Article CRYSTAL PALACE LODGE, No. 742. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MOTHER'S LULLABY. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Crystal Palace Lodge, No. 742.
Angel Lodge , No . 51 . —At the monthly meeting of this old Lodge , afc Colchester , on Thursday , 26 th nit ., the election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place , the unanimous choice of tho brethren falling upon W . Bro . William Richey P . M . 700 , who has been S . W .
for the last twelve months . A special vote of thanks was passed to Bro . John J . C . Turner for tho able manner in which ho had carried out the duties of tho chair during his period of office ; ancl to mark hia distinguished services it was unanimousl y decided to present him with a P . M . ' s jewel .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at Bro * Fysh ' s , Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate-road , on Saturday , the 4 th instant-Present—Bros . R . Pearcy W . M ., J . A . Powell S . W ., R . M . Jones J . W . S . E . Moss Acting Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Gilham S . D ., Kent J . D ., Wolf I . G . ; also Bios . Weedon , A . Tuck , Clark , Carr , and others . Lodge being duly opened , the minutes were read and confirmed . The
ceremony of initiation waa ably rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Tnck acting as candidate . Lodge was called off and on , when tho W . M . worked the first three sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . C . Weedon , by the unanimous vote of the brethren , was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed . The ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed , on the 25 th inst ., by Bro . Gilham P . M . 1632 .
Prudence Lodge , No . 1550 . —Afc the meeting held on Satur . day , 4 th June , at the Hnyshe Masonic . Temple , Plymouth , the W . Bro . Leonard J . Webber presiding , Bro . Morris C . Lakeman , the S . W ., was unanimously elected the Master for the ensuing year ; Bro . Charles Philo the Treasurer , and Bro . Phillips Tyler . The installation will
take place on Saturday , the 25 th inst ., at six p . m ., and it waa decided that instead of the usual banquet there shonld be a picnic , the ladies being invited to join , and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements—it will take place about the middle of July . The Treasurer , Wor . Richard G . Tippett , having resigned , a cordial vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him for his valuable services .
Crusaders' Lodge of Instruction , No . 1677 . —Held at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . A meeting of this Lodge was held on 3 rd June , at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , London . Present—Bros . Joseph Rothschild W . M ., G . W . Tillett S . W ., William C . Gay J . W ., Robert D . Cummings Preceptor , Harold Halliday Hon . Sec . Lodge having been opened with tho usual ceremonies ,
the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge . was then opened and olosed in tho three degrees , ancl ceremonies rehearsed . It was proposed by Bro . Cummings I . G . of the Mother Lodge , and seconded by Bro . Tillett , "that this Lodge of Instruction be adjourned until the first Thursday in September . This being carried unanimously , the Lodge was closed iu due form and adjourned accordingly .
King ' s Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 . —A regular meeting was held on the 22 nd ultimo , at Bro . Devine ' s , The Blue Posts , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . Bros . Davis W . M ., E . Harvey S . W ., J . A . Harvey J . W ., Devine Treasurer , L . Solomons
Secretary , N . Valentine S . D ., Burgess J . D ., B . Kauffman I . G ., Hemming Preceptor . Lodge opened , and the minutes woro confirmed . The first section of the second lecture was worked , and the ceremonies of passing and initiation rehearsed . Bro . Mark Swersee 185 was elected a member .
On the 7 th inst ., Bros . F . Sylvester W . M ., N . . Vallentine S . W ., L . Jacobs J . W ., J . A . Harvey S . D ., E . Harvey J . D ., J . Edwards I . G ., L . Solomons Secretary , Bro . Snodin acting as Preceptor . After preliminaries , the first section of the first lecture was worked by the brethren . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed by the W . M .,
Bro . B . Kauffmann acting as candidate . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Guyer acting as candidate . Great credit is due to the W . M . for his perfect and impressive working , in which he was ably assisted by the Officers . Bro . N . Vallentine was elected W . M . for the next meeting .
