Article SIR HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE, No. 1602. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CRYSTAL PALACE LODGE, No. 742. Page 1 of 2 Article CRYSTAL PALACE LODGE, No. 742. Page 1 of 2 →
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Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge, No. 1602.
meeting passed off without some reference to the remarks of " BRO . E . VANDONOP , " which appeared somo timo since in our columns , and the remonstrances they evoked from Bro . Sims P . M . What was said , however , was said in the kindliest spirit , and most temperately , so thafc nothing whatever happened to jar on the general
satisfaction . Ono special featnro of tho evening wo had almost overlooked , this wa-i tho recital , by Bro . Edward G . Sim P . M ., of an exceedingly telling , but rather lengthy , dramatic production— " One niche the higher . " Tho company testified , by their applause , to tho fervency and ability which our esteemed brother threw into tho heavy task he had undertaken .
Crystal Palace Lodge, No. 742.
THE annual meeting of this Lodge waa held at the Cryatal Palace , Sydenham , on Thursday , 2 nd instant , on which occasion Bro . John Blundell was installed into the chair of K . S . Bro . Dick Rad . olyffe the W . M . having opened the Lodge , the business of the day waa proceeded with . Thia comprised , amongst other matters , the balloting for , as a joining member , of Bro . D . C . E . Lake , of the Earl of Zetland Lodge , No . 1364 , and the passing of Bro . W . H . Toten to
the second degree . The Reports of the Audit Committee , and of the Benevolent Fund Committee , were submitted and duly received . From the former , we learn that the Lodge has a considerable balance in hand , and that at the time of audit all liabilities of the Lodge had been duly met , nor were there any subscriptions or fees in arrear . This is not the first occasion on which the Secretary has successfully
striven for a clean bill on the occasion of the annual meeting , and we think great credit is due to him for the praiseworthy efforts he makes to keep the accounts of the Lodge in so satisfactory a manner . The balance to the credit of the Benevolent Fund account is also considerable , and we are pleased to notice that some practical use has been made of it during the past year ,
although we trust it may be long ere another call has to be made upon its funds . The installation was in due course proceeded with , Bro . Blundell being placed in the chair according to ancient custom , and appointing the following as his Officers for the year : —Bros . F . Orme S . W ., G . Cole J . W ., T . Foxall P . M . Treasurer , W . Land P . M . Sec , E . Ayres S . D ., F . A . Pnllen J . D ., J . Newcomb
I . G ., N . A . Starkey D . C , W . Seymonr Smith Org ., W . J . Lassam Steward , and J . Woodstock Tyler . The ceremony was then completed . Advantage was taken of tho visit of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught to the Crystal Palace—where he was engaged with the Duchess in opening an exhibition of woollen manufactures—to tender the fraternal greetings of the brethren , and accordingly the following letter was sent to H . R . H ..
—" The Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Wardens , and Brethren of the Crysal Palace Lodge of Freemasons , No . 742 , now assembled in tho Crystal Palace , havo the honour to present fraternal greetings to the Right Worshipfnl His Royal Highness the Duke of Connanght P . G . W . & c . & c . & c , and respectfully beg permission to pledge a special toast to their Royal Highnesses tho Dnke and Duchess of Connaught . "Crystal Palace , Sydenham , 2 nd Juno 1881 . "
His Royal Highness was pleased to accede to this request , and in duo course , after the banquet , the ' special toast was honoured most enthusiastically . A vote was made from the funds of tho Lodge towards erecting a monument to the memory of one of the founders , and a handsome Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . Radclyffe as a memento of his year of office in the Lodge . The W . M . then
concluded the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , whioh was well served and enjoyed by all present . At its conclusion and after grace , the Worshipful Master gave the usual toasts . The first was that of the Queen and the Craft . The Queen , the W . M . said , was a great promoter of the benefits of Freemasonry , and had on many occasions showed her appreciation of the doings of
the Craft . The next toast was thafc of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Grand Master . The brethren all knew him as a very energetic Mason . The W . M . had no doubt bnt that His Royal Hi - hnoss would attend much more to the duties of Freemasonry were it not thafc the Queen , having in a measure retired , he had to fulfil many duties thafc shonld naturally fall to tho lot of Her Majesty . The
health of the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , tha Rt . Hon . the Earl of Lathom , and the rest of the Grand Officers followed , and witb it was coupled the name of Bro . Cottebrune , who considered it a very distinguished honour to havo the good fortune to be called upon to return thanks for so important a body . Many years ago he had had the pleasure of visiting tho Crystal Palace Lodge , and since then had
borne in mind the heartiness with which he had been received . As regarded the Grand Officers , for whom he had to respond , ho would merely say thafc they one and all were happy to assist , and contribute so far as they were able to the well ruling of the whole Craft . The health of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaught was proposed from the
chair . The Duke had , the Worshipfnl Master said , been very active in respect to Freemasonry . But a few days since ho was at Portsmouth , where he fulfilled a very important position in Freemasonry . This and many other matters he had undertaken only proved that he was a good Mason , although bnt a young one . Ho was sure that in the future he would occupy a prominent position , as did
his brother tbe Prince of Wales . The W . M ., in proposing the health of the Visitors , expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing so many guests around the table . He looked upon it as a flattering compliment to himself . Bro . Marks was the first to reply . He had experienced a great amount of pleasure at being present to witness the
installation of his very old friend , Bro . Blundell , who , he was sure , would perform his duties to the credit of the Lodge . Bro . Cutbush followed . The present was not tho first time he had had the pleasure of enjoying the hospitality of the Crystal Palace Lodge . He had never been received anywhere so kindly as he had been by . the members . He expressed fcho pleasure he experienced in
Crystal Palace Lodge, No. 742.
