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Share List ( at par ) closes Monday , 13 th June for Town and Country . THE " MONT DORE" OF BOURNEMOUTH , LIMITED . A . HEALTH E . ESOE . T FOR INVALIDS , VISITORS , AND RESIDENTS . $ tn _ ttr £ > p * nal gl ^ bka ! gat % nitr . Capital £ 75 , 000 , in 15 , 000 Shares of £ 5 each . Payable £ 1 per Share on Application , £ 2 on Allotment . rpHE " MONT DORE" of Bonraemouth is intended to be a Winter and Summer Residence for Visitors - * - who may desire to adopt the Residential Club System and free themselves from the cares of household management , or for those who , seeking rest and change of air , may desire to live " en pension , " afc a fixed tariff for long or short periods , while special arrangements will be made for the reception of Invalids and others requiring more than ordinary attention . In addition to Turkish , Pine , and other Baths , the " Mont Dore Cure" for Affections of the Lungs and Eespiratory Organs and for Rheumatism , will form the important feature of the Establishment . —( Vide pamphlet . ) Visitors will select their own professional advisers . Holders of Ten Shares and upwards will be entitled to a discount of Ten per cent , from the fixed tariff . HONOEARY PATRON— SIR FRANCIS WYATT TRUSCOTT . MEDICAL COUNCIL—Chairman—ALFRED MEADOWS , Esq ., M . D . ( Phys . Acch . St . Mary ' s Hospital . ) HORACE DOBELL , Esq ., M . D . ( Cons . Phys ., late Sen . Phys . Royal Hospital for Diseases of Chest . ) BARNARD HOLT , Esq ., F . R . C . S . ( Cons . Surg . Westm . Hosp . ) A . ERNEST SANSOM , Esq ., M . D . ( Sen . Phys . N . E . Hosp . for Children . ) JOHN C . THOROW GOOD , Esq ., M . D . ( Phys . City of London Hosp . for Chest Diseases . ) CONSULTING SANITARY OFFICER . CHARLES METMOTT TIDY , Esq ., M . B ., M . A . ( Professor of Chemistry and of Forensic Medicine afc the London Hospital . ) DIRECTORS . Chairman— ALFRED MEADOWS , Esq ., M . D ., 27 George Street , Hanover Sqnare , W ., and Poyle Park , Colnbrook , Slough . MAJOR-GEN . CHARLES CATTY ( Chairman of the London Metal and Chemical Co ., Limited ) . MAJOR FORTESCUE , J . P . ( Formerly Secretary Metropolitan and National Nnrsin ? Association ) , Alverston Manor House , Warwickshire ) . GEORGE LESLIE , Esq . ( Secretary of the London , Windsor , and Greenwich Hotels Company ) . D . W . NELL , Esq ., Ashdown Lodge , Forest Hill . DACRE TREVOR-ROPER , Esq . ( Treasurer of the County of Flint ) , Managing Director . BANKERS—THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND , LIMITED . St . James ' s Branch , 212 Piccadilly , London ; and at Bournemouth . SECRETARY AND OEFICERS-T . C . POCOCK , Esq ., 18 Abingdon Street , Westminster , S . W . THE Directors have pleasure in announcing that the work of building is rapidly progressing , the FOUNDATION " STONE having been laid by His Majesty OSCAR II . KING- of SWEDEN and NORWAY , on the 25 th May last , who then , as will be seen from the report on page 327 , spoke in the highest terms of Bournemouth . The whole of the first issue of shares , and part of the second , were allotted at par , prior to the acceptance of the successful tender for building . In reply to numerous inquiries , the Directors have decided to offer the remainder for subscription at par , for a few days only * Applications at par will toe received untill Monday , the 13 th June , for town and country . Any shares issued subsequently will be afc a premium . More than half the present Shareholders are Medical Men , and the Directors feel that this fact , coupled with the support accorded by the Profession generally , doubly assures the prosperity of the Company . Forms of Application may be obtained at the Offices , 18 Abingdon Street , Westminster , S . W ., or from the Bankers . Application , BY LETTER , Will he received , stating the number of Shares required , and enclosing the £ 1 per Share payable on Application . Extracts from a large number of Medical Opinions . " I have observed the lest results in the cases of thoso of my jT . tients , suffering- " I think it will supply a want long and very mveh reqn ired , as during my prac * from the most severe forms of disease of the lung , who have sojourned at Bourne- tice ( upwards of forty years ) several of my patients havo soug ht the benefit of mouth . . . The addition of the advantages obtained imdei the ' Mont Dore' a sojourn in Mice , Cannes , Mentone , Biarritz and other Continental Sanatoria , system will be a further attraction . " and although in many instances a temporary residence there proved beneficial , insp-cfYhTcTee ^ £ \ M W- ^ V * " T ™ * " ^ " ° P * t ™^™^^*^^ ^ L ^ - ^ T _ _ 5 K inspect . 