Article METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ESSEX CHAPTER, No. 276. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF DEVON. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF DEVON. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Chapter Of Improvement.
he was sure the members would readily supplement , and so present him with a testimonial worthy his acceptance ; likewise that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes . This was carried unanimously . The Chapter was closed until November . The brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Comp , W . G . Jennings , aud superintended by Comp . XV . Silver . The M . E . Z ., in due course , proposed the
Loyal and R . A . toast . In speaking to the toast of tho new members the M . E . Z . had had great pleasure that evening in exalting five Companions—Bros . Jacobs , Fearns , McNaught , Haslett , and Ede . The recommendation they brought with them , and the attention they paid to the ceremony , augured they would prove a credit to the Order . Comp . Haslett , in eloquent terms , replied ; he felt a great pleasure in
being associated with this Chapter , and hoped , as ho progressed in Eoyal Arch Masonry , to carry ont every duty required of him . Comp . P . Dickinson P . Z . said one of the most important toasts at gatherings like this was that of the M . E . Z . ; he regretted not being present that evening at the working , but he knew what it was , as the M . E . Z . was known to do well every duty required of him . Although
he cculd not propose the presentation of a jewel to him , as it had been already done by another P . Z ., he hoped they wonld honour the toast fervently . The M . E . Z . thanked the Companions for their kind expressions in the Chapter : when he accepted office , he determined to do his duty ; he had now reached the summit of his ambition , and nothing more remained but to thank the Companions for the support
they had given him on all occasions . The toast of the Visiting Companions was next on the list , and Comps . Gasklei and Moss severally responded . The M . E . Z . then proposed the health of the M . E . Z . elect ; whatever office Comp . Gnlliford had held , his duties hae been fulfilled to the advantage of the Chapter . He ( the M . E . Z . )
was sure he would receive the cordial support of the Companions . Comp . Gulliford , in brief terms responded . The toast of the P Z . ' s was replied to by Comp . W . Littanr . The J ., the Treasurer , the P . S ., and the rest of the Officers were not overlooked , and after the Janitor's toast the Companions separated with earnest hopes that they might meet again after the recess in health and prosperity .
Essex Chapter, No. 276.
ESSEX CHAPTER , No . 276 .
THE Installation meeting of the Essex Chapter , No . 276 , was held on 30 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Chelmsford , when there was a large muster of Comps ., including several visitors , the M . E . Z . having most kindly invited representatives from the three other Chapters in the Province , for the purpose of discussing the desirability of petitioning for a P . G . Chapter for the Province of Essex . The first business was the exaltation of a candidate , which having been ably done by E .
Comp . F . B . Shepherd P . Z ., the Installation ceremony was proceeded with . Principal J . ( Comp . E . Shedd ) was most impressivel y installed by E . Comp . Vera W . Taylor the M . E . Z . Elect , and the same Comp . was to have installed Principal H ., but E . Comp . the Eev . B . S . Barnes , who had been elected to that Chair , was absent through ill health , and consequently the ceremony was postponed .
E . Comp . Vero W . Taylor was then placed in the Chair of First Principal by the retiring M . E . Z . Comp . E . H . Carter , and E . Comps . F . B . Shepherd and Andrew Durrant were respectively invested Scribe E . and Treas . The subject of a Provincial Grand Chapter was then mooted , and , after considerable discussion , it was resolved , with the concurrence of the G . Master of the Province , the Lord Tenterden , K . C . B ., to petition for a Grand Chapter . The Comps .
afterwards dined together , the Banquet being served in Comp . Sarel ' s well-known first-class style , the quality of the wines calling forth special commendation . The usual R . A . toasts wero duly honoured , and in drinking to the Rulers of R . A . Masonry a hope was expressed that by the time the Festival recurred they shonld be able to toast the G . Superintendanfc and Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Essex .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Devon.