seeing his old friend Bro . Dick Radclyffe fulfilling the office of Master , and was gratified that he had risen so high in the Craft . Bros . Farwig , Chambers , and others followed . Bro . Dick Radclyffe I . P . M . proposed the health of tho W . M . The present was not the first time ho had had the pleasure of addressing tho members of the Crystal Palace Lodge , bnt it was the first time , and ho might say
the only time , he would bo able to address them under similar circumstances . The toast ho had to propose ho considered really the toast of tho evening , it being that of tho W . M . Any words he might say in praiso of Bro . Blundell conld but be looked upon as refining gold . This remark being looked upon as personal to the W . M . was withdrawn by Bro , Radoly ft ' e , who in place attempted the
phrase , paint the lily—which , however , was treated as being as much of a personal character as his other quotation , and he was obliged to proceed without the use of similies . Looking through the list of Visitors , he saw so many accredited to Bro . Blundell , thafc he almost thought the W . M . had invited all . Thia proof if any waa needed , waa an ample one thafc the brethren had made
a wise choice in placing him in the chair . Bro . RadolySe concluded by hoping that the Master might have a most successful year of office . The Worshipfnl Master tendered hia acknowledgments . He was very grateful to the Past Maters and brethren of the Crystal Palace Lodge for the great assistance they had given him in the various offices he had passed . He should certainly
endeavour to carry out his duties to the satisfaction aud for tbe welfare of the Lodgo , and ho trusted that at the end of his term of office he should have the confidence and esteem of every one of its members . He then proposed the health of the I . P . M . He felt that the mere mention of Bro . Radclyffe's name was sufficient to ensure him a hearty welcome in the Crystal Palace Lodge . The
way in whioh he had devoted himself to the interests of the Craffc refleeted great credit on his mother Lodge . The W . M . believed Bro . Radclyffe had done great good , and had laid the fonndation of a work whioh would rise and prove a boon to those who were unable to help themselves . Although he had met a slight rebuff at tho outset , he hoped he might live to see his desires fulfilled . Bro .
Radclyffe briefly replied . The Crystal Palace Lodge was , and he trusted ever wonld be , very dear to him . As regarded his humble endeavours in connection with a Pnpils' Assistance Fund , he did nofc consider he had in auv way failed . What he had done had resulted in a great amount of good , for now both the Boys' and the Girls' Schools had taken up the main feature of what
he had been working for , while the province which at first most opposed the scheme had itself started a fund , adopting a title similar to that which but a few months since they had condemned . If there was any matter in which he could servo the Crystal Palace Lodge , he shonld be most happy to do so . He looked upon that day , on which he had been presented with a P . M . ' s jewel , as one of the
proudest of his life . The health of the Past Masters followed , to which Bros . Hume and Thompson replied . That of the Treasurer and Secretary was rext given , and this was most heartily drunk . The toast of the Officers concluded the programme . A most enjoyable musical entertainment was provided , under the direction of Bro . Seymour Smith , who was assisted by Bros . John Hodges , G . T . Carter , and Albert Hubbard ; altogether the meeting was a great success .
Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 780 . —The regular meeting waa held on Friday , 27 th May , at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , the following brethren being present : —B . E . Blasby WM ., C . S . Costelow S . W ., L . Franckel J . W ., Walter Goss P . M . Treasurer , W . Hilton P . M . Secretary , J . J . Gnnner S . D ., W . _ > . Becket J . D ., J . G . Le Grys T . G ., 0 . E . Botley D . C . ; Past Masters W . Gomm and 0 . F .
