Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 863—Wbittington , Red Lion , Pnppin ' s-court , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1227—Upton , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , E . C , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1878—Bnrdett Coutts . Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal G . Junot ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1288—Finsbury Park . Alwyne Castle , Highbury , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1-15—Prince Leopold , Moorgate Tavern , Moorgato Street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1476—Peckham . Lord Wellington Hotel , 516 Old Kent-road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) Wtonat 8 Instruction
1521—Duke of Connaught . Havelock . Albion R < vul , D- . ( ) 1601—Wanderers , Black Horse , York Street , S . W ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1662—Beaconsfield , Chequers , Marsh Street , Walthamstow . at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1791—Creaton , Princo Albert Tavern , Portobello-tor ., Notting-hill-gate ( Inst . ) R . A . 177—Domatic . Union Tavern . Air-street . Regent-st ., at 8 ( Instruotmn ) M . M . Thistle , Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , at 7 ( Instruction ) B . C . —St . Andrew , Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W .
20—Royal Kent of Antiquity , Sun Hotel , Chatham 121—Mount Sinai , Public-buildings , Penzance 125—Prince Edwin , White Hart Hotel , Hytho , Kent 128—Prince Edwin , Bridge Inn , Bolton-street , Bury , Lancashire 178—Antiquity Royal Hotel , Wigan . 200—Old Globe , Private Rooms , Globe-street , Scarborough 210—Duke of Athol , Bowling Green Hotel , Denton 221—St . John , Commercial Hotel , Town Hall Square , Bolton
240—Royal Union , Freemasons Hall , Cheltenham . 274—Tranquillity , Boar ' s Head Inn , Newchurch , near Manchester 290—Huddersfield , Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield 325—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , Islincton-square , 8 a'ford 342—Royal Sussex , Freemasons' Hall , 79 Commercial Road , Landport 363—Keystone , Now Inn , Whitworth . 387—Airedale . Masonic Hall , Westgato , Shipley 681—Faith , Drover ' s Inn , Openshaw
694—Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 ( Instruction ) 625—Devonshire , Norfolk Hotel , Glossop 633—Yarborough , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 673—St . John , Masonic HaU , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 750—Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Railway-street , Cleckheaton 795—St . John , Ray Mead Hotel , Maidenhead 823—Everton . Masonic Hall , Liverpool 874—Holmesdale , Royal Sussex Hotel , Tnnbridge Wells
969—Sun and Sector , Assembly Rooms , Workington 1972—St . Augustine , Masonic Hall , Canterbury 1019—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hull , Zetland-street , Wakefield 1040—Sykes , Masonic HaU , Driffield , YorKS 1086—Walton , Skelmersdale Masonic Hall , Kirkdalo , Liverpool 1161—De Grey and Ripon , Brunswick Hotel , Piccadilly , Manchester 1206—Cinque Ports , Bell Hotel , Sandwich 13 " 1—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Bradford-road , Brighouse
1337—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton 1363—Duke of Lancaster , Athena-um , Lancaster 1356—De Grey and Ripon , 140 North Hill Street , Toxteth Park , Liverpool 1403—West Lancashire , Commercial Hotel , Ormskirlc 1443—Salem , Town Hall , Dawlish , Devon 1501—Wycombe , Town Hall , High Wycombe
1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall . Hornsea . Hull 1634—Starkie , Railway Hotel , Ramsbottom 1645—Colne Valley , Lewisham Hotel , Slaithwaite R . A . 86—Lebanon , Masonic Hall , Prescot R . A . 409—Stortford , Chequers Inn , Bishop's Stortford . R . A . 691—Buckingham , George Hotel , Aylesbury
3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 16—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . J ¦ ( Instruction ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , EC , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , at 8 ( Instruction ) 211—St . Michael's , The Moorgate , Moorgate Street , E . G ., at 8 ( Instruction ) -36—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street . W ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 764—High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 ( Instruction )