AN important meeting was held on Saturday , at the Sincerity Chapter Room , St . George's Hall , Stonehonse . Owing to the long illness and subsequent death of the late P . Grand Superintendent , the Eev . J . Htyshe , there has been no meeting for transaction of business since 10 th October 1877 . Hence the more than usual interest . The
M . E . Z . his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales having been pleased to appoint Excellent Companion the Visconnt Ebrington P . G . M ., & c , as the Superintendent , his installation was the most prominent feature of the proceedings . It had been arranged that the ceremony should be performed by Companion Shadwell H . Gierke , the Grand ~ > . E . of England , but , from domestic affliction , he was unable to be
preseut , and , at short notice , E . Companion L . P . Metham P . P . G . H . kindl y undertook the duty , and it goes without saying that ifc was carefully and impressively done . The other Companions who took part in the ceremony were—E . C . ' s Walter G . Rogers , W . E . Elphingstone-Stone , R . H . Rae , J . Edward Curteis , J . Brewer , George Evans , and Alfred Bodley , who acted as D . C . The Officers appointed for tho
ensuins . year were—E . Comps . W . G . Rogers H ., Rev . W . Whittley ( who was prevented from attending by severe indisposition ) J ., J . Brewer 251 S . E ., B . T . Hodge 106 S . N ., Mark Farrant 112 P . S ., W . H . Gillman 1099 1 st A . S ., J . S . Kersterman 303 2 nd A . S ., T . VV " a ! ds How 189 Registrar , H . S . Gill 1125 1 st S . B ., XV . B . Maye < -rin S , Bl - D - Watson 328 D . C , Webb 288 A . D . C ., J . D . Barker < 0 Organist , P . Blanchard Jan ., John Rogers A . J . The report
t «! TreasT 3 rer was react * showing a balance of about £ 70 in favour of the province . Comp . W . G . Rogers proposed that the sum of twenty guineas be given to each of the four London Charities , and he Pointed out that the Province was pledged to support these Charities , irom which , through the exertions of Comp . Charles Godtschalk , the j-jevon candidates had received so many bpnefifcs . Companion S . tf- ? ropoael 3 ' as an amendment , that only fifteen guineas be given Fund * n ? u- ° Charltiei --and twenty to the Devon Masonic Educational a ' Thls was seconded by Companion E . Aitken Davies , and was
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Devon.
carried by a large majority . Tho amounts voted , therefore , are £ 21 to the Devon Masonic Educational Fund ; £ 15 15 s to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , to bo placed on tho list of Companion J . E . Curteis as Steward for 18 S 2 ; £ 15 15 s to tho Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 31 10 s to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
for Aged Freemasons and Widows ( half to each fund ) , those latter amounts to bo placed on tho list of Companion Godtschalk as Steward for these Charities . E . Companion J . Edward Curteis waa unanimously elected the Treasurer of the province , and E . Companiona T . S . Bayly and John Lynn tho auditors . The Committee appointed to
frame bye-laws for the province were E . Comps . XV . G . Rogers , W . Whittley , and J . Brewer , and it was suggested b y E . Comp . Gover that these laws should include all that was necessary , and that any resolutions of former Prov . Grand Chapters should be rescinded . Ex , Comp . L . P . Metham then said ifc was impossible for the P . G . Chapter to close without placing a record on tho minutes of the great
loss they had sustained by the lamented death of thoir late P . G . Superintendent , tho Rev . J . Hnyshe , and their deep sympathy with his relatives . —This was seconded by Lord Ebrington , who also spoke of the high estimation in whioh Comp . Huyshe had been held amongst all classes from highest to lowest . Letters regretting inability to attend were received from Comp . Admiral F . H . H . Glasse , C . B ., and others . —Western Daily Mercury .
The North London Chapter of Improvement , No . 1471 , of which Companion T . C . Edmonds is the Preceptor , and which meets at the Jolly Farmers Tavern , Southgate-road , has adjourned its meetings until Thursday , the 1 st of September next .
