Article HOLIDAY HAUNTS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article HOLIDAY HAUNTS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Holiday Haunts.
Melton Mowbray , and Nottingham , places associated with racing , hnnting , and lace . Leicester , another venerable town , with large modern additions , is on the main line , but a link connects it with the Cflebrated hunting town , and no lees famous for its savoury pies . From Nottingham it is easy to reach Newark and Lincoln . Nottingham is a wonderfully busy town , and the market-place is , we should
oay , the largest in England , covering as it does four and a half acres There are a few ancient remains in the town , and it has a history too . that is interesting reading . At Colwick Hall lived the "Mary " Byron delighted to honour , and who inspirpd him to write some of his most impassioned lines . Newstead Abbey , the home of the poet , is only nine miles from Nottingham . Robin Hood , from his
forest haunts close by , is said to have visited the town frequently , but that is legendary ; what is real is , that among those born in , or associated with the town , were some men of sweetness and light , and include the names of Jas . Bailey , the snthor of "Festus , " Hy Kirke White , and others . Newark is a dean little town , and had the honour of first returning Mr . Gladstone to Parliament . It has just been favoured
with the gift of a free library by a native of the town , but who now residps in Suffolk . Lincoln is worth a journey to see . It has many ourions sights to show , and its Cathedral ranks among the finest in England . It is nobly situated , and from the top of its massive central tnwpr a magnificent view is commanded , almost to the sea beyond Boston . Hailing back to the main line , whioh we left at Leicester ,
we propped to Trent . Here the loop we have referred to before commences , and takes in Derby . Going north , it divides at Ambergate , one portion going to the trunk line at Clay Cross , and the othpr , throngh most charming scenery and places that have attained a wide popularity , right on to Manchester and Liverpool . Hill , dale , and river unite , to form some glorious pictures of Nature ' s
creation along t"is portion of the line , especially from Matlock to Buxton . Matlock Bath nestles in a val ' ey ; on either side huge tors rPflr their lofty heads , while thp beautiful Derwent meanders throngh leafy grovps that line its banks . From the High Tor , Masson , or Abraham's Heights , grand views can be obtained , embracing the va'lpy of the Derwent . The country all around is delightful for either
walking or riding , while th petrifying wells , the stalactite caverns , and the exhausted mines afford daily amnsement . There are capital hotels at Matlook Bath , and all that oan rejoice the hearts of those who love God ' s handiwork in some of its most varied and picturesque forms . Matlock Bridge , . bout a mile further on , is famous for its hydropathioesiablishments . Rnwsley , fnurmilpsbevond , is the station
at which visitors alight for Haddon Hall and Chatsworth . There is a qnaint old tavern , called ihe " Peacock , " at Rowsley , which is sure to detain those who love old buildings , clothed with ivy and other clinging plants . It is a fine specimen of a British inn , and dates as far back as the middle of the sixteenth cpntury . Haddon Hall is full of weird and romantio stories . Tbe building is the growth of
oentnries , and the lovely Betting in which it is placed is the work of ages Haddon Hall sepms to have bad a peaceful career , if we except the course of true love , whioh never does rnn smooth . Originally it belonged to William Pevprill , a natural son of the Conqueror , from whom it . dppcendpd to the Avenalls , and thence to the Vernons . One of the daughters of this latter family , Dorothv by name , was deeply
attachpd to John Manners , second son of the Earl of Rutland . This lovp match was forbiddpn by the friends of the lady , and she was subjected to all kinds of restraints , but love laughs at locksmiths , and one fine night , dnring some festivities at the Hall , Dorothy , like Jpssira , stole forth and eloped with the choice of her heart . She was afterwards forgiven , and HaddoD Hall became the inheritance of her
husband ' s family from that time to the present . Chatsworth is one of the grandest residences in England , a mansion , and not inaptly called the "Palace of the Peak . '' The glories of this magnificent place are beyond detailed description here ; its loveliness can only be realised by seeing it . It was here that Mr . Joseph Paxton , the Duke of Devonshire ' s head gardener , designed the
