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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PROVINCE OF SURREY . THE R . W . BEO . GEN . STUDHOLME BROWNRIGG , C . B . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODSK will bo held ou Saturday , tho 25 th tVvy of Juno 1331 , at Ono O ' CIOCK in the Afternoon punctually , at tlio Public Hall , Reigato , in tho County of Surrey , when t ^ e Members of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo , and the other brethren of the Province , aro requested to attend . By command of the R . W . P . G . Master , CHARLES GREENWOOD , Prov . G . Secretary . 61 Nelson-ctuare , Blackfriars-road , 25 th May 1881 . P . S . —The Banquet will take place at 3 . 30 o'clock precisely . Tickets for which ( price 15 s ) may be had of Bro . John lees P . M . P . P . G . W ., Reigato , Surrey ; or oJ the Provincial Grand Secretary . The It . W . P . G . Master requests the attendance of the Brethren at Divine Service at the Parish Church , at 2-15 p . m . A Sermon will be preached by the W . Bro . the Provincial Grand Chaplain . Brethren not to appear in Masonic Costume at Divine Service .
A GENTLEMAN ( a native of Switzerland ) , thoroughly conversant with French and German , would like to make acquaintanceship with an English Gentleman , for the purpose of mutual study . One resident in the neighbourhood of Barnsbnry preferred . Address—A . B ., Office of the FKEK - MASOS ' CHBOMCLE , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
A GENTLEMAN , with considerable Commercial Experience , a Londoner by birth , active business habits , knowing tho whole of South Wales and adjoining counties , part of the Midlands , and South of Ireland , seeks a Situation of Trust or to Travel . Well versed in Accounts , and good Correspondent . First class References and Security , as required . —H . B . G . B ., Office of this Paper .
BORD'S PIANOS . CHAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these celebrated Pianos , havo Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may be seen a large and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OB ON THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , From 15 s per Month . SEND POR ILLUSTRATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on the Three years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Full Value allowed for Old Instalments of any kind in Exchange .
AMERICAN ORGANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , BY the STERLING ORGAN CO ., DERBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per cent . Co-operative Discount for Cash ; or on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , from 10 s 6 d per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST TO CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . These Organs are eminently suited for use in MASONIC LODGES .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY PAUL & BURROWS , WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C T ' T-TV - ( SUPPLY—Always regular . MAMS 1 QuA-iir-Best possible . - P _ -C _ s—lowest consistent with FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
Eleventh Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By ROBSBT G . WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C , Mi-CH ___ AITD CO ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
" 3 K rvoBT _ sr ___ i _ E . I .-B-D ' SHES y § © Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , _ > * * ^ il ^^^ fliflSSS P Td <© f ¥ i A ( ftft * ^) gsaa \ 7 fit Jc _^® e » % P MS __ . = _ , -Vi-, if ™ ^ - ! ™_ iinwi . f / \ V L-JswEs K *& r ^ Srf _!§ £ _ A M , U 0 - ^< D » . & __ / vni \ _ . - & 11 A A — S ___! - «> ^^ is L _ i " » / Jl ' i 1 w w U © _> mmmmal ^* 1 — ¦ < ¦ — - *™ " o rp q % W _ -= ____ T / 'v cj A # & - ITQBY GOODS I-ST _ 3- _ D _> T _ G _ S , __ . IJ , " o § o Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only , g < g & o ID ^^^^ gsifL ,, . * s ^ gg » n-g frm ^ === s > ^ o ¦ G * fllllS ^ o 9 » f # 0 ^ oo ; y g = z » u ^^ n > Q * s . iii ^\^ J / t-S * 1 ¦ PB / ___ i ^ 8 i ^ a « ii g o J- )«__ - ¦ -v .,,,, aj-saS U g ^ ^ - __ - - Mg-- _ - o oo ¦ 9 © ___ _? __ ___ _ > _ -- EEOS . Ivory Works , £ PR ii , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . Q , p ,
SUMMER BANQUETS . — : o : — EPPING FOREST . THB ROYAL FOREST HOT ll , CHINGFORD . CLOSE TO CHINGFORD STATION , adjoining the ancient Hunting Lodge of Queen Elizabeth , and accessible by constant trains from Liverpool Street , City , and other Stations on the Great Eastern Line . Time from Liverpool Street 35 minutes . THE FINE ELIZABETHAN HALL , IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR MASOVXC B 4 IQVSTS . A new Masonio Hall , specially appointeil for Lodge Meetings , with suitable ante rooms and appropriate furniture .
T . & T . GATES , GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . __ nglisli Gold - _ 5 s < and . _ = * 7 s 6 d per lOOO , Foreign Gold -Lis and __ 3 s do . Bronze Powder 3 a 6 d and 5 s per 1 _> . 44 HATTON WALL , LONDON , E . C Merchants and Shippers supplied .
Ei ^^^^ Mio ^^ a 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
New Zealand. New Masonic Hall At Auckland.
