Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 1 of 2 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 1 of 2 →
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ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . — : o : — Committee for securing the Election , as Secretary , of BKO . CHARLES FITZ GERALD MATIER , — : 0 : — Tho Right Hon . the Eu : r . of T ) oNorcii [» OK 8 , L . G . The Rt . Hon . the EAKL of BIXUVE , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Cumberland and West . moreliind , L . G . AV . W . B . Biuen , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Hampshire nnd Isle of Wight , L . G . Lt .-Col . Li : GENDUE N . STAHKIG , Prov . G . M . Ksist Lancashire , V . Patron . BARON GKOUGE Dr . WOUMS , L . G . J . WUYTK MI : LVII , I . K , M . W . Past G . M . Scotland . . 1 . L . IIINK , Chairman oE Charity Committee East Lancashire , L . G . Capt . RiCHAim Con ; , Chairman of tho Charity Committee of Cheshire , V . Pros . GEOKGH MICIXOII , Dep . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . President . Israel Abrahams , L . G . G . , 1 . McKay , L . G ., Cumh . aud West . F . Adlard L . G . J . D . Moore . L . G ., W . Lancashire . T . J . Barnes , L . G . E . J . Morris , L . G ., K . Div . S . Wales . E . A . Baylis , L . G . . 1 . Joyce Murray , L . G . W . B . Brand , L . G . W " . 11 . Myers , L . G . G . P . Brockbank , V . Pies ., E . Lane . Chalmers I . Paton , L . G ., Edinburgh . Henry Bulley , L . G ., Cheshire . J . P . Piatt , L . G ., Cheshire . K . Churchill , L . G . Hy . Preston , L . O ., N . and E . Yorks . J . G . Chancellor , V . Pies . Hyde Pullen , L . G . John Constable , V . Patron . I ' ' . Ruth , L . G . Thos . Cubitt , V . Pres . Wm . Roebuck , L . G . J . E . Curteis , L . G ., Devon . J . H . Boss , L . G . Frederick Davison , L . G . Alfred Scnrgill , L . G ., West Yorkshire G . H . Daw , L . G . Catterson Smith , L . G . Thos . Entwisle . L . G ., E . Lancashire . Walter Sowdon V . P ., Hampshire Richard Eve , V . Pvcs ., Aldershot . Capt . Jas . St-. iltiird , L . G ., Dublin . Kgerton C . Gilbert , L . G ., Cheshire . 3 olm G . Stevens , L . G . J . Robt . Goopel , L . G ., W . Lancashire . Jack Sutclitt ' e , V . Pros ., Lincoln . E . Gottheil , L . G . Dr . W . II , Thomas , L . G ., W . Yorks . Dr . F . Griffiths , L . G ., West Yorks . John Tunnai , V . P ., E . Lancashire . Henry Hacker , L . G ., Hampshire H . Venn , L . G . Capt . Harrap , L . G ., E . Lancashire . (*• H . Walshaw , L . G ., N . aud E . Yorks . Wm . Harrison , V . P ., E . Lancashire . R . U . Webster , V . Pres . John Healey , L . G . G . E . Webster , L . G ., W . Yorkshire . Capt . S . G . Homfray , V . P ., Monmouth . J . M . Wiko , V . Pres . W . James Hughan , L . G ., Cornwall . J & s - Winter , L . G . James Jackson , L . G . T . B . Winter , L . G ., Northumberland . Chas . Lacey , L . G . John Wordsworth , V . Pat ., W . Y'orks . John H . Leggott , L . G . Reginald Young , L . G ., Wt . Lancashire II . C . Lcvander , L . G . Brethren desirous of assisting are respectfully requested to forward thoir names to—Bao . STEPHEN BABION WIISON , L . G ., Hon . Secretary , 27 AVnlbrook , E . C .
Iwgwvwv , VW 5 ^ ^ m ^ yj ^^ JW-jJ ^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
ON Tuesday , tlie Queen , with the Crown Princess of Germany ( Princess Eoyal ) , Princess Beatrice , with the ladies and gentlemen of the Court , reached Buckingham Palace at noon from Windsor Castle . In the afternoon Her Majesty held a court which was numerously attended by the Diplomatic and General Circles , and at which -were
present very many ladies whose names had been previously left afc the Lord Chamberlain ' s office , and submitted for the Queen ' s apptoval . There were also present Her Imperial Highness the Crown Princess of Germany , the Princess Beatrice , the Duke of Cambridge , Prince
Christian of Schleswig-Holstein , and Her Eoyal Highness the Duchess and the Duke of Teck . The Eoyal Body Guard of the Hon . Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Arms were on duty in the state apartments under the command of their Caotain , the Earl of Coventry , and the Eoyal Body Guard of
the Yeomen of the Guard in the Palace , under their Captain , Lord Skelmersdale . A second Drawing-room was held on Thursday . A State Ball will be held at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday , the 22 nd instant , and the first state concert of the season on Wednesday , the 29 th instant .