The R . W . the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., has fixed Monday , the 20 th day of June , for holding the Provincial Grand Lodge of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire . The meeting will take place at the Town Hall , Aylesbury , when the business of the
Province will be transacted . The Banquet "will take place at the George Hotel , at three o ' clock punctually , tickets for which ( 6 s 6 d each ) can be procured of Bro . F . J . Ferguson J . W . 414 , Reading , and the following Provincial Grand Stewards : —Bros . Taylor ( Newport Pagnell ) , Lewis
Poulton ( Aylesbury ) , S . W . Slator ( Buckingham ) , W . J . Gough ( Buckingham ) , H . Jowett ( Aylesbury ) , J . W . Dover ( Princes Risborough ) . As usual on these occasions the Great Western Railway Company offers special advantages . Return tickets at single fares will be
issued on production of the Summons at the Booking Offices—London , Windsor , Reading , Oxford , Newbury , Abingdon , Swindon , Faringdon , Wycombe , Marlow Road , and Maidenhead ; and at all Stations on the London , Wokingham , and Reading Railway between Waterloo Bridge and Bracknell .
The consecration of the Shadwell-Clerke Lodge , No . 1910 , is now fixed to take place on Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., at the Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill , W .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge o * Lincolnshire will be held on the 20 th instant , at Gainsborough , in the Old Hall , at 11 a . m ., on the invitation of Yarborough Lodge , No . 422 . At noon the brethren will proceed to the site of the proposed new church , " St . John
the Divine , " where the foundation-stone will be laid , with Masonic honours , hy the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , W . H . Smyth , Esq ., J . P . A banquet will be held at 2 p . m ., tickets for which may be obtained of Bro . T . E . Johnson , Secretary 422 .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original and only true . jgaSfllfefK-x TTUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to - _ milf' -IIllffl - * -- ' its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving ' and ill _ -S © l $ l'i _^ rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neurall ^_ r ___ r _ J gia , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains , _ J -I >>& M ST _ L ^ ¦"' ^ ^ ° ^ ln Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in fga ^^ JeggpS ' - Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what-^ -flDE MAR ^ ever cause , s othes and strengthens the system under exhausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selbornc , Lord Justice James . L-n-d Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . Seo Times of July 21 th , 1873 . Bottles Is ljd , 2 s 9 d , -Is 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTiitoni __ s . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1 SS 0 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with mu h pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyne has been of special service to me in nll' -viritmg the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which . I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CUAK -E . W . OWEJT , L . R . C . P . Lon ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . Tho Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian * rmy . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in tho Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remainrd there a few weeksl onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottloof C ____ OBODYl * JE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Chapter Of Improvement.
he was sure the members would readily supplement , and so present him with a testimonial worthy his acceptance ; likewise that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes . This was carried unanimously . The Chapter was closed until November . The brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Comp , W . G . Jennings , aud superintended by Comp . XV . Silver . The M . E . Z ., in due course , proposed the
Loyal and R . A . toast . In speaking to the toast of tho new members the M . E . Z . had had great pleasure that evening in exalting five Companions—Bros . Jacobs , Fearns , McNaught , Haslett , and Ede . The recommendation they brought with them , and the attention they paid to the ceremony , augured they would prove a credit to the Order . Comp . Haslett , in eloquent terms , replied ; he felt a great pleasure in
being associated with this Chapter , and hoped , as ho progressed in Eoyal Arch Masonry , to carry ont every duty required of him . Comp . P . Dickinson P . Z . said one of the most important toasts at gatherings like this was that of the M . E . Z . ; he regretted not being present that evening at the working , but he knew what it was , as the M . E . Z . was known to do well every duty required of him . Although
he cculd not propose the presentation of a jewel to him , as it had been already done by another P . Z ., he hoped they wonld honour the toast fervently . The M . E . Z . thanked the Companions for their kind expressions in the Chapter : when he accepted office , he determined to do his duty ; he had now reached the summit of his ambition , and nothing more remained but to thank the Companions for the support
they had given him on all occasions . The toast of the Visiting Companions was next on the list , and Comps . Gasklei and Moss severally responded . The M . E . Z . then proposed the health of the M . E . Z . elect ; whatever office Comp . Gnlliford had held , his duties hae been fulfilled to the advantage of the Chapter . He ( the M . E . Z . )
was sure he would receive the cordial support of the Companions . Comp . Gulliford , in brief terms responded . The toast of the P Z . ' s was replied to by Comp . W . Littanr . The J ., the Treasurer , the P . S ., and the rest of the Officers were not overlooked , and after the Janitor's toast the Companions separated with earnest hopes that they might meet again after the recess in health and prosperity .
