Article NEW ZEALAND. NEW MASONIC HALL AT AUCKLAND. ← Page 3 of 3 Article JAMAICA. Page 1 of 1 Article HAMILTON LODGE, No. 1440, PROV. No. 6. Page 1 of 1 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand. New Masonic Hall At Auckland.
to its precepts . Let us amend our faults , and seek , in practice , to act np to our professions , for the n ° arer we follow tho reqnirem"nt < - 0 f Freemasonry , so shall we the better contribute to our own happiness and fo that of others . Offerings to tho amount of £ 3 9 s 5 cl wore then placed noon the stone . The D . G . Chnplain said the concluding praver . Bro .
Graham D . G . M . E . C . then took tho opportunity to address a few remarks to the assemblage . He said that the Lodges had contributed various amounts towards defraying tho cost of erecting the Hall , bnt as these foil short of tho sum required , tho balance wonld have to be derived from subscriptions by tho brethren . After having been made aware of tho beneficent objects of Freemasonry , perhaps
the ladies would not be disinclined to assist , and if they would therefore prepare and work for a Bazaar he would pledge himself that thoy should have a grand ball in return . The Masonic version of the National Anthem was then sung . After which tho procession was reformed and marched bnck to the Choral Hall , where the Grand Lodge resumed its sitting . The offerings laid upon the stone were
awarded to the workmen who were engaged upon the Hall , while a vote of thanks was passed to to the ladies and gentlemen of the choir . Ifc was announced that towards the erection of the Hall , £ 1000 hnd been contributed by various Lodges , while £ 800 had beep subscribed privately by the brethren , making a total so far of £ 1 , 800 .
Other lists have to come in from the conntry districts . The offer of one brother to give a portrait of De Burgh Adams , the first Prov . Grand Master of the North Island , was hailed with cheers . After the transaction of some routine business , the Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren dispersed . In the evening a quadrille party was held in the Lorne-street Hall .
ROYAL LODGE , No . 207 , PROV . No . 1 . THE Installation Meeting of this Lodge , which is the oldest in the district , was held at Freemasons' Hall , Hanover-street , Kingston , on Monday , the 2 nd May last , there being a large number of brethren present . The Past Masters included Right Worshipfnl A . D . Cordova D . D . G . M ., Wor . R . Langley P . D . G . W ., S . E . Pielevzy P . D . G . W ., C . W . Tait P . D . G . W ., B . Stines jun . D . G . Sec , L . C . Hollar P . D . G . S . B ., G . J . Sargeant D . G . D ., A . H . Jones D . G . O ., G . W .
Duff , G . P . Myers , E . Finzi , S . Hart , and W . Duff P . D . G . Stewards . The minutes of the April meeting having been read and confirmed , all ordinary business was suspended , and tho W . M . Bro . G . W . Duff requested Bro . G . J . Sargeant ( a P . M . of the Lodge ) to occupy the chair , and perform the installation ceremony ; at the proper time the W . M . presenting Bro . E . X . Leon , the Master Elect , who having
assented to the ancient charges was duly installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Leon then appointed the following brethren as his Officers : —Wor . Bros . G . W . Duff I . P . M ., T . H . Aquil > r S . W ., J . M . Simpson J . W ., G . A . Campbell Treasurer , C . M . Sherlock Secretary , W . R . Ryder S . D ., F . J . Fryer J . D ., R . Simpson I . G ., D . Stevenson and A . E . Langley Stewards , G . Magnus Tyler . It
having been intimated in the course of the evening that Worshi pfnl Bro . G . J . Sargeant wonld soon leave the island for his native place , England , a great deal of regret was expressed , and with permission of the Lodge , the W . M . appointed a Committee to prepare an affectionate farewell address , to be presented at the next ordinary meeting . Bro . Sergeant is one of the most popular members of the Royal Lodge ,
having served as Master , and had a most uuprecedeutedly successful year of office , as is testified by the records on the minutes , and the presentation of a valuable and beautiful P . M . ' s jewel , subscribed for b y the brethren of the Lodge . The labours of the evening being ended , the brethren were all invited to a banquet , at which a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Hamilton Lodge, No. 1440, Prov. No. 6.
HAMILTON LODGE , No . 1440 , PROV . No . 6 .