conservatory which covers an acre of ground , and from which , we bplipve , that noble building the Crystal Palace sprung . Like Baddon Hall , Chatsworth owes much to its situation , nature has come to art in all her charms , and has enriched it with beauties that are indepd a joy frr ever . We must leave these charming resorts , and , continuing throngh srenes of enchanting variety , we approach
Bakpwell . On the right from here is Long Stone Edge , bare and cold , while on the left is Monsel Dale , rich and luxurious . Then comes Miller ' s Dale and some wilder scenpry , including Chen Tor , the finest rock specimen in Derbyshire , and Buxton . The mineral springs here are the great attraction . They appear to have been celebrated for centurips , but the town itself is of comparatively modern date . It is situated a thousand feet above the sea , but high as it is there
are still greater heights which prevent the fine bracing air from becoming blpak . The walks and rides in the vicinity are dplightfnl , find som e or the spots are romantic enough iu character , and , as at Matlrrk , rfjoiee , in sentimental 7 > arr > es . We must IPOVO the Derbyshire Dales and all their attractions with the remark that nowhere will the tonrist find greater charms . They are crowded with bpauties or the most diversified , charaoter , and tbe residences in the locality and the churches are associated with eyentfnl times . It will not be
necessary to dwoll upon Manchester and Liverpool . Both towns are marvels of modern progress , and are worth a visit , if only to see how the hpnit of Lancashire beats in its two great centres . Many large * owns have branches leading out of Ibis western trunk , all of them of commercial interest . Tbe other trunk going south ] pads to towns t at possess many and varied attractions . Birmingham has features o its own , both of a trade and political character , which give it the
T * i i ° f or ? P 1 ' T , a 1 ' ty » t- 'east . Worcester is adorned with a beautiful ^ ntnedral snd from the citv branches out a line that t :. kes the tcurist ' 'he glorious Malvern Hills and to Tewkesbnry , when the trunk ofTr , ' T ' ed Bt As , ncnnrob i beyond . We have dealt with most now t ° 1 " fowns g ° £ south in a previons paper , and have only nn h u lh 8 t Sotne of ihe aftract , v ' e futures of Dmsot are opened P ™ iJ j . Hne - ' ch leads on t 0 Wimborne with its Minster , ^ oole , and delightfnl Bournemouth . J
Holiday Haunts.
Pursuing the trunk line northwards , from Clay Cross , we reach Chesterfield , Sheffield , and Swinton . Sheffield , like Birmingham , has made a distinct name and trade for itself , and its cutlery is known everywhere ; probably the " Sheffield Whittlers " are as popular now as pvpr . At Swinton a loop lino on the right leads to Doncaster , and nnothpr jnst above it goes to Poniefract , thence via Milford Jnnction
to York . Scarborough , and Whitby . From Milford Junction the line debouches to Hull . Continuing on the main line to Leeds , a branoh croes to Harrogate , divides at Northallerton for Middlesborough and Hartlepool on the one hand , and to Stockton , Durham , Newcastle and Berwick on the other . We cannot pause to dwell even upon the chief featnres of the districts enumerated , besides , we may have something
to say about several of the places of interest that come within range in connection with another line . We may state , however , that Kirkstall Abbey ruins are worth inspection in conjunction with Leeds . York Cathedral and the vast stores of antiquarian objects contained in this ancient city will supply food enough for more than a passing visit . Indeed York might be made the headquarters from which a
tonr might be workod out with advantage . Then there are aristocratic Scarhoron 'h , Whitby , Richmond and Harrogate . Although widely spattered , all these places will be found very attractive by tourists . Bradford lies beyond Leeds , on a spur of the main line , before reach , ing whioh a branch takes visitors to the Valley of the Wharfe , where are situated Hkley and BPU Rhydding , places familiar to health
seekers . Again seeking the main line , Saltairo is soon seen on the right . This is a modern , and we might add a model , colony , founded by the late Sir Titus Salt . The prefix of the title comes from the name of the founder , and the affix from the river Aire close by . Saltaire i 3 the outcome of enterprise , skill , and a wise benevolence , and we cannot imagine a more intorestiug treat than a visit to