Essex Chapter, No. 276.
ESSEX CHAPTER , No . 276 .
THE Installation meeting of the Essex Chapter , No . 276 , was held on 30 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Chelmsford , when there was a large muster of Comps ., including several visitors , the M . E . Z . having most kindly invited representatives from the three other Chapters in the Province , for the purpose of discussing the desirability of petitioning for a P . G . Chapter for the Province of Essex . The first business was the exaltation of a candidate , which having been ably done by E .
Comp . F . B . Shepherd P . Z ., the Installation ceremony was proceeded with . Principal J . ( Comp . E . Shedd ) was most impressivel y installed by E . Comp . Vera W . Taylor the M . E . Z . Elect , and the same Comp . was to have installed Principal H ., but E . Comp . the Eev . B . S . Barnes , who had been elected to that Chair , was absent through ill health , and consequently the ceremony was postponed .
E . Comp . Vero W . Taylor was then placed in the Chair of First Principal by the retiring M . E . Z . Comp . E . H . Carter , and E . Comps . F . B . Shepherd and Andrew Durrant were respectively invested Scribe E . and Treas . The subject of a Provincial Grand Chapter was then mooted , and , after considerable discussion , it was resolved , with the concurrence of the G . Master of the Province , the Lord Tenterden , K . C . B ., to petition for a Grand Chapter . The Comps .
afterwards dined together , the Banquet being served in Comp . Sarel ' s well-known first-class style , the quality of the wines calling forth special commendation . The usual R . A . toasts wero duly honoured , and in drinking to the Rulers of R . A . Masonry a hope was expressed that by the time the Festival recurred they shonld be able to toast the G . Superintendanfc and Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Essex .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Devon.
AN important meeting was held on Saturday , at the Sincerity Chapter Room , St . George's Hall , Stonehonse . Owing to the long illness and subsequent death of the late P . Grand Superintendent , the Eev . J . Htyshe , there has been no meeting for transaction of business since 10 th October 1877 . Hence the more than usual interest . The
M . E . Z . his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales having been pleased to appoint Excellent Companion the Visconnt Ebrington P . G . M ., & c , as the Superintendent , his installation was the most prominent feature of the proceedings . It had been arranged that the ceremony should be performed by Companion Shadwell H . Gierke , the Grand ~ > . E . of England , but , from domestic affliction , he was unable to be
preseut , and , at short notice , E . Companion L . P . Metham P . P . G . H . kindl y undertook the duty , and it goes without saying that ifc was carefully and impressively done . The other Companions who took part in the ceremony were—E . C . ' s Walter G . Rogers , W . E . Elphingstone-Stone , R . H . Rae , J . Edward Curteis , J . Brewer , George Evans , and Alfred Bodley , who acted as D . C . The Officers appointed for tho
ensuins . year were—E . Comps . W . G . Rogers H ., Rev . W . Whittley ( who was prevented from attending by severe indisposition ) J ., J . Brewer 251 S . E ., B . T . Hodge 106 S . N ., Mark Farrant 112 P . S ., W . H . Gillman 1099 1 st A . S ., J . S . Kersterman 303 2 nd A . S ., T . VV " a ! ds How 189 Registrar , H . S . Gill 1125 1 st S . B ., XV . B . Maye < -rin S , Bl - D - Watson 328 D . C , Webb 288 A . D . C ., J . D . Barker < 0 Organist , P . Blanchard Jan ., John Rogers A . J . The report
t «! TreasT 3 rer was react * showing a balance of about £ 70 in favour of the province . Comp . W . G . Rogers proposed that the sum of twenty guineas be given to each of the four London Charities , and he Pointed out that the Province was pledged to support these Charities , irom which , through the exertions of Comp . Charles Godtschalk , the j-jevon candidates had received so many bpnefifcs . Companion S . tf- ? ropoael 3 ' as an amendment , that only fifteen guineas be given Fund * n ? u- ° Charltiei --and twenty to the Devon Masonic Educational a ' Thls was seconded by Companion E . Aitken Davies , and was
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Devon.