AT the ordinary meeting of this Lodge , held in Spanish Town , on Thursday evening , 5 fch May last . Bro . W . Duncan Byles , W . M . Elect , was installed into the chair of K . S ., Worshipful Bro . G . J . Sargeant P-G . D . acting as Installing Master , assisted by Worshipful Bro . W . T . Jamieson and several Past Masters . The administration for
the ensuing year is as follows : —Worshipfnl Bro . W . D . Byles W . M . Bros . W . T . Jamieson I . P . M ., J . H . Rickards S . W ., C . M . L . Keer «•• " ., A . Olunie Treasurer , C . A . J . James Secretary , J . C . Bryant S-D-, J . C . Bolton J . D ., H . J . Mendes I . G ., .. R . De Leon T yler . The Lod ge closed , the brethren adjourning to the banquet room , where 'hey spent a pleasant evening .
With feelings of regret we have to announce the death ot a very old and esteemed member of our Order , Brother Umeron P . M . and P . Z . 180 . In his old and influential ¦ Lodge he was highly esteemed , and will be deeply regretted ; his kind and genial manner had endeared him to
every member . He died on Friday last . His funeral will rake place this day ( Saturday ) , at the Brompton Cemetery , when , doubtless , many private and Masonic friends of the ot . James ' s Union will be present to pay the last tribute to Masonic worth .
dent ? f ° f ? dVVara ° f Saxe-W ' ei "' ar has accepted the office of Presi Ian ,. , _ tbe . newl J ' -foruied Portsmouth centre of the St . John Ambu auce Association .
City _ , 5 i r M , ^ a , esi has aocePted the office of President of the TechrZ , i SM tb London Institute for the Advancement of found-It ; ~ hhon > ai -d has expressed his willingness to lay the dnrin ' ir tvl e _ tho Cenfcral Institution at South Kensington uuirog the mouth of Jul y next .
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges ' ¦ hroughout the Kingdom wiU favour us with a list of their Cays of Meeting , & c , as-we have decided to insert only those that aro verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
19- )—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N \ , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1 < W—Loyalty Hi 2 V—Kccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( lustruction ) Sinai Chapter ol' Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-st ., W ., at 8 119—Peace , Private Rooms , Mettham .
308—Prince George , Private Rooms , Bottoms , Eastwood . C 15—St . John anil St . Paul , Pier Hotel , Erith 1391—Commercial , Freemasons Hall , Leicester MIS—Campbell , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court 158 - —Loyalty and Charity , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge 1637—Unity . Abercorn Hotel . Great Stanmore
MONDAY , 13 th JUNE .
45—Strong Man , George Hotel , Australian Avenue , Barbican , at 8 ( Instruo . ) 171—Sincerity , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . G ., at 7 ( Instruction ) 180—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , XV ., at 8 ( Instruction ) fits—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Doptt ' ord , at 8 ( Instruction ) 701—Camden , Rod Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1425—Hyde Park , Tho Westbourne , Craven-rd ., Paddington , at 8 ( Instruction )
1489—Marquess of Ripon , Pemlmry Tavern , Amhurst-nl ., Hackney , at 7 . 30 ( In . 1507—Metropolitan , Tho . Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , R . C .. at 7 30 ( Inst . ) KiOS—Kilburn , 4 B South Molton Street , Oxford Street , VV ., at 7 . ( Inst . ) Its-is—West SmitVifield , ' ' ' atliodral Hotel , St . Paul's , at 7 ( lust . ) 1-25—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile Knd-road , corner of Burdett-road , at 8 ( In . ) 11593—Kingsland , Canonbury Tavern , Oinonbury , N \ , at . 8 30 ( Instruction ) 1695—New Finsbury Park , Hornsey Wood Tavern , Finsbury Park , at 8 ( Inst . ) «
40—Derwent , Castle Hotel , Hustings 75—Love and Honour , Royal Hotel , Falmouth 101—St . John , Ashton House , Greek-street , Stockport 151—Albany , Masonic Hall , Newport , I . W . 240—St . Hilda , Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , South Shields 292—Sincerity , Masonio Hall , Liverpool 296— Royal Brunswick , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield 297—Witham , New Masonio Hall , Lincoln
302—Hope , New Masonio HaU , Darley-street , Bradford 307—Prince Frederick , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge 481—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle 589—Druids of Love and Liberality , Masonic HaU , Redruth 665—Montague . Royal Lion , Lyme Regis 721—Derby , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 797—Hanley , Hanley Hall , Dartmouth 827—St . John , Masonic Temple , Halifax-road , Dowsbury
893—Meridian . National School Room , Millbrook , Cornwall 919—Williamson , St . Stephen School , Monkwearmonth , Durham 1021—Hartington , Masonic Hall , Custom Houso Buildings , Barrow-in-Furnesi 1174—Pentangle , Sun Hotel , Chatham 1221—Defence , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds 1350—Fermor Hesketh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1436—Sandgate , Masonic Hall , Sandgate
1449—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury 1474—Israel , Masonic Hall , Severn-street , Birmingham 1592—Abbey , Suffolk Hotel , Bury St . Edmunds 1611—Eboracum , Queen ' s Hotel , Micklegate , York 1018—Hanrtyside , Zetland Hotel , Saltburn-by-Sea 1790—Old England , Masonio Hall , New Thornton Heath M . M . 171—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Union-street , Oldham K . T . —Jerusalem , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester
TUESDAY . 14 th JUNE .