May . Visitors—Bros . F . Fletcher W . S . 1732 , H . Hayes 1559 , W . Munday 1532 , W . Johnson P . M . 865 , G . Phillips 1512 , D . H . Sugg W . M . 452 , J . Mountstephon P . M . 92 , W . W . Morgan jun . FREE , MASON ' S CHRONICLE . The business of tbe day comprised the raising of Bros . C . E . Daniell , Blasby , C . T . J . Hildersley , and J . M . Lucas ; the passing of Bros . G . Jefferies , J . P . Flew , and Henry Bailey ; and
the initiation of Messrs . C . F . Emmott , E . Burrell , and G . E . Payne , all of which ceremonies were ably performed by the Worshipfnl Master . Bro . Goss , the Treasurer , signified his desire to relinquish the duties of that office at the close of the current year , in consequence of his time being so much occupied iu the country . At tho conclusion of the day ' s work the brethren adjourned to supper , when ,
under the presidency of Bro . Blasby , au enjoyable evening was spent , the usual toa 94 s being given nnd acknowledged . Bro . Gomm proposed the health of the Worshipful Master . He considered the work performed during the evening was a credit to any Mason . He was very pleased to know they had a Master who displayed so much ability . In reply , the Worshipful Master tendered his thanks . The labours of the evening had been somewhat arduous , but be was only
too pleased to fulfil the duties required cf him . Since the day he ioined Freemasonry he had been heart and soul in it . He had especially to thank the Past Masters for what they had done for him in the past , and then proceeded to propose their health . This having been acknowledged , the toast of the Initiates was given and duly acknowledged . Other toasts followed , the proceedings nofc being brought to a conclusion until a late hour .
Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1471 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 24 th May , afc the Moorgate Tavern , Finsburypavement . Bros . Buck W . M ., Blonkhom S . W ., Hepburn J . W ., 0 . G . Sparrow Secretary , Pitt S . D ., Hunter I . G ., and others . After preliminaries the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Cuthbertson candidate . Bro . Butler then offered himself as a candidate , and the
ceremo * y of passing was rehearsed . Lodge opened in third , and closed in third and second degrees . Bro . Blenkhorn was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , which will be the last , meeting of the Lodge until September . Bros . Rnff and Tiff - ii of No . 95 were duly elected members . A vote of thanks was recorded on fcho minutes to Bro . Buck , it being the first time he had occupied the position of W . M . Lodge closed and adjourned ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge, No. 1602.
meeting passed off without some reference to the remarks of " BRO . E . VANDONOP , " which appeared somo timo since in our columns , and the remonstrances they evoked from Bro . Sims P . M . What was said , however , was said in the kindliest spirit , and most temperately , so thafc nothing whatever happened to jar on the general
satisfaction . Ono special featnro of tho evening wo had almost overlooked , this wa-i tho recital , by Bro . Edward G . Sim P . M ., of an exceedingly telling , but rather lengthy , dramatic production— " One niche the higher . " Tho company testified , by their applause , to tho fervency and ability which our esteemed brother threw into tho heavy task he had undertaken .
Crystal Palace Lodge, No. 742.
THE annual meeting of this Lodge waa held at the Cryatal Palace , Sydenham , on Thursday , 2 nd instant , on which occasion Bro . John Blundell was installed into the chair of K . S . Bro . Dick Rad . olyffe the W . M . having opened the Lodge , the business of the day waa proceeded with . Thia comprised , amongst other matters , the balloting for , as a joining member , of Bro . D . C . E . Lake , of the Earl of Zetland Lodge , No . 1364 , and the passing of Bro . W . H . Toten to
the second degree . The Reports of the Audit Committee , and of the Benevolent Fund Committee , were submitted and duly received . From the former , we learn that the Lodge has a considerable balance in hand , and that at the time of audit all liabilities of the Lodge had been duly met , nor were there any subscriptions or fees in arrear . This is not the first occasion on which the Secretary has successfully
striven for a clean bill on the occasion of the annual meeting , and we think great credit is due to him for the praiseworthy efforts he makes to keep the accounts of the Lodge in so satisfactory a manner . The balance to the credit of the Benevolent Fund account is also considerable , and we are pleased to notice that some practical use has been made of it during the past year ,
although we trust it may be long ere another call has to be made upon its funds . The installation was in due course proceeded with , Bro . Blundell being placed in the chair according to ancient custom , and appointing the following as his Officers for the year : —Bros . F . Orme S . W ., G . Cole J . W ., T . Foxall P . M . Treasurer , W . Land P . M . Sec , E . Ayres S . D ., F . A . Pnllen J . D ., J . Newcomb
I . G ., N . A . Starkey D . C , W . Seymonr Smith Org ., W . J . Lassam Steward , and J . Woodstock Tyler . The ceremony was then completed . Advantage was taken of tho visit of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught to the Crystal Palace—where he was engaged with the Duchess in opening an exhibition of woollen manufactures—to tender the fraternal greetings of the brethren , and accordingly the following letter was sent to H . R . H ..