thpse wo"ks . Leaving the main line at Skipton , for Bolton Abbey and Castle , to which we shall allude in another paper , the traveller comes back , and goes on to Settle . From here to Carlisle the line passes through a district rich in valleys , and wild , picturesque scenery . The engineering difficulties of construction were of the most serious kind , and were only overoome by the exercise of that energy
and plnck characteristic of Englishmen , and which seem to defy the impossible . The distance from Settle to Carlisle is seventy miles , the making of the line took seven years , and cost over three millions sterling . These figures are startling in their magnitude , and show the hnge nature of the undertaking . The labour has not bnen in vain , especially in behalf of pleasure seekers , for the whole district is rich
in romantio charms of fell and dale , of moor and river . Wildnesa alternates with beauty , and thus the taste is kept from palling . On the left of the district just referred to lie tbe English lakes . They are bounded on the east and north-east by the trunk line , aud largply embraced by Morecambe Bay on the Bouth , the Irish Sea on t-he west , and the the crab-olaw-like form of tbe Solway Firth on the
North . From Settle to Lancaster , thence to Morecambe , is a short trip . Out of this short line several branches spread , going in various directions , some leading to the heart of the lakes , and others going round Morecambe Bay , skirting the coast and diverging at Workington for Penrith on the right , and Carlisle on the left . The railways t"ke to centres , bnt in order to make every place of interest
accessible , it is necessary to walk , to rid " , and to sail and steam ; by these means the fnllowiug and other bpantiful spots can be visited : — Kendal , Windermere , Ambleside , Coniston , Keswick , Troutbeok , FJIlswater , Derwentwnter , and Skidd > iw . On the other side of the Bay , commencing from the treacherous sands , between Arnside and Grange , are several attractive spots . At Cark and Cartmel there
is a church , originally attached to a Priory , which is stated to be " the only conventual building in Lancashire whioh escaped mutilation in the dissolution of the monasterips . " This church , too , is said to possess some remarkable architectural features to bo found nowhere else in this country . The only thing like it , says Mr . Pettit , is to be found at Rheims . A little further on is
TJIverston , fmm whence runs a spur line to Lake Side . Beyond Ulverston is Fiirnpss Abbey , a place of considerable interest . Tbe beat way to ^ eetbe Lakes is to begin as we have indicated , ab the south , and work up to the north , proceeding from simple beauty to the majestic . We cannot describe the Lakes ; abler pens than ours have essayed the task , but their charms are only for the eyes of visitors . A very
useful little bonk has been issued by Messrs . Cassell and Co ., with this and the Company ' s Time Table and Tuurist Arrangements , no difficulty need be experienced in undertaking the tour of the enchanting Lake District . What is termed the Waverley route from Carlisle to Edinburgh abounds in historic and daring interest , and the readers and admirers
of Sir Walter Scott , whose names are legion , will find plenty to engage their attention as they proceed along their journey . When qnite clear of Carlisle a siuhfc is canght of thp Cheviot Hills , and some distance farther on , observable from the railway , lies Netherby . It wasntNetherhy Hall that young Lwbinvarpaid h s tardy viaifc to fair Ellen , whom he carried off under romantio circumstances . Who does not remember the following lines ?
" There was mounting ' mong Gryumes of the Netherby clan ; Forsters , Fenwicks , and Musgrnves , they rode and they ran ; There was racing and chasing on Cannobie Lea , But the lost bride of Netherby ne ' er did they see . " A abort distance from St . Boswell's is Drybnrgh Abbey , memorable as the burial place of Sir Walter Scott , and further on is the valley
of the Tweed and Melrose , whose Abbey can be observed ou the right . Not far off too is Abbotsford , the home of one who has stamped his name in the indelible colours of genius , and whoso productions ; will last as long as the English language survives . Nearing Edinburgh may be seen , on the left , the ruins of Borthwick Castle , originally a
fortress built in 1430 . Here Mary Queen of Scots and her third husband Bothwell occupied a room when they fled to avoid the conspirators , and it was from this place that she escaped in the disguiso of a page to Dunbar Castle . After passing the grounds of Dalkeith Palace , the seat of the Duke of Baccleuob , the remains of Craigmillar
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Holiday Haunts.
