Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article SIR HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE, No. 1602. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
UNITY LODGE , No . 171 . THE installation meeting of the above flourishing Lodge was held on the 7 th inst ., at tho Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Bros . E . Phillips W . M ., W . H . Bateman P . M . 12 S . W ., Goodingo J . W ., C . Harcourt P . M . Treasurer , J . Clever jnn . P . M . Sec , Fenn S . D . P . M . 's Bros . J . Clever ancl Whiteley . Visitors—Bros . W . Taylor P . M . 1503 , W . J . Beedell J . W . 12 , H . W . Davis 266 , W . Kibble J . W .
1426 , C . Stevena J . D . 1793 , C . A . Betts 46 , J . Glenn 19 , and H . M , Levy P . M . 188 . After the Lodge had been formally opened , and the minutes confirmed , ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs , N . H . Davis and W . T . Birmingham . The result being unanimously in their favour , both were duly initiated into the Order in a very exoellent manner . The bye-lawa wero read , also the report of the
Audit Committee , the latter showing the Lodge to be in flourishing condition ; there being a balance of £ 111 8 s 6 d in favour of the Lodge , while the Charity Fund has £ 27 5 s 7 d in hand . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . W . H . Bateman P . M . 12 , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the Lodge , and in due course inducted into the chair by Bro . J . Clever P . M . On the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . was saluted according to ancient form and
he in appropriate terms appointed and invested his Officers—Bros . E . Phillips I . P . M ., Goodinge S . W ., Fenn J . W ., C . Harcourt P . M . Treas ., J . Clever jun . P . M . Secretary , Wendover S . D ., Loring J . D ., Hildyard I . G . The addresses were perfectly and most impressively delivered . A sum of five guineas was awarded to Bro . W . Smith the Tyler , who retires on account of ill-health . Bro . Goddard P . M . was
elected Tyler in his place . Bro . Clever proposed that at the next meeting Bro . Phillips I . P . M . be presented with a gold P . M . 's jewel , for the able manner in which he had conducted the duties of tbe chair , and as a token of the regard and esteem in which he is hold by every member of the Lodge . This was seconded by Bro . Whiteley and carried unanimously . Heartvgood wishes were tendered by the
visiting brethren , and Lodge was closed until the first Tnesday in July . Tho brethren sat down to a very sumpntous and riehexchd banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . W . T . Ball . The banquet , room overlooked the river , and the weather having cleared up , the brethren appreciated the view thafc lay before them . Good feeling and harmony prevailed ; the W . M ., a P . M . of No . 12 , knows his
duties thoroughly , and makes a good president . Grace was sung by Miss Maud Longhurst , R . A . M ., Mrs . Chas . Stevens , and Bros . Chas . Stevens and W . J . Beedell . The W . M . proposed the usaal Loyal and Masonic toasts . The National Anthem and " God Bless thePrince of Wales " was sung by Miss Maud Longhurst . Bro . Phillips P . M . proposed the toast of the W . M ., which to him was a duty that gavo
great pleasure ; the brethren had many of them seen the working of their W . M . in Masonry in another Lodge ; he is likewise an ardent worker for the Charities , all knew how successful he had been on their behalf . The gathering of this evening , under his able presidency , augured a good future for the Lodge . The Worshipful Master in reply said it afforded him great pleasure to hold the
position of Wor . Master of this Lodge ; during his year of office he should make it a rule to give them very short speeches , but they might rely on having good harmony to make up the balance . If he fulfilled the duties of the chair in the same manner as the brother who had preceded him , he thought it wonld be a source of pleasure to the members ; in any case , however , he hoped to give them
satisfaction . Bro . Clever P . M . then ( by permission of tbe W . M . ) proposed the toast of the Initiates . He was pleased to do so , he having enrolled two members who he was sure would keep up the dignity of this groat and noble Order . Bro . Davis , of Birmingham , in brief terms responded ; and then the W . M . paid a compliment to the visitors . There were eight present . He would call on his old and valued friend , Bro . Davis