It has also been announced that the Queen will visit Aldershot on Monday for the purpose of reviewing the troops quartered there . Under the circumstances greater interest than usual will attach to the visit , as no
inconsiderable portion of the troops is composed of the Army and Militia Reserves , who have only joined the colours during the past three weeks . As they arc all seasoned soldiers , however , they -will have had time to renew their acquaintance with the exigencies of military duty .
Ihe Prince of Wales Avith the Princess and the Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark are still in Paris , making the most of their necessarily brief visit , and seeing as much
Our Weekly Budget.
as possible of the Exhibition , which as day after day passes is gradually assuming a grander as well as a more businesslike appearance . Among other distinguished visitors to the French capital must be mentioned Her Royal
Highness the Princess Louise , Marchioness of Lome , and the Marquis of Lome . By the way , the banquet given by the Royal Commission in honour of its indefatigable President was a conspicuous success , but what has rendered the occasion more noticeable than it would have been under
ordinary circumstances was the exceedingly friendly terms in which His Royal Highness , in proposing the toast of Prosperity to France and its Exhibition , spoke of the country . He said ho trusted that the two nations might be drawn together moro closely than ever , and that the prosperity of
Franco might go on more prosperously than heretofore . The speech has attracted general notice on the part of the French newspapers , and with one or two exceptions they have all spoken in the warmest terms of the Prince ' s kindliness of manner . Next week wo shall see His Royal
Highness back again in London , as on Friday , the 17 th instant , ho will , by command of the Queen , hold a Levee at St . James ' s Palace , when presentations to the Prince will , by the express desire of Her Majesty , be deemed equivalent to presentations to the Sovereign .
One of the two Houses of Parliament , to wit , the House of Commons , has resumed its meetings after the Easter holidays . The Speaker once again presided as usual at four o ' clock on Monday , and after the regular formal business had been disposed of , the Marquis of Hartington , as
leader of the Opposition rose , and asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer for any information ho might be in a position to furnish on the subject of the Eastern Imbroglio . The Chancellor ' s reply did not contain much that was new —that , of course , was out of the question , seeing that the
negotiations are still in progress—but the little that ho did say was of a very hopeful character ; more hopeful , indeed , than the short statement he made at the last sitting before Easter . This , however , did not content the extreme Radical section of the House , and Mr . Fawcefcfc roso
at once for the purpose of challenging the conduct of the Government in connection with the despatch of Indian troops to Malta . Sir G . Campbell and Sir W . Harcourt also offered some remarks on the same subject , after which the Chancellor of the Exchequer rose and defended the
conduct of the Government . The discussion , however , was continued , among the other speakers being Mr . E . Jenkins and Mr . Rylands , who both condemned the step , and Sir Robert Peel , who upheld it . The House then went into Committee of Supply . On Tuesday , Mr . Chamberlain
gave notice of his intention to move a resolution condemnatory of the Government , and said that on Thursday he should ask Sir Stafford Northcote to arrange for some day to be set apart , for the discussion of his resolution . The other business calls for no particular comment . The
afternoon sitting of Wednesday was occupied in discussing the question whether the County Courts Bill should be read or not a second time . A motion to that effect was made by Mr . Cowen , but it was opposed by Mr . 0 . Morgan , who proposed that it be read a second time that day six months . In the end the motion and amendment were withdrawn .