Melton Mowbray , and Nottingham , places associated with racing , hnnting , and lace . Leicester , another venerable town , with large modern additions , is on the main line , but a link connects it with the Cflebrated hunting town , and no lees famous for its savoury pies . From Nottingham it is easy to reach Newark and Lincoln . Nottingham is a wonderfully busy town , and the market-place is , we should
oay , the largest in England , covering as it does four and a half acres There are a few ancient remains in the town , and it has a history too . that is interesting reading . At Colwick Hall lived the "Mary " Byron delighted to honour , and who inspirpd him to write some of his most impassioned lines . Newstead Abbey , the home of the poet , is only nine miles from Nottingham . Robin Hood , from his
forest haunts close by , is said to have visited the town frequently , but that is legendary ; what is real is , that among those born in , or associated with the town , were some men of sweetness and light , and include the names of Jas . Bailey , the snthor of "Festus , " Hy Kirke White , and others . Newark is a dean little town , and had the honour of first returning Mr . Gladstone to Parliament . It has just been favoured
with the gift of a free library by a native of the town , but who now residps in Suffolk . Lincoln is worth a journey to see . It has many ourions sights to show , and its Cathedral ranks among the finest in England . It is nobly situated , and from the top of its massive central tnwpr a magnificent view is commanded , almost to the sea beyond Boston . Hailing back to the main line , whioh we left at Leicester ,
we propped to Trent . Here the loop we have referred to before commences , and takes in Derby . Going north , it divides at Ambergate , one portion going to the trunk line at Clay Cross , and the othpr , throngh most charming scenery and places that have attained a wide popularity , right on to Manchester and Liverpool . Hill , dale , and river unite , to form some glorious pictures of Nature ' s
creation along t"is portion of the line , especially from Matlock to Buxton . Matlock Bath nestles in a val ' ey ; on either side huge tors rPflr their lofty heads , while thp beautiful Derwent meanders throngh leafy grovps that line its banks . From the High Tor , Masson , or Abraham's Heights , grand views can be obtained , embracing the va'lpy of the Derwent . The country all around is delightful for either
walking or riding , while th petrifying wells , the stalactite caverns , and the exhausted mines afford daily amnsement . There are capital hotels at Matlook Bath , and all that oan rejoice the hearts of those who love God ' s handiwork in some of its most varied and picturesque forms . Matlock Bridge , . bout a mile further on , is famous for its hydropathioesiablishments . Rnwsley , fnurmilpsbevond , is the station
at which visitors alight for Haddon Hall and Chatsworth . There is a qnaint old tavern , called ihe " Peacock , " at Rowsley , which is sure to detain those who love old buildings , clothed with ivy and other clinging plants . It is a fine specimen of a British inn , and dates as far back as the middle of the sixteenth cpntury . Haddon Hall is full of weird and romantio stories . Tbe building is the growth of
oentnries , and the lovely Betting in which it is placed is the work of ages Haddon Hall sepms to have bad a peaceful career , if we except the course of true love , whioh never does rnn smooth . Originally it belonged to William Pevprill , a natural son of the Conqueror , from whom it . dppcendpd to the Avenalls , and thence to the Vernons . One of the daughters of this latter family , Dorothv by name , was deeply
attachpd to John Manners , second son of the Earl of Rutland . This lovp match was forbiddpn by the friends of the lady , and she was subjected to all kinds of restraints , but love laughs at locksmiths , and one fine night , dnring some festivities at the Hall , Dorothy , like Jpssira , stole forth and eloped with the choice of her heart . She was afterwards forgiven , and HaddoD Hall became the inheritance of her
husband ' s family from that time to the present . Chatsworth is one of the grandest residences in England , a mansion , and not inaptly called the "Palace of the Peak . '' The glories of this magnificent place are beyond detailed description here ; its loveliness can only be realised by seeing it . It was here that Mr . Joseph Paxton , the Duke of Devonshire ' s head gardener , designed the