No 266 , to reply . This brother , in response , remarked how pleased he had been to see his son initiated in this Lodge , where he was sure he would find every tenet in Freemasonry carried out to its fullest extent . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Installing Master , Bro . J . Clever , who had ably performed that ceremony . One and all were grateful to him for his valuable assistance , not only on this but
many former occasions . This latter remark also applied to the Past Masters generally , who were always pleased to give their assistance . Bro . Clever said ifc had afforded him great pleasure to instal Bro . Bateman for the second time into the chair . He congratulated the Brethren on having such a respected Brother to rule over them - he felt it a great honour his having introduced their present Master as a
joining member of the Lodge . The toast of the Treasurer and Secretary came next ; the Lodge might be congratulated on having such brethren as Bros . Harcourt and Clever jnn to fill the posts . The former brother responded . In speaking to the toast of the Masonic Charities , the W . M . regetted the absence of their esteemed friend , Bro . James Jerry P . P . G . W . Herts ., Secretary of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Instituti
on . He is generally present at this annual meeting , and all are pleased to see him . The three Charities ought not to be forgotten on these occasions . He ( the W . M . ) had accepted a Stewardship for tne next Anniversary Festival . He would call on Bro . H . M . Levy to respond . Bro . Levy likewise regretted the absence of Bro . Terrv , who would have given them statistical details of the Institutionsand
, the grand results of the Festivals that had already been held . Bro . evy urged the brethren to support tbe notice of motion to have elections twice a year , the same as the two Scholastic Institutions , so ! £ , i Poorer brethren and their widows might not have to wail pe twelve weary months for a chance of admission into the Institn-A * j - — " —«_ . _! * _ _• uurtiiwc vi uumiooiuu \ IIMKI ina Aunui
im-T . ' Ousted Bro . Terry would be here on the next occasion thp ; , oasfc ° f the Wardens and Officers of the Lodge came next , find en _ ro . Philli ps P . M . proposed the toast of the Ladies and Musicdl and RT' « Longhnrsfc al > Mrs . Charles Stevens , Bros . C . Stevenf Bro < W Whc had S 0 ably condnced t 0 tne harmony of the evening . and ' ret 11 !! made a 8 nitab - response . The brethren then separated returned to town , after passing a very delightful evening .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge, No. 1602.
THE installation meeting of this young and prosperous Lodge waa held at the Agricultural Hall , Islington , on Friday , 27 th ultimo . There waa a very strong muster of the Officers and members , the chair being occupied by Bro . John Weston W . M . There was also a very numerous gathering of visitors , among whom we noticed Broa . G . W . Gilham P . M . 1632 , W . H . Rohrs W . M . 946 , George H . Hunter P . M . 1298 , T . J . Bird J . W . 1807 , Jamea Terry P . Prov . G . J . W . Herts ,
P . M . 228 , J . G . Humphreya S . D . 167 , James Kew P . M . 179 , C . Daniel P . M . 65 , Wm . Stephena P . Prov . G . D . C . Middlesex , R . H . Halford Prov . G . S . D . Herts , J . W . Hobba P . M . 749 , J . L . Cogau P . M . 1365 , S . B . Haley P . M . 45 , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , Egbert Roberta Organist 1623 , Dillon 1567 , and R . Pearcy P . M . 228 . The Lodge having been opened with the accustomed formalities , the minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed . The Report of the Audit Committee was next submitted and approved ; it showed the Lodge , aa regards its finances , was in a most flourishing condition . Brother H . Harris having been raised to tho sublime degree of Master Mason in a most masterly and impressive manner , Bro . John Osborn S . W . and W . M . elect was formally presented to tho Worshipful
Master , in order to receive at his hands fcho benefit of installation , and having duly signified in the nsual way his assent to tho ancient charges of Freemasonry , and all below the grade of Past Master having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Osborn was installed by his immediate predecessor in tho chair , Bro . Weston , who fulfilled his task in a manner which did him infi .