—" The Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Wardens , and Brethren of the Crysal Palace Lodge of Freemasons , No . 742 , now assembled in tho Crystal Palace , havo the honour to present fraternal greetings to the Right Worshipfnl His Royal Highness the Duke of Connanght P . G . W . & c . & c . & c , and respectfully beg permission to pledge a special toast to their Royal Highnesses tho Dnke and Duchess of Connaught . "Crystal Palace , Sydenham , 2 nd Juno 1881 . "
His Royal Highness was pleased to accede to this request , and in duo course , after the banquet , the ' special toast was honoured most enthusiastically . A vote was made from the funds of tho Lodge towards erecting a monument to the memory of one of the founders , and a handsome Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . Radclyffe as a memento of his year of office in the Lodge . The W . M . then
concluded the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , whioh was well served and enjoyed by all present . At its conclusion and after grace , the Worshipful Master gave the usual toasts . The first was that of the Queen and the Craft . The Queen , the W . M . said , was a great promoter of the benefits of Freemasonry , and had on many occasions showed her appreciation of the doings of
the Craft . The next toast was thafc of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Grand Master . The brethren all knew him as a very energetic Mason . The W . M . had no doubt bnt that His Royal Hi - hnoss would attend much more to the duties of Freemasonry were it not thafc the Queen , having in a measure retired , he had to fulfil many duties thafc shonld naturally fall to tho lot of Her Majesty . The
health of the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , tha Rt . Hon . the Earl of Lathom , and the rest of the Grand Officers followed , and witb it was coupled the name of Bro . Cottebrune , who considered it a very distinguished honour to havo the good fortune to be called upon to return thanks for so important a body . Many years ago he had had the pleasure of visiting tho Crystal Palace Lodge , and since then had
borne in mind the heartiness with which he had been received . As regarded the Grand Officers , for whom he had to respond , ho would merely say thafc they one and all were happy to assist , and contribute so far as they were able to the well ruling of the whole Craft . The health of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaught was proposed from the
chair . The Duke had , the Worshipfnl Master said , been very active in respect to Freemasonry . But a few days since ho was at Portsmouth , where he fulfilled a very important position in Freemasonry . This and many other matters he had undertaken only proved that he was a good Mason , although bnt a young one . Ho was sure that in the future he would occupy a prominent position , as did
his brother tbe Prince of Wales . The W . M ., in proposing the health of the Visitors , expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing so many guests around the table . He looked upon it as a flattering compliment to himself . Bro . Marks was the first to reply . He had experienced a great amount of pleasure at being present to witness the
installation of his very old friend , Bro . Blundell , who , he was sure , would perform his duties to the credit of the Lodge . Bro . Cutbush followed . The present was not tho first time he had had the pleasure of enjoying the hospitality of the Crystal Palace Lodge . He had never been received anywhere so kindly as he had been by . the members . He expressed fcho pleasure he experienced in
Crystal Palace Lodge, No. 742.
seeing his old friend Bro . Dick Radclyffe fulfilling the office of Master , and was gratified that he had risen so high in the Craft . Bros . Farwig , Chambers , and others followed . Bro . Dick Radclyffe I . P . M . proposed the health of tho W . M . The present was not the first time ho had had the pleasure of addressing tho members of the Crystal Palace Lodge , bnt it was the first time , and ho might say
the only time , he would bo able to address them under similar circumstances . The toast ho had to propose ho considered really the toast of tho evening , it being that of tho W . M . Any words he might say in praiso of Bro . Blundell conld but be looked upon as refining gold . This remark being looked upon as personal to the W . M . was withdrawn by Bro , Radoly ft ' e , who in place attempted the
phrase , paint the lily—which , however , was treated as being as much of a personal character as his other quotation , and he was obliged to proceed without the use of similies . Looking through the list of Visitors , he saw so many accredited to Bro . Blundell , thafc he almost thought the W . M . had invited all . Thia proof if any waa needed , waa an ample one thafc the brethren had made
a wise choice in placing him in the chair . Bro . RadolySe concluded by hoping that the Master might have a most successful year of office . The Worshipfnl Master tendered hia acknowledgments . He was very grateful to the Past Maters and brethren of the Crystal Palace Lodge for the great assistance they had given him in the various offices he had passed . He should certainly
endeavour to carry out his duties to the satisfaction aud for tbe welfare of the Lodgo , and ho trusted that at the end of his term of office he should have the confidence and esteem of every one of its members . He then proposed the health of the I . P . M . He felt that the mere mention of Bro . Radclyffe's name was sufficient to ensure him a hearty welcome in the Crystal Palace Lodge . The
way in whioh he had devoted himself to the interests of the Craffc refleeted great credit on his mother Lodge . The W . M . believed Bro . Radclyffe had done great good , and had laid the fonndation of a work whioh would rise and prove a boon to those who were unable to help themselves . Although he had met a slight rebuff at tho outset , he hoped he might live to see his desires fulfilled . Bro .