1227—Upton , Spotted Dog , Upton , E . 1339—Stockwell , Cock Tavern , Kennington Road , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1428—The Great City , Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . G ., at 0 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1614—Covent Garden , Nag ' s Head , James Street , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) 1673—Langton , Mansion House Station Restaurant , E . C . at 0 . ( Instruction ) R . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) M . M . —Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-rd „ Dalston , E ., at 8 . 30 ( Inst . )
66—Howard , High-street , Arundel 98—St . Martin , Town Hall , Burslem 100—Friendship , Crown and Anchor Hotel , Quay , Great Yarmouth 203—Ancient Union , Masonic Hall , Livorpool 215—Commerce , Commercial Hotel , Haslingden 268—Union , Queen ' s Arms Inn , George-street , Ashton-under-Lyne 343—Concord , Militia Officers' Mess Rooms , Starkie-street , Preston 346—Perseverance , Old Bull Hotel , Church-street , Blackburn
367—Probity and Freedom , Red Lion Inn , Smallbridge 432—Abbey , Newdegale Arms , Nuneaton 623—John of Gaunt , Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , Leicester 600—Harmony , Freemasons' HaU , Salem-streeo , Bradford 971—Trafalgar , Private Room , Commercial-street , Batley 1011—Richmond , Crown Hotel , Blackfriars-street , Salford 1042—Excelsior , Masonic HaU , Great George-street , Leeds 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
1299—Pembroke , West Derby Hotel , West Derby , near Liverpool 1320—Blackheath , Green Man , Blackheath 1327—King Harold , Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town 1332—Unity , Masonic Hall , Crediton , Devon 161-1—Thornhill , Masonic Room , Dearn House , Lindley 1680—Cranbourne , Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction )
1612—West Middlesex , Feathers Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) K . A . 63—St . Mary , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge R . A . 307—Good Intent , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge R . A . 337—Confidence , Commercial Inn , Uppermill R . A . 1385—Gladsmuir , Red Lion Hotel , Barnet , Herts K . T . —William de la More , Town Hall , Bootle .
FRIDAY , 17 th JUNE .
House Committee Boys' School , Wood Green , at 4 . Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 766—William Preston , Feathers' Tavern , Up . Georgo-st ., Edaware-vd . 8 ( Inst . ) 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 834—Kanelagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith ( Instruction . )
902—Burgoyne , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapoi-road , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 165 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-road . Canonbury , at 8 ( In . ) 1385—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-rd , N . Kensington . nt 8 . ( In ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street , Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . )
152—Virtue , Freemasons Hall , Manchester 347—Noah ' s Ark , Wagon and Horses Hotel , Tipton 616—Phoenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket 641—De Loraine , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 993—Alexandra , Midway Hotel , Levenshulme 1096—Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal
1102—Mirfleld , Assembly Rooms , Eastthorpe , Mirfield 1311—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1644—Alma Mater , Masonic HaU , New-street , Birmingha 1773—Albert Victor , Town Hall , Pendleton General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 71
Diary For The Week.
R . A . 403—Hertford , Shiro Hall , Hertford . R . A . 621—Truth , Freemasons' llall . FitzwilUam-street , Huddersfleld R . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall . Ripon R . A . —General Chapter of Imorovemont , Masonic HaU , Birmingham , at 6 R . C—White Rose of York . Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield
198—Percy , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgato Road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1 B 24— Kcclpston . Grosvenor Clnb , F . bnrv-sqnare , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1611—Crichton , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell Sinai Chapter of Instrm-tion . Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . M . M . 101—Macdonald , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C .
Metropolitan Chapter Of Improvement.