His Majesty Oscar II . King of Sweden , Grand Master of that country , accompanied by Count Piper , Swedish Ambassador , and the Royal suite , visited the works of the Henri Rifle Barrel Company on 30 th ult ., and inspected the machine guns there being manufactured . Luncheon was afterwards served in a marquee , to which a largo party of noblemenofficersand gentlemen sat down . As
, , he was leaving the works His Majesty was loudly cheered by the Dien . On Tnesday His Majesty , together with his Queen , arrived at Dover by the midday mail . Before departing from the pier the King , who is very much improved iu health , expressed himself as having been very favourably impressed by tho reception ho had met with in England .
Bro . G . W . Cowing , proprietor of the Barnet Press , Fincliley News , and Edgware Chronicle , was lately compelled to defend an action for j'bel commenced against him by a local builder for having inserted ] n his paper a letter commenting on the materials , and on the construction of some houses at Finchley . We are pleased to say that the J « ry found for tho defendant on all points .
In our report oF the Consecration of the Prince Edward ot Saxe-Weimar Lodge , in onr issue of last week , we gave a list of presents which had been made to the Lodge . We need hardly say that they were very much admired , and
ven fiparfc from their intrinsic value , are a splendid juerrm-ito of the good spirit which animated the Pounders of ¦ he Lod ge . The gifts were of first-rate workmanship , and "¦ ve think a word of praise is due to Bro . H . T . Lamb , who supplied them .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The following show the respective amounts collected by tho Gloucestershire Stewards for the late Anniversary Festival : — f Basevi Col . H G 30 9 0 j De Ferrieres the Baron , M . P . - - - 10 10 0 82 Godfrey Henry J P 218 8 0
Godfrey Ernest W 10 10 O ^ Gwinnett W II 63 0 0 C Brooke-Smith J 142 14 0 Chap . 82 \ Forth W 27 6 0 ( . Porcher W R 15 15 0
T A oi _ ( Lawrence Edwin 26 5 0 Lod S ° 246 ( Norman George 10 10 0 / Haines GW 43 1 0 1 Qo ) Hatton A V . - - - . 10 10 0 4 SW i Mosa Samuel 10 10 0 ( . Matthews R A 5 5 0
-Q „ ( Mailings John 10 10 0 av \ Tudway Clement 181 13 0 / Bruton James 10 10 0 R „ N Bryan John 10 10 0 a 6 V 1 Smith R Vassar 96 1 0 ( White Robert W 15 15 0
900 Gregory Edward J 22 1 0 lnp ^ f Heane WG 11 11 0 iUb / ( KerrCranatoun 16 16 0 £ 1000 0 0
The Mother's Lullaby.
A CRADLE SONG . ( For Music . ) SLEKP , little baby ; Past him flies ; Mother will sing , Closed at peace An evening song , Are the violet eyes .
As sweet bells ring ; Whilst two little arms Almighty Father , Around her cling . Watch this night , Over my little one ' s Sleep , little darling . Slumbers light j Sleep and rest ; Tench us to worship
By no dark dreams , Thee aright . Or fear oppivst ; Only by mother What will the future To be caressed . Bring to me P Joy or sorrow , Into the shadowland ! Which will ifc be ?
Baby hies ; I pray to Thee , Father , And smiles as an angel | On bended knee . EME * . HOLMES , Author of Amabel Vaughan .
We understand that Bro . Emra Holmes ' s books Tales , Poems , and Masonic Papers , and Amabel Vaughan are now nearly out of print . A few copies of the latter may still be had , however , of Bro . G . Markham Tweddell , Stokesley , Yorkshire , for whose benefit the works
wero published . It is in contemplation to publish shortly a new volume of Bro . Holmes ' s poems , which have appeared during the past year or two in numerous newspapers and magazines in England , Ireland , Scotland , the United States , aud Canada . A sketch of Bro . Holmes is about to appear in the Biograph .
