Article LOOK TO THE FUTURE ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE GOLD MEDAL OF THE BARD OF AVON LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1 Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1
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Look To The Future
in the cottage , in the drawing-room , in tho public school , in the church pow , and sometimes on the seat of the judge . Even-handed justice could no more be expected by a Mason , under many circumstances , than if tho ban of outlawry had been proclaimed against him . As if it were not enough to banish him . from the pale of civil society , tho Mason was nob unfrequontly driven to
the alternative of renouncing Freemasonry , or be expelled from the chnrch of his faith . The ballot box , that tremendous power , the ballot-box , with all its crushing weight , waa bronghfc to bear npon us . Not a man who dared raise his voice in our favour , or even invoke tho general virtue of compassion for the porsooutecl Institution , had the slightest chance
of obtaining the smallest office in the gift of the people . New York State , now possessing 83 , 000 affiliated Masons , and 110 , 000 of the Brotherhood within its limits , then numbered 100 , 000 enrolled antimasons , and Pennsylvania half as many more ; the broad taint extended South and "West , and was all powerful for mischief . Never before , in the annals of the civilized world , were such fearful
efforts put forth to crush any institution whatever . It is no exaggeration , no over-drawn picture , bub sober facta . Society , through all its depths , reared and heaved , and tossed tike tho ocean when ifc feela the wrath of tho hurricane . Not a throne in Europe bub would have fallen before a titho of the power arrayed against the institution of light . Our own government ,
though the strongest in the world , could not have witnessed such an assault , headed by overwhelming majorities of the people , aided as waa this by the pulpifc , the press , the ballot box . Any of the numerous self . constituted societies of the day , whose existence depends npon the momentary breath of popular opinion , would have vanished as suddenly aa did the ghost of Hector . Through all this scene Freemasonry stood calm and undismayed
yet putting forth no effort for self-protection , employing no weapon of defence , and yet came out of this fiery furnace unscathed . Like the Heaven-protected Hebrews , even the smell of fire waa not found upon her garments . And those who fully understand her principles know the reason why . That is our mystery . In view of all this , we look forward , in the full face of the future , undannted by hierarchy , ororoaking anti-Mason , or the trembling paasenger upon the deok of our good ship . Sail on , Heaven's Angel holds the helm .
The Gold Medal Of The Bard Of Avon Lodge.
IT may not generally bo known to the brethren that the Bard of Avon Lodge annually gives a gold medal ( value five guineas ) to bo contended for at the Collegiate School , Sfcrafcford-on-Avon , of which Bro . Dr . Collis , Vicar of Stratford-on-Avon , is the "Warden . The subjects comprise a knowledge of Shakspeare , History , English
Literature , an Essay , & c . The competition is open to all pupils in the school . This year ifc has beon won by John Percy Simpson , aged 16 , son of Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Past Grand Chaplain . Dr . Collis remarked , in presenting the modal , that , thirty-five years ago , he presented a similar prize to the father of the present recipient .
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
— : o : — No . 80 . No . 44 , " Ancients j" No . 63 A . D . 1814 , No . 55 A . D . 1832 , and No . 47 from A . D . 1863 .
No . 44 WM . OSUORN , D . G . M . WILLM . DICKEY , S . G . W . WILLM . DICKEY , J . G . W for D . GARNAULT .