THE last gathering of the members of the Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement for the Session took place on 31 st nit ., at the Jamaica Tavern , St . Michael ' s-alley , Cornhill . The attendance , however , was hardly up to the average . The Officers present were —• Comps . Taylor Z ., Payne H ., Chicken J ., F . Browne S . E . and Preceptor , Walker S . N ., Goodohild P . S ., together with tho following Comps . : — Turquand , Goodenough , W . Eraser , J . Eraser , G . Brown , Edmonds
Thompson , Sheffield , and Warner . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . J . Fraser candidate . The work was well done , more especially those parts assigned to the Principals . At the conelusion of the ceremony Comp . Brown , the esteemed Preceptor , said it was to him a pleasing duty to propose that a vote of thanks be inserted on the minutes to Comp . Taylor for the very able manner in
which he had performed the duties of Z . that evening , for the first time , especially so as be felt sure when he entered the room thafc ho had not the most distant idea that he should be called upon to fill thafc position and go through the arduous duties attached to it . He , therefore , felt sure that the Companions would agree in paying a compliment which Comp . Taylor well deserved . Comp . Walker S . N . se . conded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Comp . Taylor , in
acknowledging the vote of thanks , expressed the gratification he felt in receiving it . As Comp . Brown had stated , when he entered the room thafc night he had not the most distant idea of being called upon to fill the highest position in the Chapter . He thanked them most cordially for the hononr they had conferred noon him on that his first occasion of taking the chair . By the time they again met he shonld be able to rub off a little of the nervousness he had felt that
evening , and hoped better to deserve the thanks they had given him . He felt sure , before they separated for the season , the Companions would be most anxious to recognise the services of Companion Brown , their able , painstaking , and kind Preceptor , who was always at his post , and always ready to give instruction . He , therefore , proposed that the thanks of the Chapter be given to Companion Brown for his
services , and for his readiness at all times to do anything that might be required of him . Companion Walker seconded the motion , which was unanimously agreed to . Companion Brown S . E ., the esteemed Preceptor of the Chapter , thanked the Companions for the vote of thanks they had given him . The compliment was most pleasing to him , and he should gratefully remember ifc . He might say thafc the
duties of Preceptor were not always of the most agreeable kind , for unlike in Craft Masonry , those who came there had gained a position in Freemasonry , and rightly considered they had acquired a dignity in the Craft , and to many of these it was nofc the most agreeable task to have to go to school again , but he generally found that those who came there were anxious to obtain the instruction that waa
there afforded them . He might inform the Companions that during the season of 1879 and 1880 , dnring which he had acted as their Preceptor , they had had thirty-three meetings , at which 420 Com . panions attended ; they had admitted thirty-one new members , and there had been one visitor , giving an average of thirteen to each meeting . In the season of 1880 and 1881 there had been again
thirty-three meetings , 561 had attended , and , by a remarkable coin , cidence , thirty-one new members had been admitted , with three visitors , giving an average of eighteen to each meeting ; he might also say that the funds were in a satisfactory condition . This state of affairs must be gratifying to the members , as it showed thafc the Chapter was flourishing , and a month or two after they again met he
would ask them to devote a portion of the funds to the Masonio Charities , for one of which he intended to act as Steward . The fol . lowing were the Officers elected for the next meeting : —Companions Taylor Z ., J . Payne H ., Chicken J ., J . Fraser N ., Goodohild P . S . The Chapter was then closed in due form , and adjourned till the first Tuesday in October .
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —The regular Convocation was held on the 30 th ultimo , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street . Present—Comps . L . Lazarns M . E . Z ., W . H . Gnlliford H ., H . P . Isaac J ., N . Baum S . E ., J . Lazarus P . Z . Treasurer , I . P . Cohen P . S ., Davis first Assistant ; P . Z . ' s S . M . Lazarus , H . M . Levy , M . J . Emanuel , and W . Littanr ; Visitors— John Roper 1275 , Gaskell 114 , and S . Moss 141 . Chapter
was opened and the minutes were confirmed ; Comp . C . W . Meiter , No . 1671 , was elected a joining member . Bros . A . Haslett 657 , K . Ede 1471 , S . Jacobs P . M . 1327 P . G . P . Herts , F . H . Fearns 1321 , and J . McNansr-t 1298 , were balloted for , accepted , and duly exalted into U . A . Masonry ; tho working of the M . E . Z ., Principals , and Officers was most perfect . The election of Principals for the ensuing
twelve months was the next business . Comp . W . H . Gnlliford was elected M . E . Z ., H . P . Isaac H ., I . P . Cohen J ., J . Lazarus P . Z . Treas ., M . Emanuel P . Z S . E ., J . Davis S . N ., A . J . Henocbsberg P . S ., George T . Mann first Assistant , Brooke second Assistant . The resignation of a Companion was accepted with regret . On motion , regularly
brought forward , it was carried unanimously , that in future the exaltation fee be £ 5 5 s , and the joining feo £ 2 2 s . Comp . Littanr P . Z . proposed , and Comp . H Gnlliford seconded , that a sum of money be given from the funds of the Chapter for the purpose of presenting the M . E . Z . with a P . Z . ' s jewel , for the able manner in whioh he had discharged his duties in the chair this amount to form a nucleus , which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 863—Wbittington , Red Lion , Pnppin ' s-court , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1227—Upton , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , E . C , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1878—Bnrdett Coutts . Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal G . Junot ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1288—Finsbury Park . Alwyne Castle , Highbury , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1-15—Prince Leopold , Moorgate Tavern , Moorgato Street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1476—Peckham . Lord Wellington Hotel , 516 Old Kent-road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) Wtonat 8 Instruction
1521—Duke of Connaught . Havelock . Albion R < vul , D- . ( ) 1601—Wanderers , Black Horse , York Street , S . W ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1662—Beaconsfield , Chequers , Marsh Street , Walthamstow . at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1791—Creaton , Princo Albert Tavern , Portobello-tor ., Notting-hill-gate ( Inst . ) R . A . 177—Domatic . Union Tavern . Air-street . Regent-st ., at 8 ( Instruotmn ) M . M . Thistle , Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , at 7 ( Instruction ) B . C . —St . Andrew , Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W .