conservatory which covers an acre of ground , and from which , we bplipve , that noble building the Crystal Palace sprung . Like Baddon Hall , Chatsworth owes much to its situation , nature has come to art in all her charms , and has enriched it with beauties that are indepd a joy frr ever . We must leave these charming resorts , and , continuing throngh srenes of enchanting variety , we approach
Bakpwell . On the right from here is Long Stone Edge , bare and cold , while on the left is Monsel Dale , rich and luxurious . Then comes Miller ' s Dale and some wilder scenpry , including Chen Tor , the finest rock specimen in Derbyshire , and Buxton . The mineral springs here are the great attraction . They appear to have been celebrated for centurips , but the town itself is of comparatively modern date . It is situated a thousand feet above the sea , but high as it is there
are still greater heights which prevent the fine bracing air from becoming blpak . The walks and rides in the vicinity are dplightfnl , find som e or the spots are romantic enough iu character , and , as at Matlrrk , rfjoiee , in sentimental 7 > arr > es . We must IPOVO the Derbyshire Dales and all their attractions with the remark that nowhere will the tonrist find greater charms . They are crowded with bpauties or the most diversified , charaoter , and tbe residences in the locality and the churches are associated with eyentfnl times . It will not be
necessary to dwoll upon Manchester and Liverpool . Both towns are marvels of modern progress , and are worth a visit , if only to see how the hpnit of Lancashire beats in its two great centres . Many large * owns have branches leading out of Ibis western trunk , all of them of commercial interest . Tbe other trunk going south ] pads to towns t at possess many and varied attractions . Birmingham has features o its own , both of a trade and political character , which give it the
T * i i ° f or ? P 1 ' T , a 1 ' ty » t- 'east . Worcester is adorned with a beautiful ^ ntnedral snd from the citv branches out a line that t :. kes the tcurist ' 'he glorious Malvern Hills and to Tewkesbnry , when the trunk ofTr , ' T ' ed Bt As , ncnnrob i beyond . We have dealt with most now t ° 1 " fowns g ° £ south in a previons paper , and have only nn h u lh 8 t Sotne of ihe aftract , v ' e futures of Dmsot are opened P ™ iJ j . Hne - ' ch leads on t 0 Wimborne with its Minster , ^ oole , and delightfnl Bournemouth . J
Holiday Haunts.
Pursuing the trunk line northwards , from Clay Cross , we reach Chesterfield , Sheffield , and Swinton . Sheffield , like Birmingham , has made a distinct name and trade for itself , and its cutlery is known everywhere ; probably the " Sheffield Whittlers " are as popular now as pvpr . At Swinton a loop lino on the right leads to Doncaster , and nnothpr jnst above it goes to Poniefract , thence via Milford Jnnction
to York . Scarborough , and Whitby . From Milford Junction the line debouches to Hull . Continuing on the main line to Leeds , a branoh croes to Harrogate , divides at Northallerton for Middlesborough and Hartlepool on the one hand , and to Stockton , Durham , Newcastle and Berwick on the other . We cannot pause to dwell even upon the chief featnres of the districts enumerated , besides , we may have something
to say about several of the places of interest that come within range in connection with another line . We may state , however , that Kirkstall Abbey ruins are worth inspection in conjunction with Leeds . York Cathedral and the vast stores of antiquarian objects contained in this ancient city will supply food enough for more than a passing visit . Indeed York might be made the headquarters from which a
tonr might be workod out with advantage . Then there are aristocratic Scarhoron 'h , Whitby , Richmond and Harrogate . Although widely spattered , all these places will be found very attractive by tourists . Bradford lies beyond Leeds , on a spur of the main line , before reach , ing whioh a branch takes visitors to the Valley of the Wharfe , where are situated Hkley and BPU Rhydding , places familiar to health
seekers . Again seeking the main line , Saltairo is soon seen on the right . This is a modern , and we might add a model , colony , founded by the late Sir Titus Salt . The prefix of the title comes from the name of the founder , and the affix from the river Aire close by . Saltaire i 3 the outcome of enterprise , skill , and a wise benevolence , and we cannot imagine a more intorestiug treat than a visit to