% a nil foljcrm it man coitttnr . WE , the GRAND LODGE of the most Ancient and Honorable FRATERNITY of Free and Accepted Masons ( nttorbing lor the olb Constitutions grmtiea Im | jis QmrA |) tgbiuss |} rhtee EDWIN , ; tt JJorh , Anno Domini | tiite *| imtoo Sforiihr into " § te , nito ire the ) lm of ^ titsoitni jfo itr
thousand | Ime hnnbreo ( tfocnfi ) una SK ) , m ample form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Right Honorable Thomas Erskine , Earl of Kelly , Viscount Fenton , Lord Baron of Pittenweam , in Great Britain , GRAND MASTER OP MASONS ! Tho Worshipfnl Mr . William Osborn , Deputy Grand Master , The Worshipful Mr . William Dickey , Seuior
Grand Warden , and the Worshipful Daniel Garnanlt , Esq ., Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the WARRANTED Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London aud Westminster ) , Do hereby authorise and impower our Trusty and Wellbeloved Brethren , viz ., Mr . Patricias Goodall one of our MASTER
MASONS , John Muggleston his Senior Warden , and James Richardson his Junior Warden , to form and hold a LODGE of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , afc tho sign of the Red Lion ( or elsewhere ) in the town of Nottingham , on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions :
And in the said LODGE ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most ancient and honorable Custom of tha ROYAL CRAIT in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World . And we do hereby further authorise and impower QUT said .
Old Warrants.
Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , MOSSM . Patricias Goodall , John Muggleston , and James Richardson ( with the consent of tho Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chnse , and install thoir Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warraut , and invest them with their Powera and Dignities a 3 Froo Masons , & o . And such Successors
shall in like manner nominate , chuso , aud install their Successors , & c , & c . Such installation to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAV , during tho continuance of tho Lodge , for ever . Providing tho above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay duo Respect to this Right Worshipful Graud Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hand and tha Seal of our Graud Lodgo in London , this fifteenth day of January , in tho Year of our Lord Ono thousand Seven hundred Sixty and Three , aud in the Year of Masonry Five thousand Seven hundred Sixty and Three . LAU . DERMOTT ,
Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is registered ") in tho Grand Lodge , Vol 2 a , f Letter B . Date , 17 th December ( 1755 . )
The present title , No ., & c . are , The " Newstead " Lodge , No . 47 , Nottingham .
No . 81 . No . 196 , " Anoienta ; "No . 242 A . D . 1814 ( afc the Union ) , No , 170 A . D . 1832 , and No . 146 from A . D . 1863 .
ATHOLL , GRAND MASTER . LAU . DERMOTT , D . G . M . WILL - TINDALL , S . G . W . Taos . CARTER , J . G . W , & o all foftour it mixtt tattcaa . WE , the Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Froe and Accepted Masons ( according to the old
Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nino hundred twenty and six , and in the Year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Most Noble Prince John ( the Third ) , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis of
Tullibardine , Earl of Strathtay ancl Strathardle , Viscount of Ballquidder , Glenalmond , and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Captain and Constable of tho Castlo of Kincleaven , Hereditary Keeper of tho Palace of Falkland , and in that part of Greab Britain called England and Masonical jurisdiction thereunto belonging ,
GRAND MASTER OF MASONS , The Right Worshipful Laurence Dermott , Esq -, Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful William Tindall , Esq -, Senior Grand Warden , and tho Right Worshipful Thomas Carter , Esq -, Junior Grand Warden ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of
London and Westminster ) , do hereby authorise and impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful Charles Walker one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Richard Worthington his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful Jame 3 Taylor his Junior Warden , to form and hold a Lodge of Freo and Accepted Masons
aforesaid , at the sign of the Fox ( or elsewhere ) , in the Town of Leigh , in the County of Lancaster , npon every Thursday next to each Full Moon , and on seasonable times and lawful occasions . No . 196 Ancl in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and mako Freemasons according to the most Ancient and