20—Royal Kent of Antiquity , Sun Hotel , Chatham 121—Mount Sinai , Public-buildings , Penzance 125—Prince Edwin , White Hart Hotel , Hytho , Kent 128—Prince Edwin , Bridge Inn , Bolton-street , Bury , Lancashire 178—Antiquity Royal Hotel , Wigan . 200—Old Globe , Private Rooms , Globe-street , Scarborough 210—Duke of Athol , Bowling Green Hotel , Denton 221—St . John , Commercial Hotel , Town Hall Square , Bolton
240—Royal Union , Freemasons Hall , Cheltenham . 274—Tranquillity , Boar ' s Head Inn , Newchurch , near Manchester 290—Huddersfield , Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield 325—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , Islincton-square , 8 a'ford 342—Royal Sussex , Freemasons' Hall , 79 Commercial Road , Landport 363—Keystone , Now Inn , Whitworth . 387—Airedale . Masonic Hall , Westgato , Shipley 681—Faith , Drover ' s Inn , Openshaw
694—Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 ( Instruction ) 625—Devonshire , Norfolk Hotel , Glossop 633—Yarborough , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 673—St . John , Masonic HaU , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 750—Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Railway-street , Cleckheaton 795—St . John , Ray Mead Hotel , Maidenhead 823—Everton . Masonic Hall , Liverpool 874—Holmesdale , Royal Sussex Hotel , Tnnbridge Wells
969—Sun and Sector , Assembly Rooms , Workington 1972—St . Augustine , Masonic Hall , Canterbury 1019—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hull , Zetland-street , Wakefield 1040—Sykes , Masonic HaU , Driffield , YorKS 1086—Walton , Skelmersdale Masonic Hall , Kirkdalo , Liverpool 1161—De Grey and Ripon , Brunswick Hotel , Piccadilly , Manchester 1206—Cinque Ports , Bell Hotel , Sandwich 13 " 1—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Bradford-road , Brighouse
1337—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton 1363—Duke of Lancaster , Athena-um , Lancaster 1356—De Grey and Ripon , 140 North Hill Street , Toxteth Park , Liverpool 1403—West Lancashire , Commercial Hotel , Ormskirlc 1443—Salem , Town Hall , Dawlish , Devon 1501—Wycombe , Town Hall , High Wycombe
1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall . Hornsea . Hull 1634—Starkie , Railway Hotel , Ramsbottom 1645—Colne Valley , Lewisham Hotel , Slaithwaite R . A . 86—Lebanon , Masonic Hall , Prescot R . A . 409—Stortford , Chequers Inn , Bishop's Stortford . R . A . 691—Buckingham , George Hotel , Aylesbury
3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 16—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . J ¦ ( Instruction ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , EC , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , at 8 ( Instruction ) 211—St . Michael's , The Moorgate , Moorgate Street , E . G ., at 8 ( Instruction ) -36—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street . W ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 764—High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 ( Instruction )
1227—Upton , Spotted Dog , Upton , E . 1339—Stockwell , Cock Tavern , Kennington Road , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1428—The Great City , Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . G ., at 0 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1614—Covent Garden , Nag ' s Head , James Street , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) 1673—Langton , Mansion House Station Restaurant , E . C . at 0 . ( Instruction ) R . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) M . M . —Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-rd „ Dalston , E ., at 8 . 30 ( Inst . )
