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Our Weekly Budget
length , after the fight had lasted all day long , Osman , watching his opportunity , assumed the offensive , and drove back the Russians along their whole line . The losses are reported to be very terrible . Such is the summary of the account given by the Daily Telegraph Commissioner , in its
issue of Thursday morning , but beforo accepting it , we must obtain strong confirmatory evidence from other quarters . There is extreme probability such a battle has been , fought ; we have telegrams in other morning papers , but wo must wait a little . In Asia , the Russians
are said to be resuming the offensive , ancl the Grand Duke Michael to have arrived at Alexandropol . There has been skirmishing near Ardahan , which is still held by the Russians , and a battle is said to be imminent between the two armies , so that possibly before the week is over we shall have more terrible battles to record . One thing
becomes clearer every day , and that is , that the losses inflicted on the Russians in the battle of Plevna must have been very terrible . We have heard so much about the
overwhelming numbers of the Czar ' s army , that it seems hardly possible that a repulse , after a most gallant fight , with the loss of 10 , 000 or 12 , 000 could so seriously hamper the movements of the Grand Duke Nicholas that he seems in a
fairer way of losing the ground he has gained than of advancing further on the road towards Constantinople . But when we read that the whole Imperial Guard is already on
the move for the seat of war , that a division from each corps is under orders to march in the same direction , ancl that a further levy will be made , we can come to no other conclusion than that the battle of Plevna was a tremendous
disaster to the Czar . The meeting of the Emperors of Germany and Austria at Isehl , is one other item of important news .
The scheme for enlarging the Boys' School , so as to provide , in course of time , for the education of 300 instead of , as now , 180 pupils , only awaits the approval of the Quarterly Court , in order to be carried immediately into execution . On Saturday last , a special meeting of the
House Committee was held , when the plan , of Avhich some time since we indicated the main features , was formally submitted ancl approved . Later in the afternoon the usual monthly meeting of the General Committee was held , when
the scheme as recommended by the House Committee was submitted ancl approved . A special Court will be held on the 20 th instant , for the purpose of receiving and considering the report of the General Committee .
The regular meeting of the General Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , Lieut .-Col . Creaton in the chair . The Secretary announced that three male annuitants had died , while two petitions were
submitted and approved . A letter was read from the Grand Secretary , stating that the Board of General Purposes found it impossible to afford greater office accommodation at Freemasons' Hall , to the three Masonic Charitable Institutions . Under these circumstances , Bros . Lieut .-Col .
Creaton ancl S . Rawson were appointed to confer on the subject with the brethren nominated by the Boys' ancl Girls' Schools . It was then moved by Lieut .-Col . Creaton , and seconded by J . March Case , that in consideration of his eminent services to the Masonic Institutions , Bro . John
Constable , P . M . 185 and Vice-President , be elected Vice-Patron , with all the privileges of the rank . This was carried unanimously , as , likewise , was a vote of thanks to Bros . Lieut .-Col . Creaton , Raynham W . Stewart , and Farnfield , for their present , to be placed in the great hall
A special Court of the Governors and Subscribers to the Royal -Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall . Liciit .-Colonel Creaton occupied the chair , and it was duly proposed and seconded , ancl carried , that the purchase for £ 2 , 500 of peine land adjoining the School should be sanctioned .
of the Asylum at Croydon , of a marble mantlepiece , & c , & c . Ifc was announced that the Festival of February had . yielded to date , the sum of £ 13 , 556 . and some odd shillings , the whole of which , with the exception of about £ 300 , has
already been collected . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting . There were present Bros . Captain N . G . Philips , S . Rawson , W . Hyde Pullen , James Brett , J . March Case , and other brethren .
Our Weekly Budget
Among those present wero Bros . R . B . Webster , W . Hydo Pullen , Griffiths Smith , Dicketts , Colonel Peters , S . Rawson , and Tattershall .
A meeting of tho Old Kent Mark Lodge was held on Wednesday at Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue . Bro . Wm . Roebuck P . M . presided as Worshipful Master , and
Bros . S . Rosenthal and Dewar , both Past Masters , occupied the chair of S . W . ancl J . W . respectively . At the banquet which followed Bro . Binckes ' s patent was introduced with great effect .