Radclyffe briefly replied . The Crystal Palace Lodge was , and he trusted ever wonld be , very dear to him . As regarded his humble endeavours in connection with a Pnpils' Assistance Fund , he did nofc consider he had in auv way failed . What he had done had resulted in a great amount of good , for now both the Boys' and the Girls' Schools had taken up the main feature of what
he had been working for , while the province which at first most opposed the scheme had itself started a fund , adopting a title similar to that which but a few months since they had condemned . If there was any matter in which he could servo the Crystal Palace Lodge , he shonld be most happy to do so . He looked upon that day , on which he had been presented with a P . M . ' s jewel , as one of the
proudest of his life . The health of the Past Masters followed , to which Bros . Hume and Thompson replied . That of the Treasurer and Secretary was rext given , and this was most heartily drunk . The toast of the Officers concluded the programme . A most enjoyable musical entertainment was provided , under the direction of Bro . Seymour Smith , who was assisted by Bros . John Hodges , G . T . Carter , and Albert Hubbard ; altogether the meeting was a great success .
Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 780 . —The regular meeting waa held on Friday , 27 th May , at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , the following brethren being present : —B . E . Blasby WM ., C . S . Costelow S . W ., L . Franckel J . W ., Walter Goss P . M . Treasurer , W . Hilton P . M . Secretary , J . J . Gnnner S . D ., W . _ > . Becket J . D ., J . G . Le Grys T . G ., 0 . E . Botley D . C . ; Past Masters W . Gomm and 0 . F .
May . Visitors—Bros . F . Fletcher W . S . 1732 , H . Hayes 1559 , W . Munday 1532 , W . Johnson P . M . 865 , G . Phillips 1512 , D . H . Sugg W . M . 452 , J . Mountstephon P . M . 92 , W . W . Morgan jun . FREE , MASON ' S CHRONICLE . The business of tbe day comprised the raising of Bros . C . E . Daniell , Blasby , C . T . J . Hildersley , and J . M . Lucas ; the passing of Bros . G . Jefferies , J . P . Flew , and Henry Bailey ; and
the initiation of Messrs . C . F . Emmott , E . Burrell , and G . E . Payne , all of which ceremonies were ably performed by the Worshipfnl Master . Bro . Goss , the Treasurer , signified his desire to relinquish the duties of that office at the close of the current year , in consequence of his time being so much occupied iu the country . At tho conclusion of the day ' s work the brethren adjourned to supper , when ,
under the presidency of Bro . Blasby , au enjoyable evening was spent , the usual toa 94 s being given nnd acknowledged . Bro . Gomm proposed the health of the Worshipful Master . He considered the work performed during the evening was a credit to any Mason . He was very pleased to know they had a Master who displayed so much ability . In reply , the Worshipful Master tendered his thanks . The labours of the evening had been somewhat arduous , but be was only
too pleased to fulfil the duties required cf him . Since the day he ioined Freemasonry he had been heart and soul in it . He had especially to thank the Past Masters for what they had done for him in the past , and then proceeded to propose their health . This having been acknowledged , the toast of the Initiates was given and duly acknowledged . Other toasts followed , the proceedings nofc being brought to a conclusion until a late hour .
Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1471 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 24 th May , afc the Moorgate Tavern , Finsburypavement . Bros . Buck W . M ., Blonkhom S . W ., Hepburn J . W ., 0 . G . Sparrow Secretary , Pitt S . D ., Hunter I . G ., and others . After preliminaries the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Cuthbertson candidate . Bro . Butler then offered himself as a candidate , and the
ceremo * y of passing was rehearsed . Lodge opened in third , and closed in third and second degrees . Bro . Blenkhorn was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , which will be the last , meeting of the Lodge until September . Bros . Rnff and Tiff - ii of No . 95 were duly elected members . A vote of thanks was recorded on fcho minutes to Bro . Buck , it being the first time he had occupied the position of W . M . Lodge closed and adjourned ,