SS— institutional , Bedford Hotel , Soufchampton-bldgs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( lustruction ) 111—Faith , 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 167—St . John , Holly Bush , Hampstead . ( 77—Domatic , Surrey Mn .-i . mic tfall . O imberw . lt , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 551—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction ) ' 53—Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John's Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) 8-. 0— Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , D-ilsfcon at , 8 ( Instruction ) 1014— Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Ann's-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . )
1319—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1360 -Royal Arthur , D . of Cambridge , 316 Bridge-rd ., Battersea Park , at 8 ( In . ) 1381—Kennington , Horns Tavern , Kennington , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1146—Mount Kdgcumbe , 19 Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1171—Islington , The Moorgate , 15 Finsbury Pavement , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1472—Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1558— D . Connaught , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , at 8 ( In . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Woolpack , St . John's-st .-rd ., at 8 ( In . ) 1707—Eleanor , Trocadero , Broad-streot-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) R . C . 1615—Bayard , Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square
93—S-cial , 23 St . Giles Street , Norwich 126—Silent Temple , Cross Keys Inn , Burnley 131—Fortitude , Masonic Hall , Truro 194—United Chatham of Benevolence , Assembly Rooms , Old Brompton , Kent 241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 ( Instruction ) 272—Harmony , Masonic Hall , Main Ridge , Boston t 06 -NorthernCountios , Freemasons' Hall , Maple-st ., Newc .-on-Tyne ( Instr . ) 418—St . James , Freemasons' HaU , St . John's-place , Halifax
473—Faithful , Masonic HaU , New-street , Birmingham 495—Wakefield , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield 603—Belvidere , Star Hotel , Maidstone 510—St . Martin , Masonio Hall , Liskeard . 603—Zetland , Koyal Hotel , Cleckheaton 626—Lansdowne of Unity , Town Hall , Chippenham 696—St . Bartholomew , Anchor Hotel , Wednesbury 726—Staffordshire Knot , North Western Hotel , Stafford
779—Ferrers and Ivanhoe , Town Hall , Ashby-de-la-Zouch 829—Sydney , Black Horse , Sidcup 803—Gosport , India Arms Hotel , High-street , Gosport 1250—Gilbert Grecnhatl , Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington 1325—Stanley , 214 Great Homer-street , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1411—Knole , Masonic Hall , Sevenoaks 1405—Ockenden , Tn . Ibot Hotel , Cnckfleld , Sussex 1509—Madoc , Queen ' s Hotel , Portmartoc 1515—Baildon , Masonic Room , Northgate , Baildon
15 S 7—St . Giles , Royal Oak Hotel , Cheadle 1593—Royal Naval College , Ship Hotel , Greenwich 1713— Wilhralmra . Walton Institute , Walton , Liverpool R A . 43—Fortitude , Great Western Hotel , Birmingham . R .. A . 205 -Judea , Masonic - " Hub . Hanover-street , Keighley R . A . 28 ' )—Fidelity , Masonic Hull , Carlton-hill , Leeds R . A . 991—Tyne , Masonic Hall . Wellington Quay , Northumberland M . M . 152— Dover and Cinque Ports . Royal Oak Hotel , Dover R . C . —Liverpool , Masonic HaU , Liverpool
190—Oak , Freemasons' HaU , W . C . 18- —Confidence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 228—United Strength , Prince Alfred , 13 Crowndale-rd ., Camden-town , 8 ( In ) 5 : i )—La Tolerance , Green Dragon , 2 Maddox-stvect , W ., at 7 . 15 ( Inst ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , B ,, at 730 ( Instruction )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand. New Masonic Hall At Auckland.
to its precepts . Let us amend our faults , and seek , in practice , to act np to our professions , for the n ° arer we follow tho reqnirem"nt < - 0 f Freemasonry , so shall we the better contribute to our own happiness and fo that of others . Offerings to tho amount of £ 3 9 s 5 cl wore then placed noon the stone . The D . G . Chnplain said the concluding praver . Bro .