Honourable Custom of tho Royal Crafb in all Ages and Nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , Charles Walker , Richard Worthington , James Taylor ( with the consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install their
Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their powers and dignities as Free Masou 3 , & c . Aud such Saccessor 3 shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install thoir Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be upon ( or near )
every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing tho above named Brethren , and all their Successors , always pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this twenty-fourth day of June , in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred Seventy and Six , and in tho Tear of Masonry Five thousand Sevoa hundred Seventy and Six . WM . DICKEY , N
Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered" ) iu the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , > Letter H . ) The present title , No ., & o . are , The " Lodge of Antiquity , " No . 146 Boltgn . lu , Moors ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Look To The Future
in the cottage , in the drawing-room , in tho public school , in the church pow , and sometimes on the seat of the judge . Even-handed justice could no more be expected by a Mason , under many circumstances , than if tho ban of outlawry had been proclaimed against him . As if it were not enough to banish him . from the pale of civil society , tho Mason was nob unfrequontly driven to
the alternative of renouncing Freemasonry , or be expelled from the chnrch of his faith . The ballot box , that tremendous power , the ballot-box , with all its crushing weight , waa bronghfc to bear npon us . Not a man who dared raise his voice in our favour , or even invoke tho general virtue of compassion for the porsooutecl Institution , had the slightest chance
of obtaining the smallest office in the gift of the people . New York State , now possessing 83 , 000 affiliated Masons , and 110 , 000 of the Brotherhood within its limits , then numbered 100 , 000 enrolled antimasons , and Pennsylvania half as many more ; the broad taint extended South and "West , and was all powerful for mischief . Never before , in the annals of the civilized world , were such fearful
efforts put forth to crush any institution whatever . It is no exaggeration , no over-drawn picture , bub sober facta . Society , through all its depths , reared and heaved , and tossed tike tho ocean when ifc feela the wrath of tho hurricane . Not a throne in Europe bub would have fallen before a titho of the power arrayed against the institution of light . Our own government ,
though the strongest in the world , could not have witnessed such an assault , headed by overwhelming majorities of the people , aided as waa this by the pulpifc , the press , the ballot box . Any of the numerous self . constituted societies of the day , whose existence depends npon the momentary breath of popular opinion , would have vanished as suddenly aa did the ghost of Hector . Through all this scene Freemasonry stood calm and undismayed
yet putting forth no effort for self-protection , employing no weapon of defence , and yet came out of this fiery furnace unscathed . Like the Heaven-protected Hebrews , even the smell of fire waa not found upon her garments . And those who fully understand her principles know the reason why . That is our mystery . In view of all this , we look forward , in the full face of the future , undannted by hierarchy , ororoaking anti-Mason , or the trembling paasenger upon the deok of our good ship . Sail on , Heaven's Angel holds the helm .
The Gold Medal Of The Bard Of Avon Lodge.
IT may not generally bo known to the brethren that the Bard of Avon Lodge annually gives a gold medal ( value five guineas ) to bo contended for at the Collegiate School , Sfcrafcford-on-Avon , of which Bro . Dr . Collis , Vicar of Stratford-on-Avon , is the "Warden . The subjects comprise a knowledge of Shakspeare , History , English
Literature , an Essay , & c . The competition is open to all pupils in the school . This year ifc has beon won by John Percy Simpson , aged 16 , son of Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Past Grand Chaplain . Dr . Collis remarked , in presenting the modal , that , thirty-five years ago , he presented a similar prize to the father of the present recipient .
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
— : o : — No . 80 . No . 44 , " Ancients j" No . 63 A . D . 1814 , No . 55 A . D . 1832 , and No . 47 from A . D . 1863 .
No . 44 WM . OSUORN , D . G . M . WILLM . DICKEY , S . G . W . WILLM . DICKEY , J . G . W for D . GARNAULT .