On Saturday next , two new Lodges will be added , ono to the roll of Grand Lodgo , England , and tho other to that of our Mark Grand Lodge . The former will be designated the Orpheus Lodge , ancl will stand No . 1706 on the list of
Lodges . This our respected Bro . W . Hydo Pullen has been charged with the duty of consecrating . The latter will be consecrated by Bro . F . Binckes , Mark Grand Secretary , assisted by Bro . C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., ancl will bear the style and title of the Beaconsfield Lodge , No . 207 .
A meeting of the Committee of Petitions for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire is appointed to be holden at the Guildhall , Devonport , on Wednesday , 22 nd inst ., at 12 noon , when the business of the Province will bo transacted .
Bro . Toole has been playing a round of his celebrated characters at the Theatre Royal Brighton during the Raco week , and crowded audiences have assembled . The Royal Aquarium , under the direction of Bro . G . Reeves Smith
has this week had the largest number of visitors yet registered since its formation . One of the attractions is the excellent programme of Bro . Vance . Bro . Mellison ' s Skating Rink has also been well supported .
Look To The Future
( FROM THE HEBREW LEADER ) . WHEN reposing in apparent security , ifc is well to look to the futnre , with a view to avoiding danger , or to preparo for ifc should it come . The institntiou of Masonry has enjoyed such a long season of uninterrupted success , that it fears no danger , and is indifferent ; to looking forward in anticipation of what might be at its very door . " In time of peace prepare for war . " Is there danger within the scope of possibility , are there those who believe we aro on
the brink of a precipico that will eugnlf many , and in so doing shake the foundation of the old fabric itself ? One of our great weaknesses is our numbers , masses of whom aro bnfc of the Institution in consequence of its present popularity , and who would bo baneful should clouds ariso and a storm threaten . "Wo aro not alarmists : on tho contrary , wo believe that the old Craft is nob
in any wise cranky , but as staunch as ever , so far afc least as tho ship herself is concerned ; a little scraping on the quicksands and a shaking up might rid it of many barnacles ; but there are those of tho Fraternity who earnestly believe there is a leeshore ahead that cannot be avoided , and that ifc is necessary to keep sounding tho lead without ceasing ; they believe that disaster may momentarily result
from malcontent , dissatisfaction and monetary considerations of some of an overcrowded crew , as well as from anti-Masonic- torpedoes and breakers of different forms that lie in the immediate path of tho vessel . They believe that the institution of Masonry has become so formidable in numbers as to attract the special attention of its old enemy the Eomau Catholic Church , and that shortly not only will be
fulminated some Bull , but that energetic action will be had that will bring on such collision between the Jesuits and the Fraternity that property and even life will be at stake with those who prove true to their voluntary solemn obligations ; this could in no wise affect our land directly , but his Holiness cannot bo ignorant or indifferent to tho unprecedented advancement in late years of free thought , aud
its antagonism with mental tyranny and debasement . Soperstitiou , ignoranco , and fanaticism , are yielding to that enlightenment which is born of the " children of light , " and thi 3 cannot pass unnoticed . Ifc ia unfortunate for the handful of anti-Masons in this country that they cannot charge some gross crime against the Brotherhood , a 3 they did in 1826 ; they ard snfforing for some great nucleus npon which to
baild a cry for extermination aud convulse society , as if with the throes of au earthquake , as they did in 1830 . Masonry is not indifferent to that lesson : the newspaper press , that powerful engine , poured npon us from its batteries an incessant storm . Tho Sun of Philadelphia was as bitter then , as ifc is able in our cause now .