Graham D . G . M . E . C . then took tho opportunity to address a few remarks to the assemblage . He said that the Lodges had contributed various amounts towards defraying tho cost of erecting the Hall , bnt as these foil short of tho sum required , tho balance wonld have to be derived from subscriptions by tho brethren . After having been made aware of tho beneficent objects of Freemasonry , perhaps
the ladies would not be disinclined to assist , and if they would therefore prepare and work for a Bazaar he would pledge himself that thoy should have a grand ball in return . The Masonic version of the National Anthem was then sung . After which tho procession was reformed and marched bnck to the Choral Hall , where the Grand Lodge resumed its sitting . The offerings laid upon the stone were
awarded to the workmen who were engaged upon the Hall , while a vote of thanks was passed to to the ladies and gentlemen of the choir . Ifc was announced that towards the erection of the Hall , £ 1000 hnd been contributed by various Lodges , while £ 800 had beep subscribed privately by the brethren , making a total so far of £ 1 , 800 .
Other lists have to come in from the conntry districts . The offer of one brother to give a portrait of De Burgh Adams , the first Prov . Grand Master of the North Island , was hailed with cheers . After the transaction of some routine business , the Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren dispersed . In the evening a quadrille party was held in the Lorne-street Hall .
ROYAL LODGE , No . 207 , PROV . No . 1 . THE Installation Meeting of this Lodge , which is the oldest in the district , was held at Freemasons' Hall , Hanover-street , Kingston , on Monday , the 2 nd May last , there being a large number of brethren present . The Past Masters included Right Worshipfnl A . D . Cordova D . D . G . M ., Wor . R . Langley P . D . G . W ., S . E . Pielevzy P . D . G . W ., C . W . Tait P . D . G . W ., B . Stines jun . D . G . Sec , L . C . Hollar P . D . G . S . B ., G . J . Sargeant D . G . D ., A . H . Jones D . G . O ., G . W .
Duff , G . P . Myers , E . Finzi , S . Hart , and W . Duff P . D . G . Stewards . The minutes of the April meeting having been read and confirmed , all ordinary business was suspended , and tho W . M . Bro . G . W . Duff requested Bro . G . J . Sargeant ( a P . M . of the Lodge ) to occupy the chair , and perform the installation ceremony ; at the proper time the W . M . presenting Bro . E . X . Leon , the Master Elect , who having
assented to the ancient charges was duly installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Leon then appointed the following brethren as his Officers : —Wor . Bros . G . W . Duff I . P . M ., T . H . Aquil > r S . W ., J . M . Simpson J . W ., G . A . Campbell Treasurer , C . M . Sherlock Secretary , W . R . Ryder S . D ., F . J . Fryer J . D ., R . Simpson I . G ., D . Stevenson and A . E . Langley Stewards , G . Magnus Tyler . It
having been intimated in the course of the evening that Worshi pfnl Bro . G . J . Sargeant wonld soon leave the island for his native place , England , a great deal of regret was expressed , and with permission of the Lodge , the W . M . appointed a Committee to prepare an affectionate farewell address , to be presented at the next ordinary meeting . Bro . Sergeant is one of the most popular members of the Royal Lodge ,
having served as Master , and had a most uuprecedeutedly successful year of office , as is testified by the records on the minutes , and the presentation of a valuable and beautiful P . M . ' s jewel , subscribed for b y the brethren of the Lodge . The labours of the evening being ended , the brethren were all invited to a banquet , at which a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Hamilton Lodge, No. 1440, Prov. No. 6.
HAMILTON LODGE , No . 1440 , PROV . No . 6 .