nite credit . The brethren who had withdrawn having been ro-admitted , and the customary salutations in the several degrees having been given , Bro . Osborn appointed and invested tho following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year , namely : —Bros . W . Morris S . W ., W . Poulton J . W ., C . Hollidge Treasurer ( elected ) , R . Allison Secretary , J . Greenfield S . D ., Oppenheim J . D ., E . Payne I . G ., SarfcerD . C ,
Heyno W . S ., R . G . Thomas Organist , and Steedman Tyler . The resignation of Bro . E . Percy having been accepted with regret , tho remaining business was despatched , and the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren then adjourned to that famous hostelry , " Ye Cock at Highbury , " whore a sumptuous banquet waa placed on the table by thafc worthiest of worthy hosts , Bro . Baker , to tho excellence of whose
bill of fare the best possible testimony was rendered by all present . On the removal of the cloth , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the Worshipful Master , a few appropriate remarks boing offered in commendation of each . Bro . Weston I . P . M . then assumed the gavel with a view to proposing the health of Bro . Osborn . In fulfilling his task , Bro . Weston spoke in terms of warm but
well-deserved praise of the admirable manner in which the Worshipful Master had comported himself in the various offices he had held in the Lodge . The zeal and ability he had displayed during his Masonic career , ho considered , fully justified him in looking forward to a year of great prosperity for the Sir Hugh Myddelton , albeit they had every reason to be proud of what had been dono during the five years of its
existence . Still he felt convinced not only thafc Bro . Osborn would uphold the dignity of the chair , but would hand over the Lodge , afc the conclusion of his year of office , to his successor in a highly efficient and prosperous state . He congratulated him on the attainment of the main object of his Masonic ambition . He had made a good selection of Officers , who , he knew , would do their work most loyally , and
he trusted tho members would show their appreciation of Bro . Osborn . merits by cordially supporting him on all occasions when the Lodge was wont to meet . Bro . Osborn , in acknowledging the toast , expressed his warmest thanks to Bro . Weston for tbe handsome manner in which he had spoken of his slight services to Freemasonry , and to the members and guests who had so cordially
endorsed all that he ( Bro . Weston ) had said in his favour . He was afraid he could not accept in their entirety the very eulogistic terms in which his predecessor had spoken of him , but he claimed afc all events to have done his besfc to discharge hia duty in the different positions he had been called upon to fill . He should do his utmost to carry out the still more arduous duties he was now expected to
discharge , and he sincerely trusted thafc when ifc fell to his lot to give an account of his stewardship , it would be found he had done his besfc in furthering the interests of the Lodge . He then expressed the very great pleasure he experienced in finding that hia first duty of any moment was to present Bro . Weston with a Past Maater'a jewel , which had been unanimously voted him by the Lodge , aa a slight
recognition of his services in the chair . The I . P . M . had done his work most successfully , and he ( the Worshipfnl Master ) could only hope that his own year of office would be as successful . Bro . Weston having acknowledged the gift in suitable terms , and having later on responded to his health as Installing Master , the toast of the Visitors was given and drunk with acclamation , and several of their number
expressed their hearty thanks for tho very cordial welcome they had met with . The Past Masters , all of whom were present on the occasion , having been honoured , Bro . James Terry was called upon to respond for the Masonic Charities , and ifc is needless to say " A Zealous Officer" made a very effective speech in reply . He spoke of the success of the recent Festival of the Girls' School , and expressed a
hope that the Anniversary of the Boys School , which was about to be held afc Brighton , would bring the charitable Masonic year to a brilliant close . The other toasts having been duly honoured , the brethren rose and despersed homewards , after having spent a most enjoyable evening . We must not close our report without congratulating the brethren of tho Sir Hugh Myddelton on the result of their installation meeting . Nothing appeared to have been omitted in order
to give the necessary dclat to the gathering , and what with a splendid banquet , a strong muster of jovial brethren , some excellent singing , and good speeches , it is not to be wondered at that everything should have passed off so well . The musical arrangements were in the banda of Bro . Thomas , who himself presided at the piano , while the vocal portions of the entertainment was entrusted to Miss Millie Austin and Bros . Moar Adams and Egbert Roberts , all of whom acquitted themselves famously . Nor , moreover , must ifc be supposed thafc the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
UNITY LODGE , No . 171 . THE installation meeting of the above flourishing Lodge was held on the 7 th inst ., at tho Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Bros . E . Phillips W . M ., W . H . Bateman P . M . 12 S . W ., Goodingo J . W ., C . Harcourt P . M . Treasurer , J . Clever jnn . P . M . Sec , Fenn S . D . P . M . 's Bros . J . Clever ancl Whiteley . Visitors—Bros . W . Taylor P . M . 1503 , W . J . Beedell J . W . 12 , H . W . Davis 266 , W . Kibble J . W .