We have been favoured with a letter from Bro . T . Massa , in which he expresses a wish that we should give publicity to a letter he forwarded to our contemporary , the Freemason , some short time since , but which the Editor of that journal , in the exercise of a very wise discretion ,
declined to make public . We feel it our duty to follow the very wise example of our near neighbour . We think with him that no possible good can result from the adoption of the wish expressed by Bro . Massa . We fully sympathise
with him in respect of the difficulty in which he finds himself placed , but we think it would have the effect of making matters still more difficult of management , if we found a place in our columns for the letter in question .
f LAMPLOIIGH R 'S PYETIC SALINE . An Effervescing and Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Vitalising , ancl Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or BILIOUS SICKNESS , Ii ?_ ie . snoir , Cowslip ATION- , LASSMD _ , HEAB -BCR-, FEVERISH GOLDS , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and othor FEVERS , PBICKMT HEAT , S _ AI _ -POX , MEASIES , ERUPTIVE or SKI _ Co .- _ - ri-, Aiir _ s , and various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . DE . MORGAN . — " It furnishes the blood don ) , writes ; —I have great pleasure in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing : my cordial testimony to its efficacy DR . TURLEY .- "I found it act as a spe- iS * , ^^ ™ oV-Sio " cJlmnMnf . ^ nrt cific , in my experience and family . In the othe ? form ™ rrebri ? eXpeS " worst form of Scarlet Fever , so other inedi- " ner IOTms 0 I * eDnle "yspeps '" - cine being required . " DR . J . W . DOWSING . — " I used it in the treatment of forty- two cases of Yellow Fever -JR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In . and I am happy to state I never lost a sincl . spuctor of Emigrants from the Port of Lon . case . " A systematic course prevents and cures obstinate Costiveness . Notice my Name and Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 2 / 6 , 4 / 6 , 11 / , and 21 / eacb . H . LAMPLOTJG-H , CONSULTING CHEMIST 113 HOLBOEN , LONDON-, E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Crystal Palace Lodge, No. 742.
Angel Lodge , No . 51 . —At the monthly meeting of this old Lodge , afc Colchester , on Thursday , 26 th nit ., the election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place , the unanimous choice of tho brethren falling upon W . Bro . William Richey P . M . 700 , who has been S . W .
for the last twelve months . A special vote of thanks was passed to Bro . John J . C . Turner for tho able manner in which ho had carried out the duties of tho chair during his period of office ; ancl to mark hia distinguished services it was unanimousl y decided to present him with a P . M . ' s jewel .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at Bro * Fysh ' s , Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate-road , on Saturday , the 4 th instant-Present—Bros . R . Pearcy W . M ., J . A . Powell S . W ., R . M . Jones J . W . S . E . Moss Acting Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Gilham S . D ., Kent J . D ., Wolf I . G . ; also Bios . Weedon , A . Tuck , Clark , Carr , and others . Lodge being duly opened , the minutes were read and confirmed . The
ceremony of initiation waa ably rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Tnck acting as candidate . Lodge was called off and on , when tho W . M . worked the first three sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . C . Weedon , by the unanimous vote of the brethren , was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed . The ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed , on the 25 th inst ., by Bro . Gilham P . M . 1632 .
Prudence Lodge , No . 1550 . —Afc the meeting held on Satur . day , 4 th June , at the Hnyshe Masonic . Temple , Plymouth , the W . Bro . Leonard J . Webber presiding , Bro . Morris C . Lakeman , the S . W ., was unanimously elected the Master for the ensuing year ; Bro . Charles Philo the Treasurer , and Bro . Phillips Tyler . The installation will
take place on Saturday , the 25 th inst ., at six p . m ., and it waa decided that instead of the usual banquet there shonld be a picnic , the ladies being invited to join , and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements—it will take place about the middle of July . The Treasurer , Wor . Richard G . Tippett , having resigned , a cordial vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him for his valuable services .