1 have been in the habit of going to Harrogate eery year , _ nd send- ,, „ . „„_ -, „ ,,., „ J ..,.-, ., ; .,-, . ¦>„ , . l . _ n . nf thp' mistral ' rtcBciencv of English Zrl ^ K w ft ^ V ™^ ? n , L n T n ° /; ' that lT " ' " . IT ° -T " , Srm ™ ho _ e c' ^" or ^ „_ toST ^ I «_ . v ^ t o ^«_^ S _ S _ fo instances * ° -- ^ , JP ^ V ^ extravagant , expenditure . I do think that your proposed Establishment a * w _ . ; therefore I wish your scheme every success . " ought to be a . 9 ™ , « . _««¦<• , ¦ ,, , and under Providence the mean , of prolonging very " I think your scheme a most valuable one , and I feel confident that it will many valued and valuable lives . " succeed , being started , as I judgo from the Directorate , by men who give their , , names not for personal profit , but from a desire to d . o goad liy int . oduchuj a eul uuble " I express my perfect approval of the scheme as being most desirable , a '" means of cure into England , not at present available bc . aa .-e of _ ie distance from the spot rhoseii for tlio erection eould not occupy a better or more suitable position tho Auvergne . " in every respect . I wish you all success . " " I regard such an establishment ns a i / rcat boon to the ' public , provided as it "Tho projected establishment at nournemouthof an Institution resembling that will be with Baths and other Thermal Remedies . I may ac . d that , in such a of * Mont Dore ' will prove a boon , not only to suffering humanity , but to the Meat-Climate as th-it . of Bournemouth , with its beautiful surroundings , tin under- eal faculty ut la-ge , who will be en _ Med to avail themsdves of the opportunity taking cannot fail to be pecuniarily successful . " of a system of treatment for their patients which is nowhere else to be obtained »» " I do most thoroughly appreciate the climate of Bonrnemoith and its neigh- the ^'" ted kingdom . ^ bourhood for it has done me so much good , and lam sure it has beitn of the " Having myself visited the ' Mont Dore ' ( in Auvergne ) , I am . in a position tu greatest benefit to many others . I think the scheme is a good one . " express my approval . " Printed for tha Fs ___ u _ o _' s CHEONICLU VVVLISZIXG COI ___ " LUSHED , and Published by Bro . WM . WBAY MOBG _ S JUS ; , 23 Great Queen Street , London , Vf . C , Saturday , ' 11 th June 1881 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Share List ( at par ) closes Monday , 13 th June for Town and Country . THE " MONT DORE" OF BOURNEMOUTH , LIMITED . A . HEALTH E . ESOE . T FOR INVALIDS , VISITORS , AND RESIDENTS . $ tn _ ttr £ > p * nal gl ^ bka ! gat % nitr . Capital £ 75 , 000 , in 15 , 000 Shares of £ 5 each . Payable £ 1 per Share on Application , £ 2 on Allotment . rpHE " MONT DORE" of Bonraemouth is intended to be a Winter and Summer Residence for Visitors - * - who may desire to adopt the Residential Club System and free themselves from the cares of household management , or for those who , seeking rest and change of air , may desire to live " en pension , " afc a fixed tariff for long or short periods , while special arrangements will be made for the reception of Invalids and others requiring more than ordinary attention . In addition to Turkish , Pine , and other Baths , the " Mont Dore Cure" for Affections of the Lungs and Eespiratory Organs and for Rheumatism , will form the important feature of the Establishment . —( Vide pamphlet . ) Visitors will select their own professional advisers . Holders of Ten Shares and upwards will be entitled to a discount of Ten per cent , from the fixed tariff . HONOEARY PATRON— SIR FRANCIS WYATT TRUSCOTT . MEDICAL COUNCIL—Chairman—ALFRED MEADOWS , Esq ., M . D . ( Phys . Acch . St . Mary ' s Hospital . ) HORACE DOBELL , Esq ., M . D . ( Cons . Phys ., late Sen . Phys . Royal Hospital for Diseases of Chest . ) BARNARD HOLT , Esq ., F . R . C . S . ( Cons . Surg . Westm . Hosp . ) A . ERNEST SANSOM , Esq ., M . D . ( Sen . Phys . N . E . Hosp . for Children . ) JOHN C . THOROW GOOD , Esq ., M . D . ( Phys . City of London Hosp . for Chest Diseases . ) CONSULTING SANITARY OFFICER . CHARLES METMOTT TIDY , Esq ., M . B ., M . A . ( Professor of Chemistry and of Forensic Medicine afc the London Hospital . ) DIRECTORS . Chairman— ALFRED MEADOWS , Esq ., M . D ., 27 George Street , Hanover Sqnare , W ., and Poyle Park , Colnbrook , Slough . MAJOR-GEN . CHARLES CATTY ( Chairman of the London Metal and Chemical Co ., Limited ) . MAJOR FORTESCUE , J . P . ( Formerly Secretary Metropolitan and National Nnrsin ? Association ) , Alverston Manor House , Warwickshire ) . GEORGE LESLIE , Esq . ( Secretary of the London , Windsor , and Greenwich Hotels Company ) . D . W . NELL , Esq ., Ashdown Lodge , Forest Hill . DACRE TREVOR-ROPER , Esq . ( Treasurer of the County of Flint ) , Managing Director . BANKERS—THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND , LIMITED . St . James ' s Branch , 212 Piccadilly , London ; and at Bournemouth . SECRETARY AND OEFICERS-T . C . POCOCK , Esq ., 18 Abingdon Street , Westminster , S . W . THE Directors have pleasure in announcing that the work of building is rapidly progressing , the FOUNDATION " STONE having been laid by His Majesty OSCAR II . KING- of SWEDEN and NORWAY , on the 25 th May last , who then , as will be seen from the report on page 327 , spoke in the highest terms of Bournemouth . The whole of the first issue of shares , and part of the second , were allotted at par , prior to the acceptance of the successful tender for building . In reply to numerous inquiries , the Directors have decided to offer the remainder for subscription at par , for a few days only * Applications at par will toe received untill Monday , the 13 th June , for town and country . Any shares issued subsequently will be afc a premium . More than half the present Shareholders are Medical Men , and the Directors feel that this fact , coupled with the support accorded by the Profession generally , doubly assures the prosperity of the Company . Forms of Application may be obtained at the Offices , 18 Abingdon Street , Westminster , S . W ., or from the Bankers . Application , BY LETTER , Will he received , stating the number of Shares required , and enclosing the £ 1 per Share payable on Application . Extracts from a large number of Medical Opinions . " I have observed the lest results in the cases of thoso of my jT . tients , suffering- " I think it will supply a want long and very mveh reqn ired , as during my prac * from the most severe forms of disease of the lung , who have sojourned at Bourne- tice ( upwards of forty years ) several of my patients havo soug ht the benefit of mouth . . . The addition of the advantages obtained imdei the ' Mont Dore' a sojourn in Mice , Cannes , Mentone , Biarritz and other Continental Sanatoria , system will be a further attraction . " and although in many instances a temporary residence there proved beneficial , insp-cfYhTcTee ^ £ \ M W- ^ V * " T ™ * " ^ " ° P * t ™^™^^*^^ ^ L ^ - ^ T _ _ 5 K inspect . 1 have been in the habit of going to Harrogate eery year , _ nd send- ,, „ . „„_ -, „ ,,., „ J ..,.-, ., ; .,-, . ¦>„ , . l . _ n . nf thp' mistral ' rtcBciencv of English Zrl ^ K w ft ^ V ™^ ? n , L n T n ° /; ' that lT " ' " . IT ° -T " , Srm ™ ho _ e c' ^" or ^ „_ toST ^ I «_ . v ^ t o ^«_^ S _ S _ fo instances * ° -- ^ , JP ^ V ^ extravagant , expenditure . I do think that your proposed Establishment a * w _ . ; therefore I wish your scheme every success . " ought to be a . 9 ™ , « . _««¦<• , ¦ ,, , and under Providence the mean , of prolonging very " I think your scheme a most valuable one , and I feel confident that it will many valued and valuable lives . " succeed , being started , as I judgo from the Directorate , by men who give their , , names not for personal profit , but from a desire to d . o goad liy int . oduchuj a eul uuble " I express my perfect approval of the scheme as being most desirable , a '" means of cure into England , not at present available bc . aa .-e of _ ie distance from the spot rhoseii for tlio erection eould not occupy a better or more suitable position tho Auvergne . " in every respect . I wish you all success . " " I regard such an establishment ns a i / rcat boon to the ' public , provided as it "Tho projected establishment at nournemouthof an Institution resembling that will be with Baths and other Thermal Remedies . I may ac . d that , in such a of * Mont Dore ' will prove a boon , not only to suffering humanity , but to the Meat-Climate as th-it . of Bournemouth , with its beautiful surroundings , tin under- eal faculty ut la-ge , who will be en _ Med to avail themsdves of the opportunity taking cannot fail to be pecuniarily successful . " of a system of treatment for their patients which is nowhere else to be obtained »» " I do most thoroughly appreciate the climate of Bonrnemoith and its neigh- the ^'" ted kingdom . ^ bourhood for it has done me so much good , and lam sure it has beitn of the " Having myself visited the ' Mont Dore ' ( in Auvergne ) , I am . in a position tu greatest benefit to many others . I think the scheme is a good one . " express my approval . " Printed for tha Fs ___ u _ o _' s CHEONICLU VVVLISZIXG COI ___ " LUSHED , and Published by Bro . WM . WBAY MOBG _ S JUS ; , 23 Great Queen Street , London , Vf . C , Saturday , ' 11 th June 1881 .