1426 , C . Stevena J . D . 1793 , C . A . Betts 46 , J . Glenn 19 , and H . M , Levy P . M . 188 . After the Lodge had been formally opened , and the minutes confirmed , ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs , N . H . Davis and W . T . Birmingham . The result being unanimously in their favour , both were duly initiated into the Order in a very exoellent manner . The bye-lawa wero read , also the report of the
Audit Committee , the latter showing the Lodge to be in flourishing condition ; there being a balance of £ 111 8 s 6 d in favour of the Lodge , while the Charity Fund has £ 27 5 s 7 d in hand . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . W . H . Bateman P . M . 12 , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the Lodge , and in due course inducted into the chair by Bro . J . Clever P . M . On the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . was saluted according to ancient form and
he in appropriate terms appointed and invested his Officers—Bros . E . Phillips I . P . M ., Goodinge S . W ., Fenn J . W ., C . Harcourt P . M . Treas ., J . Clever jun . P . M . Secretary , Wendover S . D ., Loring J . D ., Hildyard I . G . The addresses were perfectly and most impressively delivered . A sum of five guineas was awarded to Bro . W . Smith the Tyler , who retires on account of ill-health . Bro . Goddard P . M . was
elected Tyler in his place . Bro . Clever proposed that at the next meeting Bro . Phillips I . P . M . be presented with a gold P . M . 's jewel , for the able manner in which he had conducted the duties of tbe chair , and as a token of the regard and esteem in which he is hold by every member of the Lodge . This was seconded by Bro . Whiteley and carried unanimously . Heartvgood wishes were tendered by the
visiting brethren , and Lodge was closed until the first Tnesday in July . Tho brethren sat down to a very sumpntous and riehexchd banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . W . T . Ball . The banquet , room overlooked the river , and the weather having cleared up , the brethren appreciated the view thafc lay before them . Good feeling and harmony prevailed ; the W . M ., a P . M . of No . 12 , knows his
duties thoroughly , and makes a good president . Grace was sung by Miss Maud Longhurst , R . A . M ., Mrs . Chas . Stevens , and Bros . Chas . Stevens and W . J . Beedell . The W . M . proposed the usaal Loyal and Masonic toasts . The National Anthem and " God Bless thePrince of Wales " was sung by Miss Maud Longhurst . Bro . Phillips P . M . proposed the toast of the W . M ., which to him was a duty that gavo
great pleasure ; the brethren had many of them seen the working of their W . M . in Masonry in another Lodge ; he is likewise an ardent worker for the Charities , all knew how successful he had been on their behalf . The gathering of this evening , under his able presidency , augured a good future for the Lodge . The Worshipful Master in reply said it afforded him great pleasure to hold the
position of Wor . Master of this Lodge ; during his year of office he should make it a rule to give them very short speeches , but they might rely on having good harmony to make up the balance . If he fulfilled the duties of the chair in the same manner as the brother who had preceded him , he thought it wonld be a source of pleasure to the members ; in any case , however , he hoped to give them
satisfaction . Bro . Clever P . M . then ( by permission of tbe W . M . ) proposed the toast of the Initiates . He was pleased to do so , he having enrolled two members who he was sure would keep up the dignity of this groat and noble Order . Bro . Davis , of Birmingham , in brief terms responded ; and then the W . M . paid a compliment to the visitors . There were eight present . He would call on his old and valued friend , Bro . Davis
No 266 , to reply . This brother , in response , remarked how pleased he had been to see his son initiated in this Lodge , where he was sure he would find every tenet in Freemasonry carried out to its fullest extent . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Installing Master , Bro . J . Clever , who had ably performed that ceremony . One and all were grateful to him for his valuable assistance , not only on this but