% a nil foljcrm it man coitttnr . WE , the GRAND LODGE of the most Ancient and Honorable FRATERNITY of Free and Accepted Masons ( nttorbing lor the olb Constitutions grmtiea Im | jis QmrA |) tgbiuss |} rhtee EDWIN , ; tt JJorh , Anno Domini | tiite *| imtoo Sforiihr into " § te , nito ire the ) lm of ^ titsoitni jfo itr
thousand | Ime hnnbreo ( tfocnfi ) una SK ) , m ample form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Right Honorable Thomas Erskine , Earl of Kelly , Viscount Fenton , Lord Baron of Pittenweam , in Great Britain , GRAND MASTER OP MASONS ! Tho Worshipfnl Mr . William Osborn , Deputy Grand Master , The Worshipful Mr . William Dickey , Seuior
Grand Warden , and the Worshipful Daniel Garnanlt , Esq ., Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the WARRANTED Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London aud Westminster ) , Do hereby authorise and impower our Trusty and Wellbeloved Brethren , viz ., Mr . Patricias Goodall one of our MASTER
MASONS , John Muggleston his Senior Warden , and James Richardson his Junior Warden , to form and hold a LODGE of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , afc tho sign of the Red Lion ( or elsewhere ) in the town of Nottingham , on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions :
And in the said LODGE ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most ancient and honorable Custom of tha ROYAL CRAIT in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World . And we do hereby further authorise and impower QUT said .
Old Warrants.
Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , MOSSM . Patricias Goodall , John Muggleston , and James Richardson ( with the consent of tho Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chnse , and install thoir Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warraut , and invest them with their Powera and Dignities a 3 Froo Masons , & o . And such Successors
shall in like manner nominate , chuso , aud install their Successors , & c , & c . Such installation to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAV , during tho continuance of tho Lodge , for ever . Providing tho above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay duo Respect to this Right Worshipful Graud Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hand and tha Seal of our Graud Lodgo in London , this fifteenth day of January , in tho Year of our Lord Ono thousand Seven hundred Sixty and Three , aud in the Year of Masonry Five thousand Seven hundred Sixty and Three . LAU . DERMOTT ,
Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is registered ") in tho Grand Lodge , Vol 2 a , f Letter B . Date , 17 th December ( 1755 . )
The present title , No ., & c . are , The " Newstead " Lodge , No . 47 , Nottingham .
No . 81 . No . 196 , " Anoienta ; "No . 242 A . D . 1814 ( afc the Union ) , No , 170 A . D . 1832 , and No . 146 from A . D . 1863 .
ATHOLL , GRAND MASTER . LAU . DERMOTT , D . G . M . WILL - TINDALL , S . G . W . Taos . CARTER , J . G . W , & o all foftour it mixtt tattcaa . WE , the Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Froe and Accepted Masons ( according to the old
Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nino hundred twenty and six , and in the Year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Most Noble Prince John ( the Third ) , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis of
Tullibardine , Earl of Strathtay ancl Strathardle , Viscount of Ballquidder , Glenalmond , and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Captain and Constable of tho Castlo of Kincleaven , Hereditary Keeper of tho Palace of Falkland , and in that part of Greab Britain called England and Masonical jurisdiction thereunto belonging ,
GRAND MASTER OF MASONS , The Right Worshipful Laurence Dermott , Esq -, Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful William Tindall , Esq -, Senior Grand Warden , and tho Right Worshipful Thomas Carter , Esq -, Junior Grand Warden ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of
London and Westminster ) , do hereby authorise and impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful Charles Walker one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Richard Worthington his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful Jame 3 Taylor his Junior Warden , to form and hold a Lodge of Freo and Accepted Masons
aforesaid , at the sign of the Fox ( or elsewhere ) , in the Town of Leigh , in the County of Lancaster , npon every Thursday next to each Full Moon , and on seasonable times and lawful occasions . No . 196 Ancl in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and mako Freemasons according to the most Ancient and
Honourable Custom of tho Royal Crafb in all Ages and Nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , Charles Walker , Richard Worthington , James Taylor ( with the consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install their
Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their powers and dignities as Free Masou 3 , & c . Aud such Saccessor 3 shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install thoir Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be upon ( or near )
every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing tho above named Brethren , and all their Successors , always pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this twenty-fourth day of June , in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred Seventy and Six , and in tho Tear of Masonry Five thousand Sevoa hundred Seventy and Six . WM . DICKEY , N
Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered" ) iu the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , > Letter H . ) The present title , No ., & o . are , The " Lodge of Antiquity , " No . 146 Boltgn . lu , Moors ,