Everywhere , and under every possible circumstance , Masonry was assailed with remorseless violence . The cry of its enemies was like the watch , word of Palafox on the Saragossa , " War , war to the knife ! " Books , pamphlets , tracts , and handbills , couched in language best calculated to inflame the public mind to tho highest pitch , flooded the country . They were found , in taYeraa , is , the Hnfa of people on . the highway }
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget
length , after the fight had lasted all day long , Osman , watching his opportunity , assumed the offensive , and drove back the Russians along their whole line . The losses are reported to be very terrible . Such is the summary of the account given by the Daily Telegraph Commissioner , in its
issue of Thursday morning , but beforo accepting it , we must obtain strong confirmatory evidence from other quarters . There is extreme probability such a battle has been , fought ; we have telegrams in other morning papers , but wo must wait a little . In Asia , the Russians
are said to be resuming the offensive , ancl the Grand Duke Michael to have arrived at Alexandropol . There has been skirmishing near Ardahan , which is still held by the Russians , and a battle is said to be imminent between the two armies , so that possibly before the week is over we shall have more terrible battles to record . One thing
becomes clearer every day , and that is , that the losses inflicted on the Russians in the battle of Plevna must have been very terrible . We have heard so much about the
overwhelming numbers of the Czar ' s army , that it seems hardly possible that a repulse , after a most gallant fight , with the loss of 10 , 000 or 12 , 000 could so seriously hamper the movements of the Grand Duke Nicholas that he seems in a
fairer way of losing the ground he has gained than of advancing further on the road towards Constantinople . But when we read that the whole Imperial Guard is already on
the move for the seat of war , that a division from each corps is under orders to march in the same direction , ancl that a further levy will be made , we can come to no other conclusion than that the battle of Plevna was a tremendous
disaster to the Czar . The meeting of the Emperors of Germany and Austria at Isehl , is one other item of important news .
The scheme for enlarging the Boys' School , so as to provide , in course of time , for the education of 300 instead of , as now , 180 pupils , only awaits the approval of the Quarterly Court , in order to be carried immediately into execution . On Saturday last , a special meeting of the
House Committee was held , when the plan , of Avhich some time since we indicated the main features , was formally submitted ancl approved . Later in the afternoon the usual monthly meeting of the General Committee was held , when
the scheme as recommended by the House Committee was submitted ancl approved . A special Court will be held on the 20 th instant , for the purpose of receiving and considering the report of the General Committee .
The regular meeting of the General Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , Lieut .-Col . Creaton in the chair . The Secretary announced that three male annuitants had died , while two petitions were
submitted and approved . A letter was read from the Grand Secretary , stating that the Board of General Purposes found it impossible to afford greater office accommodation at Freemasons' Hall , to the three Masonic Charitable Institutions . Under these circumstances , Bros . Lieut .-Col .
Creaton ancl S . Rawson were appointed to confer on the subject with the brethren nominated by the Boys' ancl Girls' Schools . It was then moved by Lieut .-Col . Creaton , and seconded by J . March Case , that in consideration of his eminent services to the Masonic Institutions , Bro . John
Constable , P . M . 185 and Vice-President , be elected Vice-Patron , with all the privileges of the rank . This was carried unanimously , as , likewise , was a vote of thanks to Bros . Lieut .-Col . Creaton , Raynham W . Stewart , and Farnfield , for their present , to be placed in the great hall
A special Court of the Governors and Subscribers to the Royal -Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall . Liciit .-Colonel Creaton occupied the chair , and it was duly proposed and seconded , ancl carried , that the purchase for £ 2 , 500 of peine land adjoining the School should be sanctioned .
of the Asylum at Croydon , of a marble mantlepiece , & c , & c . Ifc was announced that the Festival of February had . yielded to date , the sum of £ 13 , 556 . and some odd shillings , the whole of which , with the exception of about £ 300 , has
already been collected . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting . There were present Bros . Captain N . G . Philips , S . Rawson , W . Hyde Pullen , James Brett , J . March Case , and other brethren .
Our Weekly Budget
Among those present wero Bros . R . B . Webster , W . Hydo Pullen , Griffiths Smith , Dicketts , Colonel Peters , S . Rawson , and Tattershall .
A meeting of tho Old Kent Mark Lodge was held on Wednesday at Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue . Bro . Wm . Roebuck P . M . presided as Worshipful Master , and
Bros . S . Rosenthal and Dewar , both Past Masters , occupied the chair of S . W . ancl J . W . respectively . At the banquet which followed Bro . Binckes ' s patent was introduced with great effect .