TF the old saw , that" familiarity breeds contempt , " may be accepted as a general truism , one can hardly question the legitimacy of the inference that the unfamiliarity or novelty of a thing will arrest attention , if , in all cases , it does not actually command respect and win approbation . The latter qualification , however , ia not needed in speaking of the proceedings in connection with the laying of tho
fonndation stone of this proposed Masonio Hall , and the hypothesis used will only partially explain the very large amount of interest displayed in the Masonic ceremonial , another and cogent reason being the wide-spread influence of the Order , and the power whioh it exerts in shaping and modifying social economy . Though pre-eminent among Friendly Societies ia its traditions , history and associations ,
superior in sublimity of aims and impressiveness of ritual , practically limitless in its myriad ramifications , and immensely powerful through its cosmopolitan character , there is no organisation which favours less the pageantry of public display , and which so rarely has resort to the obtrusive exhibition of its symbols and rites . It does not cheapen its reputation by flaunting its pretensions in the public eye
at periodical intervals , and on the rare occasions that it does make a visible demonstration all the constituents are present which conspire to render the event striking and the surroundings dignified and imposing . The knowledge that the brethren of the Auckland and neig h , boaring districts intended to signalise tbe event by a full representa . tion of their strength therefore awakened the liveliest curiosity in
the public mind , and directly led to the imparting of a gala character to the day . The brethren of Auckland will generally appreciate the conveniences which this building is intended to supply them with . They have been fain to content themselves with public-house parlours as meeting places , and many chose rather to deny themselves the privilege of frequent communication [ with their Lodges rather than incur the disrepute of seeming to give colourable approval to
the practice of making the tavern place of resort for entertainment and sociability . This stigma will now be removed , and , given a place of their own , the confraternity should have no difficulty in regaining the assistance and support of quondam members , and in exhibiting its advantages to the public . The Hall will also serve to remind strange brethren from other shores that thoy are not among aliens , and that they have only to avow themselves in order to receive a gracious welcome .
The plans accepted and approved by the committee were prepared by Bro . W . H . Skinner , and tbe contract has been taken by Bro . T . Colebrook . A commpncetnenfc was made about three weeks ago , but a slig ht , delay in thp progress of the building has taken place , in order to allow Bro . G . S . Graham , D . G . M . ( E . G . ) , to take part in lay .
ing the foundation-stone . The building is being erected in Princesstreet , on Masonic property , adjoining the Masonic Hotel , and the edifice , although nofc large , will have an imposing architectural appearance . It will be of brick , richly ornamented and faced with cement , in imitation of stone . The front is 36 feet 8 inches wide , and the total depth 77 feet , Tho front elevation from tbe base to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PROVINCE OF SURREY . THE R . W . BEO . GEN . STUDHOLME BROWNRIGG , C . B . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODSK will bo held ou Saturday , tho 25 th tVvy of Juno 1331 , at Ono O ' CIOCK in the Afternoon punctually , at tlio Public Hall , Reigato , in tho County of Surrey , when t ^ e Members of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo , and the other brethren of the Province , aro requested to attend . By command of the R . W . P . G . Master , CHARLES GREENWOOD , Prov . G . Secretary . 61 Nelson-ctuare , Blackfriars-road , 25 th May 1881 . P . S . —The Banquet will take place at 3 . 30 o'clock precisely . Tickets for which ( price 15 s ) may be had of Bro . John lees P . M . P . P . G . W ., Reigato , Surrey ; or oJ the Provincial Grand Secretary . The It . W . P . G . Master requests the attendance of the Brethren at Divine Service at the Parish Church , at 2-15 p . m . A Sermon will be preached by the W . Bro . the Provincial Grand Chaplain . Brethren not to appear in Masonic Costume at Divine Service .
A GENTLEMAN ( a native of Switzerland ) , thoroughly conversant with French and German , would like to make acquaintanceship with an English Gentleman , for the purpose of mutual study . One resident in the neighbourhood of Barnsbnry preferred . Address—A . B ., Office of the FKEK - MASOS ' CHBOMCLE , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
A GENTLEMAN , with considerable Commercial Experience , a Londoner by birth , active business habits , knowing tho whole of South Wales and adjoining counties , part of the Midlands , and South of Ireland , seeks a Situation of Trust or to Travel . Well versed in Accounts , and good Correspondent . First class References and Security , as required . —H . B . G . B ., Office of this Paper .
BORD'S PIANOS . CHAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these celebrated Pianos , havo Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may be seen a large and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OB ON THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , From 15 s per Month . SEND POR ILLUSTRATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on the Three years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Full Value allowed for Old Instalments of any kind in Exchange .