thpse wo"ks . Leaving the main line at Skipton , for Bolton Abbey and Castle , to which we shall allude in another paper , the traveller comes back , and goes on to Settle . From here to Carlisle the line passes through a district rich in valleys , and wild , picturesque scenery . The engineering difficulties of construction were of the most serious kind , and were only overoome by the exercise of that energy
and plnck characteristic of Englishmen , and which seem to defy the impossible . The distance from Settle to Carlisle is seventy miles , the making of the line took seven years , and cost over three millions sterling . These figures are startling in their magnitude , and show the hnge nature of the undertaking . The labour has not bnen in vain , especially in behalf of pleasure seekers , for the whole district is rich
in romantio charms of fell and dale , of moor and river . Wildnesa alternates with beauty , and thus the taste is kept from palling . On the left of the district just referred to lie tbe English lakes . They are bounded on the east and north-east by the trunk line , aud largply embraced by Morecambe Bay on the Bouth , the Irish Sea on t-he west , and the the crab-olaw-like form of tbe Solway Firth on the
North . From Settle to Lancaster , thence to Morecambe , is a short trip . Out of this short line several branches spread , going in various directions , some leading to the heart of the lakes , and others going round Morecambe Bay , skirting the coast and diverging at Workington for Penrith on the right , and Carlisle on the left . The railways t"ke to centres , bnt in order to make every place of interest
accessible , it is necessary to walk , to rid " , and to sail and steam ; by these means the fnllowiug and other bpantiful spots can be visited : — Kendal , Windermere , Ambleside , Coniston , Keswick , Troutbeok , FJIlswater , Derwentwnter , and Skidd > iw . On the other side of the Bay , commencing from the treacherous sands , between Arnside and Grange , are several attractive spots . At Cark and Cartmel there
is a church , originally attached to a Priory , which is stated to be " the only conventual building in Lancashire whioh escaped mutilation in the dissolution of the monasterips . " This church , too , is said to possess some remarkable architectural features to bo found nowhere else in this country . The only thing like it , says Mr . Pettit , is to be found at Rheims . A little further on is
TJIverston , fmm whence runs a spur line to Lake Side . Beyond Ulverston is Fiirnpss Abbey , a place of considerable interest . Tbe beat way to ^ eetbe Lakes is to begin as we have indicated , ab the south , and work up to the north , proceeding from simple beauty to the majestic . We cannot describe the Lakes ; abler pens than ours have essayed the task , but their charms are only for the eyes of visitors . A very
useful little bonk has been issued by Messrs . Cassell and Co ., with this and the Company ' s Time Table and Tuurist Arrangements , no difficulty need be experienced in undertaking the tour of the enchanting Lake District . What is termed the Waverley route from Carlisle to Edinburgh abounds in historic and daring interest , and the readers and admirers
of Sir Walter Scott , whose names are legion , will find plenty to engage their attention as they proceed along their journey . When qnite clear of Carlisle a siuhfc is canght of thp Cheviot Hills , and some distance farther on , observable from the railway , lies Netherby . It wasntNetherhy Hall that young Lwbinvarpaid h s tardy viaifc to fair Ellen , whom he carried off under romantio circumstances . Who does not remember the following lines ?
" There was mounting ' mong Gryumes of the Netherby clan ; Forsters , Fenwicks , and Musgrnves , they rode and they ran ; There was racing and chasing on Cannobie Lea , But the lost bride of Netherby ne ' er did they see . " A abort distance from St . Boswell's is Drybnrgh Abbey , memorable as the burial place of Sir Walter Scott , and further on is the valley
of the Tweed and Melrose , whose Abbey can be observed ou the right . Not far off too is Abbotsford , the home of one who has stamped his name in the indelible colours of genius , and whoso productions ; will last as long as the English language survives . Nearing Edinburgh may be seen , on the left , the ruins of Borthwick Castle , originally a
fortress built in 1430 . Here Mary Queen of Scots and her third husband Bothwell occupied a room when they fled to avoid the conspirators , and it was from this place that she escaped in the disguiso of a page to Dunbar Castle . After passing the grounds of Dalkeith Palace , the seat of the Duke of Baccleuob , the remains of Craigmillar