A new writ for Oxford University , owing to the elevation to the peerage of Mr . Gathorne Hardy , by the title of Viscount Cran brook , has been issued , and the nomination is fixed for Monday . The polling will last five days . It is to be hoped that the fatal accident which recently
occurred to Sir F . Goldsmid , M . P . for Reading , will induce railway directors to have continuous platforms for their carriages , and so constructed that they will run as nearly level and as close as possible to the station platforms , so that the chance of any person falling between
the two , as did poor Sir F . Goldsmid may be reduced fco a minimum . The sad event happened last week . Sir Francis was coming into town as usual , and the train had entered Waterloo Station , when , according to one version , ono of the porters opened the carriage door ,
nnd Sir Francis afc once left the carriage , but , in stepping out , he fell , and was drawn between the carriage nnd the platform , and received such terrible vinjuries that only forty minutes after he had been taken to St . Thomas ' s Hospital the poor gentleman expired . The
nf-ual inquest was hold , and the jury returned a verdict of accidental death . The funeral took place on Wednesday , m the cemetery of the West London Synagogue , Ball ' s Pond . About forty mourning coaches followed the remains , and thero wero also many private carriages sent by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . — : o : — Committee for securing the Election , as Secretary , of BKO . CHARLES FITZ GERALD MATIER , — : 0 : — Tho Right Hon . the Eu : r . of T ) oNorcii [» OK 8 , L . G . The Rt . Hon . the EAKL of BIXUVE , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Cumberland and West . moreliind , L . G . AV . W . B . Biuen , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Hampshire nnd Isle of Wight , L . G . Lt .-Col . Li : GENDUE N . STAHKIG , Prov . G . M . Ksist Lancashire , V . Patron . BARON GKOUGE Dr . WOUMS , L . G . J . WUYTK MI : LVII , I . K , M . W . Past G . M . Scotland . . 1 . L . IIINK , Chairman oE Charity Committee East Lancashire , L . G . Capt . RiCHAim Con ; , Chairman of tho Charity Committee of Cheshire , V . Pros . GEOKGH MICIXOII , Dep . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . President . Israel Abrahams , L . G . G . , 1 . McKay , L . G ., Cumh . aud West . F . Adlard L . G . J . D . Moore . L . G ., W . Lancashire . T . J . Barnes , L . G . E . J . Morris , L . G ., K . Div . S . Wales . E . A . Baylis , L . G . . 1 . Joyce Murray , L . G . W . B . Brand , L . G . W " . 11 . Myers , L . G . G . P . Brockbank , V . Pies ., E . Lane . Chalmers I . Paton , L . G ., Edinburgh . Henry Bulley , L . G ., Cheshire . J . P . Piatt , L . G ., Cheshire . K . Churchill , L . G . Hy . Preston , L . O ., N . and E . Yorks . J . G . Chancellor , V . Pies . Hyde Pullen , L . G . John Constable , V . Patron . I ' ' . Ruth , L . G . Thos . Cubitt , V . Pres . Wm . Roebuck , L . G . J . E . Curteis , L . G ., Devon . J . H . Boss , L . G . Frederick Davison , L . G . Alfred Scnrgill , L . G ., West Yorkshire G . H . Daw , L . G . Catterson Smith , L . G . Thos . Entwisle . L . G ., E . Lancashire . Walter Sowdon V . P ., Hampshire Richard Eve , V . Pvcs ., Aldershot . Capt . Jas . St-. iltiird , L . G ., Dublin . Kgerton C . Gilbert , L . G ., Cheshire . 3 olm G . Stevens , L . G . J . Robt . Goopel , L . G ., W . Lancashire . Jack Sutclitt ' e , V . Pros ., Lincoln . E . Gottheil , L . G . Dr . W . II , Thomas , L . G ., W . Yorks . Dr . F . Griffiths , L . G ., West Yorks . John Tunnai , V . P ., E . Lancashire . Henry Hacker , L . G ., Hampshire H . Venn , L . G . Capt . Harrap , L . G ., E . Lancashire . (*• H . Walshaw , L . G ., N . aud E . Yorks . Wm . Harrison , V . P ., E . Lancashire . R . U . Webster , V . Pres . John Healey , L . G . G . E . Webster , L . G ., W . Yorkshire . Capt . S . G . Homfray , V . P ., Monmouth . J . M . Wiko , V . Pres . W . James Hughan , L . G ., Cornwall . J & s - Winter , L . G . James Jackson , L . G . T . B . Winter , L . G ., Northumberland . Chas . Lacey , L . G . John Wordsworth , V . Pat ., W . Y'orks . John H . Leggott , L . G . Reginald Young , L . G ., Wt . Lancashire II . C . Lcvander , L . G . Brethren desirous of assisting are respectfully requested to forward thoir names to—Bao . STEPHEN BABION WIISON , L . G ., Hon . Secretary , 27 AVnlbrook , E . C .
Iwgwvwv , VW 5 ^ ^ m ^ yj ^^ JW-jJ ^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
ON Tuesday , tlie Queen , with the Crown Princess of Germany ( Princess Eoyal ) , Princess Beatrice , with the ladies and gentlemen of the Court , reached Buckingham Palace at noon from Windsor Castle . In the afternoon Her Majesty held a court which was numerously attended by the Diplomatic and General Circles , and at which -were
present very many ladies whose names had been previously left afc the Lord Chamberlain ' s office , and submitted for the Queen ' s apptoval . There were also present Her Imperial Highness the Crown Princess of Germany , the Princess Beatrice , the Duke of Cambridge , Prince
Christian of Schleswig-Holstein , and Her Eoyal Highness the Duchess and the Duke of Teck . The Eoyal Body Guard of the Hon . Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Arms were on duty in the state apartments under the command of their Caotain , the Earl of Coventry , and the Eoyal Body Guard of
the Yeomen of the Guard in the Palace , under their Captain , Lord Skelmersdale . A second Drawing-room was held on Thursday . A State Ball will be held at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday , the 22 nd instant , and the first state concert of the season on Wednesday , the 29 th instant .