66—Howard , High-street , Arundel 98—St . Martin , Town Hall , Burslem 100—Friendship , Crown and Anchor Hotel , Quay , Great Yarmouth 203—Ancient Union , Masonic Hall , Livorpool 215—Commerce , Commercial Hotel , Haslingden 268—Union , Queen ' s Arms Inn , George-street , Ashton-under-Lyne 343—Concord , Militia Officers' Mess Rooms , Starkie-street , Preston 346—Perseverance , Old Bull Hotel , Church-street , Blackburn
367—Probity and Freedom , Red Lion Inn , Smallbridge 432—Abbey , Newdegale Arms , Nuneaton 623—John of Gaunt , Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , Leicester 600—Harmony , Freemasons' HaU , Salem-streeo , Bradford 971—Trafalgar , Private Room , Commercial-street , Batley 1011—Richmond , Crown Hotel , Blackfriars-street , Salford 1042—Excelsior , Masonic HaU , Great George-street , Leeds 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
1299—Pembroke , West Derby Hotel , West Derby , near Liverpool 1320—Blackheath , Green Man , Blackheath 1327—King Harold , Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town 1332—Unity , Masonic Hall , Crediton , Devon 161-1—Thornhill , Masonic Room , Dearn House , Lindley 1680—Cranbourne , Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction )
1612—West Middlesex , Feathers Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) K . A . 63—St . Mary , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge R . A . 307—Good Intent , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge R . A . 337—Confidence , Commercial Inn , Uppermill R . A . 1385—Gladsmuir , Red Lion Hotel , Barnet , Herts K . T . —William de la More , Town Hall , Bootle .
FRIDAY , 17 th JUNE .
House Committee Boys' School , Wood Green , at 4 . Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 766—William Preston , Feathers' Tavern , Up . Georgo-st ., Edaware-vd . 8 ( Inst . ) 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 834—Kanelagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith ( Instruction . )
902—Burgoyne , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapoi-road , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 165 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-road . Canonbury , at 8 ( In . ) 1385—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-rd , N . Kensington . nt 8 . ( In ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street , Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . )
152—Virtue , Freemasons Hall , Manchester 347—Noah ' s Ark , Wagon and Horses Hotel , Tipton 616—Phoenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket 641—De Loraine , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 993—Alexandra , Midway Hotel , Levenshulme 1096—Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal
1102—Mirfleld , Assembly Rooms , Eastthorpe , Mirfield 1311—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1644—Alma Mater , Masonic HaU , New-street , Birmingha 1773—Albert Victor , Town Hall , Pendleton General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 71
Diary For The Week.
R . A . 403—Hertford , Shiro Hall , Hertford . R . A . 621—Truth , Freemasons' llall . FitzwilUam-street , Huddersfleld R . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall . Ripon R . A . —General Chapter of Imorovemont , Masonic HaU , Birmingham , at 6 R . C—White Rose of York . Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield
198—Percy , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgato Road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1 B 24— Kcclpston . Grosvenor Clnb , F . bnrv-sqnare , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1611—Crichton , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell Sinai Chapter of Instrm-tion . Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . M . M . 101—Macdonald , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C .
Metropolitan Chapter Of Improvement.