Crusaders' Lodge of Instruction , No . 1677 . —Held at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . A meeting of this Lodge was held on 3 rd June , at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , London . Present—Bros . Joseph Rothschild W . M ., G . W . Tillett S . W ., William C . Gay J . W ., Robert D . Cummings Preceptor , Harold Halliday Hon . Sec . Lodge having been opened with tho usual ceremonies ,
the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge . was then opened and olosed in tho three degrees , ancl ceremonies rehearsed . It was proposed by Bro . Cummings I . G . of the Mother Lodge , and seconded by Bro . Tillett , "that this Lodge of Instruction be adjourned until the first Thursday in September . This being carried unanimously , the Lodge was closed iu due form and adjourned accordingly .
King ' s Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 . —A regular meeting was held on the 22 nd ultimo , at Bro . Devine ' s , The Blue Posts , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . Bros . Davis W . M ., E . Harvey S . W ., J . A . Harvey J . W ., Devine Treasurer , L . Solomons
Secretary , N . Valentine S . D ., Burgess J . D ., B . Kauffman I . G ., Hemming Preceptor . Lodge opened , and the minutes woro confirmed . The first section of the second lecture was worked , and the ceremonies of passing and initiation rehearsed . Bro . Mark Swersee 185 was elected a member .
On the 7 th inst ., Bros . F . Sylvester W . M ., N . . Vallentine S . W ., L . Jacobs J . W ., J . A . Harvey S . D ., E . Harvey J . D ., J . Edwards I . G ., L . Solomons Secretary , Bro . Snodin acting as Preceptor . After preliminaries , the first section of the first lecture was worked by the brethren . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed by the W . M .,
Bro . B . Kauffmann acting as candidate . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Guyer acting as candidate . Great credit is due to the W . M . for his perfect and impressive working , in which he was ably assisted by the Officers . Bro . N . Vallentine was elected W . M . for the next meeting .
His Majesty Oscar II . King of Sweden , Grand Master of that country , accompanied by Count Piper , Swedish Ambassador , and the Royal suite , visited the works of the Henri Rifle Barrel Company on 30 th ult ., and inspected the machine guns there being manufactured . Luncheon was afterwards served in a marquee , to which a largo party of noblemenofficersand gentlemen sat down . As
, , he was leaving the works His Majesty was loudly cheered by the Dien . On Tnesday His Majesty , together with his Queen , arrived at Dover by the midday mail . Before departing from the pier the King , who is very much improved iu health , expressed himself as having been very favourably impressed by tho reception ho had met with in England .
Bro . G . W . Cowing , proprietor of the Barnet Press , Fincliley News , and Edgware Chronicle , was lately compelled to defend an action for j'bel commenced against him by a local builder for having inserted ] n his paper a letter commenting on the materials , and on the construction of some houses at Finchley . We are pleased to say that the J « ry found for tho defendant on all points .
In our report oF the Consecration of the Prince Edward ot Saxe-Weimar Lodge , in onr issue of last week , we gave a list of presents which had been made to the Lodge . We need hardly say that they were very much admired , and
ven fiparfc from their intrinsic value , are a splendid juerrm-ito of the good spirit which animated the Pounders of ¦ he Lod ge . The gifts were of first-rate workmanship , and "¦ ve think a word of praise is due to Bro . H . T . Lamb , who supplied them .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The following show the respective amounts collected by tho Gloucestershire Stewards for the late Anniversary Festival : — f Basevi Col . H G 30 9 0 j De Ferrieres the Baron , M . P . - - - 10 10 0 82 Godfrey Henry J P 218 8 0
Godfrey Ernest W 10 10 O ^ Gwinnett W II 63 0 0 C Brooke-Smith J 142 14 0 Chap . 82 \ Forth W 27 6 0 ( . Porcher W R 15 15 0
T A oi _ ( Lawrence Edwin 26 5 0 Lod S ° 246 ( Norman George 10 10 0 / Haines GW 43 1 0 1 Qo ) Hatton A V . - - - . 10 10 0 4 SW i Mosa Samuel 10 10 0 ( . Matthews R A 5 5 0
-Q „ ( Mailings John 10 10 0 av \ Tudway Clement 181 13 0 / Bruton James 10 10 0 R „ N Bryan John 10 10 0 a 6 V 1 Smith R Vassar 96 1 0 ( White Robert W 15 15 0
900 Gregory Edward J 22 1 0 lnp ^ f Heane WG 11 11 0 iUb / ( KerrCranatoun 16 16 0 £ 1000 0 0
The Mother's Lullaby.