It has also been announced that the Queen will visit Aldershot on Monday for the purpose of reviewing the troops quartered there . Under the circumstances greater interest than usual will attach to the visit , as no
inconsiderable portion of the troops is composed of the Army and Militia Reserves , who have only joined the colours during the past three weeks . As they arc all seasoned soldiers , however , they -will have had time to renew their acquaintance with the exigencies of military duty .
Ihe Prince of Wales Avith the Princess and the Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark are still in Paris , making the most of their necessarily brief visit , and seeing as much
Our Weekly Budget.
as possible of the Exhibition , which as day after day passes is gradually assuming a grander as well as a more businesslike appearance . Among other distinguished visitors to the French capital must be mentioned Her Royal
Highness the Princess Louise , Marchioness of Lome , and the Marquis of Lome . By the way , the banquet given by the Royal Commission in honour of its indefatigable President was a conspicuous success , but what has rendered the occasion more noticeable than it would have been under
ordinary circumstances was the exceedingly friendly terms in which His Royal Highness , in proposing the toast of Prosperity to France and its Exhibition , spoke of the country . He said ho trusted that the two nations might be drawn together moro closely than ever , and that the prosperity of
Franco might go on more prosperously than heretofore . The speech has attracted general notice on the part of the French newspapers , and with one or two exceptions they have all spoken in the warmest terms of the Prince ' s kindliness of manner . Next week wo shall see His Royal
Highness back again in London , as on Friday , the 17 th instant , ho will , by command of the Queen , hold a Levee at St . James ' s Palace , when presentations to the Prince will , by the express desire of Her Majesty , be deemed equivalent to presentations to the Sovereign .
One of the two Houses of Parliament , to wit , the House of Commons , has resumed its meetings after the Easter holidays . The Speaker once again presided as usual at four o ' clock on Monday , and after the regular formal business had been disposed of , the Marquis of Hartington , as
leader of the Opposition rose , and asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer for any information ho might be in a position to furnish on the subject of the Eastern Imbroglio . The Chancellor ' s reply did not contain much that was new —that , of course , was out of the question , seeing that the
negotiations are still in progress—but the little that ho did say was of a very hopeful character ; more hopeful , indeed , than the short statement he made at the last sitting before Easter . This , however , did not content the extreme Radical section of the House , and Mr . Fawcefcfc roso
at once for the purpose of challenging the conduct of the Government in connection with the despatch of Indian troops to Malta . Sir G . Campbell and Sir W . Harcourt also offered some remarks on the same subject , after which the Chancellor of the Exchequer rose and defended the
conduct of the Government . The discussion , however , was continued , among the other speakers being Mr . E . Jenkins and Mr . Rylands , who both condemned the step , and Sir Robert Peel , who upheld it . The House then went into Committee of Supply . On Tuesday , Mr . Chamberlain
gave notice of his intention to move a resolution condemnatory of the Government , and said that on Thursday he should ask Sir Stafford Northcote to arrange for some day to be set apart , for the discussion of his resolution . The other business calls for no particular comment . The
afternoon sitting of Wednesday was occupied in discussing the question whether the County Courts Bill should be read or not a second time . A motion to that effect was made by Mr . Cowen , but it was opposed by Mr . 0 . Morgan , who proposed that it be read a second time that day six months . In the end the motion and amendment were withdrawn .
A new writ for Oxford University , owing to the elevation to the peerage of Mr . Gathorne Hardy , by the title of Viscount Cran brook , has been issued , and the nomination is fixed for Monday . The polling will last five days . It is to be hoped that the fatal accident which recently
occurred to Sir F . Goldsmid , M . P . for Reading , will induce railway directors to have continuous platforms for their carriages , and so constructed that they will run as nearly level and as close as possible to the station platforms , so that the chance of any person falling between
the two , as did poor Sir F . Goldsmid may be reduced fco a minimum . The sad event happened last week . Sir Francis was coming into town as usual , and the train had entered Waterloo Station , when , according to one version , ono of the porters opened the carriage door ,
nnd Sir Francis afc once left the carriage , but , in stepping out , he fell , and was drawn between the carriage nnd the platform , and received such terrible vinjuries that only forty minutes after he had been taken to St . Thomas ' s Hospital the poor gentleman expired . The
nf-ual inquest was hold , and the jury returned a verdict of accidental death . The funeral took place on Wednesday , m the cemetery of the West London Synagogue , Ball ' s Pond . About forty mourning coaches followed the remains , and thero wero also many private carriages sent by