many former occasions . This latter remark also applied to the Past Masters generally , who were always pleased to give their assistance . Bro . Clever said ifc had afforded him great pleasure to instal Bro . Bateman for the second time into the chair . He congratulated the Brethren on having such a respected Brother to rule over them - he felt it a great honour his having introduced their present Master as a
joining member of the Lodge . The toast of the Treasurer and Secretary came next ; the Lodge might be congratulated on having such brethren as Bros . Harcourt and Clever jnn to fill the posts . The former brother responded . In speaking to the toast of the Masonic Charities , the W . M . regetted the absence of their esteemed friend , Bro . James Jerry P . P . G . W . Herts ., Secretary of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Instituti
on . He is generally present at this annual meeting , and all are pleased to see him . The three Charities ought not to be forgotten on these occasions . He ( the W . M . ) had accepted a Stewardship for tne next Anniversary Festival . He would call on Bro . H . M . Levy to respond . Bro . Levy likewise regretted the absence of Bro . Terrv , who would have given them statistical details of the Institutionsand
, the grand results of the Festivals that had already been held . Bro . evy urged the brethren to support tbe notice of motion to have elections twice a year , the same as the two Scholastic Institutions , so ! £ , i Poorer brethren and their widows might not have to wail pe twelve weary months for a chance of admission into the Institn-A * j - — " —«_ . _! * _ _• uurtiiwc vi uumiooiuu \ IIMKI ina Aunui
im-T . ' Ousted Bro . Terry would be here on the next occasion thp ; , oasfc ° f the Wardens and Officers of the Lodge came next , find en _ ro . Philli ps P . M . proposed the toast of the Ladies and Musicdl and RT' « Longhnrsfc al > Mrs . Charles Stevens , Bros . C . Stevenf Bro < W Whc had S 0 ably condnced t 0 tne harmony of the evening . and ' ret 11 !! made a 8 nitab - response . The brethren then separated returned to town , after passing a very delightful evening .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge, No. 1602.
THE installation meeting of this young and prosperous Lodge waa held at the Agricultural Hall , Islington , on Friday , 27 th ultimo . There waa a very strong muster of the Officers and members , the chair being occupied by Bro . John Weston W . M . There was also a very numerous gathering of visitors , among whom we noticed Broa . G . W . Gilham P . M . 1632 , W . H . Rohrs W . M . 946 , George H . Hunter P . M . 1298 , T . J . Bird J . W . 1807 , Jamea Terry P . Prov . G . J . W . Herts ,
P . M . 228 , J . G . Humphreya S . D . 167 , James Kew P . M . 179 , C . Daniel P . M . 65 , Wm . Stephena P . Prov . G . D . C . Middlesex , R . H . Halford Prov . G . S . D . Herts , J . W . Hobba P . M . 749 , J . L . Cogau P . M . 1365 , S . B . Haley P . M . 45 , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , Egbert Roberta Organist 1623 , Dillon 1567 , and R . Pearcy P . M . 228 . The Lodge having been opened with the accustomed formalities , the minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed . The Report of the Audit Committee was next submitted and approved ; it showed the Lodge , aa regards its finances , was in a most flourishing condition . Brother H . Harris having been raised to tho sublime degree of Master Mason in a most masterly and impressive manner , Bro . John Osborn S . W . and W . M . elect was formally presented to tho Worshipful
Master , in order to receive at his hands fcho benefit of installation , and having duly signified in the nsual way his assent to tho ancient charges of Freemasonry , and all below the grade of Past Master having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Osborn was installed by his immediate predecessor in tho chair , Bro . Weston , who fulfilled his task in a manner which did him infi .