A CRADLE SONG . ( For Music . ) SLEKP , little baby ; Past him flies ; Mother will sing , Closed at peace An evening song , Are the violet eyes .
As sweet bells ring ; Whilst two little arms Almighty Father , Around her cling . Watch this night , Over my little one ' s Sleep , little darling . Slumbers light j Sleep and rest ; Tench us to worship
By no dark dreams , Thee aright . Or fear oppivst ; Only by mother What will the future To be caressed . Bring to me P Joy or sorrow , Into the shadowland ! Which will ifc be ?
Baby hies ; I pray to Thee , Father , And smiles as an angel | On bended knee . EME * . HOLMES , Author of Amabel Vaughan .
We understand that Bro . Emra Holmes ' s books Tales , Poems , and Masonic Papers , and Amabel Vaughan are now nearly out of print . A few copies of the latter may still be had , however , of Bro . G . Markham Tweddell , Stokesley , Yorkshire , for whose benefit the works
wero published . It is in contemplation to publish shortly a new volume of Bro . Holmes ' s poems , which have appeared during the past year or two in numerous newspapers and magazines in England , Ireland , Scotland , the United States , aud Canada . A sketch of Bro . Holmes is about to appear in the Biograph .
We have been favoured with a letter from Bro . T . Massa , in which he expresses a wish that we should give publicity to a letter he forwarded to our contemporary , the Freemason , some short time since , but which the Editor of that journal , in the exercise of a very wise discretion ,
declined to make public . We feel it our duty to follow the very wise example of our near neighbour . We think with him that no possible good can result from the adoption of the wish expressed by Bro . Massa . We fully sympathise
with him in respect of the difficulty in which he finds himself placed , but we think it would have the effect of making matters still more difficult of management , if we found a place in our columns for the letter in question .
f LAMPLOIIGH R 'S PYETIC SALINE . An Effervescing and Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Vitalising , ancl Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or BILIOUS SICKNESS , Ii ?_ ie . snoir , Cowslip ATION- , LASSMD _ , HEAB -BCR-, FEVERISH GOLDS , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and othor FEVERS , PBICKMT HEAT , S _ AI _ -POX , MEASIES , ERUPTIVE or SKI _ Co .- _ - ri-, Aiir _ s , and various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . DE . MORGAN . — " It furnishes the blood don ) , writes ; —I have great pleasure in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing : my cordial testimony to its efficacy DR . TURLEY .- "I found it act as a spe- iS * , ^^ ™ oV-Sio " cJlmnMnf . ^ nrt cific , in my experience and family . In the othe ? form ™ rrebri ? eXpeS " worst form of Scarlet Fever , so other inedi- " ner IOTms 0 I * eDnle "yspeps '" - cine being required . " DR . J . W . DOWSING . — " I used it in the treatment of forty- two cases of Yellow Fever -JR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In . and I am happy to state I never lost a sincl . spuctor of Emigrants from the Port of Lon . case . " A systematic course prevents and cures obstinate Costiveness . Notice my Name and Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 2 / 6 , 4 / 6 , 11 / , and 21 / eacb . H . LAMPLOTJG-H , CONSULTING CHEMIST 113 HOLBOEN , LONDON-, E . C .