AMERICAN ORGANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , BY the STERLING ORGAN CO ., DERBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per cent . Co-operative Discount for Cash ; or on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , from 10 s 6 d per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST TO CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . These Organs are eminently suited for use in MASONIC LODGES .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY PAUL & BURROWS , WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C T ' T-TV - ( SUPPLY—Always regular . MAMS 1 QuA-iir-Best possible . - P _ -C _ s—lowest consistent with FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
Eleventh Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By ROBSBT G . WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C , Mi-CH ___ AITD CO ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
" 3 K rvoBT _ sr ___ i _ E . I .-B-D ' SHES y § © Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , _ > * * ^ il ^^^ fliflSSS P Td <© f ¥ i A ( ftft * ^) gsaa \ 7 fit Jc _^® e » % P MS __ . = _ , -Vi-, if ™ ^ - ! ™_ iinwi . f / \ V L-JswEs K *& r ^ Srf _!§ £ _ A M , U 0 - ^< D » . & __ / vni \ _ . - & 11 A A — S ___! - «> ^^ is L _ i " » / Jl ' i 1 w w U © _> mmmmal ^* 1 — ¦ < ¦ — - *™ " o rp q % W _ -= ____ T / 'v cj A # & - ITQBY GOODS I-ST _ 3- _ D _> T _ G _ S , __ . IJ , " o § o Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only , g < g & o ID ^^^^ gsifL ,, . * s ^ gg » n-g frm ^ === s > ^ o ¦ G * fllllS ^ o 9 » f # 0 ^ oo ; y g = z » u ^^ n > Q * s . iii ^\^ J / t-S * 1 ¦ PB / ___ i ^ 8 i ^ a « ii g o J- )«__ - ¦ -v .,,,, aj-saS U g ^ ^ - __ - - Mg-- _ - o oo ¦ 9 © ___ _? __ ___ _ > _ -- EEOS . Ivory Works , £ PR ii , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . Q , p ,
SUMMER BANQUETS . — : o : — EPPING FOREST . THB ROYAL FOREST HOT ll , CHINGFORD . CLOSE TO CHINGFORD STATION , adjoining the ancient Hunting Lodge of Queen Elizabeth , and accessible by constant trains from Liverpool Street , City , and other Stations on the Great Eastern Line . Time from Liverpool Street 35 minutes . THE FINE ELIZABETHAN HALL , IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR MASOVXC B 4 IQVSTS . A new Masonio Hall , specially appointeil for Lodge Meetings , with suitable ante rooms and appropriate furniture .
T . & T . GATES , GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . __ nglisli Gold - _ 5 s < and . _ = * 7 s 6 d per lOOO , Foreign Gold -Lis and __ 3 s do . Bronze Powder 3 a 6 d and 5 s per 1 _> . 44 HATTON WALL , LONDON , E . C Merchants and Shippers supplied .
Ei ^^^^ Mio ^^ a 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
New Zealand. New Masonic Hall At Auckland.
TF the old saw , that" familiarity breeds contempt , " may be accepted as a general truism , one can hardly question the legitimacy of the inference that the unfamiliarity or novelty of a thing will arrest attention , if , in all cases , it does not actually command respect and win approbation . The latter qualification , however , ia not needed in speaking of the proceedings in connection with the laying of tho
fonndation stone of this proposed Masonio Hall , and the hypothesis used will only partially explain the very large amount of interest displayed in the Masonic ceremonial , another and cogent reason being the wide-spread influence of the Order , and the power whioh it exerts in shaping and modifying social economy . Though pre-eminent among Friendly Societies ia its traditions , history and associations ,
superior in sublimity of aims and impressiveness of ritual , practically limitless in its myriad ramifications , and immensely powerful through its cosmopolitan character , there is no organisation which favours less the pageantry of public display , and which so rarely has resort to the obtrusive exhibition of its symbols and rites . It does not cheapen its reputation by flaunting its pretensions in the public eye
at periodical intervals , and on the rare occasions that it does make a visible demonstration all the constituents are present which conspire to render the event striking and the surroundings dignified and imposing . The knowledge that the brethren of the Auckland and neig h , boaring districts intended to signalise tbe event by a full representa . tion of their strength therefore awakened the liveliest curiosity in
the public mind , and directly led to the imparting of a gala character to the day . The brethren of Auckland will generally appreciate the conveniences which this building is intended to supply them with . They have been fain to content themselves with public-house parlours as meeting places , and many chose rather to deny themselves the privilege of frequent communication [ with their Lodges rather than incur the disrepute of seeming to give colourable approval to
the practice of making the tavern place of resort for entertainment and sociability . This stigma will now be removed , and , given a place of their own , the confraternity should have no difficulty in regaining the assistance and support of quondam members , and in exhibiting its advantages to the public . The Hall will also serve to remind strange brethren from other shores that thoy are not among aliens , and that they have only to avow themselves in order to receive a gracious welcome .
The plans accepted and approved by the committee were prepared by Bro . W . H . Skinner , and tbe contract has been taken by Bro . T . Colebrook . A commpncetnenfc was made about three weeks ago , but a slig ht , delay in thp progress of the building has taken place , in order to allow Bro . G . S . Graham , D . G . M . ( E . G . ) , to take part in lay .
ing the foundation-stone . The building is being erected in Princesstreet , on Masonic property , adjoining the Masonic Hotel , and the edifice , although nofc large , will have an imposing architectural appearance . It will be of brick , richly ornamented and faced with cement , in imitation of stone . The front is 36 feet 8 inches wide , and the total depth 77 feet , Tho front elevation from tbe base to