On Saturday next , two new Lodges will be added , ono to the roll of Grand Lodgo , England , and tho other to that of our Mark Grand Lodge . The former will be designated the Orpheus Lodge , ancl will stand No . 1706 on the list of
Lodges . This our respected Bro . W . Hydo Pullen has been charged with the duty of consecrating . The latter will be consecrated by Bro . F . Binckes , Mark Grand Secretary , assisted by Bro . C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., ancl will bear the style and title of the Beaconsfield Lodge , No . 207 .
A meeting of the Committee of Petitions for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire is appointed to be holden at the Guildhall , Devonport , on Wednesday , 22 nd inst ., at 12 noon , when the business of the Province will bo transacted .
Bro . Toole has been playing a round of his celebrated characters at the Theatre Royal Brighton during the Raco week , and crowded audiences have assembled . The Royal Aquarium , under the direction of Bro . G . Reeves Smith
has this week had the largest number of visitors yet registered since its formation . One of the attractions is the excellent programme of Bro . Vance . Bro . Mellison ' s Skating Rink has also been well supported .
Look To The Future
( FROM THE HEBREW LEADER ) . WHEN reposing in apparent security , ifc is well to look to the futnre , with a view to avoiding danger , or to preparo for ifc should it come . The institntiou of Masonry has enjoyed such a long season of uninterrupted success , that it fears no danger , and is indifferent ; to looking forward in anticipation of what might be at its very door . " In time of peace prepare for war . " Is there danger within the scope of possibility , are there those who believe we aro on
the brink of a precipico that will eugnlf many , and in so doing shake the foundation of the old fabric itself ? One of our great weaknesses is our numbers , masses of whom aro bnfc of the Institution in consequence of its present popularity , and who would bo baneful should clouds ariso and a storm threaten . "Wo aro not alarmists : on tho contrary , wo believe that the old Craft is nob
in any wise cranky , but as staunch as ever , so far afc least as tho ship herself is concerned ; a little scraping on the quicksands and a shaking up might rid it of many barnacles ; but there are those of tho Fraternity who earnestly believe there is a leeshore ahead that cannot be avoided , and that ifc is necessary to keep sounding tho lead without ceasing ; they believe that disaster may momentarily result
from malcontent , dissatisfaction and monetary considerations of some of an overcrowded crew , as well as from anti-Masonic- torpedoes and breakers of different forms that lie in the immediate path of tho vessel . They believe that the institution of Masonry has become so formidable in numbers as to attract the special attention of its old enemy the Eomau Catholic Church , and that shortly not only will be
fulminated some Bull , but that energetic action will be had that will bring on such collision between the Jesuits and the Fraternity that property and even life will be at stake with those who prove true to their voluntary solemn obligations ; this could in no wise affect our land directly , but his Holiness cannot bo ignorant or indifferent to tho unprecedented advancement in late years of free thought , aud
its antagonism with mental tyranny and debasement . Soperstitiou , ignoranco , and fanaticism , are yielding to that enlightenment which is born of the " children of light , " and thi 3 cannot pass unnoticed . Ifc ia unfortunate for the handful of anti-Masons in this country that they cannot charge some gross crime against the Brotherhood , a 3 they did in 1826 ; they ard snfforing for some great nucleus npon which to
baild a cry for extermination aud convulse society , as if with the throes of au earthquake , as they did in 1830 . Masonry is not indifferent to that lesson : the newspaper press , that powerful engine , poured npon us from its batteries an incessant storm . Tho Sun of Philadelphia was as bitter then , as ifc is able in our cause now .
Everywhere , and under every possible circumstance , Masonry was assailed with remorseless violence . The cry of its enemies was like the watch , word of Palafox on the Saragossa , " War , war to the knife ! " Books , pamphlets , tracts , and handbills , couched in language best calculated to inflame the public mind to tho highest pitch , flooded the country . They were found , in taYeraa , is , the Hnfa of people on . the highway }