Accountant and Auditor . The Testimonials I possess are'such that I am hopeful of obtaining your unqualified support . Since my entry into the Graft 1 have been an Annual Subscriber to the three Masonic Charities " ; havo served a Stewardship to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , of which I am a Life Governor ; and am at the present timo a Steward at the approaching Festival of this Institution , and qualifying myself as a Life Governor . Should you do mo the favour of electing me to the Secretaryship of tho Institution , you may rely upon my exerting my whole energy and ability for tho continued prosperity , and tho further extension of the benefits of tlie Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . I havo the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies nnd Brethreu , Yours faithfully and fraternally , F . A . WHITE , P . M . 907 ; P . S . Chapter 007 ; Lodges 1137 and 1710 . 1 KING ' Amis Y . UITI , COLEMAN- STUEET , Citr , E . C . 1 st May 1878 .
To the Life Governors of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . BRETHREN , —I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of Secretary , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . Little . Should you do mo the honour to elect mo , I can only say that I will endeavour to fill the office , efficiently , and I hope that the manner in which I have discharged my various duties in Masonry will be considered a sufficient qualification . W . SMALLPEICE , Assoc . Inst . C . E . P . M . 1395 , Secretary 009 , 55 . Cyrus Chapter 21 ; Secretary Emulation Lodgo of Improvement . ; 0 GUAM' INN PLACE , W . C , And — KINGFIELD , WOKING .
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the § xjpl l ^ aamxic fn ^ ttimx for < 6 ixl »« Mr LOKDS , LADIES AND BBETIIHBN , — At tho suggestion of many Life Governors who have promised me their support , I beg to state it is my intention to offer myself as a candidate for the position of Secretary to the above Institution , vacant through tho lamented decease of Bro . R . W . LITTLE . I shall shortly bo able to forward a 1 imtlar , containing a list of my sup « porters , together with the qualifications I possess for the appointment . In the meantime , therefore , I trust the largo number of Brethren , to whom I am personally known will reserve their pledges . 1 have the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies , and Brethren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THOMAS CULL , S . D . 1116 ; P . S . Chapter 1365 ; Preceptor to the Royal Standard and Salisbury Lodges of Instruction j Steward and L . G . 1873 . CITY I ' n . uiuiiiis , RUI . WAV PLACE , FJ ; NCIIL- STUEET , LONDON , E . G ., Silt Mat / 1873 .
To the Patron , Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents and Life Governors of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . YOUR ROVAL HIGHNESSES , Mr LORDS AND GENTLEMEN , In consequence of tho lamented decease of the lato BYO . R . Vent / worth Little , a vacancy has occurred in tho Secretaryship of this Institution , and I beg most respectfully to state that it is myiutertion to offer myself as a Candidate for the Office . The experience I have gained during my five years connexion in the office as Clerk , will , I trust , bo of service to me should I bo successful in obtaining tho appointment . I may mention that during Bro . Little ' s illness nearly the whole of the Secretarial duties havedovolved upon me . and I venture to hope , from the manner in which they have been discharged , it will induce you to honor me with your support should the Committee think fit to accept mo as a Candidate . I have the honour to be , Your Royal Highnesses , my Lords and Gentlemen , Your obedient humble servant , 21 th April 1878 . F . R . w . HEDGES . 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
$ B $ IXI glasaiut ^ mtxtvdxaix far < 8 irk TO THE GENERAL COMMITTEE . BKETIIKEN , —When I announced my determination of becoming a Candidate for the Secretaryship of this Institution , it was my intention to wait upon the Electors whose addresses were sufficiently contiguous to my own residence , for the purpose of personally requesting their Votes and Interest . Haily endeavours have been used by me to put my desire into execution , but the task is of such magnitude that , I find myself compelled to solicit by letter , advertisement , or the influence of personal friends the support on the day of election of such as I may not be ablo to interview , earnestly entreating them to accept my apology for the seeming inattention . It is with pleasure I continue to receive assurances of support fir ; 1 many influential subscribers , and hope to prove , at the election , that in comiii" - forward as a Candidate I have not been guilty of presumption . ° WILLIAM CLIFTON CRICK , Bachelor of Sciences , Paris University , ,,,, „ r „ . „ „ , „ i ' . ii . 637 , and . Secretary 1733 . 1 « Chaucory Law , W , C , > £ ay 1 , 373 . '