AT the ordinary meeting of this Lodge , held in Spanish Town , on Thursday evening , 5 fch May last . Bro . W . Duncan Byles , W . M . Elect , was installed into the chair of K . S ., Worshipful Bro . G . J . Sargeant P-G . D . acting as Installing Master , assisted by Worshipful Bro . W . T . Jamieson and several Past Masters . The administration for
the ensuing year is as follows : —Worshipfnl Bro . W . D . Byles W . M . Bros . W . T . Jamieson I . P . M ., J . H . Rickards S . W ., C . M . L . Keer «•• " ., A . Olunie Treasurer , C . A . J . James Secretary , J . C . Bryant S-D-, J . C . Bolton J . D ., H . J . Mendes I . G ., .. R . De Leon T yler . The Lod ge closed , the brethren adjourning to the banquet room , where 'hey spent a pleasant evening .
With feelings of regret we have to announce the death ot a very old and esteemed member of our Order , Brother Umeron P . M . and P . Z . 180 . In his old and influential ¦ Lodge he was highly esteemed , and will be deeply regretted ; his kind and genial manner had endeared him to
every member . He died on Friday last . His funeral will rake place this day ( Saturday ) , at the Brompton Cemetery , when , doubtless , many private and Masonic friends of the ot . James ' s Union will be present to pay the last tribute to Masonic worth .
dent ? f ° f ? dVVara ° f Saxe-W ' ei "' ar has accepted the office of Presi Ian ,. , _ tbe . newl J ' -foruied Portsmouth centre of the St . John Ambu auce Association .
City _ , 5 i r M , ^ a , esi has aocePted the office of President of the TechrZ , i SM tb London Institute for the Advancement of found-It ; ~ hhon > ai -d has expressed his willingness to lay the dnrin ' ir tvl e _ tho Cenfcral Institution at South Kensington uuirog the mouth of Jul y next .
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges ' ¦ hroughout the Kingdom wiU favour us with a list of their Cays of Meeting , & c , as-we have decided to insert only those that aro verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
19- )—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N \ , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1 < W—Loyalty Hi 2 V—Kccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( lustruction ) Sinai Chapter ol' Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-st ., W ., at 8 119—Peace , Private Rooms , Mettham .
308—Prince George , Private Rooms , Bottoms , Eastwood . C 15—St . John anil St . Paul , Pier Hotel , Erith 1391—Commercial , Freemasons Hall , Leicester MIS—Campbell , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court 158 - —Loyalty and Charity , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge 1637—Unity . Abercorn Hotel . Great Stanmore
MONDAY , 13 th JUNE .
45—Strong Man , George Hotel , Australian Avenue , Barbican , at 8 ( Instruo . ) 171—Sincerity , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . G ., at 7 ( Instruction ) 180—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , XV ., at 8 ( Instruction ) fits—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Doptt ' ord , at 8 ( Instruction ) 701—Camden , Rod Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1425—Hyde Park , Tho Westbourne , Craven-rd ., Paddington , at 8 ( Instruction )
1489—Marquess of Ripon , Pemlmry Tavern , Amhurst-nl ., Hackney , at 7 . 30 ( In . 1507—Metropolitan , Tho . Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , R . C .. at 7 30 ( Inst . ) KiOS—Kilburn , 4 B South Molton Street , Oxford Street , VV ., at 7 . ( Inst . ) Its-is—West SmitVifield , ' ' ' atliodral Hotel , St . Paul's , at 7 ( lust . ) 1-25—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile Knd-road , corner of Burdett-road , at 8 ( In . ) 11593—Kingsland , Canonbury Tavern , Oinonbury , N \ , at . 8 30 ( Instruction ) 1695—New Finsbury Park , Hornsey Wood Tavern , Finsbury Park , at 8 ( Inst . ) «
40—Derwent , Castle Hotel , Hustings 75—Love and Honour , Royal Hotel , Falmouth 101—St . John , Ashton House , Greek-street , Stockport 151—Albany , Masonic Hall , Newport , I . W . 240—St . Hilda , Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , South Shields 292—Sincerity , Masonio Hall , Liverpool 296— Royal Brunswick , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield 297—Witham , New Masonio Hall , Lincoln
302—Hope , New Masonio HaU , Darley-street , Bradford 307—Prince Frederick , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge 481—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle 589—Druids of Love and Liberality , Masonic HaU , Redruth 665—Montague . Royal Lion , Lyme Regis 721—Derby , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 797—Hanley , Hanley Hall , Dartmouth 827—St . John , Masonic Temple , Halifax-road , Dowsbury
893—Meridian . National School Room , Millbrook , Cornwall 919—Williamson , St . Stephen School , Monkwearmonth , Durham 1021—Hartington , Masonic Hall , Custom Houso Buildings , Barrow-in-Furnesi 1174—Pentangle , Sun Hotel , Chatham 1221—Defence , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds 1350—Fermor Hesketh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1436—Sandgate , Masonic Hall , Sandgate
1449—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury 1474—Israel , Masonic Hall , Severn-street , Birmingham 1592—Abbey , Suffolk Hotel , Bury St . Edmunds 1611—Eboracum , Queen ' s Hotel , Micklegate , York 1018—Hanrtyside , Zetland Hotel , Saltburn-by-Sea 1790—Old England , Masonio Hall , New Thornton Heath M . M . 171—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Union-street , Oldham K . T . —Jerusalem , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester
TUESDAY . 14 th JUNE .