nite credit . The brethren who had withdrawn having been ro-admitted , and the customary salutations in the several degrees having been given , Bro . Osborn appointed and invested tho following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year , namely : —Bros . W . Morris S . W ., W . Poulton J . W ., C . Hollidge Treasurer ( elected ) , R . Allison Secretary , J . Greenfield S . D ., Oppenheim J . D ., E . Payne I . G ., SarfcerD . C ,
Heyno W . S ., R . G . Thomas Organist , and Steedman Tyler . The resignation of Bro . E . Percy having been accepted with regret , tho remaining business was despatched , and the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren then adjourned to that famous hostelry , " Ye Cock at Highbury , " whore a sumptuous banquet waa placed on the table by thafc worthiest of worthy hosts , Bro . Baker , to tho excellence of whose
bill of fare the best possible testimony was rendered by all present . On the removal of the cloth , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the Worshipful Master , a few appropriate remarks boing offered in commendation of each . Bro . Weston I . P . M . then assumed the gavel with a view to proposing the health of Bro . Osborn . In fulfilling his task , Bro . Weston spoke in terms of warm but
well-deserved praise of the admirable manner in which the Worshipful Master had comported himself in the various offices he had held in the Lodge . The zeal and ability he had displayed during his Masonic career , ho considered , fully justified him in looking forward to a year of great prosperity for the Sir Hugh Myddelton , albeit they had every reason to be proud of what had been dono during the five years of its
existence . Still he felt convinced not only thafc Bro . Osborn would uphold the dignity of the chair , but would hand over the Lodge , afc the conclusion of his year of office , to his successor in a highly efficient and prosperous state . He congratulated him on the attainment of the main object of his Masonic ambition . He had made a good selection of Officers , who , he knew , would do their work most loyally , and
he trusted tho members would show their appreciation of Bro . Osborn . merits by cordially supporting him on all occasions when the Lodge was wont to meet . Bro . Osborn , in acknowledging the toast , expressed his warmest thanks to Bro . Weston for tbe handsome manner in which he had spoken of his slight services to Freemasonry , and to the members and guests who had so cordially
endorsed all that he ( Bro . Weston ) had said in his favour . He was afraid he could not accept in their entirety the very eulogistic terms in which his predecessor had spoken of him , but he claimed afc all events to have done his besfc to discharge hia duty in the different positions he had been called upon to fill . He should do his utmost to carry out the still more arduous duties he was now expected to
discharge , and he sincerely trusted thafc when ifc fell to his lot to give an account of his stewardship , it would be found he had done his besfc in furthering the interests of the Lodge . He then expressed the very great pleasure he experienced in finding that hia first duty of any moment was to present Bro . Weston with a Past Maater'a jewel , which had been unanimously voted him by the Lodge , aa a slight
recognition of his services in the chair . The I . P . M . had done his work most successfully , and he ( the Worshipfnl Master ) could only hope that his own year of office would be as successful . Bro . Weston having acknowledged the gift in suitable terms , and having later on responded to his health as Installing Master , the toast of the Visitors was given and drunk with acclamation , and several of their number
expressed their hearty thanks for tho very cordial welcome they had met with . The Past Masters , all of whom were present on the occasion , having been honoured , Bro . James Terry was called upon to respond for the Masonic Charities , and ifc is needless to say " A Zealous Officer" made a very effective speech in reply . He spoke of the success of the recent Festival of the Girls' School , and expressed a
hope that the Anniversary of the Boys School , which was about to be held afc Brighton , would bring the charitable Masonic year to a brilliant close . The other toasts having been duly honoured , the brethren rose and despersed homewards , after having spent a most enjoyable evening . We must not close our report without congratulating the brethren of tho Sir Hugh Myddelton on the result of their installation meeting . Nothing appeared to have been omitted in order
to give the necessary dclat to the gathering , and what with a splendid banquet , a strong muster of jovial brethren , some excellent singing , and good speeches , it is not to be wondered at that everything should have passed off so well . The musical arrangements were in the banda of Bro . Thomas , who himself presided at the piano , while the vocal portions of the entertainment was entrusted to Miss Millie Austin and Bros . Moar Adams and Egbert Roberts , all of whom acquitted themselves famously . Nor , moreover , must ifc be supposed thafc the