THE last gathering of the members of the Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement for the Session took place on 31 st nit ., at the Jamaica Tavern , St . Michael ' s-alley , Cornhill . The attendance , however , was hardly up to the average . The Officers present were —• Comps . Taylor Z ., Payne H ., Chicken J ., F . Browne S . E . and Preceptor , Walker S . N ., Goodohild P . S ., together with tho following Comps . : — Turquand , Goodenough , W . Eraser , J . Eraser , G . Brown , Edmonds
Thompson , Sheffield , and Warner . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . J . Fraser candidate . The work was well done , more especially those parts assigned to the Principals . At the conelusion of the ceremony Comp . Brown , the esteemed Preceptor , said it was to him a pleasing duty to propose that a vote of thanks be inserted on the minutes to Comp . Taylor for the very able manner in
which he had performed the duties of Z . that evening , for the first time , especially so as be felt sure when he entered the room thafc ho had not the most distant idea that he should be called upon to fill thafc position and go through the arduous duties attached to it . He , therefore , felt sure that the Companions would agree in paying a compliment which Comp . Taylor well deserved . Comp . Walker S . N . se . conded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Comp . Taylor , in
acknowledging the vote of thanks , expressed the gratification he felt in receiving it . As Comp . Brown had stated , when he entered the room thafc night he had not the most distant idea of being called upon to fill the highest position in the Chapter . He thanked them most cordially for the hononr they had conferred noon him on that his first occasion of taking the chair . By the time they again met he shonld be able to rub off a little of the nervousness he had felt that
evening , and hoped better to deserve the thanks they had given him . He felt sure , before they separated for the season , the Companions would be most anxious to recognise the services of Companion Brown , their able , painstaking , and kind Preceptor , who was always at his post , and always ready to give instruction . He , therefore , proposed that the thanks of the Chapter be given to Companion Brown for his
services , and for his readiness at all times to do anything that might be required of him . Companion Walker seconded the motion , which was unanimously agreed to . Companion Brown S . E ., the esteemed Preceptor of the Chapter , thanked the Companions for the vote of thanks they had given him . The compliment was most pleasing to him , and he should gratefully remember ifc . He might say thafc the
duties of Preceptor were not always of the most agreeable kind , for unlike in Craft Masonry , those who came there had gained a position in Freemasonry , and rightly considered they had acquired a dignity in the Craft , and to many of these it was nofc the most agreeable task to have to go to school again , but he generally found that those who came there were anxious to obtain the instruction that waa
there afforded them . He might inform the Companions that during the season of 1879 and 1880 , dnring which he had acted as their Preceptor , they had had thirty-three meetings , at which 420 Com . panions attended ; they had admitted thirty-one new members , and there had been one visitor , giving an average of thirteen to each meeting . In the season of 1880 and 1881 there had been again
thirty-three meetings , 561 had attended , and , by a remarkable coin , cidence , thirty-one new members had been admitted , with three visitors , giving an average of eighteen to each meeting ; he might also say that the funds were in a satisfactory condition . This state of affairs must be gratifying to the members , as it showed thafc the Chapter was flourishing , and a month or two after they again met he
would ask them to devote a portion of the funds to the Masonio Charities , for one of which he intended to act as Steward . The fol . lowing were the Officers elected for the next meeting : —Companions Taylor Z ., J . Payne H ., Chicken J ., J . Fraser N ., Goodohild P . S . The Chapter was then closed in due form , and adjourned till the first Tuesday in October .
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —The regular Convocation was held on the 30 th ultimo , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street . Present—Comps . L . Lazarns M . E . Z ., W . H . Gnlliford H ., H . P . Isaac J ., N . Baum S . E ., J . Lazarus P . Z . Treasurer , I . P . Cohen P . S ., Davis first Assistant ; P . Z . ' s S . M . Lazarus , H . M . Levy , M . J . Emanuel , and W . Littanr ; Visitors— John Roper 1275 , Gaskell 114 , and S . Moss 141 . Chapter
was opened and the minutes were confirmed ; Comp . C . W . Meiter , No . 1671 , was elected a joining member . Bros . A . Haslett 657 , K . Ede 1471 , S . Jacobs P . M . 1327 P . G . P . Herts , F . H . Fearns 1321 , and J . McNansr-t 1298 , were balloted for , accepted , and duly exalted into U . A . Masonry ; tho working of the M . E . Z ., Principals , and Officers was most perfect . The election of Principals for the ensuing
twelve months was the next business . Comp . W . H . Gnlliford was elected M . E . Z ., H . P . Isaac H ., I . P . Cohen J ., J . Lazarus P . Z . Treas ., M . Emanuel P . Z S . E ., J . Davis S . N ., A . J . Henocbsberg P . S ., George T . Mann first Assistant , Brooke second Assistant . The resignation of a Companion was accepted with regret . On motion , regularly
brought forward , it was carried unanimously , that in future the exaltation fee be £ 5 5 s , and the joining feo £ 2 2 s . Comp . Littanr P . Z . proposed , and Comp . H Gnlliford seconded , that a sum of money be given from the funds of the Chapter for the purpose of presenting the M . E . Z . with a P . Z . ' s jewel , for the able manner in whioh he had discharged his duties in the chair this amount to form a nucleus , which