SS— institutional , Bedford Hotel , Soufchampton-bldgs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( lustruction ) 111—Faith , 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 167—St . John , Holly Bush , Hampstead . ( 77—Domatic , Surrey Mn .-i . mic tfall . O imberw . lt , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 551—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction ) ' 53—Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John's Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) 8-. 0— Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , D-ilsfcon at , 8 ( Instruction ) 1014— Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Ann's-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . )
1319—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1360 -Royal Arthur , D . of Cambridge , 316 Bridge-rd ., Battersea Park , at 8 ( In . ) 1381—Kennington , Horns Tavern , Kennington , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1146—Mount Kdgcumbe , 19 Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1171—Islington , The Moorgate , 15 Finsbury Pavement , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1472—Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1558— D . Connaught , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , at 8 ( In . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Woolpack , St . John's-st .-rd ., at 8 ( In . ) 1707—Eleanor , Trocadero , Broad-streot-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) R . C . 1615—Bayard , Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square
93—S-cial , 23 St . Giles Street , Norwich 126—Silent Temple , Cross Keys Inn , Burnley 131—Fortitude , Masonic Hall , Truro 194—United Chatham of Benevolence , Assembly Rooms , Old Brompton , Kent 241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 ( Instruction ) 272—Harmony , Masonic Hall , Main Ridge , Boston t 06 -NorthernCountios , Freemasons' Hall , Maple-st ., Newc .-on-Tyne ( Instr . ) 418—St . James , Freemasons' HaU , St . John's-place , Halifax
473—Faithful , Masonic HaU , New-street , Birmingham 495—Wakefield , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield 603—Belvidere , Star Hotel , Maidstone 510—St . Martin , Masonio Hall , Liskeard . 603—Zetland , Koyal Hotel , Cleckheaton 626—Lansdowne of Unity , Town Hall , Chippenham 696—St . Bartholomew , Anchor Hotel , Wednesbury 726—Staffordshire Knot , North Western Hotel , Stafford
779—Ferrers and Ivanhoe , Town Hall , Ashby-de-la-Zouch 829—Sydney , Black Horse , Sidcup 803—Gosport , India Arms Hotel , High-street , Gosport 1250—Gilbert Grecnhatl , Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington 1325—Stanley , 214 Great Homer-street , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1411—Knole , Masonic Hall , Sevenoaks 1405—Ockenden , Tn . Ibot Hotel , Cnckfleld , Sussex 1509—Madoc , Queen ' s Hotel , Portmartoc 1515—Baildon , Masonic Room , Northgate , Baildon
15 S 7—St . Giles , Royal Oak Hotel , Cheadle 1593—Royal Naval College , Ship Hotel , Greenwich 1713— Wilhralmra . Walton Institute , Walton , Liverpool R A . 43—Fortitude , Great Western Hotel , Birmingham . R .. A . 205 -Judea , Masonic - " Hub . Hanover-street , Keighley R . A . 28 ' )—Fidelity , Masonic Hull , Carlton-hill , Leeds R . A . 991—Tyne , Masonic Hall . Wellington Quay , Northumberland M . M . 152— Dover and Cinque Ports . Royal Oak Hotel , Dover R . C . —Liverpool , Masonic HaU , Liverpool
190—Oak , Freemasons' HaU , W . C . 18- —Confidence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 228—United Strength , Prince Alfred , 13 Crowndale-rd ., Camden-town , 8 ( In ) 5 : i )—La Tolerance , Green Dragon , 2 Maddox-stvect , W ., at 7 . 15 ( Inst ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , B ,, at 730 ( Instruction )