carried by a large majority . Tho amounts voted , therefore , are £ 21 to the Devon Masonic Educational Fund ; £ 15 15 s to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , to bo placed on tho list of Companion J . E . Curteis as Steward for 18 S 2 ; £ 15 15 s to tho Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 31 10 s to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
for Aged Freemasons and Widows ( half to each fund ) , those latter amounts to bo placed on tho list of Companion Godtschalk as Steward for these Charities . E . Companion J . Edward Curteis waa unanimously elected the Treasurer of the province , and E . Companiona T . S . Bayly and John Lynn tho auditors . The Committee appointed to
frame bye-laws for the province were E . Comps . XV . G . Rogers , W . Whittley , and J . Brewer , and it was suggested b y E . Comp . Gover that these laws should include all that was necessary , and that any resolutions of former Prov . Grand Chapters should be rescinded . Ex , Comp . L . P . Metham then said ifc was impossible for the P . G . Chapter to close without placing a record on tho minutes of the great
loss they had sustained by the lamented death of thoir late P . G . Superintendent , tho Rev . J . Hnyshe , and their deep sympathy with his relatives . —This was seconded by Lord Ebrington , who also spoke of the high estimation in whioh Comp . Huyshe had been held amongst all classes from highest to lowest . Letters regretting inability to attend were received from Comp . Admiral F . H . H . Glasse , C . B ., and others . —Western Daily Mercury .
The North London Chapter of Improvement , No . 1471 , of which Companion T . C . Edmonds is the Preceptor , and which meets at the Jolly Farmers Tavern , Southgate-road , has adjourned its meetings until Thursday , the 1 st of September next .
The R . W . the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., has fixed Monday , the 20 th day of June , for holding the Provincial Grand Lodge of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire . The meeting will take place at the Town Hall , Aylesbury , when the business of the
Province will be transacted . The Banquet "will take place at the George Hotel , at three o ' clock punctually , tickets for which ( 6 s 6 d each ) can be procured of Bro . F . J . Ferguson J . W . 414 , Reading , and the following Provincial Grand Stewards : —Bros . Taylor ( Newport Pagnell ) , Lewis
Poulton ( Aylesbury ) , S . W . Slator ( Buckingham ) , W . J . Gough ( Buckingham ) , H . Jowett ( Aylesbury ) , J . W . Dover ( Princes Risborough ) . As usual on these occasions the Great Western Railway Company offers special advantages . Return tickets at single fares will be
issued on production of the Summons at the Booking Offices—London , Windsor , Reading , Oxford , Newbury , Abingdon , Swindon , Faringdon , Wycombe , Marlow Road , and Maidenhead ; and at all Stations on the London , Wokingham , and Reading Railway between Waterloo Bridge and Bracknell .
The consecration of the Shadwell-Clerke Lodge , No . 1910 , is now fixed to take place on Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., at the Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill , W .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge o * Lincolnshire will be held on the 20 th instant , at Gainsborough , in the Old Hall , at 11 a . m ., on the invitation of Yarborough Lodge , No . 422 . At noon the brethren will proceed to the site of the proposed new church , " St . John
the Divine , " where the foundation-stone will be laid , with Masonic honours , hy the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , W . H . Smyth , Esq ., J . P . A banquet will be held at 2 p . m ., tickets for which may be obtained of Bro . T . E . Johnson , Secretary 422 .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original and only true . jgaSfllfefK-x TTUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to - _ milf' -IIllffl - * -- ' its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving ' and ill _ -S © l $ l'i _^ rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neurall ^_ r ___ r _ J gia , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains , _ J -I >>& M ST _ L ^ ¦"' ^ ^ ° ^ ln Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in fga ^^ JeggpS ' - Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what-^ -flDE MAR ^ ever cause , s othes and strengthens the system under exhausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selbornc , Lord Justice James . L-n-d Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . Seo Times of July 21 th , 1873 . Bottles Is ljd , 2 s 9 d , -Is 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTiitoni __ s . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1 SS 0 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with mu h pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyne has been of special service to me in nll' -viritmg the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which . I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CUAK -E . W . OWEJT , L . R . C . P . Lon ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . Tho Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian * rmy . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in tho Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remainrd there a few weeksl onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottloof C ____ OBODYl * JE , with which I effected miraculous cures .